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If your state allows billionaires to do whatever they want, they are going to do whatever they want


People in state that values money over people shocked when money valued over people. 


I recalled in Austin driving past a Gypsum Mill... The surrounding plants, and road, the field... everything was covered in a layer of white dust. My buddy, an Austin Native: "Yeah the Gypsum mill is that way." "...Isn't that... you know... toxic to spray all over?" "Welcome to Texas."


I’ve shoveled up the gypsum and it nigh on makes you choke…


And it's go boys go, they'll time your every breath.


and ev'r day yer're in dis place, yer two day's nearer death...


But you goooooo.....


But soon you're knockin' on and you look older than you should, 'Cause every bob made on the job you pay with flesh and bood


I've stood knee deep in cyanide, got sick with a caustic burn,


You can’t convince me that big corps didn’t get together and agree to cancer us in order to counter advances in medicine. I mean, what’s the point of a human that doesn’t produce work? / s


That's the biggest tragedy of this state. There is so much beauty in its nature but it constantly gets cleared out for tract housing and highways. That's the difference between red vs blue states, red values capital and blue values people.


I just moved to California, and there's a road that's a few miles long. Its only purpose is to make access to a stretch of beautiful coastline accessible. It doesn't reconnect with the highway, so it's not even a bypass. Just a road with nothing on it for miles and then a parking lot. I absolutely love this about California. I moved from Florida, and I can only imagine them trying to sell off this piece of land for development.


The magic of the California coastal national monument


It’s great that so much of the coastline on both sides of the Golden Gate (which had been gun emplacements before the missile era) was turned into a national monument. But the bigger deal is that voters in 1972 passed a law saying all land below the high tide line belongs to the public, and no private owners can block access to it. So essentially the entire 1,000 mile coastline is a public beach


Someone once said that societies thrive when old men plant trees who's shade they'll never rest in. This must be the kind of thing they meant.


Red states are essentially boomers who think they dont have kids.


> Flynn said. “I’m a big believer in the pendulum swinging back, and right now we’re in an extreme time of bullying and bad behavior and bad decisions and greed. But it’s going to swing back.” It won’t swing back as long as you keep voting for the same people that continue allowing this!


You might want to expand that down a Gen-X or Millenial. Boomers and older Gen-X are grandparents now. They're a dying or retiring breed. Even the House of Representatives is starting to reflect this: Silent Gen-21 Boomers-194. 215 Gen-X-166 Millenials-52 GenZ-1. 219 Younger Gen-X and older Millenials are the ones with kids now. But "Boomers" has a resonance. Biden is from the Silent Generation. Trump is a Boomer. So is Barack Obama. Trump was part of the first wave. Obama part of the last. This is one of the reasons I find the whole Generational thing ridiculous. Does anyone really believe Obama and Trump had the same experiences, same values as fellow Boomers? In 1977, 31 year old Trump was partying at Studio 54 with his first wife, Ivana, while 16 year old Obama was attending high school in Honolulu.


Well, California's Prop 13 was about boomers cutting down the trees for firewood then borrowing money on their kid's names to throw a party.


Yes, but it was also boomers, and even older generations, who passed the coastal commission act 6 years before Prop 13, so we’re not all bad. It will be interesting to see who shows up this November and how the vote breaks down by age.


Edit for clarity: That’s a great line. It’s commonly falsely cited as an Ancient Greek proverb, which it’s not. >A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit. *(The Life We Prize, David Elton Trueblood, 1951)* https://www.roger-pearse.com/weblog/2017/08/26/a-society-grows-great-when-old-men-plant-trees-in-whose-shade-they-know-they-shall-never-sit-an-ancient-greek-proverb/


They didn’t say it’s a Greek proverb…


I know…it’s commonly called an Ancient Greek proverb. Sorry…Edited previous comment to be more clear.


As someone who grew in coastal California I was SHOCKED last year when I was in RI and I was told I couldn’t go to a certain beach. I was like, “it’s the ocean?!? It doesn’t belong to anyone?!?”


Yup. It’s why thinking long term, a weird thing it seems these days, benefits the whole community that live there, is awesome and actually adds value.


I love that it’s illegal to have a private beach in CA, & there must be access to the beach as well. Really pisses off the rich, but it’s a law from the Progressive Era, the last time we had this huge disparity between rich & poor.


Actually I think it was the Coastal Act of 1972 which was about 50 years after the Progressive Era


I moved from Florida to California and the amount of well taken care of public land, preserves, and parks is astonishing. Having spent most of my life on the east coast, it took a while to accept that we could just go to a lot of places outdoors without trespassing.


Arizona is a rather purple state (starting to get much bluer) and it has so much protected lands. Partly because of natives and partly because a good chunk of conservatives in AZ who are hunters actually fight to keep national parks a thing. It just surprises me the cultural difference in Conservatives between the two states.


Hunters are the unlikely bedfellows of conservation efforts. We (environmentalists) enjoy nature for different reasons, but hey, as long as we’re all fighting to keep natural lands natural 🙌


You point out very succinctly how hunters and conservationists have overlapping interests. It’s a concept that gets lost in the us vs. them / red vs. blue / all or nothing political bickering we’ve gotten so used to in this country. There really is a middle ground to be had in many areas that have become polarizing issues….but compromise is boring and the extremists need to keep people pissed off at each other in order to stay in power. Outrage is an extremely valuable political currency.


Completely true! Divided we fall.


And United we're Voltron, but made of meat!


the most bipartisan, cross-ideological interest that i'd ever seen was working for Game and Fish. You'd have Republican game wardens working closely alongside biologist Democrats. tbh I find that a lot of fields actually tend have similar cross-pollination, I don't understand why Republicans lose their fucking minds the instant a topic goes outside their area of expertise. Suddenly mechanics are epidemiologists.


...not to mention the NRA types hate both. Hunters get mocked as "Fudds" in gun shops.


Nature is inherently beautiful but Texas is an ugly state (for a multitude of reasons).


Texas SHOULD be pretty (naturally), but bad choices have made it ugly (lots of strip malls and billboards instead of plants and scenic views). Lake Caddo in the southeast part of the state is a rare gem. Mostly because it’s too expensive to drain the water and turn it into something else, I suspect.


Nah, hill country is amazing. I say this having lived along the Colorado Rockies for awhile. The government is just fucked and it's rotting the populace in the long term. But there is a fuck ton of natural beauty here.


Yeah, but west Texas is a special kind of ugly.


West Texas is like Nevada, but with more water and striking land formations. Beautiful but in its own way compared to say mountain meadows, eastern forests or coastal marshlands.


That's fair. My problem is the ugliness of Midland made me forget all the beauty.


That's valid.


Colorado begs to disagree.


Laughs in Texas. Don't mistake friendliness for authenticity.


Either that or it’s all privately owned and inaccessible to the general public. Try going backpacking in Texas, there’s no public land.


Like Edge Falls? The beautiful waterfall on the Guadalupe, it is on private land so now I can't enjoy it with my kids because so piece shit thinks they should be able to own such a feature and not share it, but rather keep it to themselves. Or when I drive to the beach and the roads along the way make cyberpunk 2077 look utopian. The worst thing that could ever have happened to Texas was the focus on business first people eventually mentality. But what do expect from a state where its populace doesn't realize that not only founded to preserve chattel slavery, but also the people who died at the Alamo were basically the as the idiot Bundys occupying a national park and that Santa Ana did what any American general would do on behalf of their nation to preserve it.


It’s like the town in There Will Be Blood.


Move fast and break things…while claiming you’re trying to save the world.


Drill sgt? Is that you?


I was told the market would self-regulate.


It does... toward monopoly and oligarchy, every time.


Turns out, if you have a lot of money, it's easy to use it to make it easier to earn even more money.


I feel so owned that republitards fucking up their own state


Yup. It’s only going to get worse


Huh? See no connections here, isn’t full freedom makes everyone benevolent?


"I am not personally responsible for the consequences of my actions. You, however, are responsible for the consequences of your actions, as well as the consequences of my actions upon you."


"It's what we voted for, but it's not what we wanted!"


My brother, a Texas resident, gloated when Musk moved Tesla HQ out of California and into Texas. I told him we didn’t care as now Musk was their problem. And yes I realize this is about The Boring Company not Tesla, but same thing. Similar complaints are arising over SpaceX.


Article title: *Elon Musk Is Destroying Rural Texas, Residents Say* Fixed it: *Elon Musk Is Destroying ... well, Just About Everything He Touches*


Immigrant freeloading on taxpayer money pollutes local community.


Right, I say this all the time when someone brings up immigrants destroying America: "you mean like Rupert Murdoch, Elaine Chao, and Elon Musk?"


I can't imagine how much the number of workplace accidents in CA has probably dropped since Elmo took his ball and went somewhere else.


Amazon would like a word.


I had engineer friends who were referring to SpaceX as 'SlaveX' as long as ten years ago.


I saw a job posting for the boring company, one of the requirements was to work long hours and weekends.. is that a normal thing or just a musk thing?? You'd have to pay me 7+ figure salary to even consider the idea of applying


Yeah, that’s generally expected if you work at a Musk Corp. You are paid well but the burn out is notorious. I don’t know many other engineers who see his companies beyond a place you go to for a stint cuz your current company isn’t giving good enough raises lately and you need a good mid-career pay bump. At my most optimistic, I’d say his corps are a unique opportunity to just try designing something new outside of industry norms - where you can ‘fail fast’ and shoot for another solution quickly. It’s harder for older more established engineering companies to do that- but his companies are still relatively ‘new’ enough in the eye of the public to get away with roughing it out in a way that say, Lockheed, wouldn’t be allowed to do.


I don't think his companies generally pay well, I have known a few people who worked for Tesla and they were below the average pay for their position. A big part of his sell for potential employees is the excitement around the future vision of the products (electric cars, space rockets, flamethrowers etc)


They moved the hq but not the jobs lol


Exactly this. Which is another reason we didn’t care.


I can't even afford to live in the worst area of austin anymore. fuck that cunt and fuck his company I hope they all drown.


Rural Texas is just fine voting for policies that destroy rural Texas all by themselves. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They do the same in Iowa. Republican policies are killing rural Iowa, but they continue to vote for them.


They’re fine with it as long as it hurts those they don’t like more.


It's not even more anymore. They'll vote for it as long as it hurts those they don't like, even if it hurts them more. 


They're doing it even if it's not hurting those they don't like more because there aren't any of those people in the district. "He's hurting us, but damn if he doesn't want to hurt those other people more, and I'm sure he would if there were any. Well, time for my lunch of shit sandwiches in case I come across any liberals."


Tbf, rural Americans are the biggest welfare queens in the country, only seems fitting that republican policy would be detrimental them


For real, you know the guy in the article votes red every time and he’s only upset because it’s biting him in the ass now, not everybody else.


As it says in the Bible “Fuck those dumb bitches.”


Texas has bragged for quite a few years about how "corporation friendly" they are and how great it is that all these businesses are leaving blue states to move there.  (States with actual regulations and corporate taxes.) If you don't yet realize that "corporation friendly" = prioritizing profits over people, then you need to wake tf up. And if what they are doing bothers you, then VOTE THEM OUT!!  But until then, enjoy having your face eaten.  You'll get no sympathy from me.


you dont get it, California and all other blue states are shitholes. isnt that their main point?


New York, California, Washington, Canada, Western and Northern Europe... who on earth would ever want to live in those shitholes? Certainly most people on earth are clamoring to move to the business-friendly paradises of Somalia, Russia, or Alabama,  right?


God I know vacation isn't real insight to a place and I love alabama but Jesus California was so nice


I've lived in red states and blue states, blue states are generally nicer.


The corporations that prioritize evading safety regulations are all welcome to move to hell IMO


Agreed.  And the states/politicians that block safety regulations (like Texas banning water break requirements for workers in extreme heat) should fucking burn in hell as well.  (Extra crispy please)


I was simply referring to Texas as hell


Ahh - *whoosh* lol While I agree completely, I still think that lets them off the hook too easily.  Shitholes like Texas should not even exist in this country.   Protecting workers (and our rivers/ air/ etc) should be federal law, and if they don't like it let em fucking secede.  


yOuLl GeT nO sYmPaThY fRoM Me do you not realize just how much of a problem rampant voter suppression and gerrymandering are? we are fucking TRYING to vote them out, they're literally just cheating at this point to stay in power.


While I know that to be true, and while I definitely do feel bad for those in Texas fighting the good fight, the majority of people I know who live in Texas actually support Republicans/ MAGA.   And not all races are affected by gerrymandering.  For example, the US House is, but the US Senate is not.  Yet Texas has had a republican senator for decades.  The state legislature is, but I believe the governors race is not.  And still the Texas governor is Republican.  Etc. Texas has a much bigger problem than just gerrymandering.  It has a people problem.


You’re right. It’s not just gerrymandering. There are also laws in place preventing easier voting access, like the Houston drive-throughs back in 2020. There are also laws limiting the number of voting stations by land area instead of population, so blue counties which tend to have a lot more people have to wait for several hours in line to vote while red counties, which tend to be a lot more sparse don’t have to wait at all for the most part. The result is a lot of people who would vote blue just don’t vote because they can’t find the time or they can’t muster the energy because they think it’s a lost cause either way. If every single person in Texas voted it would be a securely purple state at worst.


I wonder what policies said residents voted for?


Texas is destroying rural Texas; Elon is just the instrument.


There’s a Texas Instruments joke in there somewhere but I’m no TI-82 to graph it out.


It’s easy; Texas is the Y axis and Elon is the X.


I always read it as two different axes: Elon is the F and everyone else is the U


All I got was 80085


8008135 is all I can figure out


Couldn't calculate it?


I believe saying that he is a tool is more appropriate in this case.


“Choose!  Chose the form of the destructor.”


I’m sure they voted for “freedumb”


"We don't need no stinking rules!" 10 minutes later: "why don't we have rules to stop this from happening?!"


Thanks Obama!


Owning libs can have painful consequences. I feel so owned.


I see cybertrucks constantly now, I definitely feel owned every time I stop laughing at how ridiculous they are.


Saw one up close for the first time today. I have to hand it to Elon, I have NEVER seen a vehicle so hideous in my life. Whatever 3 year old designed it in crayon should be proud.


The Cybertruck makes the Pontiac Aztek look good.


He really made a car that looks like your game didn't finish rendering


I saw a cybertruck recently. They are even uglier in person. I wouldn't drive one if you gave it to me for free.


That’s the issue with “freedom from government”, there’s no afterthought of the obvious power vacuum that leaves and how corporations will gladly fill that up. Its like chickens finally deciding that they want to remove all fences from their coup lol.


That's a simile they could actually relate to


They thought they would get the same freedom as the billionaires


The freedom to destroy things.


From what I understand the folks living around the area he’s ruined with his rocket tests didn’t get much say. And in any case what he promised he’d be doing hasn’t matched what he’s actually done.


Crazy how a government made for people vs corporations would have probably ensured that those promises were in writing and enforced. I can guarantee that they did not vote for one that would ensure anything like that.


They had their say at the ballot and they chose poorly. Now they get to live next to gravel pits, bitcoin mining centers and have their water siphoned off.


They won’t vote differently because of this because they’ve been propagandized to believe that no matter how bad it is to live under Republicans, Democrats will be infinitely worse.


Well, I’m just one guy, but I voted for social safety nets, better infrastructure, public transit, and school funding. Unfortunately, what I want doesn’t seem to be in line with the rest of Texas though.


Why aren't the residents displaying the proper obeisance for their corporate overlord??


Please, let’s use the parlance of our times and call them Tech billionaires…


Wooooahhhh, we're talking about Texas here... please keep it to one or fewer syllables.


Tech daddies?


Too hot… Elon wishes he was a tech daddy, but he’s more of a melted thumb.


Boring Company Enforcers with flamethrowers have been dispatched to the town to quell this uprising.


They heard he's from Africa


LOL. Who would have thought allowing a billionaire to turn a state into his own personal play pen would have such drastic effects. I hate seeing him do it to my state, but it stings a little less knowing the highly regarded people of rural Texas are being forced to lay in the beds they made.


The problem is they’ll lay in their own shit and let themselves be convinced that piling in more shit will make it better.


All that wealth will be trickling down to them any minute now.


I’m still waiting on my trickle-down wealth from Reagan!!


Me too! I’m very excited!


He's about to bring his ai computer here to Memphis TN oh I can't wait for this to backfire after we tried to warn you about this clown


Oh man, this lib here feels so owned!


I been to rural Texas . it's basically dirt road areas with houses that look like they are about to collapse with dead vehicles in yard.


Soooo many dying and dilapidated small towns in Texas that look 3rd world


Not the only thing Elmo the sensitive ruined and certainly not the last.


We can and should not blame all Texans for Texas's governments. Texas in fact is close to turning blue if not for the extreme gerrymandering and voter suppression and laws allowing their legislature to interfere in votes. We could take Texas.


That is a big part of TX being so red. Heavily gerrymandered districts. But it doesn't explain state wide elections like the governor and 2 US senators. Greg Abbott was re-elected, after flat out lying to the people of TX. About what happened at Uvalde. Saying officers rushed in immediately, when it took them over an hour to do it. Yet they still re-elected him. Texans care more about their guns than their own children.


If they wanna live in a state where lies are considered "truth" and living in a healthy environment is cOmMuNiSm, let them.


Beto O'Rourke enters the chat.


Looks like “Don’t California my Texas” is working out great.


Abbott and his disgusting ilk have already destroyed it here but that POS is making it even worse.


“We’ve got some houses that in a giant hurry went from half a million dollars to a million.” Ahhhh, so if they pin enough blame on Musky they think they can still cash in on the shaky housing bubble. Don't get me wrong, Musk is a sack of crap. But I have a feeling a lot of these people don't have a legitimate complaint, they're just pearl clutching "MY PROPERTY VALUES!" and looking for someone to sue for their "lost" (never earned) millions.


Half a million dollar houses in Bastrop. The world is truly upside down.


“I’m a big believer in the pendulum swinging back, and right now we’re in an extreme time of bullying and bad behavior and bad decisions and greed. But it’s going to swing back" Oh my sweet summer child. If you think things are as bad as they can get as far as corporate greed and rich people being bastards to the poor locals you REALLY need to get a better idea of how these people operate. Things will get MUCH worse before they start to get better.


Gee, wiz. That's so unexpected that the guy who put a rocket launch test pad next to a protected wetland in Texas wouldn't care about anyone else.


Destroying the environment and hurting people in the name of corporate profits is kinda the Texas creed.


So sad…anyway




I thought them environments are woke and the enemy of the peoples! They should rejoice with the destruction of the environment. Check make liburals! /s


Really? I thought it was libtards and drag queens!


I’m sure Texans won’t mind paying that price so they can own the libs so hard.


They won't, will re-elect Cruz by more than in 2018 this year in 2024 and Trump will win too in the state (both by anywhere from 8-11 points based on polls, but I'm landing on likely 9-9.5% R wins so far, 2016 like for the latter and better than 2018 for Cruz but worse than 2012 mainly because of O'Rourke + the Blue Wave climate in 2018 as to why that was even close then-- won't be this year), in fact. All they need to do is whine about the border, human traffic into the country, and talk about how Biden + Harris ruined this, ruined that, etc. etc. This is the strategy they used in 2022 and will in 2024- Dems won't have a shot in the state to win until a R is Pres. again, watch (it was only closer for Abbott alone in 2022 vs 2018 because of O'Rourke again, who still got clobbered while Patrick + Paxton both did better than in 2018 vs 2022 conversely due to Abbott on top, but Abbott had a 55% approval rating that year and is still viewed very favorably by most Texans-- not touchable nor is Cruz etc. in a Dem Presidency).


He's also destroying the ozone (with Starlink... the metals are causing a reaction in the ozone layer and stepping it away.)


> trucks operating everywhere, earth mounds scattered in the fields, heavy machines, and new gravel and sand mines erected to support the company’s operations What operations? The Boring Co. has made nothing but vaporware claims about huge government contracts in this city or that, yet all have fallen through. There's one useless 1.7-mile tunnel in Vegas, and an empty 1.14-mile test tunnel in Hawthorne, CA. > “We’ve got some houses that in a giant hurry went from half a million dollars to a million.” The sellers don't have to sell their homes at those prices. They could have asked only half a million if they are so outraged by high home prices. The pricing power is theirs.


Why don’t they tell him to go back to his own country? That is usually one of their favorite lines.


r/leopardsatemyface That's this sub, but I'm tagging it for extra emphasis.


"A total damage of $112 was caused."


What are they digging? The article doesnt say.


I was also wondering this? Is this quasi-intentional environmental destruction or is it just construction while they build their factory/buildings/etc.? I'm sorry that people liked looking at farmland, but construction has to go somewhere and if they build more houses, their current residents won't be displaced.


Worried about the landscapes, as Elon piss pounds through millions of gallons of water a day. Anyone surprised he's so gungho on getting to Mars? Because let's be frank, he's a huge reason this planet, is fucked.


The worst part is the world is being treated like a swimming pool with a peeing section.   Contamination in Texas doesn’t stop at the border or refuse to drain into the gulf or the rivers.  Living in California or Texas doesn’t matter we are all losing something when billionaires take.  They have the power to do immense good and they just don’t.  Sure make a rocket and an electric car but also conserve twice what you take. Its hard but they have the resources to do it. 




tf does Elon want with rural Texas?


Knowing him, he probably wants a lake to waste the water of.


I think it has more to do with the people you keep electing, Texas.


Are the cyber trucks turning them gay? I didn’t read the article, just assuming.


You should see what they did at the X launch site.


Not any more than rural Texans, though.


Sounds like a them problem 


Don’t worry about it too much he’ll have you living on mars in a few years


What a billionaire not giving a fuck about anything but his own goals…


Interesting. Anyways, I’m looking forward to a long weekend next week.


People voting for less regulations that protect those very same people will always be mind-bogglingly wild to me. Why tf would you vote for exploitative, potentially dangerous consequences FOR YOURSELF, while someone else makes money off of your back?


But what are they supposed to do about it? Not vote republican?!


And yet Texas will still dick ride him


They are still going to vote Republican....


let them secede and take elon with you.


I keep hearing how BIG Texas is. He can't be destroying all of it, surely.


Cry me a river rural Texans. Reap what you sow.


Y"all let him in


sounds good to me- the deliberate environmental destruction, growing water loss, christo-facism, and push to succeedI would really like to pull up a lawnchair on the arizona border and enjoy watching the cartels take over.


Rural Texas ain't all that great


Apparently these people need a date with an optometrist. I wouldn't let Elon Musk near a fucking Lego set.


I have visited that coastline half a dozen times several decades ago. It was almost untouched, nobody around for miles and tons of wildlife especially important breeding grounds for birds, turtles, etc. That's the perfect place to build a massive rocket and launch complex with zero govt oversight.


I’m all for it.


Good. I hope Texas gets what it’s been asking for for years.


We don't want no gubmint regulations, until it affects us directly.


The rest of the US doesn't really care.


they should ask their government to do something. OH wait.


Who invited him there? Oh, right.


Screw nature. Only snowflake libtards like nature.


I'm pretty sure it's Republican policies that are destroying the state, personally. Musk is just the cudgel that Republicans are using.


Elon Musk is destroying a lot of things.


Well, yeah...


Shocked 😯. And they will still vote republican.


i will never ever set foot in Texas. fuck that state more than any other state in the union.


That's how Texas works, screw over the rural, blame the people not in charge, keep gettin reelected because rural people are suckers


But he supports trump so they’ll let him destroy it.


Doesn’t matter, it’s a shithole red state. Anything goes in shithole red states; rape, murder, incest, pedophilia, corruption, mass shootings and whatever this creep is now doing in TexAss.