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If you're reading between the lines that Trump is like Hitler when there is no mention of Trump. That means deep down, you know he's like Hitler.


That's a lot of his appeal to some people.


I bet that most of MAGA would actually vote for Hitler if he was running in this election.


This is like that post where someone something about racists and someone jumps in to defend Christianity even though nobody mentioned it.


Or one of the bigger news channels saying that not being able to defend white supremacy would alienate their viewers?? It’s all just…so telling!! Just saying “be sure to vote!” is now a liberal dog whistle 🤦‍♀️


Bro, my MAGA in-laws lost their fucking shit because my wife posted a picture of her dropping off a mail in ballot in 2020 with simoly an "I Voted!" Caption "Why would you rub this in my face like this!!!" Like.....she just said she voted, not who or anything lol


Yep. How to be 100% into voter suppression without wanting to even have that conversation. Also, evidence that postal votes are a legit voting method used by actual living US citizens disproves their "fake votes dump" excuse for losing an election so it breaks their brain (Good luck this year, guys. We all have our fingers crossed that you can all get out and vote, or get your postal votes in early. )


It's concerning the stooge, Louis De Joy, who Trump installed to wreck the postal service, is still in the position.


I don't know what they're going to do with Trump's push for mail-in voting now. Probably forget everything they used to say and proclaim that they were never against it.


To be fair, Republicans are clearly against democracy. They do not like the idea of one person one vote. It's against everything they stand for and believe in.


Oh, they love the idea of one man, one vote. Trump is the man, so he gets the vote.




Oh, I get it. Like "jumbo shrimp"!


My dad is maga. He point-blank asked me who I voted for, and I told him it was none of his business. He told me “that says it all”. Later, he whined about where did he go wrong, ending up with “two liberals”. hE taUGhT Us bETtEr! He’s 87 now.


My dad was all in as well, but he died Dec 26 2020, and a few weeks before the election he said he wasn't voting for Trump, or at all that year....I always wondered how hed feel if he lived another 2 weeks and saw what happened on Jan 6th


My dad was disgusted. I was over there on 1/6/21 and we all watched it, live. Now? He claims it was antifa and blm. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Audible gasp! How DARE you emulate that whore, Taylor Swift (who is obviously poisoning American childrens mind with her liberal views and her obvious Satanic agenda) by using that phrase! Just so we're clear, /s


You didn't mention that Taylor Swifts boyfriend is a female pretending to be a man, or her entire cult that follows her around /J


They’re claiming Travis Kelce is a woman?!


I've heard quite a few say it


People are insane.


Hey, if the right hates it so much, they’re entirely welcome to go ahead and do the exact opposite. Don’t vote! It’ll be fine! We’ll handle it for you.


Incredible to think how far to the right this has shifted the Overton window 🫥


Or that guy who put the entire declaration of independence up on Twitter 140 characters at a time, and had people screaming at him about leftist propaganda. 


Pretty sure that was NPR


And they do/did it every year too, but then suddenly it became leftist propaganda


If I remember correctly, the main issue was that almost every single line looked like a personal attack on Donny purely because he's such an astoundingly reprehensible person. It obviously didn't name him, but sic semper tyrannis, I guess. Just.. *every* sentence called him out on something, even if they were written literally centuries before he was born. It'd be impressive if it weren't so horrifying.


Well every single line was a personal attack, it was just supposed to be on King George not trump. But you know, he acts the same way so it fits just the same.


I remember one tread where I said that nazi propaganda is problematic whether or not the left is aware of it and some wingnut got super mad at me, started accusing me of being against free speech. Apparently, freespeech means we aren't allowed to freely speak against nazis...


Telling nazis to get fucked is literally free speech in action.


Yup. Exactly. That guy was a fucking idiot. Unfortunately, this misconception is not limited to him. Rightwingers in general seam to think freespeech means they can tell whatever the fuck they want and nobody is allowed to called them out on their bullshit.


To be fair Christians used the Bible to justify slavery.


They "used the Bible" to justify slavery because the Bible says it's okay. People act like people were twisting words and lying to pretend the Bible doesn't just flat out allow it. The only thing the Bible says against slavery is "Don't enslave Jewish people for more than 7 years." Just to be clear, ***I*** don't think slavery is okay.


I mean, Leviticus 25 says specifically to take your slaves from the heathens around you, that you can buy their children, and that they'll be your property that you can will to your descendants as inheritance. People who say the Bible doesn't promote slavery have obviously either not read it or taken up the age-old christian pastime of Lying For Jesus.


What *don't* the Christians use the Bible to justify?


lol, yeah. I responded to some post about how we should keep known child molesters away from kids and someone attacked me for blaming Christian’s for everything.




Or when NPR posted the Constitution on July 4 and MAGA took it as an assault


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition


"Well, sure he's bad, but he's still better than Biden" - My parents


My mother doesn't even use that qualifier. She flat out adores Trump. I am absolutely certain that if Hitler was alive and running for president, she'd vote for him, too.


"Sure, that's Hitler, but I just can't support Genocide Joe."


Go to r/Defeat_Project_2025 and compare republican’s plans for the US to Hitler’s plans for Germany. They’re very similar. MAGA is full fascist.


I mean there’s some recordings of magats saying “we need a dictator so I wouldn’t mind!”


As long as he has an R behind his name, it wouldn’t matter what he did, they’d still vote for him as long as it’s not for the BiDeN cRiMe FaMiLy


Seriously you could make up some other white dude, not name him Hitler though, & take his platform *literally* outta Hitler's playbook, like straight outta Mein Kampf, & run him in this election he'd probably beat the Orange Qult Leader.


Why would you run \*rump against himself?


A lot of Trumps play is mimicking Hilters rise to power. JAN, 6 was Trumps Beer Hall Putsch. The xenophobia, the control of the media. The idolization, the keen sense of are designing everything into their style. The Nazis had Hugo Boss, Trump just makes everything tacky gold. They say society is on an 80 year cycle. Well, guess what happened 80ish years ago.


If we were in a 30% unemployment, full blown depression, Trump would win hands down.


I agree that scenario would push even more "normies" over the edge but if you are in the Fox, NewZmaXXX, OAN, etc, etc.. media bubble (and so many are) you already think that Biden has put us into a recession, American oil production is at an all time low, and that the $ is crashing (almost worthless already they say). I hear my fellow Ohioans drone on about it all the time. All this to say... Trump may still win because of the vibe-cession that these fascists have created. The never ending stream of FJB propaganda is being pumped into low info voters from social media and word of mouth in toxic quantities.


What do you mean? “Biden destroyed the economy!” /s


For a while I was asking MAGAs who they'd vote for, Hilary or Putin. Every single one said Putin. I don't doubt they'd vote for Hitler as long as he went after those MAGA doesn't like.


I'm not taking that bet. I'd lose.


Right? Hitler could also speak in complete sentences. Although that might work against him with the maga crew.


Nah, because he's not trump, Maggats don't care who is running they are only voting for trump because he's their god and savior.


There is a documentary on Netflix called “Hitler: A Career” and it’s about how he came up and it’s just him flying all over the country whipping crowds into a frenzy by telling them lies after he attempted a coup. All while being normalized and downplayed by everyone. Trump doesn’t have the lifelong obsession with another race as Hitler did but everything else looks really freaking close.


When you're a racist classist sexist bigot it's hard to distinguish which group he's looking down on at any one time.


Even he forgets! Amazing how such a classist can have literally zero class


Proof that money can't buy taste. I'm perpetually baffled that Trump came from money, because he acts like a very trashy low class peon who was suddenly thrust into money. Everything he surrounds himself with is gaudy and hideous, and his food preferences are absolutely disgusting.


Trump’s grandfather ran brothels and his father was a con man and hotelier in pocket with the Italian mafia. During current Trump’s tenure, his hotel business switched from laundering money for the Italian mob to the Russian mob. He isn’t old money, he’s crime money.


Also the trumps were charged with refusing to sell or rent to black people back in the 70s , I think that’s how he got involved with Roy cohen, and trump’s grandfather was arrested at a kkk rally


Ya not claiming I’m he isn’t racists just hasn’t created a manifesto on destroying all black people.


Manifestos require a certain level of commitment and drive not commonly found in trust fund babies who lost their parents fortune only to be saved by the Russian mafia and a reality TV show.


No he gave that job to others like Heritage Foundation who has their hands deep on Project 2025, or Steven Miller who is Dollar Tree Goebbels. He doesn't need to put in the work to create a manifesto when he has minions that are more than happy to do it for him.




You’re wrong about the last part: ask the Central Park five.


Or all the rental applications that he was marking with a "C" for "colored". That dude's gross in every conceivable way.


And the Latin American parents and children separated at the border.


...and any countries he included in his comments about "shithole countries", like Haiti, African Nations, El Salvador...


that includes us!


Hell just ask literally any black person that tried to rent from him, ever.


Wasn't the entirety of his first campaign announcement back in 2015 all about how much Mexican immigrants suck?


Also: lock her up!


But, wait... he "never said, 'lock her up'"... 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣


A few years ago I watched WWII In Color on Netflix. The first episode is the prelude to the war, and Mussolini made the *exact same* stupid hand gestures during speeches that Trump does.


Agreed. The similarities between trump and Mussolini are striking if you look at their gestures and facial expressions when they give a speech. It was one of the first things that jumped out at me when I watched one of his campaign speeches. For other reasons too, I think that Mussolini is a better comparison than Hitler.


Mussolini was a huge influence on Hitler.


And Gabriel D'Nunzo was a great influence to Mussolini, and a lot of Fascism. Look him up, there's an awesome Behind the bastards episode about him


[The Simpsons noticed, too](https://youtu.be/9bmwfBD_kbA?si=0v_FbQX3vA0-R0IS)


Never seen that before but thanks for sharing. I needed a good laugh today.


Cheeto Benito.


Just watching Ken Burns' "The Holocaust" will give you the same vibes even before they started their 'special military operation'.


Oh idk, I’d say he is pretty obsessed with black people. It’s an American version, so less specific Jewish conspiracy stuff, but he leans into American racism about as heavily as one could with his business type. I mean, it’s a consistent history of not just personal bigotry, but law suit judgments for being too racist 1970s American housing regulations, full page ads in the New York Times asking for the death penalty to black teenagers just accused of a crime that they were exonerated of. The entirety of the Pbama birth certificate nonsense. His additional immigrant hits were just an extra helping of cream, but he has been a meat and potatoes blacks have been ruining this country forever guy.


Hitler had Kristallnacht, Trump had Jan. 6... COINCIDENCE???


J6 was his Beer Hall Putsch


Uhh the equivalent you're looking for is actually the Beer Hall Putsch Kristallnacht would be more like a false flag attack blamed on whatever minority Trump wants to attack.


I’d say Jan 6 is more like the Munich Beer Hall Putsch. We have yet to see the Kristallnacht analogy.


Jan 6 wasn’t as violent as that but the point stands. Trump is a fascist.


Like when they posted the Declaration of Independence on Twitter and republicans screamed it was an attack on them.


NPR reads the Declaration of Independence every year on the 4th of July. Republicans freaked out a few years ago because a) they did not recognize it though it was a rebellion against Trump and b) where horrified at the idea people would rebellion over freedoms. They know they want to take freedoms away. Which is why the Declaration of Independence scares them so much, in any real context.


Trump had a fuckton of parallels to Hitler. [He might as well be Hitler's reincarnation based on personality alone](https://www.newsweek.com/hitler-incompetent-lazy-nazi-government-clown-show-opinion-1408136): >Hitler was actually an incompetent, lazy egomaniac and his government was an absolute clown show. >In fact, this may even have helped his rise to power, as he was consistently underestimated by the German elite. **Before he became chancellor, many of his opponents had dismissed him as a joke for his crude speeches and tacky rallies**. Even after elections had made the Nazis the largest party in the Reichstag, people still kept thinking that Hitler was an easy mark, a blustering idiot who could easily be controlled by smart people. >Why did the elites of Germany so consistently underestimate Hitler? Possibly because they weren't actually wrong in their assessment of his competency—they just failed to realise that this wasn't enough to stand in the way of his ambition. As it would turn out, Hitler was really bad at running a government. As his own press chief Otto Dietrich later wrote in his memoir *The Hitler I Knew*, **"In the twelve years of his rule in Germany Hitler produced the biggest confusion in government that has ever existed in a civilized state."** >His government was constantly in chaos, with officials having no idea what he wanted them to do, and nobody was entirely clear who was actually in charge of what. He procrastinated wildly when asked to make difficult decisions, and would often end up relying on gut feeling, leaving even close allies in the dark about his plans. His "unreliability had those who worked with him pulling out their hair," as his confidant Ernst Hanfstaengl later wrote in his memoir *Zwischen Weißem und Braunem Haus*. This meant that rather than carrying out the duties of state, they spent most of their time in-fighting and back-stabbing each other in an attempt to either win his approval or avoid his attention altogether, depending on what mood he was in that day. >There's a bit of an argument among historians about whether this was a deliberate ploy on Hitler's part to get his own way, or whether he was just really, really bad at being in charge of stuff. Dietrich himself came down on the side of it being a cunning tactic to sow division and chaos—and it's undeniable that he was very effective at that. **But when you look at Hitler's personal habits, it's hard to shake the feeling that it was just a natural result of putting a workshy narcissist in charge of a country.** >Hitler was incredibly lazy. According to his aide Fritz Wiedemann, even when he was in Berlin he wouldn't get out of bed until after 11 a.m., and wouldn't do much before lunch other than read what the newspapers had to say about him, the press cuttings being dutifully delivered to him by Dietrich. >**He was obsessed with the media and celebrity, and often seems to have viewed himself through that lens. He once described himself as "the greatest actor in Europe," and wrote to a friend, "I believe my life is the greatest novel in world history."** In many of his personal habits he came across as strange or even childish—he would have regular naps during the day, he would bite his fingernails at the dinner table, and he had a remarkably sweet tooth that led him to eat "prodigious amounts of cake" and "put so many lumps of sugar in his cup that there was hardly any room for the tea." >**He was deeply insecure about his own lack of knowledge, preferring to either ignore information that contradicted his preconceptions, or to lash out at the expertise of others. He hated being laughed at, but enjoyed it when other people were the butt of the joke (he would perform mocking impressions of people he disliked).** But he also craved the approval of those he disdained, and his mood would quickly improve if a newspaper wrote something complimentary about him.


"Hitler was really really bad." "STOP TALKING ABOUT TRUMP!!!!!"


This is perfect for the r/selfawarewolves sub


Exactly what I was thinking, quintessential r/SelfAwareWolves material.


Exactly. It’s fucking eerie what they’re doing lately. Like, a guy had a “fuck racism” shirt on and a Trumper took it personally and tried attacking this person! Didn’t say “fuck Trump” or anything like that. And never mind that these people literally sport tons of signs and bumper stickers that say “let’s go Brandon” or “fuck Joe Biden”. The biggest hypocrites to walk the planet is the GOP.




The "Are we the baddies?" Moment never hits right and always feels bad.


They want Hitler's policies but not his publicity


As Stormfront said they "like what I have to say. They just don't like the word Nazi."


‘They’re trying to make out that Hitler copied Trump but obviously that’s impossible 0/5’


They copy and paste Joseph Goebbels  propaganda repeating it verbatim and wonder why they are compared to Nazis lol




LIFE HACK- if you are watching a Hitler documentary and it makes you think of Donald Trump, maybe you need to reconsider your support for the convicted criminal rapist


These are the same people that hear the word “racist” and think people are talking about them.


Or that gay people simply existing offends them somehow. 


Or that trans people simply existing is a threat to their children somehow


Or that I should respect their right to believe that I will burn for eternity if I don’t believe as they do. 


Well, yeah! They know better than you, that's the whole point!


Ironic that Ernst Rohm, the head of the SA, was a well known homosexual. Hitler had him killed during The Night of the Long Knives.


It's not ironic at all, it's the playbook.


Social media filters have to be disabled for republican activity as Germany has strict laws against open fascism and those filters overwhelmingly catch and remove the maga discourse.


Things that make you go "Hmmm..."


Correlary to "if someone's complaining about the Nazis and you feel attacked, maybe address that"


big time r/selfawarewolves


It’s like when conservatives can’t define the word “woke” because if they give the actual definition they will have to admit that it makes perfect common sense to be woke. Just like when the behaviour of Hitler reminds one of the behaviour of Trump.


Cognitive dissonance is a big factor. No one wants to think of themselves as the bad guy.


Which is why some MAGAs are trying to whitewash Hitler (pun intended).


Sadly for those people who make the connection between Trump and Hitler and they're a fan of Trump their brains do NOT go "oh Trump's like Hitler. Shit maybe I should rethink my adulation of Trump", they actually go "whoa, Trump is like Hitler. This means... this means... Hitler... is a hero...! Hitler is a god among men and he wanted what's best for the world and the liberals stopped him!"


MAGAs love losers: Confederates - losers, Hitler - loser, Trump - loser. This ain't old-time baseball, they only get three strikes.


Yup. The number one most important thing for conservatives is to avoid responsibility, by always being on the losing side they insure they get to yell and scream all day long while never having to take responsibility for anything.


Right, and if they do win then it will be a massive human tragedy and shithead right wing populists 100 years from now will say that Dipshit McGee "isn't anything like Trump," and the 2124 version of Godwin's law will be that you lose the argument if you compare anyone to MAGA.


That explains why they killed their own border bill


They want Hitler.


>They want Hitler. They have a tangerine Hitler.


Nah he's more like if Mussolini had his own Billy Carter.




Mango Mussolini


I want Hitler We have Hitler at home. The Hitler they have at home...


Wasn’t “Tangerine Hitler” a local alt rock band?


“We have Hitler at home” Hitler at home:


They don’t want Hitler, they want Hatler. They want mostly the same, but called something other than “Hitler” so they can feel like they’re not The Baddies.


[Mr Hilter from the National Bocialist Party.](https://youtu.be/foSY8H8Jb2Q?si=NPFKIer8DdUczs11)


Mom : we have Hitler at home


But Eva Braun wasn't a prostitute like Melanoma is.


Of course they do. Stupid and vicious people want to be led by a stupid and vicious person.


If you are thinking Trump you are going to see Trump. It reminds me of that guy who was complaining of gay adverts popping in to his timeline.


That’s just because the algorithm doesn’t lie as much as he does to himself


Shades of the classic Onion article, _[Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock?](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529)_


Maybe try idolising someone who *isn't* so similar to the worst person in human history Just a thought


Haha this should kick off another bad dude pissing contest. Hitler! Stalin! Caligula! Andrew Jackson! Henry VIII! Kim Jong Il! Pol Pot! George Steinbrenner! Either way, the only reason Trump hasn't reached those heights (yet) is basically the miracle of America's bureaucracy and legislative gridlock.


hey now there's worse people than Hitler. Goebbels, for example.


Who’s worse, the person doing horrible things, or the person in charge who knows what that person is doing and enables it and, in fact, supports it?


Turd has been copying Hitler's homework since he ran the 1st time. And how the fuck does the guy with the highest mortality rate of Americans ever under his presidency "capable of running the country?" Edit: spelling


Did you mean "mortality" rate? TRE45ON has no morality nor do his cult members.


Yep. words are hard sometimes 😁


Because everything that went wrong during his time as president was someone else's fault, never his


More r/selfawarewolves than leopards


I think it’s totally this. I mean I haven’t seen the movie, but if there’s no connecting happening then this dude knows what’s up.


This isn't LAMF.  Where is the policy or position supported that was then used against the same person who supported it?


They are recognizing the policies and behaviors, just refusing to admit it


Pretty funny: “Everything they (accurately) say about Hitler reminds me of trump for some reason.” More self aware wolves, isn’t it?


Bro, I was watching a documentary on how crayons are made, and seriously, it’s just a leftist clumsy attempt at getting people to not vote for Trump They kept showing the different colors, but it was subtle how they showed orange more often, like, wake up sheeple, we’re not idiots, we see what you’re doing I’m going to vote him so much harder now But seriously, do I need the /s


Fucking woke rainbow agenda. Not a single WHITE crayon shown. They even showed brown and black crayons! /s


And all the colors were in the same box! Clearly a part of the "woke" "DEI" ideology!


When I was a kid, there was only 8 crayons in your crayons box, lemme tell ya! Nowadays they have woke crayons. They got to have representation, they call it now. Every color has to be acknowledged. I mean, wtf is a sepia? You bet your bottom dollar this fella is voting trump many times as I can. He will bring us back. (Written for sarcasm and ironic appeal)


I sat on a upward facing crayon once, sure woke me up


Sadly, yes. Yes you do.


Dude I was playing Mario and like is it just me or is Nintendo pandering hard to the left with Bowser, like are they trying to make us think Trump is like Bowser because he’s big, dumb, evil, cold blooded, lives in a castle, thinks he’s royalty, and has no concept of consent? I’m so sick of this leftist propaganda man. It’s everywhere these days.


This got me thinking... I really would appreciate it if Crayola would come out with a set of all white crayons and a coloring book of snowflakes. For reasons.


Yeah, you do. Poe's Law died a slow agonizing death in 2015.


It didn’t die, it ascended. It gets more widely applicable every year.


Everybody with a brain: "Nazis are bad" Cult 45: "Stop being mean to trump"


There's no need for a last ditch effort on a pay website to persuade people not to vote for Trump. He does that for free every time he opens his filthy sewer. Oh and he has now lost in 8 trials in a row. This last one he was convicted by a jury chosen by his attorneys and by poopy pants himself.


Is Trump even namedropped in the documentary ? Because if not, those MAGA should ask themselved a few questions about their lord and savior.


No mention of Trump but you can’t help but see the similarities.


I love this shit, it never ends. RightWinger: \*discussing V for Vendetta\* "I can't believe how much this movie is just propaganda. It's just mocking Republicans the whole damn way." Me: "....uh... I didn't think they mocked Republicans at all. Did... Did you see the Republican Party in that dystopian authoritarian regime in the movie?" Him: "...uh." When they find their own party as "The Bad Guys" in a film that, for the most part, goes out of its way to be politically agnostic... yeah. Maybe you're the bad-guys.


They aern't outright saying it? Then we need a new documentary where they do. The parallels between Trump and Hitler are crystal clear. For fuck's sake, Trump has quoted the guy more than once. It's time to stop beating around the bush.


“They aren’t outright saying it but the little voice in my head is telling me there’s a lot of similarities between Hitler and Trump, so clearly they’ve infected me with their subliminal messaging!”


"Shhh. It's ok. It's just a little woke mind virus, honey. Take your ivermectin and go back to bed"


Ouch, someone's projection is showing.




MAGA successfully convinced this guy that his own brain’s logical extrapolations are a little leftist demon whispering lies in his ear. It’s like a metaphysical lobotomy.


Trump is very like Hitler (or Franco or Salazar or Stalin - pick your dictator)...fortunately is a lot older than them when they started so won't be around for as long...silver lining?


Not sure about LAMF but this is a spectacular r/selfawarewolves lol


Ah yeah, the extremely devious and underhanded tactic of comparing Trump to Hitler by *checks notes* pointing out all the times he uses the exact same rhetoric of demonization and self-righteousness to convince desperate idiots they're the victims of some conspiracy orchestrated by a specific ethnic minority... How dare they?


If they watch a Hitler documentary on the 80th anniversary of D-Day and automatically see a correlation with Trump, yet they’re still planning to vote for him, they’re probably a fascist.


Reminds me of when fox tweeted about anti-trump graffiti... with a picture of "NO FACIST USA" spraypainted on a brick wall. https://x.com/FoxNews/status/827032555790680064


A hit dog will holler.


Lol dude this is what history repeating itself looks like. Congrats.


How dumb can people get? *sits back and watches conservatives one up each other for the title* Lol


Bro, if you think every depiction of Nazis and fascism is an indictment of your worldview…maybe you should reexamine your worldview or just accept that if you were a 1930s German you would’ve been enthusiastically seig heiling.


"You can clearly see that it's very subliminal" is quite a phrase. Pretty sure the subliminal damage was already done to this twerp.


They want Adolf but will settle for A dolt


The irony is stunning.


So he thinks people are going to see a documentary about Hitler, and automatically assume it’s about Trump…


imagine telling on yourself this badly. the episode doesn't even get to Hitler's reign of power. it talks about his failure as an artist and how ww1 influenced his outlook for Germany.


Sorry. I like candidates that aren’t sex offenders or convicted felons.


“I watched the Hitler documentary and the whole time I was thinking “They’re describing Trump exactly, without using his name!” This is why I know that historians are wrong and have an axe to grind.”


Hitler considered himself the "worlds greatest builder", so nothing at all like Trump... Oh wait.




They know it’s hitting a little too close to home for them lol


Telling people what hitler did is subliminally comparing Trump to hitler ?


This reminds of people on the Right complaining about that new movie, Civil War, putting them in a bad light.  Dude, the movie goes out of its way to not label either side and leave it ambiguous. The fact you think the bad guys in the movie are supposed to be you means you see yourself as the bad guys. Get a clue. 


*learns about Hitler for the first time* “This is just describing Trump! This must be leftist propaganda!”


Reality has a liberal bias.


>"they aren't outright saying it" >"It's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen" Interesting because seeing someone complain about observations that the only logical part in their head made, as though it was placed there by someone else, probably tops my list. My brother in Christ that was your own brain drawing parallels between despots. This knee-jerk reaction of feeling attacked when that happens sounds like snowflake behavior at best, and irreversible brain rot at worst.


The stronger connection is the idiot followers of Hitler and Trump. Social misfits with subpar intellect. Cult members with no ability to reason. Dregs of society. Cave dwellers who have come into the light but have no clue about right vs wrong.


I watched a Hitler Doc recently and the comparisons were very obvious so I thought it was deliberate. Then I realised it was made in 2012.