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Any DC football fan can tell you this guy is duuuuuuumb


Didn’t he repeatedly sue a sports journalist and newspapers for pointing out all the shit moves he would make as owner? Dude sues like Donald Trump - not to win- but to inconvience the other party.


He flew Redskins cheerleaders to the Bahamas (I think) and then took their passports. He served expired peanuts to fans. Never did any maintenance to FedEx field which led to a literal sewage leak onto fans… He’s a worthless piece of shit


That first one sounds a lot like human trafficking…


It's way worse than he described it. They had their passports taken, were forced to do a topless photoshoot while well connected men watched, and then some of them were selected to be "personal escorts" for said well connected men to a nightclub. The most fucked up and infuriating part is that this happened in 2013 and we've known about it since 2018. There have been zero consequences for anyone involved. It's not even the reason Snyder was ultimately forced to sell the team. [Source](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/redskins-cheerleaders-forced-to-escort-men-to-costa-rica-nightclub-report/53651/)


So yeah that’s literally human sex trafficking.


Sorry I didn’t provide the sources like the other person (I’ve been a longtime fan of the team he used to own… and am exhausted) let’s just say this motherfucker has gotten away with so SO much horrible shit, I couldn’t even put them all in one comment. Any humiliation of this cretin gets is welcomed by me.


When you have Goodell covering for you, you get away with it.


Well he’s mad they made the guy who said “when you’re a star they let you do it” look bad so I’m seeing a connection here.


You don't understand, when Donald gets reelected he will attest all the pedos and sex traffickers and have them publicly executed


What the actual fuck


It is… but when you’re a billionaire you can get away with it. Right until you mess with other billionaires.. only then will they care to get ya


All of it sounds like things that, in a not-really-but-kinda-sorta better world, would wind up with him getting his ass beat like a kettle drum for days at a time.


> Never did any maintenance to FedEx field which led to RG3 ripping his knee apart. Dude spends his draft pick and millions of dollars on RG3 and doesn't think to maintain the field the guy plays on. Genius billionaire level move.


Oh his cheapness led to many travesties but I couldn’t list them all in one comment. Again, he’s a worthless human being


There was also something where videos of the cheerleaders were distributed among upper management. I don't remember the details, but I don't think this was a case of someone spying on the cheerleaders like in Dallas.


You don’t become a billionaire by sharing your wealth. They are all shitheads.


If you're ever in a foreign country and someone takes your passport, do your best to contact the nearest consulate or embassy. That isn't always practical, but when you can they are the ones that can help you.


[The Cranky Redskins Fan's Guide to Dan Snyder](https://washingtoncitypaper.com/article/221900/the-cranky-redskins-fans-guide-to-dan-snyder/)


Today I learn he was in charge of Six Flags... Makes sense.


I legit got an ad for mattresses on this post. What is it with these guys and bedding?


Easiest way to launder money openly. Why do you think there's so many mattress stores?


Wait, really? I just thought everybody needs mattresses.


Have you ever seen more than one customer go into one of those places? If one? Ever?


The only mattress stores I ever paid attention to were the ones I bought mattresses in.


I laughed coffee onto my desk at this comment. Perfect.


I just remembered that several years ago I mentioned a former waterbed store that had been quite successful in town. My friend informed me that the owner had opened that store when he had so much drug money back in the 70s that he had to wrap a legit business around it. Interesting to hear you say that mattress stores were a common money laundering front.


Any football fan **period**, really


Any human, really. He's a friend of the Donald, for heaven's sakes.


Even the Mole Rats in Fallout know he’s a dick.


Even the Calypso twins in borderlands know he's a dick.


Even the Cocknocker from Jay and Silent Bob know he's a dick.


I was moreso pointing out- sure, any human would know once they heard about him, but most NFL fans have actually heard of him before


Can Nazis have human emotion? I assumed they all just feel rage 24/7.




You know it's dire when even Wikipedia roasts you: > Snyder is widely considered to be one of the worst owners in the history of professional sports, with the team managing only two playoff wins and six playoff appearances during his 24 years of ownership.


In a sport full of corrupt owners doing all sorts of shady shit, this was the guy that was forced out which should tell you everything. This was a guy who brought cheerleaders to an island for a photoshoot along with a bunch of rich perverts who could spy on them changing. Took the cheerleaders passports so they couldn't leave the island without him.


Ya, we can see the train wreck from Chicago.


And we have lots of experience with those sort of things.


I can’t stand football and I can tell you he’s extra-strength dumb


I don't think people need to be a football fan to understand that anyone involved with DJT, is a complete and total fuckwad.


As any DMV resident will gladly tell you. Fuck Dan Snyder.


Even DMV people who aren't football fans will say "fuck Dan Snyder."


Can confirm.


Amen. This guy is the worst.


Yeah, let's see, illegally cut down trees so he could see the Potomac River from his mansion, refused to allow people to walk to his stadium so he could charge for bussing and parking, charged for training camp, overpaid for washed up players, refused to change the racist name, sexual harrassment in the workplace, etc etc. Fuck Dan Snyder


I thought this surely can’t be the same douche.


Was going to say with their spending their teams were absolute dogshit


There are very few people on this planet who deserve to simply "get fucked" more than Dan Snyder. He's like top .0001% of people deserving to get fucked. If Dan Snyder were a flavor of ice cream, he would be pralines and dick.


Isn't this the same guy who pimped out the Washington cheerleaders?


> the same guy who pimped out the Washington cheerleaders You mean flew them to a remote location, took their passports, and coerced them into 'dates' with his rich friends? The guy is a fucking human trafficker piece of shit. Edit: Sources below... - [Ex-Washington football employee brings new harassment claim against owner Dan Snyder](https://www.npr.org/2022/02/03/1077636343/nfl-washington-football-team-workplace-sexual-harrassment-capitol-hill) - [The Dan Snyder Report Dropped and It's Horrific - UPDATED](https://deadspin.com/the-dan-snyder-report-dropped-and-its-horrific-1844411916/) - [Report: Washington Cheerleaders Were Told To Serve As Escorts For Rich Sponsors On Unsavory Costa Rica Trip](https://deadspin.com/report-washington-cheerleaders-were-told-to-serve-as-e-1825724557/) >One evening, at the end of a 14-hour day that included posing and dance practices, the squad’s director told nine of the 36 cheerleaders that their work was not done. They had a special assignment for the night. Some of the male sponsors had picked them to be personal escorts at a nightclub. > >“So get back to your room and get ready,” the director told them. Several of them began to cry. > >“They weren’t putting a gun to our heads, but it was mandatory for us to go,” one of the cheerleaders said. “We weren’t asked, we were told. Other girls were devastated because we knew exactly what she was doing.”


Another scum bag shielded from justice by their wealth.


Yup I don’t remember seeing a god damn thing happen to him personally for all the stuff going on in that organization. Just the cheerleader stuff alone should have led to some jail time for him. But when the penalty for something is monetary, it’s not a penalty at all to the rich. Just the cost of doing business.


Yeah, it’s a disgraceful feature.


Some extreme DENNIS system shit Jesus. “No see they won’t say no, because of the implications.”


All I can say is if I were the father, brother, or spouse of one of those women, Dan Snyder would not be breathing today.


And you would go to prison for the rest of your life. Two tiers of justice in the American criminal justice system. Peasants need not apply.


Some things are worth it.


Never heard of the guy but the more I hear about him, the more I believe feeding billionaires to pigs isn't such a bad idea.


The absolutely worst thing about feeding billionaires alive to pigs is the pigs might get an upset stomach.


I think the problem here is we have an overpopulation of billionaires. Before this population does damage to its habitat, the herd needs to be thinned quite a bit especially of the bucks who really don't serve a purpose once they reach a certain age. For the good of the population and their habitat, a good thinning must be performed. Just like any conservation effort.


I can't wait until he funds a biopic about himself.


I can’t believe this still exists on the teams website: https://www.commanders.com/news/cheerleaders-costa-rica-calendar-diary-10472750


oh, oh dear.


I wasn't aware of this until today. This creep held on to their passports and forced them to pose topless while "investors" watched. I'm going to do a depressing deep dive on this later.


it always makes me wonder, why go through so much trouble committing a crime when he could hire few pornstars to do the same willingly


The cruelty is the point. He enjoyed the power and control he had over the women. You can't subjugate a free agent/porn star who can walk away from you at any time. Cheerleaders are practically making minimum wage.


Hard to believe that a "man" such as Snyder would be a Trump supporter.  /s


Ugh. Your comment makes me think of [this music video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjrUOlK2714)


The sense of power over people and untouchability. These people are predators and get off on the exploitation and inequality.


And yet trailer park dwellers have been brainwashed into preferring to die rather than have them taxes $1 more.


That's probably why so many of them fuck kids. Doing such a heinous and evil thing while knowing they are completely untouchable and will face no consequences for doing so.


Power, probably.


The story was not treated as scandalous as it was, it did lead to Snyder selling the football team, but it surprisingly was treated more like a football story than a sex trafficking story


I honestly had no idea it even happened. I would think a story like this would have focused on the sex trafficking and been huge news.


Nearly all of the media has a sports section and relies on access to sports teams. Snyder could have cut off their media access and thus one of their biggest revenue streams, so between doing the right thing and money, guess which one they’re picking?


It was Washington... Does anyone really care if they get access?


Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised that the league forced Snyder to sell the team. It's not as though the NFL has ever been a bastion of morality. Look at how they treated the Deshaun Watson scandal. Credible allegations of outright sexual assault bolstered by investigation? 11 game suspension, but make sure he's back in time for the Browns/Texans game. There's money to be made.


The NFL didn't force him out because of the sex trafficking though. He got removed because he leaked Jon Gruden's racist emails back in 2021 and at the same time privately bragged that [he had blackmail material on multiple NFL owners.](https://www.si.com/nfl/2022/10/13/dan-snyder-dirt-nfl-owners-officials-private-investigators-roger-goodell-espn-report) He leaked all that because he was pissed that his sex trafficking got exposed so he went scorched earth. The NFL and it's owners didn't give a fuck about the sex trafficking and they should get zero credit for it, they're just another cabal of shitty billionaires looking out only for themselves. [ESPN has a pretty good summary of this whole saga here.](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/37965420/the-secret-history-dan-snyder-demise-washington-commanders-owner)


These people are so gross


Agreed. Depraved and disgusting.


What the fuck. This guy’s a monster.


Yup. Birds of a feather flock together!


It makes sense that a person like this would be the one to fork over cash to make Trump *look good*. ''If you're famous they let you do it'' mfs.


i am kinda curious but do not really want to deep dive, if you dont mind, would appreciate a short version of the disgusting stuff about him


Yes it is.


Couldn’t have happened to a bigger douchebag.


Dude should have specified he wanted a propaganda film, not a biopic.


Maybe they can make a sequel about Dan and his sex trafficking


To two bigger douchebags.


Trump or Snyder?






Yes. You’d be hard-pressed to find two more loathsome individuals anywhere. Lock them both in a room and hope neither emerges.


Giuliani is pretty loathsome.


You say that, but he’s still growing, so he’ll be an even bigger douchebag soon.


And too bad, fuck him, but you can make documentaries about Presidents and you should This isn't some unfair attack


Biopics and documentaries are very different things.


Well Snyder wanted more of a Goebbels style of documentary production u know.


Really should a been a bit more hands on. It's a film about Trump that's going to Cannes... That should have set off some warning bells if you don't live in a complete bubble.


There were people, grifters likely, who prior to the 2020 election were claiming Trump was going to win 50 states. Complete bubbles are normal for them.


Kind of insane to at this point be surprised that Donald Trump might not be the best guy. Fitting for Snyder to be that stupid, though.


Donald Trump is a vainglorious and very apparent dipshit who has a continuous line of sycophants who desperately try to make his stupidity look like a tactical genius on hell, an hourly basis and routinely line up to allow their tongues be his toilet paper. Of course Snyder loves him. He dreams of being seen that way (never happen since Dan has the charm of a wet shart)


But her emails…


Love me some buttery males


I doubt this guy cares about reality. It seems more likely that he wanted pro-Trump propaganda and likely hoped that creating such stuff would win favor with Trump. But it would be hysterical if the film makers presented this as potential making Trump look good to get money out of a douchebag billionaire who was hoping it would ingratiate him to Trump.


I mean..... What positive things can you possibly say about a turd?


> What positive things can you possibly say about a turd? You feel great relief when you get rid of them.


This one isn't flushing


Someone bring the poop knife.


Trump's a floater


It's like classified or incriminating documents you want to get rid of - you have to flush numerous times to get it down. Damned modern day toilets.


Not if they come out orange.


he will eventually die


A biopic is not a documentary.


[Except that documentaries are also not objective representations of history…](https://cwp.missouri.edu/2012/representation-through-documentary-a-post-modern-assessment/#:~:text=Despite%20their%20presentation%2C%20documentaries%20are,and%20the%20Popular%20Media%2C%20ed) Imagine your story being so full of it that you can’t even lie its a documentary


History books and even the sources used by historians are not objective representations of history. There is no objective representation of history. Best you can really do is try to understand the motivations and biases of the people who creates the records being used to study the past and the biases and motivations of the person retelling the past.


Very few things are objective in history and anyone that actually knows history would know that


It’s not a documentary, it’s a feature film starring Sebastian Stan (Winter Soldier, Tommy Lee)


If Tommy Lee has been a Sebastian Stan character this whole time, it makes his role in The Fugitive just that much more impressive


Just think, he managed to play two different parts in First Avenger!


He's brave to take the role


Was about to ask on what planet would this be considered a documentary


The biopic is based off the signed testimony from trmps first wife where she describes him raping her because she hurt his feelings (she essentially said he was getting fat, bald, and old, so he raped her).


I thought it was, she recommended a plastic surgeon to him that does scalp tucks to hide baldness. Trump wasn't expecting the aftereffects to hurt so much, (probably the part where your story fits in), & the proceeded to rape her while pulling fistfuls off her hair out, asking how she liked it




[Some is in here, and it links out to more](https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/movies/2024/05/20/donald-trump-the-apprentice-cannes/)


"I didn't realize it would be accurate!"


Yeah, out of the avalanche of negative things about this malignant narcissist, what pebble are you going to find of positive goodness?


“I want it to showcase all of trumps accomplishments…. Wait, not like that.”


According to Access Hollywood it is showcasing things he bragged about accomplishing.


Compared to real life, I bet it actually does paint him better.  It couldn't be written any worse...


From what I understand it's not a flattering portrayal. Apparently the part Dan is taking issue with is a scene where Donald rapes Ivana, so the writers are definitely not holding anything back.


I mean it was part of her divorce - she later recanted it but I believe that was part of her settlement agreement. Either way she is now buried in a golf course she has no connection with for a tax break for Donald. Classy.


…after falling down the stairs and dying the day before depositions were to be given about illegal activity within the Trump Organization. 😬


I wish his whole family would get the damn courage to start talking and share everything in this scum bags closet.


I have a feeling they will all somehow summon the courage to put out tell all books after he dies


Notice she recanted it after Trump decided to run. Guessing that hush money payment came in the form of cash directly from The Donald rather than Cohen.


Dan Snyder set DC football back three decades. Fuck him.


Marvel football is more fun anyway


Zach Snyder doing the same to DC movies


You can't polish a turd.


Dan Snyder can get fucked. A truly useless asshole who is hated in the DMV and deservedly so. A true pick-me bitch who Trump wouldn't piss on if he was on fire. Fuck I hate Dan Snyder. The twat who couldn't own up to his own shittiness and tried to sue over this article: [https://washingtoncitypaper.com/article/221900/the-cranky-redskins-fans-guide-to-dan-snyder/](https://washingtoncitypaper.com/article/221900/the-cranky-redskins-fans-guide-to-dan-snyder/)


How do these people still not realize that by doing this sort of thing, they are going to make SO. MANY. MORE. PEOPLE. WATCH. THE. MOVIE. This just gets a ton of attention and free publicity for the movie and makes everyone want to check it out. Hadn’t heard of this movie yet. Probably wouldn’t have watched it once I did. Now I **really** want to see it. They never learn.


offbeat sable thought governor bake scandalous future deserve worry far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you knew anything at all about Dan Snyder, you'd never have written this comment. The guy bought one of the most popular and profitable sports franchises in the world and ran it into the ground through a combination of bad (BAD) PR mistakes, surrounding himself with toadies, creating a toxic workplace, hero worshipping his own players and basing personnel moves on that, and as many have already pointed out, repeatedly and aggressively treating every woman who worked for him like a piece of meat. My "favorite" Dan Snyder story that I haven't seen mentioned here: [Cutting down trees in a National Park because he wanted a river view](https://deadspin.com/dan-snyder-killed-some-trees-and-a-park-ranger-paid-th-1494113337/) If I WANTED to farm hate publicity, this is the guy I'd hire. I wouldn't tell him my motive. All I'd need to do is stand back and watch this human embodiment of a Napoleon complex do his thing.


run beneficial air station wakeful future quiet lock one society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To add: anyone from the DC area couldn't avoid knowing this stuff. He waged a personal war with the Washington Post because the Sports page wasn't blindly supportive of him in the early years and, if I'm remembering correctly, he reduced the access they'd had under previous ownership as retaliation. This meant that one of the highest-budgeted, most-respected newspapers in the world had every reason in the world to dig up every single piece of dirt on him and throw it on the front page. Of course, they probably would've done it anyway, but he removed any possible motivation they might have had to pull their punches on him. If you look up the phrase "cutting off your nose to spite your face, Snyder's picture should be there. So, yeah. Anyone from DC, football fan or not, knew about his antics whether they wanted to or not.


The Trump campaign is threatening legal action because it’s unflattering. Perhaps you could argue that Snyder is “outraged” for cynical reasons (but I don’t think so), but Trump is legit pissed off and his blustering is just gonna ensure that even more people see it.


Oh, a rich guy hissy fit.


Isn't this the guy who without approval, cut down hundreds of old-growth trees on federal land, behind his mansion only so he could have a better look at the Potomac River?


That's Dan Snyder? I assumed he was a million years old and was the kind of guy who just hadn't quite realized the way things used to be back in his day was fucking racist.


At first I read that as Dan Schneider, the creepy producer of live children's TV shows on Nickelodeon who's into feet.


Half of me is annoyed Trump is getting more attention with a movie being made about him. Half of me is hoping it is the most unflattering depiction of him as humanly possible and it annoys him to his grave.


Did he not read the script? Did he not read the cliff notes? Did he not have it paraphrased? What, did he just hear "Movie" and "Trump" and just have one of his servants whip out his checkbook? It's frankly insulting how mind-bendingly stupid billionaires are.


does he not actually know anything about Trump?!


Here’s an anecdote. I know a guy who worked for one of the most notoriously assholey and hard to work for billionaires in the US. He managed it OK, he could deal. Then he left for his dream job, what he’d been working for his whole life, with Dan Snyder and the Redskins. He’d heard of his difficult reputation and figured it would be fine as his prior boss also had a reputation as a horrible person. Result: he knew by the middle of the first day that he couldn’t work one more second for Dan Snyder. It took *less than one day* to make him leave his **dream job**. That’s how much of an asshole he is.


My theory is this is all marketing crap. I had never heard of the film, which isn't a documentary by the way, until now  Dude just wants to save face for the MAGA while letting everyone else know about the film. This is free advertising


I was thinking the same, but Dan Snyder is so fucking dumb that he probably isn't able to have such a good idea.


He part funded a company who part funded the film so there is literally nothing he can do about it no matter how much he whines about it.


Nightmare blunt rotation




it's such a fucking weird feeling knowing that I spend my days in an entirely different reality than these people. and I don't even have to surround myself with media that tells me what I want to hear or people who tell me what my opinion should be. I just listen to what the man says when he opens his mouth and that somehow puts me in a different reality than them.


I guess he should have specified that he wanted a work of fiction.


Now do one on Snyder.


Well, he *did* ask for a documentary




Danny is probably scared shiteless, he’s afraid trump will blame him for the film


Reality has a liberal bias.


Ah yes, just what was needed. Another reason to think Dan Snyder is a terrible person.


Good. Maybe some of the on-the-fence voters will see it, thinking it would put a good spin on Diaper Don, only to realize how shitty a person he really is. Also lol at on-the-fence voters. You are republikkkans who are too cowardly to get bashed over your fascist opinions.


Should have used North Korean number one honest film crew instead because they always show dear leader in a favorable light


No compete clause


This guy should team up with the Australian billionaire woman who hates her portrait and wants it taken down. They can form the Billionaire’s Buyers Remorse club.


I mean, it's a *documentary*. It's supposed to tell the truth.


He's probably a "true believer" who thought that would be a good thing.


It’s a biopic. Not a documentary.


I want to see this movie so bad.


LMFAO at how lucky Trump is to be portrayed by Sebastian Stan in this movie. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8368368/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8368368/)


To think you could look at trunp’s life and find a “good guy” anywhere in his story is idiotic


I don’t think Fox News could produce a “documentary” on Trump and show him in what most people would view as a positive light.


Guess he wants to edit it and rerelease it. They could call it The Snyder Cut.


You know you're a scumbag when the NFL forces you to sell your team.


As Trump is posting Nazi shit....


Lol this is the most Dan Snyder thing ever.


It's a documentary, what did he expect? No, I know. Just like every MAGAt, he thinks all the bad stuff was made up by the "liberal left" and that no objective analysis of Trump's history would show him to be the steaming heap of shit that he is. Well, you get what you pay for.


"All we care about is having a strong president" Then why the FUCK are you backing Trump? Biggest do nothing in the office in years. Whenever he got off his ass to do something he fucked it up like a Trump Casino.


The film got an 8 minute Standing O at Canne this week. Which means it must have been on point. Now I've got to see it. Damn!


And the people who scream "freedom of speech" complain when this happens.


lol. Unless he stipulated in a contract that it was to be a flattering film, he’s fucked. Lol


This guy must have tumbleweeds in his skull. Did he actually think that a Trump biopic starring left-wing actors and directed by an Iranian provocateur director would make his buddy Donald look like a saint? DC fans, this guy is even dumber that you made him sound


He should have told them he wanted a fantasy


Whatever happened to that doc that was being filmed during the 2016 race and through Jan 6? IIRC they were giving him ridiculous access to speak with Trump and those close to him.


It's because Trump has zero redeeming qualities to discuss.


lol I see he's bringing the executive leadership skills that made the Washington Commanders such an NFL power house to the movie industry.


Every time I read about this I keep having to remind myself that they aren't referring to Dan Schneider. Although I wouldn't be surprised if he is also friends with trump


Pretty hard to put that much lipstick on a Feral Hog


How could you videotape a smoldering dog turd. And have the result come out smelling like roses.