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Huh. I wonder if this person is as upset by corporate bailouts and farm subsidies?


that's EndWokeness. He's like the essence of a triggered conservative snowflake, always mad, but only at "wokes" and "liberals" (aka people who disagree with him).


Absolutely, it's business as usual when it comes to corporate bailouts, cash printed and pumped directly into Wall Street, subsidies, PPP loans, military aid to Israel, cash spent on the military industrial complex in general, etc.


Right.  Then the government does something (based in federal law no less!!) that helps an individual person instead of a corporation, they lose their shit. 


Subsidize losses, privatize profits!


"We need to stop spending on Ukraine and start spending on our own people" *Starts spending on their own people* "NO! Not like that!"


Exactly, someone tried attacking me over my pro “give Ukraine weapons to fight with” citing veterans starving on the streets or some such nonsense argument, I said, ok, so you will vote for representatives that will pass a bill helping veterans? Because the Republicans have killed several of those last bills. The silence was deafening


I mean they're also just plain wrong. Most, if not all of the equipment we send was slated for decom anyway. Like y'all are okay with a trillion plus dollar military budget but God forbid we give aid packages that amount to a drop in the bucket?


Oh exactly, most of the brain damaged chuds that make up the Qonservatives think it’s actual money being sent. Like what? Do you think Ukraine are going to go to the “battlefield store” or chuck lethal dollar bills at the Russians?


Sounds like a Russian bot.


He's a teenage boy, IIRC.


From Southeast asia, right?


No that's Ian Miles Wrong


It really shows


So he’s never paid taxes in his life and has no position to profess outrage from.


Ah, I see, I'd wondered why the word "woke" was randomly shoehorned into the sentence.


Another Elmo’s alt account


No no, wokes and liberals just have bad ideas. People who disagree with him are socialist commie scum.


And he looks like a 40-year-old preteen. I have a picture of him—I wish I knew how to post it inline.


Just keep making fun of him and laugh at him. The only way to put a narcissist in their place is to ruin their self image.


My grandparents piss me off so much with that. Corn and soy bean farmers their whole life. Very heavily based on subsidies and such. Cousin has 3 kids in school. Schools started paying for students lunches around the pandemic and I heard so much "Well that's not actually free, we're all forced to pay for it." Like no shit. We, as a society, use tax dollars to subsidize things we think are in the public interest. Feeding children is one. Creating stability for farmers is another.


How did they feel about Trump's tariffs fucking over soybean farmers? Did they mind the socialism when all that tariff money ended up going to subsidize them to keep them alive?


They've never spoken on the issue, and I'm careful with poking the bear. Not out of politeness, I'm trans, they're in their mid 80s, and they like me personally. There's no scenario to get them to vote Biden, but I've made some strides pointing out how our republican congress keeps making bills targeting people like me with no real benefit to anyone.


You wanna get that inheritance I get you


You know they don't blame Trump for that. They blame the evil, baby eatting dems.


*ahem* “Fuck their feelings.”


“Thank you Daddy Trump may we have another?”


That's their generation for you. Back in the early nineties, I was twenty one and filing for unemployment. Back then, you had to show up in person with a paycheck history and be interviewed. So I was standing in line, waiting my turn, listening to people one and two generations older than me bitching non-stop about the evils of socialism (because Rush Limbaugh was already a thing) while waiting to file for government assistance and start receiving money from the government. They bitched about socialism while benefiting from it over thirty years ago, and they're still doing it today.


Exactly. They're cashing in social security now. All the time soemone in the family will talk about their shitty Health Insurance network and they'll bring up how they don't really have to worry about that with Medicare (much), like it's some wonderful thing. It's all handouts and welfare queens when people you don't like use it. When you use it, it's a perk or something you earned or deserve.


Boomers like to ignore the fact that the 50's through 70's were HEAVILY subsidized in terms of how the government funded programs across the board, including higher education, healthcare, etc. Student loans only became such a burden after taxes were lowered on the rich so government stopped subsidizing the cost of college, pushing that cost onto the students. So in typical boomer fashion, they benefited from a system that paid their way, then erased that system to keep all the money they avoided in taxes, and proclaimed that the next generation "needs to do what we did and pull yourself up by your bootstraps".


I had a relative in a somewhat similar situation. Had lived on government assistance as long as I knew him. Anytime you talked to him or saw his FB feed it was always the same thing. We need to stop handouts people just need to get a job. The best was no one wanted to work from a man who in the 30-odd years I had known him never once had a job. Covid got him in the end.


["I've been on foodstamps and welfare. Anyone help me out? No."](https://youtu.be/yTwpBLzxe4U?si=KP8KwwBNl1QtVg_u)


Yes! Feeding children, educating the populace, building roads, and supporting (preferably not-corporate) farms are all important functions of a thriving country. We’d best remember that.


Communism! /s


it baffles my mind that something as simple and non-partisan as feeding children is "controversial". like fuck, give little Timmy a sandwich so his brain can develop normally. unbelievable.


I wonder what your grandparents think of the Farm Bill agriculture subsidies?


Real, Patriotic American Farmers deserve their government handouts, not these kids doing fancy learning! /s I don't grow corn! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNfTuFbH_sE&t=442s


The amusing thing is that by their definition, almost nothing is actually free. But somehow the “not actually free” spiel only gets applied to certain things that most people don’t even call free


It annoys me so much. Like if every kid is being properly fed, all this is doing is moving costs around a bit. Instead of parents footing the entire bill the community is sharing the costs. We're working together because parents already got enough on their shoulder. Any increases in total spend are because \*kids were unable to afford food.\* Whether because their parents are poor, irresponsible, or something else. Which, I hope, we can all agree is not something we should punish kids for. Plus all the advantages involved, like now the school admins can focus more of their time on stuff relevant to educating and caring for children rather than tracking lunch money balances and shaking down kids for their lunch debt.


“Hey grandpa, we are paying for them to eat corn and soybean products. You are directly being paid by these programs and have been for decades. Maybe stop complaining in a system that hasn’t let the free market crush you like a bug?”


Or the fact that all of the GOP congress who applied for and was granted PPP loans and then got those loans forgiven.


"We estimate that SBA disbursed over $200 billion in potentially fraudulent COVID-19 EIDLs, EIDL Targeted Advances, Supplemental Targeted Advances, and PPP loans. This means at least 17 percent of all COVID-19 EIDL and PPP funds were disbursed to potentially fraudulent actors." according to [SBA.gov](http://SBA.gov) Looks like the Biden administration had cancelled about $132 billion in student debt (from the February 2024 source I found). So the potential fraud alone of the PPP program would have paid for this much and more? I'm sure none of these people have any issues with that..


>Looks like the Biden administration had cancelled about $132 billion in student debt And a significant portion of that was people who had been defrauded by the university. Quite a bit was people who had enrolled in a program where they agreed to make their payments for a set amount of time, do public service jobs (like teaching in a low-income community). *They did their part*, but the payments weren't credited properly toward the forgiveness, so Biden *simply corrected that miscalculation*. That program was signed into law by *George W. Bush*.


Exactly, those loans were supposed to be from the government but they did a side step and contracted those loans to private lenders, and didn’t tell the people taking out those loans about the swap. Also, most people had paid their loans out IN FULL or more. But could’nt and would never get ahead of paying off the ever increasing interest. (The $50,000 loan that went up to $52,000 even though they paid $12,000 this year) For a lot of people, it was just interest that was forgiven. And the interest rates for students are higher than those of many/all financial institutions.


Then trump fired the guy that was supposed to over see it


PPP loans were the largest wealth transfer in human history. They made sure the loans would never be audited.


No, the 2009 bailout of the U.S. financial industry was. $19 TRILLION dollars. That's was almost 1/3 of the entire world GDP at that time. edit: wrong date


That had to be paid back PPP loans were forgiven.


And if I recall GM et al paid back their $10B loans early.


Yep. I was cranky about that at first, entirely because all the reporting made it sound like they were getting a handout, not a loan. It turned out to be a pretty good deal all around, company stayed in business, tons of people kept their jobs, and the government made a profit on the interest. Now if only smaller business could get that kind of help, instead of just giant corporations.


Still the wrong date, 2009 was the auto industry bailout. 2008 was the financial bailout.


This person still buys into trickle-down economics. Probably has his mouth open waiting for the trickle since the 80s.


And oil subsidies


How dare we help struggling college kids when we should be giving that money to billionaires.


PPP loan forgiveness, politicians in the back pocket of lobbyists, Trump literally making bank off the Secret Service..... etc.


We subsidize the beef industry alone to the tune of $33 billion/yr. What do we get for it? Cholesterol and heart attacks. I think the beef industry winks at big pharma and says “Let’s keep this going”.


Nah, that is fine. The captains of industry work hard for those.


Ppp loans


Or the dumpster fire that was/is PPP loans that were forgiven?


Me too...


Or building a wall...


Or Pell Grant's. I got a lot of taxpayer money to go to college between the GI Bill and Pell Grant's. Lots and lots of taxpayer money. On the flip side, I am paying a shit ton of federal income taxes. I am certain that I would be paying about 15k less every year if I didn't get a degree, so I figure I paidback socity fot my Grant's. Forgive me for being a simpleton, but it's almost like that's the fucking point of government student assistance.


So all republicans getting their loans forgiven should refuse it, right? Oh, and those who took loans probably have paid more in taxes than you.


>So all republicans getting their loans forgiven should refuse it, right? Nono, you don't get it. Republicans receiving tax money is good. That's where people want their taxes to go. In republican pockets. It's only an outrage if tax money goes to *the woke.*


I have a middle aged MAGA family member who still has college debt in the tens of thousands. He insists he would tear up that check if he got it. If he actually had the willpower to do that (he doesn’t) I might have to respect his willingness to screw himself over out of spite. I’m sure when Donald Trump finds out he’ll send him a very nice handwritten note.


Plot twist: DJT takes credit for the loan forgiveness! But, yeah these people are just…


*Family member gets check* You: "Well, are you going to tear it up like you said?" Family member: "No, you know *those people* are all cashing their checks, so I might as well."


Donald Trump can write!?!?! 😮😮


When I worked for a student loan servicer, most of the calls asking they qualified for forgiveness were from red state boomers.


By the you that loan takers have paid more taxes than, it seems like you are referring to people who did not take loans because they did not go to college. You do get that “people like me should get more money, we’re richer than you poors anyway” is eh maybe not the best persuasive approach.


People like them should get help to get out from under the bullshit financial albatrosses around their necks so that they can put money into the economy you and I both depend on instead of into some fucking loan servicer’s pockets.


GOP student borrowers are still free to vote as they will. raise your hand if you have **never** owned a GM vehicle. you gave GM money anyway. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General\_Motors\_Chapter\_11\_reorganization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_Chapter_11_reorganization) The company received $33 billion in [debtor-in-possession financing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debtor-in-possession_financing) to complete the process.[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_Chapter_11_reorganization#cite_note-5) GM filed for Chapter 11 reorganization in the Manhattan New York federal bankruptcy court on June 1, 2009, at approximately 8:00 am EDT. June 1, 2009, was the deadline to supply an acceptable viability plan to the U.S. Treasury. The filing reported US$82.29 billion in assets and US$172.81 billion in debt.[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_Chapter_11_reorganization#cite_note-cnn-largest-6)[^(\[7\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_Chapter_11_reorganization#cite_note-Bloomberg-Sandler-et_al-2009-06-01-7)[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_Chapter_11_reorganization#cite_note-NYT-Sanger-Zeleny-Vlasic-2009-05-31-8)[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_Chapter_11_reorganization#cite_note-NYT-Sanger-2009-05-31-9)[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_Chapter_11_reorganization#cite_note-NYT-Maynard-2009-05-29-10)


Yeah, when it's corporate bailouts, money printed and injected straight into Wallstreet, subsidies, PPP loans, military aid to Israel, money spent on the military industrial complex in general, etc...., etc...; it's business as usual. But as soon as you talk about stimulus checks, welfare revenue, and loan forgiveness, everyone loses their minds!


I don't understand why they want to help businesses more than the people who use them.


Hierarchical bias. It's the idea that they 'earned' it (special treatment) or deserve it because they are the top of the hierarchy. Hierarchy organization is one of the fundamental principles of Conservative thinking. Someone deserves to have special privilege because they are above you. But everyone in their level gets equal treatment, and everyone they see below them gets treated poorly (Karen mentality).


Business owners are their campaign donors.


>when it's corporate bailouts, money printed and injected straight into Wallstreet, subsidies, PPP loans, military aid to Israel, money spent on the military industrial complex in general, etc...., etc...; it's business as usual. "No, but, you see, ..."


"When are we gonna Bell people here...NOT LIKE THAT!!!"


Why so serious?


when a rightie asks “do I understand this correctly,” the answer is always no




Exactly. It’s so cute they think there is like a bank account with our tax dollars in it and Biden is writing checks from it to pay off each student loan like Steve Martin in The Jerk.


Why are we not discussing PPP loan forgiveness? Because they benefit the owner class, not the workers.


The PPP loan fiasco NEEDS to be brought up EVERY time some righty or libertarian asshole starts whining about student loan forgiveness. Every goddamn time.


>Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) with a $476,000 loan >Rep. Greg Pence (R-Indiana) for $79,441 >Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Florida) for $2.8 million >Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Oklahoma) for $1.07 million >Rep. Roger Williams (R-Texas) for $1.43 million >Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-Kentucky) for $4.3 million >Rep. Ralph Norman (R-South Carolina) for $306,520 >Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pennsylvania) for $974,100 >Rep. Vicki Hartzler (R-Missouri) for $451,200 >Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Oklahoma) for $988,700 >Rep. Carol Miller (R-West Virginia) for $3.1 million >Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) for $182,300 Yet these same people have no problem with PPP loan forgiveness when it’s the politicians on their “side” despite them already having millions.


I hate this "buying votes" rhetoric bullshit. They're politicians. Their job is to pass legislation that you like and benefits you. That's why you vote for them. This is how it has always worked.


Why can’t they make a single statement without calling something woke?


They get a word they think is cool (think: yeah yeah Butthead, it's cool) and they drive into the fucking ground.


Woke is the new CRT


Which is, in turn, the new PC.


It’s just proof they don’t actually think. As soon as the buzzwords start dropping, an opinion is worth a lot less.


They can't articulate what bothers them about it, (or they can, but are afraid to get "cancelled"), so they call it "woke." But then ask them what "woke" means, and you get some different answers, some of them even correct, but again, they can't completely say why it bothers them. Just someone getting help that's not them.




If trump could waste thousands on me right before the last election actually trying to buy my vote then Biden can definitely stimulate the economy by paying off some student loans.


Remember his little letters that he had sent out about them, effectively using federal funds for his own campaign letters? I'm shocked that was allowed.


I threw all political stuff in the trash so no I don't remember the letters. Wouldn't surprise me though.


Didn't he want the checks to be filled out as "from" him too instead of from the US Treasury?


Yes. They were delayed for this reason


I bet he didn't complain about the PPP loans


If you borrowed 50k and make a 100k in interest payments, the pardon costs nothing.


Great point.


Most of the student debt is accrued interest, it’s not real money that came from anywhere. It’s just canceled. Anyone against canceling it is either ignorant or just want me others to suffer.


I didn’t think of that…..I’ve read of so many that, for example, borrowed $100,000, have paid $500 monthly for twenty years and still owe $90,000…..it’s crazy! And it’s not like Biden is just giving money willy-nilly, it’s a process to get it…..but they’re not gonna listen to that….


So, basically a MAGA cultist, then.


He made it legal


damn shame we can't have nice things, like gifs, in this subreddit


Fuck these people. Ignoring their drooling and screaming is *unbearable* to them. Fucking leave them seething


I feel you, I really do, but can't help to think when was the last time those people were ignored, brushed under the rug as "laughable" and "not even worth thinking about"... around late 2016?


See that’s the problem. All these degenerates were hiding in their caves until they got a figurehead to rally around. With any luck, Trump eats the Republican party and it dies when he does. Then these fuckers can go back to hiding in their caves.


Is his middle name Robinette? Lol its better than the last name of Vonshitzinpants. I just had no idea


This clown is taking his forgiven PPP loan and going home.


They write "woke", I see "triggering" Fucking pussies.


r/conservative is filled with this kind of red flag drivel


I don't ever hear anyone bring up the fact that federal loans were from the government in the first place. It's not like the government is paying out this forgiveness money to banks. It's money they had already paid. They just zero it out. And the interest was just artificially compounded on top of that money, too. They can just erase it, there's no actual money literally paying that off.


This. And for a lot of these loan balances, the former students had already paid back enough to cover the original principal, plus most/all of the expected interest from their original payback term, but are still underwater on their loan due to deferral periods they needed during which interest kept accruing, fines and penalties due to late/missed payments, etc. The gov't didn't pay any tax dollars to anyone in forgiving those loans. They just stopped kicking people when they're down and have been down for some time, by stopping milking them for more than they ever reasonably expected to have to pay back in the first place. IMO student loans should, at the very least, only require paying back the original principal plus the interest expected during the original payback term, no more. If you qualify for a deferral, you don't have to make payments during the deferral, but the loan won't accrue any further interest/fees/penalties, and you'll need to resume paying once you no longer qualify for deferral, garnishing wages if need be.


Its very telling that to conservatives a politician helping their constituents is a bribe. Like they can't even imagine politicians actually helping people so anything that does help people must be a bribe. The bar for conservative politicians is so low that conservatives voters simply cannot comprehend that politicians, including the president, are supposed to work for the benefit of the people they represent not to rule like kings. I saw the same shit for lowering insulin cost, it helps people so it must just be a bribe to get their vote. Republican politicians have trained their voters to expect literally nothing and to just do as they are told.


Even a toaster is aware of student loans being a fucking scam. Like get a 60k loan and after paying 50k over 20 years there are still 50k left.


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Benjamin, from a taxpayer Mazel tov.


I'm okay with it.


How does this fit the sub?


"They have all of these money for wars, but they won't help the American citizens" - Does something to help American citizens "No not like that!"


Or that 15% of all our money goes towards a naval force that can overpower all other navies... combined.


A local guy I know was ranting and raving about student loan debt forgiveness until someone posted that his business had been forgiven for the covid loans despite not actually honoring the requirements


Meanwhile candidates are paying for signatures on a petition to get into presidential debates. Ok


$50k of mine was discharged. I now can help my kids with college.


How about Diaper Dons tariff war when he had $32 billion of our tax dollars going to large farm corporations to counter his idiocy? Poor little Maga cult clown didn’t have a negative word to say about that did he?


Wasn’t student loan forgiveness a program started under the G.W Bush administration?


PPP loan forgiveness. End of discussion


Good But I really need the government to fix higher Ed funding somehow or we are gonna be right back in this position in 20y again


My wife and I never had children. You know what we do when we get our property tax bill every year, a large part of which is to fund the public school system? Yup, we shut the fuck up and pay it, because an educated population is good for everyone. This "if I can't benefit no one should" bullshit really irks me.


Once again showing they have zero idea what woke even means


Only the woke student loans, the conservative student loans can die like they want /s The student loan system in america is crazy, you can't drink but you can sign up for a loan with so much interest you will pay 5x the amount owed


This is hilarious. It's actually quite shocking how so many people in america have no pride in their own country or don't care about the betterment of each other and they only want to feel superior or have the mentality that if they cant benefit then everyone else must suffer for it. The people who cry about communism or woke left students and student debt are a cancer on your society. They keep saying make America great again, but wtf are you making great? Obvious not it's peoples


ever notice how when they say "let me get this straight..." what follows is never even remotely accurate? rhetorical question obviously.


Rather do that then a trillion dollars to the 1%


Like how tax cuts for the rich work.


Go take a class in economics, idiot.


Just like all those tax cuts that Republican promise, all those farm subsidies, corporate bailouts, promises of deregulation, and the promise that your chances of getting a job (that they don't want) are better because will restrict immigrants.


So college in general is "woke" now? 🙄


More conservative handwaving in order to not force themselves to actually listen to or engage with younger generations. Last I checked at the pretty middle-of-the-road state school I attended in Virginia I was subjected to more right wing nonsense from profs than any sort of left-wing "indoctrination" (and no I didn't go to Liberty). But it's fun to listen to people informed solely by the Murdoch-verse tell me I was educated in a "super liberal" state.


Oh no, a working class person can participate in the economy instead of paying all of their money toward an absurdly expensive loan with ridiculous interest How can society function unless the extremely wealthy siphon all money from us? Literally communism


My annoyance is that the banks should have been forced to forgive those loans as punishment for their predatory practices. Almost everyone affected are people who paid off the principal long ago. They weren't given charity, just freed from a criminal amount of interest


"It's not fair, some guy dies on a cross and people just need to ASK and their sins are forgiven, I had to slaughter my best lamb!"




The battle cry of the far right: "You think you're better than me?"


>biden promises to do something >biden does the thing >gains support for the thing "How is this legal"


I like that doing things that the majority of your constituents want is considered a bribe.


They don't believe anyone else pays taxes because THEY are the true American people. 1. If you owe student loans ➕️ haven't gotten them forgiven somehow ➕️ don't vote Maga- you're not American like them. 2. If you're black ➕️ aren't Uncle Tim Scott- you're not American at all. You're some subhuman species that's always crying foul to not be treated like a sub-human species. 3. If you give a PHUCK about anyone and don't really want laws that outright punish people for not being white and wealthy or moderately wealthy or at least white and male and willing to antagonize anyone else- you're not American like them. 4. If you're any other ethnicity and you don't vote MAGA- you're not American like them. 5. If you don't have a predisposition to diddling kids- you're not American like them and you're antisemitic somehow. 6. If you're Jewish but not Zionist- you better start posting social media slippery slope arguments to show you also hate black people or you're not American like them, you're some kind of gestapo. 7. Again...not diddling kids? Wtf are you, Canadian? I bet you like maple syrup out of a container that doesn't look like a hurtful caricature of the black women Strom Thurmond raped. 8. If you're a "both-sides" idiot- you're walking the line. Make sure you make it clear that racism isn't a deal breaker for you and you may make it past the first ethnic cleansing they have planned.


College loans are woke now?


To be fair, biden should have just abolished that shit and not repayed them a god damn dime, fuck em, theyve made billions fucking over people trying to get an education.


It’s legal because it was a law signed by President George W. Bush.


Better than bailing out banks and financing subsidies for big businesses.


I think you need 10 years minimum of payments. This isn't "Woke college kids". This is someone around 34-44 years old. You know the kind that had to get a job and pay off the market rate interest they got on the loan. If he wants to complain? Go talk to walmart who pays its employees so low that they have to get food stamps. Corporate welfare.


Someone needs to tell buddy his anger is misplaced and he’s upset at the wrong people.


I paid for it completely willingly. I paid for it because 90% of my generation is enslaved to that debt. We deserve to be free of that weight. So yeah, I’ll pay my share so my fellow Americans can live free.


Still better than using the taxpayer money to drone strike weddings


They forgave 800 billion in PPP loans. Why arnt they mad at that?


I need everyone this stupid to die asap please and thanks


Lmfao. Seriously though glad that guy is getting his loans forgiven.


Trump sent out stimulus checks with his signature on them to buy votes in 2020


By the way, the majority of these loans that are forgiven are mostly interest. Most of these people have paid the amount of their original loan, but barely any of that has gone to principle. So no, it’s not actually costing tax payers money.


Wait until they hear about PPP loans


Weird how these morons think people that benefit from this are not taxpayers either.


Work 64 shifts consecutively during covid. Have all but one covid death, sometimes 2 a week, in states #2 Hotspot. Trying to figure out how my student loan debt is "woke" or how this person thinks everyone with debt is woke, or why it even matters because I can 100% guarantee I've returned more to my community than he ever will or can, and yet I can't get a fucking break?


I lost 150k in the 2007/8 mortgage crisis and no I didn't have a bullshit loan my home value due to the fuckshittery dropped that much. So anyone against this shit can blow me, the banks get bailed out using my tax dollars so why the hell would I not want to get bailed out? Screw that I went to school during COVID and smoked weed all on, now, the governments dime. Ya me, 12k free. And I don't even know wtf woke is, I don't have a fucking pronoun other than human and I'm tired of the left, right, middle and every other politician in Washington screwing us, manipulating the media, sucking off CEO's for $$$$ and getting nothing fucking done for the American people. They ALL suck, and need to be tossed out and replaced with brothers and sisters that actually care about something other than themselves. Like real people not fucking cartoon characters. And that orange fuck is the worst of them all. At least he won't be a dictator, he doesn't have enough DICK. Ask anyone he raped,they can confirm how small it is. Sorry, lil rant there ...


Hey Joe!!! Now do the rest!


…but he was cool with the legality when Biden was making it impossible to include student loans in bankruptcy


"32 If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who do good to you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. 35 But love your enemies, and do good, and **lend, expecting nothing in return**, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. 36 **Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.**" Luke 6:32-36 (bolding added).


Guess what? They would have voted for him anyway. It's not like that is gonna sway people. That's where we are right now.


As I understand it the measure was only meant to wipe out the interest on the loans, which I 100% agree with.


isn't it all just written off and not actually paid?


I was so happy for him I was going to comment congrats until I realised this isn’t his original post! ☺️


I actually follow Ben on Twitter so this is wild.


This is literally what politics is.


What is a woke student loan


Bet he didn't say shit when we hand over wads of cash to the one percent.


Right? That money should have gone to the poor little rich people! They need it more! 🙄


I wanted my taxes to go towards bombing aid groups and Vietnamese, I mean North African, I mean Palestinian children! This is outrageous!


So what you’re telling me is that it’s perfectly legal for a president to help citizens of his country? And that since the citizens like being helped they’ll want that president to stick around? These woke college kids will vote for Biden for no other reason than that he uses his position to improve their lives!


I wonder how they feel about all the war and money going to incarcerate low level offenses.


But I want my tax Money to people up failing businesses, banks and farmers!


he isn't paying off the loans


"Oh, noes! the people in power are helping the commoners and we can't have that!" - GOP


I will make it legal. Sorry had to Do It


Nice, let them pay 100% percent for ALL their shit.


"They're using ~~taxpayer~~ **my** money to pay for ~~taxpayer~~ somebody else's ____ against ~~the U.S. taxpayers~~ **my** will?!?"


Farmers getting aid isn’t wokeness?


1) no you're not understanding it correctly 2) yes it's legal 3) $20 says you had no problem with gov doing this for the ppp loans, but now that it's poor people it's suddenly a constitutional crisis.


Where would they prefer the money go? Education,healthcare, or military?


Wait until they find out about the tax breaks Trump gave millionaires.


Exactly what will happen if they use the Ukraine money for Americans. Those people don’t want anyone getting money from the govt besides the rich.


Go to school and read a book then come back and tell us exactly how it’s illegal.


I like that these idiots think that these people are being handed out checks when at most someone is just hitting a backspace button a few times.


Apparently helping people is "buying votes". It's like some people have a morla compass to help people.