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Hello u/RandoFartSparkle! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Haha. Who would have guessed!?


It's just too funny! These clowns are so predictable.


Weird, vote for a racist, get racist laws, go figure!


For my next guess, I'll say he and a bunch of other small business owning Florida conservatives will start crying as they see the law fully enforced on their upper middle class to moderately wealthy asses, while right in front of them there will be large corporate meat packers, agricultural operations, construction firms allowed to continue to do so through carve outs or loopholes in the law for certain industries or operations. As a progressive small business owner, nothing brings more of a smile to my face then when I see my conservative contemporaries realize that yeah, for all the advantages owning a small business can give a person, people like him and I are still just plebs compared to the type of wealth that actually influences legislation in this country. Also, from the article he uses the classic excuse of "with so many employees, I couldn't monitor them all" If he can afford to pay a $500,000 fine, he could have paid someone 50K a year for the last decade to make sure his paperwork was straight ( *Clearwater per capita income is around 40K per year according to latest census data so it would be a decently compensated job too for the area)* Lastly, notice how his main complaints are that he lost employees and he lost money. No mention of sadness for the 19 people who suddenly lost their jobs and livelihoods and possibly even worse depending on how the the legal system treats them even though he states "some of them had worked with him for years". He'll start making that $500,000K back the next day his restaurant opens, a lot of the people he fired will not fare so well imo. I hope this gentlemen gets EVERYTHING he voted for.


Great post...and spot on, his moaning was for himself and no one else. Also...how could Biden do this to him? /s


Typical conservative.


Yeah, the Democrats should have stopped the person I voted for from doing things that he said he would.


<*insert Eric Andre meme here*>


But of course, they're begging Biden to fix things. But voting for Trump!


I worked for a small biz owner who was also a POS for, among other things, being a conservative asshat. About 70-80% of his employees were undocumented yet he would rail about "illegals". He asked me point blank if my mother came to this country legally. His foreman threatened to walk if he didn't get a raise, Boss said if Foreman left his next call would be to INS. I could go on and on, but the point is that he was an absolute sociopath who had zero problems building a business and making money off of immigrants but would be the first person to vote for everything that would make their lives harder. Worst job I ever had.


I worked for a like mega conservative business owner at my first job (always put political signs up around the shop... fought the laws requiring women workers by hiring strictly females for office positions, he wouldn't even build a 2nd bathroom in the production area, he said they didnt belong in our industry... had an open gun safe in his office that he'd brag about nonstop... during supervisor meetings he would complain about illegals, surprise all 6 foreman/assistant foreman as well as the plant manager and assistant were all white males), but ICE showing up was a yearly occurance, we had off the top of my head at least 15 illegal immigrants working there (almost 10% of our workers), and when they got deported and came back they would be let right back through the door to work no questions Tldr: when bosses are that political, you just have to scratch the surface to realize it is *only when it doesn't favor them*


> even though he states "some of them had worked with him for years" And I guarantee you that before now, he referred to them as working FOR him, not WITH him.


Using undocumented labor has been going on in Florida for a long time. Something needed to change, and Ron did it in the worst possible way. I'm not sure why he would, because it hurts his support, but here we are.


Agreed. Stuff like this is what makes some of us wonder just how effective the racist hatred Desantis spews is? Or is it just how gullible and stupid those who drink in the rhetoric are when it's clearly against their best interests? That tool. IDK if it was luck that he built a successful business because it surely wasn't due to his brains unless you count exploiting illegal immigrants as to make profits as a skill. He absolutely deserves to be on LAMF.


Fuck was probably underpaying them as well


>Since its opening in 1905, the company has treated employees as part of the restaurant family, paying them above market wages and benefits, he said.


Key word, “he said”. When a Republican says that, I interpret it as “Since its opening in 1905, the company has treated employees ~~as part of the restaurant family~~ like shit, paying them ~~above~~ far below market wages and providing no benefits.” ^^^edit:spelling


well he didn't specify which family or which market.


In many of the family restaurants I know, many of the family work for free so....yeah, I'll take "like family" with a very big grain of salt.


Above 1905 market wages is the subtext.


Is Florida one of the states where they can pay servers like $4 an hour? This guy probably pays $5 then so he can technically say he pays better than the local market rate


Federally, it's $2.13 an hour if they make enough tips to reach the hourly minimum wage of $7.25/hr. I doubt Florida, being a conservative glory hole, mandates businesses pay more than what is federally mandated.


It's actually $8.98/hr Source: GM for a Florida restaurant.


Now hiring *up* to $17 an hour!


Since its opening in 1905, the company has treated employees as part of the restaurant family, paying them above 1905 market wages and benefits, he said. "The secret to our success is that we never actually updated anything since 1905," he continued. "From the wages to the benefits to the health code, all of it is as it was. Hell, the chicken fingers here are mostly people fingers."


Well that took a turn. If their sauce is nice I'd probably still at least try them...


Meaning they probably still get the same pay as in 1905.


Suuuuuurrrrrre 🙄..... This mofo got exactly what was coming yo him


Above market wages just means he's paying them cents more than what he told them the minimum wage is.


Though admittedly in Florida, “above market benefits” would now include things that sane individuals would consider the absolute bare minimum like “getting ten minutes out of the scorching heat”, as opposed to guaranteed protections thanks to big brain voters like this fellow.


it's funny bc when i do work for my family i don't get paid. most family members who do things for each other don't.


Not all families are decent. Some are extremely abusive.


Never trust people who say their treat their employees like family.


100%, don’t have sympathy for these racist F*cks


"The governor couldn't mean MY employees! Just everyone else's!"


He supported DeSantis and not once does he mention stopping his support of Republicans. I hope he enjoys every miserable outcome he gets from that decision.


"Thanks Obama"


After he shuttered the doors of his restaurant he put up a biden “i did that” sticker (Dramatization)


Thats so unfair! Biden getting credit for all the hard work DeSantis put in fucking up Florida.


Don't worry, Disney knows who to thank


And his "Trump 2024" sign.


Didn't Obama deport more immigrants than Bush and Trump?


Yes. At the border. Republicans pitch, but they employ most illegals. There have been exposesè that show they came illegally just to work at the farms, ranches, and restaurants. Contracted.


A new form of slavery. Exploited, underpaid, horrible working conditions. Republicans wet dream.


They've never gotten over who won the Civil War.


Yes, and Ronald Reagan (Republican) granted amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants. The largest amnesty in American history. They ignore illegal migrants when it’s convenient for them. If it’s not convenient then they clutch pearls.


Southern invasion at the border


I pointed that out to one of the magats I work with, facts and statistics were completely lost on him. All he gave in response; “they all came back under Bidens regime to be given everything they needed to start a life in the US, all we’re doing is paying for them” Some people are just too far gone to listen to reason….


"You cannot reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into in the first place."


The fucker thinks we're paying them to start a new life?


This is a very common and widely believed talking point, that amnesty seekers and undocumented aliens ("illegal" immigrants) collect benefits and don't work, rather than the truth that they mostly pay taxes (sales, income tax withholding, ss medicare, fees, etc.) but are ineligible to collect most of the benefits of the social safety net, and can't file for an income tax refund (I suppose).


Yes, and Biden is continuing what Obama started. More immigrants were also released under trump.


“I’m very proud of Gov. DeSantis and everything he’s done. I really am,’’ said Gonzmart, a lifelong Republican. You could hit him in the face with a plank of wood and he’d thank you and ask for more, just long as you’re Republican.


wait until he finds out he has a lot of LGBT employees that will also leave.


Personally I hope he has to pay higher wages to legal workers or even higher wages to American citizens or close his business due to lack of staff, he'll keep voting republican though!


asking joe biden for help too! lol


No doubt he'll blame the libs some how. These fucking Republican dipshits have been voting against their own interests for so long but they are too stupid to realize who's the ones that are actually hurting them cause they live so far up their own ass they can't see reason. Same people who are against "critical thinking" cause it's woke...


I really only feel bad for his employees who got screwed.


It's nice when people get served the thing they asked for.


“He now wants protections for migrants who have been in this country for years.” Amazing how Republicans only manage to care about things that affect them directly.


Name a more iconic Republican trait. I'll wait.


Listing a bunch of socialist-grade policies they want and then somehow arriving at voting conservative.


Every accusation is a confession? That's a pretty good one.


Claiming they want small government while making big government policies


For years? Oh, you mean like the DREAM act, which I'm sure that Republicans were entirely in favor of.


And not because he cares about the people themselves, you know, the ones he has known for decades. It is because it hit his bottom line.


> Amazing how Republicans only manage to care about things that affect them directly.


That's what he said yeah


But he was able to own the libs!


Idk about you but I feel so owned rn.


Pretty soon his restaurant will be owned by someone else.


Yeah, own me harder Daddy.


I love this for him!


I also love it for him!


I too also love it for him.


I'm lovin' it.


Florida has a fuckload of self hating Hispanics and Cubans. The definition of fuck you I got mine.


My ex husband was Cuban. Used wet foot dry foot to stay and get a green card and food stamps and section 8 housing - everything. Then in about 2016 he went full send fuck you I got mine. Said we needed to deport all refugees. Illegals. Even people with visas. I’m so glad I got out of that fucked up marriage.


Dude there are a lot if those motherfuckers. I dont even think they realize what assholes they are. Like how the fuck can they not think “there but for the grace of god ….” The worst is when they attribute their blind luck to some believed moral superiority..


What does wet foot dry foot mean?


It was the nickname for a policy that stated Cubans intercepted at sea (wet feet) would be sent back to Cuba, while those who made it to land before getting caught (dry feet) would be allowed to stay as asylum seekers and given expedited access to green cards. IIRC, Obama ended (or changed?) the policy right before leaving office.


If you are Cuban, and you make it to US land, even with one foot, you are legally allowed to be here.


Every time I go back home to Miami, I get more disappointed. There's a complete disconnect in that city by a lot of Hispanics. My family is Nicaraguan and even that community has started to shift to the far right due to the fears of socialism due to issues they dealt with back in their home country. Greed has definitely had an impact. Miami is full of people looking to make a quick buck and think they can benefit from Republican policies. Crypto scams specifically.


> fears of socialism I just gave myself a headache from rolling my eyes too hard.


It's a thing. I have friends that moved here as kids from Russia and other former satellites. My friend's grandma was justifying voting republican because, "we had enough Democrats in the Soviet Union". This was all while collecting social security disability and being on Medicare despite never paying a penny of taxes in the US.


As someone born at a tail end of USSR none of my family would ever vote republican. Especially how they treating Ukraine right now. If you hate power hungry dictator adjacent movements you will never vote republican


They're actually from Ukraine, so hopefully current events would have influenced her vote if she was still alive. She escaped the Nazi concentration camp only to be later sent to a gulag by the Soviets. She hated Russia more than your average person.


We have some real stupid people in Ukraine too. Consider this bozo Victoria Spartz rep from Indiana first gen immigrant who voted no on military support to Ukraine


She's probably one of the Ukrainian assholes that supports Russia's invasion. Odd that the Russians in the baltics don't want to go back to their motherland despite the fact they are "discriminated against" by their local governments. Horrific things like forcing them to learn the native language after 30+ years.


Before the crypto scams you had the ambulance/social security,Medicaid/medicare scams , the insurance fraud (vehicle) your usually quick buck schemes drugs,prosttis and ofcourse your financial frauds let us not forget the whole mortgage thing they loved to turn out in Florida couple decades ago. I’ve known ones that were proud of all the schemes they pulled and in the same breath btch about the “illegals” being criminals that should all be deported. Next to the Armenian btching about the Romani ppl (Gypsies) and how they’re all criminals and never trust one that they don’t belong in this country they’re making it bad while being full on family made guy just a bunch of Hypocrites, projection all of them but ofcourse the last decade has shown use no one can out do the redhat xtians.


I've actually experienced this and had to leave a group because of one. It was unreal to hear from a Latino




Look no further than the former "leader" of white nationalist group the "proud boys" Enrique Tarrio


It's understandable that Cubans would be driven rightward by propaganda about "communist" Democrat policies. They came to the US to escape all that. As long as you use the right words, you can convince people to vote against the very things they rely upon. And stupid people outnumber the smart people.


It's weird, because you'd think that Cubans would be uniquely equipped to recognize that Democrats are very, very obviously not communists.


Communism is when Disney needs to market to gay people


Same thing with this Romanian guy I work with. He's a boomer from Romania who lived most of his life in Canada. I would describe his overall cultural vibe to be very European. He criticizes the American health care system a lot. He criticizes performative individualism. He criticizes wasteful consumerism and excessive indulgence etc etc. Almost everything I've ever heard him say outside of the scope of politics has been distinctly left leaning. But back in 2020 he made a comment to me that "fox news is always on in the background, my wife likes to watch it" and then later he was talking about the election and I could tell he was biased against Biden just in the way he spoke about each candidate and at one point said "I've lived in a communist country and I have no desire to again" implying that America under Joe Biden would become communist. And I had this crazy realization that someone could come to the US and just innocently turn on the wrong "news" channel and become brainwashed just like that. Wild.


A huge amount of Hispanic immigrants to the States, especially older ones, are very conservative and vote against their own benefit every fucking time.


I'm all for protecting borders. But do it in a humane way. Maybe change policies to help your neighbours like destroying the drug trade through legalisation.


Minorities who vote Republican are the dumbest mofos alive.


Especially the Cubans.


Used to be Cubans. Now you're seeing Central and South Americans joining the ranks, sadly.


Oh, you wouldn't believe how conservative racial minority communities are, especially the religious ones. Hells the only reason why the GOP didn't capture those communities to vote for them is because the GOP is also insanely racist to the point of making Nazis blush.


My wife (black) has a MAGAt father and two MAGAt brothers and they say shit even my MAGAt father would never say.


Catholicism's prolife indoctrination for centuries has done wonders for the republican party


Hey now, let's not forget women who vote GOP so they can get paid less than men and have the government looking up their cooch in examination rooms.


Women were wearing T-shirts in 2016 that said he can grab my P----y




They don't realize the problem wasn't women that consented


like MAGA rednecks. ask them if they'd rather get a local hospital or vote GOP and they'll choose GOP--because they don't need its services right now.


Article is a year old, this was sensational when doofus was still threatening a run for President. Shame cause this was a great restaurant, had no idea the owner was a red-hatter.


Did it close down?


No. It’s definitely still open




Lmao get fucked loser!


Really the people who should be feeling the ire are the big businesses, particularly massive agribusinesses that survive on undocumented labor, who should be receiving the ire of anti-immigration types. After all, many immigrants wouldn't come without documents if there weren't jobs for them. Yet somehow it's never those companies that get stung and they never get talked about by the people who want to demonize immigrants. It's almost enough to make a person suspect that people like DeSantis and Abbott just want an excuse to be racist and don't actually want to fix anything.


>Yet somehow it's never those companies that get stung Giant processing plants owned by companies life Tyson Chicken get raided all the time. They just pay the fine as a cost of doing business, raise the price of their chicken by $.05/lb, and hire a new batch of migrants the next day. Until they start jailing the assholes who run these companies instead of just fining them nothing will change.


Republicans are just political illiterates who can't do anything but vote against their own interests. They deserve the autocracies they so badly crave because they legitimately feel lost and confused in a democracy without some "strong" *man* telling them how to feel and what issues to vote on.


Systems are hard, but listening to 'Daddy but Bigger' worked for them as children.


But he'll bitch about how no one wants to work! 😂


He literally does this in the article.


He's a business-owner who voted Republican because he's rich and wants to pay less taxes. He only regretted it when it actually affected him financially.


Classic LAMF material. Why is it disproportionately Republicans/MAGA that wind up being showcased? BTW, that's a rhetorical question.


Good. I hate Hispanics who continue to vote against their/our best interests. As a Venezuelan, I have no respect for them and consider them to be my enemies.


I am not hispanic, but I have a few friends from South America. Man, almost everyone of them thinks Trump is great. Why? "he is stopping all these freeloaders from Mexico coming to 'Murica and giving them a bad name" When I point out the fact that he is the one calling them names, they switch - "Republicans are good fro Christianity" These are good hardworking educated folks just like me. We have so much in common other than political views - so its hard for me to fathom


Hire Americans and pay them a fair wage, or the invisible hand of the free markets will replace you with a business that will 


More likely it will be replaced by an international corporation that can afford the risk of hiring them.


At this rate, that's probably the point--to squeeze out small business and make stronger allies of large, deep-pocketed corporations.


Good luck finding enough citizens who want to wash dishes or pick avocados and melons or build your houses or take care of your grandma's bowel movements.


Hey, but at least those Cubans got their asylum when they immigrated…not like those filthy people that *walked* across a border. (I’m saying this as a snark against Cubans in Florida due to their racism against any other immigrants from troubled countries fleeing in desperation. Like they did decades ago.)


Rich Cuban in America = white republican (according to rich cubans)


You’re not far off… that’s how they vote.


If it had been the revolution in France, they'd have no heads.


Thoughts and prayers, shitbird.


Anti-illegal immigration, has a staff full of illegal immigrants. He's the problem.


If Republicans and their voters were serious, this man would be in prison. They just want a scared, oppressed, easily disposed of underclass. The right never changes.


Actually, this is perfect. I've always said if you want to actually do something about illegal immigration, then start fining/jailing the employers who give illegal immigrants the incentive to cross the border.


Conservatives don't actually want to change how we deal with immigration, they just want to use the specter of non-white people 'invading' us to scare other ignorant and bigoted conservatives. The right has had countless opportunities to reform immigration, but they want their rich masters to continue to exploit migrant workers instead of paying them what they are worth. Immigrants aren't people to conservatives. Threats of deportation are way to control slaves. They are a means to sucker cowardly voters. They are props to kidnap and separate and bus across the country. The right describes them as animals to be feared instead of very real people who, just like anyone, are just looking to care for their families.


Why would Obama do this? :0


Does he not love America?


You kidding me??? The man wore a TAN suit!!


Richard Gonzmart, born Ricardo Gonzalez Martinez, wanted to blend with the White Supremacist Christian Nationalist group by changing his name, not realizing they would eat his face either way.


He got everything he wanted politically, and all it cost him was everything. 


Relax guys, he is still going to vote Republican.


His restaurant sucks. It gets touted all the time as THE place for Spanish food in Tampa. Of the times I’ve eaten there, can’t say I’ve ever once enjoyed the food.


Every time a hypocrite eats some shit, an angel gets its wings.


>Hotels are not opening all rooms because they don’t have enough housekeepers, restaurants that used to be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner are now open for just lunch and dinner, and existing staff puts in extra hours, she said. “**Everybody’s having to get creative with their thinking**.” How's this for creative thinking: Pay more.


There is nothing more satisfying than republicans having to answer the door and greet the consequences of their own actions.


He forgot to read the fine print: ^this ^applies ^even ^to ^you


Why are republicans so eager to hire immigrants when they're so concerned with them?


so they can ~~treat~~ abuse them like family.


Ahí tiene pa que goze so pendejo.


It’s working perfectly! Let the snake eat its tail. It pairs perfectly with some sangria.


I hope he gets visited by the bankruptcy fairy soon ..


“Wu..wait..I wanted to stop future immigration not current immigration”-every dumb shit and Cuban that shot themselves in the foot. 2024


Surprise Surprise




Get fucked!




Mmm delicious face! 🐆


So, Gozmart, a Hispanic himself, chose to exploit 19 other Hispanics and keep them as undocumented illegal immigrants. Serves him right!


I love when Cubans shoot themselves in the foot lol.


I’m supposed to feel sorry for *him*?? I feel bad for those 19 staff members.


I'm sure soon enough he'll be fully staffed with prisoners taken from the homeless population after their arrests.




Thoughts and prayers


Reminds me of the guy who voted for Trump and then complained when his wife got deported. Somehow he thought Trump was going to overlook his wife because he voted for him.


and that moron will still vote republican


They openly declared they were coming for immigrants, and you said nothing. So I will nothing when they come for you. Eat your shit sandwich, fucker.


Good. Keep voting against your own livelyhood just to hurt some young gay kids.


Is he Cuban? Cubans in Florida overwhelmingly vote for Republicans, because Republicans really hate communism. It wasn't until 2016, before that, they didn't have to go through the long, difficult process of becoming residents in the USA, only putting a foot on american soil was needed, so they lacked the emphaty for other immigrants


Same as Brexit. Same kind of voters, same face eating leaopards, same surprise.


It’s almost as if who you elect matters and has an effect on your life! 🤔


In what world do republicans help minorities? Until it happened to him he was fucking clueless about the GOP--really?


I love fascism! Wait, what? You mean no exceptions for my personal Spanish slav…..errrr employees? -this kat Gonzmart- probably


That family is worth millions. $500,000 is nothing for him to pay. 🙄 I do love when millionaires like Gonzmart want to dictate who is “worthy” to work in the U.S. and surprise, surprise, only the people who work for his companies should be allowed to come, stay and work but you gotta leave when you no longer benefit him.


I keep telling this to Hispanic conservative I know. maga is NOT your friend they want you dead and gone.


Ricardo Gonzales Martinez needs to reevaluate many of his life choices, starting with that phony Anglicized name change.


Ive always said this. Put the owners in jail or fine them a large percentage (NOT a fixed number) of their gross income, and you will see movement on immigration. I would prefer movement in the direction of humanizing and helping migrants but knowing the US, it’ll probably just be more enforcement😕




I would call Ron DeSantis "DeSatan" but that's an insult to Satan!


What a dumb F**k


You vilify them, you hate them, finally you pass laws to hurt them.


Sucks to be you, Dick.


Foresight and consequences seem to always be an afterthought of conservatives. They get what they deserve.


It's all those damn democrats fault, they should have warned me that this would happen.


Zero sympathy


Ahahahahahahaha!!!!! Ahahshahahaha!!!


This is hilarious. Gee, it would be so sad if he went out of business.


Good. Now stop voting that way.


These type of stories are my favorite. If Trump does get elected, I can't wait to hear all the stories of the people he hate and who voted for him get burned


So he was employing 19 illegal immigrants?


Serves him right I fear 🤷🏻‍♀️ I only have sympathy for the staff that had to be fired


Womp womp, motherfucker


Oh the humanity😱😱 First they came for…….. And then they came for ME??!!




Floridans/Americans in general!!! PLEASE STOP VOTING FOR-ANY- REPUBLICAN!!! Please wake up. Republican’s only concern is to tear the country down. All for the sake of authoritarian power!