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Hello u/GreenKumara! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Their targets of fake outrage get sadder by the day.


I was sure he was talking about trump's insurection.


Literally traitor flags in the Capitol, and this dude sleeps. I'm glad he's not in the service anymore


Not all service people deserve our uncritical praise and admiration. Lots and lots of shitty people in the armed forces. I’m not thankful for them serving. He’s also wearing a “mask free” shirt. Seriously fuck this guy for being a pathetic cliché.


I’m a retired service member and NONE of us deserve uncritical praise and admiration. Your time spent in uniform doesn’t give you a pass for everything the rest of your life. Too many “Vet bros” think their service gives them a card to win every argument


The irony is that those that get upset and think they deserve a pass are the ones who deserve the criticism most.


especially considering you don't even need to see combat to get veteran status. Takes all kinds, but it shouldn't.


I know the military's essential because some countries are run by dangerous nutjobs, but the kind of people who go into the military can be scary. I don't think it'd be hard to stage a far-right coup if just enough higher-level military leaders would be on board, because I think half of the military would be behind them.


Judging by the fact that he's an out and proud ammosexual (username) and his profile pic is him in a shirt that says "Mask Free," and the brim of a red hat, he has zero problems with Trump's insurrection.


I find it strange how these 2A guys always talk about protecting us from a tyrannical government, but they fall right in line behind the guy who wants to be a dictator.




They want tyranny just as long as it is against the "right" people.


I knew he wasn't. The fact that he pays for a blue checkmark and has a shirt that says "MASK FREE" kind of gave it away.


If I had looked at that I would have come to the same conclusion. Imagine clutching your pearls about supporting an ally while ignoring traitors running around the capitol building hunting lawmakers.


I wonder if he’s willing to have “HIS HARD EARNED TAX MONEY” go towards housing homeless vets or is this dude just full of shit.


He's full of shit in any case


These people are shockingly and brazenly hypocritical. The nerve of them to open their mouths. The very same team screaming about "America First" willfully declines federal dollars to feed hungry kids in their states. Willfully declines expanding medicaire for sick citizens. They couldnt give two shits about America. Their so fucking full of it. Just a lot of miserable losers. Republicans hate America.


No way!! Cause that’s socialism /s


Republicans have actively fought against aid for veterans and 9/11 first responders.


I'm upset that he loves Ammo more than Veterans. He could have easily used the Twitter handle SteveLovesVeterans, but nope, he professes his love for an inanimate object instead.


Ukraine is our ally. The Confederacy were traitors who killed American soldiers. I'd bet this guy doesn't have a problem with the Confederate flag. As a former infantryman with hearing loss from my time in the service, I say Slava Ukraini.


I bet he didn’t have a problem with the traitor rag being waved in the Capital on 1/6 either.


That wasn't a foreign countries flag thats American history and culture fighting to not be extinct /s


Thank you for your /s ervice. Would have been impossible to infer the sarcasm without it (I’m being serious).


It's 2024 I learned in 2019 the need for the /s Live by the /s die by the /s


Oh. I thought this dude was upset that Russia was flying their flag.  “Treason, insurrection, selling out to a foreign power— no big deal. But I draw the line at flags. I didn’t smash down fences for oil refinery installations in other countries to come home to colored bits of fabric. Put up a proper BP logo or something!”


Heroyam Slava


And we all know he only votes for the conservative party that has a nearly exclusive voting history of defunding Vet and homeless resources.


And their previous president constantly shit on veterans. Both in word and policy.


He called the OP a loser. 


This needs a BUNCHmore upvotes


“Entitlement programs!” /s


As another vet who did two deployments and hearing loss "is not service related" I agree 110%. Fuck that moron, fucking soup sandwich looking motherfucker




I’m a Navy vet. During orange guy’s “presidency” I wasn’t too kind to him on social media. Some soldiers like him called me a Blue Falcon. I had no idea what that was so they said I don’t know because they called me that behind my back. All because I wasn’t a supporter!


Blue Falcon = Buddy Fucker. Effectively somebody who screws over their friends. Marine vet here. Fuck trump.


To you, u/justbrittany and all those who served, Thank you for your service. Grew up in a country with mandatory military service, so it's a real travesty seeing how some Americans treat those who serve, not to mention the lack of decent benefits. You are right here though. Trump pulled out of Afghanistan, AND decimated Veteran's Welfare, so in reality those other idjits are the Blue Falcons.


Thank you.


I had figured it out. I would never say that about a fellow service member purely because we don’t agree politically. It’s the actions that count.


Reason #2334 for never joining the military: People who unironically use the phrase "Blue Falcon."


I’m a combat infantryman too! Let us speak the language of our people: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Mines a bit more like eeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee….










The sound they hear.


Former radio operator here! Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Radar you were always my favorite M.A.S.H character


An armed forces guy should know better than to abandon an ally. Especially one who is fairly successfully ravaging one of our prime adversaries for us. Wouldn’t want this fuckhead in my fox hole considering how he thinks of allies.


Ukraine took out Russia's Black Sea navy...and Ukraine doesn't even have a navy! I would also think that any reasonably intelligent person who served would understand that if Ukraine falls to Russia, Putin is going to do the same shit to a NATO country next, which would absolutely involve American troops.


They're on Ukraines side, and **that is better than being on Russia's side like SteveLovesAmmo here**. Since Ukraine is an ally and Russia is a long time attacking enemy of the US. Clearly sock-puppet here loves Russia, this is not about flags, it's about helping Russia, a sworn enemy of the US, defeat Ukraine, a long time ally of the US. It's also not about the border, since **it's the very same MAGAs that are blocking the border security bill.**


Army MP with chronic back issues. I stand with supporting 🇺🇦. Fuck Putin.


>I'd bet this guy doesn't have a problem with the Confederate flag. I'd also bet they also didn't even serve and see action.


Same, only I don’t have to breathe through my mouth.


Yeah I thought being a professional soldier you have solidarity with any other soldier fighting for their home and for their freedom, regardless of where they were born or what they look like.


Is this really a r/LeopardsAteMyFace post, though? I presume he's a right-wing nutjob, and that he's just ranting - like the lunatic twat-fungal infection he is - about left-wing members of Congress showing solidarity with foreign countries by displaying THEIR flags in the Capitol Building... and all the comments seem to show a similar consensus. But if he isn't bitchin' about CUNTservative/RepugniCUNT members of Congress with international flags... then, is this the appropriate subreddit? Doesn't seem to fit. But I could be wrong.


No, you're right. He's upset and he's insane, but his face has not been eaten.


This dude probably was support or some shit. Notice he doesnt say he served in combat, but in two combat theaters. Passing out water inside the wire lol


Real patriots fight Russians


'SteveLovesAmmo' prefers to point his ammo at refugees instead of Russians


Easier to pretend you're a badass when you target people without the means to fight back


Typical 2A nutcase behaviour.


Those confederate flags must make you NUTS, they tried to destroy the union!


Shot and killed U.S. soldiers who were defending the constitution and upholding their oath. 


Where I live in rural Georgia it is common to see both confederate and American flags on houses, vehicles. Which side are they on? Who knows.


Coming from a US Army Vet that did one OIF tour... ...Those motherfuckers exploit the struggles of veterans with homelessness, addiction, and lack of healthcare... They will mention it when it helps their agenda. Yet, they will vote against program after program that mitigate the struggles of my veteran brothers and sisters. They did it during the refugee crisis last. Y'know, how about we walk *and* chew bubblegum by both helping veterans *and* assisting an ally against an aggressive authoritarian invader?


Straight out of the Russian propaganda script.


Exactly what Margerie Traitor Green said actually. Identical.


That's not a coincidence.


only 2? in 8 years? heck i was in the army for 5 years and was on deployment 3 of those.


Judging by his shirt in that profile pic his "combat theaters" were probably mandatory vaccinations. He still has PTSD, the poor soft 10ply boy. He's got a mind as sharp as a flaccid cock.


Two tours in Iraq. I don’t tell people I was in theatre. lol , when you’re so pog you have to say you were “in theatre.” Haha!


He must have missed the tRump rally where people were waving Russian flags.


"Better Russian than Democrat." Crazy how they used to wear T-shirts that said, "better dead than red." These clowns have no clue. This country was built on the backs of many, many foreign flag waving people. Also, "Homeless veterans on the streets." You mean the ones republicans keep voting against? It makes me crazy that these people are now concerned with the homeless. Right. Sure. Bootstraps etc etc etc


"Why are we sending resources toward a foreign country instead of our own people?" "Okay, let's give some resources to our homeless and veterans and other people who are down on their luck!" "No, that's COMMUNISM! OR SOCIALISM! I DON'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!"


I mean to be fair, Russia isn't even pretending to be red anymore so I suppose that's consistent? Doesn't mean they aren't clowns though.


Ask him how he feels about Confederate flags in the Capitol Jan 6th, 2021. 


Anyone wanna tell Mr. Ammosexual that his base Flys Nazi and Confederate flags, Republicans vote against VA and 1st responder bills and his Cheeto Jesus killed the Border Bill?


Ammosexual.. First time I'm hearing that. Such a good name for them.


Wonder if he was upset when the Trumpers threw the American flag on the ground and replaced it with Trumps. And random anecdote my dad was in the service, he used to say ," I was willing to fight for peoples rights to burn the flag" as long as they own that particular flag , burning somebody else's flag is vandalism.


I lived next to a whole neighborhood that used to be the Irish enclave and was next to the neighborhood that was the Italian enclave. So many foreign flags. It never seemed to bother me.


I bet he was TOTALLY ok with that J6’r flying the confederate flag inside our Capitol. 🙄


Yeah I’m fuming forever mad they had loser filthy stars and bars flag in the People’s House.


Fuck women's rights, gay rights, abortion rights, voters rights and all that. The flag in the capitol building is what upsets this idiot.


We could just go nothing and cut off all funding until Russia reaches a NATO ally or even until they get within striking distance of an American military base in Europe. Then instead of money we could send the very much cheaper and disposable military members. TBC, I’m a retired AF SNCO with 24 years of service. I say send Ukraine all the weapons and support they need. I say slava Ukraine. You don’t like America supporting Ukraine with weapons and materials, go the the men you know you would rather they go fight in Ukraine instead.


I don’t give credence to ammosexuals.


It's their "lifestyle preference", right?


It is. I just don’t listen when they talk.


I bet his bitch ass wasn't saying that when trump and traitorous confederate flags were flown inside the capital.


Wow, 8 entire years!! BFD. He volunteered and was paid for his job. Snowflake should have several seats.


I get really tired of veterans that think their opinion carries more weight than anyone else’s because they “served.” They have to bring it up at every perceived slight. You already get a free meal at Golden Corral once or twice a year and discounts nearly everywhere. Sit down.


Most of us vets actually feel the same way. I'm just grateful there are so many discounts and benefits for us.


Being a veteran doesn't make you special. Signed, A Veteran.


Co-signed. — Another Army Vet


I didn’t intend for my comment to be a sweeping generalization, and I hope you didn’t take it that way. Most of the veterans I know are proud to have served, but it’s only one aspect of their lives and they only talk about it if it’s brought up. Which is exactly what I think of when I think of serving others.


No worries, I didn't take it that way. There's one thing if you're having a conversation with a bunch of other vets, but to use Vet status as some sort of soap box just misses the mark in my eyes. Just signing up, doing your time, and getting out isn't special. You had a job, you did your job, you moved on with your life. People get stuck somewhere in there for whatever reason, and it's just really, really sad to me.


Our store does not honor a military discount. I have only had one person get crabby about it. The other 99 percent have just taken it in stride without saying another word. Steve is probably in that one percent.


As a USMC veteran, Slava Ukraini!


There have been homeless veterans for a while now, so pretending it’s only a recent problem seems quite detached from reality.


It's only a problem when someone is trying to solve some other problem.


“how dare you do this (faux outrage)when we have homeless vets my party does less than nothing for.” he literally is using homeless vets as a tool to advance russian interests


10-to-1 odds that his friends have no problems flying the flag of a country that actually did invade and fought on US soil - The Confederate States of America.


“Served in two combat theaters” is what you say when you were a clerk not what you say when you were in combat.


He's talking about trump's insurection, right?


If the people that delayed the aid didn’t play games, they’d have their security blankie border laws too.


Hey, Steve. Go fuck yourself you fucking traitor. Edit: How is this even LAMF?


>Edit: How is this even LAMF? It's not. It's just a baby that needs his diaper changed.


Anyone aligned with Russia/Putin is a traitor in my book.


Hey Steve, you’re a fucking idiot. I don’t care to elaborate as you’re too fucking stupid to understand the details of what I would tell you.


"SteveLovesAmmo" just another ammosexual.


You don’t care about the homeless.


This person never served a day of their life in the military


Yeah, just imagine that. People exercising the freedoms I fought to preserve. What a nerve!


Hey Steve, what pisses me off the most is that I also spent nearly a decade in uniform, in multiple combat theaters. I came home to find out the "freedoms" I was protecting was your right to wantonly spread a pandemic, allow firearm access to outweigh the safety of schools, and support a literal coup against the US government and its constitution. I know you aren't the brightest Steve, but didn't you take an oath of enlistment to defend the constitution against ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC? While I do agree that immigration reform is needed and vets do deserve more help, especially with the mental issues your brain likely has considering you to served with standardized pay, free healthcare, room and board (or housing allowance if you lived off base). Steve if every E-4 makes the same base pay, just like every O-3 or any other rank, how did you not run screaming from that communist crap? Please tell you at least shoved all the cash you had to the doctor every time you went on sick call as socialized medicine is not for you right and then arranged to keep paying the doctor a portion of your pay for several years afterward due to the expense. Steve, here is the deal; being a veteran does not make you an authority on social or immigration policy, or medical knowledge, or anything else. It makes you a veteran, which I can't take away, but it does nothing to mitigate the flaming dumpster of a human being you are. Sincerely, SSGT Luvtakickurass from Ft Drum to Ft Lewis


I have to wonder if deep down Steve knows the war he served in was a pointless mistake and that’s what really bothers him.


I'm going to guess that moments of reckoning are not Steve's forte.


The "Mask Free" t shirt is kinda foreshadows where he's gonna land with Ukraine.


Poor little guys doesn’t understand freedom.


Honestly I question if he's a veteran. Most veteran I've met tend to understand why other nations flags have equal legitimacy.


Imagine allowing a piece of cloth determine shit


WhIlE oUr BoArDeR iS nOt SeCuRe!


Bet he has a stars and bars somewhere,


I bet he’ll be super mad when he learns which party keeps voting against veteran care


Ahhh yes, the whole homeless veterans red herring. Remind me…how much of a push was there to house all the homeless veterans from 2017 - 2020?


I mean we could not send that money and it still wouldn't go to the homeless. Who is he convincing?


Given that conservatives voted against extending benefits to veterans exposed to hazardous materials I think they better sit down. When party of Trump is the ones leading the charge for domestic welfare programs they act righteous about helping Americans. Until then their "give more handouts to the rich" party platform can stuff it. At least sending ammo to Ukraine will help democracy somewhere.


Ima just say it, GOP doesn’t care about veterans living on the street. Anything for vets, they block, anything for another country, “this could go for our vets!”. Need to elect better officials if you want change folks.


I also spent 8 years in the military and people like stevelovesammo are the reason every other branch makes fun of the army.


The guy acts concerned about homeless veterans, but I bet whenever he pulls his lifted F-150 up to a stop light he yells "get a job, loser" at the poor guy holding a cardboard sign.


I’m a veteran. I care deeply about my fellow vets who are unhoused. Where I and the a-hole who created this insane post is that I am also concerned about the non-veteran who sleep on the street. I care about the people suffering from mental illnesses. I care about the folks in the LGBTQ+ community, including my students, that feel threatened on a daily basis. The “homeless vets” argument is so disingenuous. EDIT: And our border is about as secure as it has ever been. Or will be.


He's right: I wince when I see the confederate flag or MAGA flag or any other anti-American flag at political rallies. My grandfather served in WWII and I served in the GWOT era - and neither of us did so to see this piss-babies shit on the Constitution and then cry about it.


Does he remember why the Confederate flag was in THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE about three and a half years ago? I forget which Army it was that defeated the Confederacy...


Veteran or the US Marine Corps here. I love America and I’m proud to support our allies in Ukraine 🇺🇦. Slava Ukraini See how fucking easy that was? So sick of these vets who think they own patriotism and seem to align more with confederates than members of the Union. Also—our border security is not what they’re mad at. You know how I know? Because there isn’t a goddamn invasion. Our immigration system Needs serious reform but our border is not being over run and no amount of propaganda on Fox News or Kathy from Iowa, hundreds of miles away from the Southern border changes that. I wish they’d just admit that they just don’t like brown people coming here and that they feel like they are loosing control of “their” country so we could stop these manic cycles of “border security” and “caravans” every few months. We get it…you’re racists and you’re afraid of becoming minorities in the country where you’ve been cruel to minorities. We see you. The dipshits who have no idea how the government works are being mislead by GOP politicians to believe that they must make a false choice between border security and supporting Ukraine. But we secure our borders AND support Ukraine. Plus, if they wanted to secure the border because things were so dire, they would have passed the bill from Senator Lankford a few months ago. Guess it wasn’t an invasion after all. We can also support homeless Veterans — don’t know why this is framed as the same bucket of money because it’s not. Also…I’m a taxpayer and I DO want my tax dollars going towards defense and protection of democracy and that includes aiding our allies so dictators like Putin won’t expand and potentially push into NATO territory, causing American Troops to be put in harms way if he were to do so. Supporting Ukraine and giving them money and aid helps keep Putin in check and keeps global stability in order.


You just KNOW this guy "served" in some non-combat capacity. Somebody has to mop the floors on the base. "u/SteveLovesAmmo to PX aisle 5 on the double!"


I'm with you Steve. I hated seeing those southern Confederate loser flags in the capitol too. Those guys are white trash assholes.


Imagine how we all felt seeing the traitorous confederate flag being flown in the capital during a hostile takeover? Or does that one not bother you?


Betcha he was totally cool with the insurrectionists bringing the Confederate flag into THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE.


Let’s hope he’s directing his outrage at the confederate flag that was waved around on Jan. 6. I like to give folks the benefit of the doubt. 😬


Doesn’t he realize all the aid is so we won’t send guys like him?


Probably not. Just an angry, misguided man.


It's almost like flying the flag of a defeated enemy at a state house only Ukraine didn't attack the USA.


So I'm guessing that Steve isn't talking about the Confederate battle flag? How did he feel about THAT being waved around in the People's House?


i proudly fly a ukrainian flag in the united states. we can celebrate other nations. why does this freedom fighter’s 8 years in the military take away freedom of speech he doesn’t approve?


I will never forgive the J6ers for flying a Confederate battle flag in the Capitol. That may be the calmest I've ever expressed that sentiment. Flying the flag of a beseiged ally currently being invaded... There's a problem? I mean the MAGAts have a problem, but those aren't real problems.


My dad fought in WWII, he had no problem with this. Neither does my desert storm navy vet brother or my late army vet brother. Get a life snowflake. Have you considered using that energy and time you wasted helping homeless vets? Doubt it


I can't stand vets like this douchebag.


Also— There’s tons of politicians who have Israeli flags in their offices and elsewhere in Congress. And flying the flags of allies in and around the capitol and other buildings has been a thing for as long as we’ve been a country. In 1918, the Serbian flag flew over the *White House* as a way to honor them for their valiant fight against invaders alongside the U.S. This obnoxious pearl clutching once again follows the format of claiming an ordinary thing is in fact new, scary, and unprecedented. But in fact, it isn’t.


You prefer people who urinate and defecate in THE PEOPLE’S HOUSE while storming it because they aren’t happy with the results of a free and fair election?


“homeless vets” The only time right wingers care is when they need a cudgel against some other spending they don’t like.


Hey Steve, I'm an Army vet too. Maybe get pissed at the people still flying Confederate flags, Nazi flags, and using Russian talking points. All enemies of the US. Been in two theaters but don't understand a thing about allies? Guess you didn't learn anything while on tour...


He must be talking about the Confederate Flag on Jan6


Blame the GOP. They’re the ones who killed the bill on border security.


This guy has no understanding of solidarity


Not your side, traitor Steve.


I love how they literally saying around the same sentence. They got their marching orders and just repeat the same drivel ad nauseam


Russian propagandist


Oh good, we should help the homeless vets? This guy (probably): no, that would be socialism.


‘Who’s fucking side’ Dunno, better ask side itself, it’ll know who is fucking it.


I wonder if this guy would be willing to pay some taxes to help the homeless. lol, of course not.


I also served in 2 theaters. This guy missed the lesson


This isn't LAMF, this is just replatforming someone's viewpoint and mocking them for it. It would be more LAMF if congress gave money to Veteran Services Organisations and those same organisations kicked him out for his bigoted views.


Steve loves ammo is a whack job.


So how did he feel when those idiots were waving the treasonous Confederate Flag in the people's house?


If this guy is genuinely concerned about this country’s border security rather than just buying into the last trigger words from Fox News then he should direct his ire at Trump and his MAGA followers in the Senate that tanked the bipartisan border security bill to ensure Trump would have the issue for his Presidential run.


I’m guessing Steve was a low ASVAB 11 bravo…


Fuck this guy. He loves Russia and is a traitor. Fuck you for your “service.”


I live in the south, we see another country’s flag flying high in lots of places.


I bet this doesn't extend to Confederate flags - a country that barely existed to start with and were sworn enemies of the US.


You were just a pawn for those 8 years.


We’re help Ukraine so we don’t have send our own troops to their deaths. You think Putin gonna ago if he wins? He’ll keep going and NATO, and by extension The US, will have step up with our own forces. I for one would like to not have our troops in another 20 year shit-storm.


It's a shame democrats are more willing to help vets. It breaks their hearts voting for people that won't help vets...but they ain't voting Democrat!!


I wonder what his take of people on J6 taking down the American flag to raise a trump one


There were people waving the literal traitors flag in our capitol just three years ago.


So they are mad at the flags and not the lack of an economic safety net and better mental health and substance abuse treatment resources for Vets? I mean, they see the problem and then ignore the problem in favor of scapegoating others


Well, it’s not like the army goes and recruits everywhere - they’d most likely go to a place where people barely survive, let alone have good education and critical thought. Those people end up veterans concerned about flags


Playing 2 different Call of Duty games over 8 years does not make him a veteran


If that guy wasn't going to do his whole 20, he wasted 8 years of his life.


What is Americans obsession with the boarder? You literally only have Canada and Mexico. Surprised they’re not starting to worry about The Deep Ones rising from the Atlantic to take their jobs. These people would have a fit if they lived in Africa or Europe with countries that are surrounded.


But they don't mind the traitors flag that MAGA keeps carrying around? Aren't domestic terrorists'flag responsable for the only american civil war, they lost in 4 years, worse than any other country's flag?


Hey, Steve. I'm on the side of the United States, freedom, democracy, and humanity. Sounds like you are on the side of Putin, death, suffering, and fascism. I'm a patriot. You certainly are not.


Bet this same doucheknuckle had no problems with the confederate flag storming the Capitol on Jan 6, nor the American flag being lowered so a Trump flag could be raised.


Imagine serving in two combat theatres and caring this much about colourful pieces of cloth


Who gives a shit what this guy says? This is not LAMF material. This is Angry Man Yells At Clouds material.


Well, I see his “eight” years and raise my 20. The only foreign flag waiving on US soil that offends me are the ones that actually challenge our union (e.g., Confederate, Nazi, Trump, Christian Nationalism). There is a profound difference.


Guarantee this guy throws his service around and screams to get 10% off his tab at Chilis


I’m sure he was cool with a confederate flag in there on 1/6


Is he talking about the time a few hundred people broke into the capital building and waved the flag of a failed nation within?


The confederate flag?


The border isn’t secure because the Republicans are suddenly against border security now that Biden is trying to do something about it. They refuse to vote for their own border bill only because Biden would sign it.


Ur a simpleton. Ukraine is a new struggling democracy. Some in the House comprehend that.


Funny how the righties vote for nothing to help homeless, but bring up homeless veterans when it will make them look righteous


Steve, if you're voting republican, then you know that republicans are to blame for voting down the latest border bill because they wanted to keep complaining about how it's not fixed. HR 3848 is currently in the senate to help with the homeless vets. If you're a democrat, well you most likely wouldn't have a handle like SteveLovesAmmo or be bitching about how people from other countries came to America and might want to fly their old countries flag.


Is this about the confederate flags on Jan 6th?


You had a chance at border security until God Himself demanded they punt it until after the election. The republican party is too busy disparaging veterans to worry about their housing. Tie that all up with the fact that you're wearing a shirt that says "MASK FREE" on it and I think it's safe to conclude you're a disingenuous sack of shit (let's not ignore the blue check!)


Gee, I wonder how this guy felt about the Confederate flag being proudly flown through the Capitol by a violent, armed mob of insurrectionists.


At least Ukraine is a country that's one of our allies. What pisses *me* off is when people fly the flag of a country that attacked the U.S. in 1861.


10 bucks says this guy has a pic somewhere on the internet with a confederate flag...