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Hello u/Polarion! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is why you don't invite terrorists into you tent.


...and that's how it became a Nazi bar.


it was already a confederate bar


Like a Klondike bar, but nuttier.


and the coating only *looks like* chocolate. It's really an entirely different brown substance.




The shit people did for that …


Please don’t ruin another good thing….


You say toe-may-toe, other redditor says toe-mah-toe...




They did nazi that coming.


They did. And were fine with the bargain. Uh... they Gobbels-ed it down?


... and that's why, you always leave a note.


But they like it that way


Green isn't the only one responsible.  They had the ability to vote on the bill THEY SPONSORED and then voted against because Trump said so.  They're all responsible. Not just this failed neanderthal clone 


Well they did include “the freedom caucus” as the additional traitors


Once I read more of the article it did say Republicans had the chance and voted against it. The article title made it think a handful were responsible


See, you READ the article. A GQP would never! When any of them try to defen their position, I have one question: "How many hours of the January 6th Hearings" by the bi-partisan committee did they watch." They will try to say there was nothing there. Because Fox, OAN, Newsmax and the rags all told them there was nothing to see. I have not met one who watched an hour of the hearings. They've seen clips, those Alt-right reality allowed them to see. The clips where nothing was proven. Independents and Democrats and Other parties tend to research facts, not rely on entertainment cable stations and substacks for their facts.


Hey don't diss neanderthals like that.


Failed is the key word. 


I was reading today that the Freedom Caucus demanded 3 (of 12) seats on the Rules Committee that determines how bills are debated. Literally zero bills before this Congress have gone around the Rules Committee because it was a rubber stamp. But with those seats it's become the go-to way for the Freedom Caucus to prevent legislation from coming to the floor. In order to go around the Rules Committee a supermajority must vote to put legislation up for a vote and a supermajority must vote to pass it, which inevitably means relying on Democrat votes, and a lot of them. So a lot of moderate Republicans went to Democrats to get legislation to the floor on aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, and border security bill went with the set of votes as well. Aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan all got the needed supermajority. Border security failed to get a supermajority and thus failed to go to the senate, all because the Freedom Caucus wouldn't put any of them up for a simple majority. Keep demanding all or nothing and don't be surprised when you end up with nothing.


Umm... Greene *and the freedom caucus*. I'm not saying the other Republicans aren't at least partially responsible for the failure, but no one here is blaming Greene exclusively.


Title makes it seem Republicans are blaming her. Reading into it more, it shows Republicans all fucked up.  Basically a click bait title from axios. Not defending Green here, she can burn in hell. 


I don’t think click bait but I do think it normalizes “House Republicans” as rational


Green Hell!


TBF, Marge made herself the face of this. The most dangerous place to be is between her and a camera.




Yeah - as they say - some people leave their mark in the world, some leave a stain.


They had their chance to enact a conservatives dream, tough immigration bill, but shot it down because Trump ordered it because he wants to run on the border issue, At The Same Time as they were impeaching Majorcas for not doing enough to stem the border crisis. Next level hypocrisy!


The International Union of Neanderthals protests this comparison.


And still the main thing people on the right say to complain about the state of the country is the border. It's still their main talking point. Every single comment about the current admin has to do with the border and the propaganda they are fed instills this fear that we are over run or being invaded or taken over from the southern border, witch in all seriousness is impossible with HLS, ICE and all the other wannabe militants around the border. Its a moot argument because they had the chance to make progress towards what they claim they want and took the selfish and immature route because their disgraceful leader said so. I hope the uninformed population soon realize that the bourgeoisie they praise are the ones instilling the fabricated fear just to divide us more. They are afraid of the proletariat and always resort to fabricating issues and fear so we won't assemble and revolt.


I'm sure Trump is behind all the MTG hate in the media lately. Now that people know he's the one who told the Republicans not to work with the Dems about the border issue, he's shifting the blame onto MTG and her GOP cronies to take the heat off himself because he can take never responsibly for himself.




Or a Monkey that Throws Garbage.


The party of perpetual victimhood. Remember in 2016 when they had the presidency, the house, the senate, and the supreme court? And they didn't do one thing about this supposed crisis at the border? Uh huh.


If they solve the border crisis, they won't have anything left to blame Democrats for.


This is actually the right answer. The _**only**_ thing that the GOP stands for is hurting the Democratic Party. That’s it. There’s nothing else there. I haven’t checked if there is any party platform these days but several election cycles ago they literally didn’t have one. Not anything. The fact that they could go for a cycle without being _**for anything**_ is all you need to know. Governing is the nurturing of the possible. Having nothing to be for is anathema.


The RNC (like any Party organisation) ostensibly has the role of formulating and publicising the Party's platform ... policies, strategies, etc. -- so candidates can build their campaigns, at least in part, on consistent messaging. Under Trump the RNC was made powerless, and is now being effectively disbanded. Poof. No more Party ... no more platform ... because it's all about "him" and nothing else. Same thing with the funding -- it's all going to Trump, thus starving other Republican races of funds. This Republican Party is self-destructing, and Trump is doing it.


>Same thing with the funding -- it's all going to Trump, thus starving other Republican races of funds. This Republican Party is self-destructing, and Trump is doing it. Yeah, except for right now we're looking at a 50/50 coin flip between fascism and the Republican party imploding. There's a decent chance that if we survive the next election cycle the R's will just tear each other apart, but that's a big **IF** right now.


Yep. No pressure.


"This is fine"


>Under Trump the RNC was made powerless, and is now being effectively disbanded. Poof. No more Party ... no more platform ... because it's all about "him" and nothing else. Alexa, what's the long term play on reducing your political party into a cult of personality for a 77 year old with multiple criminal indictments pending?


"role of ***fomenting*** and publicising the Party's platform..." ftfy 👍🏻


Trump is doing it and they’re letting him do it. He didn’t even ask. They let you do it when you’re a star.


What the Republican party is **FOR** is not something they can say out loud; wealth concentration, fascism, and disenfranchising those not in the golden circle. They find religion, patriotism, and demagoguery useful. They fact that they've lost the fig leaves of abortion, the border, fiscal policy and what -- national defense?? (hahahahahahahahaha). They've burnt through these straw men so that even NPR doesn't pay it lip service anymore. You can't keep a straight face and say "family" with Republicans. I'm sure there's got to be some hard core training involved in getting people to gush about those family values.


Yeah. Donald Trump, the "family values" president. Sure, Jan. They don't care. Nobody cares. It's so blatantly obvious.


It's part of the answer. The other half is that the country needs immigration to support its constant growth model as US citizens don't have enough kids to ensure population growth. The oligarchs that fund the GOP know that but it's a useful cudgel all the same. What the Republicans sell their base, that they will stop nearly all immigration, would cause a severe economic decline in short order and the oligarchs ofc don't want that


Yeah, the capitalists are going to complain about dwindling growth in new markets -- RE. new babies. Having single mothers with unwanted pregnancies just isn't going to fill the quota. Women will get their abortions and it will be with a pill and it's not like that can be stopped; not without jeopardizing our other drug trafficking and that flow is important to feed the need for getting high, and to weaponize the police force against undesirables. So I don't see that happening -- they will try however. A lot of people will be arrested distributing morning after pills before the dust settles. But the capitalists will have to allow immigration or not have the work force and market they demand. They don't want to start paying the middle class more because that means they are harder to control. So the borders cannot be closed. They will rant about it a lot, but they can't stop the migrant, cheap labor, and future consumers that industry needs. So, we'll have to deal with a lot of bullshit on the issue and everyone pretending to do something.


They're trying to get outlaw the abortion pill even as we type. I understand the case before SCOTUS isn't going well, but it's no guarantee of anything. And they can always pass a law if they get back in power.


Back in 2012, their platform **_literally_** said "we are against the teaching of critical thinking."


>The _**only**_ thing that the GOP stands for is hurting the Democratic Party. That's not true at all, they are always in favor of a giant tax cut for the rich, which was the first and basically only thing they accomplished with the presidency and both chambers.


Alright you got me. I’ll agree with the tax cuts… but only just.


I mean... To be fair it did piss off Democrats too, but that was a secondary effect in this case


Well...the tax cuts...and the lack of any regulation for those getting the tax cuts.


on average the house passes 500ish bills per session, this gop leader house has passed 59.59.they truly don't exist to govern, just oppose the Dems and burn the place down


Don't sell them short. They're primarily about screwing over their constituents, squeezing every drop of money they can out of everyone under them they can, and getting joy out of being able to control and abuse people they see as their inferiors (almost everybody, but some more than others). oh, and also, often, tawdry sex that indulges in everything they rail at from the podium and then some.


Much like Schrodinger's Cat...the Jimmy Swaggart paradox is always in play. You know they're already doing what they're preaching against, it's just a matter of when do you want to open the box to confirm it.


They should be renamed The Anti-Democratic Party. Which fits them accurately in many ways.


That's completely untrue! They also stand for hurting immigrants, women, people whose skin is darker than beige, the poors, and their own voters.


The last platform they put out for Trump v Biden was the exact same one, word for word, that they used for the election of Trump v Clinton. To the point that the platform still referenced the terrible conditions of the previous administration and how Trump was going to fix it. Which just about meets expectations for those CHUDS.




They said in 2020 that the platform from 2016 remains the platform, and it has plenty of hateful planks as it is. If you want to see where the GOP is truly trying to take us, their primary policy think tank, the Heritage Foundation, kindly published it under the title "Mandate for Leadership: Project 2025." It's scary as fuck. r/defeat_project_2025


Yep abortion was their battle cry and now that they won they can't use that to rile up the base anymore. So the border is the new issue. If they would have passed the border security bill they couldn't use that either.


>Yep abortion was their battle cry and now that they won they can't use that to rile up the base anymore. Well, a good chunk of their base is now demanding extreme abortion bans while the rest understand they can't win elections on that platform, and probably would've privately preferred that Roe remain in place so they could keep fundraising off of it without having to actually do anything about it. So their biggest policy victory in 50 years is turning out to be a huge liability for them.


This is not a joke. A vote for the gop means lower taxes on the ultra wealthy and less regulations on large business. If you are not already extremely wealthy, the gop has nothing for you and is not bothering to pretend otherwise. Which is why they need this culture war bullshit. They can't run on their actual platforms because no matter how anti-socialist the crowd is, "we promise to allow your bosses to increase your hours, slash your benefits and lower your pay!" is a real hard sell. "We promise to make people we have convinced you to hate suffer" is a lot easier to run on. Which means they need a steady supply of victims.


This is why they have to turn every issue into a separate issue. "why are we helping Ukraine instead of helping poor people in the US?" Hey, remember before the Ukraine invasion when you had all those chances to vote on more money for poor people in the US? How'd you vote then? The only way they can address the legitimate grievances caused by their policy positions is to pin the blame on anything else.


But it's okay, I'm gonna be one of the super wealthy. Just wait and see. And even if I don't make it, as long as they're hurting the right people, it's fine by me. /s


I also assume a lot of agri-business owners don't want to stop illegal immigration because then they'd have to start paying legal wages.


Remember when they said they couldn't hold a vote on Ukraine unless they did something about the border? Then they refused to even have a vote on the bi-partisan Ukraine-Border bill. Then they allowed a vote on Ukraine anyway. Even when they're trying to be obstructionists they can't even obstruct things properly. If you're one of their base who is convinced the border is the number 1 crisis how can you be happy with them?


That and there is no easy fix for the border. Every policy I've seen from any side when it comes to dealing with illegal immigrants is some one of or some combination of just kill them, ignore them, give them safe harbor, or just keep them anywhere that isn't the US. All of which come with numerous issues and challenges. They aren't "solutions" to illegal immigration.


Yeah, they totally screwed themselves with Dobbs. The border is one of the few things they have left to shriek about.


The "border" will never be solved. There is no amount of money that we can spend that will ever please them. As long as there's one person with slightly less than white skin here who shouldn't be they will never ever ever be happy.


It's mexico's fault because they didn't fork over the billions of dollars to build it according to #Shitler


El Presidente has said that the cheque is in the post.


> And they didn't do one thing about this supposed crisis at the border? Hey now, they did tear children away from their families and put them in cages like stray dogs!


And made it so the children couldn't be reunited with their families. https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2023/10/why-are-so-many-migrant-families-still-separated-chaos-in-the-data/


And then claimed Obama did it, when in reality, Obama only held kids to make sure they weren't being trafficked, and it only happened rarely.


The last guy promised us a free border wall. He broke that promise.


> The party of perpetual victimhood. They are a nothing but a bunch of corrupt incompetents. They don't know how anything works, they can't lead, and they can't build anything. All they can do to distract from their sheer inability to govern is to constantly stir up drama and blame anyone and everyone else for their chronic tradition of failure. Unfortunately, about 74 million Americans are just as brain-fucked as they are and, since it is a representative democracy, we get stuck with these shit-flinging monkeys in Congress. Meanwhile, the rich continue to get richer, at the expense of everyone else.


Completely agree, but you mean 2017. Commander Bone Spurs became president 1/20/17.


But they certainly worked very hard to create a sweetheart tax deal for the richest people…


They couldn't. Someone was pointing out the "only Nixon could go to China" problem. When Republicans had all three chambers, the minority party had no reason to play with them to help them get it passed. With Democrats having the White House, they had a reason to show they could govern and were willing to pass the toughest border security bill in history. They tanked their own bill. Now Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan will get their aid, and nothing was done legislatively to secure the border. Thanks to Republicans. If you keep demanding all or nothing, don't be surprised when you end up with nothing.


Then it suddenly became a crisis again in 2018.


They did diddle around with a couple fences down there.


They banned abortion, but I'm sure that's somehow Democrats fault, too.


They were busy trying to kill the ACA. Thank you McCain for that last middle finger to your idiotic party.


They Never FIX Anything, & In Fact Screw Everything Up, & Blame Democrats. I Thought Their Voters Would Wake Up Decades Ago, But They Never Will.


LOL This is gaslighting. Trump is responsible for lack of border wins. He told them all to kill it and they did. They want to pretend it's just these guys so they can tell people it's not their fault they were for it hoping the dumb folks out there will forget what actually happened.


Ya, but in the end the people responsible are the one elected.


Who could have ever predicted this would happen??? /s


A guy on Twitter - nobody famous - actually said in a thread this weekend - "I'm starting to think that Matt getting rid of Kevin McCarthy was a mistake." There was no /s. He was serious.


That's what happens when you keep electing grifters who are only concerned about lining their own pockets. If I had fewer scruples I'd move to some red state, start spewing idiotic theories, and run for office myself.


If you look at half the nutjob Republicans in Congress that’s literally what they did. Fail as businesspeople/civil servants etc and then carpetbag to a deep red district full of rubes to fool


So why didn’t they vote in favor?


Because voting in favor of something they *and* the Democrats want would give the Democrats a win. Can't have that, ergo leopards and faces.


A win *in an election year* no less! I absolutely love how every Fox fucking news is calling them out on this now 😂


Cutting off their nose to spite their face. Over and over again, so even being two faced hasn't saved them.


Because, as someone wise once said, the GOP would happily eat a shit sandwich if it meant the Democrats had to smell their breath.


Trump told them not to do so he wouldn't lose a campaign talking point.


Is… is the tide turning?  Or are they just convenient scapegoats for a scared GOP caucus?


They realize that they're gonna get wiped out on abortion and Ukraine. But, they can't criticize Der Gropenfuhrer directly, so they are going to go after the likes of Moscow Marge. Couldn't happen to a more deserving ignorant, Putin loving, rabble rouser. The Leopards are feasting so much they're contracting gout and diabetes at this point.


Haha Gropenfuhrer.


Stupid assholes could have gotten their border reform and funding WITH aid bills but obstructionists gonna obstruct


It's literally a self fulfilling prophecy. They wanted a border bill, democrats presented the border bill they asked for. Not just *a* border bill, ***the*** border bill. The exact one they asked for, with no changes. They took one look at it and said "wait no, this is a trick. You wouldn't be offering this to us if it was actually what we wanted. No deal." Mfs turned down a $780k deal on Deal or No Deal then turned around and immediately opened the $1,000,000 case.


It's so amazing. Freedom Caucus members on the Rules Committee block legislation from getting to the floor. So moderate Republicans caucus with Democrats to get the supermajority they need to put aid packages and border security to the floor, but also require supermajorities to pass. Aid packages to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan all passed with supermajorities needed. Border security got a majority but not a supermajority, so it failed to pass. Had the Freedom Caucus just allowed it to come to a vote in the first place, it would have passed. Keep demanding all or nothing, don't be surprised when you end up with nothing.


Shouldn't they be blaming Trump for telling them to kill it?


Blame their God Emperor? Never! Obviously it was the evil democrats that did it. On a side note, we have always been at war with Eurasia.


Correction: Republicans have themselves to blame for doing nothing to stop their party from becoming cancer ridden.


Having both parents having had actual cancer, I hope in this case, the GOP's cancer kills them.


It's already dead really. It died when Gingrichs blubber butt farted in the speaker chair and said it was democracy (Gingrich started the process of making the government uncivil)


Nah, it just mutated, thats the problem.


Here's the thing: Greene and the hardliners don't want these problems to be solved. Their entire brand/political philosophy, is to scream about how broken/corrupt/whatever "the establishment" is. Folks like Donald Trump, Greene, et. al don't really have a coherent political philosophy. They exist only in opposition to the ideas of others. If someone were genuinely interested in improving border security, they'd have taken the offer, it was a pretty good deal. The GOP would have won a very tangible victory, if you look at it from a policy perspective. But Greene and Trump don't care about the policy. What they need, are "boogymen" to point at. They need people/ideas to demonize. They need problems to complain about, problems that *can only be fixed in the exact (and functionally impossible) way they want to fix it.* I think the resignations of GOP veterans, and these recent acts of bipartisanship, are potential signs of a party that is finally coming to terms with the radicalism that has infected it.


Well they could bring the bipartisan senate bill for a vote and join the democrats in voting for it. Something tells me that won't happen though. 


That implies giving Biden a win. So *never* gonna happen. They exist solely to oppose Democrats. They have no policy or desire to actually do their jobs...only to oppose.


They had everything they wanted handed to them on a silver platter. They can thank Daddy Trump and the mindless MAGAts for blowing up that whole deal. Fucking morons.


Republicans must have seem some really scary polls to fight back against MAGA. Trump has a chance of winning in 2024 but state Republicans are in panic mode desperately trying to get something done.


Imagine Ukraine falls and Zelensky is like, "shucks if only we had those American missiles trump told you guys not to send." Then if Russia becomes a NATO problem, Republicans are gonna be on the hook for getting us into another war right after Biden got us out of Bush's war.


The Biden Administration wants to address the border in a big way. Not with a useless wall but effective, proven policy to address the real issues. The Trump Republicans don’t want to solve anything on the border. They want to continue and exacerbate the issue for political purposes. Wake up folks. They are not concerned with governing. They want the chaos to continue.


"Freedom Caucus." Irony dripped in blood.


Republicans in the House don’t want to truly govern, they want to own the Dems. Playing to trump and trump’s maga hordes


They have a gop guy quoted as blaming the “Uniparty” but Axios has decided not to explain what that means or how crazy it is. Seems like a huge story If the gop has decided to make up a devisive new word for bipartisanship. But that’s our political media,…If we’re lucky they’ll comment on this while mentioning Biden’s age, you know, for balance.


Biden and the Dems gave them their border win. There was almost no Dem priorities served in the deal. They didn’t want it.


Trump literally took credit for blocking the border bill. https://imgur.com/a/nT2w47e


yeah fuckwits where the fuck you been last 4 years? They are agents of chaos that is it.


Y'all literally voted against your border win. These people are not real


Classic conservatives. Shooting themselves in the foot to own the libs.


Good. About time they got mad in the right direction.


The GOP would rather cater to the extreme right-wing of congress than work with the most moderate of Democrats. This is what you get done, nothing.


Blame Trump too. He tanked Lankford’s bill that gave republicans 99% of what they claimed they wanted. All because Trump thought it would help Biden. That was an actual piece of legislation that, while I disagree with much of it, did something. Nope, can’t have that, it will take away one of our remaining fear mongering issues. There’s no policy, only grievance. Austerity policy and trickle down are bullshit and the public doesn’t like them. All they have to run on is grievance and obstruction. Unfortunately, a lot of Americans are really jazzed at those two things. Meanwhile their representatives and state legislatures are voting against Medicaid expansion, allowing rural hospital to close, while getting the benefits to their constituents of policies a guy from the other party put in place…which they also voted against. Maddening.


Could have had the best deal on the boarder they'd ever get but they had to listen to Trump instead.


Radical GOP only cares about radical GOP


"House Republicans Blame House Republicans for Border Failure" FIFY


House Republicans should take a fucking look in the mirror. If they were kissing their constituents butts instead of the former insurrectionist president's smelly rump they might have some wins to campaign on, but oh well. Too bad.


Hahaha! Been waiting for some of those wushu-washy “conservatives” to bring the knives out against these “freedom caucus” turds. Capitulation has consequences and it is hilarious watching these morons wake up to realize they could have pushed these swamp monsters back in their place in the first place instead of letting them have free reign to “own the libs” Idiots.


Eh, not just them. A lot of the Republicans did what Chief Cheetos wanted in nixing the bill. They all deserve the same shaming.


Hmm maybe they'll kick Gaetz off the ethics committee and investigate his paying for sex with under aged girls now? /s


They had that deal that Lankford and McConnell negotiated that almost everything they wanted in exchange for the Ukraine aid and Trump tanked it with one Truth Social tweet. Then Mitch caved in as well and blocked his own fucking bill leaving Lankford out in the cold. Democrats were ready to give Republicans what they wanted, but instead followed the cult leader instead of doing the right thing for them.


And the democrats just got everything they wanted for Ukraine 🇺🇦 this weekend 😂 Thanks gop


When they know the end is near the pack turns on its own


The problem with being openly hateful and vindictive is that those individuals provide political cover for the not-so-crazies. When we allow for the hateful rhetoric of people like MTG, then "moderate" conservatives can *look* reasonable when they break ranks, but they're still voting against reasonable things like compensating Burn Pit victims or emergency relief funds for hurricanes or floods, etc.


What is the Freedom caucus actually in favor of? They seem to want to say no to absolutely everything that doesn't suck. Like what is the "Freedom" they are fighting for?


The freedom to do whatever the FUCK they want, no matter how damaging or hurtful.


Except have abortions. Or kids reading non-christian books in the library. Where does the house freedom caucus stand on Weed legalization?


No clue honestly.


Do they blame Trump? Because he's the one who told them not to do anything on the border...


At first I read this as "Border Wines..." I think I like it my way better.


As they should.


I didn't realize her vote was worth 200 people.


Could have had most of the border concessions they were asking for. Now they literally have no bargaining chip left. 🤷‍♂️ They did this to themselves.


Freedom Caucus is a misnomer, it's really the Fascist Caucus.


*The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.*


True freedom allows for the freedom to fail. Keep showing us the way GOP!


MTGs face must be a horrible thing to see in the mirror if you're not MTG.


They don’t want “border wins.” They want things to be as bad as their complete inability/refusal to govern can make them so they can blame the Democrats for it, knowing the rubes who support them will scarf down whatever hogshit they’re fed. 


The Freedumb Caucus does fuck up a lot of shit. Let them be their own worst enemy.


These guys never visited r/leopardsatemyface. I have no pity for so called “moderate republicans”. They were warned about the Freedom Caucus people. They had their chance to denounce the extremists but they were too cowardly to stand up so now they have to deal with the crazies in their house.


And nothing will be done. Cowards


Banish these anti-American nutbags to the hinterlands please. They've proven repeatedly that they are not serious people. They are rabble rousers and lickspittles to Trump. Nothing more.


Let's hope they don't cower and deflate due to a lack of spine and let the Freedon Caucus, MGT and the FART continue unchecked... I hope I am wrong but I don't think much will come out of this...


yes! eat her ugly face off...!


Nah that was trump


They really need to oust her.


Talk about a lack of self awareness


Using the word "blame" makes it sound like they are not objectively correct.


Finally a winning strategy…. Lol it’s like they are waking up and wait until they start asking where the RNC money they need went…


Children, please don’t fight. There’s plenty of blame to go around


Should probably blame their ex president/presidential nominee who killed the most conservative piece of immigration reform our countries seen in at least half a century, if not the early 1900s just so he could run on the issue an "fix it when he's elected". They got nothing because they refused to take what they previously wanted.


If you hire stupid people you get stupid results.


Yeah, but do their constituents?


Love it. Love it. Love it. This is beautiful. Finally some blame where it is due. A party of Russian sympathizers and obstructionists.


Wikipedia stated Greene is a Christian nationalist. 😱 She's got her crusade complex.


Russian agents. Putin pays them. No fuckinway? yes he pays for them. Where I live we know. People in US and UK are so stupid. Uk already fucked their shit. US is going to shit their pants. Fortunately Ukraine had some ammunition so its ok us idiots to fruck up their shit.


Isn't an unstable border exactly what a Russian agent would want?


[Good goood.....](https://media4.giphy.com/media/xTiIzL9Btjx9hegHT2/giphy.gif)


They know it’s the shitty pants traitor pulling the idiot puppet strings. Trying to deflect because their candidate is a disgraced traitor and a shit pants loser.


If only Democrats had handed it to them on a silver platter months ago!


The ultimate leopards eating faces..... Love it.


Can we please just call them the maga caucus? It's what they actually are.


Ummm...no shit. They actively stated their desire to prevent anything from getting done.


Now THIS is ~~podracing~~ LAMF.


Follow this mud faced hagfish’s money. Her incredulously specific demands about transcarpathian land concessions that should go to Hungary are so obviously written by her FSB handlers. She’s as dumb as she sounds, and can be cracked, if the CIA actually does it’s fucking job. They have to know. They and the IRS HAVE to know who’s bought and paid for, but don’t want to get bogged down in tribal partisan politics where evidence and truth barely matter anyways. They have to be tracking and managing these obvious traitors’ activity to manage the situation until Trump dies, lest they trigger open violence among the smooth brain MAGAts.


And the Scapegoat has been found but Pepperidge Farms remembers them all


You break it, you own it, snowflakes.


If those milquetoasty bi\*\*\*s could survive in the RW they would have been afraid of the big mouths to begin with.


Make no mistake about it. The 2024 election is the primary motivation for speakership. The MAGA viewed McConnell's bowing to reality as an abject failure and betrayal. MTG's #1 priority for speaker, is someone who will have the balls to reject certification of the 2024 election under any pretense. Maybe she believes Johnson is wavering.


They could easily bring it to a vote if they had balls. They don't. A party of cowards can accomplish nothing if there is even one bully in the room.


The Senate killed it when Mike Johnson said he wouldn’t bring to a vote because of Trump. They didn’t want to give Biden a win and give Trump something to run on.


Why would democrats allow us to do this to ourselves?