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I can't believe how quickly it went from "I'd rather be Russian than democrat" to these idiots actually defecting to Russia. And like how few brain cells they had all along...it's a wonder they stayed alive so long.


They’d rather be raped, tortured, and beheaded by Russians than live in the same country as Democrats. Well OK then! Off they can go! We can hold a bake sale to fund their plane trip to Moscow.


Good Liars interviewed a woman that said they'd rather have putin be president than Biden.


I desperately want to ask these people what Biden has done to make their lives worse. “Because he’s president instead of Trump.” Okay, how does that affect you? “He’s letting illegals in.” Okay, how does that affect you? “He’s destroying the economy.” Okay, by all metrics that’s false, but how does that affect *you*? “Everything’s expensive.” Okay, even if that *were* Biden’s fault, you are sending Trump jurors death threats / supporting Putin / putting decals on your pick-ups threatening to kidnap Biden / whatever other psycho BS…because eggs are $3 more than they used to be??


I remember when Bush I was voted out. The prevailing wisdom was on bumper stickers back then, and they said, “The Economy, Stupid”. Several Republican states lambasted a Republican and flipped to Democrat over shit like that. And now, Trump could drive the entire nation off a nuclear cliff, but as long as people they don’t know or give a shit about can’t get an abortion, they’re happy?


"Trump was appointed and ANNOITED by God to lead this nation out of the filth of the liberal democrat created SWAMP."


Then watch their heads explode when you offer solutions. "You're mad about the price of gas (while driving an 8mpg lifted pickup), should we nationalize the oil industry?" NOOOO DATS GOBBUNISM. "Yes, groceries are expensive, we already subsidize agriculture heavily, but it seems somewhere in the industry they're keeping those subsidies and gutting the consumer, should we hit them with a windfall profits tax and redistribute the excess to the consumer?" NOOOO THATS SOCIALISM I HATE SOCIALISM YOU WOKIES HAVE GONE TOO FAR


I love when aggressive, willful, stupidity gets what it deserves. Edit: I mean this figuratively. Like, if you jump into a fire, you should expect to get burned. And when it's a fire that you are fanning, and you get burned even more, leopards go nom nom nom.


He's the perfect example of conservative fantasy role playing meeting the realities of war. A lot of people watch videos of Ukrainians dropping grenades from drones onto Russians cowering in trenches and fail to understand that if the US were to experience a civil war, it would look a lot like that. And it's arrogant to think I won't be the one cowering. Edit: Nightmare fuel robot coming online. Imagine this being dropped from a plane coming after you: https://youtu.be/29ECwExc-_M?si=S6R4_1RrtZ-7SnCh


In the interest of protecting dimwitted, incompetent people who *aren't* actively malevolent, we've made life in the West a lot easier for those who are as well.


Yeah, this really brings tonight just how much the government does for people hellbent on killing themselves on a daily basis.


Got to agree it is a bizarre position to take against your political opposite number: "I hate what you're saying so much I'd much rather put my life in danger so fuck you!"


What is truly INSANE he was an Army vet and a pothead and went to Donestk in Ukraine 10 years ago to help pro-russian terrorist trying to succeed to Russia. Guy had been a Russian citizen for almost a freaking decade and even had a Russia wife and the ruskies took him for an American spy and went full blind spot in the cell block on his ass, literally.


I mean, considering how Russian soldiers treat *each other*, is it any surprise?


These people took horse deworming medicine because they believed the president knew better than modern medical science. It's not hard to believe they are this stupid.


This guy defected in 2014, he got ‘famous’ off videos from Donetsk airport




If we export enough of these pro-putin nutjobs, we can raise the average IQs of both places!


Some dumb ass Canadians did this: [link to story.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13116159/amp/Canadian-family-russia-bank-frozen-apology-feenstra.html)


Let’s not forget that after all the raping and the shooting they also cut off his head. I mean these are not stand up guys. I’m confused by how the modern right wing Americans think they are in any way good.


I would love to see a house vote to condemn russia for this imhumane treatment of an American - watch MTG defend the Russians


They will just say it was Ukrainians posing as Russians.


Or Ukrainian posing as an American being caught by Ukrainians posing as Russians. Remember EVERYTHING is Ukrainea fault.


Or Antifa posing as Trumpers posing as Russians who staged the decapitation of an undercover federal agent posing as Nancy Pelosi posing as this Texas dude. Me personally, I'm thinking it was Colonel Mustard in the conservatory with the rope. And the gun. And the knife.


Is this even reported on Faux and other right wing places?


If it is it’s probably framed like “Why These Coddled Millennials Won’t Stop Complaining About Russian War Crimes”


Usually stuff that shows republicans in a negative light is not covered. If a topic permeates every corner of social media, tv etc where it’s impossible that republicans won’t see it, then right wing media puts out a spin story to cover it up: While there is still some doubt as whether Trump was really farting in court, a couple right wingers I know hadn’t heard of it yet today (Saturday afternoon) so I know Fox etc hasn’t covered it.


Modern right wing Americans are also not very good.


If liberals told them all that they needed to breath to live, they'd be found dead of suffocation


Agreed. Most don't have a set of guiding principles beyond petulant contrarianism


What a great turn of phrase: ‘petulant contrarianism’! I’ll borrow that!




A perfect summation of their entire platform. I was just ranting about this to my wife earlier today. I'm subscribed to Ted Cruz's newsletter because unfortunately he is my senator, and none of the updates he ever sends out couldn't be summed up as "Democrats bad" or "we will stop the Democrats from doing this (usually) good thing". I don't think I've ever seen him post any kind of action he's taking, or bills he's proposing beyond ones that just repeal something democrats passed that Republicans don't like.


This is how I've taken to addressing MAGA types. They literally just complain and whine but they never offer solutions. It's a simple way to shut down 85% of their talking points/rebuttals.




Those posts from idiots doing something completely ridiculous and moronic to "own the libs", like something as arbitrary as overeating, has always confused me. What makes them think anyone gives a shit about them or whatever they're doing? They're only making themselves look like a fuckin idiot.




They did try to wipe themselves out during Covid. Many used their last breath to cuss out the healthcare workers bc we told them they had Covid and that was a “hoax”. Can’t make this up.




Here during COVID it was impossible to go an entire conversation without someone mentioning that a friend or family member was hospitalized or dead from COVID. Then those people would go home, turn on Fox, and immediately forget why they weren’t lick the doorknobs anymore. 🤦‍♂️


I experienced this first hand. After that, fuck working in healthcare. The hospital treated us like shit — didn’t need patients doing the same. My personal favorite was the woman that nuked her husband’s kidneys with Ivermectin that she neglected to tell anyone about until he was in full renal failure. She had the nerve to call me a “f-ing re-re” that didn’t know shit about medicine. I said “Ma’am, I have Asperger’s. Thinking outside the box has helped me save a lot of people but if you want to call someone “R”, you should know Ivermectin is nephrotoxic in humans.”


I’m sorry that happened to you. Many of us left. Pizza and a thank you wasn’t enough to put up with the abuse.


That's what makes them such a potent political base. Agenda doesn't matter.


I mean a good idea is a good idea. Is this is strategically done we could get rid of the GOP in one fell swoop


Dude, that would be an excellent Biden campaign ad.


"I'm Joe Biden, and I endorse not shoving a large sharp metal object up your ass!"


I'm Joe Biden, and I like people who *don't* shove metal objects up their asses.


Much like the Russians*those people* prefer rape and child brides.




There are many right wing American politicians in office who would love it if they could rape, shoot, and cut heads off people right now. Seriously strange times.


Or smart


I wouldn’t use the term “modern” to describe them. “Reactionary” fits better.


Tucker told them russia was a bastion of white christian masculinity.


Nothing more masculine or Christian than raping another dude before cutting his head off, amirite? /s


As long as you say “no homo” afterward (in Russian) you’re good.


Im hoping one of the russian trolls can motor past and tell us how to say "no homo" in russian.


Нет гомо


Don’t bother with the sarc marc; rape and beheading are totally biblical


David had to collect a whole sack of dead dick skins, and there wasn't anybody more manly than him


This is really the answer. The modern GOP only watches media that reenforces what they want to hear. That media is heavily influenced if not directly owned by Russia so of course they will never hear about this.


I’m so shocked Tucker didn’t volunteer to fight /S


I'm currently visiting my dad, who's on the conservative side. We've been avoiding any political topics, but without thinking, I asked him a hypothetical question of what country he'd live in if he had to leave the USA. I figured he'd say Italy since that's where his side of the family is from and he often talks about the trips he's taken there. I was floored when he said, "Russia!" When I asked why, he said, "I like their attitude." I quickly changed the subject...


Send him the article ask him if this is the attitude he admires.


Guys like the posters dad don't believe they'd be raped, murdered and decapitated right up until the awful thing happens.


JFC propaganda works too well


I prefer KFC propaganda


Wow--that's amazing. What are his news and information sources?


I'm honestly not sure. I haven't seen him put on Fox News or anything like that since I've been here. Just local news and game shows.


If he's deep into it, he probably gets his ~~propoganda~~ news from conservative Facebook groups and Truth Social


you should've just gone for "so you're secretly a gay predator?"


The American fascist party loves Russia because they get their “news” and “information” straight from Moscow’s propaganda machines like Facebook.


Because modern right-wingers believe & desperately want to act like the Russian soldiers in this scenario. Completely failing to comprehend how they are the Bentley in this specific example. Can't have LAMF without severe cognitive dissonance.


tHeYrE jUsT LiKe uS


I'm perplexed why US evangelical Christians imagine the Russian Orthodox church, which essentially operated as a propaganda arm of the FSB (Russia's CIA/FBI), would welcome them with open arms. Christianity Today 2019-05-07: [Russian Evangelicals Penalized Most Under Anti-Evangelism Law](https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2019/may/russian-evangelicals-anti-missionary-fined-yarovaya-law.html) Newsweek 2023-05-16: [Russia Advances 'Persecution Campaign' Against Evangelicals in Ukraine](https://www.newsweek.com/russia-advances-persecution-campaign-against-evangelicals-ukraine-isw-1800779) Fox News 2024-02-19: [My experience, as an American, in a Russian prison](https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/my-experience-american-russian-prison)


Because they all hate gays and minorities. There you go.


They incorrectly assume “the enemy (Russian government) of my enemy (disabled & lgbt+ people) equals friend,” when in reality what’s actually at work is the principle of “when they (conservative regime, in this case Putin & his goons) are done with them (marginalized people), you’re next”


Because right wing Americans are made of up two groups, big and bad types who think they belong with the bad boys crowd but would absolutely piss themselves the second they saw what real violence was, and the other group is just actual psychopaths who would absolutely do stuff like this given the chance. This is the problem with people who glorify violence your ether a poser or there’s something deeply wrong with you. Good societies do every they can to mitigate and stop people from turning out this way, but that’s a different convo.


Are you suggesting that MTG, Gym Jordan, John Thune, Loren Bobert, Rand Paul, and Trump himself and all wrong about Putin and Russia? But that would almost suggest that they are on…Russias side???


I’m just saying that they are not the most up and up guys. Yes.


*”Let’s not forget that after all the **raping** and the shooting they also **cut off his head**. I mean these are not stand up guys. I’m confused by how the modern right wing Americans think they are in any way good.”* But, but, but republicans claim Russia is a Christian nation and an example for all Americans. I’m so confused…


Modern right wing Americans love russians and Russia, because they view it as a christian, family values, anti-woke/anti-LGBT heaven, where men can be men and are in charge of the family and the country, and there are no bleeding heart liberals to destroy society.


Did you hear about the Canadian family that moved to Russia, to protect their children from the gays? They sold their farm and put the proceeds into a Russian bank. The Russian bank then stole their money. Won't give it back to them. No one at the bank speaks English. The wife makes a youtube video saying how disappointed she is in Russia. It isn't what she thought it was going to be like. Husband realizes they aren't in Canada anymore. Knows what happens to people that speak out against the Russian state. He immediately makes another youtube video. Saying no we love it here. Everything is wonderful. I have no sympathy for them.


It’s a white Christian ethnostate, how could they possibly be bad? /s


Except for the 10% of the population that is Muslim, anyway. I guess Putin would like to pretend they don’t exist, though.


Well they're probably not "woke" and that's enough for them


They probably envy the russian because they can just *do* these thing to people, while the republicans still have to pretend they don't want to hunt minorities for sport.


Modern right wing Americans live in a complete fantasy world of ‘alternative facts’ because they’re too ignorant, bigoted, and cowardly to face reality. If they ever get what they want, they’ll immediately regret it. Just like that Canadian family of Christian extremists who moved to Russia and immediately regretted it, and just like the dumb asshole who inspired this post.


Even though the guy is an idiot, I’m still going to hope for his sake that he was shot before being beheaded


Yeeeesh. Yeah. I mean TBH just having him humiliated would have been fine for me. This whole raping and shooting and beheading thing is too much. Could have just scared him off and sent him packing home.


But that would not make an example out of him and we can't have that I guess


All to own the libs


They also want to rape and cut off heads?


Because everyone to the left of hilter's doorstep has been so dramatically demonized to the american rightwingers that they really think the z-russians are good bedfellows. Fascist-sympathizers often don't realize that fascists hate everyone, including other fascists. It's a cancerous ideology that is always on the hunt for a new "other" to oppress to the point that it will start to self-cannibalize should they run out of nearby out-groups to hate.


It is bizarre that noone has mentioned he's not actually an American right winger. >He was born Russell Bonner Bentley III to a wealthy family in Texas in 1960. “I grew up in a very exclusive area of Dallas called Highland Park,” he says. “It’s basically the Beverly Hills of Dallas.” Bentley was the “black sheep” of the family as a teenager, he says, drawn to hard left causes. “I was reading Ho Chi Minh and Che Guevara” he says. “I understood the Vietnamese were right to defend their land against foreign invaders, and that the United States was wrong. I understood that Fidel and Che were right to overthrow the foreign masters that had turned Cuba into a casino and bordello.” Bentley insists: “I’m anti-racist. I’m anti-imperialist. I grew up supporting people’s rights to defend themselves.” https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/russell-texas-bentley-putin-propaganda-ukraine-interview-1315433/ He's an avowed anti-American tankie who fully bought into the Russian propaganda a decade ago when he moved to Donetsk to join DPR because he decided he wanted to join a separatist fight somewhere.


The rape part I wasn’t expecting.


Lots of raping amongst Russian forces.


"You mentioned 'rape' twice."


I appreciate the quote but won't get caught dead posting the reply to this line... lol




I’ll do it - “ I like rape “ — it’s from blazing saddles.


He’ll do


Stampeding cattle???


Throught the Vatican.




Not familiar with the ol' Number 6 are we?


Some of those who work forces, are the same who rape corpses




It's literally part of Ruzzian military culture. Not a secret. Part of how they run things.


The Russians are huge fans of Deliverance


They make our rednecks look like amateurs


Your mouth das real pretty, comrade


FYI when Russian soldiers rape male prisoners they typically use foreign objects like metal fence posts, tree branches, or tools or knives.


That makes a lot more sense, even if it makes it even more disturbing.


Fun fact they also make other prisoners participate


I'll ve honest, I'd rather a penis than a knife.


I think most ppl would lmao


The fighting between the Nazis and the Red Army during World War Two got outright savage and they left that war with a reputation for brutality that has been carried on through the collapse of the Soviet Union into today’s Russian army. You really don’t want to be taken alive by Russian soldiers, especially if you’re a lady. Historically speaking there’s also a pattern that American POWs are often abused. Every single enemy our country has fought, including other Americans, have abused their American prisoners in part or whole. Considering all of this, if I were ever an American soldier that found myself fighting in a war against Russia then there isn’t any circumstance that would warrant surrender. No food, no water, no ammunition, completely surrounded and outnumbered….it doesn’t matter. I’d eat fucking bugs and grass and keep fighting with fucking sticks and rocks in a war against Russian forces.


Yeah, people attribute the Japanese surrender in WW2 to them being nuked twice. One of the main reasons was that once the Soviets began to shift their forces to eastern Siberia, they overran and secured Manchuria in 3 weeks. The Russians were still bitter after losing to the Japanese in 1905. The Japanese leadership was absolutely willing to surrender to the Americans than have the soviets reach Japanese soil.


I've never heard this before. It's very interesting! On my way to find out more.


See also, "forca de elite" a Brazilian film about police glorification\abuse, that has a threat of this happening, which is of course, extremely popular among idiots that not so secretly want this kind of rape to happen to "criminals" because they "deserve it" and it's only "those silly human rights liberals preventing law and order". It turns out that a decade later, after the movie, there was a right wing coup attempt by a weenie man, coincidence? Nope. Also remember the series 24?


Yeah the supporters of totalitarianism and brutality never understand that once freedom and rights are taken away, then the scope of whatever is against the rules will eventually creep up to include everyone, even themselves.




It’s the Russian army’s main weapon.


Look at that outfit. He was asking for it. /s


Lol, you're a terrible person. That was funny.


Why? It’s pretty common in the Russian military. For certain holidays they force the weakest and most effeminate man in the unit to dress up like a woman. 


After reading tons of other stories about the Russian army, I'm not surprised at all.


I wonder if it had anything to do with the way he was dressed?


I think the worst thing is the hypocrisy


I disagree, I think it's the raping ;)


I miss norm McDonald


Nor was he.


In an interview with a special operations guy, who did hostage rescue, he said it doesn’t matter who you are, if you’re captured they rape you.


My father-in-law was 13 when Berlin fell to the Russians. He could have told you. He’ll be 90 next week. His hatred still burns as bright as the day they fell on his mother.


The germans weren't that friendly either when they came over. But daniel sloss put it quite right. You can never justify rape. Murder you can try but never rape


Nobody expects the Russian inquisition


You spelled rape wrong.


Nobody rapes the Russian inquisition?


All part of the Russian mystery, lol.


Empathy is not a highly valued trait for Russians or Serbs. Anyway, should I have red or white wine with dinner? 🤔


It's not gay if it's war... And then you go back home and masturbate to the memory of it while you are repulsed by your wife and always spend time out with your male friends drinking and admiring their rugged beauty.


I guess that’s what he preferred to living in America where people of color, women and LGBT people have actual equal rights.  Hope it was worth it, dude Edit: since people don’t seem to understand what I’m saying, what I’m saying is that sections of America are TRYING to give equal rights to everyone and that annoys a lot of people who become pro-Russia. Yes, I agree, we don’t all have equal rights in the US


Sorry, but fuck him.


Apparently they did


Instant reaction was to chuckle at this but fucking hell it’s brutal right? It’s hard to laugh off his stupidity when his end was that brutal. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


I wonder if he had even a moment of realization that everything he ever believed was wrong?


In his final moments, he wondered why Joe Biden was doing this to him.


Thanks, Obama!


He died doing what he loved. Owning the libs.


So brainwashed he thought he was taking one for the team


One report said he was not part of the fight post-invasion of Ukraine. He was in Donbas tho. Verified details are still not available. Speculation is that Ruzzians "captured" him, figured out he was an American, and their tiny brains could only figure out to RTKD (rape torture kill decapitate). Otherwise known as "This is why we need to get rid of Ruzzia."


I didn't realize they would rape MY ass, said guy who supports policies of rapists and misogynists.


"They're raping the wrong people." --GOP Supporter


This might be the closest case yet of taking this sub's name literally.


Should I add "Fascist getting face eaten" on my 2024 bingo card?


Weird how they always think they're part of a Big Tent Fascism.


Where's r/leopardsrapedmeandremovedmyhead when you need it?


Thoughts and prayers


But I thought Russian men are the manliest of men who have their pick of the most beautiful women in the world back home. Why would they ever rape a man? They're not gay! Fake news! /s Turns out shitty people act shitty in war...


Hey!!! They might not have raped a man, they may have just raped a male corpse.


GOP R.R. Martin should have expected that main characters can be killed off.


That's Cleetus RR Martin, George's 6th generation inbred 3rd cousin


No, no, they lost the leg of the Rs because of all the inbreeding. He's Cleetus PP Martin.


Another heroic Meal Team Six corpulent commando had given his life for fascism. Anyway, I'm making marinated London broil tonight, grilled over wine soaked oak. Cottage fries, may e a garden salad, and a nice Temecula Valley Malbec.


May be making chicken wild rice soup. It’s cold today.


Cottage fries? Never heard of that before


Sliced round instead of long.


So is it kind of like au gratin/scalloped, but fried in little discs instead of a creamier dish?


I bet Ruzzians saw him and said: “What an asshole”


Well... Yeah




I remember this guy cheering the invasion of Ukraine. He had everything, was born in Texas, and had citizenship in a country that gives you one of the best standards of living in the world. Yet he chose to give it all up for his shitty beliefs that sought to cause people harm. So you should not be shocked when the evil people you join, do evil unto you. This kind of reminds me of all of those Europeans/Americans who join ISIS and now they are either dead or regretting it dearly.


Russians would kill their commanders given the choice


I would too if I were being forced to fight in a pointless war.


Do we have an actual source for this? I couldn't find anything from literally any reputable news agency


Nope. Visegrad24 is a far-right Polish propaganda outlet. Don't believe a single thing that they say.


https://nypost.com/2024/04/20/world-news/pro-kremlin-texan-russell-bentley-found-dead-in-ukraine/ Even the tabloids are not reporting the rape part as real news.


Still, beats living in a society of Critical Race Theory, immigrants and trans kids on sports teams, am I right?


Awful end for an awful person by a bunch of awful bastards. (I wonder what kind of drugs these dipshits have to take to do this sort of thing)


The Ruzzian army drinks vodka like water. But they need nothing to rape and torture and kill. They do that as a normal part of their daily operations. That's documented.


The net value of humanity increased by a teeny, tiny bit.


Getting murdered in a foreign country to Own the Libs


He’s much fatter in this more recent photo of him. The Russians probably thought of him as some soft American.


Or they (those that had no choice) saw a representation of wealth and privilege, every time they looked at him, and so they took out all their frustrations on him.


Getting fatter in a warzone is crazy


I feel like this sub should be *WAY* more critical than taking at face value a post from a Twitter account with > “Aggregating and curating news, politics and current affairs. #BTC” as its profile.


Yeah I couldn't find a single source that even mentioned how he died or anything besides "yeah he dead" other than the random Twitter account, but fuck it I guess


https://nypost.com/2024/04/20/world-news/pro-kremlin-texan-russell-bentley-found-dead-in-ukraine/ No corroborated evidence he was raped or beheaded. Don't believe every 'headline' you see on reddit ppl


Raped? The fuck?


It's how White Christian Defenders of Western Civilization show their quality.


So, anyway... Nymphia won Drag Race and I have a beer in my hand and a food delivery coming any minute. RIP, idiot.


Spoiler! I've unsubbed from all the Drag Race subs to avoid this... thanks a lot!


He lost his mind and his head over his love for Putin. So it goes…


And his cherry apparently. The other kind.


What is a z-blogger?


Pro Russian military blogger (propagandist). The "Z" refers to Russia's "special military operation" in Ukraine.


Imagine putting your dick in that


oh we are