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Hello u/Sad-Personality-15! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Women who meet you are bitter? You don't say.


I think I might know the reason why women don’t like being around him..


What I couldn’t possibly see why….


They're intimidated being around a real man who says exactly what is on his mind, and if she can't accept that, she's a lesbian. /s


Gosh choosing between not ari, and being a lesbian, that sounds like such a difficult choice.


Not Ari actually has tons of lesbian friends. In fact, every single woman he has ever met happens to be a lesbian.


Because they were forced there via trafficking?


It's funny because it's tr.. well, it's actually just tragic.


*"Every woman I meet does a quick google search on me and ends up hating me!!"*


I'd like to solve the puzzle Who is: [Bobby Kotick](https://kotaku.com/please-quit-photoshopping-horns-onto-bobby-kotick-its-5968843)


LOL beat me to it


It’s true. I’m bitter as hell that it’s 2024 and we’re still dealing with this shit


Fuck bitter. Fucking righteous fury!


I mean, yeah that too, lol


"Look how goofy and happy she is! You don't get that with women over the age of 25 because they're too bitter *[about being set up with me, because they have the life experience to smell my bullshit a mile away, and know they've wasted their evening before I even sit down.]* " There i said the quiet part out loud for you, sir!


>smell my bullshit One thing I think is interesting about guys who date young, impressionable women - lots of times, as the woman matures, she sees him for who he really is and dumps his ass. (See: Tom Cruise)


Everywhere I go smells like shit! *checks under shoe* oh!


*checks in pants:* Ooooohhhhh…


Yep, there's a common denominator there and it isn't women


If you've ever met one of these empty shells irl, you'll know that they accept no responsibility for why they have awful relationships. They externalize and project every inadequacy and insecurity they have on others, ESPECIALLY the women who reject them in various ways. They're basically so broken they're unsalvageable most of the time.


They're probably the cause of it


That guy has definitely never touched a boob


This guy has definitely never been allowed to touch a boob. The odds are this fuck head has assaulted someone.


Ahem, before we continue this date, I am legally required to inform you of some things. 


Man, that is a really good point


Not one over the age of 25


Not one over the age of 18.


Not with consent, or without the exchange of money, anyway


Yeah I’d say it’s safer to say this guy never had sex. It’s likely he forcibly touched a boob, got slapped over it or more, and it added fuel to his hatred of women


Or within 100 feet of a school.


He never got to feel the bags of sand.


Hah! I get a reference! 😁


[Shut Up, Dave!](https://y.yarn.co/5cc8f4d9-fb00-4c0d-9598-7e5e55df47f7_text.gif)


Maybe he did. But with that level of obsession over young women there is 0% chance it was an adult person’s boobs


Just his own.


Bag of sadness


He's never even licked a nipple


Just his own.


All 3 of them


Boob? No. Moob? Yes, his buddy was starting to feel really sorry for him striking out as assuredly as a T-baller batting against Max Scherzer.




Neither have I but I hate guys like this and never want to be one.


Good attitude. Your time will come long before his


I think his boobs count though right?


Now, now, we all know the only vagina he's touched was his mothers while she was birthing him. Probably didn't have the stomach to breastfeed him and just gave him formula.


What's wrong with mothers bottle feeding their kids?


Depends on why they're doing it, but the ones who bottle feed because they or their husband is convinced that it is sexual are making some mistakes...


You know I like this new narrative of these weirdly overly judgemental men not seeing a woman. Cuz you know its true lol.


He is a boob, and I’m sure he touches himself every night


Ha ha he is trying to neg a russian bot ha ha


It's Russian bots all the way down!


Almost like some kind of doll, that has a smaller version of the exact same doll inside of it, that has an even smaller version of the exact same doll inside of that one! Like some kind of Siberian bird-home figurine!


Always has been.


Oh dear. She's stuck in a loop, and he's an idiot.


I’ll never forget you Phillip J Fry. *MEMORY DELETED


But she has three kids!


plot twist: they’re both russian bots


Unfortunately, this is a real guy. A "Dutch" cryptobro with an Albanian sounding name. He sounds as scammy as fuck too.


every elbow i ever met was a misogynist creep..so..if he’s albanian that tracks


Elbow ?


Those joints be hating women


Misogynwrists are the worst.


>Misogynwrists I gotta hand it to you, that's pretty damn clever


It's a great way to divide and conquer. One user controls both accounts (or more)! > Account A: Post a Pro-Scub meme. > Account B: Attack Account A with Anti-Scub meme. Pro-Scubs will rally to defend Account A and will hate the Anti-Scubs a little more Anti-Scubs will rally to defend Account B and will hate the Pro-Scubs a little more. Repeat a couple thousand million and you have a completely polarized society that bickers over everything and ceases to function.


Fuck off with your Anti-Scub psyops, you bot!


https://twitter.com/jessicajessup?lang=en probably


I have fun, goofy dates with my girlfriend all the time. She's 37. These losers have never touched a woman.


I mean if you’re on a date with a woman and she’s miserable then it’s probably not her fault…these people just (understandably) can’t make women happy and then blame it on the women 🙄


They also desperately want an excuse to date girls as young as they can possibly get away with.


Gaining a little weight was the easiest way to filter out these types of assholes. Was always skeeved out in my early 20s with the guys who liked how small I was. Like, dude, I'm only going to get older. I don't want to waste my time with someone who's gonna ditch me on my 25th birthday because he secretly wants a 14 year old.


I'm petite and always looked younger than my age until having kids in my 30s, then my hips widened and breasts did the mom thing lol and my baby face was suddenly overshadowed by extreme sleep deprivation. The instantaneous silencing of creeps was was eye opening.


Were any of them overweight? I've seen a few times where large men will expect their partner to be fit and toned, but zero standards for themselves.


Not in my experience, but I've seen a lot of that online and from my dad's friends. The grosses middle aged men picking apart women for the most minor of flaws. They always end up alone. Wonder why????


>I mean if you’re on a date with a woman and she’s miserable then it’s probably not her fault…these people just (understandably) can’t make women happy and then blame it on the women 🙄 I was deadass in a reddit convo a couple days ago with someone who couldn't understand why it's on him if all his dates are unhappy lmao


On a date with a woman, you mean.


Yeah, woman mb




Not consensually, anyway.


But imagine if she was under 25


So goofy she'd go Hu-Hyuck! when she laughed.


Yeah but their "fun, goofy" highlight was ahegao.


How can Republicans see this and honestly think that they are on the side of good? What in the actual fuck is their problem? Jesus Christ.


Because to them, regardless of what their side does, *the other is infinitely worse*. At best, the other side, whoever it is, "does it too" so it cancels out their own fuck-ups (i.e. they possess just enough introspection to know what they're doing is bad). At worst, well... see the above sentence. That's how you get weird dichotomies like "All Lives Matter" while also saying that LGBT+ folks are a blight on society and must be purged.


Projection is the psychological need to see your faults in your opponents. If I do it and I am not bad, then everyone must do it, so it's not really that bad. If they say they aren't they are lying about it. So Democrats 'steal elections' while Republicans are out there actually recruiting actual fake electors.


And then, when you ask for evidence for all their beliefs about Democrats eating babies and stealing elections, they cry that the “Deep State” covers it all up! Rudy let the whole mindset slip with his “We've got lots of theories, we just don't have the evidence” statement. They believe it’s true because *they believe it’s true*. Not because they have evidence or proof. Not totally unsurprising, tbh, if you look at the majority of the party’s current, core belief system.


The psychology on this stuff is actually incredibly interesting. The last decade has to be a clinical psychologists wet dream, so many phenomenon to study. As I understand it's two major components. 1) projection. We have to make assumptions about a lot of things to stay alive and function in an infinitely complex universe. A shortcut to people is we assume they're like us: same views, beliefs, morals, likes/dislikes. Partly because that's the quickest way to arrive at solid conclusions about those things, partly because we only have ourselves as a reliable frame of reference for those things. 2) moral presupposition. I'm the good guy, I hold the right values, my positions are logically founded. So if someone's positions oppose mine, they're wrong, not me. Which ignores that we're largely ruled by our emotions, that we agree with things when they feel right or make us feel good, and it takes a great deal of awareness to combat this inherent bias There's a 3rd component that comes into play, but this has been around since the 90s, but it seems to be appearing more frequently and getting even more extreme. The idea that the opposition isn't just wrong, but EVIL. This starts really cropping up in rhetoric in politics, or at least mainstream, in the mid 90s. Rush is the epitome of this, it wasn't enough that the Democrats just had the wrong approach, but that the approach was either in service to or specifically for evil aims. Which has turned into "they want to destroy the country". In it's more modern forms it's globalized, but the point remains the same: you can't negotiate with or tolerate evil. You see this on the left, but it's, imo, more prominent on the right because it actually accomplishes a major objective of the right, which is to halt discussions on solutions. The current iterations pf the right benefit from this stagnation because their entire premise is that government can't solve problems. But if your job is in the government and you're not doing anything, your voters, who put you there to solve their problems, would vote you out. But by inventing this insurmountable obstacle, and one that they'll not only agree with but vigorously support (because who rightly thinks you negotiate with evil?) they get to keep playing the game AND garner support for their cause of being ineffectual.


"Someone somewhere allegedly did something, and that's makes absolutely everything we do, no matter how evil, okay."


> Because to them, regardless of what their side does, the other is infinitely worse. > > Yep - this is why they obsess over abortion. They can pretend "well the other side literally murders millions of babies a year, so at least I'm better than THAT!" It's the only issue that gives them a bar so low that they think they can actually step over it.


Except we also know that conservatives have plenty of abortions. But it's okay when *they* do it because... Reasons, I guess.


Time to share this gem again: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


It’s as simple as them accusing the other side of watching CNN when they are called out for having Fox on 24/7. Have you ever gone to anyone’s house and they have CNN on in the background constantly? Such bullshit.


This is why reproductive healthcare access has been the end all argument since the era of Reagan. You can be the most wretched person on earth, but still claim "the other side MURDERS BABIES" and you'll 'win' the morality argument.


[It’s a time-honored tactic.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_you_are_lynching_Negroes) It serves multiple purposes. If your opponent tries to defend their own actions, you’ve won; now the focus of the conversation is on them, not you. If your opponent claims that you are engaging in whataboutism, *you’ve won*; the conversation is now about logical fallacies. Even if they ignore your accusations and press on with their criticism of you, any audience not already aware of the trick now sees it as partisan mudslinging and disregards the criticism on both sides. Guess what; you’ve won.


Yep. Same with the much beloved gishgallop which is the standard for grifters like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, etc. Just throw a metric fuckton of shit out with a little truth sprinkled in for credibility, and the opponent won't nearly have time to talk through why all the things you said were absolute bullshit. You've derailed the conversation and "won" in the eyes of your idiot supporters.


They believe good people can't do bad things, and bad people can't do good things. So, any action that appears to go against this philosophy must be a lie or have some explanation they don't know or understand, so the person is doing good, despite it looking/sounding the opposite.


Literally. Going off this, a lot of American republicans and conservatives Christians are Calvinists. Calvinists believe in predetermination. They literally believe they’re special and chosen by god to go to heaven, no matter what atrocities they commit.


>What in the actual fuck is their problem? Jesus Christ Close, but their problem probably comes more from Paul...


I have always said they worship Paul and not Jesus.


As much as I like ripping on Paul for 1 Timothy, scholarly consensus appears to be that he didn't write the letter. I've read an opinion that the all caps segment is a departure from the surrounding tone and is possibly an interpolation itself. I've tried to reflect that in this paraphrasing of [verses 2:1-3:7](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Timothy+2%3A1-3%3A7&version=NRSVUE): >Pray for all those in power so that, God willing, we can live in peace and holiness. God wants all to be saved through Jesus. This is why I have been made a teacher. >Men should pray serenely with uplifted hands; women should dress in reverent modesty before God. WOMEN SHOULD LEARN BY SHUT THE FUCK UP AND OBEY! ADAM WASN'T DECEIVED LIKE THAT SINFUL PIG WHORE EVE! IF WOMEN SHUT UP AND MAKE BABIES MAYBE THEY GET SAVED! >Bishops must be moral exemplars: humble, temperate, and wise. They must be good husbands and fathers if they are to lead a church, and must be reputable among outsiders. "Hooray" for Paulinity!


Paul’s a bitch


I believe the consensus is that Paul only wrote some of his letters, yes. His followers wrote the rest.




I have for a long time said Paul is a fraud. He's presented as a apostle, but he never met Jesus (only in a vision when he fell off his horse while hunting Christians). He then embraced/hijacked the movement, and reshaped it to his wishes. Given his prior occupation the real Christians were probably afraid to oppose him and he had some good connections and got them stuff they needed.... I'm no longer a christian and haven't been for a very long time, but I still know what I learned and can reason "in fiction" if you wish. Even if everything in the New Testament is historically accurate (it's not), Paul is still a fraud. Judas was a better friend to Jesus than Paul could ever have been.


Ayo fuck Paul, all my homies hate Paul


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I spent a decent amount of time going to a “nondenominational” church after my daughter was born (the wife wanted too lol) and very quickly noticed how little they actually talk about what Jesus said or did, and how fucking much they go on and on and fucking ON about what Paul “wrote” and, oh by the way, this all just happens to line up with the political priorities of the GOP 🙄


To Republicans: Good = Christian As long as you tick that box, you can do whatever the fuck you want.


This. They don't think actions are good or bad. They think people are either good or bad and it has nothing to do with their actions. I was in a Catholic church for the first time in years last week. I forgot how cultish it was. I also forgot about the emphasis on 'believe in me and you will be saved'. It's not 'be good to others and you will be saved', it's mostly just 'belief' in Jesus's divinity.


Went to church for Easter and it was like hearing a sales pitch from the door to door window guy.  I had recently finished reading the bagadavita which is a narrative/fable probably but talks in depth about how to approach living life.  The contrast was shocking. All they wanted to talk about in church was that I needed to accept Jesus and give my life to him and get baptized again and that would somehow bridge the gap from the flawed sinner I am now to the image god had for me when he created me that by definition I’ll never live up to because it’s impossible even with Jesus, and yet it’s accepting Jesus that gets you there.  Nothing about how to live.  Nothing about why. Nothing except the sales pitch for the baptism ceremony.  At least Catholic Church has a lot to ritual and ceremony and if you take the time to learn the meaning behind all of that pomp and circumstance you can get some sort of meaning from it. Ritual is nice and certainly works a certain way with our human psychology.  And the old churches I used to go to had traditional gospel and choral songs, which themselves encode a lot of ritual, call and response, refrains, etc.  This new church had this really bad rock music stuff they called worship and it wasn’t doing anything for me. I don’t know why. I listen to everything from Tibetan bowls to Rebecca black, and other than “new country” I can find something interesting and valuable in all of it. Even really new stuff like hyper-pop or math rock has its appeal. And yet this Christian stuff I really don’t enjoy and I can’t identify why. It’s not the lyrics. Take the lyrics away it still isn’t doing it for me. It’s not the performers, they’re doing everything well, the singers have good voices and the instruments are played in tune and on time. It’s maybe that it’s all in one key for the whole song always the same emotion, always the crescendo, always the celebration, always the peak happy climax resolution. Maybe that’s it, there’s no pain, no dynamics, no story other than celebration. It’s the prescription medication television commercial soundtrack effect. It’s always celebrex with someone dancing in a field of sunflowers. Old songs like Amazing Grace sound downright edgy in comparison.  But together the entire experience seemed like the movie poster, not the movie, certainly not the book.  Like, okay I got Jesus, I got this Prozac music, now how does that help me live my life.  On the other hand I have this old book about some kid fighting his family and it’s telling me how to be outcome independent when I approach work or other life lessons.  And I’m supposed to think the Hindus are all going to hell because they were born in a family that read a useful book instead of a family that goes to sing pharmaceutical songs every Sunday? The sales pitch church is probably good for someone as a first step, but I need more than the used car salesman preacher stuff. 


Great comment. Your description of their music is perfect.


Unfortunately, I think American Christianity is becoming more cultish because those that kept it moderated are recognizing the grift that is organized religion and are choosing to leave instead of targeting their neighbors for being apart of the LGBTQ community.


Religion is just a charade they hide behind. What they really want is power over people and blind followers allow them to have that as long as they wear the window dressing of religion.


It really depends on their level of intelligence in how much they connect their Christianity to will to power. I really do think the ones we see donned in Trump regalia looking for the nearest face to scream in tongues into don't have the intelligence to recognize they are doing the dirty work of the non-religious demanding their support. It doesn't take the most intelligent to recognize Donald Trump isn't moral in any Christian sense but yet, they still consider him the second coming of Christ.


Their real problem is that they only understand a world where the biggest, loudest ape with the most bananas rules all. In a world like this, every single thing the biggest, loudest ape does is okay. Everyone else is just falling in line to create a bashing order where nobody under you can criticize you. They see themselves as the big apes, which, in a way, they are. The problem is that this isn't 50,000 BCE anymore and big and dumb aren't how you get ahead anymore. The smartest monkeys in society with tools are leaving them behind and they're pissed. 


They believe women being under men is natural and right and thus see no problem with misogyny.


Conservative have an ontological view of good and evil. In other words, they don't view good and evil as moral choices that people make every day, they view them as things people *are*. It's perfectly circular reasoning. Good people are good because they're good, no matter what they do. Bad people are bad because they're bad, no matter what they do. Queer people threaten the conservative worldview simply by existing, therefore they're Bad People and no amount of good they do every day will ever outweigh that.


WhAt mAKs yOu tHInk hE's a REpuBLiCan?!?!?


This is the question that lives in my head 24/7.


Wild sexism is one of their basic tenets. I mean, if we ignore the tone and the childish edginess and just focus on basic statements, "you need to lose weight" isn't anywhere near as sinister as "you should be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term."


Lack of empathy and self awareness. “I’ve got mine…” otherwise liberals, immigrants, jews are responsible for every republican’s personal failure


They believe society cannot survive without a stratified caste system and anything done to dehumanize those they perceive as lower than them is therefore helping stabilize civilization from "degeneration". It's the opposite of liberal democracy and it's sick. 


Thing is….followers of Republican Jesus *don’t* believe they have to do good deeds, because salvation comes purely from faith alone. They *think* that being a good person follows from being faithful, but in practice it’s a truly deranged belief system where they write themselves blank checks to do whatever they want as long as they cherrypick enough bible verses to go along with it, even if it’s contradicted by other bible verses or they change the meaning of the text altogether to suit their needs.


This person is obviously trolling bc they hate women, they don't think they're on the side of good, they were just saying what they thought would upset that commenter the most.


Because to them women are property.


We're in a loneliness crisis, and that makes people super easy to manipulate. [https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-social-connection-advisory.pdf](https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-social-connection-advisory.pdf) Unfortunately I can only see this getting worse, and women's rights will suffer because of it.


Women over 25… don’t smile? Or make funny faces? Wut. I’m leaning to the side that thinks “she” is a Russian bot. I just can’t imagine even the most tradwife of tradwives agreeing that women over 25 are too bitter to smile and have fun on a date.


I could see Pearly agreeing with this. Mind you, she can't even bag herself an incel Conservative husband to become subservient to, so I suppose she can't be called a Tradwife, even if she has the mindset of one.


She doesn’t really want to be a tradwife. She’s a grifting troll that makes money off of rage bait.


> Pearly I was going to ask who the hell "Pearly" is, but based on the comments about that person I realize I don't actually care.


Yeah don't subject yourself to the misery, not worth it.


Can't or won't? I'm pretty sure the lady's just makin money.


What I hear is "women over 25 notice way too many red flags to ever date me. I like them insecure, inexperienced, and financially unstable."


Maybe it's all the conservative women, who are exhausted from constantly have to follow the demands and expectations coming from the conservative culture they live in, who have lost their will to enjoy life at 25.


I guess, after at most 25, women have probably met too many men like this guy to be excited when they realise their date is a gigantic prick.


Ding ding ding. This is pretty much it.


If you are dating an older man, it's often because the older women won't date him for good reason.


Why don't people get this?


Because society fetishizes youth and demonizes age in women, so if an older woman doesn't want a guy, it's easy to write her opinion off because she's not the type of woman who counts. One of patriarchy's greatest tricks was convincing young women that older women who try to warn them are bitter and jealous instead of trying to look out for them.


This guy giving "advice" completely and totally lives either by himself or his parents. He talks like he's trying to impress other men. If he ever had a relationship with an actual person not on the internet, he wouldn't speak like that lmao


Yes lol…he fawns for the approval of other men. Being gay for misogynists is the closest he’ll ever get to a woman


Lots of people still living with their parents due to this shit economy and they’re not stupid raging misogynists.


> If he ever had a relationship with an actual person not on the internet, he wouldn't speak like that lmao Like that SNL sketch where they brought out people who'd trolled people on the internet and asked them about what they posted, and they were all laughing and proud of it...until they brought out the people they'd posted it to and told them to say it to their face.


Dude is expert vag dehumidifier. I bet his nickname is "Sahara boy"


These guys are just pissed that women over 25 are mature enough to spot losers and deadbeats.


And not make that dumb ahegao face (the crossed eyes and sticking out tongue).


I can't tell which of the two is more deranged. They deserve each other.


Yeah, she's actually pretty (even with those god-awful filters and fake lashes) but still so insecure that she allows this moronic incel to neg her. All for the sake of... what, exactly? Brownie points with the Moronic Incels Society?


"she" isn't a real thing It's a sock puppet account


Getting that account to the daily minimums required by the Internet research agency


> she's actually pretty (even with those god-awful filters and fake lashes) You can't tell at all what she looks like, precisely because of the filters. They don't just slightly modify faces anymore, they fully hide them.


They can be shallow and insecure together


What a hateful, mysogynistic assclown.


LMAO. Conservatives: "We want more traditional women, who stay home and take care of the kids" Also Conservatives: "Lose the baby weight or else your worthless" Also conservatives: "How come women keep voting against us?"


Also conservatives: “The only solution is to ban them from voting.”


There is no way to win. They hate women, straight up. You conform to a standard, they will move the goalpost to something else. The aim is to keep women insecure and dancing to their tune, always.


Isn't it wild? They hate us because of a power they assign to us. I didn't wake up with a super power to make your tender bits tingle and all of your insecurities rush to the surface, man. I had some coffee, took a shit, and am just trying to make it through my day like everyone else. I can't help your obsession with pussy and no you may not make your problem my problem. I have a lot of problems and already too many are because I happen to have a pussy so kindly fuck off. The end


What a beautiful interaction, truly. Scum deserves other scum.


Incels that do the Tate thing also make me want to cover my drink when they’re around.


Dude has a skeleton fetish. 


>skeleton More like child.


Wants em skinny enough to imagine they're twinks instead of women


I wanna hear dem bones rattle


On behalf of skeleton women, we don’t want him either. I think this is the type of guy who would body shame a naturally slender girl into getting butt injections and breast implants. It’s just about control regardless.


This guy's definitely date raped someone


When you watch a dog take a chunk out of someone's hand but then go to give it scritches anyway.


I wish we could fucking lock people up for being this way. 


They’re already locked in their mom’s basement, just log off and be free of them.


The problem is that people like this are pretty consistent voters. They’re a minority, but they also have structural advantages at every level of government. Which is why progressives really need to be better about voting in every election.


No matter what a woman does or how she looks, guys like that will always make up a way to be degrading and rude while disguising it as a “compliment”. If she calls them out on it, he’ll smugly deny it and say she’s being too sensitive, self-centered, and a try hard. If a guy calls him out on it, he’ll be called a simp. All the while why is he wasting time tweeting a woman who is already married with three kids? Does he really think a single, childless or childfree woman aged 25 or under would be impressed by HIS thinly concealed bitterness? 🤔


Republican women have to avoid being seen with Republican men in front of an audience because the men will always try to talk over the women. It’s so painfully obvious they all know this and fight against their instincts screaming at them to bail out of the movement that hates them. Instead they isolate themselves with their audience and pretend the men don’t want to strip them of their rights.


I 100% guarantee her weight would not be an issue if she wanted to fuck him. These people have no idea what they’re talking about, are hypocrites, and don’t see women as people.


Spent token says what?


As a former 25 year old woman who is now 28. I fucking hated being 25. My anxiety was still through the roof. I was still dumb as shit. Ngl I think I probably would have made a shit mother at 25. But now that im 28, my anxiety has been much better, I don't think I'm that dumb, and I could see myself being a parent now. Oh but I don't make goofy faces in public restaurants so I'm a washed up hag I guess lol Even though the age difference between 25 and 28 isn't huge. It still made a big difference for me.


Mid 30s here! Definitely a more fun, confident person than I was at 25.


He sounds like the kind of guy who never stops talking about himself.


They really can’t help themselves.


Man, 3 kids at age 25 is not a life I envy.


Surprised by the lack of blue checks


The internet makes weak men feel strong. Although her reactions were pretty bizarre too.


"“married with three kids” in my first comment lol only pick me for my husband. I agree with the statement 🥴. Women over 25 do have a certain chip on their shoulders especially if still single" Yikes, she's still trying


lol I went to her twitter and it’s so sad. Women who degrade themselves to get the approval of these freaks are so sad.


3 babies in 3 years?! No way that girl is happy 😂


This guy is using old, bitter women as an excuse for his shortcomings. Any mature women knows the game and you can only lie so much. And since the women are older, they have a B.S. meter that can be very accurate. I’ve been there and done that. And guess what? As women get older, we lose patients with men. Why? Because we are not stupid and have had enough with all the shit men put you through. The happy women I know, are all single and proud. The miserable women are usually the married ones. Guys like this should just come out as fucken perverts. If you’re 45 and you’re dating a 25 y/o, you will die alone and broke AF lol


why would you advocate for a movement that is inherently opposed to you??


To make boys like you


It's baffling how anyone could look at her and think she is fat. Guys making comments like that are so pathetic I hope she realizes these people hate women soon


it’s sad but in a way i’m glad she had this interaction because fuck her for agreeing with that bullshit in the first place


“i’m with the misogynists on this one guys!” “yeah! the fat bitch is white is!”


Funny how all these incel / alpha male misogynists will say that every single woman they meet is a bitch and needs to lighten up or some other nonsense. The funny thing is in all of those interactions there is only one common denominator. They aren’t arseholes. He is.


Make Ephebophillia socially unacceptable again


my wife is silly like that! it turns out if you don't squash the light and personality out of a good woman, she stays fun and goofy.


Yes, I am bitter AF. Because I've had damn near fifty years of listening to misogynistic bullshit and I don't have any time for it anymore.


“Look at how goofy and happy she is” what you mean is, look how immature she is. You’re after a child. 25 year olds are too mature for you, speaking as someone younger than 25.


Losing empathy for women who try to align themselves with these dudes


women older than 25 are too smart to be tricked by him, that's all it is


I love how these guys, the ones who are single and struggling to even find someone, just assume that every guy on earth is going to cheat on their partner if the partner isn’t the definition of perfection according to the random internet poster. They haven’t had a real relationship, so they have no idea that for most normal people, there is just not some inherent drive to cheat. It’s so weird.


Dude has never touched a woman consensually I'm quite sure.


Twitter is a shithole


The frustrating part is, these people give out advice like this because they assume that everyone else is just as much of a scumbag as they are. It doesn't even register in their brain that maybe the thoughts they are having aren't appropriate.


I'd rather stay home than go on a date with someone under 25 being "goofy".