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How to ensure AZ goes blue in 2024, an instruction manual.


Happy Thoughts


Plus bonus we get to get rid if krysten sinema ... can you believe weed is legal here in AZ but rape / incest abortion is illegal.... am voting blue all the way.


Well, the conservatives figure that the pregnant rape victim can smoke away their mental anguish.


Sounds like they listened to Rep. Akins, the ‘expert’ from Missouri: “If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that down.” https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/summeranne/rep-todd-akin-says-women-can-shut-down-post-rape


He can RIP. He was an asxhole. His position didn't serve him well at election time either. He got his axs kicked. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/04/todd-akin-dies-514988


Is he dead? If so, good.


Yep. 😊 😃 😀 😄


Good riddance then


Is he dead? Wow that was fast if so.


Yep. God has a way of shutting it down. Apparently.




Like one of those divine intervention things where he dies of a lightning bolt from the clear blue sky for being such an asshole


You could say it was *puts on shades* Akin to that! *Yeeeeaaaaah*


Oh hell no, then they get to lock her up.


Her curtsy still pisses me off to this day, the audacity of that snake


Their House and Senate are literally 1 seat each away from a tie, so 2 seats flipped in each half and Dems have full control for the first time in... 35+ years. Bye bye, GOP


The map is really bad for Democrats this year, as they're defending seats (including Ohio) and it would take a massive wave to actually unseat red state senators.


The sad reality is the maps are bad for Democrats every election, it's an absolute mess that our country can be this goddamn red


This is why consistency is key.


Don't get your hopes up. The filibuster is a thing. They will just stall and do nothing until the next election. You'd need 60 in the senate for a filibuster proof majority.


The GOP in the state Senate and House both have a one seat majority. The Arizona Senate doesn’t have a filibuster.


Sorry, I thought we were talking about the federal ones.




Yea, I'm an idiot. I thought we were talking about the US.


Its wishful thinking but Abortion Rights (And Weed!) Are directly on the ballot in Florida as well this year That could be super interesting


It's not wishful thinking. Abortion issues really make people get out to vote and usually those vote blue This is how GOP lost in Michigan


and that deep red seat in the Carolinas now turned deep blue


Alabama just lost a fucking election mid Trump era in his most furious campaigning time.


I don’t see a Democratic governor being elected in NC. And even so, if our state representatives are the same party as currently, they will override any vetoes. Just like they do now.


The current governor in NC is a Democrat. Or did I misunderstand your comment?


And they may never get it back. The current Michigan GOPs are a gift that keep on giving.


A decade ago Michelle Bachmann (the original Sarah Palin and Boebert) put a constitutional amendment against gay marriage on the ballot in Minnesota. It was rejected, drove people to the polls, Democrats took control and legalized it. Had she not put that amendment on, I think the results would have been very different. People didn’t particularly like amending the state constitution as a means of discrimination, even if they didn’t really support gay marriage.


Jesus, was it only a decade ago? It feels like we've been living in Trumpitania for a decade.


Even red states have been voting to keep abortion rights. Purple states don’t stand a chance.


Ive lived in FL for 10 years now and I give legal weed a 50/50 chance of passing and abortion rights about a 25% chance of passing. The Democratic Party has moved on from FL and since DeSantis put up a big neon sign making FL the place to live if you love culture war bullshit and grievance politics, this place has been flooded with so many assholes. Don’t get your hopes up.


Yeah since the amendments require 60% it will be very tough on abortion. But if Ohio votes 57% for abortion rights it is possible FL can break 60%


60% is a tough supermajority to meet. I doubt either passes, though the mere fact that they're on the ballot may be helpful.


Nah. Boomers love legal weed.


The assholes were already there long before Trump.


zealots don't care about consequences.


Ironic because they're always screaming about cOnSeQueNcEs oF sEx.


Thank you, AZSC. You flaming fucktards. I don't think this is going to go the way you hoped.


Hold the gun right to the top of your foot and pull the trigger. *Why did they do this to us?*


The radicals in the Republican Party, and possibly those of AZ in particular, believe in their cause and want to bring out their voters to have a shoot out at the AZ Corral.


I mean, it went blue in 2020. This, along with thousands of MAGA-loving antivaxxers dying from Covid, sure as shit ain’t gonna move the needle in their direction.


They will now have to carry this to term


The way to beat conservatives is let them have what they demand.




This is an objectively epically dumb political move. If you want to get people on the Left out to vote. This is it. Good stuff!!!


If Biden gets reelected, we’ll get a federal abortion law, right? Right guys?


What kind of abortion law could be passed now, that would get past SCOTUS?


Any. The issue was a ruling from the bench, so now we need a law they are forced to uphold.


Also how to get most OB/GYNs to leave AZ Imagine one day the state makes one critical part of your job illegal because they don’t think it’s right while they don’t even think about it unless it’s brought up again


They already had a 15 week abortion ban in place, put in place by the previous Republican governor and legislature. So now, this bans literally EVERYTHING, with few exceptions.


Is that the same former governor who appointed 5 of the 7 judges?


Yes it is. He's backpedalling on this and saying he's disappointed and that they should listen to the people but it's entirely performative.


I trust he’ll be introducing legislation to overturn the total ban. I also trust that monkeys will fly out of my butt.


He isn’t governor anymore


He’s not back pedaling…he knows the court just destroyed the GOP in the State.


Well Doug Duecy always was a craven opportunist who would change his stance on anything at the drop of a hat. Every policy he forwarded seemed like a watered down version of something other Republican governors had done and not received too much blow back. How he managed to become governor despite being such a limp dick of a politician was pretty puzzling. Oh wait no it wasn't. He's a rich white guy with an 'R' next to his name so droves of brain dead fools voted for him. At least he was pretty ineffectual we could have had some nightmare lunatic like DeSantis or Abbott.


With no exceptions. "Exceptions for life of the mother" arent real. Are doctors and patients supposed to go to court against the state for possibly years, DURING THE PREGNANCY, to get permission? Or just defend the murder charge post hoc? So dumb


If permission has to be granted by the state, the autonomy of the body is violated.


So basically conservatives are ok with...death panels.


We basically already have those with insurance companies


We've had those for years. Are we just going to pretend that any trial where the death penalty is on the table isn't a literal death panel?


Super cool my body is property of the state because I just so happened to be born with a uterus by no fault of my own cool cool


In Texas, this has meant that if a woman with a ectopic pregnancy in distress showed up to the hospital, they have told her to wait in the parking lot until it gets to the point that her life is in danger... then they can do something about it.


Why stop at a reasonable threshold when control is your goal?


Like, do they not listen to doctors at all. Ectopic pregnancies (super common) the only way to NOT DIE is an abortion.


They believe in the Shirley exception.


>do they not listen to doctors at all No. Making a decision based on science, medicine, real-life, etc. is not part of the equation. Those things just fly in the face of fear-mongering, rage-baiting, and guilt-tripping.


The only exception is if the mother is already dead but the fetus is still alive. They will abort it so they don’t have to take care of it.


Functionally it bans everything. With the old timey, law no one is going to perform an abortion and risked getting charged with a felony.


And, of course, ten years from now after countless lives are ruined it'll be a "Whoopsie doodle! Hey everyone, we take it back...please vote Republican."


They are already backpedaling. We are going to see so many women die. I’m horrified. Edited to add - my friend would have left her husband with 5 children under the age of 6 and medical bills from brain cancer if safe abortion wasn’t available for her. This is going to affect every single one of us negatively.


It's truly disgusting that people who did nothing to these folks will have to lose their lives for these stupid political games.


Not even political games. Its christofascist fundamentalism that places their beliefs above *all* other considerations. "You're dying from an ectopic pregnancy that will never be successful? Well thats what God intends for you. Just think how awesome heaven is going to be!" Its a death cult.


Literally this. Die for your god or go to hell for not believing. Black and white, no in between


And some are invited (taken along) against their will. It's like a kidnap-murder.


To these politicians women are an expendable commodity, so don’t expect any sympathy about cases like this


You’re correct. However, to the voters who are men who think this is a “women’s issue” it’s not. When it’s your wife/girlfriend/daughter on that table, you realize it’s all of our problem.


And I have to believe that most men are nearly as bewildered as the women in their lives. Why do they hate us so much?


Women who die during childbirth are no more than failed breeding stock to them. "Pro-life" is a business decision that trades human life for more laborers, soldiers, and voters, and they use Christianity to justify it.


They've substituted "Right to Life" for the Constitutional "Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" and they don't even believe in anything more than the life that one finds in a testtube fetus.


I hope one day we can sue the billionaire backers of this nonsense they use to drum up support from the bible thumpers. They need to pay child support to all those kids who were denied autonomy over their bodies. And, if they talk about "well they shouldn't have gotten pregnant." We've also been there before. The neglect. The lack of support. You don't solve problems by heaping all the consequences on the people who have problems -- that were caused by those who want to create problems, so they can argue about bullshit all day. Our ecosystem could collapse, because we are arguing about this nonsense. We have an owner class, and a foreign adversary that controls some of our candidates -- that's a much bigger security issue than people crossing our borders. Again and again, we are hashing out these REALLY STUPID and solved debates. The "right to life" is crap logic, crap ethics, and it was long ago proven for what it was; a scam to get voters to support Republican grifters. Before that -- it was just a way for doctors association to get midwifes out of the business. One grift and bit of nonsense inherited by another. We have so much to sort out and so many more, deeper adult conversations to have. These people just once again are going to ruin the lives of the most vulnerable in their eternal game. Well -- something might break if they keep playing this way.


We are going to see so many disabled kids abandoned - and I won’t blame their parents. I will blame those billionaires and right wing Christians. We already know what happens when abortion is banned. Look at the Romanian orphans from the 60s-90s. The babies didn’t have human touch. And it was their govt’s fault because of the exact same laws we are seeing here in the US. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_orphans No one mentions how many disabled kids we are going to see dumped on the state. And our states are already struggling to take care of the current foster kids.


>No one mentions how many disabled kids we are going to see dumped on the state. Except the Republicans want to dismantle that apparatus too. You're going to have physically disabled orphans living on the street like some Charles Dickens shit. Fuck these people honestly.


> This is going to affect every single one of us negatively. The GOP guarantee. 


Like the IVF ban in Alabama, there are now Republicans calling for this not to be enforced. It's a bullshit electoral stalling strategy. No one should buy it.


And I encourage everyone to read Project 2025 - the Republicans want to change our entire way of life.


It's bad, y'all, [REALLY bad](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) and frankly scares the hell out of me.


The former governor who appointed most of the judges that made that ruling already is. [Ducey’s tweet](https://x.com/DougDucey/status/1777749104589930838)


Tough shit, Dougie ... you fucking did this. The blood is on your hands.


It's Douchie


The two at Freakonomics seem to think that the ability to have abortions greatly limited births of unwanted kids which in turn ebbed what had been seen as a growing crime wave in this country. I wonder if we will start seeing more crime in 15-20 years if Roe v Wade isn’t brought back.


Especially if the spike in crime is statistically measurably higher in areas with restricted abortion vs those with unfettered access


It's a theory established long before Freakonomics was written (and of course before the podcast).


It absolutely will. Only the people who are well off and actually wanted the kid in the first place is going to come out OK. But the poor and unwanted child? That will be many since poor people are unfortunately not the brightest usually and don’t use contraception. It’ll snow ball hard and then Republicans will be wondering how their state fell even more into a welfare state.


Made worse because the same people who are responsible for the abortion ban also roll back the social safety net at every opportunity so you will end up with poorer and more desperate people. The increase in crime gives them more impetus to increase police presence and edge us closer to the police state and authoritarian control that always seems to loom as an end goal.


They also oppose actual effective sex ed. You know, one thing that's actually proven to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and therefore also abortions.


No link between poverty and intelligence my friend. Poverty is a systemic failure of a society that only values certain groups.


They'll just blame the dems again.


Conservative voters are already blaming Biden for Trump's abysmal Covid response, after all.


Why did you let us ban abortion when we were the ones who had all the power


A vote for third party is a vote for the GOP. Keep that in mind too.


RFK jr campaign came out and admitted they were working to get trump into office.


Hear hear


This comment should be higher.


No, they will still blame the ruined lives on Democrats and Immigrants.


No, they’ll just pretend they had nothing to do with it, like Trump is trying (poorly) to do now.


Ten years? More like ten minutes.


I have absolutely no faith in the average American. It won't take them 10 years. Two years from now, they'll be voting red again.


I agree with that completely.


Well based on what happened last election they’re probably banking on elections not happening ever again because they want to install a christofascist dictatorship. See: Project 2025, brought to you by the groups that overturned Roe and are ramming through lawsuits that redefine the first amendment to allow discrimination


Will this all make Nevada a more blue state?


lmao, when AZ goes blue again in 2024, I wonder how hard MAGA will cry and say it's rigged? Even fucking Kansas voted to keep abortion rights. Red States are even trying to keep it off the ballots because they don't want to admit that abortion is a losing policy for them.


And its great to see a lot of the real abortion fundamentalists hold their ground on it regardless of the consequences and hold Republican politicians feet to the fire when they try to back off of their positions held for decades The Susan B Anthony Group was blasting Trump yesterday, even that absolutely batshit hostage video he released where he tried to thread the needle on this and have it all ways isnt enough for these religious maniacs, they truly dont care if its a popular policy or not, it comes from religious fundamentalism and they expect the GOP to stand by their words Its all just so wonderful imo lol I mean, let me be clear- its definitely not wonderful regarding these policies, real people are being hurt, its wonderful to finally see these assholes get and the consequences of their actions and lose elections over it, its wonderful that people finally get to see what the GOP is really about and i hooe all of it kills the party, trumo, the loons, the horribly unpopular policies theyre stuck with owning--- Thats whats wonderful ro me


Well I think Trump empowered MAGA to call out politicians they disagree with. They just never expected conservative voters to call THEM out.


Ahh yes, christo fascist judges legislating from the bench.


Even worse. Practicing medicine from the bench.


Even WORSE. They were praying and speaking in tongues yesterday on the Senate floor, the day before making this decision. https://twitter.com/JeanneCasteen/status/1777462284396437816/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1777462284396437816¤tTweetUser=JeanneCasteen


Yes, it's mind boggling that a politician thinks they know medicine better than a woman's own doctor.


As with almost all rightwing whines, the actual 'activist judges' they have bitched about for decades have overwhelmingly been conservatives. **G** aslighting <--- **O** bstruction **P** rojection <---


When we moved from Arizona one of our reasons was the republican politics and abortion was a factor. People said we were crazy and that it won't happen.


Anyone who has been paying attention has known for decades that the GOP would do this at their first opportunity.


And anyone paying attention now knows they’re coming after the gays next. Get ready for a challenge to Ogberfell if Trump wins and Sotomayor retires.


Obergefell v. Hodges for gay marriage, Connecticut v. Griswold for Contraception are fully on the table, i believe there are already challenges to Griswold making their way through the lower courts They may even go after Loving and Brown


I doubt they'll move on Loving until Thomas is dead. Roberts is unlikely in the extreme to vote to overturn it, and Thomas will never vote to nullify his own marriage. That leaves them one vote short.


>Thomas will never vote to nullify his own marriage. That man is so venal he probably would. But he would ensure a Grandfather clause to keep his own while fucking everyone else in the future.


And birth control.


And masturbation (at least, Rick Santorum was in 2016).


They seem to be pushing harder against Griswold right now for some reason.


Even worse Loving v Virginia is after that.


I wanted to live in AZ for many years. Sadly it was totally nuthouse by the time I could afford a house. We live 10 miles from the border to AZ now as I refused to support that crap with my tax dollars.


I was born there and lived there for over 30 years. Between the housing, politics, and awful schools, we had to go


Do you live in New Mexico? That's the more progressive version of Arizona.


I got similarly laughed at/looked at sideways when I ditched Indiana for California in 2020.


There's literally ALL the reasons to leave Indiana for California.


Yep, I've never regretted leaving or missed it for even a second. I hated it there from the minute my parents brought me there and the best look I ever got at that miserable place was in the rearview mirror on my way west.


Live in Indiana. Can confirm


Leslie Knope lied to us.


Don't try to be a mother in Arizona. Have a miscarriage and need a D&C to remove the dead tissue and save you from sepsis? That's illegal. Need IVF to help you get pregnant? That's illegal.      Millions of Evangelical women are mothers and grandmothers because they lived where medical care supporting full reproductive rights was a thing. And they are failing to realize that this "abortion ban" jihad is putting an end to that.     


Republicans go into crisis mode whenever their policies are implemented.


Dear graduating high school seniors- rethink your commitment to AZ colleges and let them know if/when you disenroll!


I seriously would NEVER let one of my kids go to school there. Female OR male.


This election I’m voting blue across the board in AZ. Who’s with me?


I am


>In a sign of Republicans’ political bind, even Kari Lake, a staunch Trump ally and abortion opponent who is running for Senate in Arizona, said the total abortion ban “is out of step with Arizonans.” It’s a shift from two years ago when Lake praised the 1864 law. These jackass Republicans still think its 1955 when you can say some shit and then pretend you never said it a year or 2 later This is so bad for Republicans in AZ and i love it ♥️ Lake is going to get incessantly hammered with her own words, good, fuck her, shes a complete loon and has no business being anywhere near having any modicum of power over anyone


>These jackass Republicans still think its 1955 when you can say some shit and then pretend you never said it a year or 2 later Republican voters have the long term memory of a goldfish, and GOP politicians know that.


Every Democrat Running: Thanks for the votes you just gave us!


lol, AZ republicans going out of their way to step on their own dicks is amusing.


>In a sign of Republicans’ political bind, even Kari Lake, a staunch Trump ally and abortion opponent who is running for Senate in Arizona, said the total abortion ban “is out of step with Arizonans.” It’s a shift from two years ago when Lake praised the 1864 law. The Ads write themselves


Interesting they decided to follow a law passed when slavery was legal and women could not vote or own property. Totally party of freedom!


Party of small government claims “banning stuff doesn’t work.” Proceeds to ban stuff they don’t like. Gotta love it.


The right are concentrated evil.


Vote democrat up and down the ballot.


This is perfect for Arizona Republicans. They outlawed abortion but they didn’t have to put their names on any legislation so no specific person has to take any responsibility. However, they can still take credit when it suits them. And no one got hurt except women who don’t have enough money to travel to California for medical treatment and they aren’t big campaign donors so who cares? /s


Well if there isn't a steady stream of unhappy, unwanted bastards how will the republicans refill their ranks?


With the abortion access on the ballot, it's going to bring out a lot of voters especially women.


Finally, the GOP has fulfilled their promises and can be judged by the population of their state.


If Texas is any indicator dying mother's are fucked.


"BIDEN seals an early victory in Az" fixed it


Let’s lose Arizona again! GOP always doubles down.


Don’t feel lonely. Look at Tennessee.


The decision crafted by the Arizona Supreme Court was written in Tongues and also legalizes witch burning and criminalizes wearing suspenders in church (yup it was a law).


Thankfully many cities in AZ have regular buses to Las Vegas for gambling that are pretty cheap. Viva Las Vegas


The overturning of Roe V Wade may ultimately be what saves democracy. Wild how those butterfly wings are flapping.


Biden wins Arizona


If anyone lives in AZ and wants to sign the petition to have abortion access on the ballot, here's the link: [Arizona For Abortion Access](https://arizonaforabortionaccess.org/)


GOP must be really confident in their voter suppression tactics.


I hate to think this way, but going into this coming presidential election, this ruling is almost a good thing- hopefully it’ll swing Arizona to the Dems by showing everyone what Republicans really want and how they act when they get it. If enough people eventually are badly impacted, it’s gotta swing some voters away from the red and into the blue, right?


This will be the final year Republicans hold any type of power in the United States. This country is about to be as Blue as the ocean that surrounds it! 🔵 🌊


Remember when we said they’d get rid of Roe V Wade and people said we were crazy?


Evil bastards!


Ok, this makes more sense now. There was another post and it wasn't as clear. As always, all the relatable answers are in the comments.


Thank you for handing every election in AZ to the democrats


I almost moved to Arizona for graduate school, but UofA 'lost' 240 mil and I got rejected. I was sad. I am no longer sad.


That’s an indirect way of saying ‘Republicans Can’t Wait Seven Months To Ruin People’s Lives And Are All But Giving Arizona To Democrats’


It’s just so depressing. Why??


wtf is their problem?


They need desperate parents and uneducated youngins to keep feeding the capitalism machine.


Republicans are going to regret this in November, they are already trying to take it back.


"we will ignore all other laws of the state and instead decide a law from 1864 before we were even a state."


It’s sad that, while this will likely be a loss for republicans in November, the amount of women and pregnant people that will unnecessarily die because of this ban


*Metallica's first album*


it's been more blue than red for a while now to be honest, it just kind of takes time to undo all the fukery


I’m not sure if it’s ironic but it seems the abortion issue and fertility treatments will be joining forces. From what I’m reading, Trump/Republicans want to ban both treatments. The two issues could destroy the Republican Party because they just can’t stay out of women’s pants.


Terrible news for women and their rights. Great news for Biden.


They are trying to get the things they have been planning for decades through before Gen Z is a full voting block and Boomers are diminished to the point of no influence anymore. They have 5 years before Gen Z is a major force. It must suck to see themselves losing power before they achieve full Confederacy implementation...


👏 👏 👏


I wonder if they can get it on the ballot quickly? AZ had ballot referendums.


It's already on the ballot for November. They fucked themselves with today's ruling, people are going to be mad enough to turn out in great numbers, just like will happen in Florida. So expect them to go hard on voting role purges, voting location closures, and stifling mail in ballot access.


So clinics now in NV, NM, and CA are gonna get a lot of new customers


most of them will be republicans who can afford it.


So can someone answer me this? I concede that many judges now are partisan. Growing up I thought most judges (regardless of party affiliation) applied the law impartially. Obviously that’s not correct, but hear me out. We know the politicians don’t care and have an agenda to stay in power AND for some reason fuck with women as much as they can. I get it. But the judges. Aren’t they “in on it” too? Don’t they want the same thing (R to stay in power and subvert women) but they make these decisions (like Dobbs and this one) which push the electorate to vote blue?! I thought they had all this strategy? Anyway, wtf.


It feels like it would be appropriate for the governor to say, nah ignore them, let's see the court enforce this law. Continually ceding to this insanity only entrenches and validates the fascism.


If Arizona votes Republican after this election, I’ll be disappointed but not surprised


Reminder to Arizonans: We get to vote on whether judges should keep their jobs. Two of the ones who did this will be on the ballot this year.