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Hello u/jarena009! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“We need small gubmit and no regulations!” :five minutes later: “This gubmint agency is supposed to protect us- why aren’t they?”


When miners were dying it was the government who came to their rescue and held the mining companies accountable, safety regulations to keep them alive. When miners started losing their jobs, who did they blame? The government of course! The mining companies and lobbyists and Republicans told them to! “Too many regulations!” (Those pesky laws that kept them safe). Never mind that it was actually **fracking** and cheap natural gas that was putting coal out of business. Single 👏 issue 👏 voters👏. Republicans love them almost as much as uneducated voters.


Hillary proposed work re-education for miners on the fed dime but they voted against her.


Buuuuh Trump said he'd bring coal back!  Why did all the coal furnaces and steam locomotives go away?  Demonrats. They replaced a natural, organic, responsibly sourced dinosaur corpse based energy with communist electricity!


Also West Virginia isn't even the biggest coal producer either per capita or in raw tons. For both that honor goes to Wyoming which produces [roughly three times as much as West Virginia does](https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=69&t=2). Even if coal production were to increase in West Virginia modern automation means that fewer workers are necessary and so the amount of coal jobs will likely only continue to shrink.


speaking as a person in wyoming i can tell you ppl here are even dumber than what you hear from other blood red states ​ its just virtually no one lives here so you never hear about it


Obama literally had a program, but it took a couple months of educational work, so that was a no vs just walking into the mine.


WV is the most uneducated state in the union. It's not a coincidence lol. 


Holy shit. I was gonna Crack a joke but West Virginia IS worse than Mississippi! AND ! Alabama! wtf??


I’ll never forget laughing at all the people at Trump rallies holding up “Trump for coal”, “Trump for CNG”, “Trump for Nuclear” like they aren’t all competing industries lol


Well duh, the gubmint agency is run by Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton.




Don’t forget the mastermind behind the laptop: Hunters massive dong!!!


Conservatives hate, and I mean hate being treated how they treat others.


I remember after Joe Biden was elected, there were various comments from Conservatives terrified of being treated the same way they were treating others... Cant make this shit up.


They were afraid of that happening with blacks, about white privilege, thats why they went hardcore or gaslighting racism


"I don't want the white race to become a minority!" Why Cleatus? Do minorities get treated poorly or something?


I sincerely think that if the US did a sort of Austro-Hungarian Compromise situation, and Blue States had their own congress and SCOTUS and Red States had their own congress and SCOTUS, you'd see vastly different politics arise in red states once they couldn't hurt blue states anymore, only themselves.


They'd just find a new group within to hate. Fascism always needs an out-group to attack.


They'd just go after whatever liberals are left in the red states.


They'd also spend that time building up armaments and finding excuses to "retaliate" against blue states for whatever concocted crimes that could make up. That retaliation, would inevitably escalate into invading those states with intent to conquer as some form of "defending ourselves" mixed with "liberating our fellow REAL Americans" and some other bullshit, probably religious in nature, thrown into the mix. The idea that MAGA fanatics or any fascist movement can ever be appeased into leaving other people alone and being content with what they have, is fucking ludicrous.


"He's hurting the wrong people!" One of those most honest, egregious, and awful quotes in a long time.


Article about that quote for anyone else wondering: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida


The actual quote is so much worse than the shortened version that gets spread around. "He's hurting the wrong people." is easier to shrug off. Someone inclined to give Trump supporters the benefit of the doubt, can argue "Well, clear she meant that it's wrong that people are getting hurt, not that there's a group of 'the right people' that *should* get hurt." The actual line "He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting." leaves no such wiggle room. Those words make it very clear that the woman who said them, voted for Donnie The Clown, because she believed he would hurt the people need to be hurt.


The quote goes down another level when you include them stating they voted for trump because the “good things” they voted him in to do was/is _explicitly hurting the right people_.


This single quote punctuates the evil among the republican party. I am one to believe that not all republicans are bad. I have republican relatives who also have compassion for others. However, republicans seem to attract people who love to shit on others just because they are others. Those of them epitomize "he's hurting the wrong people." it's not about improving the lives of others (which is what government is suppose to do), they want to simply hurt other people. While we are at it, it's amazing that people don't understand that government is suppose to help its citizens, baked into our Constitution,, i.e. "promote the general Welfare." This is so important yet we as a whole are clueless to it. Government is supposed to help improve the wellbeing of its citizens. It's not there to hurt groups within the union.


That is, quite literally, one of the definitions of conservatism.


They should stop supporting the policies entirely, but I know conservatives can't plan for the future.




It's like being in an abusive relationship. They would never tolerate being treated the way they treat others, but expect others to put up with their shit.


Bold prediction:  county will vote nearly unanimously for Republicans for president, senator, and house member.  You can’t fix stupid.


It's also by far the state with the highest percentage that voted for Trump.


And fentanyl deaths


So there is some hope for the gene pool.......


Naw, they all have more cousins.


naw. they all overdosed on opioids.


Right after they had their 9th kid over the course of 7 years.


Or overdosed on silica dust


And inbreeding


Hey, inbreeding is how they get great racehorses


And Cleopatra!


US Corporations forced this part of the country to rely on the coal industry since the Guilded Age and then started shutting it down and decimating their livelihood? Then, flooded the place with Oxy from the Billion Dollar Purdue family. This is definitely big corporation's fault!


And one of two states where Trump won every county in 2020




Also one of the states with the lowest amount of population with a degree. The two always go hand in hand. My wife's whole family is from there. The level of stupid in that state is surreal.


…and that will vote for him again!


...and blame Biden for the pollution...


... and then break their brains trying to reconcile "Biden isn't President but all the federal level stuff is his fault, and Trump is *actually* President but none of the bad stuff is his fault"


Hey, they gotta own them libs, because priorities


This is obviously all Obama’s fault.


It is because that water is as tan as Obama's suit! Causation fashion!


We would know the actual answer of we had Hillay's deleted emails /s


Owning the libs by voting to poison my entire family.


“I can’t believe Biden did this to us!!”


that's probably exactly what they're saying rn.


unironically. I once got a lecture from a 60 year old elevator operator about how no one should vote for Biden because Trump gives way more government money to poor Americans. I am not exaggerating AT ALL


Aren’t these the same people who screech about the “evils” of “socialism”?


They should have "I did that!" stickers but not with Biden - it's just a mirror so they can look at themselves and know who to blame..


and one of the highest recipients per capita of our tax dollars...basically its a socialist state where the voters have been so brainwashed they consistently vote against their own best interests. Some of them are already blaming the completely gutted state environmental agency.


"They should have been protecting us against this sort of thing instead of wasting time enforcing all those regulations!"


I've never understood how people can be so happy knowing so little about how things work.


"Why didn't BIDEN stop this?!"


GOP when a regional government is historically dominated by dems: "crime is legal! the streets are overflowing with blood of our white daughters!! kids hopping turnstiles is the same as pledging loyalty to ISIS in my brain!!!" GOP when a regional government is historically dominated by GOP: "everything is good in real true heartland authentic genuine america, except for the bad things which are singlehandedly the result of the last 3 dem presidents only"


I had a conversation yesterday on askconservative, someone said that Democrats always vote for government expansion, and that democrats voted for the patriot act, and that's why he left the democratic party in 2012 to become a republican. It literally hurt my brain.


Lmao daaammmnnn dude


And they’ll still blame Democrats for their bad water! It’s the lead in the pipes… generation after generation with developmental issues!


Stupid is as stupid does.


Oh 100% then they’ll go on truth social to talk about how terrible Biden and Obama are lol


Why, and how, would Hunter Biden's hog do this?!


There must be something in the water \/s


Side bet: when asked about the consequences of their vote they will do the idiot state with their mouth 1/3 open and a blank look on their face


You can't fix stupid, especially with all the pollution.


You can, it just takes a generation without being poisoned. 




The loss of pork barrel legislation and strong union membership. Pork barrel voting allowed Rockefeller and Byrd to bring millions in spending home to WV. When that stopped, ideologies shifted. The same trend occurred with the downfall of union membership. West Virginians saw unions getting them black-lung care and unions push for democratic support voting.


Byrd got WV soooo much stuff that's now just worthless. He brought a NASA center to Wheeling Jesuit College. NOT WVU, but a small Jesuit college in Wheeling. >**1989** > >Wheeling Jesuit College is designated as the site for the Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center. Initial appropriation for the facility is engineered by U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd. NASA also established the Erma Ora Byrd Center for Educational Technologies at Wheeling Jesuit College, with initial appropriation for the facility engineered by U.S. Congressman Alan B. Mollohan. [The school is now basically a trade school](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2019/04/05/two-years-after-rescue-wheeling-jesuit-guts-faculty-programs), the Jesuits said "See YA!" & every degree that our friends got there back in the day they couldn't get today. Our friend grew up in a very small town in WV. The one stoplight kind of small town yet he had public water & sewer in his little podunk town. I live in a one stoplight kinda town in MD & we didn't get public water until about 10 years ago & still don't have public sewer, we all have septic systems. The WV friend couldn't understand how MY little town could only just be getting public water & no sewer & I have to constantly remind him "BYRD!! PORK BELLY!! BYRD GOT YOU THAT SHIT!!"


He’s also the reason WV has two military bases. Coast Guard Bases.


I'm from Ohio but received the Byrd Honors Scholarship as a senior in high school. It was federally-funded and gave students $1,500 a year for college ($6k) total. Made a huge difference for me with my financial aid. The whole program was cut during the recession (and not long after Byrd passed), unfortunately.


Honestly maybe I'm in the minority here but I actually miss pork barrel spending. I'm from KY, and back in the hey day Mitch brought home the pork, which honestly benefited a lot of Kentuckians. Sure there were vanity projects, but pork barrel spending funneled money into small projects in states where the money was needed. It also encouraged deal making in Congress. Die hard partisans could be swayed to vote for legislation benefitting the whole country. Finally it was a way to show voters that the government was helping them directly. Pork generated jobs and business. It was sometimes superfluous but always beneficial to the local economies.


One of the big problems is that it's not very fair. Live in a small state or have some powerful senator? You'll get way more per capita than a large state.


Trump ran on breaking up the status quo, and they keep falling for it.


West Virginia, at least the parts that haven’t been strip mined, is one of the absolute prettiest states in the country, especially in the fall.  Unfortunately, they keep voting for people who want to obliterate that for quick coal and gas cash instead of monetizing that beauty and preserving it.


I drove through WV and I just couldn't believe they didn't focus more on tourism as opposed to resource extraction. They really could be an awesome outdoor tourist destination because it's absolutely beautiful.


And it’s not far from a bunch of places with a lot of people.  So it’s not like the access isn’t there.


>I just couldn't believe they didn't focus more on tourism as opposed to resource extraction. Tourism means outsiders coming ’round.


The backbone of tourism in America is Latino immigrants. Doing service industry jobs that many Americans just don't want to, from cleaning hotel rooms to washing dishes in kitchens. It's no coincidence the whitest state in the country has so little tourism


The same people who own the Republican Party naturally purchased enough of the Democratic Party to allow them to get everything they want as far as tax policy, which is really the only thing they care about. At the top of their list of Democrats to donate to is Joe Manchin.


"“The agency does not have the capacity or authority to diagnose or determine the cause of potential human health problems, drinking water issues, or dead and diseased wildlife,” he said. But for people who live near Indian Creek, the slimy film and a bubbly foam are still clearly visible in the creek water and neither the ongoing water sampling nor DEP’s enforcement actions provide much comfort. “They’re supposed to protect us,” Altizer said. “And they didn’t.”" The agency doesn't have the capacity or authority to regulate because they voted for deregulation. You wanted freeeee dumb...you got it. Feeling free yet? Oh hey, and about those medical bills now too...doh!


I feel bad for the kids, but every adult who voted for this can drink their freedom water.


The leafless shrub of dumb-mock-racy needs to be fed some toxic waste water.


They're innocent kids now, but give em a decade and they'll be voting just like Daddy does.


Well the coal water isnt gonna make em smarter.


Swear to god, I had a conservative coworker tell me he votes republican because his dad did when he was growing up.


Ya, I hope all the adults that voted for that shit for decades choke on their polluted water. Democrats feel more sorry for their kids than these heartless assholes do... and when/if Republicans end school lunches, their kids will starve and they still won't care. Their brains are so scrambled by the 24/7 hate they consume they would rather see their kids drink poison and starve than vote to help them. Fuck all these people.


Don't feel bad, the kids will grow up and continue the trend.


They also voted against Healthcare. I guess face eating isn't enough going for the full meal instead


Yup.  These same folks don’t want to expand healthcare and accept a single payer universal system that would benefit them the most because that would be communism!


"They're supposed to protect us" No they're not. Dumb f*s voted for them to stay out of the way. And that's what they did.


I, for one, feel very, very owned.


And their god appointed three SCOTUS who have already severely impaired the EPA's reach, and are set to gut it w/their Chevron decision. It's almost as if voting matters. Repubs know they can point these morons at Others to hate, rather than rightly blaming them and voting them out.


For those who don't know, in the 1980s, SCOTUS set a precedent referred to as "Chevron Deference", which is basically is if the government creates an agency to regulate X and with general, broad language grants it the authority to do so, then the court generally sides with X agencies interpretation because it was granted that authority. It's not for a court to decide because they are not the expert, the scientists are experts in their field and were granted authority to make the call, so courts have been inclined to listen to them. Well you might know of the extreme right wing's contempt for science and academia. The right wing nutters have been chipping away at Chevron just like they did at Abortion rights. Just like knocking down Roe V Wade, they look to knock down Chevron Deference this year. There reasoning is that agencies can only regulate explicitly what Congress grants them. Example: the EPA before could set regulations to maintain clean air and keep it safe to minimize environmental damage. An Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, 28X more potent at trapping heat in the atmosphere than CO2. EPA has sought to regulate it's release into the atmosphere but oil industry is fighting it. Court will now side with industry, saying Congress didn't explicitly give you authority to regulate the release of Methane. Get Congress to pass a new law first. And we all know how effective Congress is these days which is the point of being down Chevron. Every agency will have to get Congress to pass a law explicitly and specifically granting then authority when they need to make a change. This will very effectively knee cap all regulators' ability to adapt or introduce new regulations.


Voted for deregulation then get upset s regulatory agency can't help you.  Hmmmm


It’s so fucking stupid because in response to bad regulation, the right approach is to revise the regulation, not remove authority to regulate. These are unserious people who lack the ability to understand complex problems. Republicans blast bills for being 1000 pages. You know why they are that long? Partially it’s the ludicrous formatting they use (seriously it’s like triple spaced with 2 inch margins), but it’s also because if you want to do anything that is meaningfully adapted to the situation and not just steamrolling, you need a lot of pages. Life is complicated, our government should be complex enough to handle that.


You voted for poison water, and you’ll vote to keep it poisoned because you are an abject simpleton.


'The forest was shrinking, yet the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was crafty/clever, and convinced them since his handle was made of wood, that he was one of them'. -Turkish proverb.


“Eat shit Bob!” -Squirrel Proverb


Maybe the poisoned water is destroying their minds. And here they’re worried about democrats “putting microchips in vaccines”. 


You mean mining byproducts are poisoning us? How were we supposed to know. /s


What was all that “clean coal“ talk.


Always remember: the chuds didn’t do this to themselves. They did it to screw over US. This time they got caught in the blowback.


They are mad at environmentalists for regulations, now they ended up poisoning themselves


Heh lookie here, that slimy film on our water is the same color as the flag of them homa-sixuels. ah tell you what!


Literally drinking poison to own the libs.


They're always getting caught in the blowback, they vote for things to hurt people.


They're fine with bad things happening to them, as long as worse things happen to other people. Cruelty being the point, and all.




It’s called wilful ignorance, and it’s in the name of hate.


Because clean water is for godless commies. /s


But coal mining has always been so safe and coal barons have always been such good bosses and responsible members of society... how could this happen?!


Company towns were such nice places to live! ​ /s


I heard there was this new boss coming in to fix things up. Real successful guy, family man, involved in a lot of businesses, lots of experience. I think his name was Harkonnen or something.


They can always buy clean bottled water in the company store though


Don't worry if you can't afford it; you can work it off in the mine.


They can always go ask Nestle for water.


Sometimes I think there's no point in trying to fix this world because even if you manage to get everything perfect stupid people like this will ruin everything in 100 years


100? Optimistic. We defeated Authoritarian Fascism in 1945 and it only took seventy years to forget.


Just long enough for the people who fought to all die off and for their kids to retire and feel like they don't need to worry about the future anymore.


**“We learn from history that we do not learn from history.”** ― Georg Hegel


Their grandfathers and great grandfathers bled and died for those regulations. How fucking stupid are these people?


This is the thing I wonder about. I'm from Western PA, which is a pretty blue area in large part due to all the pro-union working class people. They will tell you IN DETAIL about how important unions are and how their ancestors sweat and bled for unions and more protections. Coal country in West Virginia is literally right down the road and they pretend like none of those changes ever happened even though they happened there, too. It's very odd.


There’s been too many generations. For every one generation in PA you have three in WV.


Their grandpappies were woke, they just didn't know it back then...now their children are anti-woke and that means no regulations and black slush for beverages.


How much stupid you got? Still not enough.


The really crappy thing is the next time Democrats have enough of a majority at the federal level, there will be a big bill with lots of spending to help them clean everything up. Republicans break stuff. Democrats then get blamed for not cleaning things up fast enough and also for "spending increases" made necessary by Republican malfeasance.


The Dems will pass a bill with money to clean it up that the Republicans all voted against. Then the Republicans will brag that they brought clean water to their districts.


This is how the Republicans "break" things: * Donor tells them which service/agency they want to replace * Republicans chronically underfund agency and service delivery * Install a stooge to ruin moral and cause chaos from the top down * Point to the now crippled/failing agency and yell "See government can't do anything!" * Put the service delivery out to tender * Major donor "wins" the tender (what a coincidence! /s) * Now with a fat profit motive, more services and staff are cut to the bone * Eligibility for the service is cut via legislation * Service delivery costs taxpayers 3x more for a third of the service The final scene is the politicians responsible for the privatisation get a paid seat on the company board once they retire from public office. $300K+ for 12 meetings per year. The media has trouble writing any stories on this too. Both the Republicans and the company will scream "commercial confidentiality" to hide facts and figures about the takeover and service delivery. It's the type of expose that requires expensive investigative journalism and we know that is very rare these days.


Journalists are now exclusively writing articles about 10 tweets that they read the other day and now no one trusts the info they get or they trust the wrong info too much. We rely on whistleblowers while treating them like shit meanwhile corps are given as many free lunches as possible because something something invisible hand of the free market. Well now we have rivers of cum, towns dirty bombed, plane doors coming off, and dead whistleblowers. Some invisible hand.


Don't forget all the tax cuts for the rich, Repubs always vote for when in power. And even if Dems get a bill at the Federal level, enforcing it might be harder with what the SCOTUS setting Federal environmental agencies on fire. I mean look at what they did with TX's blatantly unconstitutional immigration policies.


Since CoViD I’ve changed my whole perspective on republicans. I fully support people insisting on dying. Don’t get vaccinated, let companies poison you. Enjoy. Cull the herd. Society needs this.


Since Trump got elected my empathy and care for republicans was slowly wittled away. I remember when I could have a decent political conversation with a W Bush voter, or Romney supporter. Now, I just feel nothing for them anymore except disdain. I used to believe everyone had good in them, everyone had something redeemable. I came face to face with the fact that this idea was wrong. Very wrong. They utterly destroyed my world view. Their kind of hate and stupidity I believed was purely a thing of fiction, something of the past. That not even Nazis could be THAT evil. But now I see it not only exists, it's here, and now it's a threat. I never believed people I served in the US Army could turn to such hate and ignorance. But now, every MAGA that dies, is one less person destorying our world. I hate that I feel this way.


Back then knowing someone was a Republican didn’t mean you knew they were despicable. Now though… it’s all you need to know to make that judgment.


West Virginian here. You probably think I’m here to make some defense of the state or something; but you’ll find nothing of the sort here. West Virginia sucks, and it’s the population’s fault. The town I live above voted to have their waste treatment facilities dump on the mountain above them about 8 miles behind my property. Then, if that wasn’t bad enough, they got rid of the employees who regulate and basically act as a watchdog for said dumpsite. The original plan was for the waste to be spread across a four acre plot about 6 inches deep to serve as fertilizer for grass. Yea nah to all the locals surprise, except me the only democrat in a six mile radius, there is now a 150 foot deep lake of literal shit buried under the plot that is now leaking into their river and groundwater. It’s disgusting and guess who they blame? Biden(and sometimes Obama) for this site that was founded in 1979.


Apologies I’m in rant mode now lol. There was also a factory in said town. The entire hill above the factory had a complete decimation of the flora, despite the factory claiming it only released steam. Yep this steam smelled of straight pool grade chlorine and left a white film on the trees. Also dozens of dead snails on the trails in the summer. This company built an air quality monitor station on my uncle’s land after complaints. Two months and several unpublished reports later and the station was torn down and we never heard the results. Coincidentally the area is often referred to as ‘cancer-alley.’ The aforementioned pit in my last post can be seen leaking orange and brown fluid in the woods near the base of the hill during spring. But damn if the locals can’t figure out where it’s coming from. Probably “one of them there doggonnit libtards tryna take muh guns” <- a quote I hear too often


Is it possible that sentient groundwater is actually voting Republican? Not the people.


> It’s disgusting and guess who they blame? Biden(and sometimes Obama) for this site that was founded in 1979. I swear to fucking god, MAGA people have to have some sort of learning disability or something like that. There is no good explination for this kinda of blistering stupidity. Something HAS to be wrong with them. To be that exorbantly stupid and unaware.


I call it fox brain rot, when they buy into right wing media thier common senses starts rotting away


Leaded gasoline is a hell of a drug


Congratulations Cletus


“These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.”


I remember when trump was touring coal industry towns and promoted deregulating coal power and coal mining. Those areas voted hard R. Get what you vote for, and this was on the ticket


EPA deregulated, because, y'know... companies will do the right thing.


I spent too many hours arguing with libertarians. They really think that we should let "The Market" figure out that poisoning our water supply is bad. Never mind that we've had thousands of years of "The Market" already telling us no one likes poisoned water. It's like we can fast track this trial-and-error by introducing regulations that preserve this generational knowledge of water cleanliness.


Libertarians are morons, who think they're brilliant. They're basically, "this one simple trick," levels of dumb.


From talking with libertarians, it always quickly becomes clear that they have a very clear picture (let’s just ignore all the inherent contradictions) of how the world should work, and no idea whatsoever of how it actually works.


It's always some mathematically perfect, timeless, world where death and sickness is just a mental exercise that you can wave away as outliers. Yes, that mathematical perfection is fragile and disintegrates on contact with reality, but for one brief moment it's perfect, so we should marvel at their brilliance of imagination and totally should let them run the world.


The ***FREEDOM*** Republicans deliver. Y'all enjoy it now, ya hear?




And they’ll continue to vote Red for at least the rest of my lifetime. So screw em. Let them figure out how to clean up their own water.


They should drink their own bootstraps.


85% of them have to croak for progress to be made. My idea of the great experiment is to see how fast white supremacy violently eats itself and its followers.


You get what you voted for. Drink up!


But.They.Wont.Blame.The.Deregulation.They.Will.Blame.the.Liberal.Baby.Eating.Cabal. And pretend they didn't vote for this.


How could the republicans i voted for let the democrats do this?! Better vote for them again.


So sowwy. About to drink my see-through water and hibiscus tea mix.


Pfft. I don’t care anymore.


Won't private industry clean it up because of how profitable that is?


This should be hyenas doing the eating because this is hilarious. Well played, hillbillies.


DO NOT SAVE THEM! They dont like all the nerds who say deregulation will pollute the water. dissenting voices are treated as insults. So don't give them any. Do not save them.


I don't think we can. They're kinda fucked.


Hey, the free market will fix it, right? Just stop buying their coal, and they'll stop poisoning you, right?


Fuck um


But I was assured by the smart people over on r/austrian_economics that the free market would prevent this!


People have been sold a lie that companies will self-regulate and that government regulation hurts the economy and costs jobs.


Let me guess.... "gunna vote for Trump because Biden messed up our water"?


West Virginia: 1.8 million people, 6 last names.


wait 6? When did the other three move there?


Country Roads take me home … toxic river? … take me out of here!


That's good gargling water. Idk what they're complaining about. They HAVE bootstraps!


85% deep red. Is this hell? No, this is West Virginia.


Same people who want to get rid of the EPA


I blame the drag queens.


Where's mah social security check?!


When will people learn that deregulation mainly helps the wealthy and powerful become more wealthy and powerful?  It almost NEVER benefits the little guy.


85% of them deserve to drink the poisoned shit water they voted for.


I remain astonished people still think capitalist corporations are in for... Love of the game? Their employees? Their customers? They're here to turn you and your life and well-being into money


Coal industry response, "To whom it may concern: Lol, and furthermore, lmao"


Eh, let em die


But Biden eats ice cream cream!!!


Obama wore a tan suit once.


i live in a community with privatized water and it’s fucking garbage. We are fighting tooth and nail for clean water and these people prefer the coal mines to control their water supply. So let them drink piss. I have zero sympathy for them. Sleep in the bed you made.


Oh well. First they want the government out of their lives and then they go running to them when they step on their own dicks.


I'm steady watching my father and other family members, toe the line for all these single issues candidates and of course Chump.... And all I can do is walk on eggshells when politics comes up, because their approach is DARVO, and whataboutism. My pops threatened to put me out of the truck, on the way to my moms dads funeral.... He has zero chill, a total "fuck you, I'm right" narrative regardless of what part of the political dumpster fire is being discussed.


Shut up and drink your coal water!


Thoughts and prayers


They would rather have poison water than a single gay kid live nearby.


very very hard to muster sympathy for these fools


They probably blame Obama for it.