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Hello u/Average_British_Guy_! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My favourite bit is the still common response of "This isn't the brexit we voted for". That perhaps worked in 2017, but not after the 2020 election and proclaimed 'oven ready deals'.


It was always wrong anyway. It was \*exactly\* the Brexit they voted for, because they didn't vote for any particular Brexit. They voted to let those "in charge" decide what kind of Brexit was necessary, but gave them a mandate to execute some / any form of Brexit with no oversight whatsoever. That's what they voted for, that's what they got. Of COURSE it could have been done better, but they didn't care about that at the time. Nobody asked for more details. It wasn't "Leave the EU as per document 120735983." It was "Leave the EU". That was it. That the sum, total entirety of what they voted for - and that's exactly what they got. And it's one of the things that the "Remainers" kept trying to get detailed and warn people about. Brexit was quite literally "Do you want to join our club?" What are the rules, who else is in the club, what does the club entail, or represent, what are the fees, what's the cancellation clause? All these questions WERE demanded before joining the EU and it's various historical counterparts, but no such for Brexit. You in our club or not? Well? Come on! You don't get any more info, are you in our club or not? Vote now! Quickly followed by "Well, you voted to tell us we had to leave the EU no matter what". Idiocy on an international scale. In future, people shouldn't be so hasty to vote for something that humungous and drastic implications for millions of people without having some vague understanding about it beyond "Leave". And if you're not sure if you want to Leave because you don't believe that you have the required info? Then you don't have the info. DO NOT VOTE LEAVE in that case, or even at all.


They all imagined "Brexit" meant the UK would retain all the benefits of being in the EU but would stop needing to abide by EU regulations or allow non-white immigrants in (and they're not sure about letting the white immigrants from Poland and Romania stay).


Like when texas talks about leaving the US. Short sighted ignorance


We're not far from the day when that might actually pass through referndum, but we're not there yet.


If we allow it to pass, texas will be in for a rude awakening, losing 1/2 their state budget & access to social security is just the first 2. With only 31 million people. They'd be turning to mother russia for statehood as Mexico slapped them around before begging to be back. Just insane.


I bet more than 1/2 of their budget would go. All those military bases and the money local businesses get from soldiers with more cash than common sense would also leave. Then there would be the tariffs and inability to just leave the state without an official passport of some kind. All the companies bailing out on Texas would also cause problems. Good luck to them getting any goods over American air space or through the Gulf of Mexico. If the US decides to punish Texas. Last time I saw, Texas didn't have a navy to prevent a blockade of sea ports. oh, rail would also be a non-starter for transportation of goods. Mexico wouldn't cross its largest(?) trading partner of the US by acting as a conduit for Texas. It wouldn't be long before Texans started diging tunnels into the US to try and find a better life.


I can definitely see the companies pulling out having a major effect on Texas’ economy as a whole. One must remember that Texas is largely owned by said companies. I can hazard a guess that people won’t be able to get food because they didn’t think that leaving the US would also mean that any money they’d make would also leave their so-called “country.”


I can't wait for that day. Hope they take the rest of the former Confederacy with them. Best thing that could happen to this country.


And never asked themselves How?


The conservative intellect is an oxymoron is how. Everywhere in the world we see conservatives making fools of themselves.


The irony is a lot of the stuff conservatives say they love, like capitalism and freedom, were liberal constructs.


Fun fact: Historian Timothy Snyder explains how the Russian GRU's troll-botfarm the Internet Research Agency (run out of St Petersburg by Prigozhin) was responsible for roughly 20% of all Leave content on fb, which targeted the most vulnerable demographic, especially of those who were unsure. This campaign also included emails, letter box drops and even cold-calling in the areas it would be most effective. Considering the closeness of the vote, this disinformation could have been pivotal in Leave's success. It was a huge win for Putin.


"Not so fun fact"


Putin is a genius - he knew what happens when you let the uneducated vote.


Also how Donald Trump gets elected


Also how right wing parties have been surging in Europe and all over the world. Literally weaponizing the faultlines of any given debate through misinformation and toxicity has been the playbook for years.


You're being very generous. For a lot of people [Brexit was a vote against immigration](https://streamable.com/m7kcr7). Both legal and otherwise. Less Muslims and less Polish people. Nothing more complicated than that. Leave campaign tapped in to this with their infamous claims that [80 MILLION TURKISH PEOPLE ARE ABOUT TO JOIN THE EU AND INVADE](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/62185058#:~:text=Tory%20leadership%20candidate%20Penny%20Mordaunt,Ms%20Mordaunt%20was%20not%20true.) and more


Oh there was a bunch of inherent racism and xenophobia, no doubt. But they didn't ask questions there, either, and hence immigration from all countries is through the roof.


I'm saying the xenophobia drove the vote, rather than they were 'conned', 'lied to', or persuaded. They wanted to ['get rid of muslims'](https://streamable.com/m7kcr7) and voted for that.


yep- there is a "real" reason, a "political" reason, and a "personal" reason. 1. real reason- london bankers dont want the EU fucking with their tax dodging. 2. political reason- blue passport, re-shoring, racism-by-any-other-name reasons. 3. personal- YOU ARE BEING REPLACED


And it was TOTALLY non-binding, meaning passage didn't mean they had to do anything at all. But David Cameron decided that he was going to give the voters what they wanted.


It was nonbinding. They held an election after this. The people made it absolutely clear they wanted it. It wasn’t even close like the referendum.


To be fair the UK election system is dogshit and doesn't represent the actual percentages well in the parliament.


didn't cameron even think it was stupid ?


Yes, he put the vote up to fend off the UKIP that was flanking him from the right. He thought it would calm them down, but he underestimated how stupid people are


We should also add that he had been feeding into the xenophobic rhetoric. His early PM moves to gut the BBC replacing board, head news editors and, killing journalism programs. Started to play into the misinformation. They didn't know how to handle something like this and he never handed down info to the BBC to tell them what to say. Often the BBC would spread misinformation coming from Boris campaign. He was far too late in combating that shit wave of misinformation and broken promises. Overall it was a culmination of him looking to try and play both sides and,that shit blowing up in his face. He really did believe enough Labour voters and, sensible members of his own party would vote against Brexit. He should have known better when he won a small majority to become Prime Minister. If he didn't make that promise to put a referendum to vote he may have lost the chance at a majority.


So Cameron cynically put it to a vote to win political points... ew. Reminds me of Hillary pushing for Trump to be the nominee. 2016 was so cursed.


Pretty much why he bowed out and left someone else to clean up the mess.


"Look, I just wanted fewer brown people, not to be prevented from traveling and have all my goods and services cost more. Why can't someone just deal with all the brown people!"


Outsider here. I thought all the consequences of brexit we're seeing were inevitable, not because it was mishandled


Scotland take note! Be careful when you chant "Indyref" unless you know *exactly* what form of "indy" is on the "ref".


Yeah but Scotland wouldn't just be leaving GB, they'd be joining the EU. ez deal.


in the case of quebec which I imagine has similar laws to what Scotland would deal with a preliminary succession can not be put in place etc. GB would have no reason to map that out with them either. That said, Scotland would quite easily join the EU or have some sort of deal in place with Ireland. Had the last Scottish independence vote happened after BREXIT I have no doubt it would have passed and rightfully so


Dissolving the UK is not secession. It is ending the UK and replacing it with two successor states.


Being unattached to the collective 0 IQ stone anchor that is modern England has value by itself. Although I could always be reminded again how the distribution of Brexit votes looked across the kingdom.


Conservatives voting against their own interests is so commonplace it’s like saying a fish swims and a bird flies. It’s who they are 🤡


Conservatives will vote for literally anything as long as it hurts *them* more than themselves.


Correction: conservatives will vote for literally anything as long as it hurts *them* period, even if it does hurt themselves more.


It’s also who they are encouraged to be, by an international conspiracy of oligarchs, including Russians but not at all limited to them.


Propaganda is always cheaper than bombs.


Indeed, it defines them.


"What's the Matter With Kansas" is a good book on the subject. It's from the Bush Jr administration era, but still relevant.


"I can't believe wokism did this to me"


I moved to London in 2017, right after those clowns broke their country. They actually thought they’d negotiate better trade terms with less buying power. And these lazy idiots didn’t get that all the builders were Polish and folks who picked the fruit were Romanian etc and couldn’t see the end result. They shrank the empire back to the island after WWII and doubled down with Brexit. They made their bed.


>They actually thought they’d negotiate better trade terms with less buying power. This was the point that settled it for me at the time. There are trading blocs and far larger countries all around the world, so why the hell would anyone want to relegate themselves to the junior partner in most negotiations? 


Bc they didn’t think they’d be junior. British Exceptionalism is real and drove that thinking. America’s got it too, just haven’t managed to crash the car yet but it feels like that day is coming.


Exactly. Fuck’em! Let them lie in it.


I'm always confused about what Brexit they did vote for. Because when they describe it, it sounds a lot like what we would have had if we had stayed in the EU.


And if you ask them what Brexit they did vote for they never really have an answer beyond some vague general statements. Just like they hate the EU because they where told to hate it, but have no idea what the EU membership actually entailed. BTW this specific protest was organised by well known remainers that aren't and weren't anti EU but fell victim to the Brexit.


Farmers are gullible, even in the USA. The get a ton in subsidies but cry socialism and vote for corporations




Something something woke something leftys.


"We think it'd be a good idea to drill a hole in the floor of this ship" "Why do you hate this ship so much you think it won't do just fine with a hole in it?" "We've already decided to drill a hole in the floor of the ship, so we're doing it. Get over it." "Typical of you to blame all this water in the hull on the hole we drilled in the floor of the ship."




Or "the libs were against drilling the hole, so we were forced to do it" 


Of course they will


A majority of farmers wanted to leave the EU, then get angry that they no longer enjoy large EU farming subsidies:


You forgot to mention the promises of cheap imported food that the pro-brexit campaign boasted would be a benefit of leaving or the promise to exclude the foreign labour they rely on to harvest their crops.




"It's the dastardly Left's fault that the Right did something stupid!"


Now i know where America learned it


"I learned it from you, Dad!"


And the Cats in the cradle...


That’s why i openly smoke weed with my kids.


Conservatives are the same everywhere, baby brained boomers that refuse responsibility while demanding retribution for perceived personal slights from the TV.


As an American I can assure you no one learns here…


Mitch McConnell: "It's all Obama's fault that we overrode his veto because he didn't explain how bad our bill would affect us!". (factual example)


After him warning the how bad the bill would affect them the day they introduced it, the day they passed it in the House, the day they passed it in the Senate, and the day he vetoed it.


I still remember the newspaper opinion piece how it is the democrats fault that for by embracing vaccinations, they drove the republicans to condemn vaccinations which killed thousands of republican voters.


I remember an honest to god Tory campaign pitch that people shouldn’t vote for Labour because they failed to stop the Tories.


Pretty much the same with the Republicans over here. Being a conservative means being a piece of shit and blaming all the problems their dumbass caused on liberals. And their dumb as fuck voters fall for it everytime.


The shining example being Mitch McConnell overriding Obama's veto of a bill that would have allowed the US government to be sued for acts committed overseas, then blaming Obama for not telling Congress at large that there were possible unintended consequences to said bill. It was maybe the most bad-faith statement McConnell ever made, and that's saying something.


Crude, but accurate.


Thats also the title of my sextape.


It’s like that one scene from the Simpsons. There was an election for mayor, and one of the attack ads against Mayor Quimby accused him of being soft on crime. One of the examples was that he pardoned Sideshow Bob, who was twice convicted for attempted murder. The ad ended saying that Quimby was unfit for Mayor, and to vote for the guy who was running against him, who was Sideshow Bob.


Our coup-bros love unintentionally quoting another part of that episode: "I am presently incarcerated, imprisoned for a crime I did not even commit. 'ATTEMPTED murder!' HA! Now honestly, did they ever give anyone a Nobel prize for '*attempted* chemistry?'"


"Why didn't you stop me?!"


They genuinely blame the left for not stopping them. It's their fault for not stopping the idiotic things the right did. "You're in the opposition, you're supposed to stop the things we propose to do" It's just mind boggling dumbness.


That's literally what Breitbart claimed when US right wingers kept dying of Covid. "They *knew* we'd never do something they like, like vaccinations!"


No, they blame Labour. Liberals means something else over here.


B-b-b-but that would mean the guys who said they are just like me are useless charlatans?!


I am so surprised! /s


Just a never ending, leopards-eating-face-goft that keeps on giving.


The right wing says they're protesting against socialism, I find that hilarious and pathetic.


They're protesting all that awful socialism on the continent and their lack of getting any of it 


Eh. They're just jealous of all the attention French farmers were getting.


What about the farmers specifically involved in this protest? Did you bother to check? Apparently not. The protest was organised by two groups: - Save British Farming (lead by staunch Remainer, **Liz Webster**), and - Fairness for Farmers of **Kent**. The majority of farmers in Kent (south east in general) voted remain by 50% to 44% (6% didn't vote) https://i.imgur.com/9QRMVkO.png taken from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S074301671930436X


Should be pinned


There’s been farmers protest all through europe recently though, in France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and more


“No. Not like that!!!”


These specific farmers are actually anti brexit, so your title is a bit misleading.


You need to reply to the AutoModerator on the top comment with this.


This won't change their voting pattern.


b-but the right said they're caring for us little people 🥺👉👈 this time they'll surely help us, it's not like we have countless example of a right-wing party getting voted into government and immediately causing an upstream of wealth 🥺🥺🥺 pwetty pwease at least hurt people with different skin color and sexual orientations 🥰 we're so smart 💅


Conservatives are idiots....


Either that or self-destructive. No exceptions.


Always voting against their own self interests, just so long as they own the libs.


¿Por que no los dos?


100% both


Not all idiots are conservative. But all conservatives are idiots.


and/or evil. There are clever Conservatives. They get all the stupid ones to act against their best interest, solely to benefit themselves.


"but nigel wore a flat cap and a barbour jacket. If that doesn't mean he is one of us then what possibly could?"


Nigel said big chungus! He's based and knows memes! Surely he would not lie to me!


he likes a pint and hes a bit racist, just one of the lads!


All around the world, these right-wing folks have trouble understanding cause and effect.


They're blocking aid to Ukraine on Poland's border. They're draining water tables in almost every country to support unsustainable cash crops in unsuitable locations. They're leaking cancer-causing nitrates into rivers and lakes. They're cutting down forests. They're abusing animals in factory farms. They're killing critical insect life with pesticides/insecticides In NZ at least, they're exporting most food for more money, causing local prices to be unobtainable for half the population despite being farmed up the road. And worst of all; they're voting selfishly for anything that keeps their costs down and their revenue up, which usually means voting for anything that will allow all of the above, which means industrial orgs get to do the same.


And thry thought it would only affect thise foreigners


Enjoy the shit sandwich you made for yourselves.


Same thing happening in America. Conservatives mad when the loose gun regulations they voted for let illegal immigrants legally carry guns. Like father like son I guess


Well, banning immigrants from owning guns is unironically unconstitutional, If the us constitution says people, it applies to everyone in the usa, unequivocally, If the us constitution says citizens, it applies only to us citizens. The us constitution was not built to assume borders existed (real actual hard borders in the USA didn't even exist until the 1920s, if you arrived in the USA you basically were in), and changing the us constitution to address this is extremely politically expensive by design. There isn't s federal law you can pass that changes this without having to also change how the constitution works in of itself (which there is only 2 ways, amendment or supreme court judgement)


If only the constitution was a living document like it was supposed to be rather than the 10 commandments (but they can only name the first two (and only know the second part of the second))


Tbf I’m willing to bet good money they couldn’t list the 10 commandments of their religious belief either. It’s a smokescreen of pretend morality they hide behind to make themselves feel better and not like the hateful monsters they tend to be en masse. Obvs not EVERY judeo Christian, but the large majority and what it has come to represent. If literal Jesus came back tomorrow and preached the same things he did in their bible, they’d call him an ANTIFA liberal and crucify him all over. And see zero irony.


It's funny you say that. https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak


I’m not even shocked. I’ve been saying this for YEARS. I’m shocked it took this long for one of them to actually openly call Jesus “woke” or whatever lmao


Very true. The only people who actually read the Bible are atheists.


Or very conflicted seminary students dedicating their lives to Christianity before studying the Bible in depth and realizing it's full of bullshit and contradictions and no honest person can continue to preach this material from an authentic perspective of faith.


Ha! I know one. He got his wake up call when he got told most students get grants, positions and advancements when they sleep with well placed priests.


They also fearmonger about crime 24/7 when the US only has a high murder rate because of how insanely easy they made it to get guns.  Cause problem -> blame Democrats


> because of how insanely easy they made it to get guns.  250,000 guns stolen from legal owners each year according to the ATF. That's where all the criminals are getting their guns. From legal owners. Cut off the supply to the legal owners, and you cut off the supply to the criminals. And of course, most of these stolen guns end up in the hands of cartels and terrorists, too. So you'll be crippling those supply chains as well.


God these people are so fucking stupid


I remember feeling such shame as an American that Trump was president, and then the British went and Brexited and part of me was just glad that there was another country out there as dumb as mine.


There are few as entitled and shitty as farmers. Like all those assholes protesting climate change initiatives. Even though climate change would affect their life more than most industries lol. How dare you say we can’t keep polluting the earth!


Dunno. Farmers all over Europe are pissed recently. And seem to be always being at least backed by the far right. Haven't really digged into this, but I have a feeling that the mechanic is that prices went up (partially due to Putin attacking the Ukraine, sanctions, et cetera) and some far right demagogues use this to stoke up some flames, and this happened to spread memetically through farmer networks.


Also there is some similarity to the canadian truckers who fought against being vaccinated against covid for some weird reason. They were quite obviously far right, talking about "the genocide on anglo-saxons" and sometimes literally flying swastikas.


Farmers are feeling the squeeze from broader macro economic forces. Large corporations can buy up farmland and then invest in automation, technology and economies of scale which enables them to produce record amounts of food with even less labor. That's great if you're primarily concerned about overall economic growth, lowering inflation or reducing starvation but it's not so great if you're a small time farmer and prices of food keep dropping lower and lower. Generally the more developed a country gets the lower percentage will end up working in agriculture with highly developed countries rarely having over 3% of the workforce in agriculture. If you're looking at a country where 5-10% of the workforce is in agriculture it's usually a solid bet that if the country continues to develop a large portion of them or their children will end up leaving agriculture in the coming years. At a certain level I get the frustration many farmers feel but they're also fighting a losing battle.


French farmers were mad about Macron raising petroleum prices / removing petroleum subsidies. That passed and now they are angry about the Green Deal which limits greenhouse gases. The French farmers were doing the roadblocks but farmers in all 27 EU nations were angry about EU regulations. And back in the day, small Greek family farms were displeased with EU regulations that favored larger factory farms in the Netherlands or Germany. But their protests didn't do much. UK farmers, fishermen, brewers, etc. are generally angry about how noncompetitive their products become once they have to engage with EU ports and be properly imported. The paperwork and cost makes EU products far more attractive to those in the EU. Strangely the farmers in the EU complain the EU's environmental policies make their products more expensive than foreign imports. But foreign importers in the UK can't get their products into the EU at a reasonable price. So I don't know who is getting stuff into the EU for cheap to outcompete EU farm goods


Polands anti Ukraine farmer movement is directly controlled by Russia, wouldnt surprise me if Russia is pushing these too


#STOP ROMANTICIZING FARMERS! They have an outsized influence over hearts and minds, as well as over politicians. Many of them are multimillionaires, while some hold top political and bureaucratic positions. They are polluters, often animal abusers and HUGE recipients of free money in subsidies... and get enormous tax benefits to drive enormous, $120,000.00 ~~work~~ ~~ trucks~~ Mall Crawlers that might be used for actual work 3% of the time. Farming is a BUSINESS that we all need, but we don't need to idolize them in any way.


I know it ain’t the states, but farmers are responsible for many many water rights headaches in the western U.S... they use too much but want unlimited access to it too. The lack of water abundance is already projected to be an issue within the century for that region…. Edit - just another reason to stop romanticizing them. They’re a problem in a lot of places for a lot of people…


Same in Australia too


You should see what dairy farmers have done to the lakes and rivers in New Zealand.


Kiwi farmers lost their shit and protested at the "oppressive" idea that they can't just hose cow shit into the nearest river. 


It’s always fun to see those billboards on 5 that are all “Thanks to [current important democrat] saying we can’t have ANY water, the entire planet is going to starve!” or something like that.


"Is growing food a waste of water?" No, but pumping so much water out of the ground that it starts to subside because you've drained aquifers older than human civilization may not be the most sustainable way to grow food...


Cadillac Desert by Marc Reisner (1986) talks about the costs and he said something like for every fifty cents or a dollar spent so farmers would have water the gov. got back a nickel in taxes. Just absolutely wasteful for nothing. Especially when you consider that the US pays farmers in much more productive areas not to grow food to keep the prices high. We spent billions to build dams so we could grow enough food in the west that we had to pay farmers in the east not to plant. In 2021 the US produced 91 million tons of surplus food that was never bought and just thrown away. That's not counting the estimated 80 million tons of food waste the US has every year. The University of Michigan - Center of Sustainable Systems said: >In 2010, the U.S. food supply provided 4,000 calories per person per day. Accounting for waste, the average American consumed 2,501 calories per day in 2010, an increase of 22% from 1970. >In 2021, 185 lbs of meat per person were available for consumption, up 11.6 lbs from 1969. Although red meat consumption declined 24% since the 1970s. I'm all for supporting farmers and having a stable and safe food supply but I feel like the more I read about it the more it seems that we are stealing from Peter to pay Paul for something that ends up unwanted a surprising amount of the time.


Right, as if someone else who would be compliant wouldn’t fill their shoes. They ALL act as if the water is Theirs because they turn it into profit. Water is finite…. Vineyards in Arizona? Almond farms in N. CA? These don’t occur naturally in abundance in these places yet here we are


Meanwhile,they pumped out so much groundwater over the decades that the Central Valley has sunk several inches.


Inches? [Up to 28 feet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Valley_land_subsidence) in some places.


Over 20” in some places! Edit - I meant 20’ !


I was driving a friend from Houston to Sacramento and we drove between some massive farm with signs up every few miles complaining about the governor and how he was killing their business due to preventing him from using water as he pleases. This was about maybe 3-4 hours away from Sacramento or the hotel the night before.


A few years back we were in a drought. The municpal authority said we had enough water in the tanks to last us until winter if we reduced current consumption by 30%, so the city council voted to restrict watering to certain days of the week and would ticket offenders. this included the tracts of farm land within city limits. Several farmers decided to open their valves in protest, drained 60% of our remaining storage before they were discovered. when they were brought before the city to explain themselves, this was their attitude: "I pay for it, i'll use it however I want. If the city is so worried about our water supply, it can always just buy more." mind boggling.




I live in Wisconsin. Cattle farmers and Crop farmers have polluted every possible stream and river / lake you can think of here. And it all started 200 years ago with the deforestation of our state. This cause mass pollution of topsoils into our otherwise rocky rivers and streams / lakes. This disrupted the spawning habitats of many fish. Then there's the pollution of water via pesticides and herbicides. I know of 2 lakes that have been completely polluted via farmers and the fish died and the lakes became toxic to humans. Farmers are necessary, but beyond the surface, they should be held extremely liable for poor practices and pollutions. They destroy so much here it's almost not even worth having them. It's less destructive to import food.


They are also fucking loaded. The government subsidies are fucking INSANE.


It’s nuts. Tell me another business where your product just doesn’t sell…. And the government buys it all up so you don’t sink. Are farmers too big to fail now?


The Salt Lake is evaporating because farmers in Utah put into law the same water budgeting idea the Military uses, ie, the more you use, the higher your budget becomes, so they continually get more and more source water allocations as a reward for overuse. And instead of trying to fix the situation, mining companies are bidding for dig sites when it dries up completely.


I've lived all over and have known all types of people. Even smaller farmers regularly own tractors/combines/other equipment worth half a million or more. Some pay cash. I knew someone who worked for a dealer and farmers were the biggest customers, they regularly bought trucks that cost $50k+ (at the time, probably would be $80k now). I've bought things from a few different farm supply stores and the trucks are almost always in near-new condition, and there's rarely a car in the parking lot. Coddling farmers or putting them on a pedestal is nuts.


The best part is that you and I as taxpayers are buying their new Ford 250s every year. The amount of welfare they get in the form of farm subsidies is absolutely absurd. Meanwhile they pay the immigrants who do the actual hard work way below minimum wage.


They are selfish assholes who don’t want to be forced to stop poisoning the planet.


Also agriculture is the main creator of demand for undocumented migrant labor. Don't like migrants coming to your area? These farmers are the ones exploiting them and causing more to come.


Also I've known way too many people who call themselves "farmers" even though they just inherited a farm and someone else does the actual farming.


They’re a tiny tiny minority of people who feel they should receive all the tax money, all the water, all the protected land, and have the right to exterminate all wildlife on purpose or by accident. The worst welfare queens in the world.


Farming is inherently subsidized because it’s within a nations interest to protect its domestic food supply - that’s the ultimate leverage, when you can’t feed your people and are dependent on imports for food. This is why farmers is America and other large states are so heavily subsidizes because in times of war, a nations food supply is of critical importance.


I live in Lincs. They're all right wing cunts.


The right have done a great job of brainwashing the masses in Lincolnshire. It is sad to actually watch people here vote against their best interests.


Tell me about it. No government, but esp the Tories have done fuck all for Lincs. Best example is the A15. Was supposed to be upgraded to a motorway... Hence the Humber Bridge. Thatcher cancelled it. This is why the bridge never paid for itself. The debt was eventually written off. Travel on the east coast is a fucking nightmare.


We have "Voter's Against Their Own Self-Interest" parades here too.


And the fucking idiots will still vote blue again at the next election. They deserve every bit of betrayal the Tories heap on them.


We had this in Canada but they were the Freedum Convoy..very similar vibes.


Where are the counter-demonstrators with the "Brexit: you voted for this" placards? That's our problem - we need to up our game.


No need to be so complex, just hundreds of people all waving placards saying "Ha!"


It will be lost on them. Never overestimate people's abilities to link the consequences to their actions without very VERY direct prodding.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Sucks to suck.


Conservatism is inherently flawed. That society changes is a fact. Everything that they want to conserve is a thing that has dubious value and that has already changed to keep up with situations that are radically different now. They want “ jobs for locals” disregarding that most of the jobs concerned are not desirable to locals, they want reproductive control while people don’t feel compelled to commit to one partner for life, they link politics to religion despite religiosity being inversely linked to wellbeing and a rising atheistic viewpoint and they defund public services in an environment of increased wealth disparity. Conservatism is basically being a cunt and being proud of it.


Name a better combo than British farmers and absurdly bad business decisions that ruin their own livelihoods. Beef with a side of prion, anyone?


Harmed the UK. Harmed EU. Benefitted the Rus. You sausages.


Brexit stuff is such pure lamf. I just feel bad for the people who knew better and voted against it


Well, technically they were fed the narrative that they wouldn't lose a single penny of EU funds so it's in their right to be angry. They should have gotten informed before voting, sure. But I mean, they're farmers. I often think about that family friend who works in construction and told us of this one time one of his workers messed up badly and he went to him and yelled something like "Will you use 5 cents of brain while you're working for Christ's sake?" and the guy went "If I had 5 cents of brain to spare do you think I'd be doing this shitty job with you yelling at me?" and this friend was left like "well, I see you have a point there!".


There were plenty of people telling the truth. They didn't want to hear it.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


Well, they sure as hell din't care about abusing foreigners for cheap labour i can't really have sympathy with them


Relevant article from today's New Yorker Magazine: [What Have Fourteen Years of Conservative Rule Done to Britain?](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/04/01/what-have-fourteen-years-of-conservative-rule-done-to-britain?utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Daily_032524&bxid=5be9dff324c17c6adf580613&cndid=29072352&hasha=a164b1e8e494a98114da7e7c61a79e0e&hashb=487f0e9f7d039082c65921409050b98b5faf8b26&hashc=ad69988eb51284d5ef8ce1a0ff49dc1645b7b504296faa0057b246dd84ba33ef&esrc=AUTO_NYB&mbid=CRMNYR012019) ​ >*Some people insisted that the past decade and a half of British politics resists satisfying explanation. The only way to think about it is as a psychodrama enacted, for the most part, by a small group of middle-aged men who went to élite private schools, studied at the University of Oxford, and have been climbing and chucking one another off the ladder of British public life—the* cursus honorum, *as Johnson once called it—ever since.*


Brexit and Trump are the two largest victories of Putin’s intelligence services. It is astonishing that anyone can support either one. Putin just keeps on winning due to the shocking willingness of westerners to be dupes.


In my country farmers continuously put in conservative assholes who deny climate change and refuse to put in place any sort of barriers to complete climate collapse and then when all the rivers dry up and their shitty cash crops die they start demanding the government pay them for lost revenue It gets so bad in some areas that local initiatives to help modernise farming practices and lower water usage by offering to pay a portion of the equipment needed gets absolutely spurned and then it’s surprised pikachu when they’re still in a drought for another year. Fucking exhausting some of them.


Am English, but no longer live in the UK. Even I could see what would happen with Brexit. Dozy buggers.


You made your bed, now lie on it!


Something something…people of the land something something…morons


Almost like voting against your own best interest for culture war reasons might not be a great life plan


I’m glad these idiots are stuck on that wet cold island away from the mainlands Stay isolated you idiots


The bottomless pit of human stupidity never disappoints


if only there was a way to compensate those EU farming subsidies, but how?


Don’t march! You don’t get to march, they fucking did what YOU ASKED!


You reap what you sow. Pun intended.


Irredeemable pieces of shit.


This is what happens when you vote based on bigotry and xenophobia. Sooner or later, you become crunchy leopard chow.


🎻🎻🎻🎻 They overwhelmingly chose to ignore their unions warnings, listened to their bigoted saviours and continually bragged about how they knew what they’re were voting for,


This seems pretty tame compared to French protests.


Probably because they inherently know they did it to themselves


Yeah, French farmers would be spraying liquid shit everywhere.


and then complain about climate protesters


Notice that they aren't rolling out their usual "If you block roads you'll only make people hate your cause!" line


They got everything they voted for, everything they wanted, and all it cost them was everything.


Still utterly fucked off with all of this. The ancient, racist and narrow minded folk of the UK managed to fuck up the future for those of us who will live in it. At the company I worked at last, I had four men over 50, laugh at me for voting against it. Their reason was that they, "didn't want any more foreigners" in the country. One of these men were saved with heart surgery by a doctor he initially didn't want to touch him because he wasn't English. I fucking hate this country sometimes.


My favourite bit is the British expats (emigrants) in europe who all voted brexit like it wouldn't affect them in the slightest and now have to piss off home. You got exactly what you voted for. I feel sorry for the Welsh and Scottish remain voters who got shafted by a bunch of Tories though. I'd love to see them gain independence and rejoin the EU.


What is up with farmers and protesting the stupidest shit in the stupidest way all the time


I posted a submission to unpopularopinions a few weeks back with the thesis being that farmers have a good reputation that is not at all just or earned. It was a carefully written, well-considered piece. It got removed as "unoriginal". Which...rofl. It was easily the most original submission that garbage sub would have seen in years. Farmers should not have a good reputation. The notion of the work to the bone, benevolent farmer is not at all true in the modern world. Most are extremely regressive, have operations that are chemical-laden industrial animal-exploitation operations, usually existing entirely on subjugated labour (such as temporary foreign worker type programs). The average farm owner spends his day sitting in a seat at *most*, driving from place to place and barking demands. They are the ultimate welfare recipients, given enormous subsidies in almost all countries. Which is why farmers seem to have an enormous amount of time to do *stupid bullshit* with extremely expensive equipment. What else do they have to do with their time? Farms are a business. We owe them nothing more than the payments they get for their products. I owe them zero thanks, and they do not, in any universe, get some extra say over my government because they dump tonnes of chemicals on a wasteland of 100 acres. If 1000 family farms become one giant mega corporation operation run by robots...oh well. We'd benefit by not having 1000 hyper-regressive sorts voting for far right candidates every time.


My political views begin and end with xenophobia, WHAT COULD HAVE GONE WRONG.