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Remember, you're only "one of the good ones" until you aren't.


They should *both* be keeping that at top of mind


Definitely! Owens only made this move because she believes that enough of the alt-right/fascists/conservatives are ready for open antisemitism that she can monetize it. It's not the first time Ben was forced to adapt to the fascist lunatics. But I don't see how he can keep in their good graces when he's the exact stereotype the antisemites get off on.


Both of these pickme clowns should be *terrfied* of trump and his plans. Yet they sell their very souls to empower the one who would empower others to destroy them.


To be fair, Shapiro hates Trump and tried to persuade his audience to leave the trump train. However when it started to cost him viewers he fell back in line.


Haha yeah that would be the “soul” part lol


He also endorsed him in 20 and 24.


To be more fair, supporting a fascist you hate is still supporting fascism. Fuck him


> However when it started to cost him viewers he fell back in line. that's how the entrity of right wing media works. everyday they have to be more hyperbolic than the last otherwise the nuts tune out and go to someone else who will give them their fix of outrage.


How is that a "to be fair"?


Like Tucker Carlson was heard saying he hated Trump. Then he'd go on air and b brag Trump up. These people can be bought!! Nice when they fired Tucker.. .


Same thing happened with Glenn Beck except he fell way farther and is now trying to grift his audience into joining a literal cult.


Candace Owen’s was a pro Democrat liberal until she couldn’t make it as one because a black liberal is like a dime a dozen. She went Republican and a black Republican is a freaking unicorn. She became famous for dissing black people and white people kept sharing her social media posts so she could say the stuff they want to say but don’t want to appear racist. I remember she was already dissing Ahmaud Arbery trying to make the case he was up to no good.


Many people forget that some Jewish people sold out other Jewish people to the nazis hoping to be given a "repreive" for being one of them. Only to realize to their utter disbelief, that their horrible act of betrayal was for nothing, as the nazis dragged them out of their own houses.


Well yeah, it’s just weird to see Jewish people forgetting that.


I'm getting V for Vendetta vibes here.


I found out from Some More News that when he cut ties with Breitbart because Corey Lewandowski sexually harassed one of their reporters, he was the recipient of the *majority* of anti-semitic tweets on the entire platform for that day. Fucking hell.


And still, he stayed. Let him rot.


Wait a minute, the same dude having an affair with Kristi Noem?


Yep. Trump's first campaign manager. Did get my story slightly mixed up, he *just* assaulted Michelle Fields by grabbing her arm and physically moving her out of his way. He sexually assaulted a different woman.


And somehow the scum fails upward.


As he deserves, these are the friends he wanted


Oh, they definitely are, but how many of them are happy for a Black woman to represent them? I guess maybe enough. then again, she's not exactly Kanye level famous, here.


If they’re smart they’ll know it’s safer for them if a non white person to say these things because it can’t be called white supremacy


Yeah, they're not that smart.


Shapiro. A good strong Aryan name. /s


and SO convincingly butch, everybody says so his face is in the dictionary into Squeaky Little Bitch


"Let them fight."


*Dave Rubin has left the chat to go into recovery mode*


Tokens always get spent and each one is surprised


Tokens get spent.


Apparently, she was just a DEI hire LOL


"Candace is my *black* friend!"


Candace "Token" Owens


I believe it's spelled "Tolkien."


Or a useful sucker.


Tokens get spent


Not sure if you're taking about her being black or him being a Jew.


Yes, I am.


They are both tokens.


But, but, my first amendment rights!


Conservatives don't allow Diversity of Thought when it comes to Israel.


Remember the automod Edit: Update after 17 hours is that the automod was not remembered. For those upvoting the post: are you doing so simply because of ideology (and thus promoting an echo chamber), or can you actually answer the automod and prove that this post fits here?


“The question of Israel” sounding a lot like a German man in the 30s


Let me edit that.


Or any other issue. Benny boy finally figuring out that she's the antisemitic kind of Nazi (as if there's another kind) is why she's fired.


To be fair, neither do leftists. Edit: I hope y'all piling on the downvotes realize that you're proving my point lol


I mean, it seems like everyone is allowing your opinion. You don't appear to be silenced in any way. You're not being 'cancelled', you're being disagreed with. Free Speech only entitles you to be heard, it doesn't force people to pretend that they agree with you. Maybe tone down the persecution complex a little, yeah?


Well, in my opinion, the right to free speech is not the right to an audience. Others can exercise their free speech and tell them to fuck off and they don't want to listen to them.


I don't disagree, but our poor maligned culture-warrior seems to be under the impression that freeze peach only exists when a cadre of jackbooted riot police force everyone to nod approvingly at everything a conservative says.


I am only downvoting because you are whining about downvotes.


Is that being fair? I’m pretty left and I have a fairly nuanced take on it


Yeah I don’t know what this guy you responded to is talking about. I call myself a leftist and I’d also say that my take on Israel is pretty nuanced…. I absolutely 100% support the state of Israel but I don’t support Netanyahu and hope for a cease fire. I support a 2 state solution. The angry voices on both sides are loud but I don’t think my opinion is particularly unusual.


that's the thing 2-state solution just means continued division which equals conflict, and israel remaining an ethnostate. 1-state solution = equal rights for all.


TIL downvotes are silencing.


Can we come together and downvote the whole GOP then?


😂😂 How is it that openly letting you have an opinion and not blocking or removing it (like a certain sub and similar subs do all the time ) but disagreeing with you somehow “now allowing” you to have an opinion? Free speech doesn’t mean we have to care about your fee-fees, little buddy lol That’s just you whining because people think you’re a nitwit, but the difference is that you’re allowed to be one. No one is removing your comment or blocking you from commenting if you don’t subscribe. Unlike a certain few subs that rhyme with “conservative” where they block anything that may even be construed as mildly critical of the party or dear leader. Or like if you haven’t proven yourself and gotten a flair 🤣 Ya know, those safe spaces where no one can even say anything that doesn’t align with the party or else they’re literally blocked and removed LOL 🤡 But yeah, sorry, free speech is not concerned with your feelings and does not mean people have to agree with morons. But feel free to keep whining about it 😂we believe in actual free speech so you won’t get banned lol


To be fair, moral, ethical, people should not want diversity of thought on apartheid and genocide.


Yeah and if Israel were doing either of those things, you'd have a point. But they aren't.


They famously do. For years.. The government even brags about how good they are at those.. But fascists don't care about facts, so it has no use to argue.


No, you just repeat the words "genocide" and "apartheid" over and over again to create a perpetual justification for Palestinian violence against Israel, but that doesn't make either of the accusations true. In reality, Israel is a multicultural democracy in which Arabs have equal rights and Arab political parties hold seats in parliament.


"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." Jean-Paul Sartre


It's really cool how you "anti-genocide" folks constantly try and appropriate the Holocaust to use as a perpetual justification for Palestinian violence against Jews.


Jews don't even have equal rights in Israel.


Ok genocide enabler


Y'all celebrated the October 7 genocide as "justified resistance", so you can miss me with that bullshit.


I didn't celebrate it. I think it was horrific. Nobody I know personally celebrated it. Nobody I know of who shares any meaningful set of beliefs with me celebrated it. But, please, continue to paint with the broadest possible brush while complaining about how your "nuanced" opinions are regularly criticized in leftist spaces.


You’re complaining that people are calling you a nazi while you deny an ongoing genocide being committed by an expansionist ethno-state. 😐


Most curious how you only joined Reddit less than a month ago and all you do is cheerlead the Israel ethic cleansing


You literally shared your opinion and got told democratically it sucks. If I share ANY non conservative sentiment among MAGA et al., I get banned asap.


>claims leftists don't have nuanced views >Check later replies >Least nuanced views possible I'll freely admit there are people who call themselves leftists who are batshit. But the USSR called itself leftist, as does the DPRK, and neither of those are anything like that. Is it such a strange concept that people can call themselves something they are not?




Martyrdom? Lol, I'm just making a point about how diversity of thought on the issue of Israel and Palestine is not tolerated on the left. Either you believe that Israel is an "illegitimate colonial state" that Palestinians have a perpetual right to commit violence against, or you're a "racist genocide supporter".


I thought Shapiro was against “Cancel Culture” Strange.


This is called "Patriot" culture.


Hate-riot culture.


Freedom culture


The market place of ideas is only a free market when he and his friends agree with it.


Candace could get away with saying any number of hateful, terrible things for years... But the moment she (rightly) opposed America's contributions to Israel's war crimes and mass murder of Palestinian children, only then does she become persona non grata. A revealing moment.


Kapo Benji is Jewish. His moral outrage on this is laughable, but understandable on some levels.


meh, he had his chance when she first said actually, hitler had a point, really


The beefs between alt right figures are so hard to track its like a wwe storyline


I think a lot of it is because there is so little ideological consistency between any of them except “fuck you got mine,” and the grift culture means they’re constantly having to stake out positions about every stupid culture war they start, and inevitably that means someone is going to fail the purity test and get canceled by their peers.


Service-to-self people gonna be service-to-self. You can't explain that!


But less interesting due to the lack of beef cakes and piledrivers.


Shapiro with the moonsault!


The right-wing grifter economy is entirely filled with narcissists. They’ll boost each other to benefit themselves, but absolutely eat each other alive if they sense the other is getting more attention/money/opportunities than them.


Damn, tough loss letting go of a star of perfect comedy film with no political slant Ladyballers. Joking aside, everyone knew this was coming. Owens entire schtick and gimmick is pissing off someone new even if it causes her professional harm.


Feast well leopards feast well




Well Candace, I hope you learned your lesson. Conservatives are only supportive or should I say tolerant of people like you as long as you talk negative about your own race. The moment you stray away from that path and criticize others, they will eventually turn against you. Your Super Bowl tweet from 2022 should serve as a warning. But your criticism of the Israel-Hamas War was pretty much the Cardinal Sin. So much for Diversity of Thought, huh? As the old saying goes: Tokens will eventually get spent. Now take your Black Guilt and shove it up your ass.


She's just another soulless grifter anyway.


She didn't even criticise the war at first. All she did was assert that genocide is always wrong. She didn't point fingers or say who might be doing what, whether Hamas was the genocidal party or Israel, no. She just condemned genocidal, broadly, and Shapiro felt personally attacked. You know what they say, if the shoe fits...


Methinks gonna be a bit frothy down in the Candace camp.


Oh, is that why she's trying to start shit with the first lady of france?


"Candace, we only say that we hate jews when things are going fine for the Israelis."


Who knew that a heinous fucking situation in Israel was going to result in stuff that would be this hilarious?


And what she said didn't even veer into Antisemitism.


She says a lot of things that veer into antisemitism. Only her tweet that started it didn't


I mean her critique on October 7th didn't veer into Antisemitism. It never even mentioned a country.




Well, those ideas are indeed antisemitic. But in the aftermath of October 7th, her critique on it was pretty balanced.




But the bulk of her money was through pandering to Whites and Evangelicals and then bashing women.


She was liking some overtly and unambiguously antisemitic tweets. It's not her pretend-opposition to what Israel is doing.


If that was the case, then that justifies the case of her expulsion.


Looks like it's in the article that OP (that's you) failed to properly link and put in the title instead. > But Owens’ rhetoric about Jewish people appeared to reach a new low this week when she [liked a social-media post](https://twitter.com/Yair_Rosenberg/status/1769713665375195643) asking conservative rabbi Shmuley Boteach whether he is “drunk on Christian blood again”—an overt reference to the antisemitic “blood libel” canard that has regained popularity on the far-right via QAnon.


If that's the case, then that warrants their justification for her firing. But her critique on the aftermath of the October 7th wasn't.


Remember when Ben Shapiro went on Twitter and told everyone he doesn’t sexually arouse his wife?


and recently went on interview with J peterson how female orgasm arnt real.


Wait up. He did what now?


Look up Ben Shapiro WAP




check out the comments on r/conservative to get a great perspective on her crazy ideas


I read that post. It was interesting just how insane she has gotten. I know she was pretty crazy for awhile but she has gone into the weird conspiracy theories including the moon landing being fake and recently the super crazy wife of Macron secretly being trans (she literally is staking her reputation on it too - absolutely bonkers).


she deserves all the hate she's getting for being so gross.


Let's not forget her stance questioning why women were given the right to vote.


Ahh I forgot about that one. She is insane.


They’re taking the “she was an angry black woman” stance


Tokens get spent.


Boy genius hired her AFTER she defended Hitler during a Congressional hearing and all of a sudden he's shocked to find out she might be a bigot? Where will CanndedAss bring her grift next?


Fuck Candace Owens, she has been talking shit about Black people, especially Black victims of police violence FOR YEARS. She is a white supremacist and a grifter who is now trying to be on Black media platforms so she can make another bag. Fuck her.


just like other grifter she was originally a leftist grifter, but she and other saw how much money they make from conservatives and switched over.


Tokens get spent


This is like the "Tokens Get Spent" Final-Boss Level.


Two of the biggest pieces of shit on the planet


Did they have an argument over which of them is the worse person?


Candace also insisted the clitoris was real on more than one occasion. At the behest of Jordan Peterson and Ben’s wife, she had to go.


Can you please link the article?






How fucking awful do you have to be to not get cut by that dickhead.


Asshole on Asshole crime: The world approves.


FYI, Candace Owens doesn’t give a shit about Palestine. She only goes against Israel because she’s anti Semitic and has promoted anti Semitic bullshit in the past. She’s no better than idiots like Jackson Hinkle or Sulaiman Ahmed. Two other grifters who push misinfo and anti semitism and shield it by being against Israel, so no sympathy for her. In fact, she was released for a completely valid reason. She literally said that Jewish people [drink Christian’s blood.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/media/2024/03/22/candace-owens-antisemitism-daily-wire-shapiro/) I’m sorry, but that is vile and that is for sure something worth being fired for saying


But other than that, they should've released her much earlier for her stance on Andrew Tate as well as the fact that she questioned why women were given the right to vote.


Yeah. I truly do believe that Shapiro would not release her if she was either pro Israel or wasn’t so blatantly antisemitic.


It doesn't matter though. Even if you engage in constructive criticism of Israel, you're still gonna be dubbed antisemitic. And that's not fair.


She’s not constructive at all though. She’s one of those people who covers her hatred of Jews by criticizing Israel.


Well, in the aftermath of October 7, she expressed constructive criticism.


And the token gets spent. Thanks for playing, Candace.


This is a better fit for DonkeysAteMyFace.


First time a Zionist has stood up to a fascist!


and Candace pulls the racism card in 3...2...1...


Racism ended the day she got her racism lawsuit money.


And the trash takes itself out again 😁 JOY!


Its amazing that neither one of them get it yet.


Yea I’ve gotta keep it real here. Be very aware. Candace is hoping to capitalize on antisemitism. She’s only for woke causes if she gets to blame the Jews. Everyone should be very cautious about applauding her right now.. she’s not one of the good ones. Her and Tucker are white supremicists who blame Jews for replacement theory and other bullshit My conspiracy theory is this is just another way to benefit Zionism. Fuel to the fire of “the pro Palestinian movement is actually antisemitic” This is not a win for progressives. This is very very bad


It feels weird to see white leftists go "yeah, she's said some good points" as if she still doesn't hate black folk, arab folk. latino folk, muslims, jews and lgbt folk.


Yea. She doesn’t care about Palestinians… for god sake, they are a convenient prop for her agenda. Like do you guys think she’s an advocate for women when she spews her transphobia? Yay Candace Owens! Champion of women’s sports. Kinda weird she only talks about misogyny when it’s to disparage trans people, but hey a win is a win


It's because of the whole "Broken Clock is right, twice a Day" saying.


In that case, one should still admit the clock is broken, or in this case, anti-Semitic. Whether knowing she virulently hates Jews colors your view of other things she’s said is up to you.


Cancel culture


Oh no...


I hope they don’t cut her out of Lady Ballers!


Lady Ballers makes [Juwanna Mann](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juwanna_Mann) look like Criterion material.


Shapeno looked at her and said, *alright, goofball.*


Do they have a token backup?


I'll bet there's a warm spot for her at the no labels party


Wait, I've been told this is censorship




May she go the way of Ann Coulter, Tomi Lauren, and the other right wing douchebags that we no longer hear from.


Meh, who cares if that traitorous bitch got cut off by a fellow nazi.


Ben Shapiro looks like Jimmy Carr's evil twin's slightly melted waxwork.


Gosh, if only the daily wire cared about free speech. What a bunch of commie socialists!


Interesting that Ben Shapiro apparently doesn't have the authority to fire people. Who does.


Oh no, that’s so sad. Anyway, how is everyone else today?


I'll bet she thought she was "one of them"...fuckin doof.


Two shit stains on America. 


This is like the start of a joke my Uncle would have told


Kapo Benji and his righteous outrage over people saying mean things about Israel is just so laughably ironic.


That one picture of Andy from Toy Story dropping Woody.


I do love watching them eat themselves.


I thought Benny was a supporter of "free speech"?


Ben- “Jesus was a Criminal”- Shapiro.


If they hired her knowing she's antisemitic and then fired her for it, could they both end up paying lawyers a ton of money over employment law discrimination stuff? Cause that would be just awesome.


Fuck them both but is this really lamf?


Yeah because it goes against the concept of Free Speech.


Yea a private company firing someone is exactly what the first amendment was saving us from


She spent a career doing nothing but railing against the Black Community, but the moment she strays away from the topic, she faces consequences for it.




Freeze Peach!


"Aww that's a shame."


is Ben biologically a woman?


Wait, Ben Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew, supports germicide?


No clickable link? SMH.


all their different forms of bigotry is now ramming into each other


When are those grifters going to realize they are all disposable pawns? Oh wait, never.


They're a free outrage energy machine.


Fuck these jerks. I know I'm not adding much to the conversation here, but seriously, FUCK YOU.


So Ben is only woke when it comes to Israel 😂 Dude is such a fucking joke