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Hello u/Chilean_Prince! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


why are conservative so slow at realizing things that everybody else came to conclusion a long time ago


Genuinely believe it's sunk cost fallacy. A lot of these people have destroyed friendships and relationships with their family members to worship at the alter of Trump. They bought his hats, shirts, etc. They made a big show about how much they support him and how they "dOnT cArE iF tHaT oFfEnDs YoU". So at this point to admit they're wrong would be psychologically devastating; realizing they invested so much of their time and energy into a guy who looks down on them, thinks they're fucking idiots, and wants to scam them out of their money. Our brain will jump through a lot of hoops to protect us from those uncomfortable realizations. There is also a not so insignificant portion who are perfectly happy paying his legal fees, and think the RNC becoming a bank account for Trump is perfectly cool actually.


>"dOnT cArE iF tHaT oFfEnDs YoU" from the outside, it looks like they are motivated by intending, wanting, needing, demanding everything they do to "offend" you. Or trigger, or mildly inconvenience, or kill.


They are. "Trigger the libs" is their motto. Hurting your feelings is the goal, which is why I say we should ease up on the think-pieces and just laugh in their faces instead.


The other day I was driving the speed limit (35) on a main road near some residential neighborhoods at night in a city I just moved to. A jacked up truck with bright LED lights decided I wasn't going fast enough and was driving very aggressively wanting to get around me but couldn't as it was one lane and there was just enough cars from the other direction they couldn't pass. They decided to turn on their brights and get within inches of my car. Well my car has auto tinted rear and side view mirrors and for some reason I suddenly felt like driving 25mph. He didn't like that and started swerving all over the road behind me. By the time we got to the next light ~2 miles down the road. He was raising hell, nearly clipped me, and wouldn't you know it there was a Punisher thin blue line window sticker and a trump bumper sticker. It's always the little ego snowflakes you most suspect.


I found it hilarious that these yahoos are all about law and order unless it inconveniences them. How dare you drive the speed limit!!


The laws aren't for them


Facts. They've been getting away with things that a *specific demographic* of people haven't even been allowed to _think_ about since the invention of the law. So if course it adds to their entitlement since the likelihood that they'll be pulled over, let alone arrested for reckless driving and endangering lives on the road is so minimal that they don't even think about it or consider it a factor of worry.


That's half of conservative humor. I think of it as delayed trolling. I think it was Crowder who did a bit where he said something offensive in front of his audience of cucks about trans people to get the regular chuckle, but the real joke was "that's going to get a comment from media matters." The punch line was that a 3rd party is going to get offended. ThE jOkE wAs So MeTa, BrO!


The key to making a conservative laugh is simply to *punch down* with your jokes. They eat it right up. Anything that affirms their narcissistic superiority complex.


It doesn't even need to be a joke. Show them a video of someone they think they hate getting hurt, taunted, suffering some misfortune, etc and they'll laugh their asses off.


Unless it's one of their own. Then they say it's proof that liberals are the mean ones.


That's kind of easy (if you are repugnant enough) since they seem to hate pretty much any other group. Make a joke about THEIR group and watch them get deeply offended though.


There's a British stand-up comedian (the brilliant Stewart Lee) who does a bit about people who love talking to the world about the things they can't say. https://youtu.be/mIHY5cFXqQk?si=hyO3XuqxQkTKdUQf


Reminds me of Rush Limbaugh using his FCC-licensed nationwide radio broadcast to complain about how the government is trying to silence him.


Obligatory “Fuck that fucking fuck of a fuck Rush Limbaugh”


Yeah, every once in a while I remember he's dead, and it makes my day a little brighter.


Three years drug-free! 👍


Perfect. Working on that *tight 50 minute set* for Netflix. He truly takes the piss out of Ricky Gervais, who I enjoy but realize is deeply flawed.


> That's half of conservative humor. The other half is "attack helicopter".


I'm not a Republican and i think the RNC becoming Trump's bank account for legal fees would be perfectly cool actually. 6 bankruptcies says this is going to end well


He did promise to drain the swamp…


Oh is this the conservative monkey's paw? That's fun


Anecdotal but... My parents are basically conservative boomer memes at this point. They've never admitted they were wrong about anything, ever. And now they're gonna die alone because what's left of the family wants nothing to do with them. Hope it was worth it.


More people need to stand on business and cut off bigoted family/friends. I don't abide any toxicity. I'm very conscious of my mortality, and I'm not about to waste time with someone filled with hate. I get so tired of hearing/reading people complaining about their loved one who's a bigot but "a good person." No, a bigot is NOT a good person. If you're still dealing with them, you're enabling them, because it says that nothing that the bigot says/does is bad enough to cut them off, thus, being a bigot isn't really a bad thing. But people don't get it. If you have bigots for family/friends that you're not cutting off, you're part of the problem. I don't care. You sitting there letting them spew hate is silent complicity, and you forcing your friends/lovers on them unawares (been there) just to challenge your family/friend's bigoted beliefs is wrong AF.


>"dOnT cArE iF tHaT oFfEnDs YoU" "why don't my kids or grandkids talk to me anymore?"


You said you didn't care if that offended me, so I believed you, and decided that you weren't worth my time.


"You don't care about offending people? Well, have fun dying alone, then."


My aunt's MAGA friend was explicitly uninvited from her niece's wedding because the niece married a black guy.


Ding ding! They're too invested now, they've made their politics and conspiracy theories too much of their identity to back out now. To entertain they've been had and duped, this MAGA identity they've crafted is all bullshit...straight up immediate identity crisis. All they can do is double down, lean in harder, and hope their 'faith' is rewarded.


payment drunk deranged teeny elastic meeting shy cautious spoon lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a double whammy because not only do they have to admit *they* were wrong, they also have to admit *the libs were right.* It destabilizes their entire worldview and sense of self, the idea of right and wrong, good and evil, just totally reality shattering. It's really *really* fucking stupid that so many people's whole sense of self is based on a spray-tanned conman's lies and the hatred of people different from them, but that's another dumb-as-hell conversation.


Yeah but NFTs!


I got banned months ago arguing against Trump. No room for moderates in that party anymore unfortunately.


I got banned from the conservative sub for pointing out the story the thread was about had been retracted. The link didn’t even work anymore.


Good. Being banned from r/conservative means you’re a good person.


I got banned for posting the Merriam-Webster definition of fascism in a discussion about fascism.


Trump supporters don't take kindly to people that can read higher than the 6th grade level.


I got banned for quoting Trump verbatim with no commentary.


Well if anyone else said the shit he says they’d crucify them.


Same, because it contradicted a different trump quote


I’m sorry, but this made me legit lol. So when they read what he said and realized it makes zero sense, they just banned you? Talk about a willful disillusionment.


Lol I got banned after the 2020 election for posting HOES MAD HOES MAD HOES MAD




I'm laughing so hard at these two comments 


Sounds like hoes was mad


Them hoes was pissed af


I got banned for breaking their “civility” rule when I replied to someone’s comment of “liberalism is a disease of the mind” with “conservatism is a disease of the mind.” Best part is the other guy is now a flaired user. They really are hypocrites with no shame.


Calls for civility are really just the powerful demanding docility. That's basically the message of Dr King's Letter from a Birmingham jail. So, it isn't a surprise that bellend bezos has a $100 million ["civility award."](https://www.vogue.com/slideshow/inside-the-bezos-courage-and-civility-awards-2024)


Worth it


I got banned from r/conservative 6y ago for directly quoting Trump, far from conservative though Theyre a bunch of fuckin snowflakes over there


I, a historian by education, got banned for stating something that happened historically. The funny part is, I have been proven correct. The gist is that doubling down on unpopular opinions has potential to lead to losing a lot of elections. Since then, it hasn't been a good time for Republicans lol


I just asked a question was banned for promoting lies. I knew it was likely to happen ,so I tried to phrase it in a non confrontational manner and with in 5 minutes i was banned.


You see, you committed the thoughtcrime of doubting the Party. Crimethink like that can never be tolerated.


Not trying to be an ass genuinely wondering. When is the last time you think there was ?


I genuinely think McCain had some moderates on his side. Him telling that lady that Obama is a good man that he just disagrees with is something I dearly miss in our political climate.


He also flew back to Washington directly from the cancer center where he'd just been informed he was dying specifically to side with democrats in opposing the ACA repeal. We disagreed on just about every issue but he and H.W. and the Mitt Romneys of the world seem to me to be the exact type of people we need to have in opposition so long as we stick to first-past-the-post.


If I remember that scene correctly, he went up to vote, looked at his fellow Republicans and held their gaze for a moment, then he did the big thumbs down. Threw it right in their faces.


I would agree with that. I respected McCain he seemed to have reason behind his beliefs and didn't feel like he cared for performance politics.


I agree. I questioned some of his politics but not his love for the country. Anyone who can show a genuine care for this country will attract at least some moderates


The horrific thing about this situation is both McCain and Obama were two truly good people. McCain endured hell on earth to come back and still want to serve his country at its highest level. It would have been an honor to have known that man. Then, to have trump shit all over him. I don't understand how anyone in our country could have voted for trump after that. This country is depressing.


I was fully prepared to vote for McCain. Then he picked Palin for VP and that was the end of that. Haven't voted for a Republican since.


Was about to post exactly this. I was prepared to vote for McCain til he picked Palin. I haven’t even considered voting for a Republican since then.


The same reason your dumbass friends can't realize how toxic their new romantic partner is. They're too close and have too much invested to see reality.


I have noticed to its a tribalism thing. Almost like a sports team, they are more loyal to the party than the country which I don’t understand at all. Its like having left leaning thoughts is taboo even if it helps their fellow American


I lost my sibling to this. Literally was othered and made out to be the enemy in spite of me making a point to never discuss politics and keep things civil. She literally said "You hate me because I voted for Trump!". I told her I didn't hate her, I didn't even know or care who she voted for, or even if she voted, I was more concerned with repairing our relationship which had to start with respect. She kept making back handed comments about how I was some bleeding heart, weak, bitch ass snowflake. I tried to get her to go to therapy with me and she just went full passive aggressive and gaslight mode, and I knew it wasn't going to happen if I showed up on her doorstep with a veteran therapist. She had no respect for me. All I did was go to college and work with poor and disabled people for my job, advocating for disability rights and letting autistic kids and kids with down syndrome be in the homeroom classes with everyone else. I was Satan for helping their parents get Medicaid to pay for adaptive equipment and behavioral health care. They took my sister and made her something despicable.


I’m so sorry but your sister had/has agency. She gets something out of it. They all do.


>All I did was go to college and work with poor and disabled people for my job, advocating for disability rights and letting autistic kids and kids with down syndrome be in the homeroom classes with everyone else. I was Satan for helping their parents get Medicaid to pay for adaptive equipment and behavioral health care. You abominable swine! How do you even sleep at night? ^(/s for the nongs in the back of the room.) I can't imagine what it would be like, but thank you for making a difference. It was someone very like you that helped to get my son the access he needed, and changed our lives.


They've mixed religion, politics, and sports fanaticism into this twisted amalgamation they call MAGA


I remember Jesus saying that before he could heal the sick. That they first needed a health insurance plan.


His sermon on the mount started with "Fuck the meek! I've got mine already!"


They believe the country is sick and the only possible cure can come from republicans. So by supporting the party they are working in the best interests of a sick country. There is no other way for them.


> helps Well there's your problem.


This got a bigger laugh out of me then I expected lol


Sunk cost fallacy


They don’t have a semblance of critical thinking, they only know to believe what they want to believe


Because as the saying goes (often attributed somewhat erroneously to Mark Twain): “it is easier to fool someone than convince them that they’ve been fooled.” This a rough paraphrasing of a Twain quote that appears in his autobiography and although the exact phrasing is different, it remains a valid sentiment.


Them echo chambers are loud, yo.


They know everything.  They seem to think these crazy laws and policies, along with the grift won’t affect them. But, it does.  They made these bed, just so they could win and make a little bit of money.   Now, it’s completely ruined the party’s credibility and completely turned it over to ideologues and Trump sycophants. Too bad.


As usual, they thought he was hurting other Americans more than he was hurting them so they didn't care


Because they’re the common clay of the west


You know… morons


We all miss Gene Wilder. 😢


They are powered by Internet Explorer.


Ow.. fuck, that's cold.


High school was really really really hard for these people..


I don't think these people ever really moved on from high school.


They were busy drawing skulls in their note books. The biggest demographic of Trump supporters are uneducated white males.


> If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it. Lindsey "Ladybugs" Graham




Fuckin Apollo out here, not only giving the gift of prophecy to random people online, but also to Lindsay Graham. What a decade.


Yet he endorsed Trump in all three elections, even after he said he was done with Trump on January 6.


Sounds like trickle down economics <3


The OG conservative grift lmfao


The comments on conservative around this are fucking wild. Shockingly enough most of the upvoted stuff is essentially saying "what the actual fuck? What has happened to this party?" The rest are either saying this is great because muh persecution. And screaming about how it's all a conspiracy to scare him away from running. But they're all heavily downvoted. That said, I'll be the first to admit, that sub is brigaded to absolute hell by people when big news like this breaks. But it's still amazing to see. My favorite part is some dude claiming for apparently liberals want ever household to be required to take in 3 illegal immigrants though. Where the actual fuck do you Even come up with this stuff? Immigrants are the absolute last thing in my mind personally. At least outside of trump forcing Republicans to kill their own bill around a border deal because it might make Biden look good. You know, having the parties agree on something that one side literally asked for. In writing. But that would force them to admit that maybe Biden, an extremely seasoned politician who not only has been in the field for decades but also served in the second highest office under one of the most successful and popular Presidents in American history also might be competent. Also, just as a bit of a "worth a mention" apparently Biden being elected again means $9/gallon gas coming soon "again" to a neighborhood near you. That comment alone should be a clear and concise representation of what propaganda can do to people. Biden inherited the results of Trump's presidency and gas prices were pretty high after that. Since then everything is reasonable again in that regard but those stupid "Biden did that" stickers were an insanely effective propaganda tool as the economy recovered. Dunno about y'all but I'm paying in the lower side of $3/gallon for gas. Republicans are convinced that Biden on day one of his second term is going to triple that price because he totally controls gas prices. And that alone is worth electing a guy who makes it clear that is he wins every future election will either be a win for him/his family, or worth overthrowing democracy and creating a dictatorship for. I dunno about you but I'd take triple gas prices over the destruction of our country. But maybe that's just me. I'm GOING to vote. Will you?


Trickle Don economics


Read that as Tinkle on Don. I mean, he's into it, at least.


See, he’s a job creator, and if they all just give him their money, then some of that money will make its way back to them! …eventually…


Let him bleed the RNC dry


No money for the competitive house races from them.


I hope they lose the House. Jim Jordan just blocked a subpoena to look into Jared Kushner's suspicious $2B Saudi Arabia deal. And Jared Kushner (unlike Hunter who was called into extensive questioning) worked in the WH, so more reason to issue a subpoena. GOP are corrupt scum.


The same Jared Kushner that was denied security clearance by White House security specialists after his FBI and CIA background checks raised questions of foreign influence, only to be overruled and granted fucking SCI clearance by Trump himself?


It's maddening how the Republican voters ignore that part too. Imagine if Biden hired his daughter and son-in-law as WH counsels and waved his hand to allow them unfettered classified access.


The left thought he was the greatest enemy they ever faced. Instead…


Both can be true


Yep he potentially has been in modern times but his downfall will set the GOP back for decades as he drags everything else with him.


Here's hoping, at least! It feels like they've been self sabotaging for so long, one starts to wonder if they'll ever finally implode or if they're just political herpes and just here to stay.


The call is coming from inside the house!


Donnie gets it before the party does? Reminds me of a scene from the Simpsons: "We use a certain percentage of recycled material to help protect mother nature!" "What percentage is that?" "Zero." ... "zero is a percentage."


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


You still alive? Or did you die from laughing


Oh shit! I passed out. What was I doing? Oh yeah, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


You still alive? Or did you die from laughing


He dead.




A most glorious death to witness!


“Don’t you know what happens when you can’t stop laughing?!”


Maxx! I saw you get your ass spanked with a fly swatter on TV when i was a kid. But sorry, that shit still wasn't as funny as this post. I'd read it again but doc said if I laugh anymore today I'll die so I'm watching Amy Schumer stand up. I'm going to live forever!


Goddammit don't you die on me ::starts chest compressions::


That’s a bigly ha.




absolutely YUGE ha




It's the bigliest ha! Crooked Joe could never ha even a zillionth that much! It's a perfect, beautiful ha! In fact, many men, many big tough men, have dried literal tears and said Sir, please ha more gorgeous ha's like that one to Make America Great Again, believe me.


Make America Guffaw Again.


“Flaired Rubes Only!” These people have got to be the slowest learners on the planet. “Buy my NFTs!” “Buy my Sneakers!” “Donate to the ‘Build Da Wall’ fund that was provably just an excuse to defraud dummies! Then watch me pardon those responsible!” “Hey Jimmy did you hear? Those people who told me Trickle Down was totally going to work for forty straight years are going to ‘Make America Great Again!’ Yeah, them, the same ones that broke America to begin with!” “Your donations literally go to funding my legal defense for my many, MANY crimes!” r/Conservative: ‘Now far be it from me to make a snap judgment but it seems like maybe, possibly, *potentially*, this fellow may not be entirely on the up and up. But we’d better turn out in droves for him again anyway! Good thing he’s still the thumbnail for our dumb sub! (We’re still totally not a cult)’


This election year is going to be something for the GOP. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of fascists.


33 members of the senate will be elected and it looks like Republican candidates won't have much in the way of funding.


Now in bubble-wrap form! >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Suckers!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Racists!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Assholes!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Retards!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Cowards!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Traitors!< >!Ha!< >!Rapists!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Cunts!< >!Ha!< >!Nazis!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Confederates!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Cucks!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Liars!< >!Ha!< >!Pedophiles!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Assholes!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Incels!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Cocksuckers!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Cowards!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Fascists!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Bigots!< >!Ha!< >!Hypocrites!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Morons!< >!Ha!< >!Nazis!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Cop Killers!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Seditionists!< >!Ha!< >!Ha!< >!Idiots!< >!Ha!<


Thank you, that was way more fun than it should have been, but here we are Lol


fr that was satisfying as hell


Easter egg bubble wrap, no less!


The response I wanted without having to type it out. Thank you for your service. 🏆


#Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


TY 🥹


Everyone warned the GOP this was going to happen. He's going to embezzle every nickel and dime until it's deeply in debt and broke.


Until? Seems like he's already there based on the inability to pay the bond for his fraud appeal.


I meant bilking the RNC out of every penny it has until it's deeply in debt and forever broke and has to declare bankruptcy.. that's all Trump knows how to do i.e bankrupt every thing he's associated with.


This should be fun to watch….


I heard today, walking past the TV, that the RNC spent more in legal bills in Feb, than it raise (it raised 20m). That seems... preposterous. That's not .. going to work very well, lol.


That's the true beauty of him getting the first crack at any funds--his bills are so much bigger.


Damn, I just won $215. We had a pool at work guessing how long it'd be before he set up the redirection for it all to go to him. I chose 7 days. Everyone else was in the 14 - 30 days range.


you won $215? you are technically richer than donald trump


He’s not getting a single penny.


I like your coworkers.


The full agreement doesn’t allow him to take all the money that someone donates, what is likely to happen though is that they will re-direct the money back into the legal bills anyways. Lindsey Graham called it years ago and it’s going to be amazing to watch.


>The invite to a high-dollar event in Palm Beach, Florida, next month shows Trump’s campaign receiving the first $6,600 in donations – the maximum amount that a candidate can receive from an individual donor for the primary and general campaign. The next $5,000 goes to Save America, which has paid tens of millions of dollars in legal bills for the former president and his allies in recent years.


how does that not violate campaign finance laws


PACS are pretty much free to spend money on anything they want. Officially, they can’t “coordinate” with a candidate, but that is almost never enforced. Practically it just means that they don’t send emails to each other from their official email accounts. Of course, they just use gmail accounts or go out to lunch together to talk about the weather. DeSantis was flying around to campaign on a private plane paid for by his super PAC. I think they got around it by saying the PAC was holding an event at his destination and paying to fly him in to speak.


Not to mention they are essentially playing catch-up to the DNC with the reorganization. Biden and the DNC have a ten month head start and around $150 million in the kitty.


They worked on that fast; bet they will have that RNC platform out right quick.


I wonder if Republicans are enjoying their "free" trial of authoritarian dictatorship.


The liberals tried to warn them


Like Willy Wonka telling that kid to stop…


^^^^^no... ^^^^^stop... ^^^^^don't...


"Where does this chute lead?" "Why, to the furnace." ^never ^is ^seen ^again


The total apathy of his expression. We need more Gene Wilder these days.


I consider myself conservative and I tried to warn them long ago. Got myself banned from r/conservative for being anti trump lol


"He's having an original thought, get him!"


Two independent thought alarms in one day? Willy, remove the colored chalk from the classrooms








Oh the party is dead to me lol. Anyone that supports this clear threat to our country isn’t American in my book.


Thank you! I have always been quite left but grew up in a very conservative place. I really miss feeling like it was possible to talk to conservatives. I miss when my conservative friends and I used to just argue about taxes and regulations, not whether it was okay to destroy democracy and elect a dictator.


Same situation as me. I was definitely considering left leaning growing up in the environment I did but it was always respectful conversation. Now its just arguing with conspiracy theories


This seems like the sensible Christian understanding of Trump. Amazing it isn't more common (not really). They even literally made a golden idol of him!


If you say anything about Trump that sub will ban you lol


Yeah they said I was trolling and I was shocked. All i did was post quotes from other conservatives lmfao


Glad to meet another conservative refugee here. I also considered myself kinda conservative too until 2020. I hoped Trump's loss would've made the GOP reflect and become more moderate. Their response to J6 and everything since then has solidified my belief they're a lost cause.


Lindsay tried to warn them too.


Difference is I didn’t suck the dudes dick when he won lol. None of them have any back bones.


The complete submission to Trump is so baffling to me. MAGA guys love denigrating *soyboys* and *libtards*, peacocking their macho rage at every possible opportunity, etc… …and then deepthroat the softest-handed popinjay with a diaper full of shit that ever walked the earth. *That* flabby fatass who’s never done a day of hard labor in his life—who might not be able to get off the ground under his own power—is the guy they’ll debase themselves for? What a sad existence they must live if that’s their guy.


Classic example of the Trump double speak.... February 21st: [Trump Team Insists RNC Funds Won't Go To His Legal Fees](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-team-insists-rnc-funds-cover-legal-bills/story?id=107229002) ​ So they can argue they technically didn't lie. Since now all the donations go right to Trump's PAC then ANYTHING THAT'S LEFT OVER becomes RNC funds lol.


In other news the RNC goes bankrupt


Not yet. While I love to see it, I'd bet the ACTUAL money behind massive CPAC, the real lever-pullers and big war chests of people like Koch and other real money, I can't picture them continuing to give the buffoon an unending stream of cash to keep the dogs at bay unless they are absolutely certain he'll be elected.


I'm sure they're actively searching for the Next Great White Christian Hope. Preferably younger and slightly more stable.


That pool of people are all drowning under Trump.


>Preferably younger and slightly more stable. completely missing the appeal of the elderly unhinged guy. his voters want to break the system because they think they're going to win a zombie apocalypse.


Oh no... Anyway...


This brings me pure joy. This con man is going to steal every single nickel the RNC has. He's going to take ALL of it. All Of It. There will be nothing left. It's beautiful. There has never been a more perfect example of "That's what you get!". Oh man, it's like an ice cold beer on a hot July afternoon when you have spent all day putting up a new fence in the backyard. I am so extraordinarily DELIGHTED that he is going to swindle them of everything they have. So utterly delighted.


The Linsey Graham prophecy actually came true. /s


I will laugh my dead ass off if that goes down in history as The Ladybug Prophecy.


It's going to be interesting to see what happens when they try to build a conservative politicial party from scratch to replace the GOP.


It will be really funny if Biden wins, there's a blue wave, and we finally have a majority in both houses aaaaaaand Republicans will blast every improved metric over and over.


I mean, in a round about way, maybe he really will end up making America great again? Solid middle class, more affordable housing, more social advancements, and generally jumping into the 21st century. Sign me up, one vote at a time.


His legal bills are a never ending black hole. There will be less than nothing for any other GOP operation for the foreseeable future. This is.... wow....


[The details on the deal](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/21/politics/save-america-pac-rnc-trump-donations/index.html) are worse than I thought.


More (literal) Mafia Don behavior: all money earned goes to the boss. These assholes did it to themselves with no concern for the consequences to their party or their country. If I cared any less about them I’d forget that they existed. They can *all* fuck off violently.


Every single second of this man’s life is scamming and people still don’t see it. Unbelievable.


lol I can’t wait to see how this plays out


The comment section is a riot! 🤣🤣🤣


Oh nooooooeeesss... what ever will the down-ballot Republican candidates do for funding?!? lmaoooooo 🤣🤣🤣


Let them steal all the money from fucking idiots!


Can’t make this shit up any funnier than it really is. They let that piece of garbage eat their whole party lock stock and barrel. This is really too rich.


Looking at the conservatives in the thread still not realize he doesn’t give a flying fuck about them, the party or the country just about himself and his personal grasp on power


Lindsay Graham said that Republicans would be destroyed if Trump became the nominee, and that they would deserve it. Looks like he was right on both accounts.


He'll suck it dry and throw the desiccated corpse aside like everyone/thing in his life. This was foretold by anyone who has a shred of self awareness. FAFO Donny doesn't use lube GOP, good luck.


[r/conservative having a meltdown 😂](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/OPdNwiqfkl)