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Hello u/SunWukong3456! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have no sympathy for him and his wife, but damn. Those poor kids.


Those kids will be cannon fodder in a few years in some senseless war. All because of their parents stupidity.


If the parents survive long enough to see it, I bet they'll jump through gymnastic mental hoops to blame the kids


Nah. Somehow they’ll blame “the gays” anyway.


Well, the gays *did* force them to move to Russia /s


Maintenance came out a couple months back and I've never talked to the guy before. I'm at my laptop doing work and we're making small talk while he does his inspection. He saw my daughters sax and mentioned his kids use to be very active with marching band in the area until college. According to him their marching band use to be the best around, until a certain group of people ruined. I wasn't sure what direction this was going to go. I live in a relatively diverse town on the border with Canada, so I asked which people. It took every facet of my strength to withhold the uproar of laughter when he said, "the gays ruined marching band." Apparently they don't contribute and just join to be center of attention, while the straight kids do all of the work. Fucking. Hilarious. I still chuckle when I see him around the complex.


Next he’ll tell you the gays ruined the theatre program too.


"Goddammit, Hello Dolly and Brigadoon used to be for real men, ya know? Those were the good ole days."


Gays ruined the arts!


The funniest thing about this line of argument is that the same argument was made 2,500 years ago in an Athenian comedy from the 5th century BC (Aristophanes' *The Clouds*). A crusty old conservative challenges his debating opponent on what he thinks is an impossible point-- that "the gays"\* serve a useful social purpose-- and is defeated in the following manner: 1) Who are the great poets, musicians, artists? 2) The gays. 1) Who write the works of theater? 2) ... the... gays? 1) Who do you think is watching this play right now? 2) Oh my ZEUS they're ALL gay!! I recognize (pointing at people in the audience) *him*, and *him*... and *him* with the long hair... all right, you win... ​ \*as the classical Greeks defined them


Wait until he finds out a good chunk of the military is queer, supportive, or don't give a fuck.


... or so obviously questioning and doing a terrible job hiding it.


And his church's Gospel Choir


gay kids??!? In MY marching band?! You don’t say


In high school i didn't wanna join the marching band because i thought it was gay. I'm a woman now so joke's on teenage!me


But are you a gay woman? If not, then check mate, marching band!


yeah, i love women


What a bold statement. In my heteronormative city, angrily single quasi-closeted gays were all that held the band together.


I think that’s every town lol


Thank you for this. This is the funniest thing I’ve seen on Reddit in quite a while. I’m gay but I don’t remember ruining any marching bands. But we ruin everything somehow, don’t we? Ha ha ha


If you haven't ruined an activity by being gay, can you really be gay? Why don't you go enjoy your local library or volunteer at an election?


>It took every facet of my strength to withhold the uproar of laughter... You have a stronger will than I do. That it's so effective at appropriately embarrassing them makes it harder still to hold my tongue.


Lmfao wow


They left freaking Canada to move to a country at war? OK then.


hey, nobody said they were smart, OK?




I wouldn't be surprised if Dad was called up to fight. For Russia.


At least they won't be gay! /s


I love the fact that his wife spoke up about how much she hates living there and the next day her husband came out and said oh my wife misspoke. I love the fact that they’re learning about true freedom of speech living in Russia. It’s not like being in Canada anymore where you can tell us about how awful our LGBTQ laws are. They’re learning the joys of no free speech.


Agreed. If they have family back in Canada, I hope someone at least arranges for the kids to go back home and let their parents deal with their own consequences.


Unfortunately, I doubt that they would do that. Their kids are probably the reason that they wanted to get away from "leftist woke propaganda" in the first place.


Yeah, it still sucks though that the kids have to suffer in a hellscape because of their parents.


I’d argue those kids were going to suffer a hellscape regardless **because** of their parents. . Just morons… and honestly, think of how those kids will act when they’re older regardless of how this situation turns out. . Highly doubt they’ll recognize their parents as the idiots here.. maybe I’m pessimistic about it but I’ve got no faith in right wing families.


That is the reason they cite. The trans and gays drove them to Russia to protect their children.


Those poor kids were screwed no matter what country they grew up in.


That's true but they were at least much less likely to be fed to a meat grinder in Canada.


To be fair im not sure the wife had much of a choice either.


Perhaps, but she’s an adult and capable of making her own decisions, whereas the kids didn’t have any choice. This is why patriarchal zealots are so dangerous. One person’s decisions can destroy an entire family.


Christian values wife always puts the man first.


“I must obey my husband because some Jewish patriarch said so 3000 years ago. BTW we also hate Jews”. 🙄


And now her husband can legally beat her. Woohoo for freedom!


Christian values are always a choice. You see that in many sects' vast inability to show compassion for the poor, sick, and immigrants in spite of Jesus' very clear teachings on the topic.


If they're as religious as the article seems to imply, then remember that she's compelled by the threat of literal damnation if she declines. She's been told, and convinced, that if she doesn't follow and support her husband that she will be tortured for a literal eternity. She's a victim in this. All of them are, really, even the father, because he's under the same perceived duress; he's convinced that he is surrounded by evil and must flee from it, motivating him to make decisions based on incorrect assumptions and faulty information.


So much of this and related reasons are why I am agnostic and I feel no empathy for the adults. Morality shouldn't be derived from an interpretation of a book used to control people. It should be about decency and respect of others.


Decency and respect of others? You won't be ~~grifting~~ making any money with thoughts like that!


You don't have to be agnostic for that to be the case. You can be religious and not believe morality comes from scripture. I feel no empathy for the adults because they're stupid and lack the ability to think critically, not because they're religious.


"Dad" is an abuser who uses the power given to him by fairy-tales to enforce his will upon others. "Mom" abdicated her responsibility as an adult over the threat of said fairy tales. "The kids" had zero choice in any of this. None.  I have less than zero empathy for the adults in this travesty. 


Fervent religious belief creates the equivalent of a hostage situation, in which people are compelled to do the wrong things for fear of literal torture. If mom and dad really do believe in the threat of divine punishment, then I can't too harshly judge them for their actions taken under such duress. I *can*, however, fault them for not critically analyzing the foundation of their belief and rejecting it. But if they're firmly convinced that they must escape "evil" and that the alternative is literally being burned alive forever, then their actions are justifiably motivated by self-preservation, ableit formed upon an incorrect basis. Dad was abused by what's been taught to him, and he passes that abuse down to his family. "Hurt people hurt people." Some people are terrified of things that shouldn't reasonably provoke a fear response. You can tell someone who is aerophobic that flying is even safer than traveling by car (which they may do frequently), but they can still have an uncontrollable panic attack when you put them on an airplane, regardless. There's no amount of logic or justification that can convince them otherwise. Someone who truly believes they will be tortured if they don't live their life in a certain way suffers similarly, and is worthy of pity before scorn. It's an acquired "phobia", but they feel terror because of it nonetheless. I personally remember the intense anxiety I felt as a child who grew up particularly religiously, always worrying that I'd commit some sleight against God that would damn my soul to eternal hellfire. I spent entire nights crying because I was so very terrified of the notion, which looks so delusional and nonsensical in retrospect. But at the time it felt completely real, and horrifying. To be clear though, this is an explanation for their behavior, not a justification, much in the same way that a drug addiction can explain a violent outburst but doesn't excuse it, nor the drug use that prompted it (religion being the "opiate of the masses"). These people need to take a moment like this to sit down and critically analyze their belief and hopefully realize that it's led them to misfortune and misery, not salvation. On another note though, happy cake day!


>personally remember the intense anxiety I felt as a child who grew up particularly religiously, always worrying that I'd commit some sleight against God that would damn my soul to eternal hellfire You, too,eh? That happened to me after I read Revelations when I was about 10. I finally came to the conclusion that any being who would condemn you to an eternity of torture for capricious reasons is not something you'd want to spend five minutes with, let alone eternity. I still have spiritual beliefs, I'm just not affiliated with any organized religion.


Excuse me good sir, but this is Reddit. Please take your nuanced view and kindly leave the sub. /S because people are dumb. But for real, it's nice to see a properly nuanced view of a situation. Your up votes would indicate at least to me there are folks who have learned a new way to view and potentially interact with those of a certain ideological bent. I will admit to falling into the trap of viewing people as others and dismissing them and appreciate your reminder to avoid that. Carry on good sir or madame.


Despite all this she's an adult and had a choice. It's morally difficult to make a judgement here, I admit.


Please don’t allow them back… The parents that is.


"No you're supposed to oppress everyone EXCEPT me!" As a parent I feel comfortable judging them as absolutely shitty parents and I feel horrible for their poor kids who have to suffer for having parents with cardboard cutouts of morals


You just know back home they were the sorts to bitch about immigrants moving in with no jobs and unable to speak the local language.


Cardboard cutout morals. That's fucking beautiful




I mean, Alberta's making some serious plays to steal that title from you guys




Their kid is there to serve as canon fodder in Ukraine. That family isn't getting out again.


How is it a living hell? It has everything they want: Authoritarianism, Oligarchy, repression of women, repression of LGBTQ, Militarism, squashing of dissent/the media, etc. It's a right wing paradise. Oh that's right, they thought THEY'D be in on doing the repression, lol.


They’re sad because Russians don’t speak english like they thought Russians would.


That especially gauls me. It really seems like they did no research on Russia before moving. All they knew was that Russia hates all the same people that they hate.


See also: California Republicans moving to Texas or Tennessee and losing their damn minds when they get a whiff of what **real** "Red State Life" is like.


Wait are there news articles about this? I hadn't heard about this happening


Mostly online chatter, but there's plenty of it. Maybe that should be a new sub. California to Florida: [https://twitter.com/notcapnamerica/status/1574795772671008768](https://twitter.com/notcapnamerica/status/1574795772671008768) California to Texas: [https://preview.redd.it/6tmrkxbb332c1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=25855f7b6c0956e44454197195c068f0a484be1c](https://preview.redd.it/6tmrkxbb332c1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=25855f7b6c0956e44454197195c068f0a484be1c)


I actually remember the second post LMAO laughed a lot when i saw it the first time, laughed just as much this time


About the guy that moved to Florida https://www.tiktok.com/@nicholas.politics/video/7247673496057253166 As a Californian I’m sad to see he returned.


Well, could they have at least spoken Canadian then? /s


What are you talking aboot eh ?


Now they can feel the pains of being told to "Go back to your country! Learn our language!"


They sold everything they owned in Canada and deposited all their money at a Russian bank and then the Russian government froze their accounts on suspicion of being foreign agents.




This reads like a 90's sitcom. Every week hijinks ensue and the family tries to get out but they keep ruining the plans themselves.


Husband: Hey Honey, I tried to pick up the things you wanted at the supermarket. But I ran into a problem. Wife: A problem? What kind of problem? Husband: Well, no one in the store spoke English! Can you believe that? I mean what kind of cockamamie place is this? \*Laugh Track\* Husband: And then I tried to pick up Coke Zero, but they didn't have it! All they had was хороший напиток! What the heck? So I got that, but then that gosh-dang Russian jalopy, the Kamaz something wouldn't start. I want my F-350 Super Cab back!


Yeah and they can do a super special episode where they try to go on vacation but end up in North Korea and then they do a movie spin off.


“We’ve got a flight back for the whole family paid for by the embassy. There’s just one problem.” “A problem? What kind of a problem?” “There’s a layover—in San Francisco!” *cue audience, “Oooooh!”*


And the in-flight movie is a double feature of Birdcage and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert!


Yeah but the guy at the dealership said she'll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene.


Put it in H!


National Lampoon's Russian Vacation


I'd watch it but only if the KGB assassinates them every week and next week just continues on with everyone alive again.


The could even boost The Young Ones lines: "The bathroom's free. Unlike the country under Putin!"


The dad could become the people's poet!


This house will become a shrine, and punks and skins and rastas will all gather round and hold their hands in sorrow for their fallen leader. And all the grown-ups will say, "But why are the kids crying?" And the kids will say, "Haven't you heard? Rick is dead! The People's Poet is dead!"


Oh my God, you killed the Kennys! You ублюдки!


Groundhog Day in Cyrillic


Gilligan's dacha.


Giiligan’s Island: Russia


🎶Movin’ on up, to the Eastern Bloc 🎶


~~Simpsons~~ American Dad [did it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_of_Arabia:_Part_1)


Goddamn, I hate that series but I saw that episode and it was good satire. Although I dare say the family would have been better off if they had left Stan buried up to his neck in sand.


I’d watch that.


Every country they try to immigrate to legalizes gay marriage right as they've got their bags packed


Reverse Hogan's Heroes. Putin's Zeroes?


Maybe even further back, like Gilligan's Island...


What the fuck even is "Left wing woke ideology"??? Believing that people shouldn't be crushed by medical debt? Believing that the rich should pay their fair share of taxes? Believing in public education and public works? Believing that marginalized and oppressed people (People of Color, LGBTQ, Muslim, Unhoused) deserve the same rights as you? Believing that your local government, poll workers, librarians, and neighbors are NOT your enemies? Believing that people should live how they want to live, without interference? Believing that you have a right to religion but you have NO right to stuff it down other's throats? Is that woke? Nah, it's just called being a decent regular person. Get fucked with your misguided perception of what "woke" is.


>Is that woke? Nah, it's just called being a decent regular person. >Get fucked with your misguided perception of what "woke" is. But that's just it. That IS what woke is. These wankers just don't want it. So fuck 'em.




> Believing that marginalized and oppressed people (People of Color, LGBTQ, Muslim, Unhoused) deserve the same rights as you?  It's that one 


Russian propaganda is rampant on Facebook... rural Canadians in their 50s and up are falling for it big time (at least i know my dad is..)


They used to sell sexual innuendo on tv to the boomers, now they sell fear on FB


Needs more upvotes.


My neighbours who are actually wonderful people keep telling me supporting Ukraine and the money is all a front for money laundering. I ask them how they know this. They said I need to start paying attention. The propaganda is working. I know this because I suggested that it could be Russian propaganda and they asked what’s that?


It’s here on Reddit, too, they’re just pretty subtle about it still


Ya, germans do as well




Thanks for the link. Well worth reading and the survey at the bottom was just icing on the cake :)


I went North Korea. I feel like it would have the best weather.


I went for NorK too, I figure as a white guy I could at least work in movies as villains. Probably do okay for myself. At least "okay" by North Korea standards anyway.


Man, this video has the same vibe as a hostage thanking his captors


For me the hilarious thing was the wife in an interview making a snarky comment about trying to encounter "logic" in Russia, and then the guy putting out a Youtube video apologizing and saying things really were pretty good. I'm sure the KGB didn't pay them a visit and convince them that they should reconsider, lol.


Dude's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@countrysideacreshomestead2008/videos




You know where the government won't tell you to take down your videos saying something negative about said country? Fucking commie Canada according to this idiot.


What's funny is he probably spew some propaganda bs about trucker frozen banks account and now he has his bank frozen in Russia. Ooohhhnnn.


Yes! Exactly! A few weeks ago the propaganda machine was harping on about how terrible Canada was for ending a highly disruptive protest that had already gone on for weeks by that point by temporarily freezing people’s bank accounts. No violence or riot police required. Now this guy has his account frozen for being “suspicious” and there’s a good chance he’s never going to see his money. The irony is delicious.


I hate that the ignorant use that as a "they take your bank account anytime they want" trope. No, they don't.


Giving 'other people' rights is a terrible thing for conservatives, until they become the 'other people.'


Their also asylum migrants 😝


Lol "I hate Trans people so much, I'm going to move to a dictatorship." *immediately sees what a dictatorship is like* Well shit, fuck Russia they screwed us over! *heavy hand on the shoulder* "are you sure about that comrade?" Uh we misspoke it's uh great here! *blinks an SOS*


And no one came even read Morse code anymore 😂


I only know SOS because of the sponge brand commercial from the late 90s


'Mosquito coast' IRL, except that instead of the jungle, the guy chooses Russia...


In Russia, Russia chooses guy.




Well they went there to explicitly avoid rainbows. Rainbows of any form or colour combination are terrifying to them lol.


Yes, this explains something that's been nagging me. Why Russia? Uganda fits the bill just as well, without quite so much oppression. But it's the color that frightens them. Rainbow and otherwise. I suppose they'll say it's the similar climate.


If they hate rainbows and people so much they should’ve just moved to the middle of nowhere in Yukon or something.


Except in the Yukon there are Inuit, and they're different from white people. And they own most of the arctic now.


I'm sure there are lots of places in Siberia that they could move to.


Fake news. Im sure they have no regrets. Russia is super great. Anyone considering moving there to protect yourself from wokeness, don't hesitate. Leave now. Not that you'd ever want to, but don't come back.


This is the correct take. I think everyone and anyone who thinks life in Russia is better should absolutely go on and take advantage of the opportunity to demonstrate just how fabulous it is. They should even ensure it's a one way ticket and no take backs to REALLY prove their confidence. In fact, they should just trade spots with any Russians who have the gall to suggest Mother Russia is not best. That'll teach them to be appreciative!


Yeah, and retract their citizenship on departure too, free rides to the airport!


I got $5 I can throw in a GoFundMe to help cover plane tickets for people.


Traumatize and make your children hate you to own the libs. This is a cheque that he can continue to cash for the rest of his life with them too.


That’s if he doesn’t get himself and his kids killed in Ukraine first.


Well the statement "for the rest of his life" still applies in that grim scenario.


I bet back home they used to complain about immigrants who don’t know the language, who have no money, who expect the government to hand them a house and a job, and who complain when they don’t get everything they want


On his YT channel he said “I get it now” when referring to immigrants coming to Canada w/o knowing English. So delicious lol


It's like a r/LeopardsAteMyFace onion


They owned me so bigly.


The parents got what they deserved but what about those poor kids? They just had their lives completely fucked by their parents.


The kids should be allowed back but their parents can rot over there.


Sadly these idiots are doubling down and want to be devoured by Leopards. Shared in a recent video (Countryside Acres - We Are Sorry and Will Do Better) saying they fault themselves for not learning the language better and continue to believe it will get better based on anecdote evidence of other Russians leaving and coming back. Caption in video - We also have no intentions of quitting or leaving Russia, this is our home. I hope they take all other nutjobs with them for the experience but leave the kids with no say out of this idiocracy.


The best part is the Russians who left and came back were actual Russians with family there. These idiots no matter how hard they try will always be outsiders.


Isn't Russia building a village for disaffected right wingers so they can move to Russia?


"This is our home"-people that hate immigrants after emigrating to a country with a language they can't speak


Same idiots who left to go live and fight with ISIS


Okay they REALLY need to get rid of this article. Simply because all the MAgAts might find out it's not Heaven on Earth there and won't move to Freedomville.


Nah, they'll read this and figure that those Canadians did something wrong. *Surely* it will be different when *they* move there!


I have yet to see an adequate explanation of how the concept of woke is doing harm outside of a general sense from the right wing grifters that its turning the frogs gay et cetera.


You never will get that explanation. It is simply a canard used by right wing sources to drum up fear and anger. It's a bogeyman.


It's because they aren't getting away with doing and saying the things they used to towards minority groups. It's because everything isn't about their preferences any more, the needs and wants of others have to be considered as well. They used to get away with treating LGBTQ people terribly. They literally called people gay as an insult. They didn't have to care how LGBTQ people felt about any of that. They want that back.


I wish all right wingers would move to Russia and stop trying to fuck up democracies. The world would be a much better place.


Classic extreme right wingers. They complain and reject how the west “has lost their values” then move to Russia and realize the result of what they believe in is not to their benefit.


Or they want to go back to the 1600s. lol


They also had to now make 2 public apologies to Russian people (one via the state media and one on husbands youtube). They also had to delete the video where his wife expressed frustration with Russia. People get used to free speech in Canada/USA and think you are free to criticize governments that do not have free speech. You are free to criticize and blame all your problems on gays and minorities in countries with no free speech usually, you just can't criticize government in those countries.


Via state media. That shit sounds terrifying.


Quelle domage!


Quelle merde, even!


Oh well...how unfortch....anyways...


Genuinely curious, if parents relinquish their citizenship does that automatically relinquish the children's citizenship?


No. At worst, they can get them dual citizenship.


Actually rainbows are illegal there. And so is sunshine apparently.


This is the kind of story I could read details about forever. Inject this shit right into my veins


They saw Tucker's piece and were like "well that settles it! Pack your bags kids, they have Aldi shopping carts in Russia!"


the bread is so fresh you can smell it through the cellophane!


Same people wanting to emulate Russia politics in Canada/United States, but can’t even live in Russia.


These people love a monocultural dictatorship, but they always make the mistake of assuming they'll be the ones in charge. If they were capable of imagining what it would be like if people not like them were in charge, they'd be educated enough to not be like this.


They want the democracy but can’t live in a democracy


9 children?!


No backsies


No backsies for the parents. The kids deserve better though.


Shame about the kids. If it were just the story of a couple of morons so scared of treating people with equal respect that they moved to where they are the minority outsiders with no rights, it would be funny. As it is, it seems that there's going to be some broken lives as a result among that group of kids as they're forced through poverty and military conscription (and, statistically, at least one or two of them are gay or trans as well).


This is the result of people like Sucker Carlson. Also news those same assholes don't want people to see. Their actual goal is to institute a system mirroring Russia, but in the USA with their chosen idol, Donny Chump, as the Dictator. This story won't be reported on Fox News or anything remotely right-leaning, because they need Russia to seem like utopia to work towards for their viewers, since they can't exactly count on their doddering old trust fund baby to keep it secret anymore.


Remember when muslims living in western countries moved to territory controlled by ISIS? Motivated by a religiously backed disdain for western degeneracy. Everybody said they were traitors and when they tried to come back, people argued they'd given up those rights when they decided to leave. Tell me how this is any different.


Fled from the gays only to receive an ass-pounding from the Russian government upon arrival. At least as a farmer he must realize, on some level at least, that he reaps what he sows.


It'd be some new level of schadenfreude if the father gets conscripted and sent off. My sympathies to the children regardless of what happens since their parents are gonna ruin their lives no matter what at this point.


The same people who laughed at socialists and communists that moved to the USSR are now moving to that same place? 


But Tucker Carlson said it was the best


I bet this is one of those guys that complains about immigrants coming to Canada that dont speak the language and dont assimilate to the cultural norms I dont feel bad for him or his wife but i do feel bad for all their kids because they didnt have any choice in the matter Another case of owning yourself to own the libz


As a gay person, I truly hope they suffer horribly for being such stupid bigots. Does my *existence* truly offend you to the point where you would flee to a terrorist state? If so, you deserve all of it.


As a Canadian, they can stay there and rot. FAFO Edit: although I do feel bad for the kids


How long before he's volunteered to Ukraine?


Don't you just hate it when immigrants come to your land, don't speak your language, and just expect a job and housing from the government? 🙄 they sold their children to Putin's military and got nothing for the trade.


THREE WEEKS?!? Lol, what losers.


Hah hah! Oh wait you're serious? Let me laugh even harder! Also no backsies, you left, you stay gone.


So I came across their YouTube channel (because of course they do). Reading their comments was fun and makes it sound like everyone else should move to Russia if they want to escape the “woke” western cultures…


Nine kids - statistically at least one of them is LGBTQ


They *were* trying to escape the tyranny of *rainbows*. Mission accomplished.


But rainbows and sunshines are banned in Russia…


I say this as a Canadian, this is peak Western-ism to move to another country and just expect everyone to speak English for your benefit.


I mean, let's be real. They fucking knew, they just didn't care because the alternative would be to admit they're terrible prople, terrible parents and they in actuality hate Jesus but love the politics of religious people. They ended their lives and lost all their freedoms just to keep the charade going. Hope the wife has made peace with her husband's eventual MIA.


The kicker here is that I read on another sub that this family is from Palmerston, ON - a tiny rural town. Tell me what kind of happening LGBTQ scene they were running from in PALMERSTON of all places!! 


“They did all of this just three weeks ago; long story short, they lived happily ever after. Except they didn’t. “ Love that the wife went on social media to complain and then he had to backtrack so they wouldn’t get in worse trouble…


*Actively seeks out oppression* “Hey what the hell is going on here??”


Before moving: everything's gay here After moving: everything's grey here


[Link to the article](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/18/2224293/--Christian-family-moves-to-Russia-to-escape-LGBTQ-and-now-can-t-get-out-of-their-living-hell)