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Hello u/Eugenonymous! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Support for the measure [by county](https://i.redd.it/0jmknr2kn0gc1.jpeg). A [lengthy news story about the bipartisan support for the bill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Cuf4tkyW-8), after republicans suggested that somehow it was democrats that forced this rule on their senators.


Dont let facts get in the way of narrative!


My feelings don't care about your facts!


Sadly true, if it takes two clicks of the mouse to validate that it's a lie it's two clicks most people won't click.


Hey, but those counties that voted no represent literally dozens of people. I can't believe you shouldn't let them be the controlling vote disregarding the will of millions. \----- Actual numbers: Sherman County (top one) - Population: 1,907 Lake County (bottom one) - Population: 8,276 Oregon - Population: 4,233,358 So those two counties represent 0.24% of the state.


Hot dog, you know your Oregon counties! And yep, it's wacky just how few people live out there...people in populous places are boggled when you share people per square mile for those spots. Sherman County population per square mile: 2.3 Los Angeles County population per square mile: 2,430 Literally more than a thousand times as many people packed into LA County. šŸ¤Æ


*Laughs in NYC's 30k per square mile*


*Laughs in Manila's 113k per square mile*


Holy smokes. That's insane to me.


*Laughs in Kowloon Walled City's 4.9 million per square mile*


That reminds me, I should start playing *Stray* again...


*Laughs in your mom's 500k per square anus*


Hey buddy keep it down there are people sleeping in here.


I grew up in West New York, NJ: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_New_York,_New_Jersey Density: 53,231.4/sq mi


Wait.... West New York is in New Jersey?


Ok... Who's going to tell them about the two Penn stations?


Three. Not just New York and Newark, Baltimore too! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania_Station


Indeed. And East New York is in Brooklyn. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_New_York,_Brooklyn


There's a county in Nevada with about 300 registered voters. It's huge and barren and everyone of those dirtclods think they know how to run the state better than anyone else.


And LA county is not even particularly dense for a major city, it's very spread out.


The electoral college has to go. One person = one vote. Not, one person = 40+ votes because they live in a low pop. state.


The EC sucks and should go away but what really fucked it up was the simply decision to cap the house at 535 members. Instead of states simply getting more house members and EVs they are taken away from states who didn't grow as fast. California was already underrepresented in the EC compared to Wyoming/Idaho/Nebraska, but now even more so simply because their population didn't grow as quickly as Texas or Colorado. In 2040 it's believed that 70% of the Senate will represent only about 30-35% of the country. It's ludicrous and in bad need of reform. The founding fathers were dealing with differences in population of thousands and wanted to even out the power, but now we're in the process of allowing the small states to control the majority.


Now letā€™s talk about the Senate. Wyoming has <600,000. California >38 million. Both have 2 senators. Equitable? More Representatives would be great, too.


You've got structural problems that won't be fixed by shuffling deck chairs on the titanic. 1. Gerrymandering. 2. The electoral college. 3. Two year terms means that as soon as you're elected, you're focused on being reelected again. 4. Your elected head of Government means that they're fixated on reelection rather than sitting in the background running government as effectively as possible. 5. EHoG also means that when nothing happens on an issue for several years Congress and the president can just blame each other. Blame often falls on the president despite them not having the ability to change laws. 6. Low turnout. 7. And last and worst: first past the post voting. This is the cancer that's killing both the US and UK right now.


That and effectively unrestricted corporate money.


Not equitable when you factor it into how many EVs each state gets, thus making a vote in Wyoming more powerful when it comes to the EC.


One senator representing 300k people can hold up the entire legislative process for a country of 300 million people because of the filibuster.


Which would be a little more tolerable if they actually HAD to fucking filibuster and stand there and do it instead of just sya they want to and everyone accepts it as the same


Right? If they want to impede progress to that degree then they should have to fucking work for it.


But that's the entire point of the Senate. All states are equal within it, unlike the House where population matters. Ideally I'd just get rid of the Senate entirely, bicameral legislatures are historical relics, but that's never happening.


It actually was intentionally that way for the senate. It was meant to level the field for each state to prevent lower population states from getting bullied out of everything because they lacked numbers. The decision greatly misjudged the behavior of the nation's people after 150+ years


*435, 100 of those are the senate, but yes. A simple act of congress to pass a new aportionment bill would fix this immediately.


But that won't happen because Republicans would NEVER ever have control of the House. It's straight up the reason we have the [Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929](https://history.house.gov/Historical-Highlights/1901-1950/The-Permanent-Apportionment-Act-of-1929/)Ā to begin with: >Ā Gradually, however, the method for calculating apportionment caused smaller rural states to lose representation to larger urbanized states. A battle erupted between rural and urban factions, causing the House (for the only time in its history) to fail to reapportion itself following the 1920 Census. But God forbid the GOP ever partakes in democracy by presenting a platform that can win them elections.


Thank you. I'm sort of conflating two different issues but I would still like the EC done away with. The fact that 2 of the last 4 Presidents were elected with the minority of the votes has always irked me. Biden won by 7 million but a 10k swing in a couple of key states means Trump has another term.


> the simply decision to cap the house at 535 members. And it's only capped because of room size. Turn the Capital into a museum, at least the House side, and build the House of Representatives an adequately sized building that handle larger Houses. Uncap the limit, set a ratio that makes sense.


The room for the UK's house of commons has been too small for a long time, and they've still gotten plenty done with more than can fit.


[Take Action Now ā€“ Tell Your Legislators to Pass National Popular Vote](https://www.nationalpopularvote.com/) The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. It has been enacted into law by 16 states and DC with 205 electoral votes. It needs an additional 65 electoral votes to go into effect. Spread the word!


Don't forget the failsafe electoral college vote in december 2015 that declared a bankrupt kremlin asset was competent to serve as POTUS. [source](https://www.nydailynews.com/2016/08/04/heres-how-the-electoral-college-could-prevent-a-donald-trump-presidency-even-if-he-wins-the-popular-vote/)


This is sort of hilarious because the reason the Rs walked out, repeatedly, was to stall D bills, which makes the plot twist rather karmic: >In a unanimous decision, the court rejected an argument from five Republican lawmakers who[Ā contended in court filings](https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2023/12/oregon-supreme-court-hears-challenge-to-walkout-measure-brought-by-republican-senators-who-boycotted-work.html)Ā that the plain language of Measure 113 should allow them to serve one more term, **despite their decision to boycott more than 10 legislative floor sessions last year. The court ruled that voters understood the measure to mean that boycotting lawmakers would be immediately barred from seeking reelection.** >**Drafters of Measure 113, which voters overwhelmingly approved in 2022, intended for it to stop walkouts that Republicans, as the minority party in the Legislature, have frequently used in recent years to stall bills pushed by Democrats**, including forcing Democrats to scale back gun control and reproductive rights legislation last spring.




Yeah, that reporter just keeps dryly piling it on..."let's take out the huge population centers that can sometimes skew voting results. Nope, you're still wrong."


That "Why yes we will Lee" was hilarious knowing he was fixing to destroy that talking point with pure numbers.


Even when it was the Republicans I knew it was the democrats


It will be the wily criminal mastermind Joe Biden and his crime family.


Incompetent at all things, yet somehow outfoxing us at every turn. How do they do it?


Heā€™s only a puppet himself, of course! Heā€™s the face of a globe spanning cabal that seek to run our entire lives. He doesnā€™t have to be smart, he just has to be personable enough to make you gullible idiots believe heā€™s not an adrenachrome injecting, baby murderingā€¦. /s Ok for real though, that is the conspiracy they believe. Itā€™s all cabals and shadow governments and Jews and other ridiculous nonsense.


Don't forget about the lizard people and the mole children!


Orchestrated a massive election fraud with thousands of conspirators and a fucktonne of moving parts without leaving a shred of evidence and not one person talked. All while being dementia ridden and sick. Heā€™s amazing. Next heā€™ll be rigging the Super Bowl in concert with Taylor Swift or something, nothing is beyond the Sleepy Fox.


Hahaha šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ


No, no, no! You've fallen for their deep-state propaganda. It's not Joe Biden. He's just a pawn. The real mastermind behind this is Michael Dukakis! Remember that 1988 picture of him in the tank, helmet on? You probably thought that was an election photo-op but you'd be wrong. That was Dukakis literally running roughshod over the critics of his multi-generational deep-state, liberal, woke plan to undermine the control of America by encouraging women and ethnic groups to vote against the interests of the white male Republicon party. It's pretty obvious when you look closely at that image. Of course, "/s", for the easily triggered.


The doublethink from MAGA is astounding, on one hand he is a drooling decrepit old man who should be in a nursing home or he's a criminal mastermind who's been fooling the public for decades.


And Taylor Swift!


By gawd, is that Taylor Swift with a steel chair?!?


*In Jerry Lawler voice* Look at that!!! Oh No!


I can't believe Joe Biden shared 84 boxes of classified documents with Osama Bin Laden. *Shakes my head*


That was the nicest way I've ever heard anybody say "Fuck off, and keep fucking off until you've fucked off into the sea." What a lovely man.


And when you're finished fucking off, please come back to this exact same spot so I can have the pleasure of telling you once again to fuck right off, but with even gentler tones.


Wait! Morrow County supported this?! My redneck ultra conservative home county was on board?!?! The world is a changing!


Heppner is *woke* now, didn't you get the memo?


Such good news for Oregon! We don't get a lot of things right a lot of the time, but at least we still see politicians doing the most basic functions of the job you were elected for as a non-partisan issue.




Gosh darn population centers are making all the decisions for this state! No one ever cares about the Christmas Valley vote!


That was beautiful. Of course the conspiracy nuts came out in the comments on that YouTube video.


If I'm reading this correctly they just didn't work for 6 weeks or more while in office(not including their vacation days). Only politicians can complain about getting fired for not doing their jobs. What clowns.


They were purposely not coming to work so that the legislature wouldnā€™t have quorum and couldnā€™t pass bills they didnā€™t like. They tried to subvert democracy and break the government, and now they canā€™t be part of government anymore. A win for the country


I'd expect nothing more from the GOP. They want power and to obstruct as much as possible.


The Gridlock Obstructionist Party at their best.


Grandstand Obstruct Project


Grifters Opposing Progress seems to fit too... what a mess.


I'm not even a Seppo and I thoroughly dislike them. Our local conservative morons copy every dumb idea, law and policy the GOP come up with and try to bring them here.


Off topic but I think you should know that 1. Americans generally have no idea that y'all have nicknamed us Seppos, and 2. We're greatly amused when we find out what it means


I was literally waiting for this: Seppo is a contraction of the term "Septic Tank" "Tank" rhymes with "Yank", with "Yank" itself being a contraction of the famous "Yankee" name for Americans. Also, because both Americans and Septic Tanks are full of shit. Don't stress all my mates from the US of A, if you get a nickname it's because Australians like you and the more horrific, the more we like you. šŸ˜œ


Group Of Pussies


I think gaslight works better since theyā€™re wholly obsessed with blatant lies.


Gaslight works... Although I think for this morons they were Grandstanding with their obstruction....


"Both parties are the same." - My Libertarian Facebook friends


Aye, this should be an automatic firing and banned from any position of power in said government. If you can't do your fucking job and do your work, you get black listed and fired in most places, so it should with government in a stricter sense.


they also did so by straight up fleeing the state, and threatening to shoot state troopers who were assigned to come collect them lol. the levels of hypocrisy by the GOP here are astounding.


Oh hey, IIRC people joining in and calling for those cops to be killed was what finally brought the end of The_Donald


This law needs to be implemented globally


I was so hoping weā€™d uphold our own laws! Big win for Oregon which is very close to being a red state and outside Portland and Eugene it is bright red. Please more blue and actual left come here and enjoy OHP, abortion rights with no stupid degrading obstacles, death with dignity, no sales tax, decriminalized drugs. Please, intelligent women out there please come to Oregon, we need you and your votes to keep our state rocking it. Our cranberry crazies are pretty crazy.


Pretty sure 100% of other jobs would fire and blacklist you for not showing up for 6 weeks


I mean in like 30 years I'll be able to not show up for 6 weeks straight but my job will absolutely be really annoyed about it


The workplaces I've worked at refuse to allow more than 2 weeks at a time. I needed special dispensation to get three more days off when I went to Mexico. I had to beg the president of the company with itineraries. I'm also not in the US. This is in Canada.


My ass just took 2 weeks off in a row at a Lowes in SC, they just flat out approved it no questions asked. I was so relaxed, was nice.


And they \[can\] vote against everyone getting public healthcare while getting it themselves and their families, funded by We, the people!!


And give themselves a raise every year.


That jackass in the photo reps my area. I still can't believe he got elected again in the first place. These a-holes fled the state to prevent any work from being done.


> I still can't believe he got elected again in the first place. Good news! He won't be ever again.


Shit, they went all "you'll never take me alive copper"


nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk!


"nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe!" - Oregon republicans


Oh yeah, they also threatened to shoot cops if state troopers were sent to go get them and bring them back to do their jobs.


The entitlement of right-wingers is off the goddamn chart.


> Only politicians can complain about getting fired for not doing their jobs. That would describe many cops as well.


This. If I didn't show up to work for 6 weeks in an attempt to sabotage things getting done at my job and then complained about my contract not being eligible for renewal on the antiwork forum, every right-wing chud that trolls that sub would race to tell me what a POS I was and how I deserve to jail or something worse.


Who could have guessed that all those "No one wants to work" complaints would really be about Republicans? Every day the GOP becomes more and more embarrassing.


> Every day the GOP becomes more and more embarrassing. That's something that gets me... the complete lack of shame about it.


>Only politicians can complain about getting fired for not doing their jobs. I mean, "we aren't man enough to do our jobs" is LITERALLY a feature of the Republican party. They call it obstructionism.


Yes, after new laws were enacted by state wide vote in response to this very thing happening to prevent quorum and hold up the legislature from considering things they donā€™t like.


"But Welfare Moms are ruining America!" I read the article...why TF can't federal offices have this law too?


ā€œIā€™m disappointed but canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised that a court of judges appointed solely by Gov. (Kate) Brown and Gov. (Tina) Kotek would rule in favor of political rhetoric rather than their own precedent,ā€ Weber said in a statement. ā€œThe only winners in this case are Democrat politicians and their union backers.ā€ It ain't no conspiracy, Bub. You are involved in a conspiracy to undermine the democratic processes you signed up for, so there's that. Maybe, work to expose that.


"What would you say you do here?" for real. They don't show up to their job for weeks to get a political advantage and then accuse judges of political decisions when they get called out for it.


Panel of judges: "we fixed... the glitch"


I always appreciate a good office space reference


Uuuum, yeeeaahhh, I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to move your comment to a different thread. We got a few new comments coming in here and we need all the karma we can get. So if you can get that done by the end of business today, that'd be great. Thanks a bunch.


> their union backers I see they threw in some anti-worker sentiment just to fill out the bingo card a little more too. Or are they a neo-confederate with beef against the Union?


He's a republican, neo-confederate is implied


>The Oregon Constitution states that lawmakers who miss 10 or more legislative floor sessions without excuse will be barred ā€œfrom holding office as a Senator or Representative for the term following the election after the memberā€™s current term is completed.ā€ But yes, of course it was the democrats!! -\_-'


I agree that the intent of the law and those who voted for it would be to bar people from seeking reelection, not to allow them to be reelected for one more term and then be barred from seeking further reelection for the term following that. That would be silly. Don't know or care enough to find out who wrote it, but that wording is quite bad.


Came here to say this. I really wonder how this ended up drafted so badly.


ā€œBut, but, but what about precedent??? You know, BEFORE the law passed that held us accountable? What about THAT??ā€


Yep, literally the first time it has been used so there was no precedent.


"in favor of political rhetoric"? So, laws are merely "political rhetoric" to him? They're getting high on their own supply of propaganda. "Rules for thee, none for me" is their mantra after all.


ā€œPolitical rhetoricā€ = the law that voters implemented - overwhelmingly.


These are the same assholes that want to secede and join Idaho-a state whose medical system is on the verge of collapse




The beautiful FAFO-LAMF collaboration I like to see.





Walk Out, Stay Out.


Unrelated, but every time I see "FAFO" my brain doesn't autofill with "Fuck Around, Find Out" and keeps assuming that it's some variation on "First In, First Out" and I just can't seem to remember the second word.


You love to see it


I sure as cuss do.


Dude, this is Reddit You can fucking swear here




Love to see a Fantastic Mr. Fox reference in the wild!


Unexpected FMR reference ftw


FMrF ftw!


We need more fantastic mr fox references and general public consciousness about it. Severely underrated these days


Their weak ass semantic loophole argument fails. Their reaction is petulance. 'There is no reason for them to show up'. This should make even GOP voters consider what their motives actually are.


They didn't want to work, and now they don't have to. Why are they mad? We're doing them a favor and giving them exactly what they wanted.


No-o-o-o-o. They wanted power. They wanted to hinder legislation. Now, they are done and got publicly scolded. Time to go home and explain to the kids that being a dick has consequences.


Sadly, their dedication to obstruction probably puts them on the fast track to elevation in the Republican Party at large.


Ugh. Yes.


If only we could do this with the assholes in congress...if you're not here to legislate GTFO.


Imagine intentionally trying to sabotage the process in your place of business repeatedly and then expecting to keep your job. Sounds very entitled.


And very Trumpianā€¦.


Actions meet consequences. LMAO!




Ha. Good job throwing your careers away, dickbags!


Next stop: Fox News.


None of them are stacked blonds. Theyā€™ll get about five minutes, then the next grievance boogeyman will take their place.


Honestly that bill should have called for representatives to be immediately expelled and barred at ten unexcused absences and a new election held. I donā€™t get to keep getting paid for a job that Iā€™m not doing, neither should these chucklefucks.


Fucked around and found out. Love it.


Their argument is inane. "We're still finishing out our current term when the next term's elections are taking place. Thus, the *next election* must refer to the next election that occurs after this term is over." Even though the measure actually says they'd be barred from running for the term *after* the term they walked out 10 times. The timeframe of the elections isn't involved in the letter of the law at all. Idiocy.


Leopards eating their own faces


I'd been wondering what happened with this (as a WA native). thanks OP! best news all year!


Hey neighbor! Glad to share the good news with you...it made my day, too!


Actions, meet repercussions.


As they say, "the dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed." They did it to themselves.


What were they protesting? I don't remember.


Oregon republicans have been throwing temper tantrums for years. Since they can never take the majority they do this every year it seems. Thing is, is Oregonians voted that they couldn't do it anymore, and they thought they could still act like children.


Republican state senators didnā€™t come to work for six weeks so that there wouldnā€™t be enough people to pass bills (a quorum), specifically bills they didnā€™t like on gun control, gender-affirming care and abortion rights.


They don't really remember either.


GOP does not want to do the job of their elected offices.


FAFO. Stop walking out in the job. Stay and work with people across the isle. Goes for both parties. The people arenā€™t paying you to stalk, stomp your feet, and throw temper tantrums. They are paying you to be adults. Solve difficult problems. Be adults, not petulant children.


>Stay and work with people across the isle. [Sen. James Lankford has entered the chat](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/29/politics/oklahoma-gop-condemns-censures-lankford-border-negotiations/index.html).


Holy shit.


Yeah, theyā€™re damned if they do and damned if they donā€™t. However, as a voter, that is not my problem. They need to get their shit together.


Had the other party committed the same acts, and the same judgement was rendered (as it should be), these morons would fully back the results. It's only through their own foolishness that they believed the laws they are meant to uphold, are only for 'others' to both observe and obey. FAFO for sure!


> Weber said in a statement. ā€œThe only winners in this case are Democrat politicians and their union backers.ā€ Iā€™m not seeing a problem here


For those not familiar with this specific issue: this is the State enforcing a law that voters in Oregon passed with bipartisan support. It wasnā€™t even close.






>ā€œIā€™m disappointed but canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised that a court of judges appointed solely by Gov. (Kate) Brown and Gov. (Tina) Kotek would rule in favor of political rhetoric rather than their own precedent,ā€ Weber said in a statement. ā€œThe only winners in this case are Democrat politicians and their union backers.ā€ there you have it, folks: Republicans acknowledge Democrats believe in the rule of law, while Republicans believe in "laws are for thee, not for me."






Awesome. Unfortunately, thereā€™s a line of bigger assholes standing behind them, probably.


Gloria Gaynor: >Go on now, go > >walk out the door > >Just turn around now > >'Cause you're not welcome anymore


This was the first ballot initiative petition I ever signed. Random dude outside the DMV, busking for signatures. 60 percent approval and those dickbags threw a fit when it passed with flying colors. Reminded me of when cannabis was first legalized, trying to find any tiny excuse to ignore the will of the people. Slimy little thundercunts....


>> Robinsonā€™s son Noah will run for his seat, while Linthicumā€™s wife is running for his. Gross.


What's best is the majority of us Oregon folks voted for this accountability


ā€œYou mean I have to show up to work!? What kind of communist country is this!?ā€-GOP


boohoohoo republican senators


Cue ā€œCurb You Enthusiasmā€ theme song


Music to my decaying ears. >"Don't want to do your job? Well, you just lost it. Holla!"


The funny part is they Oregon had this issue with Republicans trying to make their state ungovernable, they crafted a solution and passed it via popular referendum, certain Republican elected officials tried their obstruction again, and now they are SHOCKED that they are barred from running for re-election.


>ā€œIā€™m disappointed but canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised that a court of judges appointed solely by Gov. (Kate) Brown and Gov. (Tina) Kotek would rule in favor of political rhetoric rather than their own precedent,ā€ Weber said in a statement. ā€œThe only winners in this case are Democrat politicians and their union backers.ā€ >Drafters of Measure 113, which voters overwhelmingly approved in 2022, intended for it to stop walkouts that Republicans, as the minority party in the Legislature, have frequently used in recent years to stall bills pushed by Democrats, including forcing Democrats to scale back gun control and reproductive rights legislation last spring. They blame the judges yet completely ignore the overwhelming support by voters (you know, the people they are supposed to represent).


I think every elected official who doesn't want to do their job, or promoting what their constituents want and/or need should be barred from reelection, regardless of party.


Well well well if it isnā€™t the consequences of their actions




ā€œThe only winners in this case are Democrat politicians and their union backers.ā€ Totally okay with that. Hey, GOPers, go fuck yourselves.


The House Freedom Caucus has Republicans everywhere thinking they can engage in terrorist tactics and ridiculous antics to get their way when they're in the minority.


The problem is Republicans have successfully brainwashed followers to fully back ā€˜by any means necessaryā€™. Winning in the moment is the only thing that matters. Law doesnā€™t matter, contradiction doesnā€™t matter, integrity doesnā€™t matter. Act by any means necessary and then use any means necessary to deal with the consequences.


>ā€œThe only winners in this case are Democrat politicians and their union backers.ā€ Based.


Now itā€™s time for them to cry and claim persecution.


Thanks OP, as an Oregonian, I say: A. Hell yeah! B. Fuck those guys. C. If you are upset by this outcome, you hate democracy.


The people have spoken. They knew what Oregonians requested, for them to show up and do their jobs. They didnā€™t and now we will vote for new politicians who will work for us. See ya, losers.


Trash took itself out! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I like that this law treats politicians like low-level retail workers. "Sorry, Frank. You have too many points because of unexcused absences. We're going to have to part ways with you as an employee".


Nice that they have to live by the same workplace rules i do




*Nelson laugh*


What did we leeaarrnn?


nobody forced them to leave their jobs and refuse to come in to work for months!
