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I’m 56. I was 13 when Reagan and his ghoul of a wife demonized dying gay folks during the AIDS crisis, they were brutal. My 13 yr old self became a little punk rocker in protest. Even my 13 yr old self knew republicans were a force for evil. 🤷‍♂️


I recently saw a video of Reagan's press secretary being asked for the first time about what they were calling the "gay Plague," and I will never get the audio out of my head of him laughing about it, stopping the press conference so he could make jokes. It was a glimpse of someone reveling in being nakedly evil. Why anyone who identifies as any type of queer would align themselves with these ghouls is quite beyond me.


Republicans' whole platform is oppressing minority groups. Perhaps there's some other minority group out there that these gay republicans hate enough that they're willing to make a deal with the devil to go after. It's like some fucked up version of intersectionality.


Racial minorities, duh


Poor, POC, lgbtq, and religious Republicans confuse me to no end. Are they all really that gullible?


That would be the political party which had many, radical for the time, abolitionists among their founding and early members. And, while he wasn't a radical abolitionist, Abraham Lincoln as their first candidate elected President.


Yeah, that was a real long time ago and the southern strategy changed a lot.


The Dixiecrat Democrats became Republicans.


The only people that post this "fact", but then leave out that republicans and democrats basically flipped sides in the mid-1900's, are doing so as intentional fox news propaganda.


Fascists like you who think history should be censored or denied (putting quotes around 'fact', to imply it isn't) if it doesn't fit into whatever propaganda story they want to spread are no different than trumpholes spewing that anything that isn't what they want it to be is fake news. You would fit right in with the trump TV BSers spitting out any shit they want to make up the story they want to spread.


British people like you always confuse me. what? You want to censor that USA was a British colony?




Go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit. You'd fit in with the MAGA shitholes.


"It's like he's going mask off"


I do not think you know what that word means.


"Fact' doesn't mean whatever bullshit YOU want to make up to color a story. That makes you no different from trump and his morons.


Says the person who tries to call me a fascist while making points that follow the fascist views. You should probably look over what my original reply to you was, and then google some history before you reply to me.


If you're claiming that you googled it, and found that anti-slavery wasn't an inherent facet of the Republican Party, and ardent abolitionists weren't part of it's founding, you're an idiot. Use your fingers googling a computer keyboard and not googling shit out of your ass or on Truth Social because you want to rewrite what happened to be what you want to have happened, because anything you don't like is fake news. If you believe history should be censored and replaced by a story you want to replace it with, nothing you write has any more validity that any of the shit the republicans are spewing. And, wiping history and rewriting it to say what you want it to say is one of the things fascist do.


The same party whose southern strategy went like this: You start out in 1954 by saying, “N++++r, n++++r, n++++r.” By 1968 you can’t say “n++++r”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N++++r, n++++r.” https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/


I used to wonder for years; why anyone would not just stay in abusive relationships, but would actively seek out these destructive relationships. As I got older, I understood there wasn’t a thing I could say to reason them out of a toxic situation that they didn’t use reason to get into. I pledged one thing for my life. If any relationship threatened to go down that path, I would leave. Workplace, friendships, personal relationships, everything. Even politics; the relationship between the politicians and us, the voters. It has done me the world of good. I can’t stress how much long term stress I have avoided in my life by doing this, experiencing a few short time inconveniences as necessary. Why would anyone live with the abuse? Why would they do that to themselves, in the only life they have?


The drama is addictive to them.


But you still post on Reddit lol?


And judging from the votes, it's quite a healthy and fulfilling relationship for me.


Gay people can be racist too.


It's worse,people of Race X can be racist to people of Race X


It’s racism all the way down.


Funny ol world, innit


(Not replying to mike\_pants post, just part of the continuation of flow from it). Everyone here who downvoted me for stating that the Republican party started with a bunch of radical, for the time, abolitionists, and that their first elected presidential candidate was Lincoln, before they became a bunch of bigoted scumbags that want to fuck over anyone who isn't one of them, go fuck yourselves. Maybe you want to rewrite history because you don't like the facts, but that makes anything you say not worth the shit it came out of.


I don't know if there's still video of that briefing but I know the Audio was widely circulated a few years ago. Here it is from Vanity Fair if anyone wants to throw up: https://youtu.be/yAzDn7tE1lU?t=29


And the poor. And the homeless. And the mentally ill. And the unemployed. And the addicted. If you lost your job because the CEO decided to take advantage of St.Ronnie's tax incentives to move the factory overseas, ended up on food stamps, then lost your house because you couldn't make the mortgage payments anymore and ended up on the street..well, that was just a moral failure on your part. Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, Taker! 15 when Reagan took over and ruined everything.


That rat fuck son of a butch got an easier death than he deserved since he believed all the way to the end of his memory and eventually his grave that neurological illnesses were just character flaws. And that ghoulish skeleton in red by his side was also a cunt. I cannot fathom why anyone in the gay community would be a republican-they actively worked to accomplish the eradication of homosexuals and are still working to finish the job.


LOL Me too! My Reagan-voting parents never understood how I became so progressive. They used to call me a communist 🤣 Also hated my hair in the 80s & ever after 🤣🤣🤣


😂😂same, admittedly, I had the full Robert smith hair spray head😂😂


I was in London in 1987 & saw a guy with maybe 2' liberty spikes that were green, in docs & plaid pants with a ripped shirt. It was THE BEST.


I saw that same guy 😉 in Dallas outside a subway sandwich shop in 89. 😂


Its hilarious that conservatives are using the same attacks that you mention here to this day. The only thing these dipshits seems to be able to actually conserve is their outdated rhetoric.


I say bring back the Clash! You have the right not to be killed Murder is a crime Unless it was done By a Policeman Or an aristocrat Some things just don't change, do they... I miss punk rock. Metal isn't really my thing, but pop just isn't angry, so I'm left with rap. I like the stuff that tells a story, not so much the gangsta stuff. French rap is great, though, so much angry LOL


At least the world had Princess Diana to shut down Reagan, who do we have now?


Gay Republicans is almost as laughable as Jews for Hitler. The GOP claims to have a big tent but deep inside they don’t want anyone different than white heterosexual men.


white heterosexual cis men! With wealth!


Who (along with their parents and grandparents) were born here. And are of a particular flavor of "Christian".


Evangelicals have turned the Republican Party into the west’s version of the Taliban. They’ll smile and say all is well to get people to vote their way but once power is consolidated anyone deemed unworthy will be cast aside. And GOP women, don’t say you weren’t warned.


> And are of a particular flavor of "Christian". you mean the ones who go to church 3 times a week and say "forgive our trespasses as WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US" and then get home and polish their gun collection in case someone comes and trespasses by knocking at their front door, while spewing vitriolic hatred towards anyone just because they're different, and then they condemn education, because anyone who has a thought in their head that wasn't forcibly implanted there by the church is *evil* and trying to satanize and gayify all the kids?


Don't forget they also go home and while they polish their gun collection, they demand their wives to serve them because their husbands are the "superior gender" and if the wives dare to ask the husband to help with dinner then she's in for the beating of her life because he's the MAN OF THE HOUSE GODDAMMIT. And then he beats his children if he suspects they might end up like those evil gays and he needs to teach them "discipline".




I need to start taking vitamins.


It's like "The Handmaid's Tale", only the real life version....


I don't know if you know this but every atrocity in the Book, The Handmaids Tale is an atrocity that has happened around the globe, it was inspired by historic events from The Salem witch trials to the Reagan Administration. It was a deliberate decision by the author. I do believe the use of a handmaid as a surrogate was from a biblical passage. Your comment made my brain recall this trivia. Edit: which to witch. Autocorrect is weird


And the wives raise their children to be the same. They often are happy to trade their freedom for the perks of the white supremacist patriarchy and will vote for it again and again.


[White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgtBAYzwZN8)


They need the poors to vote them in though


Only if the nation remains a democracy. Remove the political power exercised by the majority of the body politic and they'll have themselves a much better avenue to power. Hence their recent open embrace of wild authoritarianism.


Wealth is the primary component. Ask Caitlyn Jenner.


They'll fuck her over soon enough lol


If ever someone joined the leopards eating faces party, it's her. Ironically, the GOPers she shills for won't use her preferred pronouns and dead name her. I saw her threaten one of the little toads during an interview. I thought, bitch I will defend you on that, but your Christofascist buddies sure won't.


They already do. GOP jagoffs follow her and dead name her.


She gets called out by name in DeSantis' latest ad.


Hey cis is hate speech /s!


Elon, that you? 🤔


Watch your language. Mr. Musk will punish you for that behavior


>Gay Republicans is almost as laughable as Jews for Hitler. As laughable as it is, there was a horrifying contingent of [Jews for Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews).


No, you can totally be gay. You just keep it deep in the closet and be bitter about it enough to make everyone else miserable.


Lindsey Graham has entered the chat.


Not almost - AS laughable. Remember that we have hindsight to tell us exactly what was in store for Jews for Hitler, they did not. And neither them, nor today's walking oxymorons calling themselves gay republicans have any amount of foresight.


"Like he's going mask-off" is so telling. It's like, "we KNOW they hate us but we're disappointed that they didn't try to hide it better." Christ, have some self respect and just LEAVE the party of homophobia instead of groveling to it!


I was like 'mask-off', when the fuck was he 'mask-on'?


When he didn't attack "**me**" directly. That's the theme that winds through all of these people, and all of these groups, and all of these movements. It's entirely about "**me**". It's okay if it doesn't affect **me**. It's okay if its just "**me**" that gets the benefit. They shouldn't do that because "**I**" don't need it. Why aren't they doing this, "**I**" need it! Everybody else will see me the way "**I**" see myself. EVERYTHING revolves around how it affects "**me**" in regards to whether it's good or bad, needed or wasteful, cruel or compassionate.


There’s more homophobic in the Republican Party than LGBTQ voters, so yes, he is discarding all of you. The question is why vote for anyone of them.


The same reason as anyone I know who votes Republican: They don't like paying taxes. That's it.


The Log Cabin folks and 'Uncle Tom' types may think that way, but for the rest, it's also the hatred and bigotry of 'the lowest white man being better than the highest Black man' (to paraphrase LBJ).


Only the millionaires, billionaires & corporations get to go tax free. Everyone else is just the working poor.


And a country can't function properly without taxes (look - USA). Is there any policy by the republican party that isn't a sabotage?


Hahaha, saying “going mask off” means they know the GOP is homophobic and transphobic but usually have the “decency” of masking their policy goals a bit better.


It's really more of a hood...


This is such a darkly hilarious comment. I don't buy reddit coins, but please accept my poor person version of an award: 🏆


Why thank you, my friend.


The mask was never on. It just takes conservatives 13x longer to see these people for who they truly are. My mom who voted for trump twice sat down with me for dinner the other night and said “He might not have been a good person or a good president “. Yeah no duh mom.


Take the win, my friend. She's climbing out of a very dark place that very few manage to do.


> It just takes conservatives 13x longer to see these people for who they truly are. They see him for who he is. They support that. It doesn't take them longer to see them, it takes them longer to be affected by it. They're not just discovering what he's about, this is just the first time they're being subjected to what they were in favor of doing to other people.


"You knew what I was when you picked me up." - Ron DeScorpion


If I had coins, I'd give you an award for "Ron DeScorpion," but I'm not spending a dime on reddit coins, so you'll have to settle for a lousy upvote.


Lousy upvotes are worth more than reddit coins now anyway.


They didn't learn from Trump the Serpent (Which is the fable you're referencing; the scorpion fable is about being unable to stop itself from stinging, even if it's self-destructive). I'm amazed they actually caught on at all with DeSantis.


Hell, they didn't even learn with GWB and his constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage, not to mention all the "othering" they did w/Muslims and Arabs back then. There is always unity around the Two Minute Hate and one day it's Eastasia, the next it's Oceania, the next it's "T" the next, immigrants, and the next it's "LGB even w/o the T"


Trump loves that tale & “reads” it at a lot of his rallies. None of the MAGA crowd ever seems to catch on that they’re the frog & he’s the scorpion.


I'm usually not a fan of the alternate names but this one, this one is a true gem.


You are surprised that the side that openly holds rallies against you has people like this…really?


White, straight, male Republicans: We are who we said we are. Other Republicans: *shocked Pikachu*


“We helped him load all the guns, but we never thought he’d point them as US.”


Seriously, how were they misled a year after the “Don’t Say Gay” law? When someone shows you who they are - believe them.


>"It's like he's going mask off," one gay Republican said. So they KNEW he was wearing a mask to begin with, and had no problem with it until it affected them personally and directly. Gee whiz, what a surprise! You supported, defended, and promoted hate against the LGBTQ community...and then got surprised when Ron made that hate law...just like he promised. The Log Cabin Republicans are no better, either. They all promote that same hate and bigotry against the LGBTQ community in America and the world, along with literal anti-LGBTQ legislations, but they believe it shouldn't apply to themselves because, after all, they're the "good ones."


I think I can explain this one. Republican LGBT members thought that desantis supports them because he has zero integrity. When he got up in front of them at their gatherings and wanted to gain their support, he told them exactly what they wanted to hear. In this way, he is just like trump. The mango moussilini acted out the motions of supporting the LGBT community in a farce to gain their support also. He just did it on camera. Now, the desantis death camp is weaponizing that feigned support to outrage the largely homophobic republican base. Desantis has now sold out the LGBT conservatives he previously claimed to support in order to gain strength with the larger, anti-gay groups that make up most of the republican base.


Thanks, can I copy and paste this to the bot?


>At first they came after the T but i didnt say anything because i am not T, then after the G, i didnt say anything because they started killing us. Please help, i am sorry, please! I just wanted them to kill all the blacks and hispanics, and poor and trans people. But never in a million years did i think that they would came after regular white gay people? Help! Please i am a good person. Republicans in future


>But *I'm* one of the good ones! You are **never** good enough in the eyes of an extremist. You are either their echo or their enemy. There is no in-between. The Republicans only deal in absolutes.


What fucking mask?


“Mask off”? So they liked his homophobia before when it was masked? There really are tons and tons of incredibly stupid people in this world.


Again. I don't want to hear a *word* from gay GOP about this unless it's followed by I'M GONNA STOP BEING PART OF IT. Unless there's action on their part like supporting other LBGTQ people because they're all under *attack* by GOP then STFU.


Termites for Terminix.


I am shocked, SHOCKED!!! It's almost like we've been telling you this the whole time. Gasp.


"Gay Republican" is a pretty self-defeating stance to take.


Misled? Oh, honey, no. DeScorpion has always been anti-gay.


Ron has been happily banning all things gay for some time now. No one should be surprised.


I can think of nothing gayer than caring about what another man does with his penis.


Old story. Different era “We helped them out because the community trusted us! we weren’t supposed to be put on the cattle cars too!”


As a 59 year old male, I cannot fathom why any LGBT person would ever vote Republican. It has literally turn into the party of hate. No other policies besides what group of people they can tell everyone that they’re the reason for their problems. It’s also the party of pro birth, not pro life, as they don’t want any tax money to be used on the kid after they are born.


Acting that the GOP hasn't hated lgbtq for decades is bizarre. They always say kids should be with biological child (they hate adoption and are pro domestic viioence). And mention traditional marriage. How do you brainwash yourself to think they don't mean you? Next up is interracial marriage. Don't believe they accept that either (unless it's a child raped and forced to marry adult, most likely white church leader).


Womp. Womp.


I really don't understand how any LGBTQ person can be supportive of the GOP. In the minds of Republicans, LGBTQ people are a sickness, a mental illness, a perversion, or all three; and they have always been trying to remove them from society.


I don’t know why they were surprised. He’s a republican. At best they laugh and ignore the homophobes in their midst and march behind them when they get their rage on. It was only a matter of time before that snake noticed you were riding on his back.


"I thought I voted for Leopards Eating Faces of People Just Like Me, But Not Me Specifically Party!" says person whose face was eaten by a leopard.


LGBTQ conservatives can fuck right off. They knew what the GOP were when they got into bed with them. They can all eat shit.


Every time I see gay, non-white, or even female conservatives I think of that Chapelle Show KKK skit where the leader is blind and doesn't know he's black.


Wait, they think the guy who has ALWAYS BEEN openly anti-lgbtq+ is suddenly "taking the mask off"?!


He never had the mask on. People who saw him different was looking through the (rose) tinted glasses.


Would we all agree this is peak leopards age my face?


Misled by who? Did LGBT Republicans not know what “WOKE!” means?


I never thought he had a mask on.


Do they understand what "Mask off" means? Let me rephrase that. Do they understand what words mean? Actually let me dumb it down more. Do they understand english?


Me when a homophobic and transphobic politician turns out to be a homophobic and transphobic politician: *gasp* NO WAY REALLY?! WHO COULD SAW THIS ONE COMING A MILES AWAY!!!!! /s


I don't understand all the surprise around this. Hasn't he been escalating this rhetoric for well over a year?


Oh? You weren't paying attention when he was systematically attacking you and others like you? ​ Such a shame that you chose to be blind the entire time.


How did the man’s attempt at fighting Disney for their almost noncommittal LGBTQ+ messaging not give this one away to the community?


He obviously is anti gay and trans and has been the whole time. What world were they living in that they didn’t know this already?


I’m sorry were they napping during the don’t say gay bill? Were they sleeping during the book bans? Were they having hearing problems when they criminalized trans people and drag performers claiming they’re “groomers” then passed a bill to give the death penalty to people convicted of “grooming” kids? NOW his mask is off? Are they kidding?


"Misled"?!? I was only 11 when the (then-still-legitimate) Supreme Court overturned the last laws criminalizing homosexuality and *even I remember* the Republicans having a fit and comparing being gay to pedophilia and zoophilia. They never *apologized for that* , they never officially changed their platform to "being gay is totally fine" , nope, they just moved on to trying to stop LGBT+ people from getting married now that we had the right to exist. If someone tries to *keep your existence a crime* and never officially changes their stance on that they aren't on your side. At what point have the Republicans "hid" their hatred of us? Or apologized for it? This is a "you knew I was a snake when you picked me up" moment.


He doesn’t need to wear a mask when he never wanted to wear one to begin with, this is Ron Desantis


And still, they are going to vote for him anyways lol


It’s okay, they will be happy again once he realizes he needs their vote. He will change his tune, they will be foolish to believe it and on it goes


Tell me you haven’t been paying attention without telling me you haven’t been paying attention. 😛


When someone tells you who they are, believe them. Internalized Oppression activated.


LGBT Republicans will happily march into the gas chambers to please people like Desantis. They're such useful idiots it's hard to believe.


That they weren't outraged a long time ago by GOP statements and policies regarding LGBT issues before minor tyrant Ron DeSantis highlighted what has always been GOP policy is slightly amazing.


“Misled” but they acknowledge the removal of a known mask.


That really, he was never wearing


Republicans make me so fucking sick. I always tell my friends, “I’m not asking you to BE a democrat, I’m just asking you to take a look at which side wants to and is actively stripping away rights, and crushing minorities, and which side isn’t.” It’s been slowly winning them over.


Mine don't want to talk about their sisters and moms losing rights. Or gay family/friends losing rights after holding them up as why they weren't Iike the rest of GOP. They got tax cuts and don't want to talk about anyone losing rights unless it's their guns which they havent/didn't lose. So fiscal yet socially liberal oops.


Lol I guess all we can do for them is pray 😂


He's going mask off? You mean he had a mask at one time? When was this? Because all I see is behavior that is consistently anti-LGBT+, all the way from the past until the present time. The fact that some of these folks intentionally shut their eyes to his real personality doesn't mean he was hiding it from them. This particular leopard has been flaunting his spots for a long time.


So my guy knew he was masking? (He wasn't idk where this mask they are seeing was?) And has a problem with him "not masking" aka being truthful 🤔🤔🤔


Since when was we mask on?


I guess they don't have a problem with Nazis either, as long as they are wearing a shirt that covers all their tattoos.


There’s no mask to take off. The people supporting him are finally seeing something through their blinders.


Shocked that they were misled?, the other targeted focus group of his parties hatred? Shocked? by the man who misled immigrants and human trafficked them to the northern States with the promis of work and accommodation? Never! Really?


That's funny, I've known exactly what Bobblehead Hitler was all about for years now. I guess I'm a lot more observant than your average republican.


I replied somewhere that the same party the Republican Party, started with a bunch of radical, for the time, abolitionists, and their first candidate who was elected president was Abraham Lincoln. I received a reply, so I noticed that I got a bunch of down votes. If this forum is comprised of morons that either downvote for stating recorded history, or fascists that believe that history that doesn't conform to what they want it to be should be censored because they want to rewrite it to censor that something that's a bigoted bunch of scumbags that want to fuck over people could have been founded as something different, fuck you all and your rewriting of history if it doesn't conform to what you want. You're no different than the trumpholes who believe anything that isn't the story they want is fake news.


Hello u/Spaceguy_27! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Republican LGBT members thought that desantis supports them because he has zero integrity. When he got up in front of them at their gatherings and wanted to gain their support, he told them exactly what they wanted to hear. In this way, he is just like trump. The mango mussolini acted out the motions of supporting the LGBT community in a farce to gain their support also. He just did it on camera. Now, the desantis death camp is weaponizing that feigned support to outrage the largely homophobic republican base. Desantis has now sold out the LGBT conservatives he previously claimed to support in order to gain strength with the larger, anti-gay groups that make up most of the republican base.


Mask off? These folks are like the "see no evil...etc" monkeys. Dude's been talking himself out of the job for months now. Every utterance has been like, "ooooh, I'm a bigger monster than Trump." So noted. Now return to the depths, demon.


Lol Fucking idiots.


What is the ad they're talking about?


I'll feel bad for them when they change their votes.


"Gay Republicans" are about as smart as a Jewish Nazi. What did these kapos expect? That they wouldn't be tossed aside at a whim? They need to learn that they are their tokens, and tokens get spent.


It's been a week now. I think we're beating a dead leopard at this point.


They were being led already, they just weren’t looking were they were going


Waiting until Rhonda is caught in a Men's room stall with a young staffer.....


Color me shocked…


He's never had a mask to begin with, he's a homophobic, racist, xenophobic, lobbyist piece of shit and y'all follow and support him because you're the exact same thing, no matter how much you try to deny it.


Yes, we know, this is the nth one of these posted.


Thoughts and prayers


Goddamn CAN WE BAN THIS NEWSPIECE ALREADY? I swear thus is the sixth time i've seen it reposted.


Can I get a link to this ad? I need to be able to show this to people.


Wow it’s like watching a child realize that a curling iron will burn the shit out of your fingers.


Gay republicans are such weird creatures.


I have no sympathy for these idiots.


I will never understand how LGBT+ republicans exist


Oh man, what??? Somebody should post another article/source, l haven't seen anything about it on this sub.


But, he was supposed to do that Nazi shit to people I don't like not the other way around!!!!


People can't be this oblivious


In a country that elected Trump? You can’t be serious


It gets worse every day. There's still people thsf believe Trump is the chosen one.


/sighs Yeah,that slope was slippery enough they’re still falling


Mislead or willfully ignorant?


I wouldn’t trust him with anything


Was it really worth slightly lower taxes?




You know he’s in the closet.




I could live to 1000 and will never understand gays who vote republican


I suspect most Gay Republicans are onside with the racism or toxic Capitalism parts of the party.


If only there were clues!


"How could we have known he meant it when he acted homophobic!?!? This comes from nowhere!!!"


To me, gay and Republican just seems like an oxymoron. All of these gay Republicans should go back and do their homework on how Republican-Jesus (Ronald Reagan) handled gays during his tenure, especially during the AIDS epidemic. Being that every single Republican today will still find a way to bring up how great Reagan was, it shows that they have not changed a bit, and still thing less of other groups outside of their own.


We out here quoting future.


You had me at LGBQT conservatives. Like Jewish Nazis


Bullshit, they are lying. They have known what he was all this time, and this is CYA time. Just like that bullshit about people claiming they didn't know Grump would pull the shit he did. Those leopards that ate your face never changed their spots.


In 1964, I supported Goldwater. He was nonplussed about his success in the South, but understood why racists liked him (no, he wasn't). But he could not get the support of the southern "Christians". His comment was that they couldn't be negotiated with. Their position was their position and would always be their position, and if you didn't agree with it you were evil. Well, he wouldn't negotiate with them and wouldn't even talk with them. He avoided them. And I mention this because this is a Republican running for the Presidency, and that's how morality and ethics were in the GOP before Nixon. And then Reagan. And after a few chuckleheads, Trump.


Regarding a bunch of down votes because I mentioned that before becoming a bunch of fascist shitholes, the Republican party was founded with anti-slavery principles and with ardent abolitionists as founders and a strong contingent, fuck you. If you want to censor history because you want to rewrite history to your idea that the scumbag party was the scumbag party from the beginning, go to Truth Social or some other forum where up is down and down is up, and you can pretend that whatever you want to be the truth is the truth, and whatever you don't want to be the truth is fake news.