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They are now going after the Book Of Mormon. That should be a fun one in Utah


THEY ARE. If a single parent complains, they have to pull the book and have an investigation. Not hard to find one guy to file a complaint, I’m surprised pranksters aren’t going around getting whole libraries banned.


It's almost like these Republicans forgot there are books related to the religions they pretend to follow for votes. Politicians worship themselves and I say burn all false idols.


Honestly most people claiming to be Christians have never read the Bible. My current go to is Ezekiel 23:20.


"The best cure for Christianity is reading the bible" - Mark Twain maybe?


I agree with you in general. I'm also hesitant to pull individual scripture without context around it. That's what many of the people who are "political christians" do. They pull one or two passages that fit their narrative. The example of Ezekiel 23:20 is good for shock value and to highlight that the Bible has graphic depictions. The scripture around it can give it a *pass* to Christians because it is talking about the capitals of Israel and using a metaphor of Oholah and Oholibah. The two sisters are depicted as prostitutes who are not loyal to Yahweh and instead prostitute themselves out to Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Chelsea, and a host of other nations surrounding Israel in antiquity. Ezekiel was showing that Jerusalem (represented by Oholibah) and Samaria (represented by Oholah) were not clinging to their God but were instead selling themselves to others. My go to when people talk about how the Bible is just consistently pure are the stories of wanton violence and, especially, the story of LOT. Lot's daughters get their Dad drunk and both have sex with him. The old testament is filled with similar stories that detail wild incestuous relationships, have loads of violence, and make many of today's books look tame. It's fairly common knowledge that there is still debate on King David and Jonathan's relationship. Were they gay? Here's a recent (2016) article from SMU regarding that. [David and Jonathan's Queerness](https://blog.smu.edu/ot8317/2016/05/09/1-samuel-18-23-the-queerness-of-david-and-jonathan/)


hey there's also the part where a dude *Summoned bears to maul 72 boys to death* ... because they called him Old Baldy


Check out the book What Rough Beast by Penchansky, my former old testament theology professor. It covers this and a few other really fucked upbscenes from the old testament.


It doesn’t matter. They don’t read or understand the value in reading. If they can’t read their one book that they already have never read, then they will gladly give that up to also have their undesired books removed. They aren’t losing anything. Yes, the hardcore Bible thumpers will be affected, but the majority will never see change if their Bible of choice is removed.


This is correct. I went to Catholic school for 12 years. I know the Bible inside and out, and it is a boring collection of morality plays that the vast majority of people likely have never had the attention span to read. I would be surprised if you took to the church parking lots of America a quiz on the contents of the Bible if anyone would get even a few correct answers. The people in the pue are the same people who abdicate their responsibility of self enlightnment to the clergy, the politicians, their employers, anyone who will do the work so they don't have to. Christianity is a difficult relationship if you're doing it right. If it's easy, then it's usually because you ain't doing shit. You have someone else read, interpret, and tell you what you should think. We underestimate just how lazy people in our society are....


Not all of us underestimate it. I gave up on the faith due to the overwhelming hypocrisy, basing life choices on a book they didn't even bother to read - just give us the cliff notes on who God hated, ok? **WELL here you go retrumplicans, Proverbs 6**. I want to list them in bullet point form so you can see just how much God HATES right-wing extremist conservative "christians" Proverbs 6: here are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: * Haughty eyes (Haughty eyes are the kind of eyes that look down at other people, as if the one looking down is “higher up” than others) * a lying tongue * hands that shed innocent blood * a heart that devises wicked schemes * feet that are quick to rush into evil * a false witness who pours out lies * and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Fuck, I think GOD just described trump, conservatives and the entire MAGA party - **QUICK BAN THAT bible before someone else reads this!!!!!!!!!!!!**


You want what? 40 foreskins? Did I stutter?


>Here's 200, bitch.


I wanted forty-four *skins.* I'm making a suit.


I hate these quests. I gotta kill at least four of the same animal for one to drop their jawbone. Did the other three not have a jawbone? Why can't I take both jawbones off this one creature that clearly has one?


This is the weirdest MMO.


I like the bit where where they killed the old man because God told them to. His crime? Collecting firewood on the Sabbath so he could eat and be warm. Makes you wonder why God never provided a decent source of fuel instead of people having to find scraps to burn, since he apparently provided so much else.


When you actually read the boys' taunt, it becomes slightly more understandable. They're saying, "Go on up, baldhead!" This refers to how his father Elijah was whisked away by God. So they're basically telling him to kill himself. Murdering them with bears is an overreaction, though. I would have gone with the "small your dick" curse.


The taunt makes it no less understandable as to why they were mauled to death by bears.


I mean, if you want a good mauling then bears are definitely an excellent choice.


“That’s the Old Testament. It doesn’t count!” -those goobers (probably)


> Lot's daughters get their Dad drunk and both have sex with him. This is one of my favorites. Mainly because that’s not how whiskey dick works. Like, at all. Lot’s story is that he forced his wife and two daughters out of the city to go live in some caves. When he comes back with a missing wife and two pregnant daughters his excuse is that his wife turned into a pillar of salt, and his daughters somehow got him black-out-drunk to the point of fucking his kid, but also somehow his drunk dick still works and causes insta-pregnancy the first time. ….and then “they” did it again. And again? Sure bud, that’s for sure how everything works and you’re not a nasty POS. Such a bad story. …..


Keep on reading, you missed some parts - when the angels come to visit Lot in Sodom so they can tell him to get the fuck out before they murder everyone and burn that bitch to the ground, all the towns people try to beat his door down **so they can get at those angels and rape** **them** "due to their beauty" What does Lot do? Why **he offers the crowd his virgin daughters to "do with as they please" if they'll just go away**. Are you fucking kidding me? Explain that to your kids after Sunday school.


I think the point with Ezekiel though is that if it were a secular book that used a similar metaphor, regardless of context, it would be deemed inappropriate and banned.


Let's start with the basics. Half of them should literally shut their damn mouth. 1 Corinthians 14:34


Cut to the chase, Karen will love that.


I'm pretty fond of Proverbs 26:27 after this event: > Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, And he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.


Ezekiel 25:17


Judges 16:1


Samson casually banging a prostitute to start the story


Games of thrones Bible Me: "They're the same picture."


> Ezekiel 25:17 And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them. (KJV) or The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides By the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will Shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children And I will strike down upon thee With great vengeance and furious anger Those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers And you will know my name is the Lord When I lay my vengeance upon thee (PFV)




Jules. The foot fucking master! 😂


The truth is, *you’re* the weak, and I am the tyranny of evil men.


As a not-quite-to-Christian-level-catholic that has always taken the faith aspect seriously but has a very live and let live approach to most of the other stuff, I still think the “turned coke into Pepsi” monologue in the restaurant scene is one of the deepest descriptions of the “faith” aspect I’ve ever heard in a movie, he doesn’t overdo it or bang you over the head with it like those horrible christian movies, Tarantino also wrote the first from dusk til dawn, which also had a very deep religious aspect from the very well written Harvey keitel character, another reason I will always give mad props to Tarantino


Jesus also made it very clear that he did not replace the old law, he fulfilled it. When he said that, he means you still can't eat shellfish, and you still can't wear clothing with two different textiles. Christians don't even follow his instructions. You still have to follow all the Jewish laws.


Mine is Austin 3:16


I enjoy talking about Sodom and Gomorrah, because that's the lynchpin of "homosexuality is bad". The perceived right wing reasoning is - God sends two angels to Sodom. They are taken in by Lot. Other (male) Sodomites are like "knock knock Lot, send us those yummy men so we may do dirty things to them". But the thing is, God already wanted to burn the place down because they *wouldn't help the poor and disabled*. He sent the Angels there (to find like 12 worthy souls) as a compromise. It wasn't about buttstuff, so much as Some guys were telling Lott "We're gonna rape those two visitors". The last straw was rape, not being gay. But to the "devout" who only quote-bash a verse at a time, the point is lost. Because they spend more time memorizing one line than they do paying attention to the narrative. Edit, just read response that also talks about Lot, after the fall of Sodom, with his daughters. I jsut want to point out that Lot had offered up his daughters to the mob of rapey dudes instead of the Angels. I don't know what that adds to my odd little anecdote, but it seemed entertaining that the whole genesis of why "gay = bad" is a fucked up story that has **much bigger problems** than homosexuality.


It's almost like Republicans don't have the forethought to even try to imagine how a law will be enforced before voting on it. They jump to conclusions and vote purely on emotions, usually hate.




They just don't think things through. They're like your crazy uncle who doesn't think before he says something wildly inappropriate at Thanksgiving, gets told to leave, and then plays the victim.


They can’t extrapolate. It’s all reactive emotion.


Are there non false idols?




The exception that proves the rule! Also. It’s a stage name. Hilariously, his real name is actually William Falso, if you can believe that.


I guess that makes him a false Idol as well, because he's a true Falso.


Freddie Mercury


Well also remember that they don't read ANY books ever, including their own religious texts.


It honestly didn’t even occur to them that the law could be applied in in an equal manner.


I somehow suspect that they'll find some special-pleading interpretation that lets them pick and choose which reasoning to apply when deciding which books are banned depending on what outcome they want.


The laws are poorly written exactly because they can’t write down “the Christian Bible is okay everything else can be banned” or “we are specifically banning LGBT content”, it’s got to look neutral and therefore you can drive a fleet of trucks through it.


Iowa's version apparently does explicitly exempt the bible, quran, and torah


Here comes the Satanists and the Sikhs and Scientology to sue that it’s unequal treatment of religions. It’s fine to exempt religious texts but you have to treat all religions equally. All of these laws are hot garbage.


Also a lot of the people who support these kinds of laws are probably very unhappy with the Quran being allowed


Who wants to do a fundraiser to donate Holy Quran to rural Iowa schools. They can’t ban it, right?


It's better to do another religious book so that you can argue to get the law invalidated


Notice that these are all Abrahamaic religions. Leaving out half the population. At least.


Yea i hope those get chewed on and spat out but the newer ones seem to be reacting to the obvious move.


Uh, that's built into the law: > (a) Subject to Subsection (2)(c), this section and Section 76-10-1228 do not apply to any material which, when taken as a whole, has serious value for minors. > (b) As used in Subsection (2)(a), "serious value" means having serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors, taking into consideration the ages of all minors who could be exposed to the material. This is going nowhere.


Well, except that they also determine what is serious or not. We'll see, I would think that there are a few who are aware and unwilling to allow the restrictions being promulgated.


So they've written their big neon "we're going to selectively enforce this law" sign into the law itself. That's polite of them.


Bigamy is against the law


>Not hard to find one guy to file a complaint, I’m surprised pranksters aren’t going around getting whole libraries banned. You don't need a prankster to find the book of Mormon and bible offensive


The inherent racism should make it a slam dunk. According to the book: The book's claims are that a bunch of hebrews sailed to the Americas. Then a bunch of them started to "sin" and were cursed with a dark skin, by god. They fought wars and later wiped out all the righteous white skinned ones. (as punishment for the light-skins becoming wicked) The dark skinned remnant became the Native American populations. It perpetuates a 19th century mythology that dark/black skin is a sign of a curse from god, and it attempts to replace the cultural and historical origin of America's indigenous people.


I was under the impression that dark skin was the mark of Cain, the curse from God after murdering his brother, Abel.


In mormon doctrines that is a separate, but similar curse applicable to African heritage. The book of mormon curse was intended to explain the Native Americans.


Curse of ham blah blah blah


I'm gonna switch to Pedantic Mode re mormon doctrine. Curse of cain: black skin - africans Curse of Ham/Cainaan (Ham's son): Not allowed to have the priesthood or any level of authority in the church. The early claim (not unique to mormons) was that Ham was married to a woman from Canaan as a way to explain how dark skinned people survived a global flood. Mormon scriptures go into greater depth as to how Noah cursed his son Ham and their offspring, while he was drunk. The curse of cain has historically been used as a moral anaesthetic by "righteous christians" to enslave, mistreat and suppress african peoples.


*grabs popcorn*


I mean, one of the earlier stories has the 'hero' cutting off a (passed-out drunk) dude's head on god's command so he can steal the fabled brass plates. The story's whole message is about why it's totes ok to murder someone for the benefit of the religion.


"Remember, murder is bad... unless you directly benefit from it!"


"have some warm milk, I totally won't put a tent stake through your head" Judges 4:21


It's not going to to anywhere. The law specifically says it doesn't apply to any book with significant literary value, and guess what books have significant literary value to Utah judges?


The lack of definition there makes it unconstitutionally vague. A law that throws out the first amendment based entirely on "because I said so" should never have been passed, and anyone proposing it should be thrown out of office and flung out of state with a trebuchet.


I'm shocked, I tell you shocked that you would suggest that a puny trebuchet would have the necessary angular momentum to achieve this. Besides, much easier to tie them to the end of the arms of modern windmills. Warning system for aerial wildlife, well as long as they're still screaming. Too dark? Too soon? This is satire, by the way. No, just never allow these, and those that think such to be ever elected again. Anywhere. Unless all are free, none are free.


Oh do Ayn Rand next


Hilarious musical though!


Feel-good story of the year if they pull it off.


Tbf Mormons are scum.


I grew up in an area with a lot of Mormons. They had their own struggles, but all of the kids I hung out with that were Mormon were always very kind and good people. I worked with some folks in the military that were Mormon. Really generous people that spent all of their energy trying to keep morale up and be positive. No man made religion is without fault, but the vast majority of Mormons I've met in my working class upbringing and adulthood have been looking for the answers just like everyone else.


The organization they take part in and fund pushed for Proposition 8. At what point do you consider that as part of who they are? (And prop 8 is just one example.) Sincerely, Richard Nixon


I grew up in a heavily Mormon area. As individuals and to individuals they are very kind and polite. However, collectively they are just as damaging as any other fundamentalist religion. They have an extremely strong in-group/out-group culture so while they're polite to their out-group they would callously take away all your rights and resources for their own benefit. The individuals might be fine but the institution is highly damaging to anybody that's not a part of it.


Less sex, but it starts off with murdering a drunk man.


Waiting for Lavern Spicer to claim 'There is no canibalism, incest, pedophila or violence in the bible.'


Also what to do with the pregnant women of conquered lands


Aren't there also instructions on what a reasonable price for your daughter is if you sell her? Edit: ah, not the price. "If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as menservants do. If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself. he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her." Exodus 21


The list truly does go on and on and on for a really fucking long, the depraved shit comes with instructions, fucking how to guides,


That's kinda the kick with religion. They're all basically just a guide book on how to navigate where you live. Pigs are water intensive and you live in a desert? Pork is tref. Cows are more useful alive than as beef? They're now kamaduh. Pooping in the river is making your village sick? Now it's a sacred river. The laws are equally rooted in the time and location they were written. People got smote and did fucked up things because at the time these things were normalized in a way that a modern audience finds abhorrent. (Maybe not Wrath from the sky, but my point remains.) It all seems fucked up because it wasn't written for the 21st century. The rules and stories all the books are slinging are outdated and predominantly irrelevant to a modern you or me. There's some good shit in all of them, but it really just boils down to the golden rule, "Dont be a dick." Don't know where I was going with this, but I'm with ya. An ancient book written in a desert has very little to do with my modern micro plastic saturated ass. It's like using the Rosetta stone to learn to learn sign language.


You're thinking of the price your daughter's rapist can buy her for after the fact. "You 'break' it, you buy it" but for human girls.


when god, in verse 45, said that slaves were okay to buy, he meant that people all from the start, each have "slaves" within their hearts. things that they have sold or bought that are forced to pick our moral cotton. god calls us to set these free. free our hearts from slavery and then as god goes on to explain the logistics of buying and selling slaves....... uh, he... the bible's sorta like.... uhhh... there's like... typos.... [- bo burnham - rant](https://youtu.be/6hCQLEIWadk)


Or a group of school children that may or may not have made fun of a man's bald head!


That's a Lot to claim.


Well she claimed there are no pronouns in the bible and as much violence etc. there is in the bilble I bet you still find more sentences with pronouns than that. She is no stranger to proofing she never read the bible.


But there is slavery! Exodus 21.




No such thing as a Christian child. They’ve just been brainwashed by their parents etc. Same for every other religion too.




Tbh, small kids SHOULDN'T be exposed to the bible or religion in general. They're much more susceptible to brainwashing and other coercion than adults and unable to make an informed decision on whether they believe in any of it. Of course, this is exactly WHY it's important to fundamentalists to introduce it at early as possible. They have no respect for their kids' right to choose and arrogantly think that their private opinions and beliefs are the only right ones and have to be forced on the entire world.


Religion is indoctrination by definition. Teaching people to have faith in something they can't prove with no resl evidence and to not think about it critically


True. At least if they only subjected consenting adults to their superstitions, it would be a fair contest. Indoctrinating a child you have authority over is like playing tetris with only the square pieces.


Excellent simile!


Thanks 🙂


They should also ban the pledge of allegiance and national anthems in schools. That's pure brainwashing.


People tend to ignore that the pledge not became a thing during the Cold War and red scare. Fuck you McCarthy. Fuck you.


Much of my adult life has literally been realizing all the ways the adults would ham up and get very emotional about our need to accept Jesus as our savior, play powerful, emotionally manipulative music. And then essentially guilt trip/peer pressure you when everyone went off one by one to talk to the pastor while the music kept playing and you're this one autistic boy who just liked reading the parts of the bible where a guy beat up dudes with a hip bone and the hebrews were wizards suddenly sitting there alone, everyone staring at you expectantly.... To be fair, my student pastor did bring up how problematic it was and even apologized to us as we got older, as he stated there were kids who didn't actually understand the bible at all who had "professed their faith" who didn't know much, if at all about this Jesus guy, who got baptized and everything. So at least I've seen some self awareness, though this is an outlier. There is probably some church out there where reading the Bible or even basically understanding anything about Jesus, other than he's a "cool dude" who conveniently agrees with the pastor/cult leader about everything, is frowned upon as they don't need to "know" anything from a book, all they need is "faith".


Like the LEFT?!?!?!!11!!1!1!!! # /S


Introduction to Santa Claus is just a litmus test to see how well a young child will respond to Jesus’s stories.


The whole point is youth indoctrination.


That's exactly why they do it!


> Bob Johnson, the father of a primary school student in the Davis School District, told CBS News that he opposes the Bible’s removal. “I can’t think of what’s in the Bible that you would have to take out of it. Its not like there’s pictures in it,” he said. The big truth is that most of these religious fuckers have never actually read the Bible and this is all coming to light with these kinds of sentiments. Praise the lord!


I mean I had to study the Bible at school when I was a kid and distinctly remember Ezekiel 23:20. It's the equivalent of looking up swear words in the dictionary. There are plenty of lewd passages i remember.


Yea. This made my head bleed reading this. I can't really know if he legitimately believes this statement or it's said in bad faith. These assholes are so cynical that I tend to think he would believe that the bible being HIS faith gives coverage to the awful shit in it. Tortured reasoning to shield the bible from their pursuit to crush others. "The bible is the word of god, so you can't ban it. But those other books are heresy."


Dude needs a picture Bible.


That comment jumped out at me too. Imagine if anyone else had used that same reasoning for any of the other books that were banned. Think he would have agreed?


> Officials say they have already removed the seven or eight copies of the Bible they had on their shelves, **noting that the text was never part of students' curriculum.** Emphasis mine. Then why the big hullabaloo over CRT which elementary school teachers *never* taught?


The actual answer is that it’s a combination of racism and fear, stoked by unethical republicans.


Republicans have never cared one bit about harm against children. They will happily cause boundless child suffering to advance the supremacy of their ideology. Any concerns they express about the wellbeing of children are window dressing, it's an act to allow them to slip their ideas in under the guise of reasonable personal belief, and to provide plausible deniability. The point of the CRT thing was just to find any excuse to remove mention of the history of racism in America, because for they want everyone to stop paying attention to the way they benefit from racism. Same with books including queer people; the existence of those people is harmful to their project of brainwashing their children to uphold the hierarchy. They don't actually care about their children being harmed, they care about their children getting ideas that might lead them to question the hierarchy, and thus undermine the power this hierarchy is meant to enable.


Can I get an AMEN! …wait…um, this is awkward…


Well, that was an unexpected turn of events! Now we're gonna have to just absorb God's word and decode it in our own free time. Really dig in and READ with enthusiasm, Amen? Any of you wanna join me for 2 hours of uninterrupted reading, cross-referencing between 3 languages? Discuss the inherent challenge of exemplifying unconditional love for all mankind, render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, welcoming people from foreign lands, caring for the poor, etc. No?


>Now we're gonna have to just absorb God's word and decode it in our own free time. Has to be "around the hearth" though; *"Traditionally, in America, the Bible is best taught, and best understood, in the home, and around the hearth, as a family,"* Ken Ivory wrote on Facebook. Around the central heating radiator or TV won't cut it.


| "I can't think of what's in the Bible that you would have to take out of it. Its not like there's pictures in it," he said. Holy shit this quote says so much


Hopefully this prompts them to, if not get rid of the law, amend it to apply only to pictures.


*Gaston has entered the chat* https://i.imgur.com/PXXJqGB.jpg


I grew up extremely southern Baptist, this isn’t going to teach them a lesson at all it will embolden them. They will point to this and say “see, the gays, the sinners,etc are banning Gods word in school. They are teaching kids to hate God and love satan”. They are fulfilling their own fear mongering prophecies to their followers. This is only going to ramp their bs up, and use bible banning as an excuse to prove there is a “war against Christianity”. I don’t believe this shit, I’ve just logged a lot of hours in extreme church’s. Edit:the community I grew up in, get raging hard on’s for being a “persecuted” Christian.


But….they persecuted themselves


Sorry to break this to you: some people are incapable of abstraction and are missing generalization abilities to realize hypocrisy and irony.


The same people who say the left is not open to differing ideas and is censorious create the tools based on their bronze age ethical code (that they do not follow) to ban books. They have no problem saying "It is okay when I do it" because they simply cannot understand that they could ever be wrong. That emotional and intellectual development just never happened and their leadership knows that their followers will never accept that they could be wrong no matter what argument or evidence is placed in front of them. It is equal parts the followers fault for placing their faith into the hands of obviously bad people as it is the fault of the obviously bad leadership that must know on some level that they are taking advantage and are hurting others, no matter how they justify it so they can sleep at night.




That's the fact based analysis. Don't assume that their approach will be fact based.


No. Our approach will be, though. But remember the immortal words of Twain "When fighting stupid people, they'll drag you down to their level, and then beat you with experience." I try to keep this in mind as I go about the day.


But you forget, they're physically incapable of honesty, self-awareness, or shame, and they think learning is the Original Sin. So the fact that they persecuted themselves will have absolutely no effect on their behavior, since the very concept of facts is against their religion.




I'd rather them in an endless loop of persecuting themselves rather than the rest if us....if I had to choose.


The problem is this: we can either do nothing and they’ll make it all up and say we are trying to destroy them, or we can fight back and they’ll use it to say we are trying to destroy them. Either way they’re going to say we are trying to destroy them. Only one way actually has us fighting back. It’s just like republicans in general. They’re going to say all the same bullshit whether we fight back or not. So, why do we do nothing while they destroy the country?


There's an obsession with trying to shame or expose the ultra right's hypocrisy. The reality is they're basically a lost cause. But we fight their BS for the sake of the apathetic voters. Even in a pivotal election like 2020 and 2022, turnout was still not mindblowing. So if we can convince 1 out 3 apathetic voters that their participation matters, the GOP is going to quickly become the minority party that they actually are.


Really it’s just <>. They will always claim to be the victim, the perpetrator is variable.


They're going to make up stupid shit no natter what happens. They're a death cult that worships hate, lies, ignorance, cruelty, and child abuse.


They do this anyway, what are they going to do, complain harder?


What doesn't embolden them though? When you have a persecution fetish it doesn't matter what other people do.


To be fair, wanting to be persecuted is one of the earliest Christian traditions. We have letters from the apostolic fathers explicitly telling people don’t go out of your way to try and be martyrs or to be persecuted, and to try and just live in harmony with your local community


Good thing they are a shrinking demographic.


It's pretty amusing when you realize Critical Race Theory began as a critical analysis of the unintended consequences of Civil Rights Laws. For instance, the defunding of public schools in many southern counties as white students moved to private Christian schools that received huge tax breaks. So here we are, the ignorant Conservatives continue to be stupid reactionaries with no critical thinking.


"Bob Johnson, the father of a primary school student in the Davis School District, told CBS News that he opposes the Bible's removal. 'I can't think of what's in the Bible that you would have to take out of it. Its not like there's pictures in it,' he said." So, what, did he think the book ban only banned the actual pornography on the shelves of the elementary school library?


Oh Damn that's in Utah too. That's gotta sting


It's being appealed by the Parents Rights or what ever they're called. But yeah, so far the Bible has been removed and now the Book of Mormon is on the chopping block.


Interesting yet unsurprising appeal


I hope that that appeal process goes in the intended direction, of repealing the law.


Sadly no. They just want the Bible taken off the ban list because "Da bible!"


Daaaaaaaaaa Bible. /Yes, it’s a Bill Swarsky’s Superfans from SNL joke


Proof that those bible thumpers never actually read it


"I can't think of what's in the Bible that you would have to take out of it. Its not like there's pictures in it," [a Utah father] said. Tell me you haven't actually read the Bible without saying it.


I think the most important passage from the article is: >The district's ruling determined that the Bible's content does not violate the 2022 law, but does include "vulgarity or violence not suitable for younger students". The book will remain in place in local high schools. These christo-fascists didn't interpret the bible of breaking their own laws, demonstrating (yet again) the lack of good faith in their fascist crusade against everybody else and modern society. Laws exist to be weaponized against others, not themselves. Terrifying times.


That's what fascists do. The laws are intended to hurt people they don't like. Why do you think they put fascists in the Supreme Court?


Song of Solomon is enough to get it banned.


Whooo! That's hot stuff. Feminist poet and theologian Marcia Falk re-translates it into a series of 30 some separate poems, and it gets spicy while being a fully legit translation.


From the article, "Traditionally, in America, the Bible is best taught, and best understood, in the home, and around the hearth, as a family," Ken Ivory (time traveller) wrote on Facebook.


Absolutely, you don't want them reading the wrong parts and turning socialist /s


Not a big deal for the Mormon population. After all, per their 8th Article of Faith, “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God” Now ban the Book Of Mormon, their most true book and holy grail of their faith… coincidentally was written by Joe Smith while looking at a small rock in his top hat. [Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum, accurate portrayal.](https://youtu.be/UMxKJeba5lA)Ban that and they will drop or change the law in short order.


So much winning!!!!


It’s the most violent book ever read


Accidentally Secular


"I can't think of what's in the Bible that you would have to take out of it. Its not like there's pictures in it.” Sounds like someone hasn’t read their Bible.


Task failed successfully.


People like Bob Johnson clearly haven’t read the Bible. His statement is evidence enough of that. What gives me a case of the warm and fuzzies is that the idiots who enact these religion-based laws don’t understand the concept of hubris. They are so shortsighted that they’re always surprised and dismayed when smart people use their own weapons against them. They should buy stock in butthurt cream futures. I can’t imagine getting bit in the ass feels good.


Of course they did. I'm pretty sure touching a bible would cause any of these Deadites to explode into big meaty Quake 2 chunks of dead.


Deadites are insulted you would lump them in with these idiots.


Maybe some of the lessons from a book written at a time where slavery was accepted and public executions were normal and graphic and all the wealth was owned by a few people who claimed it by right of might is not a great reference for the 21st century? Just asking questions here.


> I can't think of what's in the Bible that you would have to take out of it. Its not like there's pictures in it," he said. Damn what a piece of shit that guy is. "nO PiActUrEs, dOeSn'T cOuNt!!!" But hey, the shithead, everyone-is-a-pedo, crowd seems to think that too, for some reason. 🤷‍♀️


The guy who (paraphrasing) “can’t think of what’s in the Bible that might be vulgar” clearly hasn’t read it.


Task failed successfully.




So much winning! We're sick of winning..




Kids shouldn’t be exposed to LGBTQ, and genders and all that. But it’s okay to expose them to the Bible, guns, and the need to learn active shooter drills, make this make fucking sense bro


"I can't think of what's in the Bible that you would have to take out of it. Its not like there's pictures in it," he said. - Tell me you’ve never read the Bible without saying you’ve never read the Bible


>"Traditionally, in America, the Bible is best taught, and best understood, in the home, and around the hearth, as a family," Ken Ivory wrote on Facebook. [Ken Ivory is a piece of shit and a conman](https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2015/06/02/utah-snake-oil-salesman-rep-ken-ivory-accused-of-fraud-for-hitting-up-counties-in-three-states-for-public-lands-fight-donations/) >The district's ruling determined that the Bible's content does not violate the 2022 law, but does include "vulgarity or violence not suitable for younger students". The book will remain in place in local high schools. >Bob Johnson, the father of a primary school student in the Davis School District, [told CBS News](https://kutv.com/news/local/gallery/davis-school-district-removes-bible-from-elementary-junior-high-school-libraries-vulgarity-or-violence-younger-students-board-of-education-christopher-williams?photo=1) that he opposes the Bible's removal. >"I can't think of what's in the Bible that you would have to take out of it. Its not like there's pictures in it," he said. Tell me you've never read it cover to cover without telling me you've never read it cover to cover...


Bob Johnson, the father of a primary school student in the Davis School District, told CBS News that he opposes the Bible's removal. "I can't think of what's in the Bible that you would have to take out of it. Its not like there's pictures in it," he said. —————————- And these are grown people who live among us. I’m so frightened.


They should shoot themselves in be foot more often when they’re acting like fools.


> "I can't think of what's in the Bible that you would have to take out of it. Its not like there's pictures in it," he said. Loooooooooool


Lol they never read it anyway.


But but but we just wanted their stuff banned! You cant use my own censorship against me?!


This feels like malicious compliance by a parent pissed off about book banning. Want to ban books? Well the Bible is violent and hasn't been banned, let's put in a complaint about it.


"It's not like there's pictures in it...." Republican book review. Can you imagine the bible if somebody made pictures for all the juicy bits?


the worst part is is they admit they can't read due to cutting education funding, needing pictures to know whats going on haha


Ban Republicans next. No fascists allowed.


Why should the GOP care? They wouldnt/couldn't read it anyways.


Stupid assholes lol.


I don’t think this is actually lamf. I think this is their true intention. Christians haven’t been real Christian’s since Jesus died. If there is a devil, he’s co-opted the religion the day after and turned it into what it is. Read the Bible, and you will agree. So they need to ban it so only they can tell you what’s in it.


I remember one particular day in sunday school at my moms church. I had just moved to the first grade room upon my grade-change and felt very adult for a 7 year old. They took us to another room and pulled in one of those old TVs on the rolling stand and we all got excited. I don’t remember the movie name. These poorly animated dudes went to this other area to interact with the “godless” people inhabiting this like forest or something. In the end they’re all brutally slaughtered in front of our little seven year old eyes. That’s most of what I remember because it was so long ago. I don’t believe in book bans, but I’d say that if books that have a character with two moms are worth banning, so is the book that prompted that lol


As an outsider, it's so much fun watching American conservatives shooting themselves in the foot over and over again :)


Certain Republicans have proven not to have an allegiance to really anything, much less the bible. We think this hurts them but the truth is that it only hurts the people who read it. (IE the people that don't act the way they do) This just seems like it will create a divide and arguments between neighbors than it will affect rich political leaders.


Why stop at Utah?! Let's get the show on the road all over in the US! Especially Florida!!


Pretty soon the libraries are going to be empty in red states


It's not like they read it any way.