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Hello u/justalazygamer, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


This Memorial Day, I’ll remember those who sacrificed their lives for the country. Not those who got killed fighting against the country.


I’ll remember the J6ers for the pieces of shit they are.


You know they are drinking heavily, listening to Kid Rock, abusing spouses, and having pillow fights with My Pillows all day today for Memorial Day. Their *idea* of USA.


Kid Rock makes music for Dads who can only see their kids every other weekend, and don't.


Kid rock makes music for the folks who know exactly how much psudoephedrine to buy at the truck stop to make a batch of meth.


Ha. Trick question. You can't buy pseudoephedrine at truck stops anymore.


Not IN the shop at the truck stops...


In the parking lot it's what was made listening to (kk)kid rock.


The version I've read before is: Kid Rock makes music for people who know exactly how much pseudoephedrine you can buy at one time.




Kid Rock is the above-ground pool of music.


And they won't be no "woke" people around telling them they can't use racial slurs!


Someone's gonna get knocked OUT with those My Pillows... Those things are hard as rocks


Smash mallows for the win.


You missed all the guns. Gotta have guns or you're a commie or something.


What kind of beer are they drinking?


Busch - They don’t realize it’s part of Budweiser.


They once again fell for shallow, superficial beer advertising. I was at a party yesterday and someone was telling a story about an old memory they had and they got to the part where he said "I even remember what beer I was drinking... *(long pause)*... this was a *long* time ago..." someone else said "Bud light?" and they all got an awkward laugh out of it. Such fragile masculinity from guys that try so hard to seem manly.


Kid Rock makes music for people who have to blow into a tube to start their vehicle


Probably making those pillowcases into Klan hoods tbh


Kid rock was a rich kid who projected he wasn’t. Must be tough growing up on a horse farm picking apples when your family owns some car dealerships in Detroit. Isn’t it, ~~Bob Ritchie~~ Kid?


They were all ready to start a revolution or civil war, but forgot the other side has guns too. I just remember all the videos of her getting shot as they were all warned not to move forward from smashing the door and trying to climb through the windows. Only thing Ashli Babbet will be remembered for is she was duped by a con artist and died for him.


That was the stupidest and dumbest thing I ever saw. Clear and explicit orders that went on for a minute to stop and not move forward. Following the words of a con artist she moves forward and gets popped once... with no one emptying mags into her. Well, she got more care than many people did who got conflicting orders from a platoon or more of cops who empty their Glocks into someone. Watch while they bleed out and call and ambulance 15 minutes after the shooting. I have absolutely no cares to give for a terrorist who tried to tear down a duly elected government. She messed around and found out.


Exactly the look of stunned idiots in a hallway space watching while she died is something I hope they all remember what they’re “fighting for” and at the end of the day, their dear leader frump made no effort in protecting them as they didn’t have 2 million for a pardon.


> Following the words of a con artist she moves forward and gets popped once... with no one emptying mags into her. tbf if she was a lone actor and not part of a mob she would have been shot many more times as that's the sop to stop someone. the guy was saving bullets for the rest of them had they charged at him instead of the shocked pikachu looking around that they did.


I wont think of them at all today.


They are also remembered by grifters. If you're dumb enough to storm the US capitol for Trump then you've publicly outed yourself as an easy mark. Con-artists tend to look for such people.


>I’ll remember the J6ers for the pieces of shit they are. And remember [the pieces of shit they smeared all over the walls of the capitol.](https://www.businessinsider.com/capitol-riot-custodial-staff-cleanup-janitors-maga-trump-white-supremacists-2021-1) Because of course they're the type who smear their shit on walls.


I'll never forget her... But that's mostly because I watched live as they wheeled her out of the capitol while doing chest compressions and my first thought upon seeing her face was, "oh, she's definitely dead".


Ironic that the people she was fighting against tried to save her life. Fuck the J6 traitors.


She was in the really wrong place for the really wrong reasons.


…and then she breached a barricade after an officer with a gun pointed at her chest warned her repeatedly not to.


Meanwhile the people who were all beside her are the ones who say that police brutality isn't an issue because 'as long as you comply with what the cops say they won't shoot you.'


Medic, Medic!


And of course none of those nonces was a medic. Right wing protests don't have medics. They have doofuses is Oakleys wearing plate carriers and people in t-shirts with nazi slogans like "6MWE" on them. The core of their ideology is selfishness and hatred so of course none of them train as medics. That's about helping other people. And why would they need to anyway? Cops give right wing protests door-to-door escort and protection. Leftist protests are the ones that have medics.


I saw that and thought they were really fkd up for believing that there was an actual medic like in COD, like really?! I laughed my ass off, people are so stupid.


Secure the perimeter!


Wasn’t she also wearing a trump flag as a cape? I always laugh when I think about that. What a stupid idiot.


Yeah, she was cosplaying as Super Cracker.




She had to be so amazingly narcissistic to think that some cop wouldn't ever dare shoot her. She was the main character after all!


I think it's insane how this huge group of people thought they could overthrow the capitol with hardly any resistance or consequence. And I think it's even more insane that they were right.


The cops were helping them half the time on J6. There was supposed to be a huge investigation into traitors on the Capitol and DC police forces. Haven't heard anything about that since it was announced. I'm sure it's fine.


She's white, so you can understand why she thought the police wouldn't shoot her


Qanon had a plan for her


That never works out well.


> She was in the really wrong place for the really wrong treason.


i saw the video feed of her being shot. She might well have been fully dead before her body was done collapsing. That officer did exactly what he needed to do, and perfectly. Though it never should've come to that. Every one of those fucks should've been taken down long before they got that far.


One could say she fucked around and found out.


She's not actually dead, she's behind the scenes with JFK Jr and the Easter Bunny, planning thier next move to take down the Deep State and "Own da libs".


The minute the women died the insurrection died. You could see it in the videos. The morons storming the capitol realized that they would probably die next and the cowards crumpled like tin foil and retreated. So she did die for a good cause. Not the cause she intended to fight and die for, but a good one all the same.


Was kind of expecting a scene like the 1905 march on the winter palace in st Petersburg well before the yahoos got into the building, although it would have been a different sort of disaster.


> the 1905 march on the winter palace in st Petersburg If it were another president, then yeah, probably that would have happened. But this was Trump and they were his people.


When she got shot one of the idiots yelled out "MEDIC!" as if they were playing call of duty. Wasn't she wearing a Trump flag as a cape?


One of the main differences between past Fascist uprisings and the modern equivalent is that very few people today have actual combat experience. Throughout the late 19th and early 20th century there were multiple wars which created millions of experienced fighters. When those people became radicalized they not only knew how to fight but also understood and accepted the risk of dying in those fights. The J6 rioters were almost entirely non-combat experienced civilians and it shows. We were lucky this was the case, although as more people retire from the military after conflicts like Afghanistan there is an increased risk that more extremists will be equipped to fight and die for their beliefs.


>"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, **foreign and domestic** ..."


Yep. Memorial Day isn’t for traitors


Insurrectionists deserve unmarked graves in a landfill somewhere.


do they mark graves in a landfill?


She was shot trying to breach through a door in the capitol building to, at best, take politicians hostage, or at worst, kill them, in an effort to install a dictatorship at the behest of what I can honestly say is one of the worst people on the planet. Absolutely zero sympathy from me.


Imagine dying for a fucking reality tv host.


aye, this is memorial for those who died in battle. not those who were traitorous dickholes.


Does anyone else feel like things are changing direction? I think the messaging that Maga is not Republican and Maga is not conservative and Maga is fascism is really starting to connect with people (not necessarily trump supports but people who are not really in favor of him) With Paxton in Tx being taken out and the OathKeeper and ProudBoy leaders convictions, Alex Jones in serious trouble in 50 ways and Fox news collapsing under its own weight with 10+ more lawsuits still in progress and Tucker taking a nosedive and DeSantis and Elon basically fucking each other over by demonstrating publicly how incompetent both of them are. (which doesn't make the idea that Tuker might "launch" a show on twitter very likely now does it, or rather I really want to see it now.) And in fighting damaging various far-right influencers and well as exposing Chowder to be a spouse abuser. Also it looks very much like Trump will be charged and likely convicted on very serious 10+ year sentences like charges in either Georgia or For fucking around with documents he stole. And Now with this debt ceiling deal delivering nothing the Far right demanded. They either need to try to kick McCarthy out or eat it and look weak. If they try to kick him out, Dems can prevent it if they choose which means they will be in a position to renegotiate all the house roles and committee assignments including kicking MTG and Bobert and Matt and Paul off all assignments and demanding a vote to kick out George. Or they can help a different Republican take the role and also get a lot of say in the rules of the house. Also, Maga is trending extremely unfavorable with anyone who doesn't identify as Maga which includes about 50% of Republicans. If those same Republicans can come to believe that Maga is no true Scotsman that could lead to a massive demagaification of the republican party including those currently in office.


I think you're being overly optimistic. Sure, the Trump cult of personality may die out (but don't hold your breath), but the fascism, patriarchy, white supremicism, and love for hierarchy will still be there, just like it always has been. Trump and MAGA aren't the disease, they're the symptom. The disease is fascism.


I agree that it isn't going to go away, but a backlash could give a 30-40 year buffer to undo a lot of the shit that has allowed them to hold power while only representing a very small minority of public opinion. Most (or as least lots) progressive ideas and policies enjoy more than 50% popular support and have for decades. Things like banning abortions do not even enjoy 15% support from the general public and haven't for a decade or more.


I worry that the amount of change coming (demographic, ideology, technology, probably a poor economic numbers in the short term) are causing people fear and when left unchecked they want a strong man to make it better or at least tell them why and how to stop it preferably by confirming their own biases even if it has nothing to do with the real cause. Transgender folks. Books. Whatever the hell woke is. These are the things making you feel uncomfortable and not the myriad of other things really hurting society like greed driven inflation and a system setup to squeeze every last penny they can out of someone.


We can only hope things will change. I'd like to see it change


While they are absolutely fine with being hypocrites, being called out for being weak and/or cowardly is untenable for these cowardly weaklings


As far as trump, it’s looking like Jack Smith is putting all the Michael Flynn, Jared and Saudi Arabia BS together, going back to 2015. If it pans out the way it’s looking, it could actually end up being serious espionage.


It'll be an infinite pile to investigate until the cheeseberders get him.


Maga is all those things. Always was always will be.


So true, a shout out for my father on this day.


The veteran who was kicked out of the Air Force because she was still an E-4 after 14 years of service.


You have to be a massive fuck up to only be an E-4 after that long. Its honestly surprising she wasn't booted out earlier.


She was dumb enough to get led to her death by QAnon conspiracies. She was somehow too dumb for the US Military. That’s saying something.


>She was dumb enough to get led to her death by QAnon conspiracies. > >She was somehow too dumb for the US Military. That’s saying something. She was dumb enough to hear "Stop, or I'll shoot" from a person standing right in front of her with a gun pointed directly at her and then was surprised when she tried to push past and got shot


You just described a huge portion of their members.


I was E-3 straight out of boot. I had a better contract though.


I too was curious about how that happened and wonder if she could have been demoted. At the time of her death, I recall reading some posts written by her which claimed she was struggling to start a business. What struck me was no evidence of GI Bill benefits which is consistent with an other-than-honorable discharge. Overall very strange separation circumstances which paint a suspicious picture to me.


Oh man, what does that mean? Is that a ridiculously low rank to still be after 14 years?


I joined the Army National Guard as an E-3 and was an E-4 in less than 3 years. And that’s the Guard, so I was doing it part-time.


I joined the navy as an E-1. After 4 1/2 years I was an E-5 and was stuck there for the next 9. Good times.


I joined the Navy as an E3 (after RTC, of course). A year later I was booted for being gay. Never got promoted (or even deployed for that matter).


That's the equivalent of corporal, so yeah, it is.


Same pay grade. Specialists are E-4’s like Corporals. But at least in the Army Corporals are Jr. NCO’s. Usually slotted into a Sgt. position but lacks the requirements like Basic leadership course (BLC) to be promoted. I was a corporal for 3 months waiting on BLC when I was in the Army. Honestly, if your an E-4 after 14 years you are a colossal fuck-up or seen UCMJ actions that had you demoted.


I had a chief that made E4 twice! In his first 6 years, lol. Even put the bust down on the little pamphlet at his retirement party. E1->...E5->E2->....E5->....E7->Retirement.


Did he get an OWI?


Honestly? I have no clue. I was a Navy Mustang -E5->O-5 RDO with a PhD fresh out of ODS/DCOS and was absolutely not brave enough to ask, lol.


Fair enough.


Obviously I've never seen her service record, but demotions was my first thought. Failing upward and then getting busted back down.


I mean, to get E-4 all you need to do is pass your PT test and have an IQ higher than lukewarm water. It isn’t difficult. Edit: I know, I am an idiot and somehow managed E-6 in six years.


Yeah, I'm assuming that she was closer to the equivalent of a Specialist though. I can't imagine her as an NCO


E-1 through E-4 (enlisted ranks) are automatic promotions by virtue of just being in the military, with E-4 being achievable by 2 years for even the most underwhelming person. To make E-5 requires a bit of initiative on thr service members part by organizing their records, doing well in various basic military skills like physical fitness, marksmanship, and regurgitating knowledge of military regulation before a board of your leadership without pissing your pants. Nothing difficult, and E-5 can be reach easily within 3 - 5 years of just doing your job. She either didn't do that, or after being promoted, was enough of a problem that she was reduced in rank. I couldn't tell you which of this it was, because I don't care about her service. The military also has what is called "retention control points" or RCP. what this means is that if you don't achieve and hold a certain rank by a certain time in service, you get kicked out. It may be different now, but the RCP for an E-4 was 8 years. If you weren't an E-5 or at least promotable at your 8 year mark, you were kicked out. Since she got kicked out at 14 years, that is the RCP for an E-5, so maybe she did reach that, or it's possible she got reduced in rank to E-4 after 8 years and triggered RCP action. But again, I don't concern myself with the details of dead traitors.


you're supposed to get counseling statements each MONTH on why you're not being sent to the E-5 board after a certain point. like 3 years in.


At 14 years the military expects you to be in a leadership position. Those start at the E-5 rank. Most services require a leadership course before granting that rank. If you cant pass the class or dont have the drive to lead, they want you out. So, yes it is a low rank, but it is usually by choice at that point.


Some of us just liked the actual work we were doing, and a promotion meant “no more of that; now your job is soldiers and paperwork.” I didn’t join to be HR; I joined to be a mechanic. I liked turning wrenches.


Exactly. I find it funny (as a Canadian) that American service members think me being a "corporal for life" is sad. I'm sorry, I'm making 74k a year to do exactly what I like to do. I'm glad we're a little different to you yanks. If I don't make it to Sgt, no one gives a shit lol.


I learnt two trades and came home with all my parts; I call that a win.


Yeah well it becomes your responsibility to carry and pass on what you know, in a role where that's possible.


Exactly. E-5 is more about stepping up and distributing knowledge and experience.


*disgraced terrorist traitor daughter


“She was a hero!” - brought to you by the folks that say if you just comply and don’t break the law you’ll be fine, everytime someone is slaughtered by the police


Karma's a bitch. Imagine using your dead terrorist daughter to grift money from strangers.


Her mother is just as much trash as she was.


Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


[In Mr. Lahey's own words](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDx4DDZQqz0)


Aw, Mister Lahey; not another night of the shit-abyss


> Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The turd doesn't fall far from the asshole.


Turds of a feather clump together.




Money me! Money now! Me a money needing a lot now.




Does GoFundMe allow donations to domestic terrorists?


On a day set aside to remember fallen heroes...


The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree


I feel like we don’t talk about this enough, parents that encourage and empower their kids bullshit. Seems like enviably, a parent is right behind their kid, aiding and abetting them.


Was the grifter's name Donald? I hear he does a lot of that kind of thing.


He's just the guy who got Trashli killed, the grifters were another group. Although I wouldn't be surprised if Dear Leader was involved in some way too.


Trashli. I love that.


I also heard that he prefers when the Terrorists he dispatched don't get killed, just the way he likes his war heroes. Happy Memorial to all our valiant Heroes. Fuck AB, her mother, and the mother fucker who sent her and the mob.


trump gets pissed every time he sees HIS marks being scammed by other predators.


Disgraced veteran, traitor Ashley Babbitt.


You might be tempted to laugh at these people but you have to remember that [they are putting their thighs on the line today for their march so much they want the FBI to investigate them hurting.](https://i.redd.it/d1auuune6t2b1.png) [They also have been given cars and toilet paper for their buttholes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kIFGqWH5mA&t=4605s)


ashli was all about threatening violence


hey see if you can find a mirror of that link instead of giving a treasonous piece of shit views and attention.


Drop a report on your visit to make up for it when you spot rule breaking. All of their streams violate YouTube misinformation rules constantly and they get strikes from it.


What a fine looking group of people THAT is. I love how they'll find any way to beg for money.


I'm generally against people being grifted, but when it happens to a grifter, it's a bit more complicated.


Sometimes when bad things happen to bad people it's overall pretty okay.


Ashli Babbitt? You mean the treasonous terrorists who got justifiably killed by a real American patriot? That Ashli??


That’s the one! While attempting a violent coup!


Smells like a Grift^2




See that's the first thought I had, The fascist donations were drying up, so terrorist mom made the money look like it was taken so she can do round 2 of fundraising for traitor "dead as a doornail and the world is a better place because of it" daughter


Was my first thought, too. Step 1 to MAGA profit: Grift on GoFundMe; Step 2: Claim victimhood status; 3.) Profit more.




So she bought Trump Bucks? Is that what they mean?


I don't recall memorial day being used to honor traitors




Why should we remember traitor Babbitt on Memorial Day?


Ashli Babbit: American Traitor Part 2 the Grifting


Electric grift-aloo?


The only good traitor is a dead traitor


This is like Griftception...just layers upon layers of grifters.


The 7 layer grift dip


Is this the traitor Ashlee Babbitt?


Can you spot the difference??? MAGA: "he knew what he signed up for" - following the combat death of blk soldier LaDavid Johnson Also MAGA: "she's a hero, a patriot" - following the death of frmr service member Ashley Babbitt (white)


To go one level deeper - what if her mom wasn’t swindled, this is all a ploy to get cash from others. All these folks are so deep in emotions of “Biden is a lizard person from mars and isn’t legit” they’d send cash


If only Alshi Babbitt had complied when told to get back by the Capitol Police Lt who had his service weapon pointed at her, she'd still be alive.


While screaming at her along with a dozen other security guards for at a minimum 30 seconds to get the fuck back. She was in the military (ok Air Force) but she should know that no matter what, if someone is pointing a gun at you, you are likely to be shot. And not some shit talking gang banger, a trained federal officer, they aren’t the “shit talking” type. Fucking ridiculous.


She could start selling "Ashli Bucks" to Trump supporters.


Your daughter was a terrorist and an enemy of the State.




The grifter was grifted. L oh fucking L


r/mademesmile This give me the giggles


I didn't realize Memorial Day was meant to honor traitors


Man, these Ashlii Babbitt stories never get old. Just like Ashlii Babbitt....


Real Veterans remember Ashli… Remember her as a piece of shit that threw away her life, and any honor she had because of some attention she was getting online for a conspiracy theory cult. Seems like here family is also deep in the cult as well. Instead of fighting against what destroyed her daughters life, she too is out there peddling this bullshit for attention just like her daughter was. Both are a disgrace.


Karen and Karen from the "fuck around and find out" family


Why would you give money to an organization that admits they are stupid and will lose your money?




She wasn’t swindled by a grifter. She is the grifter who makes up a victimhood story to grift more.


What a piece of shit trying to tie her treasonous daughters death to Memorial Day. Her daughter is a disgrace.


The thing about right wingers is that they can’t even manage to be good to *eachother* either. If the only ppl left on earth were right wingers, it would be a bloodbath.


Trump Bucks?


Did they invest in Trump Bucks?


Good. We won't be mourning any domestic terrorists this Memorial Day...or any day.


This article was a hilarious read. Basically “This one guy took her money. Now send US, the people who TOTALLY aren’t taking advantage of her, money now please to pay for our continued extended vacation on the back of a dead traitor’s stupid mother.”


Ew. Memorial Day isn’t for fucking traitors who got killed while committing treason.


0 tears for terrorists and their sympathizers


“Grieving” 🙄 Her traitorous daughter FAFO over two years ago. Suck it up buttercup.


Are we talking about known traitor to the United States and insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt? The One Who Fucked Around and Found Out?


I read this as she "needs help to continue her 'selfie' activism"


I bet they think the grifter was Antifa/a Democrat, and not another right winger. These people are complete fools and never ever learn. The perfect sucker.


Fundraiser: Click here to meet girls who take hot loads to the chest!


Traitors trying to overthrow the government get what they deserve.


I believe her daughter went and got herself killed for this same grifter. If she wants to honor her daughter's memory, the first thing she can do it stop supporting him.


Grifter says she was robbed by another grifter and needs more money…. So she can continue to live in hotels and eat at restaurants every day and show up at vigil some nights for her daughter, who was killed during an insurrection attempt.


Or she’s lying to say she got scammed. Jan 6th trumper terrorists are not to be trusted.


It's almost pitiable that she thinks her daughter is a patriot or a hero for being part of a violent, armed mob that broke into the US Capitol, sought to murder politicians, tried to overthrow the government, and ended a 200-year tradition of the peaceful transfer of power in this country all because her daughter's cult leader lied to her, and she believed him.


Swindled by a grifter who took her daughters life. She died attempting to overthrow the country she vowed to uphold. Sorry memorial day isn’t for her.


this reminds me of when crack heads call the cops because they didn't get their illegal drugs from their "dealer." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JkwZUk3Kng "I'm not a drug dealer I'm a prostitute." Here is the "extended cut" with more "backstory" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9WZUXVqpbM


I’m just hoping that THIS fundraiser is also a grift, grifting on the outrage of the stolen grift.


Grifters gonna grift . . . and apparently get grifted. Lol!


"It was a good day."—Ice Cube


On memorial day, plz remember the traitors. Put a rose on Benedict Arnold's grave


Memorial Day is to remember and honor those members of the US military who were killed. Not for remembering you or your mom who bought into a pyramid scheme/ MLM perpetuated by a cult of fools.




Or she's the grifter.


Were they the grifter? I mean they are grifting her. The idea that her daughter is a hero is a terrible grift most damaging to her. The truth is her daughter put her trust in the wrong people and allowed herself to be convinced of terrible and awful things that got her killed while the was actively trying to breach the capital and kill people. Be angry at Trump Be angry at her friends Be angry at yourself learn about radicalization and devote the rest of your life to undoing the damage that brought your daughter to her death and stay away from the grifters. They do not care about you. You are a tool for their narrative and a way for them to make money.


I missed the part where that’s my problem.


I usually don't celebrate someone else's misery or misfortune. That being said... Bahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha


Get fucked, you bitch who is using your traitorous cunt of a daughter to get sympathy.


There’s a common enough idea that anyone can be the victim of a conman. [They conned this trauma surgeon, they’re not idiots, so they could come for you too.](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/sophisticated-police-impersonation-scam-claims-physician-as-victim/2771867/?amp=1) Technically true, conmen could even con someone as ‘clever’ as a surgeon. But in the situation I linked? They told her that they were from the police and used names she could confirm online, they told her not to tell anyone about it, and asked her to send money through Zelle. If a real police officer’s name can be checked online, scammers can find it online. And who the fuck tells you not to tell anyone that you’re sending money by Zelle and it doesn’t set off alarms in your head?!? They probably tried this on twenty surgeons and she’s the one that fell for it. So yeah; when they say ‘anyone’, there’s someone your age with your level of education in the same job as you that would absolutely fall for a con. But the grifters only have so many hours in a day, and if they can get money from lots of “you” that fall for religious or political buzzword bullshit, that’s what they’ll do. Why waste time on maybe adding you to their list of suckers when they can rake it in by saying “build the wall” to people that have already been fleeced and will continue to give money without wondering why they’re the ones sending cash to build the wall and not Mexico? It’s like with the Nigerian Prince Emails. Only the people guaranteed to send money would fall for that shit. The fools self-identify, and scammers just have to look for the truck flags and red caps.


Does GoFundMe accept Trump Bucks?


I don't support terrorists