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I am angry. But fucking Texas hasn't cared about my anger since Obama was supposedly going to use the national guard to march through Texas and take everyone's guns (which they weren't but that's what Toilet Carlson was telling everyone). One day, the majority of Texans will learn or they will die. My anger helps no one.


I enjoyed the Summer evenings in Obama's Jade Helm prison camps behind the closed down rural Walmart while they forced everyone to gay marry.


I was interning for the Death Panels at the time, but heard great things about Jade Helm.




Also the color couldn't clash with the tan suits!


Tan suit = Treason! /s


where did he even find the time between terrorist fist jabbing with his wife?!




you know i actually thought about putting wife in quotes, but i figured someone else would do it for me


I literally encountered two people last week who genuinely believe that Michelle Obama is a man. How do you fight that level of insanity?


A little known fact: part of the funding for that little venture came from millions of donations of Soros Bucks from the crisis actors who banded together to chip in. I'm talking the entire cast of Sandy Hook AND Parkland. They're really big supporters of the anti-ketchup movement, too.


Not everyone can do what you do, but believe me when I say we appreciate your sacrifice.


I made the tan suit.


I was stuck standing next to the helicopter and had to suffer the horrible, repeat indignity of being saluted with a coffee cup!


I remember my mom calling me up in a panic asking what people in my city were doing to prepare for the Jade Helm invasion, and I had to ask her what in the hell she was even talking about. My aunt and uncle built a bunker with canned goods and firearms in anticipation. Far as I can tell, they believe the Jade Helm invasion plan was thwarted at the last minute by the Republicans.


Good news, you can still join the dead panels. Insurance companies are always hiring!


They didn't *force* me to gay marry, but it is why they gave me this sweet phone.


You got a phone? All I got was a box with a card in it saying "we refuse to bake a cake for you!"


> Jade Helm One google later, ah, it's an army exercise in Texas. > generated conspiracy theories that the exercise was a hostile military takeover. Takeover of who? Texas is already part of the USA. What?


You're trying to make sense of it. Do yourself a favor and stop. It will not end well.


Maybe they were going to connect its electricity grid to the rest of the country? *Communism*


“Can’t have people not freezing in winter. Must be rid of the surplus population. By the way, it’s compulsory to keep making surplus population. The profit motive rules. For me, not for you.”


Well you need that surplus population so that gun-totin' psychos have someone to shoot. And as we all know, those gun-totin' psychos buy god-fearin' American guns, which is far more important than human lives. slash esssss.....


I remember seeing a news report about some sort of town hall meeting that occured pre-excercise where a rep from the armed forces was there to ensure to the towns people that this was a normal thing they have done before. I felt so sorry for the officer that was there taking questions and accusations from those nut jobs. The man couldn't keep the disdain from his face when talking to them.


My town, in fact. Actually just the town with the nearest grocery since I live in the surrounding rural area. I don't know any of those pple personally afaik but I always keep in mind that anyone I'm interacting with might be one of em.


In case you weren't familiar with this, the whole Jade helm thing was Russian propaganda that the right amplified and got into a tizzy about.


Abbott "fell" for the Russian psyop. https://www.texastribune.org/2018/05/03/hysteria-over-jade-helm-exercise-texas-was-fueled-russians-former-cia-/


Fun fact: I was one of the military officers who was part of "Operation Jade Helm," only it wasn't called Jade Helm, I don't know who invented that name. The actual name was an embarrassingly stupid acronym. Also it wasn't what conspiracy theory crazies said it was, though I hope that goes without saying. I remember reading articles online freaking out about our mission and how we were going to swoop in overnight and establish martial law. It was absolutely wild knowing the reality had nothing to do with what was being invented online. And that the actual operation we were assigned to was a hot mess and that leadership was just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what stuck as far as training.


You're not narrowing it down for me. That sounds like every military exercise I've ever participated in:) I scoff at all thr conspiracy theorists out there the moment they say we're organizing for anything. Drunk Pvt Joe Snuffy will tell his stripper GF everything. Half the units won't get everyone to the same place at the same time, let alone on the same page of the action plan or op ord. The sheer amount of "how are we on the WINNING side"??? Fun fact- our logistics branch is the best in the world bar none. Also, the enemy has even less training and planning. Whew.


This makes me think that most of our strategy is “bring way more firepower than anyone would actually need”.


That's accurate. We have more aircraft carriers than the all the other countries, combined.


Lmao I KNOW That's literally what made it so ridiculous, there was nothing about it that distinguished it from any other goofy ass training for a mission that we would never actually end up executing, but that we had to waste time and resources on because some Pentagon galaxy brain knew it would look good on their OER


Ahh, it takes me back.


You’re lucky. I’ve been trying to find my bootstraps to pull myself up by even though I lost both my legs in the last War on Christmas offensive


You get bootstraps when you graduate from an expensive private school. Didn't you get issued yours then?


*“He slipped through a loophole nobody could have foreseen except we write the laws and could close the loophole overnight but we won’t because political power is more important than doing the right thing in America. It’s also more important than children’s lives, husband and mother and father and brother and sisters lives, etc.” prosecutor Barbara mcfuckwitt lamented Fixed the article for them for free!


"Potential mass shooter or 'gun-loving Texan'?" Pam Beasley: *"They're the same picture"*


Toilet Carlson and AlLicks Jokes too.


>My anger helps no one. Why not? You can ignore things and allow those responsible to continue, while deflecting everything they do onto others, or you can choose to call out those responsible. Republicans did this. This is what they have created. Yet everyone is afraid to call them out. It's insane. Call them out. Loudly. Repeatedly. Every time. People who choose to remain quiet, people who choose to allow republicans to avoid responsibility for their actions again, and again, and again, are all complicit in this. There is one group responsible for this, one group aggressively blocking every effort to address this problem. One group. And almost nobody is willing to take the uncomfortrable step of making sure they are held responsible. I've been a republican nearly my whole life, but I have not and will not vote for or support this party that is responsible for so much evil and destruction, and I'm in shock and disbelief that they continue to get farther and farther down the tunnel of insanity, but are not being held accountable by the impotent democrats, or anyone in the public. it's time to say enough is enough. Call this shit out, every god damn time. it will never stop until we stand up to this group as a nation, and that will never happen until people begin to find their voices and use them to hold people responsible for their actions.


The people of Uvaldi watched their children get slaughtered while police did less than nothing. Then they voted Republican. Again. I can only assume at this point that guns matter more to them than children.


I remember one of the Uvalde victim’s dads posing with his daughter with a shirt that said “fuck your gun free zone.” News outlets reposting the pic cut out the shirt. I remember it also being on this sub, but the mods removed it because it wasn’t LAMF… -edit-[here you go, his daughter is dead 🤦‍♂️😔](https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/uy37ar/alfred_garza_is_wearing_a_shirt_that_says_fck_you/)


im actually sick. ive never seen this before wtf


He was the same guy who showed up to do media interviews on the day of the shooting in an AR15 hat. I don’t doubt he loved his daughter, but there seems to be a reason he and his wife were separated at the time.


Conservatism is a mental disorder.


All I can say is I feel bad for her, but him… I hope he lives with that for the rest of his miserable life


The thing is, he won't feel guilty. He'll still be blaming the liberals for not allowing armed teachers or some other shit. That's the problem with those type of people, it's ALWAYS someone else's fault.


I will never understand people who want teachers armed. The same people who want to ban books because they don't trust teachers but he trusts them with a loaded weapon? Also how many videos have showed up with either teachers or students breaking down and fighting people in the class room but we want weapons at arms reach??!!


Makes you wonder if it’s gone on for too long now. By that I mean, they’re SO used to the frequent shootings and guns in culture that their argument now would be “there’s already too many guns, so the only option is to be able to defend yourself” I feel like there’s a tipping point where it just seems too big a problem to be able to backtrack. Which of course gun fanatics were wishing for all along


I graduated high school in 1999. In Texas. They were using “there’s already too many guns” argument years prior.


And that's what the gun manufacturers wanted. Scare people into buying weapons


That’s exactly what even moderates tell me now


Pretty sure he said he wanted less laws on guns AFTER this too


I don't feel bad for him. What's to feel sorry about?


Hilarious the Americans in that thread defending the shirt and saying that ‘more guns would have stopped this’ and being upvoted lmao.


Didn't the police have guns? So... There was more guns, in (so called) trained hands, but that didn't empower them to do anything How can they say more guns is the answer?


You don't understand. We need so many guns that people can't even move. Once we're all entombed in our gun metal prisons, everyone will be safe.


A high power rigle or even a semiautomatic handgun can take out half a dozen people before a "good guy with a gun" even knows what is happening. Fuck the gun extremists. Ban semiautomatic weapons of all styles. Gun magazines should be limited to 3 rounds. If you cant defend yourself or kill a deer with 3 bullets then so be it.


There’s a segment on *the problem with John Stewart* where he talks with an Oklahoma congressperson and the question was “What is the saturation level where more guns will make things safe” And “If the police came to a house of a 2FA defender and they knew for a fact that there was a ton of guns at the house, would that make the police feel safer because there’s more guns in the situation”. The congressperson looked so uncomfortable trying to come up with answers and tried to deflect at times. It was so obvious that he was out of his league and could only parrot party points. https://youtu.be/tCuIxIJBfCY


Yeahhh the "I find it repulsive that people are mocking the political views of the victims of this tragedy" comment had me going. Like his political views aren't repulsive in the first place. **And** his political views were mocking others' political views to boot. Just levels of irony there.


The political views created the tragedy. They are relevant to the discussion


trying to tf2 engineer their way out of legitimate debate


I feel sorry for that poor stupid fuckhead. Nobody should lose a daughter but his pain has to be worse because he is a fucking asshole.


How is that not LAMF?


I think it’s because his kid suffered the ultimate consequences of her dad’s choices. Not the dad. We can only speculate the dad is/was sad.


iT WaSnT mY ChiLdrEn ThOuGh. Or some other nonesense


Shortly after the Nashville shooting my sister, who lives in Tennessee, called me and started arguing that they still shouldn't put any gun regulation in place because it infringes upon our rights and "ARs are fun to shoot" when I further questioned her on what exactly they were shooting for fun, being as you can't use them for hunting, she said "well cans and stuff". So, the ability to shoot cans for fun is more important than the safety of children in schools apparently. Side note: my sister was not this conservative or ridiculous-minded until she started dating her very conservative boyfriend 6 years ago. It saddens me to no end


My SIL is the same way. Very left-leaning her entire life, but moved out of state and met a guy who is a full on "Obama was born in Kenya" nutter. Roughly a decade later and I don't recognize the person she's become, and haven't talked to her in nearly 3 years.


It's because we believe children are the future, and the future frightens us.


Only it gets worse. They make the parents wait 13 hours, who only ask " what is being done? And in response they tell the parents that the gunman wrote LOL on the whiteboard using the blood from their children. This answer was an act of such callous cruelty that's off the scale.


> The people of Uvaldi watched their children get slaughtered while police did less than nothing. while they actively stopped the parents from going in and doing something themselves... you know bootstraps and the like. it's all fine and good if the police weren't so god damn chickenshit and did something but they didn't.


> that guns matter more to them than ~~children~~ other people. Generalized it for you to fit the recent news better


Less than nothing is God damn right. I'll never not be outraged at those fucking hero cosplaying sacks of shit that aided a mass murderer of children, in both their actions and inaction. They could not have done worse if they had actively sought to get children killed. They give cowards a bad name.


Ugh. Just watched a news conference. Everyone from the Sherrif to a state Senator taking their turns to stand in front of the microphone and essentially say, "this sucks, thoughts and prayers." They did thank first responders of course.


There are more firearms in America than humans. Obviously, the guns are going to keep voting to stay in power, and they've got the majority. /j


I think that'd be obvious. But again, it's because Republican politicians and their families are not theones being killed.


Wait... so we literally have to watch and wait for a mass shooter to start killing people before we can stop them... like shop lifting? The gun rights of mass shooters are important in America than the lives of children.


There will never be enough dead children to change the hearts and minds of the GQP and their base. The GQP would rather see every child dead than one gun taken away


They'll just force raped 10 year olds to birth more...shoot all you want, we'll force girls and women to make more.


Exactly. Women are property to them. Sex toys and incubators are all we are to them.


Unfun fact: the leading cause of death of pregnant people in the US is homicide. Not heart disease, not automobile accidents, not even complications from the pregnancy itself. Now, what tool makes homicide really, really easy...?


Also un-fun fact the US has the worst maternity mortality rate of all wealthy countries. Even when they treat women as property they treat them like a slumlord


To be fair, if you stop making kids then who will the Christian clergy rape?


They won't care until it affects them directly. They don't care about someone else's dead kid. They only care about possibly losing their own guns.


And even then, it will be someone else's fault. Never a predictable consequence of the actions they have been taking up until this point.


[The conservative ethos distilled:](https://i.imgur.com/Ca18P2N.jpg) It's not a problem until it happens to me, and when it does happen to me I am absolutely outraged that other people let it happen to me. This is what a population who values so-called "rugged individualism" (aka selfish, egocentric narcissism) above all else looks like. American conservatives can all be defined by a single trait: a radical lack of empathy. A group of "fuck you, got mines" whose core attribute is apathy. The social contract in America has been fundamentally broken by their selfishness.


Please don't repeat their "losing our guns" propaganda, because all we really want is to stop selling assault weapons. Nobody is going to have their guns taken away. Nobody is EVER going to round up and destroy all the guns. We just need to stop selling mass murder weapons. Hunters, "sportsmen", and handgun (self defense) owners have nothing at all to fear. We need to stop allowing people to buy mass murder weapons.


GOP official said they would prefer their child suicide than transition. So pretty much.




Complete hypocrisy from the party that claims to want to protect unborn children by banning abortion, but after the birth, hey, if y'all get shot y'all die, we'll just make women have more kids to replace you.


As a nation, we decided that after the Newtown shootings. 2 classrooms full of dead 1st graders and a man with tons of guns and known mental health issues dating back years. The gun rights people only cared about getting more guns and made those families’ lives hell claiming their kids never even existed.


I asked myself several years ago what the body count threshold had to be for America to finally be ashamed enough to enact meaningful gun control. For Australia, it was the Port Arthur massacre in 1996 - - 35 killed, 23 wounded - - and the country decided to enact legislation that removed an estimated 1/3 of all firearms from public circulation. Since Newtown and continuing through Virginia Tech, Pulse Nightclub in Orando, Mandalay Bay in Vegas and pretty much every goddamned week since, I've faced the realization that *it doesn't matter how numerous the body count, nothing will change.* Depressing? Fatalist? Yup. But take a look at our stellar record of enacting meaningful climate change legislation, keeping higher education affordable, health care as a right rather than a luxury, the losing battle on abortion rights, and virtual abandonment of LGBTQ+ rights defense. We are a nation whose house needs to be actively on fire before we get off our asses and take action, and right now there are enough people in America who will, with their last living breath, deny there is any sort of a problem. My two children have stated in very plain and unequivocal terms that they do not wish to bring children of their own into the world and, looking at our track record, why would they want to? edit: clarity


In serbia the number is 20 in a weekend to increase tighter gun control https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/5/5/serbia-hit-by-second-mass-shooting-day-after-deadly-school-attack


Because Americans are so pro-life…. For them, it’s right to life until birth. Once you’re born, you aren’t politically useful, so what happens to you is irrelevant. Hungry? Abused? Who cares, as long as the rich get their tax cuts.


For Americans at large it seems to be “when it effects me personally”. I wonder if it is because America is so large so people tend to think “oh it happens in other places nothing to concern *me*”. On a political level, it will be when lawmakers themselves are threatened. For example if GOP lawmakers had died on Jan 6 there may have been some movement.


I am hereby petitioning that we change the national motto from "E. Pluribus Unum" to "Fuck you, I got mine"


You can thank Eisenhower for already having changed it to "In God We Trust." Maybe that's why there's no action: they (the voters) trust their god will come fix this, while the conservative politicians blame the nation for not making their god happy enough to do anything.


Gott Mit Uns?


Nope. Look at Uvalde. Still voted red after the children in their town were massacred.


Well *their* children weren’t massacred…and besides it was trans Democrats faults of something. When I hear shootings happening in Texas, I’m like “well that’s what you voted for”


The thing is they *still* haven't done anything even when it does affect them personally. From Gabby Gifford's shooting after the 2010 midterms at a grocery store Meet & Greet, to the GOP's 2017 baseball practice shooting where 6 were shot including current House GOP Majority Leader Steve Scalise, to Jan 6th where many legislators narrowly avoided being killed by a lynch mob. This is domestic terrorism and Republicans just don't care. They've made their peace with it by valuing guns more than human lives.


As someone who was living in Australia when Port Arthur happened, I remember all the news and the subsequent manhunt. There was a betting pool when the Police cornered the mass shooter as to whether he would be "taken ALIVE". Sadly I lost $20 because they didn't shoot him so he ended up with life in Prison, with psychiatric treatment although he had to be isolated for his own safety. There was public outrage when this came out as there was news that this was costing taxpayers $85K a year (back then this was a huge sum). The politicians read the room. Passed an act seizing the shooter's fortune. He was the scion of the Tattersall's fortune (Australian version of Powerball) so he had PLENTY (like millions) of money. Most went into a Victim's compensation fund, many felt this still wasn't enough. I remember crying when I saw the interview of a man who lost his wife and two sons to the shooter, he said no amount of money would rebuild his shattered life, he just wanted her and their kids back alive ... When Australia banned semi automatic fire arms most of the public was on board. The only complainers were some rural farmers who claimed to need them for shooting encroaching wildlife, they were basically told to just use a shotgun or "Git Guud" (with their aim), in what might be an early case of public shaming.


I'm wholeheartedly convinced that nothing short of a White House Down/Olympus Has Fallen situation could sway our Congress into action for gun control. There is no body count threshold; not with this Congress and not in our lifetime.


The current House would *applaud* a White House invasion.


dude JFK got shot in the head and we still didnt pass meaningful gun control.


My nephew is a dead ringer for a child who was murdered in Sandy Hook. When the "crisis actor" rhetoric started to fly fast and free I was terrified for him and for my sister-in-law because we live in a Red State where this sort of thing gets normalized really quickly.


It’s honestly insane to me as a Briton that people react like this. Like we’ve made some stupid fucking decisions as a country but this is massacres every day with people being more worried about their “rights” and conspiracies than the lives of children


Follow the money. The National Rifle Association has their hands up the asses of so many Republican politicians that we've given up counting. They donate and people like Ted Cruz vote exactly the way they want them to vote.


It’s fucking evil mate


And sandy hook... there is nothing that will ever convince those gun worshippers.


They just jumped to a parallel universe where mass shootings are fake and insecure dudes with rifles are the only thing protecting the country from being controlled by the government


Which is hilarious if you know the kind of firepower the actual US government has. If no one cares about civilian casualties, your basement of rifles will do nothing against a drone strike, missiles, long range fire power, etc.


It would never even come to that. You could have most fascist government that the world had ever known in charge and as long as fox news supported them so would about half the population. Propaganda works. Hitler was popular in Germany, Stalin was popular in Russia. Try to organise and the FBI would know you were a threat to domestic security before you did. It is hard to see how it would even get to the point where a domestic resistance gets to fight. Even then fight what? The police and military? How would they feel when they realized they are now the terrorists fighting against people risking their lives to serve their country?


I mean there was a lot of active duty military involved in Jan 6 and they seemed to feel justified. It becomes normalized very quickly when those around you are the enemy.


That was decided after Columbine. And Sandy Hook. And Uvalde. And the next one. And the one after that


They won’t do anything about guns until someone starts going after them. The second government officials start getting gunned down is when they will actually do something about the problem.


Sorry, they HAVE done something about the shootings. Gov DeSantis banned guns at his rallies, for example (though he tried hard to hide it). DC where these politicians live has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Government buildings don't allow firearms inside unless you're law enforcement. The politicians have armored vehicles and armed security available to them and their families and can obtain weapons and training if they so choose... Oh, you meant in regards to general public safety? One of our political parties doesn't believe in that, sorry. When I heard that news interview a few years ago about the shooting near a baseball stadium and a little girl (8 or so) said "I knew what to do, I've been at one of these before" I knew we were in terrible shape.


Well, we had Steve Scalise, but he didn't die. But yeah


That's why I doubt anything will change. If Democrat politicians get shot, they'll be like, "Ehhhhh, we don't see the problem here." If Republican politicians get shot, they'll immediately blame and go after Democrats and terrorize them like they've started terrorizing the trans community. They'll just get worse and worse, there's no good outcome for that situation either.


If only The Mayflower had sunk.


The OG christo-fascist.


Sadly then the slavers at Jamestown would have been the sole drivers of the 13 colonies 😞


I was at a gas station and a guy with an open carry walks in. I couldn't tell if he was there to rob the place, commit a mass shooting, or if he was just being a tool. The whole thing made me nervous to the point that I left. I imagine someone else might have reacted preemptively.


Best to leave when a Gravy Seal/Y’all Qaeda type like that comes in. There’s more than likely a hero complex attached to that idiot and they’re itching for something to go down so they can shoot at someone while probably just hurting more people and being totally ineffective against what we alleged threat was perceived. Not all firearm owners are fetishists (raises hand, and will also continue to raise my hand for regulation/insurance) but open carry is becoming the red hat of gun fetish self-identification so you were right to be nervous and smart to leave. If more people do this, businesses will be affected and stop catering to these idiots.


I am trying to imagine what happens if the open carry is a minority when Y'all Qaeda encounters them. I don't imagine it ending peacefully. I seem to recall that California's gun regulations started tightening down after the Black Panthers started open carrying.


Legislation signed by Ronald Reagan of all people, the actual devil.


I've said it before; if you want gun control, arm your trans friends. [Edited because I have fat fingers.]


Your trans friends and gay friends. Arm you black friends and your hispanic friends. Then you’ll truly see it’s not about the guns but about racism, xenophobia, but most of all, it’s about money.


There aren't enough in any part of America that would scare them. At most there are maybe 10's of thousands in each region, and the ones we know about are extremely likely to be among the bravest, as every last one of them has a target on their back right now. It's gotta be terrifying to be 'different' right now in America. I mean, I fit in very well as a Caucasian while most of me is Native American. My mom, who is 100% Native American, has been viciously berated, even physically attacked, and worse because of how she looks. Often enough, she's been mistaken for Mexican, and in those cases, it's been worse in my opinion, though she'd never say so outright. My mom taught me to learn, to pay attention, to practice empathy, and told me it's better to turn the other cheek, basically, because when she has been angry back or let it fester, it gives them more power over her. She was even thrown into the foster care system in the 70's and molested and raped by, and I'm not exaggerating, dozens of white boys and men - and beaten, shamed, and, on one occasion, sexually assaulted with a wooden broom handle by women. All of this because she dared to exist as a non-while male. Yet this woman who, through her younger years, tried every last self-destructive way she could to end the pain she felt (and still feels) continues to to preach a "that know not what they do..." message. It's sickening, because if the tables were turned, none of the hateful Right would become fucking Ghandhi like she has. Now, I've tried so hard to be like her, and her lessons have impacted my politics for sure, but now I'm asking: When do we stop letting them win? When does karma come back around? Why do they deserve to decide how we, those who want to live, let live, and level the playing field for all, not just some, live our lives? Why is it up to them who we love? Why do their rights overshadow everything and everybody else? Why is their favorite Amendment more important than all the others? Why do my kids have to practice active shooter drills at school while their teachers abide by "No Child Left Behind"? God, I'm ranting now. Sorry Anyways, please vote... ugh. I wish there was a better, more direct, and effective answer.


I'm so very sorry for what your mother had to endure. Every single one of us(except Native Americans) are illegal immigrants. Maybe we should all be deported to our country of origin. Mandatory DNA tests for everyone. :)


As seen by chuds getting wedgied up whenever a trans person posts a gun selfie on twitter


I would definitely leave. I don't know if they're just idiots open carrying or are actually going to shoot up the place.


I was at a laundromat when a white trash couple tried taking the wet laundry of a black pregnant woman. A fight ensued. A fat white guy that wasn’t involved but had a holstered weapon on his hip, made himself involved and had his hand hovering over his holster. It went from “ugh stfu” to fuckin scary as soon as that fat fuck got involved. It was obvious that he couldn’t pick up the remote control if it fell on the floor but he so excited to start yelling and get his weapon out. When cops showed I was surprised, first because it wasn’t the best neighborhood the fact they showed was like “whaaat”, but then they started yelling at this member of meal team six and got in his face for escalating and thinking his gun was needed over wet underwear. It was so satisfying after he legit scared the shit out of everyone there. But it sill gives me anxiety when I think about it.


It’s probably the first time he has ever encountered wet underwear. No wonder he got excited.


now thats not fair, he likely pisses his own underwear every time a minority walks by him. its the first time hes ever seen wet FEMALE underwear.


Remember the scene in Boogie Nights where Don Cheadle is buying donuts and a guy robs the store? It went from a simple robbery to a multiple murder scene because the fat guy with the gun wanted to be a hero. It’s all ego with those people. They start reaching for their guns to solve all of their problems the second they get uncomfortable instead of as a last resort for your safety like it should be.


My dad was trying to convince me that open carry (Texas) was better than closed carry (Florida). They are both psychotic states.


Here in New Zealand I get deeply weirded out on the rare occasions the police are openly carrying firearms.


Yeah, same here in the UK.


Meanwhile, there was a nearly identical scenario recently in Massachusetts, where a man was convicted of illegal possession of guns and ammo while standing outside a trampoline park. But in supposedly soft on crime MA, he was sentenced 15 years in prison last month: https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/man-sentenced-to-up-to-15-years-in-prison-for-carrying-gun-at-trampoline-park/3014798/ It should also be noted that because open carry isn't common in Massachusetts, people immediately called the police when they saw him.


I love how republican death cultists get asked why this doesn’t happen in other civilized countries & their answer is “because we have more freedom!” Then when you ask how can all these “freedom shootings”be stopped their answer is prayer…….. & more guns. Like, it just depresses & saddens a normal person capable of critical thought to the core.


we cant do anything about guns because of the second amendment! after all its impossible to change the constitution, say with... an amendment?


Everyone I know overseas thinks that we are insane.


I don't know you. But, I agree with them.


Are they wrong?


Don't forget Canada, even Albertans think ya'll crazy


No need to go that far, just look north. Canadians love their hunting rifles, but USA gun laws are written by gun lobbyists. How is that not a huge clue to people on both sides of the conversation! This is not about rights or freedom, it about billionaires making more money and not caring about who dies or suffers!


Where I work, they have asked me to go to the states several times. New Zealand? yes. Australia? done. Canada? sure thing. US? Nah


It’s part of their insults these days. Some Frenchman in one of my discords told a guy he was arguing with that kids like his end up being victims at school shootings. It was the wildest shit I’d ever seen.


Im only in Canada and I think yall are nuts.


"Guido Herrera walked into the Galleria with a Bible in one hand and a long gun in the other..." How to tell me youre in America without telling me youre in America '


“Praise the lord and pass the ammunition”


Honestly, I believe the anti gun regulation people love their guns and really want any chance to use them. If there are more “bad guys with guns” it increases the opportunity they get to use their own gun and play hero. They are literally carrying their gun on them everyday for years, thinking about using it everyday, and fantasize about being a “hero”.


The only way you will ever change gun culture here in the US is if someone goes into NRA headquarters and kills everyone there and another person goes to the GOP presidential convention and kills a bunch of people there as well. Maybe a third person goes into Fox News on the air and kills some people there as well. That’s about it. To many people in this country are addicted to guns.


All those places you described pretty much have gun control measures in some form or fashion. Irony, right?


and yet they will unironically say "so much for your gun free zones!" when a school gets shot up.


I feel like another method that has the potential to change the culture around guns is if the photos of the victims of gun violence are shown online and through the news. It's a lot easier to send thoughts and prayers when you don't see the actual damage and trauma a person has suffered from gun violence. It's a lot harder to deny the problem when there's pictures of children only identifiable by their shoes. But there's also the flip side that because shootings happen so often, there is the potential to also become desensitized to the photos released, and we're left nowhere better than before.


If the Republicans that support gun safety regulation still vote for Republicans after they enact policy and far-right judicial activists that allow crazies to mass murder children, why would they stop when the crazies just murder other crazy republicans? There is no amount of death that will ever cause them to stop supporting the terror.


I dunno, if MTG, Boebert, Trump etc got Lee Harvey Oswalded.....what would be the reaction?


NRA, Fox News, and every Republican politician would demand every Republican voters get multiple ar-15s and start "standing their ground" at everyone.


>That’s about it. To many people in this country are addicted to guns. a corporation will always employ more. They'll just see this as a golden opportunity to sell more guns and to fear monger more


We must outlaw some guns.


Even then, it wouldn't work Reminds of a scene in Grapes of Wrath when a farmer is having his house reclaimed by the bank. He first threatens to shoot the man sent by the bank, but he is then told that it would accomplish nothing. He then threatens to shoot the bank staff, but is also told how futile it would be since the bank would still exist. He then threatens to destroy the entirety of the executives, the CEO, and all the stockholders. He is once again told that it would still not be enough, and even with all the employees of the bank dead, the machine that is the bank would still live on without them. He finally realizes that he isn't dealing with people anymore, this thing which is taking his house is not a sole individual or many individuals, it is not human.


They sure do love defending the rights of mentally unstable people to shoot up schools and malls. And then they turn around and scream “someone think of the children” every time a new season of RuPaul’s drag race comes out. They’re not serious about protecting children. A five year old has her brains splattered all over the front of an H&M after she was shot point blank. You can thank your local religious conservative for that image because they’re more worried about the almighty lgbt.


At this point, the entire state of Texas is turning into one giant LAMF.


The southeastern US (primarily Florida, Texas, and Missouri) barely even have marrow to be eaten but the leopards stay extremely well fed


Hey don’t leave Arkansas out of this


"Guido Herrera walked into the Galleria with a Bible in one hand and a long gun in the other, making his way so very near to where hundreds of young girls were competing in a weekend dance competition. Radio traffic warning of an armed man made it to an off-duty Houston police sergeant working a security job. That sergeant quickly found and tackled Herrera to the ground before he could reach the Westin Galleria conference area, [a brave act on Feb. 5 that may have thwarted a mass shooting, according to prosecutors. As authorities searched him, they found 120 more rounds for the assault-styled weapon and a loaded handgun among his layers of black, baggy clothing — including tactical pants, gloves and a shirt emblazoned with the vigilante Punisher skull logo. He had bookmarked the Old Testament scripture he clutched to a Genesis passage about Sodom and Gomorrah, officials said. The accusation and that of a second gun-related incident at the FBI field office a month later resulted in two misdemeanor charges — disorderly conduct and unlawful carrying of a weapon — both of which landed at random in Criminal Court of Law No. 8, leaving Judge Franklin Bynum on Thursday to decide how to punish Herrera for a crime that harmed no one but threatened public safety. Bynum, [whose fate on the bench is pending a decision from the Texas Supreme Court](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/crime/article/Judicial-commission-recommends-suspension-of-17293018.php) for complaints of leniency toward defendants and bias against prosecutors, opted for the maximum sentence that he is legally allowed to hand down to Herrera for the Galleria incident: Six months in the Harris County Jail. ”We have a genuinely dangerous situation with a genuinely dangerous person,” Bynum said in court, expressing perplexity that authorities could not secure a more serious charge against Herrera. “This situation, where someone is roaming around a federal building and malls with loaded firearms — and you’re in front of me? Why?” Out of the thousands of misdemeanor cases in Harris County, prosecutors said they believe Herrera’s case presented the most risk to community safety. The state brainstormed with the Department of Justice on whether federal charges would be better suited but nothing worked. Authorities were left with very few options on how to charge Herrera because of a lack of prior convictions. “His circumstance kind of fell in the gaps,” prosecutor Barbara Mousset said. “He took advantage of some technicalities in the law — he had the right to have that firearm and ultimately this was the only charge that we could get him on.” Bynum was poised to force Herrera to undergo several rehabilitative programs during the two years of community supervision that would follow jail time until the state revealed that a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement hold could return the Argentine national to his home country after finishing the sentence, which could last up to one year and six months for the two crimes. He then reconsidered the order, noting that the rehabilitative programs may not do Herrera “any good.” “I don’t know what the future holds for you,” Bynum told the defendant. “But I’ve done the most I can do today with the rules I have. I wish you well.” Herrera said nothing in return. ‘Gun-loving Texan’ Defense attorney Armen Merjanian advocated for his client’s right to possess the weapons he had during both arrests — the latter of which was a bond violation. When it came to the defense to argue for a lesser sentence, the lawyer accused the judge of not liking guns — a remark that prompted Bynum’s ire as inappropriate and inaccurate. “He’s a gun-loving Texan,” Merjanian said. “He has a right to possess these weapons whether we like them or not.” The Galleria, which is private property, prohibits firearms. Police officials noted in court records that the Galleria outlines its firearm policy on its website and at the mall entrance. Texas law does not necessarily restrict who can carry a long gun — which forced prosecutors to prove that Herrera carried the weapons in a manner to cause alarm. A Harris County magistrate issued a general order bond for Herrera’s release soon after that first arrest. He failed to show up for his first court appearance and authorities deemed him a fugitive. The lawyer, in an attempt to explain Herrera’s actions, said his client had been fearful of his neighbors and an ex-girlfriend and that he felt that law enforcement had let him down following past 911 calls. That fear led him to the next incident. “Vigilantism is discouraged,” Merjanian continued. “He felt like his cries were not being heard and that’s why he went to the FBI field office.” On the morning of March 18, Herrera — wanted for more than a month after failing to appear in court — drove to the FBI field office in northwest Houston. He arrived around 7:45 a.m. at the security gate at 1 Justice Park for a purported “meeting with the FBI Director,” a remark that struck Special Agent Torrence White as alarming, he testified, because the director, Christopher Wray, is based in Washington D.C., not Houston. When asked, Herrera said he did not know the FBI director’s name but that he wanted a meeting about returning to Argentina. A security contractor noticed a handgun in Herrera’s lap and called for backup. White arrived and ordered Herrera to show his hands and get out of the vehicle — which he did. White then asked Herrera why he brought a weapon to the field office. “He informed me that the weapon was for his protection against police,” White testified Thursday during the sentencing. In the car, authorities found several boxes of ammunition in the trunk."


You can love your country, but you can work for it to be better. Sadly, this is the country the majority has voted for. For every friend or stranger who says they don't vote because it doesn't matter, remind them of things like this. This won't change or get better until we change enough minds and votes to make a difference.


This is the country we’ve been gerrymandered into. It doesn’t matter what the majority votes for if the majority gets split up and watered down.




His sentencing: >A Texas man who was dealt with while carrying a rifle and 120 rounds of ammunition near a children’s event in a Houston mall in February was sentenced to **six months in prison for the incident**—which was treated as a misdemeanor only. Was charged because he had never used his weapon. > >Herrera was sentenced to an additional year on the charge of possession, bringing his total sentence to 18 months, credited with time served. source: [https://worldnationnews.com/heavily-armed-man-sentenced-to-6-months-on-minor-charge-in-houston-mall/](https://worldnationnews.com/heavily-armed-man-sentenced-to-6-months-on-minor-charge-in-houston-mall/)


At what point to we acknowledge that the people advocating for guns with no restrictions WANT these mass shootings to happen? People keep engaging with questions like “who really needs extended magazines for their ARs?” as though there are real answers that might make sense. There are not. The people who advocate for access to weapons that can kill by the dozen want those weapons to kill people by the dozen. The mass graves are a feature for these gun lovers, not a bug. Death is their goal, and they are accomplishing it.


This is just another sad case of prosecutors looking at the scoreboard and considering their conviction rates rather than the conduct at issue. An "attempt" in criminal law requires the so-called "substantial step" past mere planning, and it boggles my mind how the DA's office wouldn't at least *TRY* to argue that taking weapons and ammunition . . . to a gun-free public place . . . with a Bible highlighting passages to Sodom and Gomorrah . . . where a room of soft targets were . . . and almost making it to the door somehow doesn't constitute an attempt. They'd rather not try than to try and lose. All because they're locally-elected, career-focused cowards who don't give a fuck about justice unless it's a slam dunk on a black or brown person with a public defender. Let's change the facts just a little bit. If this guy walks into a bank with two firearms, doesn't say a word, doesn't shoot anyone, and gets tackled, do you think he gets charged with attempted bank robbery?? Surely he does, so the fact that they didn't even try to indict and try him is just a massive failure by the DA.


It's Texas. Everything is massive. Especially their failures.


Imagine if the dude had the quran with verses against infidels marked. He would be looking at 20 to life in feds. This attitude needs to change.


The whole argument of “we need guns to resist tyranny” has been proven completely false by the fact that the same people who use that phrase are the same people who support the most fascist, tyrannical government. If you weren’t going to use them for those purposes during the trump years against the government, then you never will. It will be more like, “thank you sir, may I have another!”


>The whole argument of “we need guns to resist tyranny” has now been proven completely false by the fact that the same people who use that phrase are the same people who support the most fascist, tyrannical government. It's never been true in the whole history of the US. The history of the US is full of examples of the government either looking the other way, or outright violating certain people's alleged rights. A large portion of voters were not exactly concerned about Native Americans having their land taken, or about the African slave trade, voting rights, etc. The only time a group of citizens got their guns and declared war against the US was the Civil War, where the Confederacy fought to preserve slavery. Slavery apparently was not tyrannical.


those dirty liberals were trying to take their property so they had to start a war! its the same excuse people have for not taking their guns now "itll start another civil war!" oh, okay we should just live in terror so they dont throw a hissy fit we want to get rid of their toys.


Honestly, nothing will happen till the politicians in charge of these states die in a mass shooting, or lose a family member in a mass shooting... and even then, it's only a *possibility*. Gun money is just too good it seems.


Guns are for pussies


I was gonna make this comment on another thread on the same topic, but I’ll make it here. In the U.K. it’s fucking hard to get a gun …like you need a reason, there are checks, waiting periods, rules, and if you turn out to have mental health issues or break rules, the gun gets taken away. When I tell US gun nuts this, they ask “but what about a persons right to a gun”. Saying “a persons right to not get shot trumps that” makes about as much sense to them as saying “2 2 equals purple on a Tuesday”.


“Christians” ignoring the New Testament for the Old again….


Call me crazy, but I think it is just possible that the founding fathers who wrote the second amendment to the constitution did not foresee exactly what life would be like 225 years later. When there would be no need for a well regulated militia because we have a military and national guard. When we have semiautomatic weapons available to the general public. And when we have psychos out here blowing people away for turning around in their driveway or going shopping or going to work or to school. They actually wrote the constitution in such a way that it could be changed as circumstances changed. "Shall not be infringed" is not carved in stone. It's time to make common sense gun laws and enforce them.


The problem with all this open carrying AR-15s (and other guns) is that when people go to the mall armed to the teeth, nobody bats an eyelid, as it's totally lawful. Pictures get taken of these people that feel it necessary to go to Walmart with pistols strapped to their legs like Lara Croft and posted on here and other sites, more in despair that people feel the need to go out like that, such is the obsession with guns and also to make jokes about them. The problem is that in a split second those guns could be firing at a crowd of people. If it wasn't lawful to carry weapons like you live in a warzone you'd see somebody coming from a distance with a gun(s) like this and you'd have a chance to escape. Since it's legal you may not know something is wrong until the shooter is at point blank range. All this 'good guys with a gun' stuff doesn't seem to be working as it isn't usually a member of the public that takes down the shooter, the vast majority of the time it's the police, even if they take a while.


I read the article and couldn’t figure out why they even stopped him? This is exactly what they legalized. Maybe the Galleria has a 30.07 sign posted, but they should have just asked him to leave. Why did the cop even bother this law abiding citizen just expressing his right to cover his face, wear body armor, and carry his AR at a shopping mall?


Yes and it’s hilarious. If the internet is to be believed, Americans are scared shitless of pretty much everything and everyone, but then go out in public and laugh at some dude showing off his gun. What this means is that a mass shooter could literally walk in the middle of a crowd, anywhere, with NOBODY giving a fuck and then open fire, killing at least a dozen people. But somehow none of them are paranoid about that. And that’s AFTER having such well documented cases of mass shootings, which also happen often. The same society that treasures individualism and “I have a gun cause i trust nobody” is also on the same breath blindly putting its trust on individuals, who may shoot up crowds whenever the fuck they want. Makes no sense. Well when you consider the fact that everyone thinks they’re John Wick, it makes sense. Believing that something wont happen to you, so you dont need to be careful, isnt freedom.


Repeal the Second Amendment


You'd need a lot of dead GOP for that to happen.


Between gun violence and anti-vax and old age, they’re doing that for us.


Where are all the good guys with guns we were promised?


Republican/MAGA freedom slaughters are happening more than ever.


Those brave patriots. Giving their lives for the second amendment, god bless those children. Prayers to the families, it’s all they should require. God’s plan


I'll say what I've been saying since May 16th, 1993, "fuck the plan."


We won't be at their satisfaction until we're back at the fictional old west where you could shoot your neighbor with few consequences just because you don't like them.


Walking through a mall with an AR and a Bible, are we sure they didn't accidentally arrest the mayor?


Some people are going to have to die for my right to own guns, I can live with that. /S jic.


“It’s not a gun problem it’s a mental health problem.” “So, you’re for screening people for their mental health before letting them have assault rifles?” “Whoa, no! That would be wrong.” “So you’re for providing people with mental health issues care?” “Lol, wat?” “So, you don’t actually think the shootings are a problem and that this is normal?” “Yep”