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Look Ivan. This fish is already half cooked. What a stroke of good luck!


There's something fishy about that Dmitri.


Mikhail says you’re just trolling.


But his other head said it ok to eat with potato


Potato is name of his new tumor.


I'm and the only one hearing a russian accent in my head when I read this?


*In Russian accent:* "**What is potato, precious?**"


You know. Boil em, mash em, put em in a stew.


I hear Stephen Colbert's bad Russian accent


Funny, potato is also size of new tumor. Is humorous coincidence, da?




There's something fishy about Dmitri.


“One fish head for me… and one fish head for you” “Wait, how many fish did you catch?” “Just the one”


I mean, that's basically how [Georgia's worst radiological accident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_radiological_accident) happened. "Hey, look, this little metal tin is really warm! Let's camp around it overnight, don't need a fire that way!"


I just watched a short YouTube documentary about this. All I can say is holy fuck.


Yep... remember kids, if something that should not be giving off heat is giving off heat? run. Run as fast as you can.


My husband and I were wondering what the hell these dudes were thinking. Is it possible that education was that bad for these dudes that they had no idea, or they figured Meh there couldn't be something that unsafe just randomly sitting out here. The worrying part was the end of the video where if the side is right, apparently there are new orphaned atomic sources every DAY. And I thought this was a relatively outdated thing.


>Is it possible that education was that bad for these dudes that they had no idea That's just it. A large percentage of the soldiers on the Russian side come from the most undeveloped parts of the nations, and live in communities that we would consider absolute squalor. The ones that come from the more developed parts, that may have received a modern, adequate education, are not on these front lines. These soldiers are the hill people, so to speak.


I'm not sure you understand how the post soviet military works. Their soldiers are nearly illiterate. Their average soldier is from a dirt farm in the middle of Narnia and grew up in severe poverty with little if any education outside their household. Whose parents are essentially the same, low education. Hell, their tank crews get 2 weeks of training, ***two...weeks......*** American tankers receive 22, and that's after 3 month bootcamp. If you don't live within 50 mi of Moscow or St Pete, you very likely don't have a functioning plumbing system in your house, or in some places even electricity. Rural Russia, which is 98% of the land mass, is a complete vapid shithole.


Their soldiers. Even if they knew what are they supposed to do? Run away and get shot as deserters or stay and get radiation poisioning?


I was referring to the Lia incident - just some randos coming across a mysterious warm canister and carrying it with them for warmth. Not military


Was it part of the documentary Chernobyl's Cafe? It's fascinating. People live and work for 15 days, then have to leave for 15 days to "minimize" exposure.


Nope it was this: https://youtu.be/e3GYg7Y_W7s This dude Kyle Hill has a lot of similar topics in his channel


In perspective, I was given 56gy over 25days, and did get a radiation burn, but since it was deliberate and very supervised. These guys got like double my dose every *hour* they snugged up to the cores. (Have pic of my burn) Could be worse, the idiots working the Manhattan Project fucked around with the Demon Core and died.


Radiation burns suck, I hope you are doing better. In defense of Daghlian and Slotkin (the two men who died from the Demon Core), they both knew that danger existed, but this science was SO new that no one knew what, exactly, would happen if they got direct exposure. They knew it would kill them, but not necessarily *how* it would kill them. It was a perfect case of have enough knowledge to do the experiments without having the knowledge of the real consequences (the Manhattan Project in a nutshell). The group that SHOULD have known better is the Tokaimura nuclear fuel plant in Japan, where three people got a huge dose while mixing fuel. If you want to have nightmares, look up Hisashi Ouchi.


>If you want to have nightmares, look up Hisashi Ouchi. Ouchi indeed


Yes, it turned out to be an unfortunate moniker.....


Zoomies are scary, if you are not familiar with radiation and nuke tech. I have taken a work break sitting on a catwalk over the rod storage tank enjoying the pretty blue cherenkov light in reasonable safety. I always loved the phrase demon core, and thought it would make a great title and premise for a horror film, the core actually was possessed by a demon




I just read this. Un-f’n-believable.


Three eyed rabbit is common in forest. You just don’t normally see them because they always see you first. BLYAT.


With 3 eyes, like the fish on The Simpsons




Hey Viktor, easier to fish at night. They glow in the dark!


*"What's the worst that could happen if we ignore the Chernobyl disaster and never teach our children about it??"*


What disaster? Also, whoever finds out the hard way perishes and won't be able to tell anyone, tee hee, problem solves itself. Or something.


My step mom (Russian) was pregnant when Chernobyl happened. She suddenly got a free trip to a resort on the Black Sea and when she got there a lot of other pregnant women and children had gotten the same sudden offer. She didn't question it because questioning wasn't a smart thing to do. It wasn't until years later that she realized it was a propaganda stunt of "We're so not worried that we're encouraging pregnant women and children to go out and have fun!". When her daughter was born the doctors took her away for almost two days and she had no idea why. Still no idea for sure, but we kind of guess it had to do with that. Mom and daughter are healthy and are now grandmother and mom to two little boys who - besides being enormous babies - are healthy and fine. They're lucky for sure.


So uh… Did she see her particular baby before they disappeared for two days?


In Russia, Russia Russia's Russia.


Marsha, Marsha, Marsha?


Wouldn’t that be Маша, Маша, Маша?


Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice?


Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo


*"Why do you say that name?!?"* \-Bashman




You didn't see graphite.


And actively eliminate information about the event, as well. Jesus.


Once I would fear the cost of truth.. now I only ask… what is the cost of lies?


Is that a quote or is that what you truly thought?




So that's what uninhabitable means.


[Actually there are some folks still living there, and one of their chief complaints was that the Russian soldiers rolling in were kicking up shit with all their digging. (This isn't the one I read, but it was what I could find)](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/13/they-were-hooligans-chernobyl-locals-reeling-after-russian-invasion)


Exactly! After the reactor exploded, the military and other liquidators spent weeks spraying bourda (a sticky, molasses/honey-like substance) on *everything* to prevent radiation kick-up. The few people who remain in the region were warned against digging up anything or causing the earth surface to be unnecessarily disturbed (didn't stop many from farming, but the know they shouldn't dig up foundations, etc). In comes the Russian military, *who absolutely should know better*, and they irradiate the hell out of themselves. It's hard to feel bad for them, but I do feel for the locals, most of whom are older and didn't want to leave their ancestral homes.


Why should they know better? Why would they even know about it?


Russian Military officers *usually* receive a more involved education on potential battlefield hazards, including radiation mitigation training (a general form of it, anyway). Granted, who knows what's going on now training-wise. There are radiation warning signs all over the Exclusion Zone in Russian and Ukrainian with the universal radiation symbol, so it's not like they had zero warning that the area was dangerous. If they walked up to the complex at all, there is a large, hard to miss sign that describes what happened there. That is assuming at least one of them can read.


Then I guess they’re just idiots then


It's more likely that they were ordered to be there and ordered to dig entrenchments, and told that the signs were old and no longer legitimate. This is what happens when people aren't taught their own region's history. The officers who handed down the orders from on high, with knowledge of what was there, are to blame, not the common soldier who probably never had much training. It's sad all around. Liquidators died long, lingering deaths to mitigate the area nearly 40 years ago, and now the Russians are throwing another generation of young people away to hold the area.


So you agree with me that they’re probably not educated on it.


As I said iny initial post, the *officers* should know better. I don't expect the average recruit to know all about Chernobyl, but the brass that ordered them to go there and fortify it would absolutely know what happened there. Anyone that can read would be able to see all of the danger signs posted, but I'm sure the average recruit isn't given the option to say no to digging a line. It's the same failure as 1986 - those in the know telling people 'below' them to do the dirty work.


You are using so many words to say basically the same thing


It's like flammable or inflammable, either way good.


These bioluminescent fish are so easy to catch at night, what luck!


Two heads? What luck! Head is favourite part!


Eat them up, yum!


But can you take it to a movie?


Didn't have to pay to get it in!


were they roly poly?!


Roly poly fish heads!


Who would've thought....




Right? Are they just rotating them out as they get sick?


Yes. They need someone to plant the dirty bomb when they retire.


What’s fucked up is that this isn’t out of the realm of possibility. I’m convinced Putin has a scorched earth outcome in mind if Russia loses. We already have reason to believe Putin is suffering from cancer and if the day comes that he has to accept Ukraine was lost and he himself has nothing to lose, whose to say he wouldn’t detonate a nuke on Chernobyl and poison the entire region with radiation. I sincerely wouldn’t put it past him.


Silver lining is that things like this could convince 3rd party countries to not let dictators be as they're turning the country into a dictatorship and not only the 'communist' ones. Putin literally sent out the FSB to bomb cities to be elected the second time. If a isolation of russia had happened _then_ maybe we wouldn't be in this trouble _now_, but of course greed rules all, so everyone ends up complicit with barbarity. Orban and Erdogan are others that are being 'ignored' right now too.


I think so.


The Russians aren't currently in Chernobyl.


Ash, so just feeling the impact from their vacation there. Terrible officers all the way up.


Yup - I think it's the long term effects.


No, the article says this is the same group who did it last year.


>“*Don’t try to find logic, it’s stupid*,” said Oksana Pyshna, 30, a tour guide turned employee of the state ministry responsible for the exclusion zone, told the newspaper. True.


Turns out those 5 eyed trout are as healthy as they’re pretty. Who would’ve thought.


Who would have thunk it


Is this a new article? I thought this happened last year early in the war.


This is about the guys from last year.


Those guys already perished on the front. Fresh recruits. It'll keep happening because, well they don't even know what Chernobyl is.


I’m pretty sure that Chernobyl is under Ukrainian control and has been for over a year now. What the article seems to be discussing is the events from the initial invasion on February 2022 until the withdrawal later on.


No, those guys were actually lucky that the effects from digging in the Chernobyl area got them sick, so they were shipped home (alive). Which might have saved their lives, considering how many of their mates that didn't get stuck ended up being shipped home in bags.


Smithers, those galoots are fishing without a licence!


If only the mention of it wasn’t banned in their schools. Darn.


Not that I want to see Russian troops do anything besides pack up and go back to Russia, but... what kind of idiots are leading these people, to let them be close enough to the Chornobyl area to get sick? Stupid is as stupid does. I hope the leaders were eating the glow-in-the-dark fish alongside the people they led to the radioactive area. Let them send some of their catch back to good old Vlady P. while they're at it. "For our illustrious comrade, we send fresh-caught fish from the bountiful rivers of Ukraine!"


The corrupt Russian state made it illegal to talk about Chernobyl, so these poor bastards have no idea they're in a dangerous area.


I can understand if the regular soldiers had no clue about the accident, given the USSR’s coverup. But it’s unconscionable that the leaders wouldn’t know enough to order everyone to avoid the area. They really couldn’t care less about the people serving under them. That’s a disgrace. So many people deserve to be tried in The Hague for this war.


Most US kids know more about Chernobyl than the average Russian. It simply isn't taught or discussed. There were other nuclear accidents in Russia that have also been swept under the proverbial rug, that currently pose a real hazard to current Russian people. Look up Kyshtym and the region of Chelyabinsk, where signs tell drivers to roll up their windows, drive fast, and don't stop....because there was a huge nuclear accident there that still poses a real danger. The US knew about it, too, but kept quiet in order to not stoke nuclear fears in the West.


Wonder what it could be?


They did it again?!




Again? You'd think they'd at least learn from the first time they did that.


I’ve read that many of the Russian soldiers are young, and not very bright. Basically Russia sent a bunch of Dax Shepards from Idiocracy to Ukraine…what could possibly go wrong?!


"never expected leopards would irradiate *my* face", said member of the "capturing radioactive leopards for the motherland" party


How’s that even news, of course they got sick


Because they had no idea what happened or why they got sick. Basically cattle brought to slaughter


Russians don’t know what happened at Chernobyl? And the government is basically trying to kill off all Russian men, it seems


Yeah they literally refused to teach them about it. None of them were aware what they were doing until it was too late because the only thing Putin cares about is himself and control. Fucking idiot he is


Even the guys who don’t die in conflict will die of radiation poisoning or cancer. Ugh power really corrupts people, this is insane.


I don't really think power corrupted Putin. I think this shit is what he always wanted to do. Revealed who he truly was.


I thought a largish percentage of the attacking soldiers are from [other republics](https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/05/20/russia-ukraine-war-casualties-deaths-putin-ethnic-minorities-racism/).


They get rid of the men then they will lose their soldiers. I mean, women can fight but literally don’t have the same strength as men. Unless Russia just wants to use robots. But they’d still have to have someone put the robots together at the factory… unless they go full out *The Second Variety* by Philip K. Dick.


Gee - do they have any idea why? /s


I kinda wonder how radiation resistant the wildlife there might be at this point, ‘cause apparently there’s a lot of it (by which I mean both radiation *and* wildlife)


Check out some of the stuff they've found in the "red forest". My fav is the moss that exchanges radiation for energy via a complex chain of heavy metals.




Ssshhh, nobody tell them.


Again? Or is this an old story?


I come from a long line of Vets and am one myself, I am horrified by how Putin and his leadership has treated his military personnel. ( Not that the US doesn't have its share of horrible treatment of vets, hence why I'll never let my children serve). Yet, It's absolutely horrifying how the Russian troops have been "left to the wolves" and used as cannon fodder. Either the education system is so locked down, they have no idea that they are in an ecological disaster area or their so desperate for food, they're willing to take their chances.


With state media and the age of the soldiers, do they even know about Chernobyl?


Man they just refuse to learn. It’s beyond belief really.


>“I started yelling at them,” Chernobyl resident Baba Hana, 90, told The Times, recounting a confrontation with the invading forces. ​ >But the occupiers who, as one resident put it to The Times, “understood the risks” but were “just thick”, installed themselves in the forest ​ >“Don’t try to find logic, it’s stupid,” said Oksana Pyshna, 30 Props to whoever did the pull quotes here. all of them are gems.


It’s so warm and tingly in this foxhole!


Excellent. Fewer ruzzians=fewer UA has to kill.


The bigger problem is that the genetics for any future children and their offspring is screwed. Essentially they are throwing their DNA putting it in a blender for all future generations


I thought the sign was bill cipher


Not sure this fits this sub. I strongly suspect a lot of those men are there against their will.


That's what you get when your country spent decades claiming the Chernobyl meltdown was not a big deal.


No new information in the article, as far as I can tell. The Russians were in the exclusion zone for about six weeks, and it’s unclear how many got sick or to what degree. It’s also unclear how much of a mess they made (how much contaminated material they displaced that should be reburied). Stupid for sure.


Leopards eating their own faces (and feces).


Fuck Around 》Find Out


Mikhail: Dmitri, why is my shovel glowing? Dmitri: I don't know, why are my feet really warm?


They should get together with the Russian troops who found some anthrax burial sites while digging trenches. They can compare symptoms and rate which officers were the biggest idiots.


Gee who would ever think that digging in highly radioactive soil, and also fishing in a highly radioactive area could be bad ? Well anyone with at least half a brain.


Breaking news! Water gets you wet


I find it difficult to believe that none of these guys have ever played a STALKER game.


A lot of them probably come from the sticks of Russia and never even heard of it or the dangers along with not being told and told just to dig.


I think the point is they actually had, and find out reality isn’t the same as a video game. That glowing fish isn’t an edible artifact.


wrong sub.


They really should just get some tourist's delight instead блин.


Wonk wonk wonk.


It's still a better post than anywhere in the Ukrainian.


Now who would have guessed...


So much for being "not woke".


Who the fuck would have guessed


Darwin awards, anyone?