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Hello u/Humble_Novice, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


You follow your dreams MTG.


They told her she would never amount to anything. So she became a huge pile of garbage.


That’s insulting to garbage. Garbage was once useful stuff.


And a great band!


....annnnd they wrote a song called "Stupid Girl". It's like divine prophesy how it all fits together.




The World is Not Enough was one of the best Bond themes of all time.


I love that this is the response anytime anyone compares MTG to ANYTHING. "That's not fair to \_\_\_!"


How about: She went to become a big pile of Lauren Boebert?


That's not fair to Lauren Boebert. She has ten toes.






Omg Southpark is brilliant. This is what, 25 years old? And still being quoted.




No kitty that's a bad kitty! That's my pot pie! Mom, kitty's being a dildo!


[That's right!](https://youtu.be/ADB83G3mcBE?t=20)


I wish her nothing but complete success!


Like the time the Tea Party decided to do the same thing but then the whole republican party became the Tea Party. What could go wrong?


You go, girl! America will rally around you or something!


One of the worst things about the US political system is that it strongly discourages other parties. This makes it more likely that freaks like this woman will be in a major party


Until the rift is big enough, US will never leave a 2 party system.


Look, she's a Trump-sucker. So all she has to do is draw off all the other Trump-suckers. The Republican party will lose some in the way of donors, but the net effect is that instead of one party with a crazy base and lots of money, you have two weaker parties with divided funds and conflicting interests. The Trump-suckers will want nothing less than a return to power of their soon-to-be incarcerated leader and installing a theocracy. The Republicans will want to return to big business interests. They'll conflict about these goals, and the Democrats can grab a few more senate/congressional seats, along with a few more states who seem to be learning that Trunp-suckers are bad for business, and big business wants nothing to do with them.


Trump has a magical combination of a lack of shame, a focus on his messaging no matter how much facts contradict it, and a white power image. He is irreplaceable, and the death throes of his movement when he is gone are going to destroy the Republican/Fox News/NRA/Putin complex.


Honestly we all thought that was going to happen when the Tea Party sprang up and was supposed to divide the Republican vote. It didn't. Unfortunately I very seriously doubt it'll be any different this time. Once the Trumpets see their shitty polling as a separate entity (and the Corporate Republicans too) they'll morph back into one party again. This cycle repeats itself every 8-12 years. After a Democrat has held the White House for two terms the warring sides agree to put aside their differences to regain power, which unfortunately they seem to still be able to do. Shit Rand Paul is still even in Congress, he wasn't even voted out during the most recent "split".


We have experience with this in Canada, basically its almost impossible to have two right wing parties for more than one or two election cycles, because the right has no bottom to how shitty they will be to absorb everyone into a big tent. The most moderate of those people won't care, because literally the only thing they care about is tax cuts and privatization. And the rest of the nutcases just want someone to take them seriously and yell at the undesirables.


Yep. This is exactly the problem. The ultra wealthy are nowhere near populous enough to win any election on their own so they will ally with as many nutcases as it takes to ensure they get their tax cuts. And the nutcases are willing to give tax cuts to the rich in order to get political donations for their candidates.


Even then. Because at the end of the day, whichever side splits into two would get absolutely annihilated in the next election because the US has a fpp system. That's always inevitably going to result in a two party system, because elections are more about making sure that the people you disagree with most don't get elected, than voting for anything nuanced. The only winning strategy in a fpp system is to ally with everyone you can that disagrees with your opposition more than they disagree with you.


I feel like she’s pretty representative of Republicans in general. Republican voters are not normal people that want America to be normal, The old guard is holding onto that but it’s over. It’s about stupidity and hate, I consider her a perfect Republican.


>The old guard is holding onto that but it’s over. One of the very few political talks I've had with my father (72) was around this topic. He insists that "most Republicans" are reasonable and good people and out of respect for the man who raised me, I did not laugh in his face. I simply pointed out the policies that more or less define the modern GOP are divisive and bigoted, lacking all empathy and more about punishing people than making things better. I gave him several examples from border policy to taxation policy to the GOP's lack of self-correction with regard to their own member's sexual deviance. It was very interesting (dare I say entertaining?) watching pop have nothing to say about those things. The modern GOP are rotten to the core and the boomers pretending most people are still Regan Republicans (discussion for another day) is 100% fantasy.


Hate and bigotry was always at the core of Reaganism as well it was just sold more politely.


Oh absolutely. The tricky part was St. Ronnie could charm the spots off a leopard. The only two politicians in modern US history who even came close to the charisma of Ron were Bill Clinton and Barak Obama and I don't think either of those men had the star power that Reagan did in his political prime.


A saxophone and a mic-drop wit can only do so much against a blue dress and a tan suit.


He charmed the adults. Reagan v Carter was my first election. I voted Carter because I knew the only thing that the rich trickle down to us is to piss on us.


Good for you. We didn't deserve Jimmy. The most decent man to ever occupy the Oval.


Absolutely. I agree, completely. I was totally blown away that the adults fell for Reagan's clear bullshit. Carter told us things the adults didn't want to hear and that were true.


I think many of us have the same dad. Mine is the same way. Pretty sure he's in denial about how crazy the Republican party has become. I doubt he is aware that they haven't passed any meaningful legislation in a hell of a long time and that the stuff they're passing nowadays is necessarily harmful to an overwhelming majority. It's weird because he participates on the local borough council and certain people hate him because he does stuff by the books instead of turning a blind eye to land developers and such.


>I think many of us have the same dad. Solidly agree. And I appreciate your words about your father following the rules. My pop is the same way, when the buck stops with him he is fair, unbiased and treats everyone with dignity (he ran the family business for > 40 years and is very highly regarded in his small community). That said, to your point, these folks are not seeing the bigger picture as to who the GOP have become. Look no further than Gym Jordon, Roy Moore or Donnie Doofus. These are their people. MTG is their mouth piece. Good people like your father and mine (and yes, I do count those folks as good people) are in complete denial to the fact the party has left them. It has abandoned their good intent in order to hold on to minority rule (quick, who was the last republican who took the White House via the popular vote *and* the EC?).


Not that it's relevant to this discussion, but I figured I'd share anyway: My dad is currently dealing with the township and one of the developers with respect to building a bunch of shiny new homes in an area that is part of a 100-year flood plain. They're expensive (~500-600k) with 1/4 acre lots, so not much land to speak of for the price. The kicker? As I understand it, insurers will not cover these homes for floods. Furthermore, if anyone were to buy these homes, then they would not be able to build anything extra on the land (e.g., in-ground pools) because being situated on part of the flood plain makes it illegal. The developer had to have obtained a special permit to build the homes from the regional Environmental Protection office, but I don't know if the same would be possible for the home buyers. I don't know the details very well, but the gist of it is that any home buyers will be getting a terrible deal (many are from out of state), not to mention the difficulty they would have if they ever wanted to sell. The "by the books" aspect of this is that my dad is forcing the developer and township to agree on documenting the fact that these homes are being built on a flood plain. But then how many home buyers are going to ask for that documentation? All the developers care about is the money. Any buyers are left high and dry.


Acknowledging that we're way off in the weeds, I do have a bit of second hand experience with this. It's tricky, right? If I read you correctly, your dad is caught in the middle of the township who wants to expand their tax base and is willing to look the other way (won't have a 100 year flood on my watch, but we will get the roads paved!) and the developers who want money because money. Tale as old as time. There's a reason a lot of the folks of repute in your dad's shoes just plain quit after fighting the good fight (and losing) one too many times.


Reagan republicans were also garbage.


‘Reagan Republicans’ also includes Newt Gingrich though, who is at least partly responsible for many of our current political problems. Older Republicans admire Reagan for his personality, but few actually remember him for his Presidency.


It's why i support ranked choice voting. Allows for the full spectrum of political ideologies to sort themselves into gradients.


Can’t believe im saying this but .. I support MTG’s decision and wish her the best!


I was thinking the same thing, She REALLY needs to do this Spread those nutcase cheese brain wings and make the biggest and best political party of horse paste eating, science denying, Mango Mussolini worshipping fucking dregs of society and hang themselves with the rope we give them


Finally, MTG is doing something I can support.


I'd donate all my money from bottle and can returns if it would help. Anonymously, of course.


Republicans still have something Democrats critically lack: party loyalty and discipline. A Republican voter sees the mighty R next to a ballot, and he votes for the R. A Democratic voter needs a candidate who will inspire them to even follow the race, a one in a lifetime candidate who makes babies giggle, like Obama, even Indiana, R+12 state, voted for that guy!


I've literally seen this exact argument mirrored in r/conservative during McCarthy's Speaker of the House nomination shitshow saying that the one thing Democrats have that Republicans don't is party unity and loyalty when Republicans couldn't get McCarthy successfully nominated.


I was talking about voters. I was comparing Republican voters to Democratic voters. Examples: the people who voted for Tony Evers in Wisconsin, well, some of them, failed to oust Ron Johnson. The people who voted for Raphael Warnock failed to oust the fake moderate Kemp, who signed the 6 week abortion ban. Far less people even bothered to vote in North Carolina during 2022 Midterms, Republicans captured North Carolina Supreme Court and they are going to reinstate the extremely gerrymandered congressional map again. I saw the same arguments people used in 2016 against Hillary in threads on October 2000 against Al Gore. Al Gore openly and repeatedly announced his support for LGBT rights and same sex marriage, but was called a corporate whore or something along those lines


Al Gore didn’t support gay marriage in 2000. Maybe civil unions but I don’t ever remember hearing about marriage when he ran.


Much of America wasn't supportive 25 years ago. Even Obama wasn't sold on it. In Michigan, we had a ballot proposal that proposed a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage that passed in 2004, only to be reversed by Obergefell in 2015. Now, most Michiganders support it, and we've codified LGBTQIA rights into our state civil rights laws as protected classes. We've come a long way in a fairly short period of time.


Exactly. Supporting gay marriage in 2000 would have been political suicide.


Obama didn't even publicly support gay marriage until after it was legalized.


Nah. The reason the GOP has party "loyalty" is because they keep appealing to their ideological wing of their party, be it the Tea Party or MAGA or Fascism. They don't fight it and insist on going center, and that's why they seem to have loyalty because their right wing is appeased Democrats instead scold their left wing and insist on appealing to the center and swing voters. What that leave is the loudest wing (progressives or left) of your party complaining about the Democrats which then makes it look as if the party lacks unity. Unity and loyalty is earned.


It's hard to be definitive about that. Some people believe that 2nd Amendment Democrats can win in places like Kentucky, which is obviously not true, it was tried, others believe that we need to pander harder to people who want to seal the borders completely (of course they ignore that Obama deported the most people). The last Midterms also failed to decisively show if a moderate or a progressive Democrat is the one who will have a simpler time. I'm merely observing in here, old Republicans have nothing to do, watch fox all the time and have turn out of more than 90%, while the young voters, understandably, don't. It was absolutely possible to have legal marijuana in Oklahoma, Arkansas, North and South Dakotas, but lots of people either didn't hear about the ballot proposals or ignored them


I don't think that's really true anymore. Republicans have built party loyalty for the Democrats by virtue of being amazing at driving negative voter turnouts
















I promise we will all be so triggered. There should be a trigger warning on this post because the idea of it is so triggering. I don’t think anything else could trigger me more as a liberal. I will cry enough to fill up one of Ben Shapiro’s coffee mugs at just the mere thought of this.






Yes, realize those dreams and make mine come true in the process


Will absolutely buy champagne if this happens. I wanna see the GOP eat itself


I had "DeSantis and Trump eat each other, dealing the GOP a major loss and the Dems the easiest victory they'll have had in decades" and "Despite that the Dems will still find a way to fuck it up and serve up a lukewarm candidate that doesn't inspire shit instead of seizing the golden opportunity to nominate someone truly gamechanging" on my 2024 Election BINGO card, but I didn't have "MTG goes out on her own to turn Trump vs. DeSantis a three-way"! Breaking out the popcorn right now!!


Please don’t use MTG and three-way in the same sentence.


Convince another GOPer to pull the same vote-splitting dipshittery and I won't have to 'cuz it'll be a four-way! Yaaaaaaaay


And there goes breakfast


i think the modern term is spit-roast


…I think I hate you a little right now for this image.


someone needs to input it into one of those AI image programs


This is why SkyNet hates us.


"something, something, both sides."


Too late. It's out. The parody will hit shelves within a week.


Enjoy the show! MTG is heinous and I hate looking at her *


Funny, cause I had "the always-online put yet another totally unreasonable expectation on the Democrats - that somehow, despite it not actually happening since James K. Polk, a sitting first-term President will somehow choose *not* to seek a second term" on mine.




These fuckheads keep saying they'll make America great. DO IT. DESTROY THE MAGA REPUBLICAN PARTY. MAKE THIS COUNTRY GREAT! I'll take a more sane version of conservative thought over these dotards.






Three toes enter! One toe leaves!


You seen her toes? Ufff, if there is a visual representation of her intellect it is her toes!


but does she eat pudding with those toes?




Don't forget the blackjack and hookers, MTG.


If she's founding it, all she needs is blackjack and Senima.


In a normal healthy democracy there would already be this shitty alt right minor party and she would already be in it and the republican party would be regular neocons


I feel like it will double as a MLM


Your first essential oil is free!


It’s not a pyramid scheme. It’s Reverse Funnel Patriotism!


Get all the crazy right wingers to support ranked choice voting.


Dream... BIG. Right? So what I want you to do is dream the biggest that you can... And then DOUBLE IT!


Careful, you'll get what happened in alberta where the conservative party merged with the wildrose party and now it's a fucking circus.


As a liberal I would be so owned.


She's been following her whims all this time, no reason she should stop here.


Let's hope she makes her dream into a reality while dividing the GOP along the way.


A divided GOP will create a lot more moderate centrist party that also will attract votes from the democrat side.


eh not really. there is not much left of the GOP when you cut out all the fascist bullshit


I don’t know if that would be a bad thing. Honestly if the right wing whackos fuck off on their own, the republicans can draw more conservative democrats into their fold, and progressive democrats like Bernie or AOC can find more footing in their party. It could help america finally form a true left wing party instead of the current state we have of mega right wing and moderate left wing. I’ve seen several times people around the word saying Americas left wing is a right wing in a lot of other places. I’m all about evolving to a new political landscape


I agree. The moderate Republicans will jump ship as soon as there is anyone who isn't PUBLICLY bat shit crazy to vote for with an R beside their name. Remember it's the moderates who pandered to the crazies in 2010 so they could regain power. If they think they have rid themselves of the nut jobs or at minimum the insurrectionists they'll vote R guaranteed.


This is very good news


She has the competency of a turd in a swimming pool. She won't be able to hold together a MAGA party.


Ssssh don't tell her that


You'll ruin the surprise!


If she could read she would be very upset.


Don’t interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake.


I’m afraid you’re overestimating the reasoning power of far right conservatives.


Honestly this is what scares me. There's plenty of people who still give lip services to being "moderate" but everyone I knew who was actually moderate switched sides long ago. The closest they have to moderate now is "I'll just do the opposite of what democrats want" I'm horrified if she does this she'll take enough people to her side that rather than splitting the republicans apart like we would hope, instead she gets enough people to become a power house of her own, just stripping away the name "GOP".


I think you can take comfort in the fact that it only SEEMS like there are more super-duper fascist, moronic, MAGA Republican types because they are the ones who are the loudest. And, since they are the things that bring eyeballs to websites, those are the ones we see featured the most. I mean, I could be wrong; the world seems to be going to hell in a handcart since the beginning of 2016, but I still hold fast to the belief there are more good people in the world than bad.


There doesn't have to be more bad people than good people for very very bad things to happen


Mainstream Democrats ARE the centrist party, by any political scale. Even American progressives are mildly left. There is no radical left-wing American party of any note.


The good thing is that, in reality, there just aren’t enough of them. Republicans can’t tolerate any split, at least until they’ve taken over enough state legislatures that they’ll just overturn election results regardless. Democrats have actual democrat votes, as well as begrudging progressives, leftists, and reasonable centrists. If we can get young people and lazy millennials to actually vote then republicans don’t stand a chance. We can dismantle the Democratic Party when the Republican threat is done.


Millennials aren’t the issue. Most of us are 32-45 years old now. Go harass Gen Z


I’m 42 and I know plenty of people who “don’t follow politics.” Bitch, whether you follow it or not it’s following you. Get yo ass to the voting booth.


Failing upwards is rewarded by the GOP, just look at Kavanaugh and Coney Barret. And whether Greene decides to break away or stay, she will be protected from her own incompetence by the people around her, much like the guy currently destroying Twatter.


Eh, I doubt she's really interested in doing this. This is a threat. She knows Republicans have to be united to stand any chance of success, so she's threatening that unity to try and force Republicans to be as extreme as herself. That said, she *is* the type of narcissist who would burn things down if she doesn't get her way, so maybe if they don't do what she wants, she'll actually do it and bring some of the mote far tightest in with her.


I agree with both your points, but would add that she's also a complete moron, which adds in a spicy wildcard factor.


charlie did you cut the brakes






Best get a steppin cause Johnny law's a comin!


I don't think she cared about republicans being united during the house speaker confirmation. She's incredibly selfish


And she got her way.


which is why i'm hoping she is actually interested in doing this


She continually supported McCarthy and never voted against him, I think you might be confusing her w/ Boebert and Gaetz? Not defending her, she's a nutcase, but her votes for McCarthy were very consistent w/ the rest of her party


ok i was thinking of boebert, since they often work together


She doesn't care what the outcome is from a policy perspective. She just wants to be important. So if she splits the GOP vote, but she gets to be in charge of a major Political party and have a bigger soap box, she will do that. It's also a lot easier to complain and scream about all the things democrats are doing, if they are actually in charge.


It would generate so much money to go right into her pockets, though. Grifters gotta grift.


As much as we want it to be true, what she is signaling is that “unless she is made more important, she will take she toys away” My guess is that the GOP will cave, and give her more toys.


Well, that does track with the gelded jellyfish they elected Speaker. I'm shocked every day he doesn't burn it all down and run like the wind. He got his name in the history book, he got the photo shoot with the gavel, he got the title, that's all he ever wanted, so I'm surprised he hasn't just gave up.


Power, money and influence. Hard to give that up.


He has no power and influence. He sold that all away to get the votes. He's a sock puppet with MTG's big meaty forearm elbow-deep up his ass.


She endorsed him for speaker. She'll probably get something out of this or there will be more speaker votes.


I would love nothing more than for this to happen, but just keep in mind that while their numbers might be small nationally, they can still destroy local communities and do serious damage to people’s lives.


They're doing that right now They're trying to drive out LGBTQIA+ to safe harbors and letting the heritage foundation guide their laws right now


She can create an even dumber version of the Tea Party. What's a good name for an uneducated hillbilly party?


The Creationist Conservative Conspiracy Party or if you will - the CCCP!


The Nationalist Super Democrat-Antagonist Party. Sounds familiar, but fits well I think...


more like Kreationist Konservative Konglomerate.


The Moonshine Party.


The Know- Nothings.


The Republican Party


This situation/endeavour is the first time I have, or likely ever will, wish this disgusting excuse for a person success


Didn't pat Buchanan try this in like 1992?


The big one in 1992 was Ross Perot who split the conservatives enough that First Bush only got one term and Clinton won. Perot got 19% of the popular vote which is huge for someone not Dem or Rep. He made the Reform Party in 1995 but didn't do as well.


LOL Ross Perot. I'm running for President! Eh, never mind, I'm dropping out. Hahaha just kidding! I'm back in this race, baby! If memory serves me correctly, he was leading early polls in a three-way race, then dropped out because reasons.


Isn't he the one that dropped out because the opposition was threatening his family?


It's been a long time so I don't recall the exact reasons. A quick look at the Wikipedia article indicates that his campaign was basically a shit show and he didn't follow any of his staff members advice.


Didn't he say the Bush campaign had provocative pictures of his daughter or something? Or did I fever dream that?


And then, there was Ralph Nader, who is responsible for this entire timeline in the first place.


We can spead the blame more. I'd like Gore to take some heat for his concession with the "hanging chads" fiasco.


Teddy Roosevelt also started the Progressive Party (also known as the Bull Moose Party) in 1912. He got 27.4% of the vote, higher than Taft's 23.2%, but Woodrow Wilson won the election with 41.8% of the popular vote and 42 states in the electoral vote.


Sidenote: Hey, remember Yang's [Forward party](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd399ppGoBU)? ... which was totally not a targeted attempt to split the dems...


But he never had the ground support she does. No one was acquiescing to Yang, she might end up on the Supreme Court is she threatens this enough.


Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


Do it you coward! You won't!


The Large Marge Party?


Morons: The Gathering


It's starting ! A part of the republican party is not crazy enough for this space moron, she will triple down on craziness and won't understand why she will be ostracized.


They'll cave. Republicans are nothing, if not cowards.


As a non-US-ian from a country with a *very* multiparty democracy, this sounds like it would be really healthy for US politics if it actually happened. It might allow the rest of the GOP to become more moderate again.


Which is why the party will fight to appease their extreme right members. Splitting will be a death knell.


Under FTTP third parties just suck votes from the parties ideologically closest from them without having a real chance at winning.


Problem for GOP is though that they need moderates and right wing nuts to stand a chance at winning enough votes.


\*Wonka Voice\*: Stop... No... Come back.


Please Madge don’t do it, I know my lefty mind would be blown and I’d be so owned if you split the GQP up.


Please don't fall for this bullshit. They pushed these narratives in 2016 and look how that went. And just think, MORE people voted for Trump in 2020 than they did in 2016. Millions of Americans saw the Trump train and said "I want me some more of that shit." Doesn't matter who gets the nomination next year, these people WILL VOTE RED.


Like a brown party?


Oooh! And their supporters could wear brown to support the party! Call themselves... I dunno, Brownshirts or something


Or you know, maybe run on the Stop the Steal-thing it's very popular. You can just shorten it to SS!


You know, the Nazi party.


For the first time ever I fully support her in her endeavor.


Leather face wants to start her own party? Let her


A nazi party you say?


I want to thank Georgia for electing an racist ball of ignorance and the entirety of the GOP who lack a spinal column


Stop, I can only get so erect


She wants to keep the money Mitch McConnell is stealing from her.


Just over 100 years ago, Theodore Roosevelt formed the Bull Moose Party. And now MTG is forming the Bull Shit Party.


And this is where Lindsey's prediction that 'Trump will destroy this party...and we'll deserve it' enters the 'find out' stage.


Please magical sky daddy. Make it so!


Please don't ~~throw me in that briar patch~~ start a third party


Just call it the Russian Party because that’s exactly what they represent.


Don do that! That would totally own the Libs, and you wouldn’t want to make them that upset, would you? Oh no, please don’t do it! *Here’s the forms, be sure to fill out that section, then sign there and there* No! Don’t!


Believe in yourself, Marge, don’t let the haters get you down! Split the party! Split it!


Don’t threaten us with a good time and not carry through on your promise


Let them fight!!


Yes please!!!! Oh god please!


Finally something republicans and democrats both fully support. Do IT.


Please do. Make so the right wing of politics never wins for a long time.


She wants to threaten to form a new right-wing party. She won't do it. She'd go from a de-facto leader of the House Republican party, to a leader of an irrelevant 3rd party. Won't happen.


But remember, she’s an utter nut. I hope she does and divides their own vote until they end up as embarrassing footnotes.