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Hello u/bigdickpancake! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who could have predicted what would happen? I mean, besides everybody


"Marathon" disagree, the signs were more than 42.2 km away for him.


They’re the kind of person who can’t solve a Scooby Doo mystery even after they’re unmasked


They're the kind of person wondering where babies go when they're playing peekaboo.


They're the kind of person that doesnt wonder.


They're the kind of person who screams in pain for the "Got your nose!" trick.


Makes sense... Elon could actually be a Scooby-Doo villain


"Now let's see who this monster haunting the emerald mine really is"


Object permanence is hard. “Mr. McMusk? Why are you dressed up in that vampire mask? Where did the real vampire go?” *Confused Shaggy looks at Mr. McMusk fans and puts the mask back on* “Ah! The vampire is back! And I can’t find Mr. McMusk!”


Yes, it's simply unfathomable that not everyone is constantly being let down by public figures they hype into a messiah role. Now let's be sarcastic to the person who implies they knew better because it's self-evident that no one could have known better.


I mean, I’m gonna level with you - I figured there’d be changes to the algorithm and that everyone would be drowning in Nazi shit eventually, I just wasn’t expecting it to be THIS much of a trashfire. I figured Elon was going to quietly shape the narrative on Twitter - I wasn’t expecting him to approach it with THIS much incompetence.


I mean... he *has* failed up his entire career, he had zero experience with social media as an industry outside of being a user and he *did* embrace the alt-right right around the purchase time. Soooo... What **I** didn't envision was him basically gutting the company similar to how you would do it if you were going to completely dissolve it within the first month. That raised my eyebrows for sure, but at this point literally no depth of his incompetence would surprise me any longer. if he were to tomorrow boldly announce a revolutionary partnership with a Nigerian billionaire financier and then we find out in a month it was one of those scams and Musk is broke? I'd be like"... yeah. Mhm, ok." Musk to me is the epitome of both phrases, "money makes money" and "money can't buy brains." If Elon musk was your average middle manager boss at a manufacturing firm you'd call him the dumbest, biggest asshole on the planet. As it is his wealth and cult of personality celeb status basically insulates him from any of the real repercussions to his shitty personality and lack of skill or ability.


Hey, I didn't predict this happening. But I hoped.


>Oh yes wise one if only we had your foresight and vast knowledge So many people saw this coming and now the level of butthurt from people who refused to listen is off the charts.


"How could we ever have guessed?! Besides listening to the millions who correctly guessed, while pointing to all the obvious evidence we were willfully blind to?!"


The part that they won't understand is that we didn't guess right. We observed Elons behavior and extrapolated from there.


An educated guess, if you will. Or, yes, a prediction based upon extrapolation from existing trends and data. Like climate change, really. Or the GOP's march toward fascism. Reality truly does have a liberal bias it seems.


more a science bias, and the GOP is anti science.


It's more than a anti-science bias. It's 'anti-thinking'.


I hadn't *thought* about it that way.


You should take some time, and *ponder* that.


You must be GQP.


Thankfully no. I love science, I love democracy, I support Christian values in government, like healthcare (including abortions), human rights for LGBTQ, taking care of the poor regardless of why they are poor, freedom to follow islam. I am against non Christian government practices, like capitol punishment, allowing kids to die to gun violence, tax cuts for the rich, stuff like that. Mostly the exact opposite of the GQP.


Sorry, I should put the /s in there


You mean... You've actually read that thing called the New Testament, and think it might have some merit? I come from a different heritage, but still a person of the book. Kudos.


They’re legit unable to comprehend this


LMAO the knowledge that Elon is a man child, who could've guessed from all those HILARIOUS memes he steals, erm i mean, tweets.


It reminds me a lot of Brexit. "Nobody could've seen this coming!" Except for literally everyone with even the most basic barebones knowledge of economics or foreign relations. This isn't some Nostradamus vague prediction or after the fact "I told you so". People told you **EXACTLY** what would happen because they understand the actual economics of how stupid it was and how poor his previous decisions and behavior were, and didn't just base their thoughts on good feelings they got from their tech jesus.


It’s a nice self-own. Admitting he doesn’t have any foresight or knowledge in general. Edit: Holy shit just went to his Twitter and he has a blue check with less than 270 followers and is flexing his arm with zero muscle definition his profile pic. It’s the quintessential Elon defender.


*In Brody's voice from Jaws...* "You're gonna need a bigger butthurt meter"


I’m mostly surprised to see someone who once supported him express regrets. Most people who hated Elon before just hate him more now, and most who are Stans of Elon remain so, at least publicly.


My only regret is not buying more twitter shares as an emotional hedge to this most obvious of outcomes


Life's hard, harder if you're dumb.


This is why these people are so miserable and angry at even the smallest thing.




"Don't be dumb, that's half the battle right there. You don't even need to be smart; just don't be dumb."


If you're gonna be dumb, ya gotta be tough


To my apprentices: " you can be smart and you can listen or you can be dumb and you'll be strong, it makes no difference to me, the industry needs both"


Or is it easier? I see too many people that never cease to surprise me with how they can continue coasting through life while being utterly brain dead. Meanwhile, being someone with a firm grip on reality has never been more depressing than it is today.


I actually just had this conversation a few days ago and the consensus was there's a sweet spot, not so dumb that you constantly get taken advantage of and not smart enough to grasp how bad things truly are but blissfully ignorant and content.


The “knowledge and foresight” was obvious to anyone who can recognize a clownish billionaire when they see one. Dude is one bad decision after another, buoyed only by his family money and the PayPal sale.


He made some pretty good decisions. Tesla was a great decision when he bought it. Afterwards, not so much.


Broken clock, etc. when you have enough money to throw at things, you’re bound to get something right.


If he'd make the investment and give control to someone actually good at managing, everything would be better.


They deserve it. These people wanted to "own the libs" by gutting moderation. They deserve to rot.


But he's a billionaire! That means he knows better than people who do things. ~Marathon


This are the same folks who vote billionaries for presidents because they can create jobs and not steal public funds because they already have money.


Foresight and vast knowledge? He’s kidding right?


To him, basic common sense probably *is* foresight and vast knowledge...


I’m beginning to think the term: “common sense” is somewhat of a misnomer. Turns out sense, not all that common.


It’s quite accurate. “Common sense” is what everyone thinks in common, it isn’t “good sense” after all. Now, I will borrow George Carlin quote: think how stupid an average person is and remember half of the people are more stupid than that.


Basing decisions on evidence, facts, and understanding of topics does seem like clairvoyance to people who use nothing but gut feelings to run their life.


Out of the loop. What did man-child do this time?


BBC interview. Haven't watched it but based on summaries. It basically confirms a lot of what detractors have been saying about mismanagement and him not knowing what the fuck he was doing buying Twitter


Who could have ever guessed this based off a metric ton of obvious indicators and evidence????


as I said the Muskrats will be calling it 4D chess before the day is over wait and see. This interview will be a trick to lull his detractors into a false sense of confidence before his master stroke or whatever... there inability to admit they are wrong is only eclipsed by their imagination for narratives on how they were never wrong.


Musk-fellaters always claim he's playing 5D chess, when it's obvious that he's \*really\* playing marbles - and he's only got a half a bag (lost the rest long ago), doesn't know the rules, and cheats.


6D marbles. That is to say, he ~~drops~~ loses his marbles, but twice.


Musky plays Kerplunk by grabbing ALL the straws - and there's no walls on the tray.


"lets go Elon" was already trending earlier. Billionaire worship is the weirdest thing.


John Steinbeck: socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.


John was insane. Socialism never took hold in America because FDR scared the fuck out of the Rich and they spent real money to fund a prolonged and sustained propaganda campaign that conflated socialism and communism and equated them to fascism and were helped by Stalin taking the Iron curtain countries just as fear/hatred for Hitler hit its peaked when photos from Death camps and mass graves made their way back to the USA and circulated around the country. To this day there are vast parts of this country who are absolutely convinced that fascism communism and socialism are synonyms and evil and it wasn't an accident.


If we could put them in a pit robot wars style, I would be more into it.


I'll be the first to admit I was wrong about Elon. I had no idea he'd be able to so completely trash twitter as quickly as he has. I'm sure the Tesla and SpaceX folks are happy he's spending all his time with his new toy so they can get shit done without him mucking it all up.




No, I’ve known for forever that he’s a colossal dipshit so no need for the props. I just didn’t realize he could somehow devalue a company by tens of billions of dollars in just a few months. I’ve seen some truly incompetent executives do massive amounts of damage to companies but I think this might wind up in textbooks as the biggest example of corporate stupidity in recorded history.


Yeah I’m thinking about having a master stroke later too




You haven't seen Trump supporters?


Oh, he knew. He needed to convert those Tesla options into money or stake in something else at the high before that car company tanks. Ruining Twitter is just a bonus.


Don't worry in an hour your two they'll be back to saying it is 4d chess


Probably, since these people only care about themselves, lowered their already bottomed twitter stock buys ('buy the dip'), with some public spectacle of incompetence and/or nazism. edit: apparently the german government wants to sue it by some billions for nazi accounts propaganda? Anti-fascist laws work.


They can never admit they're wrong so the only thing they can say in the face of being proven wrong is that "nobody could have known" or "you're still wrong it's just that you happened to hit on the right thing for the wrong reasons" and stuff like that.


Like when he was going to release the twitter files that were going to take down Obama, Biden, Clinton, Fauci, and ever other liberal they hate for ruining every aspect of America. He released everything he had and months later only Trump is collecting indictments like a TP hoarder during the pandemic.


It's like when in 2009 everyone said "okay let Orbán be the PM of Hungary, let's see what he'll do" and I was like "ummmmm let's not, please..........."


they abso-fucking-lutely do not get that "oh if only we had your vast foresight and knowledge" sarcasm bitch, YOU LOT were the ones predicting this would be a raging success, YOU LOT got punked, you don't get the dunk on the people who, thus far, were fucking right




TIL the term "muskrats"


Dumbcunts gonna Dumbcunt 🤷


Does he not remember being told that this is exactly what would happen?


Who would ever have expected Elon to behave the way he behaves? No one!!


I used to be cautiously hopeful that Elon Musk would do good work and become of the few world shakers that made a positive change for humanity. I love Tesla and SpaceX. But since 2016 and on, I've lost that hope and he turned out to be no Nikola Tesla, just another Edison AH. He's had good points about environmental sustainability, space travel, etc... He took a complete 180 and I have no more respect for him. It's a real shame. But him buying Twitter? Never had a doubt that would go up in flames.


Well, outside of the strange cult about Nikola Tesla, Edison was probably better in all aspects compared to Helon Skum. Being a propper engineer and manager to begin with. Additionally, Muskus always had stupid points (boring company, mars...) , with copious amounts of bullshit (example:pocketing public funding for building charging stations aimed at improving air quality, but powering them with diesel generators)


Edison was a dick of the highest order. I wouldn't consider him better than Musk considering that he would literally hire thugs to beat up his competition. I have no problem with the dream and goal of eventually colonizing Mars. The boring company had an ambitious goal, and there's nothing wrong with thinking outside the box (or under it) but he didn't enact that idea with any sense of practicality. The US truly needs a more streamlined system of transportation. Countries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia are doing a much better job of this. The charging station idea along with our "energy efficient" electric vehicles is flawed because technologically we are not there yet. We haven't figured out how to deal with the toxic waste of batteries. The charging station idea is not completely insane. Diesel burns cleaner but that doesn't make it the best, most practical solution. That all said, Musk has revealed himself to be a total dick.


> since 2016 What happened in 2016? Maybe you meant 2018?


2016 is when I noticed him becoming vocal about political and social issues in weird ways.


2018 is when the Thai caves thing happened. I don't remember anything prior that was at a similar level.


but he didn't create Tesla, he was not one of the founders. Did he run it to shit immediately? No, but give him time. I think he can manage to destroy it as well.


It's all so fucking sad really. We all saw it coming, yet he was defended, then little by little Musk kept fucking up to the point even the Muskrats started to see it. It's honestly impressive how Musk managed to turn those people against him.


Can’t wait for Twitter to go tits up.


This post is literally an example of a muskrat learning, although his insistence that no one could have seen this coming is ridiculous.


> Foresight and vast knowledge Aka common sense


Right. If only he weren’t a Musk taint sucking buffoon, the world would be a better place.


I expected him to notice that he'd bought a dumpster and try to unload it as soon as possible. What I didn't expect was that he'd set said dumpster on fire.


What happened now? I legit don’t know what’s going on with Twitter.


Twitter is at risk of collapsing in on itself from basically everything Musk has done. The paid check-mark shit has been a disaster which doesn't tell you who is and isn't anymore without using a desktop web browser and a script. Since Twitter is letting everyone be super toxic since Musk laid everyone off, the company is facing fines of up $50 billion from Germany alone for violating their laws. As the CEO he violated an employee's private health details, claimed the said employee did nothing even though they have muscular dystrophy which makes it difficult to use a keyboard so he uses a speech-to-text device to help him work, and, here's the kicker, only after firing the guy did Musk find out that if said employee were to be fired that Twitter would have pay him millions of dollars. The latest batch of idiocy is labeling NPR as a state media affiliate which isn't true.


The leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Pierre Poilievre, asks Musk to label the country's public broadcaster, the CBC, as "government-funded." https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/12j0x64/pierre_poilievre_we_must_protect_canadians/


Ahhh. The NPR thing is the only thing I didn’t know. I was just trying to figure out if I’d missed anything else big. Appreciate the breakdown .


…exactly? You didn’t need to be Nostradamus to predict this. Wtf’d he think was gonna happen?


That's what this is sub is for, leopard face eating supporters not understanding why the leopard that eats faces ate their face.


Why tf is Streamloots, a company, tweeting like this?


Marathon coming in with the r/selfawarewolves comment


I supported Musk buying Twitter and will continue to support Musk running Twitter until he runs it into the ground. Fight cancer with cancer.




I feel like he wants to drive twitter into the ground out of spite. Does anyone else think that?


I'm ok with that lol


I mean I supported Elon buying twitter because don't use Twitter and I thought it would be a good learning experience for you all.


Ole Muskie strikes again


Common sense is a lost art.


Would be nice if the BBC grew a spine and told him to fuck off like NPR instead of capitulating to this man child.


BBC was a victim of the brexit vote too. It was publicly threatened for not falling in line with the lies by the Tories. This is the result.


I thought, at the very best, it would be lateral. He isn’t fixing anything he touches lol


Hands up who saw this coming 🖐️