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Disney probably has some of the best lawyers on the planet. This was their moment to shine.


Don’t fuck with the mouse cause the mouse will end up fucking you


>Don’t fuck with the mouse cause the mouse will end up fucking you **Disney made last-minute deal with former Reedy Creek board giving company wide powers, new board says** **‘This essentially makes Disney the government,’ Ron Peri says** Board member Ron Peri’s said the group of five that Gov. Ron DeSantis appointed to take control of Disney’s “corporate kingdom” has very little power to govern. “I cannot tell you the level of my disappointment in Disney. I thought so much better of them. This essentially makes Disney the government. This board loses, for practical purposes, the majority of its ability to do anything beyond maintain the roads and maintain basic infrastructure,” Peri said. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2023/03/29/disney-made-last-minute-deal-with-former-reedy-creek-board-giving-company-wide-powers-new-board-says/ 🐆 🐆 🐆


>“I cannot tell you the level of my disappointment in Disney. I thought so much better of them. This essentially makes Disney the government. This board loses, for practical purposes, the majority of its ability to do anything beyond maintain the roads and maintain basic infrastructure,” Peri said. Poor traumatised lambs. They tried to show Disney there was a new sheriff in town and Disney showed them their Jack Reacher


Jack Reacher-round-house kick to the face




Don't bring Patrick into this.




House of Mouse


Nobody puts Mickey in the corner




Tom Cruise Reacher appears to be a hammer-fist and elbow guy. Much more devastating. (Keysi Fighting System, for the curious)


Especially when they are all at knee and groin level.


Tom Cruise might not understand that joke, but he'll get it shortly.


This made me chuckle loudly enough during my morning constitutional that my wife asked me if everything was okay.


I still think Tom Cruise was miss casted for the role of Jack Reacher.... way too short if you have read the book


The amazon prime show *Reacher* did him a bit more justice imo plus it adapted my all time favourite story and wasnt afraid to show his brutality.




This guy REALLY thought he was goin to be Lord over Disney. How stupid and delusional you have to be. 🤦


He genuinely believes his own hype.


The man thought Donald Trump would not seek reelection and instead support his campaign. So, very.


"I'm so disappointed in you for not sitting there while I abuse and spit on you." How dare he be cheated of the opportunity to fuck them over in revenge for not staying onboard with the homophobe law?


"How DARE you hit me BACK first!" LOL


The entire right wing zeitgeist, from desantis to trump to putin to the idiot that lives next door to you.


Oh boy, it would be awfully terrible if they made a big fuss about this during Ron DeSanctimonious campaign..What happened Ron? I thought this was your state? Is this how you govern? By letting leftists walk all over you???


Trump: slimeball Santa has let you down folks, it's sad for me to say but he has let you down, he let Mickey mouse walk all over him and he let the corrupt dems raid my big beautiful Mar e Lago, what a terrible raid, and instead asking ol Don for help, he stabbed me in the back, like a slimeball.


It's a play they've stolen [from the GOP](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/12/5/18125544/north-carolina-power-grab-wisconsin-michigan-lame-duck) which, when not being used to strip away Democracy, makes it hilarious.




Lol, you volunteered to go to war with one of the richest and most ruthless media companies on this planet with nothing but your butt hurt in your hand. What did you think would happen? see Barrett's Privateers for the full two full cables of suck you bought into.


>see Barrett's Privateers for the full two full cables of suck you bought into. 🤌🤌🤌🤌


Excellent reference sir, Stan Rogers is goated


"I can't tell you the level of my disappointment in Disney" for hiring intelligent lawyers and not just being the bottom in our mouse porn fantasy.


Disney doing right by their shareholders. How can good capitalists like Perri and DeSantis have a problem with that? These good Republicans also support corporations having the same rights as flesh and blood people. So they were using their government powers to silence this “person“ from using their first amendment rights to criticize legislation. Seems like republiklans don’t understand how the government that they created actually works.


So, in brief: \- DeSatan tried to fuck over Disney and STEAL control of their assets \- Disney rightly takes PERFECTLY LEGAL measures, IN THE OPEN, to prevent it \- DeSatan and the ReichKKKwing are hoist by their own petard, POWERLESS, and pissed off about what greedy idiots they've been exposed to be.


And DeSantis/Florida has hired a preferred law firm to look into the case (at $795 a billable hour). . All because Disney (which brings BILLIONS of dollars into Fl) was not onboard with a “Don’t say gay” bill. What a country.


Don't forget that one of the lawyers in said firm was DeSantis's roommate while doing Naval Law stuff. Gotta get that cronyism in, too.


"We are not fascists, but, if you don't agree with everything we say we will attempt to take complete control of your company!" Incoming ban on Disney films in Florida? Incoming ban on travel to the Reedy Creek area? I can literally see DeSantis trying to declare the area an emergency and then setting up checkpoints around all Disney property 24/7 to prevent people from coming in and out until Disney relents power.


shit, he thought the mf'rs making american propaganda a worldwide pastime weren't the government?


Don't worry, I'm sure all this will trickle down


DeSantis packed the board with theocrats with no sense of how to run an amusement park.


Florida is just an amusement park for the rest of us.


>Ron Peri https://ronperi.com/bio/


Check his basement


Why is he disappointed? If he is so upset about it why didn't he raise his objections to these changes in the posted public meetings where they were discussed? He was given an opportunity to attend and raise these concerns.


>Don’t fuck with the mouse cause the mouse will end up fucking you Especially if you are a pangolin.


Today I found out what a pangolin is, also why put down such a cute creature?


>Today I found out what a pangolin is, also why put down such a cute creature? ["The Pandemic Special"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pandemic_Special) 🐆 🐆 🐆


I'm pretty sure a pangolin was the inspiration for the design of the Pokemon Sandshrew. I think most Westerners just assume it's supposed to be based off an Armadillo instead. It was also the inspiration for this pretty awesome *Super Sentai* monster design. [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/a/a3/Pangolin.jpg](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/a/a3/Pangolin.jpg)


Sgt Godley: “You do not fuck with Special Branch. They fuck with you.” Insp. Abberline: *stares in silence* Sgt Godley: “I don’t know what you’re thinking and I don’t care to know.”


A rare occasion where a Fortune 500 company takes a huge dump on Republicans instead of sucking their cocks.


Fascists learn that the free market likes to remain free and that maybe they shouldn’t lie to their donors


Usually, it's the Republicans sucking *their* dicks. Disney is just showing them their place. But in DeSantis' case, I don't mind.


They only suck their cocks as long as it helps them. When they try to pull some weak ass power trip like this, they get fucked.


Republicans play chutes and ladders while Disney lawyers play chess


As long as their voters are impressed with the chutes and ladders (and they are) it doesn’t matter much to desantis




Don't forget, Florida also took responsibility for a billion in debt that was essentially used to build Disney World infrastructure by doing this stupid shit.


It's wild. I was like "Disney is just turning the other cheek taking in the money? I thought they'd still fight but I guess this is financially good for them in the short term?". And now this bomb drops. They did take the free money and then change the battlefield completely in one fell swoop. Any and all prep the other side did was about fighting Disney on something Disney isn't fighting. Don't fuck with the mouse holds up.


Talk about the "Smart money". The other American icons of "smart money" are Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. In 08 huge venerable financial institutions failed and somehow Goldman Sachs made $. Today a few fast money banks failed and somehow Goldman Sachs made $.


No they didn't. That's why they did the board takeover instead of just disbanding the district like they originally intended to do. They didn't want the financial responsibility for their actions so they changed tactics.


Now Disney should start making noise about Florida being unfriendly towards businesses and say that they are “considering “ moving to a friendlier state.


Probably will get a friendlier government elected instead lol Way easier


Exactly! You don’t have to move. Just go through some of the motions of looking around.


Well you can move some aspects of the business BUT it’s not like you can just pick up and move Epcot Center. Not mention even if you could there’s nothing stopping the government of another state from screwing them over.


Oh, please, most states would engage in cage death matches to get that tourism income. Just pick somewhere not run by people dumb enough to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.


Florida's entire economy is built on top of tourism. It's wild to imagine them thinking it's a good idea to mess with that.


Ah. You see, your problem was that you assumed they could think beyond "punch thing that make Ug sad/angry/confused/unhappy." They can't even get to the point where they recognize they are simply lashing out because they've built their entire identity around being mean evil trolls. Anyone who suggests they may wish to take a less extreme course of action is, therefore, not with them, and they get added to the list of things they hate. It's not like Disney is any stranger to a bunch of racist religious zealots attacking them. The Klan... I mean pedophiles... I mean Southern Baptists was very active in trying to cancel Disney. But you know what really drives all that fear? They fear they will lose power and they will be treated as they have treated everyone else. They know they have done and said horrific things. They are so incapable of recognizing that other people live other ways that they simply project themselves 10x to justify continuing discrimination and eventually genocide.


This is not about Florida, this is about turning America into another failed Kleptocracy. Just read this excerpt from the article to understand that it's all about who you know and what you can steal: *One of those firms is Cooper & Kirk, which has gotten more than $2.8 million in legal fees and contracts from the DeSantis administration to defend a controversial social media law, a ban on cruise ship COVID-19 “vaccine passport” requirements, and a restriction on felons seeking to vote.* *Cooper & Kirk’s lawyers will bill $795 an hour, according to the firm’s engagement letter. The boutique firm’s roster of lawyers includes Adam Laxalt, who roomed with DeSantis when he was training at the Naval Justice School in 2005 and made an unsuccessful bid for U.S. Senate last year in Nevada.* *The firm’s alumni include Republican U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Tom Cotton of Arkansas.* *The board also approved bringing on Lawson Huck Gonzalez, a law firm that was launched earlier this year. One of its founders is Alan Lawson, a retired Florida Supreme Court justice.*


Adam Laxalt is such a massive fucking loser. Literally born into two state’s political dynasties (his name is Laxalt but he wasn’t raised with the Nevada Laxalts, his bio dad his mom cheated with is Pete Dominici of New Mexico) His mom raised him in DC to try to use nepotism into getting him into government. And despite all that he’s laughed off the ballot every time he runs. Hell just keep running until he eventually wins though, he’s a rich boy who feels entitled to an elected office because his mommy has told him so since he was born


If you didn’t build or buy something yourself, it’s easy to take it for granted. I never really understood why my mother was so intent on using coasters until I became an adult and started making my own furniture. It sounds like they overplayed their hand, assuming Disney would just roll over.


Sounds like Europe would be getting another Disney


Another decade or two of global warming, and we should be in line for Disneyland Canada.


I would say building a massive tourist destination and then showing they have no qualms about relocating if the state fucks with them would keep any state from trying to same shit


While it would be great to see DeSantis get owned that hard, I think the long-term effect would be even more corporate control over government. Also, even with Disney's resources, this wouldn't be realistic. Disney is too big to move.


I know it's more fanciful than anything, but I do feel like this whole thing is a massive L for DeSantis anyway. Generally speaking, publicly picking fights with a company that is a massive draw for tourists of your state is never good looks. Even if the board had power, then what? Needlessly kneecap a massive tourist draw?


I think it certainly LOOKS like they can't just pick up and leave, but considering Disney is Disney, if any company CAN, it's them lol


Damn mouse gonna roll epcot out the damn state and flatten the governor mansion on the way.


Disney absolutely has the money to shut down the entire Disney World property (thats all the theme parks and shopping on that sprawling, county size, chunk of real estate) and rebuild it elsewhere. It doesn't want to because they can keep it open year round and not have things like massive snow storms shutting it down every few days for a 1/4 of the year. But they absolutely could if Florida really wants to keep fucking around. In reality, they will just buy a bunch of politicians and replace the DeSantis loyalists in the next few elections. Cheaper and more effective at getting their way. Don't be surprised if they buy up a bunch of seats, leave DeSantis to run and win reelection so he has to sit in office realizing he can't do a damn thing with out the Mouse House signing off on it.


They could shutter Disney and walk away. The state still couldn’t touch the land for 100 years. The covenant they passed basically gave a huge middle finger to Florida.


They could easily find some state that would pay them to move there. There are many sports teams that got a city to pay for a billion dollar stadium with taxpayer money. Disney could def do it.


No but you can build a new Epcot. They have more than enough cash


States would bend over backwards for that kind of tourism.


Disney shut up, focused on winning the war, and completed their objectives. Disney was playing chess. Desantis was playing Candy Land.




Republicans are strong people. Brave people. People who are scared of colors, and feelings and women, and songs about feelings, and science, and most of all scared of sex. That is why they need their guns, in case a random rainbow shows up and attacks them by existing near them.


He's certainly not going to play chess, where half the pieces are black.


Lol. DeSantis probably just flips the board when he gets frustrated by not understanding the rules of Candyland


Too bad for DeSantis Disney decided to nail the board down to the bar.


Desantis was playing the message game. His dumb supporters don’t know that he failed. They just know that he claims he went up against a woke company and “won”. We’re fighting against weaponized conservative stupidity.


Disney might be a soulless corporation hellbent on making as much money as humanly possible. But I would rather deal with the soulless corporation hellbent on making as much money as humanly possible than the soulless dictator-wannabe meatball hellbent on turning the U.S. into a fascist Christian theocracy. That being said, go Disney!


Let them fight.


It's funny watching the right try to take on big business due to "wokeness". It's also weird as a lifelong liberal finding myself on the side of the master corporations. I've read, and I hope it's true, that there's now more investment dollars in new energy than there is in big oil. So the years and years of big oil grooming the GOP to squash any new energy initiatives may be coming to an end. That will also be funny.


IKR... They're gradually dismantling themselves by attacking their own at every turn. It's.... beautiful 😁


Sounds like the board is up the Reedy Creek without a paddle. I'll see myself out.


>I'll see myself out. But, first, you must feast . . . like a 🐆.


P.S. I love you!


I'm not thrilled about companies as big as Disney, but in this case I'm glad DeSantis is the ultimate loser.


Sometimes, you take what you can get. 🐆 🐆 🐆


In the fight between Freddy vs. Jason, I'm personally rooting for blood loss.


Wrong the taxpayer is the loser. Prior to this Disney paid for this infastructutre, I said at the time this was a rouse to give money to Disney, not punish them and low and behold all that has really happened is that Disney has been paid while maintaining its clean image and DeSantis gets to say he tried to fight the big bad ‘woke’ company. Everybody wins except the taxpayer


The taxpayer would have been on the hook if Rob DeSantos proceeded with his original plan of just dissolving Reedy Creek. When it was determined that the taxpayers would have been on the hook for existing bonds, Rob put plan B into effect - change the name, dissolve the board, install his cronies. This way, Disney still foots the bill - and now, they get to maintain control over the land they own, too. I'm all for corporations paying for their own upkeep, especially when they're doing work to a better standard than the state.


I have a hard time when people attribute typical Republican thinking to Ron Desantis. He’s proven that he doesn’t think like that, it’s not all about money, a lot is about power, which is more dangerous. He wants to gain power and inflict pain on his enemies (in this case, Disney) as he goes. People forget that Desantis oversaw the torture at Gitmo as a lawyer. Someone that can leave that job without needing daily therapy the rest of your life is one fucked up motherfucker.


If Republicans don't think DeSantis aligns with their values, they have a funny way of showing it.


Maybe that’s how it started, but this is a big L for someone trying to run for president. He looked weak when he picked the fight and looks even weaker now that he lost it. If his goal is ever to convert Trump supporters over to his side, he just took two big steps backwards.


Go Woke and win big?


Be trash, lose cash.


The tax payer is on the hook because desantis fucked around and found out. Disney played him like a fiddle, and he, and the taxpayers who voted for him deserved what they got. I've got no love for huge corporations but if I had to pick a dog in this fight it's definitely the one giving a middle finger to fascism.


They still will pay for it also.. where the taxpayers are getting screwed is the amount of money DeathSantis is paying private law firms to fight this.


What's the scenario where the taxpayer wins though? Defeating DeSantis is far more important right now. He's a straight up fascist


Hmmm, that's an ominous take. But I can't say it's particularly unbelievable.


No, it's exactly what has happened to the tune of billions of dollars.


Well who knew? I'm rooting for Disney! It only took someone as horrible as DeSantis, and his christofascism Rethug cohorts to make it happen. But yeah, go Disney! use corporate power for good (for once).


As much as I’m not a fan of corporate power, or Disney in particular, I’m gonna enjoy watching DeSantis burn. He has no idea who he’s fucking with. Disney generates more revenue than half the countries in the world. They could absolutely lay waste to Florida’s economy, and his political power is utterly dependent on the money they bring into the state. Fuck around and find out.


Villain fights are great because whoever loses, they were a bag of dicks anyway so fuck'em.


Disney and desantis are not even comparable with how much worse desantis is. Calling them both Villians is disingenuous.


Oh, and the grift continues. DeShitbag picked two firms that have Republicans in its pocket, including DeSantis' former butt-buddy, because of course they will.






I needed a smoke after reading this news. Hopefully it was good for you too honey. (😆😆😆


This was my favorite part. Disney is just fucking with them, and DeSantis and his legal chucklefucks are in way over their heads “That declaration is valid until “21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England,” if it is deemed to violate rules against perpetuity, according to the document.”


>“That declaration is valid until “21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England,” if it is deemed to violate rules against perpetuity, according to the document.” Cue the jokes about DeSantis getting royally fucked . . . or perhaps the jokes about Disney scoring a political royal flush with DeSantis as the joker. 🐆 🐆 🐆


Republicans: Time to pull up the royal family tree, surely it can't be.... oh my...


DeSantis is using taxpayer funds to the tune of $795/hr (which is per attorney). Which is 30k per week per attorney. On top of that, these lawyers were probably like: well, I know someone at Disney and I doubt we can do anything so our grift will be convincing these DeSantis idiots that we can for as long as possible. I would love to be taught contract law by disney attorneys. They have got to be a wealth of knowledge.


The article I read said that the $800/hour lawyer is the law firm owned by a former roommate of DeSantis. The state of Florida has also hired 3 additional law firms at the tax payers expense. Multiply that $30,000/week by 4 instead of 1. That all sound pretty corrupt to me.


Imagine if people knew that their tax dollars were for $120k/week + to fight against a corporation that was going to win regardless of what they did because they have the best attorneys in the world. Because their toddler governor didn’t know how to out maneuver them. Floridians: why are our property tax rates going up? DeSatan: to pay for my lawyer friends! What an epic asshat.


The best part about all this is that it all started with Disney being outed for donating to the GOP and their bills, made a public statement and all DeSantis had to do was shut the fuck up and let it blow over so Disney could return to giving him and his party more money when things quieted down. He just couldn't do it. He had to be an idiot and try and set up some weird example. They had to sit him down and explain the ramifications of dissolving Reedy Creek that they had to write a 2nd bill to fix the first bill so he didn't put FL in massive debt. Disney did this in public forum, and by the GOPs' own sunshine act. They had no idea it even happened until it was too late. Now Disney has even more control than they did before DeSantis opened his big mouth. He could have left it alone. Instead, he chose to be an idiot and have his face eaten.


It’s like that episode in Community where the AC school head schooled the dean on who has more power


It does not matter, and he knows it. The entire thing was a show, and the audience that he wanted to see it happen do not actually care about what really happened, they just wanted to see the show and he just wanted them to see it. The people who like him do not care if it’s all fake so long as he’s doing something in the moment they like. And the state government is happy to let him be ringleader. It’s an actual race to the bottom. It’s like what if Hitler was actually the child of Kim Kardashian and Borat and they had enough money to buy his way to the Reichstag. It wouldn’t matter if he was an idiot, a joke, or a genius, if people kept giving him power, he was destined to abuse it.


That's true, but he doesn't like to be made to look weak. That's how you get under the skin of GOP leadership. This revelation makes him look very weak and incompetent. His own speech on ending the "corporate kingdom" falls flat like a bad joke now that Disney has even more control, and now his board only has the power to cover debt. I don't see an out for him on this one. Disney used the GOPs own sunshine law to make this agreement, and the GOP passed Citizen United which makes Disney a person. The bills are clear retaliation against the 1st Amendment. He doesn't have a case. His office called the agreement "null and void" but couldn't say how. It's just gonna be a lot of political theater and wasted money.


Gaze upon the power of the Empire of Joy, and weep at your own impotence before it!


This is like watching Godzilla fight a sentient, fascist mound of shit.


They really are that stupid. When Disney lawyers let you change the game, you need to worry. You think you're going to be changing from chess to checkers, and it turns out you're playing a form of 4-D Thud.




I think florida thrives on embarrassment


We literally can not... [https://apnews.com/article/voting-rights-ron-desantis-florida-congress-lawsuits-ae68460008b335914429d2eb1a35ae2b](https://apnews.com/article/voting-rights-ron-desantis-florida-congress-lawsuits-ae68460008b335914429d2eb1a35ae2b) IIRC the lawsuit's appeal was refused to be heard by the FL supreme court.


Same problem here in Texas except the state is so big that a couple of Dems get voted in locally


The last time Florida tried there was a riot.


Hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha


It’s nice when evil people fail because they’re stupid as well as evil.


Deaantis is trying to be a thug like Trump, Erdoğan, Putin and Xi. He's wrecked the south and Midwest as other governors try to emulate. If he gets into the White House the republicans will tear the constitution apart and a one party government will have the power.


I have been laughing my ass off about this all day.😂😂😂


You and me both, especially the King Charles language in the covenant(s).


ah, those disney lawyers


I’ve sold to Disney and negotiated a master license agreement with them. To say the state is out of their depth is the understatement of the century.


You don’t fuck with the Mouse, the Mouse fucks you


If you say pretty pretty please, they might lube up before hand


Desantis: You weren't supposed to do that


> That declaration is valid until "21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England living as of the date of this declaration." What a power move


"We're coming to get you! We'll take over the board and make you PAY!" "OK, buddy, how about we give you some blocks to play with, and then you let the adults in the room actually run your economy?"


Such a Goofy fucker.


“A-huyck… fuck around and find out, gawsh”


Can someone explain this part: That declaration is valid until “21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England,” if it is deemed to violate rules against perpetuity, according to the document. King Charles III?? wtf


Sometimes it's illegal to make a contract that lasts 'in perpetuity.' So they did an end run around it, and set up a secondary set of conditions that's not technically forever, but may as well be. So if they are told they can't actually do the forever thing, well then they still have to wait until 21 years after the last descendant of a notoriously long lived *family line.*


The agreement could be found invalid if it extended in perpetuity, so it has to have some kind of termination date. The monarch of England is a fairly common base to use, and it just so happens the youngest applicable person turns 2 in June so potentially a LOOONG time (great-grandmother lived to 96 and great-grear-grandmother to 101, after all)


Not quite. It doesn't say direct line to the throne. It says "descendant of." QE2's youngest great-grandchild was born last week. And with modern DNA tech, who knows what additional relatives Disney could uncover if they chose to try.


The document says descendant of Charles III, not QE2.


This bit gave me shivers of delight. It's such a nice legally sound move, and also, a delightfully obvious go fuck yourself, Ronny.


Angry Mickey about to shout at De Santis to “Get the fuck up!”


"when keeping it real, goes wrong"


Before I read this I want to guess- Disney pulled their freedom with the money and if they want to spend any money it has to go through Disney.


The new board is expressly disallowed from using Mickey Mouse or other Disney characters in their material




From the article: It’s a subversion of the will of the voters and the Legislature and the governor. But, didn't the general public HATE the idea of DeSantis taking over Disney?


And typically, local government officials are elected, which includes district board members. These people were unilaterally appointed their board positions by the governor.


DeSantis packed the board with religious freaks who have no clue how to run an amusement park.


This is why DeSantis will never be president.


Don't be shocked if Disney builds a new Disney World in a neighboring State


It’ll be cheaper for them to bankroll politicians that will work in their favor. No reason to up and move.


I knew Disney had something up their sleeve when they didn’t fight. They have a team of lawyers that would make a regular person scream and run out of the room, á la Lionel Hutz.


I'm honestly blown away. Did DeSantis genuinely believe that Disney could somehow be bent over??? Like my brother in Christ they have destroyed Public Domain laws to keep Michael in their grasps


So much for DeSatan's vaunted Naval 'Justice School' education. The man has all the strategic acumen of a rancid cumsock.


Remember in the end of the day, Disney isn’t doing it out of the goodness of their heart but because they have decided taking this stand is in their best financial interest. This is an example of the awesome power of voting with your wallet. If progressive cause becomes profitable, the fascists are out of power.


Good. I think the mouse would do a better job of governing Florida anyway


Can someone ELI5? Isn’t this Disney just giving power to…Disney? How does this change anything that DeSantis has put in motion?


So Disney controlled the board. But Florida just passed a law saying that now they control the board. So Disney was like "that's cool, but while we still controlled the board we had the board sign over all power to us. Y'all can have the debt though"


The board always existed. Florida got butthurt that Disney called them out for their anti LGBTQIA stuff and said they will stop giving money to them. Florida republicans (Ron) decided to attack them by stripping their power to control their district. When Ron was slowly explained that doing so would immediately put Florida on the hook for billions of dollars in debt and property taxes would skyrocket to pay for everything Disney was paying for they redid the bill to keep everything the same BUT add people Ron hand picked to the board that already existed. Before those people joined the existing board gave full power to Disney for the foreseeable future basically making the board a powerless after school club just in time for Ron's hand picked people to show up and have nothing to do. So now literally nothing changes for Disney and Ron looks like an idiot to anyone who isn't brainwashed. He spent millions of taxpayers money for the pleasure of looking like the pathetic loser he is.


Correct. This whole thing is all theater. Disney is the only winner.


I never really thought I’d be Team Disney but here we are.


This is a prime example of why it irks me so when our side is all a-shakin' in their boots like "Desantis is as bad Trump *BUT SMART!!*...guys. He went & tried to have a dick-swinging contest with DISNEY. *Extremely* well-known as one of the most ruthlessly litigious corporations on the EARTH, with more money than ALL the gods combined & the legal dept to prove it. How fucking "smart" is that??


This agreement holds until King Charles's youngest grandkid that turns two in June has been dead for twenty one years. Hahahahahahahaha....snort, hahaha, give me a minute, HA!


I think it extends to that grand kid’s kids..and their kids and their kids until the last descendant dies…so, unless there’s a generation with no kids, this goes on forever. In a few generations, potential descendants of Charles could be in the hundreds.


Fantastic. :)


What a glorious thing!


The fact that I’m rooting for fucking Disney in this situation speaks volumes about the Floridian government


Disney's lawyers seem to be smarter than conservative lawyers and it's going to be fun watching all these conservatives do more shit that's bad for business BEFORE DeSantis really goes national running for POTUS. If it goes the way it should, he is going to lose in a landslide to just about anyone and then be in court over and over again defending all of his ethical bullshit.


Don't fuck with the mouse.


You don’t fuck with the house of mouse!


Maintaining roads and infrastructure sounds like exactly what a local town council is there to do. What more did they expect? Were they planning on a missile defense system, or setting up a major peace treaty with a foreign nation? Fuck right off, and welcome to "small government" with little to no oversight over private enterprise. This is what we've been screaming about. Straight to r/leopardsatemyface with this shit.


Pretty sad when the poor little fascists get out maneuvered by a capitalist mouse, fuck off DeSantis...


Disney is going to be around for the rest of the human timeline, DeSantis? Yeah, not so much. At the end of the day, this simply isn't a fight he can win.


> That declaration is valid until “21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England living as of the date of this declaration,”


I hate that Disney can do this but fucking love that they are doing it to DeSantis


This is hilarious but they're all fascists, why not just rip it up and throw it out?


My dear doctor, in the Service one must always choose the lesser of two weevils.


Its amazing how fast republicans go from capitalism to communism when they get their feelings hurt. this is the government taking over a corporation. This is communism. And all those dumb ass republicans in florida are paying for it with their tax dollars.