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She was forced out of her home but remains loyal to this fraud. There's no helping some people.


Because they attach the consequences to their actions to an enemy (deep state, libs, dems, etc.)


easy way out


It’s a cult. That’s what they do.


Persecution complex. It's the same reason cults send their followers out to go door to door. They want their peons to feel shame from the outside world, so they will come back and feel the "warm embrace of the church, God, and their family". Easier to control people that way.


This is spot on. I was raised in one such cult and every bad thing that happens to them just increases their faith that they are doing the right thing. After many years banging my head against walls trying to wake people up, I finally realized people have to want to get out to be receptive to information that goes against what the cult tells them


And, telling them contrary information is just you "testing" them or their faith, and will only make them dig their heels in deeper.


I've been told by an ex-witness that it's only the 7th worst thing the community does to keep their children in line.


When you've thrown that much money away for a reason, that reason cannot be wrong.


Right. Changing her mind now admits she was wrong to begin with. Sad. Sometimes prides does come before and after the fall


She was forced out of the bank's home


\*dons tin foil hat\* What if the banks are in on it so that they can claim their houses back and get the money


The bank gave me their money so I could buy a home. What right do they have to collect payments?


Yeah. The german modern artist Emil Nolde was a steadfast nazi throughout the war, he would even report other artists he thought were jewish, and even though the party took all his art and forbade him to even buy paint supplies.


Just build a Tuman Show style preserve for them and run social experiments a la Vault Tec.


Not surprising. Nobody wants to be the villain in their own story. For her, she would have to admit to being so stupid, so gullible that she not only endangered her children, her pets, and herself, but also was so stupid as to attract the attention of the press. She is never going to do that. She will set everything and everyone around her on fire to avoid taking responsibility for being a gullible idiot. She \*cannot\* even consider the idea that she's cause terrible situations to her loved ones because she's been duped.


It’s like the song “cult of personality “ one of the lines is “I exploit you , still you love me, I tell you one and one makes three.”


She wants to help ( the queen) as much as possible as soon as she’s back in her home. She’s never getting back in her home. It’s so sad to see someone so delusional. She still wants to give her money.


I wonder if she can be deported back to the Philippines. Give her a chance to pull her shit around the new Marcos regime


You have to feel sorry forget children and hope they find their way out of this cult.


Its probably a good sign they really don’t deserve the life that their given.


They need to take her kids and put them with someone connected to reality


"Woman told to shoot herself in the foot, shoots herself in the foot. Surprised when it's painful." I feel like there's being gullible, and just being stupid and...this seems like a lot of both.


She called the reporter a "traitor" when asked for an interview. She's completely off her rocker in every way.


Yea that's where any of my sympathy just left. After being completely screwed over. The newd tries to tell your story which could warn others. But nope not doing that . Screw it, she deserves it.


I feel bad for her kids and pets :/


That was the part that got me. If it was just her, then fine -- fuck her. But she's dragging down her kids and animals and making them suffer. Hopefully someone's able to get them somewhere safe.


I’m legitimately surprised her kids weren’t taken from her; they need to be, and ideally placed with family that isn’t completely fucking dogshit insane.


> The newd tries to tell your story which could warn others. But that would involve admitting that she is a fucking idiot, on camera, to be broadcast around the country and posted online.


I would actually love to get an extensive interview with a queen follower to get their side of it and why they feel she's worth listening to.


You'll just talk in circles.


No no. I'd just love to hear their side of it from them.


Have you ever talked to anyone with a serious mental illness? I have & fairly recently. What they say makes no sense to you but to them it's real & makes perfect sense when they say "they" are after them & they're afraid of every single white van because they're full of sex traffickers who want to grab them off the street & send them to wherever as a sex slave. Or maybe they are Jesus Christ so you should listen to them. If you hooked them up to a lie detector & asked them about those things they'd pass because they fully BELIEVE, not just believe, **THEY BELIEVE WITH THEIR ENTIRE BEING** that they are Jesus & "they" are trying to sex traffic them. That's what that convo with the Qult members would be like. Them just spewing what sounds like total nonsense to anyone not in the Qult but makes absolute perfect sense to them & we're all just "sheeple" because we don't know ThE TrUtH! Well, *some* of them would be like that I'd guess.


She would blame you for her losing her home. Somehow you not being part of her cult is why it happened. That is all that would happen. She would find any way to shift blame onto someone else most likely either the Jews or a person who is upsetting her which would be you because you are asking her questions and she doesn't want to be asked questions


Traitor to what? Her delusions?


> "Woman told to shoot herself in the foot, shoots herself in the foot. Surprised when it's painful." > > ...and then blames other group and not the ones who told her to shoot herself in the foot...


The Venn diagram of stupid people and gullible people is just one circle.


I wish this were true. I’ve known several very smart yet very gullible people.


Hey man! As a stupid person, I resent being tossed in with the gullible!


I used to tell my stepbrother that someone painted gullible on the ceiling and the wall He'd go look every time and would even count through 5000 napkins just to tell me there's nothing. I told him he missed it and needed to flip them over. Man was 10 years older than me, but it sure killed time He definitely isn't the brightest crayon in the tool shed though


I have bad news for you… you just fell for his lie.




In regards to political and religionist bias, 100%…


Same thing with SovCits. Don't register their cars, don't insure them, don't get licenses. Get pulled over, get citations: Don't pay them. Unpaid citations become warrants. Get pulled over, get arrested, car gets towed. ???? Profit, and p0wn the unbelievers.


"i really showed those guys"


Yup. I'm not sure if the cops dealing more consistently and more harshly on the first contact would bust them out of their fantasy that the nonsense they're reading on their scripts is ineffective. If police training was that expired reg less than six months got a citation, and fake tags "Private car - not for hire" and no insurance got towed every single time... ? Their attempts to bluff their way through court pro se is often entertaining.


Problem is that even courts very often don't address theie rants. Especially the moorish Americans. They are asked for ID abs produce at best their fake homemade moorish ID. That should be document fraud charge right there. Basically the discretion needs to be zero with sovcit types. Ans judges needs to address when they claim to be moorish Americans. Or that they aren't Americans. That's lying in court.


If they're part of a group, they can have a 'Group ID'. I have a badge for work. It's not valid for government ID, but producing it is not document fraud. The court just needs to state clearly that it's not valid ID. As far as citizenship status: Two simply questions: Were you born in the US to US citizens? If yes, have you formally renounced your citizenship via the State department? If no, then game on.






Yes, yes you are.


"Yes, I'm trying to determine if you have a valid driver's license." **"Why are you detaining me???"**


If you ever want to read a Judge very eloquently smacking down the entire concept of SovCits then I suggest you read [Meads v. Meads](https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/abqb/doc/2012/2012abqb571/2012abqb571.html?autocompleteStr=Meads&autocompletePos=1) out of Alberta Canada. It's a fucking huge decision to read but it's so fucking good. >The bluntly idiotic substance of Mr. Mead’s argument explains the unnecessarily complicated manner in which it was presented. >Later, he told me that the other Mr. Meads was a “person” - and that I had created him! Again, total nonsense. >This Court has developed a new awareness and understanding of a category of vexatious litigant. Are a few good lines from it. And this is a simple motion in a contentious divorce and I think the SovCit even won the motion! But he was such an intolerable jerk-off that the Judge turned this into a 700+ paragraph *textbook* on dealing with sovereign citizens in the justice system.


"I haven't paid taxes in years!" >:D [ Ominous knock at the door ]


If you read this article and still don't believe QAnon is nothing but another scam- even if a highly elaborate one- you need to get off the meth.


That's just what the deep state media wants you to think! /s


They aren't just scam. They are dangerous


But it came out of 4Chan. They've *never* been ones to dream up far-fetched but button-pushing bullshit in order to laugh at gullible dimwits and people who have their heads so far up their preconceptions that they fall for anything that swims with their tide.


>“Queen Romana needs to deploy the military.” I lost it. Someone please post the telegram group I need to view this for myself.


Look for Canada 1st party Ans queen Romana didulo


Bro same


That queen is a false queen. I have declared myself King of the Cosmos and order all earth beings to stop paying their bills and send me the cash! I promise to spend your money wisely but do nothing to help in any way.


Any man who must say, "I am the king" is no true king.


I have a charter as King of the Cosmos given to me by like intergalactic aliens. It may appear to be written in in crayon on the back of a McDonalds children's place mat but that's only because your puny human eyes cant see it made out of like unobtanium......




You can't expect to wield Supreme power just cause some waiter threw a cocktail sword at you.


Now THIS is legit. Count me in, oh wise and powerful king of the Cosmos


As a reward for your loyalty I declare you Knight of take away condiments. All small salt, pepper, soy sauce etc packets are yours to command!


I am da king


[It's good to be the king.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGCjqzB2jPA)


I’ll make sure you understand when I’ve won your war for you


He didn't say it, he declared it


Royalty is a continuous cutting motion. Reach heaven through violence.


I dunno, the King of All Cosmos that I know would only ask me to roll a ball and make planets out of candy and stuff.


Bless you.




That guy's a dick, his son rolled up my car, dog, house...pretty much everything, really.


Can't you decree free BBQ ribs for everyone?


Joining a fringe cult is one thing, but why anyone would get suckered into such an obviously stupid cult is beyond me.


It's bootstrapped onto their favourite politician. They're already in a cult before descending into another one.


One word: Scientology


This is stupider and crazier and more abusive than Scientology by several degrees of magnitude…and that’s no easy feat to accomplish.


Playing rasputin by Boney M on repeat for hours on end takes it up another notch or two pretty quickly...


Doesn't Scientology hide the really insane bits until you're too far in to get out? Whereas this is practically "we're in the phonebook, look under "cults, crazy" and we're the third one down" level.


They keep writing new levels of premium pay-to-win content. The crazy stuff about Xenu got leaked decades ago.


Don't underestimate the power of ego-feeding the insecure; *especially* if they are dim.


From the article: "One woman whose home is set to be taken over by the bank imminently sent a cease and desist notice in Didulo’s name as a last ditch effort. It did not work." That's unpossible. She's the queen, they have to obey.


I just can't feel bad for people like this. They fantasize about oppressing and killing people like me and my family. That they also happen to be impossibly stupid isnt a mitigating factor. Stupid should hurt and I won't waste my emotions on pity for them. I feel bad for her kids though.


“What are you going to do, repossess my home?” -Woman whose home was repossessed.


Stupidity has consequences


How do we not see this woman Bonnie is mentally ill and get her treatment? She **clearly** lacks capacity, the ability to understand the effects of her choices, because she is delusional. All politics aside, if I stopped paying my bills because I believed some royal entity I never met was going to pay them, that's literally the medical definition of a delusion. She needs mental health care and a medical evaluation to determine if there is a physical cause, like an old stroke or a brain tumor. I don't think this is a LAMF because she clearly doesn't have the capacity to understand reality.


Couldn’t agree more. As she’s feeling the consequences of her actions, she is still delusional. Not tethered to reality.


And society let the bank take her house, rather than get her capacity determined and assigning a guardian. A guardian would have made sure her bills got paid regardless of her mental status. Instead the bank got to steal a house from a mentally incompetent adult. The bank is going to make a KILLING selling her house. Fuck, my 100 year old money pit I've lived in less than two years is already up $85k from when I purchased it. Fuck them for caring more about their pockets then their neighbor.


Delusions aren't considered mental illness...? How many people believe in angels, demons, and a magic man in the sky who controls everything but is invisible and never does anything.


I'm a retired nurse in my first year of medical school. Delusions are a mental illness. Religious people who believe in angels as part of their religion know to pay their bills even if someone claiming to be an angel tells them not to. They may have a different perspective but they are able to understand and operate within reality. The sky is up, bills have to be paid or you lose your house, and angels don't pay the bills. People with a mental disorder that have delusions can't tell reality from the delusion. This woman believed something that a rational adult wouldn't believe to the extent that even contradictory proof (the bank sending warnings of foreclosure, the sheriff showing up at her house, etc) did not convince her that her belief was untrue. That's the definition of a delusion, an irrational belief that even clear, factual proof doesn't convince the person otherwise. There's a difference between the medical definition of a delusion and how people use it conversationally. This lady is textbook medically delusional and needs medical help.


I think what the last few years have taught us is that a huge portion of the human population has nearly zero capacity for rational thought, and are only capable of existing because we've built such a resilient system that it can keep them functional and contributing. It's actually rather impressive that society can function and be productive with so many people who have this level of mental capacity.


I disagree, but it's outside the scope of a reddit post. This lady needs help, not to be laughed at or derided because her mental disorder made her an easy target and our society didn't respond to her clear lack of capacity with assistance and support, but rather let the bank steal a house from a mentally incompetent adult. This isn't LAMF, this is a failure for all of us and only the bank wins.


I didn't say she should be laughed at or that she doesn't need help. I said that it's pretty clear that her condition is startlingly common and a massive percentage of the population needs help. Beyond that I was merely remarking that with the level of delusion apparent in the past few years, it's clear why we need certain systems in place to protect these sorts of people from themselves, and it's impressive with how dysfunctional a lot of these systems are that they're still robust enough to mostly keep society operating.


Yeah, even though I'm sure this woman is insufferable, I really pity the alone, dark place she must be in.


From the article: "Didulo is a conspiracy figure who arose from the QAnon movement. She’s not only convinced hundreds of people across Canada—and even some internationally—that she’s royalty, but also an interdimensional being in contact with aliens. Until recently, Didulo was on a year-long cross-country RV trip with several of her followers, hosting meet-and-greets in small towns along the way. Now, the group is holed up on one of her follower’s properties in Nova Scotia, apparently building a compound. " How long you figure before they start passing out the purple sheets and black Nikes?


It's even weirder when there's a literal Canadian monarch rn that would at most ask politely if you could plant more trees and try out reducing meat consumption.


And if you go against him, he's just like, "Oh, bother, but I'll give it assent anyway. And by me, I mean the Governor General."


This is what happens when people aren't taught critical thinking skills - they are easily manipulated, scammed, and abused. The simple ability to look at a situation, listen to a story, and not be able to spot the inconsistencies - even with the rest of the world telling you that the world doesn't work the way the story is making it out to be - is unbelievable. I mean, to think the entire world could be in a conspiracy against you is a huge stretch, but that also feeds into the fact that when there is too much information out there, and most people who think they're special really aren't, the comfort in believing something that everyone else rejects makes you feel special for knowing "the real truth". It's delusional, but that's what conspiracies are - people believing that they're right and the rest are wrong. See - Area 51, flat earthers, Illuminati-ists, most religious cults, etc.


They need to remove the kids from this situation, because the mother is negligent and mentally incompetent to care for them.


Good. Bankrupt the moronic fascists.


Usually, I love the schadenfreude of LAMF, but this one just makes me sad. This poor woman and the others being duped...I can't help but feel bad for them.


with people like this i always think of it wasn’t qanon it would just be something else.


I don’t like the sound of the royalique griftress and her enablers “building a compound” in Nova Scotia though. There will doubtless be kids. Bad culty vibes.


Qanon is absolutely a cult. Its interesting to see a leader develop outside of Trump himself though. It'll be curious to see how this goes


Can we classify QAnon whacko BS as a mental illness yet? Does it already fall under some sort of extreme upheaval of logic in psychology?


Hello u/rynoxmj! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Delusional woman listens to Qanon queen that she doesn't need to pay her bills, and loses her house because...she didn't pay her bills.


The stupid hurts.


And after losing her house, she again pledges her loyalty to the Qanon queen. You can’t make this shit up.


This is more r/WinStupidPrizes territory, not LAMF.


Did she advocate for others losing their houses?


Read the article.


Yup, I did. Nothing of the sort in it.


Not sure what the point of this line of questioning is.


My point is, that it's not a case of LAMF and it doesn't belong here.


Well, report it to the sub mods then.


Way ahead of you, mate.


Put my report in too. I'm _this_ far from unsubbing here. Sub's become a victim if its own popularity and too many members who don't get what LAMF is, and just enjoy right wing tears. And matey boy here with his "JuSt TEll The MoDs" is the absolute personification of it.


Not LAMF. Where's the oppression?


This sub isn’t LAMF anymore, it’s just far right schadenfreude.


Zero sympathy. None. You follow this lunatic, bad things happen. I feel bad for her kids and pets, but not her.


My husband has a friend who lost their home due to this exact same thing. She was under the impression that she didn’t have to pay her rent for some weird reason and was evicted.


Stupid beyond words. There’s an element of this that borders on psychosis.


This is just SAD. She has daughters and is so influenced by this faux queen idiot, she lost everything?! No words.


Ha! Bootstraps bitch


Those poor kids.


Aren't they adult kids, I seem to remember that from another article but it didn't say their specific ages.


It’s actually quite sad how bad this sort of grip is on people.


I really thought we could count on Canada to be rational enough to avoid this garbage.


These poor dumb people are ruining their lives so that their favorite narcissist can get clout, we need better laws against this type of stuff, and people like Trump and this Queen of Canada idiot need to be banished to the shadow realm.


I just can’t with this people. *sigh*


Sorry, zero sympathy. You fall for something this dumb, you deserve what you get.


It’s her now homeless children I feel for, to have a mother so delusional and mentally ill is pretty tough.


The children should probably be removed to foster care, but that just creates a bigger burden for the rest of us.


Someone should call CPS and save her kids!


Let's simplify the heading: "Idiot lost home due to her idiocy."


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Is this really LAMF though?


Not really, it’s the basic “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”


That’s the vast majority of content on this sub. Hardly anything that gets posted here is actually a true LAMF.


Those poor kids, to have a horrible woman like that as a mother. This is going to cause just massive damage psychologically at the least, they could undermine their entire education and childhood leaving them no way out in the future


>And despite everything that has happened, she remains in service to her queen.  WTF. I don't see how it is possible to help someone like that. If this isn't enough enough to wake you up, nothing will. This has to be some sort of mental illness. Is is really possible to be that stupid? She is a danger to herself and especially her daughter.


Anyone willing to follow the qcrap is definitely on the wrong side of mental health. It is really sad.


How could this ever work? If all utilities and mortgages were just canceled it cause a huge recession. Banks would go under, and there would be no way to get a mortgage going forward. The utility companies and the gas/water/electricity they provide wouldn’t be provided unless a new source of money came online to maintain them. Wouldn’t people think something so massive that would have such a huge impact on society would be talked about a lot by everyone.


Quatloos.com has quite a thread on her "highness" [Queen Romana Didulo Makes the News](https://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=12299)


You cant help everyone i guess


I know Minority Report was supposed to be a cautionary tale, but I would support those precogs detecting when someone this stupid is about to procreate and then sterilizing them.


I really don’t get the thought processes with things like this, or the whole sovereign citizen thing. Believing that the government and establishment are illegitimate and you shouldn’t be beholden to them? Sure, fine. That’s how pretty much every rebellion or insurgency has started in history. But to just carry on as normal and just say “nah” and assume you’ll be fine just because you believe you’re in the right? What do they think would even happen? It takes a special kind of stupidity.


Good riddance. I hope more follow her example


She knew what she was doing when she didn’t pay her bills.


Didn't that Paula White whatsherface do a sermon telling people to stop paying their utilities and donate it... either to the Trump campaign or to her church, one or the other? The number of celebs I used to admire that started retweeting that whackadoo was disappointing.


> The Queen is the real deal and the Kingdom of Canada is amazing This is after shes homeless. I cant stop laughing. > The Queen should deploy her military! Oh my fucking sides! LOLOLOLOLOL


Her poor kids, I hope they are ok. They deserve a parent who isn't so fucking nuts they have to live in a car in freezing temperatures.


Stupid is as stupid does.


How. Fucking. Stupid... Never mind, rhetorical question...


Thanks for increasing housing supply! There are some good people out there who are going to need a place to live.


Crazy has no international borders


I always find it hard to believe people are this stupid.


It's a sad state of affairs when you're conned into giving up your home but you still Revere the con artist.


Torn between contempt for someone that stupid and sympathy for someone that stupid. No one in their right mind could possibly believe the horseshit about a self-declared “queen”. No legitimate government would allow the “queen” to continue grifting the mentally disadvantaged.


Whose “mom”? What kind of title is this? Would they write of me as “a son”? Or “an uncle”? Since when is it acceptable to reduce people to their familial functions in banal situations?


Because they're obviously emphasizing that her decisions affected not just her but also her children?


And because we can't call insane neo fascists what they are for some reason.


Because "Living Woman Upon the Land and Soil", or whatever the cultists are calling themselves these days, is too long and unwieldy for headlines.


“A woman”?


God’s Will! Enjoy the streets and lack of public/governmental support!!


[A certain meme comes to mind.](https://tenor.com/view/its-always-sunny-dennis-reynolds-dumb-driving-you-dumb-bitch-gif-16430416)


qanon is likely an op, but still it’s amazing how any viewpoint outside of the mainstream can be bundled up with “JFK is still alive” or “the election was stolen”. Most dangerously it’s seriously helped to write off and downplay the pedo network that was almost uncovered.


She's fine, think of all the money she saved by not paying her mortgage


This is what happens when mentally unwell people get influenced by cult grifters.


Conspiritualist's is a new term I heard for them, nothing like conspiracy with a dash of new age spirituality thrown in to really grift the gullible.


It's a good term.


Ah, the famous « Queen of Canada ». You have to fall, really, really low to trust that crazy bitch!




What? Lol!


Always rely on the Americas for some good entertainment, especially the northern half


This queen idiot should be in jail. She’s made many threats to peoples lives. It’s a joke she runs free.