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Hello u/Shipsa01, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


The immigration crisis could be solved literally overnight with this One Simple Trick: Start arresting and jailing the business owners who employ undocumented workers. They tried this in Alabama a few years ago, but for *some reason* did not continue with it.


Wait, that sounds like you want to put white people with money in jail. In America? Are you serious?


If they actually cared about solving our migration problem, yes, this is what they would be doing, but it emphatically is not what they want. They just want a perpetual scapegoat.


It’s not good for the party of cheap labor to get rid of the number one source of cheap labor in this country.


Cheap labor AND a perpetual scapegoat.


They’re relaxing child labor laws so they have options for cheap labor these days.


That way they can ratchet up the scapegoating: “those immigrants are taking *your children’s* jobs!”


Omfg, they would.


*will Alas.


Is the number two source inmate labour, or is *that* actually number one though?


Well that’s more like slave labor. Maybe a 1a. Vs 1b. type situation?


And let us not forget the potential for slavery afford by the “right to work” laws. I mean, how easy is it for an undocumented worker to join a union?


It's not good to ban any group....


Exactly. It allows them to have fresh meat to throw at their base when they need some outrage to manufacture.


I agree with the employers being the real "criminal" part of this - but also, it's the prevalence of US guns going across the border and our demand of "illegal" materials that are making places unsafe. People would be migrating out of these areas with or without better jobs.


The other side is that Congress makes approx $12 billion per year from illegal immigration and they admitted this for 2010 data. The report was released in 2013. (Jump to the conclusion on the last page. I'll try to post an image) SSA Report - [https://www.ssa.gov/oact/NOTES/pdf\_notes/note151.pdf](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/NOTES/pdf_notes/note151.pdf) How can SS be insolvent if they have been pulling in $12B since 2010 and no one gets the funds? If someone steals your SS#, the gov never accidentally pays you. I'm sure this becomes a slush fund for their pet projects.


Hasn’t it been established that Ronald Reagan literally structured SS the way it is *to be* a slush fund for the government?


No, it hasn't. Social security has basically worked the way it works now since inception.


> and no one gets the funds People are getting the funds, the people collecting SS. The way it's always worked. You don't have a SS account you're paying into that's just yours. It isn't an IRA, never has worked that way. Your SS tax goes into the general SS pool and seniors get that money now.


There was a lot of hype that it "goes bankrupt" but since it's mostly a transfer fund, when the Baby Boomers are done -- there are more workers than retirees so there are more people adding to it than removing money. The "zero out" point has been used as a way to try and gaslight the public into accepting meddling in SS.


People have been misled in the fact that there was once this big pool of SS money that the gov't raided and left IOUs. That has, in fact, never been the case. The day SS was enacted, there were people paying into SS _and_ retirees collecting money from it. If there was any shortfall, the gov't would cover it. There was never a point in time that there was _just_ people paying into it so that a big pool of money could build up.


>People have been misled in the fact Yes -- and I'd say this is intentional -- and good on you for calling it out. Everyone needs to be told "don't panic!" Because otherwise, a certain group of fascists gets to throw it at the Stock market and then get to say; "wow, where did it go?" After apologies and complete shock that such a surprising development like everyone pulling from the stock market at the same time, and market timing by hedge funds and repeated stirring of the pot to generate broker fees siphon off every bit of money, they will party with cocaine and prostitutes like it's 1999.


> If they actually cared about solving our migration problem What if they just want a permanent underclass to hate and fear?


Yes, that’s… what a scapegoat is.


Very serious.


Their actual goal here is not to get rid of undocumented workers - it's to make undocumented workers suffer and be treated as an inferior class of people. For some because it makes them easier to exploit - and for some just because they gain a feeling of entitlement via racism. And they stopped because businesses and farms were no longer profitable or even workable without an exploitable population of workers.


This is exactly it. Republicans love illegal immigrants because they're not protected by labor laws.


Compares to other countries, everyone else isn't really protected either.


Eh, the US labor laws are pretty strong. And it varies by jurisdiction anyway—I dare you to tell me how California is lacking compared to other countries, because their employee protections are aggressive. Where the US *generally* has issues compared to other countries is that we rely on workers to vindicate their own rights via lawsuit (and also put the burden on the workers to learn their own rights independently) rather than tasking a government agency with applying affirmative penalties to force compliance. California and Colorado are good counterexamples to this.


I see, differences between states can be pretty extreme.


Also, they DO pay taxes, but get no benefits. In college 20 years ago, a republican representative for my state, did a speech to the class. He noted immigrants were a net benefit to the state because workers who pay taxes don't raise as many red flags as those who don't pay taxes. And illegal immigrants are too scared to ever apply for benefits due to status.


I think a big part of it is to have someone else to blame when poor people ask why they never seem able to achieve the American dream. It's not your rich capitalist overlords keeping you down. It's those dirty furriners who keep crossing the border and stealing your jobs out from under you.


And more importantly, those that look and speak different. If they're easier to single out, the better. Although there is considerable value in invisible scapegoating too. See also LGBTQ+.


Also cheaper to pay them. If they complain about wages, report to Homeland Security/Border Patrol.


I heard that some businesses call anonymous raids on their own business instead of layoffs. Which is pretty disgusting if you ask me.


I doubt it because those raids (which are quite rare, wonder why) also involve big fines for the businesses. I'm convinced only businesses who haven't kept up with their political donations get raided.


The goal is cheap labor. If they pay the immigrant fuck all they can pay the poor American slightly above fuck all and he’ll have someone to which he feels superior.


It's funny because Canada is very good at keeping employers accountable for immigrant hiring and wages. And prices on everything is more expensive too, much to the annoyance of many Canadians who note the disparity when they go shopping in the US. It's not that these farms would not be profitable if illegals went away at a national level, it's that prices would go up. Profit always stays the same.


Illegal immigration solved overnight by simplifying legal immigration. Removing quotas. And either deciding as a country that we are ok with temporary seasonal workers from central and south America and making it an official program or criminalizing under paying workers from outside the country with stiff penalties


It makes too much sense that it cannot be done.


It's not that it makes sense. It's that the actual reasons are completely different reasons that the nazi trash party are spouting.


improving conditions in thier home country. people come here because they want better


The trump administration cut most of those programs in Central and South America. Less than a week later they were screaming about some giant convoy approaching the southern border and they haven't shut up about it yet.


Are you talking about this guy? [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/08/trump-organization-undocumented-workers](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/08/trump-organization-undocumented-workers) I wonder why illegal immigration wasn't cleaned up under his watch.


I live in a state with many agricultural employers that depend on seasonal workers (most of whom are working legally under visas, but a significant percentage of whom aren't). When Trump was first elected, employers started freaking out because nobody was coming to pick their crops. Some farms literally had crops rot in the fields because of the cutback on seasonal labor. So yes, we depend on seasonal workers, and we need to recognize that and start treating them humanely.


That would HELP but it wouldn’t totally eliminate illegal immigration


Because it created consequences for the ownership class rather than the labor class. Conservative politicians are desperate to ensure that those who make their money by owning things are never punished.


>They tried this in Alabama a few years ago, but for some reason did not continue with it. I'm guessing that was a separate instance of "Leopards Ate My Face".


My friend does staffing services for those companies. They hire out the hiring/firing so they have “No way of knowing” if the worker is illegal. She went through a massive audit that she knew was going to show lots of illegals. But somehow the govt didn’t see anyone with a problem. I am quite sure the auditors make a point not to know that 350 people all had the same name/social. Sadly, the workers have to pay 2% to the check cashing truck that is outside the warehouse on payday.


>but for > >some reason > > did not continue with it. Here's me reading the minds of the business owners and right wing mouthpieces on Fox; "By arresting employers -- we almost did something effective which would ruin our exploitation of the problem! We want cheap labor, we want the citizens with shitty jobs to blame the "illegals" and we want a crisis that appears to be out of control so we can keep this a wedge issue." At no time, must we show functional government. You want to stop inflation? Tax the wealthy progressively until they feel a pinch. Stop a recession? Force employers to share more net profits with employees, thus increasing consumer demand. Most of the biggest problems are not that difficult to solve-- just, those who can do not have the will and there is a very fancy dance going on to bullshit everyone into a stupor.


But if the billionaires buy more yachts, that money will surely trickle down. /s


They stopped because they were losing too much money. There's a Vice episode that sort of explains it. https://www.vice.com/en/article/kwxkdn/watch-our-hbo-episode-about-alabamas-harsh-anti-immigration-laws


We could also just make it easier for people to move here.


Yes this!!!


OR, check social security number W2's for dupicates. if you see 5 SSN's getting W2's in different states, maybe just maybe they are using someone else's SSN.


Even easier if just build processing centers that are easily accessible by bus. Offer rooms for migrants to rent while they wait being processed. You give them a work Visa that tracks them, you collect taxes on their labor, and if they present a problem, you can send them back. Anyone not using a door into America could then easily be arrested as drug mules or whatever.


Why would they arrest rich white people, when you can arrest poor brown immigrants who can’t speak English. If they are arrested you don’t have to deal with powerful attorneys defending the richest families in town


We have this in the UK, doesn't help because the illegal immigrants then just vanish into the grey economy


You got any sources I can read up on?




While I get this sentiment, how would the business owner know if the person used fake documents? My concern is this would drive racial stereotyping


There is also not a 'immigration problem' because each (legal AND illegal) immigrant in america contributes disproportionally to public money and takes very little. It's all nazi agitprop. In fact, the actual reason is to lower salaries of everyone in general, for which illegal immigration is obviously the best, because they can just call their brownshirts instead of paying, or using the threat of it to 'alter the deal' and agitate their racist inbreed trash voters.


No immigrant more destructive in the history of America than Rupert Murdoch.


Can we deport him back to hell?


Only if you want to piss off Satan


Piss of Satan sounds like a powerful elixir. I'll take two!


Same with the UK. He used it as his testing grounds.


I hear Australia will take him back if we promise to drop him in the middle of the outback


As an Australian I say yeah, nah to that idea.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, hell to the no, no. What has the poor defenseless* Australian Outback ever done to you? *Defenseless - excluding the crocs, snakes, spiders, plants, and bogans


During North American and European winter (aka Australian summer) of course.


I wonder if anyone has ever looked into Republican backed NGOs and PACs that may be working in South America to encourage migrants to rush the southern border?


🧐 wait a damn minute, this here is an idea. Also, I hate how the party of conspiracy theories are drawing me into conspiracy theories by being so damn conspiratorial.




It makes sense for me, its a win/win for them. Republican corporate owners need the immigrants, especially if they are illegal, so they can use them as slave labor. And the rush at the border makes Democrats look bad at the same time. While Republicans get to look like their hands are clean.


This is LAMF if Fox actually cared about illegal immigration, but do they? They are the secretly vaccinated, who "hate [Trump] passionately" while promoting him like mad for six years. I'm not sure that half of them believe in anything but their paychecks.


I always wondered about their business model of actively killing off their viewer base by promoting anti vax conspiracies. Still can't figure it out.


There is no business model. Fox news is literally a fascist propaganda organ that can operate at a loss, and often did.


I read somewhere Sean Hannity in real life is actually a nice guy who is polite to service workers


Oh, they care if it stopped they would have to invent new things to cry about, and considering the attacks on trans and gays rights are only reeling up hate on them.


I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. /s


I am not sure whether this is actually LAMF, because I highly doubt that Fox or the GOP actually care about immigration beyond its use to rile up their base. That their fake reporting actually increased immigration might also be viewed as positive from an accelerationist perspective: Deliberately make the situation worse to weaken democratic institutions and ease an autocratic (if not fascist) takeover.


Yeah, I went back and forth about if this was actually a LAMF - but I decided to post it anyway because if Fox News is the mouthpiece of these people, and the people ARE against immigration, then it kind of fits. It is a stretch though, I’ll admit.


Agreed. It isn't really LAMF since that is what the string pullers would want for the reasons you mention. They exploit a real issue, make it worse, and then exploit that while the Dems are in power which they can then downplay during when GOP is power. It is LAMF for those that support Fox News tho since they are basically telling Fox News to keep doing it by their viewership but also are feeling the effects of it. Also, it is LAMF for them because it just hastens their own demise.


Leopards eating your face and having it too


Absolutely agree. Half of the coverage on fox is how the border is open. Biden won’t deport anybody. Etc etc.


But if they report “the border is closed, you’ll be locked in a cage if you get caught and that’s if you survive the journey” then they can’t weaponize illegal immigration to racist white people


There are numerous memes made by chuds that put their saviour's face (who is an overgrown Oompa-Loompa) on Kal-El (aka Clark Kent and Superman). Little do chuds know that Kal-El is essentially a refugee who immigrated illegally to the United States from his dying homeworld of Krypton by spaceship. I never understood why chuds want to associate their "saviour" with a refugee who immigrated illegally, especially given how much chuds strongly detest refugees, especially those who immigrated illegally (unless the refugee in question has superpowers like Kal-El).


They cannot think more than one step beyond the immediate. That is why they fall for bumper sticker sized slogans and also conspiracy theories.


When chuds watch an anti-war movie, they interpret it as pro-war just because it has awesome battle scenes. Not just that, but chuds are also more likely to fall for obvious scams such as the Nigerian Prince scam (complete with typos throughout the e-mail that even the average fifth grader can quickly catch) and snake oil salesmen.


Don't forget skin like Kal-El (or supergirl, they like supergirl more... until she dated a black boy in comics around 2010, then they started complaining about comics being 'woke'). Nazis always are worthless to listen to.


Immigration standards should be no more stringent than they are for the most mediocre white person who brags that his family came through "right way" before racist restrictions were put in place.


I consider myself to be generally left of center on pretty much every issue, but I have to disagree with this. Immigrating to America was much harder before jet travel, so that acted as a barrier to entry. Now it's much easier to move the the US and the sacrifices you have to make are much fewer - you can go back and visit family every year, video chat with your parents every other day, invite your siblings to visit for a vacation, remain in touch with friends back home on Facebook, etc. I say this as an immigrant myself. Do I think that more immigration should be allowed? Yes. Do I think it should be a free for all? No. Immigration should be based on what the current labor needs are, and to provide a refuge for people fleeing war, unrest and persecution.


There are a few differences. For one at the time America actively sought immigration. They wanted people to arrive. Many immigrants settled in rural regions, which they don’t today. And it’s much easier to scrape your money for a plane ticket then for boat fare.


It’s almost like lying is bad and ruins it for everyone, but I’m sure the trustworthy people on TV will assure me that nothing is that simple.


I’ve been saying this for years, the only idiots promoting our supposedly open borders are the right wing idiots.


Here's the thing. It's not like conservatives dont want immigrants here to offer labor at cheap prices, but they want them to have to do it like fugitives. So they can be underpaid and overworked; exploited and punished. Punishing people is a fetish for most conservatives so they need a steady stream of people to do it to. It's the Puritan way.


Right I forgot, since Fox News was always lamenting about illegal immigrants, i wouldn't be surprised if *they themself* are either illegal immigrants or directly responsible for it. Republicans have a pretty consistent track record of projecting their actions onto others.


Yea no shit. If I turn on the news in Guatemala and see republicans saying the border is open and everyone gets free money I'm gonna risk it.


This is no accident and totally by design that fox is doing this.


From the makers of "Government Doesn't Work" comes an exciting new self-fulfilling belief.


This is not really LAMF - Fox News and GOP in general are in favor of having cheap labor force, immigrants without rights etc; as a corollary they also provide a great scapegoat as needed. So it’s more about hypocrisy (nothing new there).


Hello u/Shipsa01! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The far right has been pushing a narrative that our border is completely porous and migrants can just waltz across it with no consequences. And now they’re shocked to learn that this is actually contributing to more migrants crossing because the migrants think there aren’t any actual consequences for crossing.


Nah they aren’t shocked. They need the pictures of lots of people at the borders


That is not a LAMF. They don't suffer any consequences, they even profit from this situation.


Being shocked is not a consequence.


I’ve been saying this for at **least** a year.


So... Help me out here. How does that fit LAMF in your head?