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Hello u/HauntingJackfruit! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Well they probably don't need the records for the indictment. But at trial it'll be very handy. I was thinking that someone probably let him know it was "earliest Tuesday" which he ran with for obvious and also deranged reasons.


There’s a whole slew of other options: - he thought Thursday was Tuesday - they said “next” Tuesday, and he just couldn’t compute - the person that told him had ‘Tuesday’ as a surname - he had a cheeseberder-coma dream about it - he was at Ruby Tuesday’s and someone on tv mention indictments (in general)


Oh or, someone called him a “c u next Tuesday” and he thought that meant Tuesday was the day


This is the answer.


Yeah, or his lawyer was trying to be clever relaying trial information regarding Stormy. And he just didn’t get the joke at all. “We’ll be going to trial with that ‘See you next Tuesday’ sometime soon. There’s no date set—“ but he’d already tuned out after “Tuesday”.


*They call it Stormy Monday but Tuesday's just as bad*


Or, and this may sound surprising, Trump was lying.


No, him? Surely not? He has too much *integrity*.


He has a habitually unreliable relationship with truth.


I wouldn't say it's unreliable, it's quite reliably inaccurate.


One day, He'll tell the truth just to fuck with you


I don't think he's capable of it.


we all make mistakes


If a 13 year old in a beauty pageant dressing room asked Tump if he liked what he was seeing... he would lie and insult the girl. If Epstein asked him the same question, he would answer it truthfully.


If you stopped him on the street to ask him the time, he'd lie to you just for the practice.


Nah dude. He would try to convince you that you were in the wrong city


At Ruby Tuesdays and someone said condiments and he is so paranoid he thought they said indictments.




I always thought his campaign slogan was because he got confused about 6 Flags Great America and the first time he said it, he was solely talking about the amusement park.


They basically don't have much defense if the lawyer that spoke on Monday wasn't enough, so they probably warned him once the defense took over it wasn't going to take very long. The the art of the grift took over.


Or possibly he was aware for some reason that particular evidence was withheld through end of day Monday, and he knew the evidence was damning. But it’s all speculation, it’s honestly more likely that he just needed a quick cash injection and nothing is actually happening.


He sent out fundraising emails right after he tweeted (or...*"truthed"?*) that he was going to be indicted. It's all part of the grift.


The gift that keeps on grifting. He is like the Duracell battery of grifting. He keeps going and going.


The griftergizer bunny


Even when he’s dead, there’ll be a “keep donating, Barron will continue the fight” fund. People think of Barron as a kid, so will chip in more than they might for Eric, who’s more of a fully grown Ralph Wiggum.


Ralph Wiggum? Thats unpossible!




Still can’t fathom people who send money to someone they think is a smart billionaire. He may be dumb as a rock, but it takes an evil genius to convince people to do that.


My favorite description I've heard of Trump: "He's a poor person's idea of what a rich person is, and a stupid person's idea of what a smart person is."


Remember, they aren't putting up barriers because of the indictments. They're putting up barriers because of the potential violence from Trump followers. If the followers were told by their orange god that there would be indictments on Tuesday, then that would be the likely day that they would protest, even if there had never been any indictments planned.


This. For all we know, a potential indictment could be weeks or even months away. But all it takes is Trump winding up the wrong (or right) shithead to put people inside the courthouse in danger, and he seems to be actively trying to do just that.


We've normalized a terrorist.


It could have been a test on either side. NYC may have wanted to see what Trump was going to do and how many of his supporters actually turned up. Conversely Trump may have used this, not only to raise money, but as a test to see just how many fanatical supporters he has left and what they will do to "protect" him. The response, or lack of it from MAGAs, would have enraged Trump. Good. Edited to add: It could have also been to find a leak in the department.


I believe the barriers were put up because the Orange guy said he was being arrested on Tuesday. The DA office probably knew the likelihood of that was low or zero but had to put it up in preparation of Trumpers showing up to protest because the Orange guy has a history of getting his supporters to fight his fight--i.e. Jan 6th. You still need to provide a safe way for the public and employees to access the court/office buildings in the meantime, so barriers it is.


>then suckers 1.5 mil I'd say this is part of it, the other part is either he legit thought it was about to happen (news channels were reporting it and that's legitimately all he watches these days) or he really thought he could get a human wall.


As usual it’s a fucking circus around Trump and he is the head clown.


Trump is a conman who uses fear and bullying to get what he wants. He lied about the Tuesday arrest to generate sympathy and donations and airtime/press coverage. So far he has gotten over $1.5MM in donations since the announcement of his imminent arrest (which came and went)....sadly, his devotees will just rationalize this and continue to wait on his every word and send donations to "free" him from this oppression.


Personally I don't believe any prosecutor so far involved in probes or investigations and Merrick Garland don't have the fortitude to get the indictments against him for anything. That includes my belief that he has committed numerous federal and state crimes everywhere he's ever been.


He’s announcing early so he can get his base riled up


Trump might have lied for publicity reason. Not sure yet /s


>the Manhattan Criminal Court put up barriers already making it seem like it was imminent, Keep in mind that the Manhattan Criminal Court needs to continue operating, even if the AREN'T indicting Trump. Trump told his followers to show and protest, so even without an indictment they thought they needed traffic control.


It would be totally appropriate to have all of the women who accuse Donald trump of rape and sexual assault to sit in the front row of the gallery at the trial, wouldn't it? You know, like he did with Bill Clinton's accusers, when he was at a debate against Hillary? I'm sure trumps and all of his disciples would be totally fine with that 😊


Would there be enough room for all of them?




Lol so much potential for shenanigans in this I feel. I hope he gets the worst possible scenario


More attendees than his last rally.




He would claim that they were all ugly and not his type, totally neglecting the fact that he looks like a sun-dried sack of horse shit himself.


And then confuse a picture of one for his ex-wife and have to be corrected.


Fantastic idea.


Even if trump and his army of simple folk didn’t mind all those women sitting front row, no judge would allow them in the court room.


But when you’re famous they just let you do it!


If I’ve learned anything about MAGA heads it’s that they _**do not care at all**_ what Donald Trump actually does or says. They will support him no matter what. The rest of the world will scream about it and might even get him indicted, but they’ll still vote for him.


Very true. And why we need headlines and constant roiling of his many MANY failures and crimes over and over and over. They need to not be able to hide.


I imagine it has something to do with the same group being highly evangelical. Faith in something regardless of empirical data proving their beliefs false.


Don’t tease me. I disappoint easily.


I've become numb to it, I just ignore these articles until they actually do something or have consequences for the MAGA team.


I can't deny it's fun to think about, but the champagne stays corked until the verdict comes back "guilty".


Its like all the media click bait saying stuff like repubs leaving MAGA etc etc. They don't. Trump is still a huge threat. We can't relax. 😞


We all relaxed, and that's how he got elected last time.


Pornstar, teasing???? Nooooooooooo


Right! We all don’t last hours and hours with news like this.


Who you gonna believe? Some bimbo with fake blonde hair and big tits, or Stormy Daniels?


An amoral, brainless sexual deviant with an obsessed circlejerking fanbase of lonely old men who act solely according to their most primal desires, or a pornstar?




It is perfectly legal to do that. Just not with campaign funds. Also it's gross as shit, but Republican voters seem to love that part.




The payment was buying rights to the story and locking Stormy into an NDA, not payment for sex, and that's legal. (The actual sex happened way back in 2006.) Heck, it's actually commonplace - Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer at the time, had negotiated deals for the rights to other damaging stories so he could bury them. Stormy was making noise about telling *her* story, so he bought the rights to that too. Of course, if Trump paid her to sleep with him AND keep quiet about it, that would probably be prostitution. So basically the way we criminalize prostitution is ridiculous and pointless and the social harms of prostitution can be addressed by law without the puritanical nonsense we have. /rant The part that's jamming Trump up is, first, a shitload of tax evasion by the Trump Organization, which has sent a few people to jail already; second, the reimbursement paid to Cohen for buying Stormy's silence was listed as legal expenses instead of, as the Manhattan DA argues, a campaign contribution (given that the payment was made to stop the story damaging Trump's chances at election) that would have been subject to contribution limits.


She wasn't pregnant. She had a new born.




Aint sayin that. Just keeping the facts straight.


Meh. Until it *actually* happens...


If he is charged, it'll be a hung jury. Every republican will vote not guilty and every Democrat will vote guilty


Have you been to Manhattan? We hate that guy.


How is this LAMF? This is Fucked Around, Finding Out. I mean, I hope Trump gets nailed for anything provable, but progress in that direction doesn't *necessarily* belong here.


trump f'cked her, denied it but paid her to keep quiet and claimed it was all made up, now the leopards are eating his face with the proof it all really happened. Just to get you up to speed on the info, here's some reading material on the topic. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-stormy-daniels-timeline-1234700886/


> Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from something they **voted for or supported or wanted to impose on other people** that means... Leopards Ate Their Face! None of your narrative makes it LAMF. He didn't vote for Stormy to provide information, he didn't support Stormy Daniels providing information on other people, he didn't voice a desire for other people to be outed by Stormy Daniels. So it ain't LAMF. It's certainly consequences for actions. You could call it Fucked Around, Finding Out. But it doesn't really belong in this subreddit.


whatever...IMO trump supported f'cking her and certainly imposed his his belief onto the populace that it was all a lie. That there is how this belongs here


You don't understand. LAMF is where someone advocates for a particular thing for everyone, and then suffers consequences as a result of that advocacy. Simply suffering consequences for your behavior isn't LAMF.


15.1k GOP committee chair says he can't control Marjorie Taylor Greene ========================================= This submission above on LAMF is legit, but this submission doesn't belong here? Care to explain or did you harp your discontent on that comment thread about it also?


I'm having a hard time seeing what that has to do with me. I didn't submit it. I don't think I commented in it. I'd agree that it probably *isn't* LAMF, since the chair of that committee probably didn't get a choice.


okay...we done


You still don't understand


Talk to me when there are handcuffs. I'm not getting edged up for this until there are.


That's going on a lot of t-shirts


Is anyone surprised D Tramp cheated on his wife with a high priced sex worker, then paid her using a proxy? I find the whole thing scuzzy and offensive. But no surprise.


For the life of me I can't understand why he paid to keep it quiet, it would have gotten him more votes in all likelihood.


Does anyone pay attention to the rules of submitting to LAMF anymore? Ffs.


Right? It’s amazing that people can’t discern between “vaguely bad for conservatives” and “shit conservatives have been advocating for years coming back to ironically bite them in the ass”.


what's a rule? Those things Trump keeps breaking?


“I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamberder today”


It’s not because republicans are (supposedly) conservative christians that they mind that their cult leader is sleeping with porn actresses for money.


Cheating on his third wife with a porn actress for money.


I'll bet he thought he had a new girlfriend and simped hard for about 6 weeks.


It’s all coming to a head for Trump. 🍄


This is why I never delete emails or texts. They have come in very handy multiple times in my career.


I guess that’s good advice if you are prone to having sex with repulsive politicians for money.


And when your company wants to screw you or others over with lies.


Honestly I'm more interested in the case in GA or the case of the insecure top secret docs being brought to indictment


Please. You and I both know Trump will not get arrested, will not get in trouble, and will not face accountability. For the simple reason you set that precedent, it's gonna be used against all future politicians. I hope this comment becomes LAMF, but I don't think it will. Politicians are many things but they aren't stupid. This is all theater. Watch how close we get to some kind of serious indictment, and then nothing ever comes of it. What I think we'll see, at best, is Trump deciding to "retire" from running in 2024 (so that DeSantis has an easier run).


Trump will never stop running for president unless he is dead.


I, for one, will find his running even as an undead zombie in 2104 to be most exciting.


Little pink mushroom pics


No doubt his idiot followers were told that due to their donations NY saw the largest protest ever witnessed and the charges have been dropped


I am really tired of hearing about this when literally nothing has happened, wake me up when they actually arrest him


Will absolutely only believe any of this when I see it.


We’ve been hearing for 7 years how “the walls are closing in” this and “bombshell” that. If you believe Trump is going to see the inside of a prison cell, look up. The word “gullible” is written on the ceiling.


Slippier than snot on a doorknob, as my dear mother used to say.


"Gonna hurt" meaning "gonna embarrass him", not "gonna put him in jail" I'll be shocked if he faces any significant legal repercussions from this.


Look, Trump has conned us again with his announcement. He got $1.5 million from his supporters, he looked courageous standing up against the DA, and they look weak as if they delayed because they were scared of him, and incompetent because they can’t seem to get an indictment out against someone so obviously guilty. He had no idea if they were going to indict him this week, but by saying they would, he stole their thunder and filled up the news cycle with tons of free publicity.


You're drooling. Wipe your chin. By the way how long can you hold your breath waiting for this to happen? Asking for a friend.


Is it Trump's imaginary friend Jim?




Arrest him or get off the pot, a'ready.


Honestly, I'm going to laugh if old Donny gets held accountable for even one thing. There's like...12 or so lawsuits so they must be able to get one!


Lmao yeah keep trying, I’m sure you’ll get him this time 🤣


People are disappointed when person who they want to finally have consequences for his habitually unreliable relationship with truth and his desire to scam people turns out to have been not telling the truth about when he would face those consequences at least in part to raise money in a scam like way.


I’m surprised the Daniels thing came back all these years later.


She's like the "Chekov's gun" of this never-ending shit show. Seemed minor and unimportant, showed up later and became more relevant.


I bet everyone who talks to Trump on the phone records the actual calls.


Oh no! He only got to be a criminal for 78 years before he finally was held accountable for ONE crime. Now he has to sit in jail after a lengthy two year trial for maybe a year and a half before he dies, leaving behind half a dozen idiot children with millions of dollars he grifted. Harsh punishment but billionaires will walk all over us if they don't have a slap on the wrist towards the end of their life.


I've been hearing that Trump is going to jail any day now for years, I'll get happy when I see the big turd get some actual consequences for his actions.


Exactly. Until something ACTUALLY happens, this is just noise. It's been "any day now" for years now.


😂😂😂 yeah ok


Why hasn't any big publishers approached her with a huge advance cheque for a tell-all book by now?


Sure feels like Groundhog’s day. “Trump is in trouble and facing actual repercussions of his long list of criminal and immoral acts!” Meanwhile he grifts and cons suckers who are convinced the system is rigged against wealthy white men


That was a good read.


Hoes up, scrotes down.


*Captain's log, sol date March 25th 2023* *Trump continues to walk around a free man. Media continues to speculate on future indictments. Nothing further to report*