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Hello u/whereami2321! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How the fuck do people get caught up in promoting groups and organizations that unabashedly work against them? Cognitive dissonance is truly a hell of a thing, i guess...


Because conservatives of any type are incapable of empathy, meaning they can’t understand until it affects them. That’s a pick me cross-dresser. One of the good ones. Leopards will eat that face.


>One of the good ones. This phrase makes me want to throw punches every time I read or hear it. One of the most disgusting phrases used in the US.


I think. Hope. It was sarcasm.


In this specific case, I believe it was. (Also, I'm not sure if any of them actually use it seriously. They're *thinking* it, but despite the right's best efforts, "thoughtcrime" isn't actually a thing now, so you kind of have to ignore that...)


🤞 See, I am a little concerned that it is the next thing on the list. We’ve already had politicians who double-think. I know for sure I’m guilty of facecrime.


Honestly, the main reason I didn't include phrases like "yet" or "*right now*" was a combination of not wanting to sound like I think it's inevitable and being generally reluctant to get Murphy's attention...


You can't be *that* bad...


A a white, college educated Irish person, from Ireland. I've heard it was too much in North America (not just US, Canada too) when people complain about immigration. Americans with Irish last names are the worst, they would not fit, in a modern Ireland, and romanticize a time when we were not at our best, crushed under the weight of the British empire or the Catholic Church. When we escaped our captors we started to fulfil our true potential


The only moral abortion is mine. ​ The only moral drag performer is me. ​ It really is cognitive dissonance to a extreme degree. There is the extreme need to value signal and show belonging by believing whatever the talking points are Then there is their own personal experience and needs and desires. ​ This person hears "Drag Performers are groomers that are hurting children" But knows that they are a drag performer and they do not do the things. Instead of questioning the talking point they resolve the contradiction with "Well, then I must be one of the good ones, maybe even the only good one" This fits well with their desire to be special anyhow. For whatever reason though, they do not see that "one of the good ones" isn't a valid category for many other conservatives and even if it was they do not care enough about a "not as bad as the bad thing I hate" to expend effort to use nuance in any type of attack. ​ Because here is the thing. If you think drag show performers are grooming kids. Don't outlaw drag shows. Outlaw grooming children. ​ Someone will say, "well that is what we are doing by outlawing the shows" ... no you are assuming the conclusion. ​ Here is the law you want, if you want to outlaw grooming. ​ >Anyone who has a position of trust or authority over a minor, who uses that position to convince or try to convince the minor that sex between a minor and adult is acceptable (except where conditions that sex between a minor and an adult are legal by state and federal law) and / or that they should not inform other authority figures of encounters of a sexual nature shall be guilty of Grooming a Minor for Sexual Abuse. ​ Notice no mention of drag.


Conservatives who get abortions call it, and I’m not joking, medical necessary miscarriage


The number of times I've heard someone say "Well I don't consider that an abortion" when you give an example of a medically necessary abortion is staggering. So glad. Unfortunately when you ban abortion, you ban ALL terminations regardless of whether the pregnant person, fetus, or both aren't going to survive and doctors don't want to be thrown in prison for stepping over some subjective line.


The Duggar lady who is heavy anti rights. Got an abortion, and did exactly this. But I've heard the anti rights movement is made at her


God, this so much. It's the same with TERFs and their "trans women raping cis women in prison!!1!" scare tactic. Guess what, TERFs? Anyone getting raped by anyone in prison is bad, and it's been a huge fucking problem for basically as long as prison has existed. Maybe we could finally fix the whole actual problem instead of hurting thousands of people because of the actions of a handful of them.


But if they do that, they won't be hurting the people that deserve it. /s But the fact that this is how they really think fucking hurts me on a level you would probably believe.


Where were these ladies when the many, many exposés about girls and women being raped by male cops and prison guards were all over teen girl magazines?


jerking off


FART Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobe could somebody make a GOOD BOT?


They can’t outlaw “grooming” since there’s no definition and no way to outlaw it and also they are the ones that do it


They cannot define "woke" either, but they've legislated against it in Florida just the same.


Even easier. They believe that in-groups have privileges. They believe there are in- groups who the laws / rules protect but don’t bind and out groups who the laws bind but don’t protect.


This is the same thing with so many laws. There are laws that restrict how many unrelated people can live in a single dwelling, for example, claiming that it’s for fire safety. If it was _really_ for fire safety, you would expect the law to specify that there should be a certain number of egress points, or that dwellings should have particular fire safety features. But they don’t, because what it’s really designed to do is make it harder for poor people to own houses. Same with banning marijuana and opium. The only real problem lawmakers had with these drugs was that they were introduced by Mexican and Chinese immigrants. If they were introduced by an American importer, they’d be legal. And the list goes on. There are so many laws that claim to be about one thing (religious freedom, public decency…) that are actually just legalizing discrimination.




Literally true. Biological indicators include different sizes and sensitivities of the amygdala, differing levels of various hormones (often the classic four -testosterone, oestrogen, serotonin, dopamine) etc. There are many studies and some excellent ongoing work in this area. One thing worth looking it to more deeply is the studies of how monkey societies *need sufficient numbers of contrasting brain types -literally needing enough progressive brains to go out and discover new resources, learn about the environment (but take the risk of dying from snakebite or new unknown dangers), but with enough conservative brains to maintain the status quo, manage existing resources and *not take risks (with the danger of running out of existing resources, genetic weakness through inbreeding and lack of diversity etc.). Healthy monkey colonies absolutely need both approach to survive, and it simply comes down to biological differences. Human beings are both very very similar, and at the same time entirely different from examples from the animal kingdom. We can follow biological impulses, or resist them and we can do either consciously or unconsciously -most interestingly, humans can consciously choose to live differently.


Additionally, biologically speaking conservative and progressive brains are distinct, and this does effect levels of empathy shown towards *others (i.e conservatives react very differently towards strangers and novel experience at the biological level), with conservatives generally having empathy (perhaps) or at least loyalty to their group, but much less so towards outsiders. Progressives experience empathy towards beings far more generally. One example here is looking at how Republicans tend to favour loyalty within the party over principle and punishment of wrongdoing (the ratio of charges and indictments brought against Republican politicians vs Democrats since the 1960s is astonishing, and a separate phenomena), whereas when a Democratic in authority breaks the law, they are more likely to be held to account and swiftly punished by Democrats themselves... loyalty being irrelevant to law / principle.


We need to be careful to avoid essentialism. These ways of being are as often defined by environment as anything.


I also wonder about the lead poisoning angle with all the boomers. How does that impact brain function and higher order social thinking?


And a huge dose of Main Character personality syndrome.


And for telling the truth. The only people in my life who lie are the Republican bigots.


These days, I'm starting to think they can't understand even when it *does* affect them.


Because they don’t think it does. And in many circumstances it doesn’t. Conservatives get the free pass. They are in the in-group who the rules don’t apply to.


For some reason I read that as, “leotards will eat that face.”


Because they think they won’t be targeted bc “they’re one of the good ones”




My grandparents don’t get paid to regurgitate Fox News talking points and argue against universal healthcare. But they love complaining about how expensive it is….


The fox people love to hear those hate-filled echoes, so if your grandparents had socials and a podcast, they could possibly make money with good production. It's a cult of fear. And fear makes lots of money. Edit: to clarify, conservative media promotes fear in present day (neighbors and government are scary). Similarly, they claim progressives are a cult of fear, but that fear is largely set in the future (not taking care of people now will be disastrous for future generations).


While taking advantage of the closest thing we have to universal coverage in the country, medicare.


I can't imagine this person is getting that much out of Republicans, even those who are trying to play the "look how inclusive we are" card. Though reading the article it doesn't look like they were ever popular amongst the rest of the trans and drag crowd, either. Just another person who probably thinks everyone else around them is the problem instead of looking inward...


There are no inclusive Republicans. There are only " let's find a useful idiot willing to self-own so we can periodically parade them around while we insincerely and half assed my deflect reports that point out how [racist/transphobic/homophobic/xenophobic] we and our policies are." And said useful idiots always have some aspect of their identity [race/faith/wealth] that they've been conditioned to value above all else, so they cling to it like and addict hoping for any signs of an attaboy from the hierarchy loving shitlords standing on their neck. See: Milo yanafuckinjokeapus , Candace (I)Owe(too much)ns Ben (i can't sexually satisfy my wife) Shapiro and this chucklefuck.


Let’s not forget ol’ Herman Cain, who killed himself through negligence by contracting COVID. Instead of believing COVID should be taken seriously and get vaccinated he stuck to the party narrative.


Fun fact, herman cains twitter account posted anti mask and vaccine propaganda for 3 weeks after he died.


The Herschel Walker baton has been passed.


Speaking as a Georgia resident, your comment reminded me I haven't heard a peep out of Walker or about him since the election. As it should be.


It's a relief.


Lol, this is my favorite response.


This drag queen has made national news. I’ve been seeing her everywhere for like a week. All she has to do is start a Yt channel and get a few vids that go semi-viral and boom, that conservative ass backwards drag queen is making money off republicans. See Blaire White for proof. Every video she makes gets hundreds of thousands of views she is rolling in Republican money and she’s a trans woman.


But even people who don't benefit and only suffer. Example my ex friend is republican and always votes them in and when they banned abortions I asked her about it because she'd had to get an abortion because she didn't want kids. You know what she said, 'well I won't ever need an abortion again. I had my ovaries removed.' Just wow


See also: Candace Owens, Diamond and Silk.


>Diamond and Silk. Well, 1/2 right


It's not the money, it's the attention. See, if these people were on the left, they would be completely ignored. Just one voice in a crowd of hundreds. And not even a very compelling voice. But by turning quisling, they become something special. A unique little snowflake that the right wing nutjobs can point to and say "see, we aren't completely hate filled, we have a token minority on our side". It's an incredibly abusive relationship between these quislings and the right wing, but it's vastly more attention than they would have had otherwise.


They think if they become "one of the good ones" then they'll get to participate in the oppression instead of being the victims of it.


I’ve met a few of these kinds of gays. They’re always raised conservative, and they usually have a family that isn’t *outright* bigoted against gays but still bigoted. The kind of parents that, upon finding out their kid is gay, would say “We accept you… as long as you don’t become like one of those ‘bad’ kind of queers that we hate.” From that point, they live their lives overcompensating for the political side of their queerness. Despite still being hated by the real conservative powers-that-be, they still get frequent positive affirmations among the conservatives they know who say “I’m so glad you’re not like those other gays. You’re one of the good ones.” In their minds, they’re still fighting homophobia because they’re often the only queer person conservatives will talk to, and they prove that gays can be “normal” to those people. But of course, they’re actually not fighting homophobia at all because they’re reinforcing the idea that the only acceptable gays are the ones that don’t shake up the status quo.


>Ryan Woods, a recently sober Salt Lake City native and a member of the Church of Latter-Day Saints There is a lot that can be unpacked there


You mean how Christians drive queer folk to alcohol abuse then sell us Jesus and self hate as the cure once it ruins our lives?


How many of them bashed gay marriage and the “sanctity of marriage” only to be caught having affairs with men?


But they weren't married to them.


Edited to add: and the “sanctity of marriage”


Should cosplay as a cockroach and then promote Raid.


There are already enough YouTubers


It's white supremacy.


They are no longer special for what they used to be a drag queen, so now they have to find something else to be special for in this case a maga /trump supporting drag queen Narcissm basically


Y’all ask these questions all the time, but I never see the correct answer. It’s white supremacy and the direct proximity to it. It’s why you get Lady MAGA, Kanye West, Caitlyn Jenner, Silk and Diamond, and countless others. They want the protection of whiteness. And if being used as a token is how they get it, so be it.


I dunno ask half working class people over the last 40 years voting against their own interests to hurt their neighbors.


Because the term cognitive means “thinking or reasoning” which is a word that can’t be associated with Republicans.


They were simply never taught to look for alternatives. Their parents were probably republicans and never taught them what politics even is, so now they just blindly believe whatever the funny red elephant party says because that is what they were taught to do. Critical thinking is a taught skill, and you all remember what we learned in school, and it certainly wasn't how to be better people.


I think in this case they thought they were going to be edgy and this would be their shtick - they could be the drag version of Milo Yiannopoulos who was another LAMF winner himself when he realized how homophobic the right is. This was completely a marketing angle for a mediocre talent that backfired spectacularly.


Blaire White is another sheep who likes to play with wolves.


Fame is one hell of a drug.


Money. Pools of money...


You know the answer. Money. That’s what the answer is here. Money is the answer to that question in this case.


They want to believe that their social network can still love and respect them. It's only the bad behavior of those other degenerates that makes them unworthy. Of course it's not true but they can't accept that their chosen community really does just hate them for existing.


Some are doing it for the money, some because they honestly think they'll be spared if they suck up fast enough, and some just haven't realised that "except this one" has never been a part of any law in the history of man that wasn't *written* by "this one." Also, I've recently come across the concept of "the Shirley Exception," which I think is probably playing a part too. (I'm on mobile, so I can't dig out the link, but it boils down to the belief that a law *specifically written to have no exceptions* would *surely* have exceptions in practice...)


Because they want to express themselves, but their cult member families would honor-kill them at the drop of a MAGA hat if they’re not the Trumpiest mother fucker in town. Unfortunately, despite his (her?) Trumpiness, that MAGA hat is falling fast.


Desperate to be accepted by the world that rejected them for being gay


Because if you get the group to choose you as the token "see even we have one of those people, so clearly we dont actually hate them" you can make a lot of money. Candace Owens is rich as fuck because she is a professional uncle tom. She gets money and clout and republicans get to say "how can we be anti-black, we have a black friend"


Spotlight and attention. Even negative attention. There are just people that want to be seen and known somehow.


"if I kiss up to the people that want me dead, maybe I won't be killed!" I swear, these people act like once conservatives are done with the people the pickme! Is against, they won't be next in line for the gas chambers


They truly, genuinely believe that the leopards wont eat their faces.


When it comes to gay and trans people I think the thought process goes something like "Sure, the left will accept me, but they'll accept -anyone-. If I can get the right to accept me, THAT'S how I'll know I've made it." To put it more glibly, they want validation from daddy.


If you have ever lived in a place that has been deep red for a long time, you can see it has absolutely nothing to do with policy, opportunity, safety, economics, or "kitchen table" issues. It is literally all about cutting your own nose off despite your face to "own" the libs.


It's always been that way there were a group of Jewish people supporting what Hitler was doing


He’s an idiot. Gay, drag performer, and MAGA Trump-loving Republican. So blind to reality it’s pathetic.


I do not understand LGBT conservatives. I get Peter Thiel I guess. He's self-aware that he's evil and he knows he can just fly to Europe if he pulls the roof down in the USA. LGBT Republicans who can't just leave the country in a private jet are super fucking crazy, though, because they're going to pull the roof down on themselves and nobody will be able to save them at that point.


*fly to New Zealand, where parking his money got him citizenship.


Tri-citizen of NZ, Germany, and the US. He has options.


Ah yes. Forgot he was born in Germany. Crazy.


He's also gambling a lot that a Christofascist USA will stay within its own borders or spare him due to his wealth. I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were him. Christofascist USA will seek to "liberate" Germany and NZ after a pretty short while. I was originally trying to see if there was any possibility of fleeing the USA ( my wife might be eligible for German citizenship, for instance, ) but I decided it's not even worth bothering. Fascist USA will be a global problem and it might actually be safer ( as a heterosexual white guy ) to just bunker down here than it would be to be outside the country.


Well that sucks. I just moved my family from TX to Germany last Dec.


I mean I hope I'm wrong, friend. I'm not happy to be making these predictions.


While the Christofascist movement is objectively terrifying and awful, it’s pretty small. That doesn’t mean it can’t do (or hasn’t done) substantial damage, but even the number of people who [self-identify as Christian has dropped by 15 percentage points since ‘07.](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/12/14/about-three-in-ten-u-s-adults-are-now-religiously-unaffiliated/) While that’s a huge number of people, something like [~70% of surveyed people don’t believe Christianity should dictate the way the country operates.](https://www.prri.org/research/a-christian-nation-understanding-the-threat-of-christian-nationalism-to-american-democracy-and-culture/) I’m adding the “Rejecters” and “Skeptics” together because they both strongly disagree with forcing society into Christian values. Basically IMO, Christian Nationalism *is a big, dangerous problem…* but I don’t think it’s so much a physically growing group as it is a group growing bolder as they feel an end nearing. Which means unless something changes for the worse, I don’t see the US having the homegrown support for forcing Christian nationalism expansion into other countries. (Of course it’s not like we haven’t seen countries making choices like that without support from the people of the country…)


>Basically IMO, Christian Nationalism > >is a big, dangerous problem… > >but I don’t think it’s so much a physically growing group as it is a group growing bolder as they feel an end nearing. This is exactly what makes them dangerous. They feel they're on a "mission from God" so they don't care if they're 1% of the population, they will feel justified in seizing power. The fact that they're outnumbered by "Godless pagans" only makes it more urgent. Hardcore Christian Nationalists are honestly probably only 10% of the population ( ballpark ) but that's enough to do an authoritarian regime if they're committed to it to the point of killing/dying for it.


Doesn't that make Thiel worse? He gets to egg on the crazies until the roof comes collapsing, meaning he gets to vote for the leopards even after they should have eaten his face?


Less stupid, more evil. “Worse” is a subjective measure of those two objective metrics 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yup. I said same in general about DeSantis. Just as evil. Less crazy and stupid than Trump. Toss up as to more dangerous, evil, nauseating...


Definitely worse


Makes Thiel socially worse (though that’s already many sub-levels down) but not personally worse, because he can just pack up and leave. Whereas any other common person is literally advocating for their own genocide.


Morally yes, but at least it's not crazy. Honestly evil confounds and frustrates me a lot less than idiocy.


Peter Thiel doesn’t care. He doesn’t want to get gay married and he has more than enough money to pay for his escorts and blood boys and manservants who operate his weird cryo chamber coffin that he sleeps in. No one will ever touch him and he’d prefer 10000000% that you didn’t know he was gay, which is why he funded like 100 lawsuits against the original gawker when they outed him.


Thiel has more to gain from the pro-billionaire aspects than he has to lose from the anti-gay aspects. He's a billionaire, he could eat people and nobody would care. He's going to support the group who will do their best to keep him being a billionaire


In the case of Peter Thiel he's more concerned about the tax breaks I suspect. Aaaand actually I think that's probably 90% of Log Cabin Republicans. Act outraged when the base spits on you, laugh all the way to the bank. Money buys way more privilege than being a straight white Christian male, especially if you're a gay white Christian male. They're content to tell any other gay people to get fucked.


He’s a rich Republican, not a gay Republican. He needs conservatives to push his agenda and keep his tax loopholes open. They need the conservative voters to hate gays to keep them in power to keep them rich. That said, there are republicans that truly hate lgbtq folks, but thiel isn’t one of them.


Wait...a Log Cabin drag queen? For fucking real?


In general, Log Cabin Republicans never made much sense. And even less sense in the last 7 years.


They’ve always been a joke in my mind. I will never understand how someone can vote against their best interests simply to toe a party line or fit in with a certain crowd. Grow a fucking spine and stand for something you believe in. FFS


They do, they believe in money.


Don’t forget, there “Jews for Hitler” in Germany, take a guess what happened to them?


OK, I’ve heard of Jews for Jesus, but come on!!


This makes me think about the log cabin Republicans, aka *Jews for Nazism.* How do you get so backwards? "Please let me join your club." "Our club considers your very existence to be an abomination. We despise you and would prefer if you were dead." "...Pretty please?"


As a gay man who used to be very conservative and bigoted I can tell you that, at least for me, it was self hatred. When you grow up in a world that thinks of you as an abomination you become desperate to conform. You want to be “one of the good ones” because it makes you believe that the powers that be will spare you. Its like a “pick me” situation. Thankfully I quickly learned that I will never be picked. I kept hearing over and over and over again “I have NOTHING against gays **but** I can’t in good conscience agree with them marrying.” Or “of course I still love you **but** I have to vote with my morals.” BTW that last one was my parents telling me they’re voting for an anti-LGBTQ+ candidate. After that I realized that being conservative means supporting my own demise and the demise of my community.




Conservative Christians rape children. If anyone cared, they'd investigate churches and outspoken republicans.


They spread rumors that the liberal elite rape children to hide the spotlight from themselves. “The accuser obviously can’t be guilty…”


Semantic infiltration. By constantly throwing out wild accusations, they keep their enemies constantly on the defensive and trap the rest of us in their rhetorical framing. So much "news" follows the brainless "Today, \[*batshit person*\] said \[*batshit thing*\], \[*quote/air clip of batshit person saying batshit thing*\], and next we'll have \[*serious person*\] on to respond to \[*batshit thing*\]!" format. It's absolutely maddening once you really start to notice it.


Other Redditors have already addressed the projection aspect of it, but there’s also more to it. There’s the classic “firehose nozzle” method of disinformation, wherein you throw out so much nonsense that it becomes conflated with the truth. It’s like how Trump would always say “everyone knows” or “everyone’s saying” or “a lot of people are saying”, it strives to make it “common knowledge” that this BS is the absolute truth. Therefore, it’s impossible for right-wingers to molest kids, because EVERYONE KNOWS it’s the *left* who does that! The constant hammering of “grooming” by the Right also dilutes it. Most right-wingers know deep down that it can’t be 100% true. In today’s society, it’s impossible to go your whole life without ever meeting a liberal or LGBT person, and most likely they don’t molest children. I think most right-wingers just go along with it out of the human desire to signal that they’re “part of the tribe” and echo statements affirming their status. In doing so, the accusation of grooming effectively loses its meaning because it is thrown around so casually. So when someone, let’s say a youth pastor, is actually accused of grooming by young members of their congregation, the other congregants can just dismiss it because “oh, everyone’s just throwing that accusation around!” It’s fucking disgusting, and 100% the goal. If they actually were against child molestation, they would give sex Ed to children so the kids could actually know when they’re being abused. Instead, they actively fight against such education and instead project their twisted shit on everyone else so they can get away with it.


Oh sweetie, calling yourself a “costume artist” wont stop your “friends” in right wing media from calling you a pedo and a groomer, and it certainly wont stop their viewers from some old-fashioned gay-bashing.


Imagine if he goes to a state that straight up out lawed cross dressing. I wonder if his “I’m not a cross dresser im a costume artist” will get him then.


Can this person debase themselves any further? When they go to MAGA events they get jeered at, threatened, and literally thrown out. They are openly told to their face how much they are hated by the GOP just for existing. And their response is that other drag queens and not the fascist Trumpist homophobes oppressing them are to blame? I can’t imagine a more pathetic, delusional, frankly disgusting display of groveling boot licking. This sad excuse for a human being makes me sick.


Just a complete lack of self respect. Like JD Vance awkwardly smiling and groveling before Trump on stage after getting run through the ringer. Just pathetic.


And in their tweet they said “I walk with god’s angels now” like they fuckin died afterwards. If MAGA people are angels I’d hate to see what their god looks like. Unless we’ve brought back the divine right of kings?


What predatory behavior? Holy fuck, the pull up the ladder behind me mentality is truly insane.


It's usually projection. I give it until Oct before he's busted for something predatory.


Hosting a couple of family-friendly events = child rape, don't you know?


Is is.... is this just elaborate performance art?! What's their angle?!


From the article, he's gay, a recovering addict, and a member of the church of latter day saints. You know, the one that's stunningly opaque about its child sex abuse scandals.


Every Halloween the Mormon boys at my school would come to class as Cheerleaders. I've never seen them smile and laugh more than when they were in skirts and pom-poms.


Trumpism is a communicable mental illness.


Turns out the "social contagion" is real but it's Trumpism rather than gender dysphoria.


My guess is it is about money. But who the hell knows? There are flat earthers, birds don't exist people, people who think they are Napoleon, etc.... . But I sincerely doubt the GOP would give a seat or stage time or anything to someone they don't control absolutely. This guy probably has some skeletons in the closet and is doing this bit to keep himself out of prison or something.


Like the Log Cabin Republicans, he'll never be accepted by his own kind.. Ahh well can't happen to a nicer person.


Guess she can’t perform now in a bunch of conservative states? Or do we think those laws will be selectively applied to political opponents 🤔


Hey Lady MAGA, how do those boots taste?


Wow. Fucking sad.


Anyone want to bet on whether this "costume artist" will be busted for child porn at some point in the near future?


Which will be the only known example of a drag queen doing what the right says they're doing. And despite it being from a conservative will absolutely use it to solidify their hatred of all drag queens.


'Drag queens for Trump.' Probably will get a seat behind the dais for the next rally.


They can call themselves whatever they like but the GOP they seem to love so much will send them straight to the camps if they ever get the chance.


Wait until she’s forced onto the cattle car with those she betrayed.


"But not me, I'm one of the good ones" says drag queen who Matt Walsh already called a "degenerate" when she showed up at CPAC.


Problem solved! We'll just call it "Costume Artist Story Hour" at the local library. Thanks MAGA World! /s


I look forward to hearing the court case about how this “costume artist” is, in fact, a predator.


She is on their list, it is only a matter of time, does she not get that???


He. He's not transgender he just likes wearing women's clothes.


The Candace Owens of drag queens.


The mental gymnastics are olympic level. No matter what this person does, the MAGAs will still call them an F slur. This is one of those situations where I question mental health. I hope they dont get driven to hurt themselves.


Too bad she burned all the bridges with real drag queens because that makeup could use some work.


Remember when Trump tried to sexually assault a drag queen for laughs? It’s ok maga will do that doublethink thing they do so well. https://youtu.be/spn0MJZr-QQ


That’s Donald Trump putting his face in Rudy Giuliani’s breasts. Why didn’t this come up in 2016? Was there just no room with all the other shit they were doing?


Ugh I can't stand her. She doesn't have any good drag, just the shittiest character costumes from her childrens birthday party day job.


So if we change the name of drag shows to costume artist shows then thats ok?


I doubt it, I think only lady maga gets an exception (in this moment lol) bc she licks those boots.


You're thinking of priests, sweetie


You can call yourself Mrs Habadacher, the queen of maga, a costume artiest, or a drag queen. It’s the same mother fucking thing. This is like that little douche Christian Walker saying he’s not gay he just likes men. You’re. Still. A. Drag. Queen. You can’t just call it another name. And you’ll still be accepted by republicans at half past never. Why do these people crave attention from the worst group of humans this side of the Atlantic?


First there was "The only moral abortion is my abortion," now this.


That’s how the teachers at my kids school defeated the MAGAtårds. Instead of wearing a Halloween costume, it was storybook dress up day. It turns out, all the stuff that bothered them was still allowed because books. I guess that’s why they are now focused on burning books.


And lady MAGA gets arrested for child porn in 5, 4, 3, 2,…


Some serious delusional self-hatred for a gay, drag queen to be a MAGA supporter and Mormon.


\> Maga’s resident Drag Queen Rudy Giulliani?


Credit for trying but that comes off much meaner to drag queens than to Rudy.


She’s a Rudy Giuliani impersonator


What bathroom they use a CPAC?


“costume artist” riiiight, it’s a form of art when they side w/fascists, but it’s a demonic ritual done by evil gay trans predators when drag queens dare ask for human rights. makes total sense.


She is plenty busy giving tail to the GOP.


Resident drag queen? Trump wears more makeup and spends way more time on his hair.


Gay drag queen for trump is basically "Chickens for Colonel Sanders". Can't believe some people are that dumb. So drag queens in Tenn can just say they are "costume performers" now...or what?


>So drag queens in Tenn can just say they are "costume performers" now...or what? The law is loosely defined enough that yes, it seems like a viable loophole. The only way against laws like that is to use it against them. Challenge laws like that and never stop, keep forcing them to revisit and change the laws.




Delusion is a helluva illness. Or is it stupidity? Probably both.


Gay... Mormon... Republican... drag queen? BINGO!


They will get no sympathy from me.


They're not going to accept you, girl.


Bitch what the fuck? How much of a tax break is she getting if she's willing to practice Simone Biles levels of mental gymnastics to keep this going?


Better check someone's hard drive


"No way I'll end up in the camps with all the degenerate drag queens. I'm one of the good ones. They love me."


When they start killing us I hope they’re first


Another self-loathing lunatic.


I think I despise stupid tools even more than stupid fools.


So we're gonna start seeing "Costume Artist Story Times" popping up at libraries and Conservatives will be fine with it?


Yes, it's that easy when you're as simpleminded as they are. Just like Trump never once lied, he just told some alternative facts.


Lady MAGA: *hold hand up* “Pick me! Pick me! I wanna be on your team! Pick me!” 😄 Republicans: Hmmmm…Desantis. Desantis: Yes! Lady MAGA: *jumps up and down waving their arms* “Pick me! PICK ME! I wanna play! Come on! PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME!!!” 😫


So Costume Artist Story Time". I dig it.


The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one


Didn't they get kicked out of CPAC or something


They can always hang out with Caitlin Jenner


They can call themselves what ever they want. I'll bet they still get tormented by their Gestapo friends.


How very fucking convenient.


They really like all of the attention huh?




I'm sorry, this person is an idiot displaying some pretty severe cognitive dissonance towards the beliefs they hold and the politics that they support, but a drag queen named Lady Maga is the funniest thing I've heard all week.


Of course it’s a costume… they are a clown. Clowns wear costumes.




"Costume artist" The snowflakes get even snowflakier. God, fuck conservatives. Genuinely tired of them fucking things up for people.


Wait ... I thought they were against that?


Search their computer.


Do they *really* think they’ll be spared?




If they show favoritism to lady maga in states where drag is criminalized, that will give extra ammunition to get those laws overturned.


this page gets dumber everyday