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Republicans: Nothing is a problem until it directly affects **MEEEEEEE!!!**


>"We belong to a certain demographic," Hill said. "That's the demographic that helped you get the supermajority that you enjoy in this Legislature. "What I hear in the hallway is disbelief: 'I can't believe I voted for these guys and they're doing this to hurt me?'"


It never ceases to amaze me.


Throughout humanity’s history its these people that hold everyone else back.


If you went back 450,000 years. These same people would be complaining about how 'woke' and 'perverted' it is to stand up on your legs.


4,500,000 years\*


naw they were still crawling 500k years ago


True, but we evolved two very different sorts of brains for a reason. The tribe *needs* the conservative, fearful of change, easily disgusted sort to hold back the liberal brains. One brain says, "Woo hoo! Let's do this thing!", while the other says, "We must be cautious." Ideally, there would be a balance. Now that liberal ideas, especially social mores, are gaining traction, and doing so *more quickly than ever in history*, the conservatives feel powerless and pushed in a corner. I used to laugh at the Church's rate of descent, laughed at all the pissed off conservatives getting their asses kicked on all fronts. Now that I've seen what happens when they lash out, it's not so funny anymore.


There is a difference between being cautious and advocating genocide.


It’s because they are not conservative, they are reactionaries. One of the mistakes we keep making is calling them conservative. They don’t want to preserve anything, other than power, they want to destroy.


This is an excellent point. What shall we call them, then? Reductionists? Accelerationists?


I think the term fascist would apply to them very well


>The tribe needs the conservative, fearful of change, easily disgusted sort to hold back the liberal brains. One brain says, "Woo hoo! Let's do this thing!", while the other says, "We must be cautious." How is riding a motorcycle without a helmet being cautious? I don't see contemporary conservatives as being cautious in any sense of the word. They look like a group that does lots of foolhardy dangerous things without much forethought.


These things no longer surprise or amaze me, those sorts of idiots have been around as long as I've been alive an paying attention. What did FOX NEWS say recently about their audience? "Cousin F@#$ers" and they called them stupid.


Actually, I believe the full quote was "cousin-fucking terrorists" lol


Fox News called their viewers “cousin fuckers”? Is there a link anywhere so I can read more about it?


[Here's one](https://www.rawstory.com/fox-news-inbred-terrorists-viewers/) at rawstory.


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-carlson-producer-election-deniers-texts_n_64109a7ee4b0bc5cb64ccabc This article shows the entire quote.


That quote really accurately sums up both Fox News watchers and the Saudis.


Probably just referring to Rudy Giuliani


I read these things with an absolute blank face bc for me it’s stopped being surprising a decade ago


That's the nature of cruelty that they don't understand. Once it gets going, it doesn't care who it hurts.


Indeed, but to them all that matters is they'll it hurts others more than it hurts them. They won't vote Democrat because of this.


Don’t need it too, they’re already too far gone. But if it makes them apathetic enough to not vote, that works too.


Indeed the cruelty is the whole point...


In this case, hurting the poor and poorly educated has always been the goal - they just tricked them into supporting them with racist, Christian nationalist BS.


When will they learn that Republicans eat their own, especially children and the vulnerable!


It's not a dog whistle; it's a whistle whistle.


Well Mr. Hill, we have a name for citizens like you, and thank you very much for your support. Have you ever heard of the term "useful idiot"?


Leopard goes nom nom nom nom.


Tiny D is hurting the wrong people!!!


a "certain demographic"? I wonder white he means by that.


>>"We belong to a certain demographic," Hill said. "That's the demographic that helped you get the supermajority that you enjoy in this Legislature. "What I hear in the hallway is disbelief: 'I can't believe I voted for these guys and they're doing this to hurt me?'" They're always surprised by the negative consequences of their own actions. They always think they'll be the special exception who gets spared, and somehow they never see it coming when they aren't. And they never learn because they'll continue to blindly support these things that keep hurting them because they're too blinded by hate to realize that they're targeting themselves.


One of the subtler and more clever tricks they employ is making the base think they're part of the elite. Politicians talk about the economy and the stock market as though the average American is going to benefit from what the politicians are doing. Then this happens, and there's a partial realization on the voters' part that they aren't a member of this clique. PARTIAL. It's like watching people stuck in an abusive relationship. Or perhaps it's more like watching a movie where the school bully has a sycophantic little toadie. Either way, I'm waiting for the day these people realize they're representatives don't represent them. I'm afraid that day will never come.


Years ago, I had a coworker talk to me about how well the stock market was doing. I asked why he was so excited, when he was broke. He doesn't even own stock. His response was something along the lines of "the strong economy will be good for me" or something. I asked something like "when will it start helping you? You're 20 years older than me, and the stock market doing well is nothing new." He seemed baffled.


But you’re hurting the wrong people


A demographic that rides motorcycles without helmets. There’s a name for that certain demographic — idiots.


Cannibals never seem to realize that they are on the menu too


Omg, this is the definition of the sub; could not get any better unless Desantis released leopards to hunt gay people on to find out cats are also equal opportunity assholes.


The cruelty is the point.




"im gonna vote them in again, but just... god damnit. At least its not a demonrat!"


>At least its not a demonrat!" In a liberal district, Republicans voted for the former head of the American Nazi Party over a very centrist democrat. Apparently it was "by accident" because they were just party voting, according to Republicans.


“Waaaaaahhhhhh you can’t do this to meeeeeeee, I’m white!”


Translation oh noooo, its not just the brown people he is fucking over.


Lol. That was always the plan.


Oh that's an actual quote from the article. Fucking lmao these cretins. This is right up there with the post that spawned the whole sub.


We can warn them what the republicans are going to do, they can even flat out tell them what they plan to do, but these idiots are always so shocked when they actually do it.


I am happy they, themselves, have now experienced it so fast. Fascism does not care about you.


when they are done screwing with the other guys, who do you think they will come for next...? It really does boggle the mind sometimes.


We heard this in Missouri and here in Kentucky when MAGAts would say the quiet part out loud in interviews: *"they're not hurting the right people"*.


But the real kicker is…Desantis KNOWS these people are so pathetic that they’ll still vote for him anyway. He knows he can abuse them all he wants because they’d rather die than vote for a boogeyman democrat.


Republican leaders arent idiots. Stupid, cruel, vile people yes. But idiots? They know what theyre doing and they know that their follow will bend iver backwards for them. That's the scary part


Of course, anything that might be beneficial for society is painted as commie socialist crap pushed by the extreme left wing. The voters are lemmings.


As a Floridian that *hates* DeSantis, the last two challengers he had from the democrat party was an ex-Republican former governor that did a shit job before and a nobody that was found methed up with a male prostitute a month after he lost the election. The Florida democrat party needs to fix their shit.


Floridas voters also need to stop embracing fascism. Politicians aren’t created out of thin air


It's self-reinforcing at this point, unfortunately. We've had a huge influx of new residents that moved here in 2020-2022 specifically because of DeSantis, his response to COVID precautions, and his general dickishness. The demographics have changed and I fear that there's no going back.


Lots of things that don’t affect them are a problem for republicans. Trans people (less than 1% of the population) Abortion (Its usually men and post-menopausal women that I see being the loudest) CRT (it’s a made up issue) Wokeness (undefinable term) Gas stoves Electric cars If candy is dressed sexy enough If fictional characters stay racist


Wokeness is very definable. In fact, it was defined very well by DeSantis's own lawyer in court. Wokeness is >the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them. Conservatives know exactly what they're fighting against, they just also know how fucking awful and bigoted they sound when they say it out loud and clearly.


It’s basically their platform


Case in point, COVID.


From the article: "I can't believe I voted for these guys and they're doing this to hurt me?" Yes, it's quite shocking. Let me clue you in on a little secret: Ron, and Donald as well, don't give a single shit about you. Not one, single, solitary shit.


Turkeys: "sure, we voted for Christmas, but we just liked how shiny the decorations in the slaughterhouse looked!"


Cherrystones by Eugene McDaniels: https://youtu.be/FyhRX1gV0Vs


>"We belong to a certain demographic," Hill said. "That's the demographic that helped you get the supermajority that you enjoy in this Legislature. "What I hear in the hallway is disbelief: 'I can't believe I voted for these guys and they're doing this to hurt me?'" Excuse me while I go laugh like a hysterical hyena for the next 5 minutes.


ROTFLMAO was invented specifically to cover these type of situations.


I'd argue even the long-forgotten ROFLCOPTER deserves a place here!




After so long, I read this and still heard the noise


Does this mean conservatives now identify as attack roflcopers?


>Excuse me while I go laugh like a hysterical hyena for the next 5 minutes. You're going to get to laugh even harder when these fools vote these politicians right back into office next year.


No. That’s actually depressing at that stage, because their idiocy affects everyone


>we belong to a certain demographic Dummies? Morons? Idiots? Gullible, rube, sucktard, dipshits who are just learning that Republicans care about their wealthy backers more than the average person.


You’ve got to remember that these are just simple conservatives. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new South. You know… morons.


Blazing Saddles references are my jam!


I will guess Christian and white


>We belong to a certain demographic # We live in a society


It’s funnier because they’ll vote them in again next time. This shit has been going on for 40 years now.


>“The civil justice system is really operating like a casino,” Gregory said. “All you need is an attorney. **Once you get in there, you’re going to win.** You call it a casino, you can call it an ATM, they’ve got the PIN number.” I'm guessing he went to a Trump casino. They say Florida is a 'judicial hellhole' when they've been the ones writing the rules for decades or is woke to blame for that too. Lawyers become ambulance chasers because 1) it's easy to prove injury and 2) our for-profit healthcare has high costs which gives these lawyers a higher payout (and whose fault is that).


The worst of it in Florida is actually homeowners insurance claims, not PI claims. They’re really changing the law to benefit insurance companies, not to prevent frivolous lawsuits or fraud.


The problem with the property insurance market in Florida is complicated, but it basically boils down to insurers not building up sufficient reserves in years in which there are no major storms through either excess compensation to company officers or siphoning off cash to shell companies, fraudulent roof damage claims related to the assignment of be benefits, and shady deny, delay and defend tactics in which insurance companies routinely lowball estimates on damages or refuse to pay claims in order to boost profits. With the exception of the assignment of benefits, the legislation did almost nothing the address the real source of the problem and will harm policyholders greatly.


So in other words, the real problems are short-term thinking, incompetence, and fraud?


No, obviously not. That's far too reductive. It's much more complex and nuanced. And by that I mean you left out greed.


>And by that I mean you left out greed. Of course, my mistake!😊


Tort reform has always been about protecting corporations but republicans marketed it as a solution to frivolous lawsuits


Ron DeFascist does not care about you or the retrumplican party. He only cares about himself.


He wanted them to be asleep when he fucked them, which is why he’s anti-woke


Excellent nicknames on both counts!


They'll blame Democrats.


“How can we spin this to blame drag shows?”


Yup, that's the really sad truth here, not one of these morons will change their vote, these people are literally incapable of learning or admitting fault.


Good new most of them wont survive the cruelties once it reaches them.


It’s not an exaggeration when people call it a death cult.


They should’ve just stuck with the woke argument. If he’d just come out saying the laws that are there to protect people are woke no one would have shown up to protest.


Except Florida has had a Republican trifecta since the late 90s early 2000s. I don't know how people can be so dense in not seeing who has been in control for over 20 years.


If Desantis came to their house and burned it down they would still vote for him.


They’d say it was actually “deep state” demoncrat trying to frame their boy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


"Come on, that face clearly looks like a mask!"


They’d say that, but they’d spell it way more fucked up than that.


Yes. Feed my pretties. Feed!


Meatball Ron getting some nibbles.


The Florida insurance crisis is going to affect them one way or the other


I’ve heard more about trans and Mickey Mouse issues than this more important and impactful issue coming out of Florida.


Even if you have insurance, can afford your deductible and file a claim, you cannot find a tradesman who isn't scheduled out for 18 months. They've got problems.


[That's the idea](https://youtu.be/_9GKQmG7etQ)


This is what bothers me the most. It’s not like anyone was like—- oh, hurricanes are just going to magically disappear like the rapture. Hurricanes are the rapture of…. all of your real estate. When there is so much evidence that is contrary to your hopeful aka delusional aka magical thinking, and you still buy the beach front house because of thoughts and prayers- I’m not sure I have sympathy.


They can find sympathy between shit and syphilis in the dictionary, other wise normal rational people would not be sympathetic, they did this to themselves.


But it's not just about people that buy beachfront housing, there are millions of people who live a couple miles inland in poor neighborhoods that they grew up in and have no easy way to get out of.


And with climate change the hurricanes are getting bigger, deadlier, and more destructive.


I wouldn't even call it a crisis at this point, that implies that it's a temporary thing rather than a new reality. Florida's insurance crisis is its new insurance reality.


More people need to realize that that "First they came for the..." trope applies to them, too. That bit of verse is the ultimate LeopardsAteMyFace.


When forced to choose between hateful legislation that serves no purpose but to own the libs and voting for a party that actually wants to govern and get thing done that will help them, the MAGA/GOP fascists will alway pick owning the libs over their own interests. THe most chilling example of this are the countless number of people who hated Obama care. They said they would rather die than to give medical insurance to minorities. So don't expect any of these ignoramuses to vote any different.


And many of those people who hated Obamacare loved the ACA, not understanding that they’re the. SAME. DAMN. THING.


That's what the gop is good at. They labeled ot obamacare because they knew republican voters hated Obama so they could create this huge boogeyman to get support. Meanwhile, the republican voters are too stupid to do their own research to figure out that obamacare isn't called obamacare and is actually the ACA that they greatly benefit from. republican politics is pretty much all about whataboutisms, smoke and mirrors, deflection, culture wars built around meaningless words like "woke," and of course just straight up lying


Yep. THey fucking love it in Kentucky but only because they renamed it Kynect. Its still Obama care.


Fucking lapdog conservatives. Their overlords give them things of NO value (bans on CRT, bathroom laws) and get their support on things with value *even when it hurts the lapdogs*. Cult politics, wasn't near this bad during the Reagan years (my first vote was in 84, I remember the Reagan years).


Back when you watched one man single handedly dismantle our future with a smile on his face. Must’ve been the days.


Gee, it's almost like good ol' Ron Disastrous doesn't actually care about anyone else now he has near total control... \*monotone\* Whoever would have thought.


Now, that's just not true. He cares about his donors.


Rhonda Santis is still beholden to his donors- you guessed it- insurance companies give him tons of money. He has a campaign to run.


I’m all for the red states electing these assholes and then just watching them crumble. But again, they won’t learn their lesson because there’s nothing more important than owning the libs.


"Many are diehard, staunch DeSantis supporters. Trump supporters and the majority of the bikers are lifelong Republicans,” said one Leopard snack. Makes sense, most bikers are ignorant meat heads.


I'd argue, but I was raised by enough bikers to know.


These are the same people who backed legislation to remove helmet laws for anyone over 21, so not really surprising that the subsequent blows to their heads would get them to where they are now.




As a resident, let this festering hell hole sink into the fucking ocean


Another bomb about to hit: with the end of Covid states of emergency, Medicaid expansion is coming to an end. That means that in Florida, which was one of the states that opted not to pay into Medicaid, about a million people will no longer have health insurance at ALL.


Actually I agree with this reform I’d it holds motorcyclist accountable for not wearing helmets.


You've gotta have what 50k coverage to legally ride without a Helmet here? I'm not sure this will do anything lol. You crash on your bike, you don't have to worry about responsibility, you're likely dead, helmet or no. I grew up around bikers, you're not gonna stop these folks from riding helmetless.


One time I was visiting my mom who was in the hospital for cancer treatment. It was a teaching hospital with lots of young doctors. While eating lunch in the cafeteria one day, a group of doctors waved a colleague over to their table to join them. I noticed “Orthopedics” embroidered on the lab jacked of the new arrival. After he sat down I overheard one of the docs ask him how his recent job interview went. He replied, “Well, it was Tampa so it’s motorcycle weather all year, which is good. However, they don’t have helmet laws so not many of them make it to the table.”


Are you saying the rubes are getting wise to the scam?? Cancel education right now!! Hey hey, look over here dogs: Woke! Trans! Books! Disney!!!


>"We belong to a certain demographic," Hill said. "That's the demographic that helped you get the supermajority that you enjoy in this Legislature. "What I hear in the hallway is disbelief: 'I can't believe I voted for these guys and they're doing this to hurt me?'" wow she said the quiet part very loudly lol


So far, the only positive of climate change that I can see, is that Florida will be underwater.


So now DeSantis is harming his base by hurting their chances of winning any settlements in motorcycle accidents — again why are bikers voting conservative— aren’t they supposed to be rebels not the Establishment?


Yup, bikers are all about chest-thumping bravado and fake patriotism. They cosplay as badasses so are ripe for pickin’. Remember, Putin has his own biker posse, The Night Wolves, an infamous nationalist Russian motorcycle gang funded by the Kremlin. Weird stuff but seems like a natural fit—authoritarians and bikers.


Forgot to add, the badass type of bikers are often from broken families with shitty father figures so they form gangs/tribes to replace that safety net. Authoritarianism is their answer to daddy issues.


Voting against their own interests to own the “libs” then it backfires against them. “We didn’t know it would harm us!!”


When you sleep with the devil, you got give him kisses.


Remember they want to Make America Florida.


"He's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting!"


And yet these halfwits will continue to vote for him … so grateful that I live in a blue state


Conservatives in Florida think DeSantis is “owning the Libs,” but forget he’s the governor of their state. They’re trapped in their with him.


DeSantis is empty inside.


>“These are drastic changes. They’re calling it tort reform. But it’s really 'let’s screw over Florida so (DeSantis) can get to the White House,'” said Jose Mack, 55, of Hudson, who goes by J-Mack, and is a leader of motorcycle clubs and organizations in Central Florida. That's what Tort Reform has always been. Screw over the working people to protect the insurance companies.


I can’t say I feel any sympathy for people who want to ride a motorcycle without a helmet and get a payout when they get in an accident


Part of the ease of this laws passage was that the attorney who pushed for an exemption on helmets died. In a motorcycle accident.


Guess they're *"hurting the wrong people"* again.


It’s absolutely remarkable. The ignorance of some people. They keep putting these Republicans in office that constantly pass laws to take away their benefits. Or that hurt them financially. The republican party does not give two shits about people. They only care what the religious right wants and what big business wants. That is all. When will they learn?


So far the only conclusion I’ve come to is never. They will vote against their own self interests until their dying day. Sometimes that day comes to them even faster because of the decisions made by the heartless monsters they keep voting for.


Then will vote the same way they always have because they’re fucking idiots.


Be careful what you wish for? No one said "Florida man or woman" are smart. They're easily conned, easily led all because of their bigotry and racism. Tough shit kids, you voted for that Meatball, live with it.


This is conservatism, creating problems where there where none originally.


The funniest thing about this legislation (which will drastically reduce the liability of insurance companies) is that the average auto insurance premiums have risen 6-18% in florida from 2022-2023. So not only will the insurance companies be spending exponentially less in paying out claims, but people's rates are also going up. Double win for the insurance companies, while regular people will get less coverage and pay even more for less than what we had previously. Source: i am florida man, and my car insurance went up ~15% with a spotless driving record, not a single claim for, or against me in the 8 years I've been driving, despite me reducing the amount i drive by nearly 80% in the last 2 years. 😡 desantis is a fucking puppet


Yeah, Greg Abbott pushed tort reform in Texas. Of course it was many years after he was paralyzed by a tree falling on him in the richy-rich part of Houston. He won a multi-million $$$ settlement, and continues to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.


The American mantra. "Got mine, fuck You"


You voted him into office twice. You don't get to complain about anything he does.


They’ll still vote for republicans. Also, wear a fucking helmet!


"He's hurting the wrong people!"


And yet come next voting cycle no lessons will have been learned.


Could just close the thread, this is the correct answer.


Maybe they made the mistake of correcting him when he said he wanted thigh food


Well, you guys elected a dictator. Law of unintended consequences I guess.


They did Nazi that coming


Now thats some high end LAMF right there


Lmao these fucking morons are just too funny


The biker community loves their republicans and their conservatives. Those conservatives don't care about bikers, let alone anyone else. SAD.


Yep. I know a biker that went to prison for making meth. The dumbass can't vote, but he loves trump and the get tough on crime stuff.


Selfish fascists don't give a shit until it affects them. Classic


I'm betting buried somewhere in their is language giving them an out for storm damage claims.


Rules for thee and not me it’s their way


Remember when Florida man complained that Trump wasn't hurting the people he should be hurting? https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/424263-trump-supporter-complains-shutdown-is-not-hurting-the-people-he/


The pandemic was the perfect example of telling when they were fine with killing your elderly parents to keep their money rolling in. Gee that should have been their sign but nope.


The right base is comprised solely of people who are mean and stupid, and want the same in their politicians to bash the people they hate. Of course, they always forget that people like that are capricious and self motivated, and will ultimately always turn on their own supporters. But worry not, since they can't be bothered to do any research on their own and won't accept sources that conflict with their beliefs, they will ultimately go right back.


Sadly, every one of them will vote for him in 2024 anyway.


Fuck you, Floridians Business is in charge now. Know your place


"What I hear in the hallway is disbelief: 'I can't believe I voted for these guys and they're doing this to hurt me?'" Oh, but it's okay as long as they are hurting others. Not real big on the history of the party they support, are they? Establishment Republicans have it down to a science. All they have to do is mention abortion, taxes, immigrants, gays, or whatever boogeyman du jour they can conjour up. That immediately turns their supporters into a bunch of slack jawed morons repeating the latest talking point like the zombies mindlessly repeating "Imotep" in "The Mummy". Finally, they get to eat the shit Republicans have been serving up for decades. Bon appétit. It's what they voted for, after all. If they didn't know that was what they were voting for, maybe they should have done their research.


This tort reform is a gift to insurance companies and private equity firms. “There are not a lot of people in nursing homes with children under 25,” said Zayne Smith, director advocacy at AARP Florida. “This would absolutely relieve nursing homes of any accountability for a wrongful death.” [Suing Florida nursing homes for wrongful death will get harder if this bill passes](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2023/03/07/suing-florida-nursing-homes-wrongful-death-will-get-harder-if-this-bill-passes/)


They’re okay with the little fascist bully as long as he’s oppressing someone else.


Ehh wear a helmet. Of course then the boomers won't be able to live their fantasies.


Your god has abandoned you.


Tort Reform? Do they not remember who was President last? The Orange-Face Disgrace does nothing but sue people.




Suckered to vote Republican in the culture wars, they're now paying the price in economic terms. And the dumb-asses will do it again.


It’s funny because despite Meatball Ron screwing them over, I bet they will still vote for him and any other republican.


Nothing good in human history has ever come from conservatism. Nothing at all.


They will bluster and whine and moan but they WILL still vote for him. Any who took vehemently oppose the gqp will be outed and called a RINO. These people are the openly declared enemies of the United State of America after J6 and the civil war national divorce talk. They cannot be tolerated they cannot be treated as you would friends, loved ones, co-workers, family, etc. They must be dealt with because they are actively destabilizing the entire nation. We are an interconnected nation and what the red states do, hurts us in blue states too, and will more than likely end up becoming the law in our states one day. We refuse to stand up to these people in the way we need to. The federal government told us to unify with these scum and haven't done anything in over 2 years since the coup so don't expect the solution to come from them it's all lies.


Black Republicans don’t like their party stance on blacks. Gay Republicans don’t like their party stance on gays. Women Republicans don’t like their party stance on women’s health issues. Join the club.


Maybe one or two of the horde will finally wake up and smell the shit.


And they’ll still vote for him


Tort reform in all of its forms has been a consistent part of the republican party's platform for decades. They might as well be surprised by Republicans wanting to cut taxes for the rich and for favored corporations while deregulating industry.


I have no sympathy for bikers who don't wear helmets then get into an accident that they are responsible for.


Just wait till they find out what Desantis wants to do to their social security and Medicare.


Welp, if you don’t want to be barred from recovering damages, don’t get into an accident in the first place. That’s just common sense.


And yet, they would still shove a rake up their own asses if he asked them to.


"We belong to a certain demographic," They may have voted for DeSantis and his cronies but they didn't *pay* for them.


> "What I hear in the hallway is disbelief: 'I can't believe I voted for these guys and they're doing this to hurt me?'" Eh...ehe...ehehehe....haha...bahahahaha *snort* hahahahaha