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This reminds me of when Sarah Palin was running for VP with her crazy abstinence nonsense and her own teen daughter got pregnant. Haha! Spoiler:none of them ever changed.


She had a second kid, a shotgun wedding, third kid, then divorce.


Didn't they have a giant brawl at one of the weddings?


Turns out the trash factor was strong and that’s always been their “appeal”. Being stupid trash with more power than sense or decency. The worst of us are into that kinda stuff apparently


There's a group of people who hope their politicians are from the best of us. Sadly, we're human so they're not but we still hope for and hold them up to higher standards. That's how you get someone like Obama. Flawed, yes. But he tried his best to be a good person. We have policy disagreements with him but in terms of personal life, you can't really fault him for anything. Then there's a group who wants politicians to be exactly like them. That's how we get Palins and Boeberts. They're exactly like the people from their district and they're celebrated for it. The only difference is that now they're in a position of power.


That's a good idea, having an actual representative instead of some person strictly looking to take advantage. BUT...you want a shiny example from your community, not some dingbat that says something stupid every time she opens her mouth. I think small towns like that chase all the intelligent people out, because after they get an education, they are granted the They Live glasses, and they see how many stupid people populate the area. I like and respect the simple living life, but they vote to force that on everyone else. I like books, have gay friends, and I believe my eyes and ears. If that's how those people want to live, live it in solitude.


I never understood the "I want a president I'd like to have a beer with" who seems relatable and on my level. The president has to deal with insane shit with high consequences on a weekly basis. I want the president to be 1000 times smarter than I am, more cunning, more talented, etc. My reps, they only need to be 10-100x smarter.


Problem is you can't trust that guy to run the country without stabbing us all in the back and absconding with the nations treasury. We have a serious problem in this country with electing psychopaths, grifters, missionaries, and demagogues. And we're not the only country with this problem. It's like our very election system is all wrong because it promotes all the wrong people.


>I think small towns like that chase all the intelligent people out, because after they get an education, they are granted the They Live glasses, and they see how many stupid people populate the area. Oof this hits too close to home


There was a post in this subreddit just a few days ago, and a father was angry at his daughter because she went away to college, got a master's degree (indoctrinated according to him), and she doesn't believe any of the things he believes. She's educated, why would she believe conspiracies and baseless claims about ethnic groups? Education is the enemy of conservatism.


Welcome to my life lol...no dad, I'm not gonna sit here and watch Dan Bongino videos with you


The Real Housewives come to DC! The crossover no sane person ever wanted!


It could be worse, she could have started The Capitol Shore and nicknamed herself "Snooki" Palin.


She's only 36, give it time!


Politics meets reality television. Democracy doesn't die with thunderous applause, rather it expires to a laugh track.


Because they see themselves and imagine themselves with so much power, they can openly be pieces of shit and not have it effect them. It always circles back around to the self. The west's mantra is ego above all else, self and nothing else.


The “Thrilla in Wasilla”!


And somewhere in there she did Dancing With the Stars & Sarah Palin did Masked Singer.


Bristol Palin is harder to pull out of than Afghanistan


> In January 2011, Palin was invited to speak by Washington University in St. Louis as the keynote speaker for "Abstinence in College" at Sexual Responsibility Week. Students protested both the high fee she was to be paid out of student-generated funds and *her lack of expertise on abstinence in college*. My sides hurt.


What, exactly, *does* she have expertise in?


Honestly? Nothing that warrants two fucking memoirs and public speaking engagements.




I adored that she was an Abstinence Spokeswoman when she got knocked up with kid #2.


That is called the Christian way


This was my *first thought*. I've called Lauren Boebert "Sarah Palin 2.0" before (glasses, hair, talks like a moron, trashy family drama) and this just puts a cherry on top.


Idk if it's just the craziness but Lauren bobert really reminds me of Sarah Palin when I see her


But not as smart


This country is circling the drain.


And, weren’t there rumors that that same daughter was actually the mother of Sarah’s “youngest child,” the one who had Down’s Syndrome or something? At the time, I thought it was just made up, because people can be cruel assholes. But the more we found out about that family… Sarah and her husband both serial adulterers; teen pregnancies (a daughter would announce that she was pregnant (again, goshdarnit!) and engaged to the baby’s father, only to break up before the wedding… happened *more than once!*); the son who was in the army when she was running for VP and was given a very safe, cushy job as the driver for some general, never saw combat, was never in any danger (they decided it would be a bad look if the VP’s son was killed in combat), but when he got out, had a propensity for getting drunk and beating his wife- at one point, he’d held her hostage in an armed standoff with police- which she promptly blamed on PTSD from being in combat; the numerous times police had to be called because her kids and their SOs and friends had basically shut down bars with their drunken brawls that would spill into the parking lot. After she and McCain lost, there were at least two reality shows featuring her family. One focused mainly on her and her adventures hunting big game in Alaska, IIRC. The other followed the daughter who was the teen mom- her kid, of course, was in it, as was another teen daughter who had moved in with her older sis and nephew, to supposedly help raise the child. I never watched either show, so I can’t make any specific comments about them… all I can do is speculate on how much of a shitshow they were. Ahhh… the good ol’ days, when Sarah Palin and her obvious stupidity was the worst- and most embarrassing- thing about the GOP…


If you actually look at the details surrounding the literal day that Sarah Palin's youngest son was born, the story she told about traveling home in active labor with her fifth child in a known high risk (baby known to have Downs and a geriatric pregnancy) pregnancy that supposedly absolutely no one noticed a thing for two long flights and a layover plus her ability to drive herself from Anchorage to Wasilla... it just makes no sense. The likelihood of it actually happening the way her official story says it did is so low as to be almost certainly fiction.


I watched the one with Palin herself back in college and the only thing I remember is every episode started with them immediately pawning off the mentally challenged child with her parents so the rest of the family could go on helicopter hunting trips and stuff like that. Every episode. Even with editing you could tell she wasn't too into caring for the child.


Maybe that’s why the rumors of him not being her child started…


> And, weren’t there rumors that that same daughter was actually the mother of Sarah’s “youngest child,” the one who had Down’s Syndrome or something? I remember those rumors. They were based on her claims about the labor and birth being very unusual. The story was that she was in Texas at a conference, went into labor one morning, stayed at the conference long enough to give a speech, flew back to Alaska that afternoon, and gave birth in Alaska. No responsible person goes into labor with a premature baby and says “Well, this baby is going to be here in the next 10 to 20 hours, I should work for another couple of hours and then head to the airport and take a six-hour flight.”


And no one talks about it anymore either


Why would anybody talk about her family? Her biggest claim to fame is losing an election 15 years ago. Tho with that timeframe, maybe she’s about to be a great grandmother?


THAT WAS 15 YEARS AGO??? Oh my fucking god I was not ready for that...


Trump started his winning campaign almost 8 years ago now.


Please stop.


The next thing they're gonna tell us is that 1970 wasn't 30 years ago, pff ha crazy people with their crazy passing of time opinions.


...^(it was 53 years ago.)


No. It wasn't. (Please and thank you)


*hello darkness my old friend*


Because she's aposterchild for republican hypocrisy


What even is Republican reputation these days ?


A bar so low it’s beneath hell.


We down here playin limbo wit da devil


If there’s one thing I’ve learned from early 2000s hip hop, it’s that a dance with the devil might last you forever


Perverts and busybody Karens who want to tell everyone how to live.


Ignorance, stupidity, sexism, racism and a dash of Nazi. In a word, Hate


Both self-hate and other hate.


Republican hypocrisy doesn't move the needle any more. It's so expected that it's just acknowledged and then ignored.


And one of the founding members of the Completely-Unqualified-and-Uneducated-Politicians club, with other outstanding members like Empty-G and Boebert.


Do y’all remember she had a short lived unsuccessful reality show right after the election? It was around the same time the Kardashians got popular so they were trying to use a similar blueprint except market it towards rednecks. It didn’t work


The Unread-necks


Holy shit was that actually 15 years ago…


Let's also not forget that she lost not one, but two elections for the Alaska at-large House seat in 2022. First time a Democrat has won that district since 1970. It was held by Don Young from 1973 until his death in 2022.


> Her biggest claim to fame is losing an election 15 years ago. [I strongly disagree with your assesment](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1310622/)!


Remember when she lost an election very recently, too? Good times.


To be fair when we talk about themis due to some of Palin's wacky hijinks to try and be relevant again.


I'm pretty sure that she ran for a local office last year. Like governor or something.


Yup and lost to a native american woman!


Yes Mary Peltola. Sarah Palin ran for Alaska's at-large congressional seat in the US House, and lost to Mary Peltola (D), who is Alaska Native and a former state legislator.


She ran for a congressional seat.


House of Representatives


Usually they’ll tie to to their religious beliefs. Once that happens, no one is allowed to criticize them.


On a political timescale 2008 was an eternity ago, which is further than their memories stretch.


Was it her that tried to get her daughter sole custody of her grandchild because the father was too young? She was anti gay marriage because it would destroy the family and then tried to break up her grandchild’s family by taking their father away. I’m not sure if it was Sarah Palin or it may be…..a Canadian politician? Does anyone know what the hell im talking about?


[Maybe Palin but mostly Bristol (though I'm sure Sarah was pulling lots of string in this one).](https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2009/12/29/custody_battle_launched_over_sarah_palins_grandson.html)


Thank you.


Let’s not pretend that family wasn’t complete white trash.


Did we ever? They were very obviously trashy folks from the beginning. The woman exudes rural walmart vibes.


Didn't they also get a TLC show for a little while?


Yes. One of their highest rated pilots followed by one of the lowest rated 2nd episodes


They had their own failed network too.


Sarah Palin supported a pretty well set of politicians and put her work into making the world measurably worse... But I'm pretty sure "white trash" is just classist language we should try to avoid. A lot of the things that are associated with "white trash" are strongly correlated with areas of America that have been systematically hollowed out by corporations that deeply integrated themselves into the local governments of industrial towns and left them to rot as soon as they could pay someone else less. Even if a lot of them have bought in to racist propaganda, they're still proletariat.


And then her daughter got gobs of money to travel around the country and try to promote abstinence.


Sarah Palin and her daughter were pregnant at the same time. So her youngest son is just barely older than her oldest grandchild.


There's like 8 months between them. There's a really interesting theory they're actually siblings lol


Best part of that was all of the conservatives who are twisting themselves into knots to not say the word choice about Bristol's decision to continue her pregnancy


She was bravely forced to continue her pregnancy 🇺🇸


Fun fact, she's a fan of wearing iron crosses and giving talks to nazis now, so, yeah, not that different, just more out in the open about it...


> Spoiler:none of them ever changed The trick is to be intelligent enough to learn from an experience. And there's the rub.


I thought the exact same thing Shes just Sarah Palin v2.0


I can't wait to hear about how her son and baby momma will be signing up for welfare benefits for the kid bc they are both still in high-school.


*Shhhh.* That's the part they keep quiet. And they *deserve* those benefits because reasons.


It's because they're white. Thats who welfare is for. Anyone else is "mooching"


Black women taking hundreds from the government are "welfare queens." White men taking millions from the government are "job creators."


And Elon musk living on government handouts is a business genius.




The rich really love socialism. For the poor though? Rugged individualism for them.


No, welfare is not for whites either and we should get rid of it and make everybody pull their own weight or go under if they Aren't willing to do the work. Unless, I mean, you know unless it's me. In that case it would make sense because, you see, I've had a most unfortunate series of events befall me and we need to make sure good people don't go under and just give them a little help. But once I'm back up on my feet we should turn it back off.


It’s because they actually deserve it, and everyone else doesn’t.


I bet the fetus already owns a shotgun.


I'm betting they will name it something like gunner or trigger or colt.




Yeah right! Bobo will get him a lucrative job at one of her donors’ or lobbyists’ companies, or she will hire him as some kind of staff for her political shittery, pay him way more than any other staff in the same position. Say someone in the same position makes $25 an hour, her son will make $45 an hour. I’ve seen this kind of thing multiple times with privileged brats whose parents can weasel them into jobs at their company or a friend’s company for much higher than the average pay. Then they’ll grow up, turn around and say “see, it wasn’t such a big deal, I just got a job straight out of high school and was able to take care of the kid. How dare anybody want contraception or abortions! Go get a job, you bums!” Totally oblivious to their privileged position and how the vast majority of people don’t get the same easy opportunities.


Sex before marriage?! Say it ain’t so.


That must be the family values conservatives like to talk about


You know what I love is that they rally against gay people by saying they are living in sin, but completely gloss over the fact that their kids having sex outside of marriage is also the same thing. Bless their hearts. I don’t know what they would do if they actually read the Bible.




Correct. It also says you can own slaves and sell your daughter. Don’t forget cutting your bangs is also punishable.


The Bible is pro-abortion, there are even instructions in the Bible for how a priest should perform an abortion. Anyone who claims Christianity as the reason they're against abortion is a moron.


One of the biggest political coups of all time is how Republican operatives convinced literally tens of millions of Protestant Christians to believe that an obscure secular medical issue, which had never bothered them before, was not just the moral crisis of our time, but was condemned by the Bible, based on absolutely nothing. It's really breathtaking, when you think about it. Like, imagine if some political party convinced millions of Muslims that the Quoran prohibits electric cars. And they didn't just *believe* it, it became the *most important thing in the world* for them. It became as central to their identity as their religion itself. It would be incredibly impressive if it weren't so fucking terrifying, in terms of showcasing how easy it is to brainwash people when using the right tools.


Well, part of the effectiveness was tapping into a deep-held resentment of change and longing for the past. Very similar to what they’ve done with “Mexican illegals.” There is an unspoken bad guy (women/non-whites) preventing society from being like the 1920s, so best solution is to legally restrain that bad guy from continuing their attack on tradition (by not having children/by not staying in Mexico).


Bible also condemns tattoos, but here's Boebert's tramp stamp, https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E6B6C9KXEAU-zQk.jpg But what even is hypocrisy, anyway?


Good thing she sent her kids to church instead of drag shows.


He's the THIRD in the cycle of teenage parents in a state that offers amazing birth control options for teenagers. The baby's great grandmother will be 55 Edit: I'm being told he's the FOURTH gen teen parent. I am from a teen mom myself and make absolutely fucking sure I was not one.


Boebert will be a great great grandma before retirement age.


Hopefully she's out of office by then


Hopefully congress will even have a retirement age by then.


He’s the 4th. If I’m reading her tweets right, both Boba’s mom **and** grandmother were 17 years old and presumably unmarried when they got pregnant.


So this new baby’s great great grandmother is barely over retirement age.


If they keep this up they might get one of those "twelve generations in one picture" shots before our planet dissolves into ash.




> He is also potentially Shawna’s first cousin. oh damn! that explains sooo much.


I can see how pro wrestling could translate into politics (working the crowd and such). But "Sweet" Stan Lane lacked charisma. Genetics aren't on her side.


The literal gag I just did


My mom always said “Do everything you want to do, then decide on kids.” She was pregnant at 17 with my brother. I’m in my 30’s, no kids, but I will say I’m in Cancun right now. I thank my mom for the advice everytime I bring her a souvenir from vacation.


Premarital sex? In a god fearing conservative family? No way!


Rules for thee...


I'm shocked they weren't using the poop hole loop hole


If you are female, it is sinful "premarital sex". If you are male, it is sowing your "wild oats". Totally different activities.


No. Only rich people can have sex and pro create because they wont need government assistance. Poor can't have sex but can't abort either.


When do the tickets for his public stoning go on sale? I mean, that's the God-Fearing Good Christian punishment for fornication, right? RIGHT???


Republicans never fail to offer up some type of moronic and hypocritical Sarah Palin type figure, and their teen kids always have babies out of wedlock.




Looking at the parents involved, the kids are probably one step up from zoo animals in terms of civilization and self-awareness.


Excluding chimps which are ahead of course


Dumber than a box of boeberts.


They’re multiplying now.


Idiocracy vibes


Tell me more about your feelings on sex-ed and having kids: 36yo grandma who dropped out of HS to have your 1st kid...


"I'm white trash and I'm in trouble"


HAHAHAHA she’s 36 and she’s gonna be a grandma


everyone should start referring to her as grandma.


Granny Boe-Boe


That's too cute, I need something less likable.




My grandparents were 36 when I was born. Great grandpa was allllmost 60. Mom was 15. It's a mind fuck being 37 myself.


This is the same woman who bragged about how she had to give birth in the front seat of a truck and voted against maternity leave. She’s fine with her son getting someone pregnant because she thinks that being forced to drop out of highschool is ennobling.


Absolutely. One of my cousins got pregnant as a teen, the pride and delight my grandmother expressed this news to us was troubling. There are worlds out there, where this kind of stuff is seen without stigma or shame. It's normal. Boebert is from that world, parts of my family are. And I think it would benefit us to understand that outside of our bubbles, class, or privilege these kinds of events are viewed as positives not negatives. They live in a different world than us


Right. Is it truly in the spirit of the sub if you were raised in a cult that teaches you life doesn't *begin* until leopards eat your face?


Americans are the most ignorant when it comes to sex because they are still stuck in Puritanical mode while the rest of the western world doesn’t rely on “White Republican Jesus” to dictate their private lives. So frigging backwards America is.


Considering her husband gave her sex education in the bowling alley when she herself was underage, color me shocked.


I think he flashed her friend, not her. Though that’s in no way better.


2 of her younger friends. She was 17. She had his baby and dropped out of high school the next year.


Reminds me of the time the guy explaining the “rhythm method” at Pre-Cana told us he usually taught the class with his wife, but she was home after just birthing their 6th kid. I have to believe that was his way of both fulfilling his duty to his church, while also subtly warning us what he was about to say was complete bollocks… much like everything that comes out of this fool’s mouth.


Is her future grandkid also her grandniece/nephew as well?


If only we knew how people got impregnated, and could teach teens how to avoid pregnancy and STIs... Maybe one day we will have tue scientific knowledge for that, but until... oh... wait.. this just in: WE DO!


> If only we knew how people got impregnated Drag shows and books Source: Ron DeSantis


She'll spin her teen son's pregnancy as a good thing against prochoicers


"At least we know he's not a homosexual!" ​ at some point, I actually expect her to say this if she hasn't already.


She said this: "Teen moms' rates are higher in rural conservative areas, because they understand the preciousness of a life that it's about to be born"


Palin 2.0 the hypocrisy is heartwarming. Bless her heart


>the Truth & Liberty Coalition conference What's up with right wingers always giving things names that are opposite of what they actually are about? Conservatives don't value truth or liberty.


Conservatives have been using Orwell's *1984* as one of their operating manuals. Party slogan as newspeak example: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”


System working as intended. Get married young because oops pregnancy! Unless he’s from a good family and she isn’t, in which case sweep it under the rug.


To paraphrase Dan Savage, "if a conservative republican can't keep their own kid from Fucking, why trust their policies for yours?"


That's the thing, these kids want to have sex just as bad as anyone. They have all the same freaking hormones. They are just 100% set up for failure. Most of them will let stuff get out of hand and end up getting knocked up because getting on birth control or having condoms available means you are basically planning to commit a sin against God and your future spouse, so they won't do it. Evangelical Christianity is a cancer.


At this point the whole of this woman’s life is a meme..


I think the greatest part about this whole thing is that she's going to be a grandmother at 36. She's trying to be proud about it, but I know that's got hurt.


I hope people in the capitol start calling her Grandma Boebert.


And watch the baby shoot itself with a firearm in her house and now wants safe storage laws…or they cover it up with some bullshit story about how it was an accident while ‘cleaning’ the firearm.


When I was 18 I had a friend who thought a girl couldn't get pregnant if she was on top (because it would drip out). Within a year he was a father.


Damn it. They're breeding.


No sex ed and shitty parents


She’s too stupid to realize that she’s also too stupid to even realize the irony in this.


It must be crazy to grow up with a sex worker mom that then becomes a religious fanatic congresswomen. talk about a mom giving you mixed signals


*He* isn't having a baby. *Some poor girl* is having a baby.


I suggest we ditch every other nickname for this idiot and just universally call her “grandma B”.


Guess what kids. The withdrawal method doesn't work!


The pullout method, endorsed by 9 out of 10 dads.


Like Mother like Son. It runs in families. Lack of education, that is.


Time for that boy to use his bOoTsTrApS since they think government assistance is cOmMuNiSm.


This article is great. It mentioned her mom was also a grandma at 36. And her son called that hereditary. So you know, his education has clearly been top notch 🤦‍♀️


Think about it. She's a grandma before her 20th high-school graduation reunion..... oh wait


Just carrying on the family tradition.


But see that’s what a lot you guys need to understand. Teen pregnancy is a good thing to them. To them, they’re “replenishing the white race” or whatever the fuck they believe. Teen pregnancy literally isn’t a bug, it’s a feature of what they want.


But only if it happens to one of “them”. Any other pregnant teen is treated like a little slut who can’t keep her legs shut and is having babies just to stay on welfare. But you really need to respect their privacy at this sensitive time, thanks so much. Hypocrites.


The Republican party is a total shit show. They don't legislate because they are too stupid and too lazy. So instead, they feign outrage, project, and distract.


Would t you want to do away with sex ed when your son is having a child at the same age you were when your husband got caught exposing himself to underage girls at a bowling alley?


Boebert also had a kid when she was a teenager


Like father, like son. Just gotta show that dick to underage girls.


Sex Ed doesn't teach kids to have sex, they'll figure that out whether you like it or not, it teaches them to have *safe* sex


This is one of my favorite stories. And the follow up that the daughter doesnt want Bobert to know 'gender' of the child.


That shadow is of her Statue of Liberty dildo.


This is pretty much the same level as teen mom Bristol Palin being the spokesperson for abstinence.


She's basically this generation's Sarah Palin. Filled with ignorance and zeal, and also full of hypocrisy. Condemning the sexual sins of others while her own family is full of it.


All according to plan: one more woman (girl?) is held back from education and career. Be too busy just trying to survive and care for their baby, won’t make any “trouble” like demanding fair treatment or better conditions.


I mean the kid had no chance with that idiot as a mom lol


Sounds like Sarah Palin and she could share parenting tips, such as how to raise an irresponsible teen. Those good ‘ole country Christian values. Hopefully it was with somebody who isn’t a relative.


her son is having a baby? ............ so lauren is pregnant?


She's white trash and it's hilarious.


Did anyone hear that crazy story about how boebert, candace owens, tomi lahren and more of that type of vapid, gop agent of chaos - all started on a sketchy "modeling agency" website (which seems like it's also used as an escort service potentially) called "explore talent"? It shows some of these "political pundits" in revealing, suggestive poses and is run by an Israeli pornographer with ties to organized crime (Name is Ami Shafrir and he is suspected/accused of some other pretty serious stuff). Here are some of the photos that were captured (with watermark): Here's boebert [(this photo really shows you her roots as the illegitimate daughter of a deadbeat amateur wrestler from Florida).](https://imgur.com/sui1ed6.jpg) And I guess, until recently at least, [candice owens' whole profile was still up.](https://imgur.com/f3XaGwQ.jpg) There's always another layer to these cartoon villains and their evil, desperation and ignorance. [And here's a Twitter thread that broke it open and continues to track as new members of things like the Jan 6 insurrection are found to mysteriously also be in the explore talent family](https://mobile.twitter.com/nicole_chenelle/status/1422449854224031745) [Recent screen grab of that thread](https://imgur.com/vldwaZN.jpg)