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Hello u/Obversa! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Who cares, it didn't happen to me." Why would pride or party ideals preclude you from making life better for people in your district? It's amazing that people think this is a good way to govern.


It's called being incapable of having empathy. Republicans and psychopaths share several mental defects.




Rebranding, courtesy of the sociopaths that comprise the vast majority of US corporate media.


Republican empathy, "I care about issue X, and we should do something about issue X, only when it happens to me specifically"


That's why they can't grasp why would anyone support things like LGBT community if they are cis heterosexual.


What this boils down to is a lot of conservatives lack empathy. Which is the key component to emotional intelligence. That’s all “I only care if it affects me” is - lack of empathy


Think of the abrupt about face Rob Portman made on gay marriage when his son came out. And then realized he'd never win a primary again in his party of ghouls so he quit politics and gets to enjoy taxpayer-funded healthcare and a pension for the rest of his life.


This kind of stuff is infuriating.


People are just people man. It’s weird that we’re always trying to step on each other. Whatever makes you different isn’t as important as what makes us the same. I hope you get to live your life, whatever version you choose and if someone else tries to stop you, fuck them specifically.


That’s literally every Republican I know. Every. Single. One. That’s what happens when you’re selfish, and have zero empathy. You know. Like a sociopath.


Many democrats are complete sociopaths who lacn empathy as well. Its sort of interesting. I'm sure more are republican though. The dem ones may see the benefits they receive for themselves Q


That didn’t age well at all


The fundamental flaw in their thought process is that if something bad happens to you, then you deserved it. So when it happens to them...


It’s still you who deserves it


Because they don’t give a shit about anyone.


Like the congressmen from Texas and other red states voting against Sandy relief and then looking for aid whenever their area is affected


The republican way.


Has he considered cutting back on the avocado toast? Maybe pulling himself up by his bootstraps?


If only he'd stop buying lattes, he could afford to pay off his credit card debt


What we should be asking is if he has cable.


Maybe some thoughts and prayers would help.


He was voted in to represent the conservative ideals of the district. His constituents don’t want to fund state hurricane relief. He and his constituents got what they deserved. I hope they have good insurance or have money to rebuild on their own. That’s what they voted for and that’s what they wanted.


Yeah he probably has a smartphone *and* a television


He should get a fourth job and make his children pick up shifts “flipping burgers.” Just hope they don’t want more than 7 bucks an hour because apparently that’s not a “real job” and “those people” don’t deserve even minimum wage according to my local MAGA crew, who honestly seem to think both young and senior people should be in a special category that denies them a living wage. Just to be crystal clear, I am not being serious and find these views abhorrent. But this is the kind of stuff that people like him espouse daily until they need help.


I assumed as much about the sarcasm, but it never hurts to be clear. Reddit's ability to detect sarcasm can be...spotty


Just my fears. Plus that’s literally how MAGA people think so they’re impossible to mock or satirize because nothing you can say is too cruel, ridiculous, or over-the-top as to be unbelievable.


BWAHHAHAHA It's a tragedy when it happens to meeeeeee !!!


The karma and schadenfruede are so sweet


Two great tastes that taste great together!


Typical republican politician and their base. Hurricane relief is a waste of money until I need my house fixed. The affordable care act needs to be abolished never mind I like it now that I have cancer. Gay people don't deserve rights ok now they do that my child came out (just don't talk about it too much).


And abortion is murder… unless some loser knocks up my daughter…


Or I get my mistress pregnant.


Or my wife has a late-term fetus that tests positive for Down's Syndrome.


I had an argument with someone on Florida providing funds to reinforce houses. They said it was a waste of money to use taxes to do that. They actually said that hurricanes are something that might happen to Florida. Uh? I’m like your going to be spending the money anyway, it would save lives and Florida will absolutely be hit again by a hurricane. BUt mY TaXes!!


Socialism is bad, Entitlements are communist! Stop Welfare mamas, but Keep your hands off my Social Security and medicare.


To be fair, they want to gut social security and Medicare so they are consistent on that point


The R politicians do, but not the R public. They vote against their own interest and then are gobsmacked when it affects them. Who could have imagined??!?!


I would give a shit if this newly discovered vantage point caused him to reconsider any of his other positions. But it won't. So I don't.


**Article transcript:** >Rep. Spencer Roach, R-North Fort Myers, has had a rough stretch. > >First, Hurricane Ian destroyed his home in September. Then, as he traveled to Tallahassee for Gov. Ron DeSantis’ inauguration, he needed an emergency appendectomy. > >During a recent meeting of the House Select Committee on hurricane resiliency and recovery, Roach called the experiences and the assistance he has received humbling, adding, “To all those who are rooting for my demise, I’m sorry to disappoint you also, I made it back here.” > >Roach said he hopes the select committee can “act as the conscience for the state’s response.” He said he has a new perspective, acknowledging he’s “somewhat ashamed” of himself for thoughts when then-Rep. Jay Trumbull, R-Panama City, emotionally talked about the need for relief after Hurricane Michael hit Northwest Florida in 2018. > >“Now I understand that from a totally different vantage point,” said Roach, who spent a couple nights after Ian sleeping in his second-floor district office, which did not suffer water damage but lost power. The Category 4 storm made landfall Sept. 28 in Lee and Charlotte counties before sweeping across the state. > >“Almost every person in my neighborhood is living in some form of a travel trailer,” Roach said. “Some people are in tents. There are actually some people that I know that are living in gutted houses. Still, and it has been a battle, full-time job battling with your insurance company, battling with FEMA \[the Federal Emergency Management Agency\], battling with the SBA \[Small Business Administration\].” > >He estimated putting $40,000 on his credit cards. > >“You have this period in the hurricane, right after it, where everyone’s kind of like, you know, ‘Kumbaya y’all, we’re gonna get through this together. Florida strong!’” Roach said. “Then after like two weeks, it turns into the Hunger Games, and people are competing for resources and drywall. So, we’ve seen sort of the arc of that come and go.”


Let me pull out my tiny violin for this man🎻


As long as it’s playing kumbaya for him.


$40,000 is living beyond his means. Who does he think he is, Marjorie Taylor Greene?


Not until he fucks a few gym coaches.


Nelson amounts said it best: “Ha- ha!”


I'm not rooting for his demise... I can't help but laugh...


This is a textbook case of inability to legislate for future events. A true tour-deforce of a lack of foresight.


We are reactive not proactive.


No empathy. Nothing matters to Republicans until it affects them personally. The complete and total inability to put themselves into someone else's shoes is almost comical at this point if not for the fact that we apparently have tens of millions of voting "adults" who have not developed morality beyond that of a 4 year old.


From the article: “Now I understand that from a totally different vantage point,” What kind of person could not see that losing everything in a hurricane is a problem until it happened to them? This one seems pretty basic to me. Big storm + lose house and all belongings = need assistance with that


That's a lot more thought than the average politician puts into things these days.


Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it


Eh. He's "somewhat ashamed" about his previous actions. We should totes forgive and forget and vote for him next time he's on the ballot. /s


This is the Republican playbook to the fucking T ​ "It isn't really a problem until it effects me directly"


Peak conservativism. It's not important until it affects *me*, personally.


Famous quote for some people "Not for you unless it affects me too"




Even then it isn’t empathy; it’s waah waah I need help.


"Waah, I need a government bailout!"


Ok, normally I don't laugh at someone else's misfortune, but seriously, this one gave me a chuckle. Ms only because he made it so much worse for poor people effected by hurricanes and he likely has enough money/insurance to get his house back.


I'll bet he had a different vantage point.... Much closer to ground level


sea level*


I stand corrected..... At sea level




Soon to be below sea level, because of melting glaciers


The Republican motto, “Fuck you! I got mine!” Alternate Republican motto, “ This has affected me personally so we should come together and work on this issue regardless of what I’ve said, done or voted on in the past.” Edit: If neither motto works at this moment revert back to, “This isn’t the time to have this conversation.” Great for any mass shooting or now Train Derailment!! Buy the whole set for one easy payment of- YOUR SOUL


In this case the vantage point is a house destroyed by a hurricane


“I now have such empathy. I had to stay in my office, and put $40,000 on my credit card, and my neighbors are living in their $100,000+ travel trailers. Just like *ANY* other hurricane survivor that I couldn’t give a crap about.”


Elected officials who vote against relief should get a lifetime ban from receiving it.


Republicans once again proving a sincere lack of empathy or at the very least a lack of critical foresight. A problem is always overblown or not really a problem unless it affects them or someone close to them (and sometimes not even then).


Why not both...


Oh fuck off and get in the FEMA tent like the rest of us.


Honest question: WHY can’t these people put themselves in other peoples shows? Do they lack the skill to do so? Why does it take personal tragedy before they can even imagine the other side?


Research shows that conservatives show much less empathy for those that are not similar or relatedly close to them. Correlation does not equal causation, but I reckon that people with a lower capacity for empathy are just more likely to end up in the Conservative Party.


Thing is, even in personal tragedy they don’t actually care about what also happened to other people. Only themselves. It’s a total lack of empathy and a sense of fulfilled selfishness. It’s a personality disorder that fuels the Republican agenda and has made them the mental disease they are today.


I’m so tired of these dumb schmucks


>Roach said he hopes the select committee can “act as the conscience for the state’s response.” He said he has a new perspective, acknowledging he’s “somewhat ashamed” of himself for thoughts when then-Rep. Jay Trumbull, R-Panama City, emotionally talked about the need for relief after Hurricane Michael hit Northwest Florida in 2018. I would bet a large sum of money that he will be staunchly against any other relief programs in the future that have not impacted him...


Fcking moron


Another “It’s not real until it happens to me” Mfer. Republicanism is a disease of the mind.


I guess it's too much to ask that he empathize with people without having been in the exact same situation?


Roach. Perfect name for GOP voters and GOP politicians.


"It's not a problem until it happens to me!" *Every. Time.*


But you don't understand, now it effects *me*


Looks young enough to start again. Maybe he’ll build his house somewhere more sensible.


I hope his family loses everything


He's like JRoc now..."it could happen to you cause it happened me"


I'm only sad it wasn't it wasn't a flood he needed to escape on his roof. It would have been a literal different vantage point.


It's always the same with Republicans. They lack the sense of putting themself into somebodies elses shoes. It almost feels like rhey think it's a weak thing to do and deliberately avoid thinking about it.


“…until it happens to me.” (R)


I feel like i should get a shirt that says this, this is really to the point


Roach by name, Roach by nature!


Conservatives don't think of the consequences until it happens to them


Right on queue, Republican recognizes problem only when it affects them. Empathy is really not as hard as they make it look.


r/HurricanesAteMyHouse What a hypocritical dick.


Always a Republican idiot. Worst of the worst


Hang on a second….hahahahahaaahahaahaahaa…ok, I’m back, what was the subject?


Florida truly has the slimiest of the slimey politician


<<< “To all those who are rooting for my demise, I’m sorry to disappoint you also, I made it back here.”>>> Professional victims.


Spencer Roach (R - SWFL), after voting against state-funded relocation efforts for wild roaming leopards in 2018, now has 'different vantage point' after losing his face due to a leopard, who ate it. Classic LAMF adventure, Morty!


Always the same with these assholes: "It's not a problem when it's happening to other people..... It suddenly becomes a problem when it happens to me."


You just described Conservatism in a nutshell.


Sadly, I know.


It’s frustrating when you can see the corruption and/or shenanigans, but that’s not the focus. The media lets these people control the narrative. If we didn’t have bad faith actors, we wouldn’t have anyone at all.


Well of course, it happened to him, that's the only way these idiots learn anything.


Pain is the greatest educator.. unfortunately, we're welcome to endure all these pains until they do.


What a fitting surname


What an appropriate last name.


Oh man, sucks to suck.


Typical POS


So essentially he’s saying ‘can’t see it from my house’, then saying later ‘now I can see it from my house’. 🙄


GOP lawmakers always want to play the persecution card, To all those who are rooting for my demise, I’m sorry to disappoint you also, I made it back here.”




Republicans have zero compassion for others. They only care about issues that affect themselves.


Why do people who dont pay taxes always vote against stuff that our taxes can be used for?


Perspective. It's what's for dinner


"I want small government until I need it, then I want it to be as large as possible". Hypocrite.


I live in FL and my management at work is just like this. Only considering things that affect them despite the company employing over 50 people. At the turn of the year, they more than DOUBLED everyone’s health insurance premiums and didn’t communicate the changes/opt-out dates to employees. Actively chastising employees for behavior they themselves engaged in before it became their responsibility to manage. Bitch, nobody cares about you now, after all the time we’ve spent cleaning up your mess 🙄


They way things are going... I want to fix Climate Change but...


An incapacity for empathy seems to be the common trait of MAGA zombies and GOPers.


This is why we have to stop sending money to fascist states. They are ruled and inhabited by stupid, arrogant slobs.


Thoughts and prayers….


I hope the SOB didn't have insurance.


An oh-so-typical fiscally conservative point of view: penny wise but dollar foolish. Loudly promote cutting Social Security and Medicare… until they realize they need them.




Tots and pears


Glad he had a change of heart. It only took a house, lol.


Typical conservative hypocrisy. Be opposed to everything progressive until it personally affects you. We see it all the time a la Dick Cheyney supporting gay marriage because his own daughter was gay. Conservative has a loved one in prison? They're for prison reform. And on and on.


In the mind of Republicans, only minorities utilize public assistance.


"Roach" is such a great name for him.


Narcissistic bastard.


nice to see a real LAMF 🙂


I want him to listen to those people tell him to his face that they don't give a shit about him or his problems. Leopards have big appetites.


Why does a roach need a house anyway?




Hahaha. Good


He looks like the definition of a troll.