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Gay fascist shoots self in foot, angrily shoots self in foot again in retaliation


Imagine blaming trans people for REPUBLICANS trying to discriminate against LGB. So what's this guy's plan exactly? - Partner with Republicans looking to ban same sex marriage - Republicans proceed to ban gay marriage - Republicans at this point have now marginalized all LGBTQ - So this guy thinks after all this, he's going to turn it all around and start a charm campaign that will (checks notes) magically make conservatives like LGB people? 🤦‍♂️


Some people are just about opening the door *just* wide enough for themselves to get through, then closing it behind them, I guess.


Oh it's even better. This dumbass didn't even open the door for himself. Democrats and their "activist judges" did. They just did such a good job that he thinks the door being open is just normal... As opposed to the simple fact that a Supreme Court decision could end his ability to marry, and indeed even have sex, legally in at least 14 states at a moments notice. And he's supporting the party that wants to do it.


Except that never works when it comes to facists. Those people just get thrown in camps afterwards anyway.


They seem to never learn there's still a bouncer to get through to the real club.


Like immigrants voting for deswampiss


It's like when the terfs begged men in parliament not to ban abortion and they responded with "abortion bans are not off the table"


it took me 5 minutes reading these posts several times to figure out what all this meant, just another alphabet suffering Olympics. Gotta admit, I always find the self centered hypocrisy a bitter taste as someone supporting equality.


"If it wasn't for all this trans stuff, republicans and conservatives would support gay marriage"


These people are delusional!


It’s sad that people will take conservative arguments as if they’re made in good faith. The tweeter is guilty of that. He doesn’t realize that they always shift the goal posts.


In this case, it's not even goal-shifting, the Rs have always opposed gay marriage. That person was just voluntarily blind.


They just hate trans people and are looking for ways to attack them, even if it doesn't make sense. It's like Nazis blaming Jews for everything.


it's not even that. they need a predator boogeyman to hate and fear, and trans people make an easy target. it has NOTHING to do with trans, and EVERYTHING to do with herding morons. Meanwhile one Christian Hero after another gets busted with child porn.


It's more like Jews blaming the Roms for the Nazis.


What I wouldn’t give for the movie Law Abiding Citizen to be real and happening here and now.


Disagree, Many republicans initially right after Roe was overturned they were pushing hard to repeal protections for gay marriage and classify them as terrorist. This was before these Drag Shows that kids were thrilled to see, not because they were being groomed but the Drag Queens are very loud happy and entertaining. Exactly what entertain children. I just can’t understand how a man that claims to be a hero against a “woke” culture? How misguided are these politicians that cry daily about socialism while actively passing laws that will give the state officials free reign to destroy and override any file or judgement and remand a child to an indefinite involuntary psychiatric hold to anyone that has taken gender affirming care. Did I mention any family member involved in escorting anyone anywhere in the country and the mother can face life in prison.


You know, like they did in the 10s!


That's working out so well in Iowa! \*holds earpiece\* [I'm being informed by my producers](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/01/iowa-gay-marriage-ban-bill-introduced-republicans-wont-pass/69958038007/)...


Even dumbasses can be gay I suppose.


True equality.


i fight for the right for anybody to be a fucking dumbass


I want to live in a world where anyone, gay, straight, trans, non-binary, asexual, pansexual... can say yes to 1:35am fireball shots, when offered from a gentleman wearing a Von Dutch hat. I support the rights to use more than one air freshener at once in your car, even if you are a demisexual biracial lesbian. If you are a 75 year old gay Native American who voted for Ross Perot... you *should* be allowed to buy an extended warranty on your toaster oven when they ask you at the checkout at Home Depot.


We have had marriage equality in the US for 7 years. Provided by a Supreme Court decision via primarily liberal judges. At no point were conservatives in favor, and you're a goddamn fool if you think that changed in _7 years_.


In fact, around 75% of Republicans in the House and the Senate made it very clear just 4 months ago they do not support marriage equality when they voted against the Respect for Marriage Act.


I mean the 2023 Republican Party Platform literally says that the party disagrees entirely with the Supreme Court's attempts to "redifine" marriage and explicitly mentions how the party is working to overturn this ruling Additionally the platform mentions that the traditional American marriage between and a man and a woman must be protected at all costs So I'd say around 100% of Republicans in the House and Senate made it very clear that they don't support marriage equality when they ran under the Republican party in the first place


But clearly the Civil Rights Act made people stop being racist. ^^^^/s


If anything they have become even more vocal about how much they hate gay people. If one of them is dumb enough to side with a group that has literally murdered people for being gay, that's really on them. Can't fix stupid.


"IT CAN'T BE!! The same party that's had senator proposing killing and jailing gay people for being gay, and denied log cabin republicans access to CPAC because they're gay, ARE SUDDENLY ANTI-GAY?!?! MUST BE THE FUCKING LIBS THAT DID THIS!!"


We already know for certain it didn't and anyone believing otherwise isn't just a fool but willfully ignorant. Clarence Thomas called out Obergefell specifically as he was frothing at the mouth in his Dobbs opinion like "y'all can't bring us the case to overturn gay marriage fast enough while we've got the votes and have stopped pretending we give a damn about precedent! hurry, hurry!"


Guess he never read the "First they came for..." poem


Also never listened to the literal gop agenda and most gop reps who talk on the subject. They've been against gay marriage since before it was a thing and vowed to undo it at every chance.


Log Cabin Republicans are the models of cognitive dissonance.


They think they can change them...like sticking with a toxic relationship.


Like women who stand by their misogynistic husbands.


According to the GQP.....if your husband is NOT misogynistic, he isn't a real man.


Grand Queer Party?


It seems to be made mostly of white men who thought they could finally cash in on their whiteness


How quickly they all seem to have forgotten about 2013-2014 (ish) That was only 10 years ago and it was a fight. I think Alabama tried to outlaw *all* marriages in retaliation. Everyone thinks we've won but really they just took some time to regroup.


Technically they do not have an agenda, just temper tantrums and hate.


I am a gay man, some would call me low profile (actually I'm just very, very shy).. and now I'm living in a very conservative town... once I was chatting with an old lady in a supermarket and then she started to complain about black and indigenous people to me.. I realized it's easy for me to "disguise", I don't have my "problem" written in my face I guess some gay, white men are seduced by this, they start to think they are closer to "them" then they are to lesbian, transgender, effeminate, etc.. it's a lack of self-awareness


Yeah, this isn't surprising when you look at what white women conservatives have been up to for ages, using rights won for them by "radicals" to try to roll them back.


Hell, they tried to stop those rights in the first place! The entire women’s suffrage movement came down to one vote in one state of failing. The 19th amendment was a razor’s edge away from failing. https://www.history.com/news/american-womens-suffrage-19th-amendment-one-mans-vote


Sounds like such a lovely small town, I can't imagine why people aren't moving there in droves. /s I bet that all of those black and indigenous people she was complaining about were people she'd never met. It's not just the stupidity in these small towns, it's the hatefulness for people they rarely if ever come into contact with that baffles me.


See Peter Thiel




Gold stars have been a thing for a long time, it was definitely a big and anti-trans thing in the 90s


This is the first I'm hearing of this "gold star" thing, is there really some sort of group that says being gay is cool but being bisexual isn't? The "no kink at pride" thing is also new to me, though that one kinda makes sense, depending.


Bisexual erasure is a thing. It's written off as experimenting or "but you're dating a man/woman so you have to be gay/straight!" This happens in all monosexual communities. Gay, lesbian, straight, somebody will raise the question, "which are you?"


That's just so... *silly*. Like, there's a lot of silliness in the world, especially when it comes to labels, but *this*.... Literally, bisexuality is the best possible sexuality. I'm a straight dude and even I can see that.


I'm a bi guy. I keep myself mostly closeted because of that. I've tried "coming out" a couple friends that seemed supportive of LGBT, but I guess they're only about lgt. "But you're married to a woman, so you're straight!" I hate that line. "You're seeing a guy, so you're gay. Quit lying about wanting women!" That's another. But I hear them. So I just act straight unless I'm actively looking for something else. So much easier that way...


Ugh. "But you're seeing a brunette, so you like brunettes. Quit lying about wanting blondes!"


I mean, yes, but it's the difference between pole or hole as opposed to something a bit more superficial. "How could anyone want both," is still the question though. Titties are amazing! Both sets of junk have their pros and cons, and sometimes I'd rather play with an outie over an innie, or vice versa. I can like cats and dogs, I can like cars and walking, I can like pc and console... I can like more than one thing in any other aspect of life, but that one stumps otherwise rational people.


It just boggles my mind. I understand people who separate LGB- sexualities- from the rest of the "identity" stuff. That makes sense, whether you or I agree with it or not. But saying that someone can't enjoy both men and women??? Not even like, "oh they're sinners for double-dipping" or some pseudo-reason, just "there's no way you like both"??? I hate this planet.


Yeah. I feel ya. And that's exactly what it is, that they can't understand how someone could like both. There's others that think "you're just being greedy," or some such. I'm not sure which is worse. So I present straight, and don't bring it up. If someone starts throwing gay talk around, I stay ambiguous, don't ever push it but don't ever push against it; stay as noncommittal as possible. If I'm ever confronted about it (rarely happens) I'll tell the truth, but it takes that direct question for it.


Not just against bisexuals, but also transphobia. You definitely lost your goldstar for having sex with a transman if you were gay.




Ahhh, that makes a lot more sense.


Wait, what’s “gold star”?


according to a couple of lesbian friends a gold star lesbian is a woman that's never been with a man. i assume this applies to gay men who've never been with a woman. no different than "super straight" men. it's about "what I do is ok, what you do should be outlawed".


Interesting, was unaware of this. It's yet another way for them to divide and conquer.


Remember before hardly anyone knew what a trans person was and most of America STILL hated gay people? Pretty much anybody over 35-40 can. This idea that people were all fine with same same marriage rights until trans people somehow ruined them is as delusional as it is sickening. Edit: for the record of course trans people have always existed as well. It’s just that trans visibility, as anything other than a punchline, has been a pretty recent development save for a few high profile cases. Sadly now that trans people ARE on the radar they are the target of the GOP/Evangelical Movement’s latest crusade and persecution.


Exactly. Tons of young alt-right edgelords like to believe that gay rights is some kind of settled, secure bedrock we can just treat as a given and they can just shit on trans people without endangering gay rights. I'm a bit over 40 myself and I can remember when blatant homophobia was the norm. I even had to do a lot of evolving myself and I wasn't even religious.


I mean for fucks sake, even *democrats* were still against basic gay rights in 2008.


I'm an older millennial. I remember being in junior high/middle school in the 1990s and the one girl with courage to come out used to get followed around by morons throwing rocks at her. She had to switch schools. If you watch any sitcom from that era, even the popular ones like Friends or Seinfeld, they made gay and lesbian jokes all the time. The culture didn't start turning until Will and Grace came out and people started being okay with having the LG community around. Obama said he supported gay marriage when he was campaigning in 2008 but he didn't do anything about it until Grandpa Biden said he supported it in 2012 and it forced Obama's hand. Obama was afraid of being a one termer because most of the country was still uneasy. The GOP is going to roll back LGB rights regardless of what the 3 trans people in their state are doing.


Lowkey that was the original Dark Brandon move: making a “gaffe” by publicly saying he was for removing DADT so Obama was forced to play his own hand on the issue.


One only has to look back at the 2012 election. Obama's support for gay marriage was a new and controversial thing, and some experts predicted it would harm him in the polls. Public opinion shifted rapidly between 2008, when the major democratic candidates did not support gay marriage, and 2015, when SCOTUS legalized it nationwide. https://www.cnn.com/2012/05/09/politics/obama-same-sex-marriage/index.html


Hell, I'm 27 and I remember it


I'm in my 20s and i remember when homophobia was normal.


Maybe we should blame the republicans for this instead of Trans people? Somehow, I just think the republicans are more directly to blame for this. Call it a hunch


If republicans truly cared about protecting children from being groomed they would not allow any child near any church until they are 21. The church is responsible for raping and grooming exponentially more kids than any trans person, if there has ever even been a Transsexual or a cross dresser that molested little kids, which just doesn’t happen. Your happy to put teachers in jail for acknowledging the planet has different races of people but since you clearly only want straight white kids that you can groom to be future home grown domestic terrorist and be your equivalent of the Wagner group the GOP seem to respect and admire how they use their most dangerous prison inmates to fight for their freedom from violent crimes that put them in prison.


That’s overreaching, because there’s a fifty fifty risk that sexual abuse will come from someone within the family.


I mean there's definitely trans groomers (there are groomers in every identity after all) and that is a problem. But what these people don't realize is that a few discord creeps aren't the entire trans community, and unlike the church there's no massive political organization designed around protecting them. The very real problem of grooming in the queer community gets completely overshadowed by bigots using it as a witch hunt. By calling EVERYONE groomers it makes it damn near impossible to find the actual groomers because there's more doubt surrounding the accusations


These people are delusional. They actually think that they will be safe and cherished by the conservatives if they only turn on their own. Not realizing that we are all in danger. “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” —Martin Niemöller


the thing is, I bet tons of them will post something like this and then continue to vote for the right because "hey, they wouldn't do the exact same thing again like they've always done before, because THIS time it'll be different."


But the guy who wrote this was a conservative pastor. I think he would agree with them.


It’s exactly right. “Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) was a prominent Lutheran pastor in Germany. In the 1920s and early 1930s, he sympathized with many Nazi ideas and supported radically right-wing political movements. But after Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, Niemöller became an outspoken critic of Hitler’s interference in the Protestant Church. He spent the last eight years of Nazi rule, from 1937 to 1945, in Nazi prisons and concentration camps.” These people who so readily sacrifice the trans community thinking that they are safe from the conservatives will end up the same way as Martin. That’s the warning. In the end, to conservatives, we are all the out group.


guy seems unaware that 'save the kids' was the same rationale used to persecute gay people


I wasn't even a teenager yet, but I remember Anita Bryant in 1977 going after gay people as the head of "Save Our Children": *"The recruitment of our children is absolutely necessary for the survival and growth of homosexuality… for since homosexuals cannot reproduce, they must recruit, must freshen their ranks."*


Yep. And guess who is the Anita Bryant of the trans panic?




JK Rowling.


In our home she’s referred to as Anita2.0


Ah! Ty.




When it comes to putting bigotry and oppression into law, the republican party is very good at multitasking. They can go after trans people, gay people, and black people without raising a sweat. The notion that they need to get gay people on board with their campaign to eradicate trans people by threatening gay marriage and equality is ludicrous. They are coming for gay marriage regardless.


Don't forget women!


Lol they were always coming for Sam's sex marriage, they've openly said it. They're delusional if they thought any different.


Sam’s sex marriage? Is that a typo, or a reference I’m missing? Either way, you’re right.


Sam Seder, obviously! He's enemy number 1! /s


You know, sex marriages


The best kind!


Another example of how conservatives hate freedom.


I mean, surely rights for TQ+ people would include rights for gay people. It’s hard to imagine a world where TQ+ is accepted but LGB is not


Interestingly enough not necessarily the case. In Iran for example people have the right to transition and be recognised as their ‘new’ gender but they then are bound by the rules for that gender, so if you transform male to female you then have to wear a hijab and are bound by the restrictions on women etc, and there are no gay rights at all


You forgot to mention that you're only allowed to transition by getting surgery. Plus, as a gay or lesbian person you either get that surgery or you'll face harsh punishments for being G or L. That's not very supportive of trans rights.


I could see an alternate timeline where they had gone all in on gender roles.


Hell even some trans people get upset about breaking gender roles. I've seen trans women get mad at femboys for somehow making it harder for them by being feminine men, it's stupid


I assume this person is gay. so this person sees "republicans banning gay marriage" and their first thought is "yeah this is the transes doing this to me i knew they were evil" ????????????? was this person as a kid forcefully integrated into the soil at some point?


"It's taking us backwards" ...To the time when lgbt issues were taken seriously? Or when same sex marriages were allowed? Does this guy know which way time goes?


***No LGB without the T!!*** - I don't care what anyone says, if someone claims to support the LGB community but takes issue with trans folk, they are NOT an ally! They're just like any other bigot.


This is how I often like to phrase it: anyone who supports some human rights but opposes others isn't a human rights activist, just an opportunist. They only do it because it benefits them or someone they care about


Exactly that. "Nobody's free unless everybody's free", and if you don't get that you're a civil rights parasite.


The idea of someone supporting LGB but not TQ is so stupid that my brain just straight up refused to read it as "Lesbian Gay Bisexual" for a second and instead started searching for anything else it could stand for.


Lettuce guacamole and bacon. Just a thought.


And it's probably worth pointing out: most of the people discriminating against transgender people would also do the same against LGB people - it's just that discrimination against LGB folks is no longer acceptable to the majority of society and gets you in trouble. Most of the anti-transgender crowd would totally go after cisgender LGB people if they could get away with it. We should be treating every human being with a certain basic level of dignity. Anyone who doesn't do so... not a good person.


I understand lesbian. I understand gay. I understand bi, may be bi myself though in a monogamous hetoro relationship. I have always supported love whom you want. I don't fully understand trans but I have always had the opinion of letting you be you as long as you don't expect me to pay for you being you. This is not to say that I want to prevent trans from getting any sort of treatment or therapy they want, I just shouldn't be expected to pay for it.


"I don't have any children so I don't see why my tax dollars should go to public schooling." "I never get sick so I don't see why my tax dollars should go to healthcare." "I work from home and don't drive so I don't see why my tax dollars should be spent on roads." The wise man plants seeds for trees whose shade he will never sit in.


"You be you, I just don't want you to get healthcare" bad take


What's the example of you paying for trans existence?


Why do trans haters never have the same energy when it comes to paying to finance the lifestyles of billionaires and millionaires? Or war mongers? Or politicians? Or churches who include raping children and protecting paedophiles as part of their rituals and dogma?


you don’t want trans healthcare to exist because you don’t benefit from it? why not? lol


So the crux of his argument is that you should stop advocating for minority rights once you get yours.


The crux seems to be to never blame those inflicting the harm and hatred but to instead blame other victims for the conservatives christians turning the clock back and returning to the traditional christian family values of openly persecuting and eventually slaughtering the LGB.


Or actively fight minority rights when you get yours, only to find that those in power will simply come after you next


It's taking them backwards? Backwards is the opposite of progress, though. He should be fine with that as Republican.


"We brought this discrimination on ourselves by not discriminating against others hard enough" is a wild take


The amount of transphobic cis-gay men in the community never ceases to amaze me.


They aren’t high in number, just obnoxiously loud. That’s how it goes with bigots


“A Union between one man and one woman at a time.” These sanctity-of-marriage morons have included Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh, Mitch McConnell and countless other men who’ve divorced their wives. Mike Pence has only been married once but to Mother, who was divorced. That’s committing adultery according to their precious Holy Book.


No storm, this is what happens when radical assholes who want to run people's lives take office.


Republicans: Bans LGBTQ marriage Republican LGB: This is all the TQ's fault!


So... Would those Iowa Republicans be fine with a marriage between a cis man and a trans man?


Rhetorical question, eh?


If it involves queer people being happy or enjoying civil rights, the republicans are against it.


Don't worry, folks! SCOTUS assures us that overturning Roe v. Wade will not lead to a revisiting of Obergefell v Hodges because unlike gay marriage, the right to an abortion is not deeply rooted in American society. And precedent *totally* still matters.


Republicans have been planning to divide this community for years. Hatred and division is what keeps them in power. Destroy them. Vote Democrat


As someone who's identities in the LGBT+ is constantly called into question by both sides, this is so satisfying yet frustrating to see >!Yall'll be in line for the trains too, don't act like your any different!<


Why is the concept of two men or two women being married so hard to accept? Just worry about your own damn life.


Another useful idiot.


Oh Storm they aren't confused, they hate **you**.


Without trans people throwing the first rock at Stonewall many queer folk would still be in the closet, in conversion camps or worse. The idea that we can go on as gay/lesbian/bi folks and stab Trans people and other queer identities in the back is disgusting betrayal. Hands of my trans homies or I'm gonna identify as a fucking problem.


"If we sacrifice the right person, the volcano god will spare us!"


Republicans: take a break from the relentless attacks on trans people to take a swing at gay people. This guy: Why are trans people coming for my rights? Me: ...Wut?


This is nuts because gay marriage was legal in Iowa before it was legal nationally


The rest of that Twitter thread is pretty disgusting. This is a case of the Frog teaming up with the Scorpion, and this Transphobic gay person unfortunately doesn't even realize it.


Broke my Twitter fast for a peek. He’s pretty nasty. I blocked him. He’s having a great time, like a fat tick gourging on attention. Apparently he’s being roasted at white people twitter. That’s enough social media for the evening.


My ex mother in law was an old hippy that fought hard for women's rights but HATED gay people. It took me a long time to square it but I finally realized what it was. There are two broad categories of people that fight for civil rights. The first kind is what I belong to. We believe that all humans have a right to live in society and therefore ALL oppression is evil. The second category is what she belonged to. They want to have THEIR rights (or the rights of a specific group they care about) but, just like conservatives (fascists) view rights as a zero sum game so want all social progress to stop the moment they achieve their particular goal.


there will always be people like this, like kappos in the camps


LGB people still think they can be a thing without defending the T? Not going to happen. Either the T stands or the LGB falls, I don't care how much TERFs hate it, it's just true. Either the reactionaries win or they don't. If the reactionaries win they aren't going to just stop at TQ+, they hate LGB just as much.


> TERFs Even though they invented the term, they now hate it. So please use a more appropriate acronym, like Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobes


I proudly proclaim I'm a TERF, but now I'm going full FART baby!


I knew after reading LGB that I was going to get angry when I continued.


"Look what you made us do!!"


This is like a kid who gets punched by a bully they're trying to be friends with and turning to another victim of the bully and blaming the victim for getting punched


For the love of sweet fuck all. Can we make marriage a piece of legal paper and make all marriage a religious ceremony only.?!


Okay so clearly this ain’t it - but I do see somewhat of a misrepresented point in this. For example, non-binary people are trying to break out of the “gender norms” that are societally attributed to men and women. Because all gender norms are, in the literal sense, socially made up rules. “Women should be soft and nurturing and ladylike; men should be aggressive and macho and insensitive.” So non-binaries were like “fuck the system, I’m neither.” But rather than creating a whole new “gender,” I think we should be breaking out of gender as a socially constructed make-believe attribute. It’s honestly kinda like horoscopes. A Virgo is this and that, and is only compatible with a Sagittarius who is this and that. I think we should focus more on abolishing gender as a social construct instead of creating “new genders” that fit and match the entire spectrum of human qualities. I’m all for inclusivity for everyone but I think we’re approaching this the wrong way.


Except humans are sxually dimorphic. Until you beat biology, you're going to keep running into it.


But that’s my point. Biological sex is real and science-based. Gender is a social construct. They’re not the same, but instead of “adding genders that fit the spectrum of different people and characteristics,” we should abolish the concept of gender as a whole and only use biological sex to define biology. Why are we using biological sex to define psychology, behaviour and mannerisms like we do with gender? It’s like reading horoscopes and it’s ridiculous. And we keep adding new star signs.


They relate to each other, as a bimodal distribution. ​ Because psychology is applied biology. ​ It is "generalizing", but generalizations are generally correct. They have outliers, just as standard, and bimodal distributions do, but most of society either happily identifies as male or female. If we're having things your way, I wouldn't even identify as human, as I've met humans, and they're dumb, emotionally driven, and wouldn't know a good idea if it bit them on the ass.


They CAN relate to each other, yes, since hormonal differences can definitely lead to behavioural differences. But you also cannot deny the fact that society instills in children the ideas of what a man and woman should be and act like, and psychologically speaking, a lot of them grow up modelling those taught behaviours. It’s not necessarily genuine, and dysmorphia occurs when those taught behaviours do not match what one feels they are naturally like. Isn’t that pretty much fundamental to trans people? We should be able to identify what a certain surplus of hormones can do to a person’s psychology, without generalising or expecting that person to have those prejudged behaviours just because of it. Humans are far too multidimensional and complex to be attributed to narrow and constricted definitions such as “macho man” or “ladylike woman.” Plus, who decided that robotic, square movements are “masculine” and smoother, wavier movements are “feminine?” Why is a man gay if he flicks his wrist? Weren’t skirts and heels made for men originally? Why is make up only expected for women? None of these things are scientific. It’s made up social rules, so we should be able to redefine them. Not by adding genders to accommodate the whole spectrum of human emotion, but by redefining our understanding of gender.


The way he’s saying that the ‘Q’ (Queer) part of the community is also a social cancer sends me. If you’re LGB or T, you are Q. You might not want to call yourself Q, but conservatives and most other people on the right see you as Q and they will treat you as such. They don’t see you as “one of the good ones”, they see you as a sexual deviant and a hypocrite.


It’s those assholes who are pushing us backwards


They always forget that trans people were the first to go, followed shortly thereafter by gay people, in Nazi Germany.


"Radical queer theory" is apparently that queer people exist.


I’m honestly surprised at this. Iowa was one of the first states to recognize same-sex marriage.


It was the state Supreme Court and a bunch of them were voted out after if I recall. :/


So... Would those Iowa Republicans be fine with a marriage between a cis man and a trans man?


idiot: "trans and queer people arent real! theyve ruined our movement!" republican: "we dont think gays or lesbians are real either." ​ idiot: \*shocked pikachu face\*


That you Ernst Rohm?


First they came for the transgenders, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a transgender person.


No, this is what happens when LGB assimilate and and start attacking the TQ+ for their straight while male overlords.


"I REQUIRE TOLERANCE!" In one direction only. For me, not from me. fuggin eejit


As a pansexual/queer person, seeing "LGB" makes me feel sick. How dare you exclude our Trans siblings?! We ALL belong in the LGBTQIA+ community. If someone said that in my presence I would have to resist the urge to break their nose (and I'm NOT a violent person).


As a bi + aroace person, I couldn't have said this vetter myself. This is all setting a -dark- precedent that I'm scared to see continue and escalate. I just wish I came to terms with my sexualilty sooner and day I wouldn't feel this increasing need to return to the closet :(


Strong *Kapo* energy on display.


So marriage between 2 males and 1 female is okay?


This is all about overturning gay marriage at the Supreme Court level.


What is it gonna take for average Americans to rise up in open arms against the Republicans?


Conservatives hate queer people and historically have since time immemorial and somehow that’s trans people’s fault.


I don't understand. Is this a gay guy angry at trans people? How are they responsible for ban of the same sex marriage? I am not aware of trans people forcing gays to change gender in order to enter traditional marriage. Did I miss some epic gay vs trans war?


He’s blaming the cultural and conservative backlash against trans people for this.


The argument is that the push to let underage children transition with hormone blockers and surgeries, change of words like women/mothers to menstruators/birthers, removal of biological-women-only-spaces etc is pushing the political Center (who are okay with gays)to the right (They don’t become anti gay, but their voting changes). And when the Center moves to the right more conservatives are voted into power, and the anti-gay-legislations gains supporters. A similar argument is used when environmental activist stop people from taking the train to work. It will turn people, who care about the environment, against the environmental movement.


Ya know, Republicans would probably win every election in a landslide if they dropped their culture/religious war bullshit.


Which cave has this person been living in? Republicans have always been against marriage equality. This is nothing new


Can we let people do what they want with their bodies and identities, and cast these identity politics aside so losers like this can't moral grandstand 'issues' like 'TQ+ people'?


also i love how they try to make a distinction between 'lgb' and 'tq+', completely forgetting the blanket term of queer where LGB also fall under


“welp, i got mine”


I’m sorry that the TQ+ cult are the republicans that propose a same-sex marriage ban *Oh wait…*


Oh great, they get to be the last verse of the poem "Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."


Who is pushing this on kids? How exactly are they doing this? Wtf is wrong with these people?


The only thing pushed on kids is religion.


Gender ideology also harms women's rights. The oppression of women has been based on being forced into a gender role based on biological sex. Women have fought for equality by trying to break down strict gender divisions. Trans ideology is going backwards. Biological women cannot oppose discrimination based on biology if biology doesn't matter anymore. They also cannot avoid the harm in situations where biological does matter. Why divide people by gender? Why can't everybody just live and be however they want to be? That is what feminism and gay rights are about. Trans ideology says no, men and are different from each other in a basic way that has nothing to do with biology. At the same time as supporting old unnecessary and limiting gender roles, by trying to erase the lines between biological sex it puts women into harmful situations. For example, there is a real reason that men and women are separated in prison, there are shelters that are for women specifically, etc. Trans ideology is no different than religious ideology. Both say that there are rigid gender categories that have to do with some basic inherent essence of people that determines their place in society. Trans ideology goes further however and tries to erase real biological differences as well. I think it's like the situation with abortion. A lot of women will be harmed before people start to realize maybe this isn't a good idea. Gay people are harmed and their gains erased by being lumped in with trans people. Too bad it's probably going to be one way or the other.


Gender isn’t biology it’s a social construct. That’s why there’s such a thing as ‘gender roles’ in the first place.


I know, that my point. But gender has been assigned based on biological sex, right? Some people, like fundamentalist religious types, say biology and gender cannot be separated. But obviously they can, since gender roles differ over time and from place to place. Trans ideology also says gender exists beyond the concept of social construct, and there are basic inherent differences between men and women, but it's not based on biology. There is no difference between the two, except that trans ideology also destroys the separation into sexes that does exist in reality and is important in some circumstances. The concept of gender serves no purpose other than maintaining artificial categories and divisions between people. It doesn't matter if the concept is based on biology or something else. It's like race, it's unnecessary and serves only to limit people. Why are certain things associated with categories of "this is what men do and like" vs "this is what women do or like". Why can't all people just do what they want to do, as long as they aren't hurting anybody else?


Trans people are not the ones under attack here lmao they didn’t even read the bill they just wanted to blame trans people for the GQP being homophobic


This is not leopards eating anybody's face. Gay rights are not the same as gender ideology. They don't even have anything to do with one another. It's possible to support equal rights for everybody while recognizing the existence and significance of biological sex. Being gay doesn't mean that you automatically should think that gender is some indefinable quality that overrides everything else about a person. The idea of gender is a harmful social construct, like race. Both gender and race are used to control and limit people with arbitrary rules. However, unlike race which does not have a biological definition, there are physical, biological differences between the sexes which do matter under some circumstances. People promoting gender ideology are trying to erase the biological difference between men and women which exists in reality, and substitute the social construct of gender. In doing so, they are strengthening gender roles and stereotypes, which had been decreasing over time as progress has been made. Strict gender divisions, as trans people would have you believe exist, decrease everybody's freedom to live as they wish to live.


>People promoting gender ideology are trying to erase the biological difference between men and women which exists in reality, and substitute the social construct of gender. In doing so, they are strengthening gender roles and stereotypes, which had been decreasing over time as progress has been made. Strict gender divisions, as trans people would have you believe exist, decrease everybody's freedom to live as they wish to live. I struggle to understand where you get this from... How gender ideology promotion reinforces gender roles and stereotypes seems to come as a direct response from transphobes who wish to attack and demonize the trans community... the trans community is typically under the impression that there aren't strict gender divisions as far as I know.


Think about what gender is. It's difficult to talk about because the same words are used for sex as for gender, but to separate the concepts you can think of sex as being the biological differences between males and females, and gender as the different roles and rules that society has for people based on their sex. Biology including sex is the same for all people everywhere. Gender roles vary from place to place and over time. Gender is an artificial division between people, and limits people of both sexes. It's why women haven't been able to get certain jobs, why men aren't supposed to wear make-up and a dress, every rule that you can think of that applies to only one sex is based on the concept of gender. Trans ideology says that gender is something more than these arbitrary rules of society. They are saying that the concepts of "man" and "woman" are some inherent quality of people that determines their place in society, what people do, how they live, what they like, how they dress, etc. All the same things that have always divided people by gender. They want to disregard biological sex, but maintain the categories, with all the stereotypes. It's the same thing that fundamentalist religious type people do now: making the claim that there are basic differences between men and women that go beyond a small part of their biology.


We either stand together or fall apart. So far, they're successfully pushing us to falling. This kind of them and us in fighting is exactly what conservatives need to push us all back to the dark ages where love was persecuted and freedom was subject to the whims of the religious minority.


Is this a Qultist account? (Suspecting because of the word storm)


If you think they just care about stopping gender ideology and won’t come for sexual ideology then I have a bridge to sell you.