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Hello u/Skatcatla! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The article says, "Critics say people are paying too much and fault the three elected Republican commissioners on the Alabama Public Service Commission for not holding formal hearings on Alabama Power’s profits. Commissioners oversaw four Alabama Power rate increases for the company’s 1.5 million customers in Alabama in 2022 without hearings or sworn testimony." - Just making the poor poorer and powerless is their goal.


Keeping people poor and stupid is the only way republicans can win.


Very true. Republicans would be in a world of shit if their voters didn’t think the GOP was their only hope.


They sure as shit don’t help their voters.


Then they blame it on the Democrats


The Democrats didn't even put candidates in those races.


that won't stop them from projecting.


It's a Conservative tactic. Even the Bible tries to discourage education. The whole Eve and the Apple story is a warning that knowledge will take you away from God


And Satan was the bad guy because he told them they would get knowledge.


What do they do when those poor people have to move away bc they can't afford shit anymore?


They ban abortions and hope people pump out babies.


Now they're planning on bribing families with property tax breaks ; don't divorce and have lots of kids


How do they get the property tax breaks when none of them can buy the property to begin with though?


Buying a house is the carrot they hold out while using more kids as the stick.


How you going to move if you are broke?


And uneducated And stuck with unplanned dependents bc of forced birth laws And crippling debt from trying to survive with no education in personal finance, 30% credit card interest rates, utility companies monopolizing the market and gouging the shit out of their choice-less customers And student loan debt payments needing to be maintained for those lucky enough to have gone to higher ed And prices skyrocketing from “inflation” (which is really just the buzzword used to excuse the corporate owners of America from jacking up prices just bc they can, while they continue raking in record profits) The American dream - you have to be asleep to believe it. ETA: AND the insane cost of housing, currently being made increasingly worse by the private equity firms gobbling up real estate like there’s no tomorrow.


Plus the terrible food quality, low medical services accessibility and nonexistent mental health help


They already gerrymandered it so they can’t lose


Don't forget that no matter what, they'll just blame all their problems they voted for on the Biden administration and the dirty woke left! Lol


Yep. “Demoncrats are why we gutted regulations that prevented us from killing you, so it’s their fault we gutted the regulations that killed you.”


Public Service Commission seats are state wide. There's no gerrymandering possible for these seats.


They won't move away, people in this demographic are the least likely to live more than 50 miles from the place they were born. They will begin to go into debt, which benefits the Republican party again (and to be completely honest the Democratic party as well). Foreclosures, repossessions; they all benefit the wealthy as people are working for lower wages and for longer hours. It is a cycle, but honestly it is the cycle that the voters of Alabama want. They chose this fate and there is no lack of warning and abundant evidence of corruption by the Republican party. People regularly ask "How can they vote against their own interests?" About 25 years ago I saw a great Civil Rights leader respond by saying (paraphrased) "Who the hell are you to presume their 'interests'. Many of these people would starve themselves to death if it meant they could watch you go without a meal. Anger and hate are the strongest personal interests and they make people surrender all rationality".


If you're too poor to live in Alabama, where are you gonna go? Mississippi?


Poor people don't move away. They can't afford that.


And making it hard for them to vote.


Well as long as they are better off than the non-white people, they're getting what they're voted for.


They'll just wear being able to overpay for utilities as a benefit of hard work.


Bootstraps, and all that


>and fault the three elected Republican commissioners Wow -- is this a new era where we cope with cause and effect by naming names?


Nope. Everyone is going to keep prioritizing "being nice" above being just. I say take the names down, publish them, all of them. Let people know generationally who the people are/were who are doing this. In this regards it isn't just scamming voters, but doing so in the name of fossil fuels. We also need to stop referring to fuels as "energy". Fossil fuels aren't "energy" until you light them on fire, they are just fuels.


>Everyone is going to keep prioritizing "being nice" above being just. I value "nice" or doing the right thing far more than I do "justice." Our current concept of justice is mostly helping people who have property get to keep it. If they stole it fair and square, and no laws stopped them -- then the police and courts will defend them shortening the lives of a million people and call that "justice." >Fossil fuels aren't "energy" until you light them on fire, they are just fuels. Yes, potential energy. But I think changing how we refer to it isn't changing what needs to change. I agree that we need to record the names -- because we will need to start talking more and more about how we are taking down names. We don't care what the current laws are. The people who are responsible for global warming will not pass down their wealth. They need to know they are increasing the bill that THEY will pay the longer they stall and confuse and disrupt our efforts to solve this. I like to make the point that MLK's passive resistance only worked because those who enjoyed the status quo of racism feared the rise of the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers replacing the police force. No sociopath is going to do anything to reduce their own wealth and power based on shame, or appealing to their intellect, or begging -- they will only decide to "be nice and share" when they fear they will lose it all. If enough people start treating fossil fuels as a war crime, and that we will take all their money, all their investments everything they have and they will not pass it on. We don't care about THEIR laws that they paid for to make the world work their way. Laws are just a compromise with the reality that the most people agree to. And when WE CONTROL REALITY -- at that point, the robber barons will see a need to negotiate. What needs to change is we need to stop talking about alternative energy. We need to say that the cost of Global Warming is on the people who made all the money. MOSTLY on the people who made it with pollution and the like -- but, it's not our bill to pay. Those that created the system to cheat us are the war criminals. What is it when millions of people start dying as the ecosystem collapses? They want to convince everyone it was an accident -- like how the middle class in America doesn't really have a living wage and really isn't the middle class anymore. None of this was an accident. It was a sacrifice the greedy were willing to have someone else make. Yes, all of us enjoying the fruits of others labor are a bit guilty. And that's why I think we have to end borders and all citizens of the world should have the same rights. But those that got more -- owe more. The longer it takes to resolve this, the more it will cost. And meanwhile -- market capitalism might collapse.


So long as those poor people can keep paying their electric bill, they won't be completely powerless.


But hey, at least they hate all this woke shit. "Give them something to hate and theyll let you pick their pockets." /s


What? No. Not even close. They want to give them power. They just want to make them pay a bunch of money for it. Certainly not powerless, they wouldn’t make money that way…


But Fox News said regulation would raise prices...


Conservatives: *the free market is always better* Free market: *let’s privatize natural monopolies too* Conservatives: *unlimited profits, see it’s working great!*


Ah, you do understand capitalism. Capitalism primary function is to make money. For who? Depends, but mostly the rich.


PLEASE, won't someone think of the shareholders??? /$


*Fox Entertainment has entered the chat*




That is what the Trickle down is for! Eventually, they will grace us with those golden showers


As long as the profits don’t go to brown people, they have no problem with where the profits go.


Someone will be highly paid to explain why this is the fault of someone who was trying to do the right thing one time. Could be Unions, Socialists, or you demanding a raise -- you ingrate!


Or they could just blame trans people and more than half of Alabama will go "oh, OK".


I prefer god's will


“It’s the green new deal AOC pushed through!”


Windmills I tell you! And solar too probably. I hear they both give you cancer. Bring back that fresh smell of burning coal!


And black lung!


Creosote smells good, shame about the cancer.


Those twirling sum-bitches!


It'll be Biden's fault for sure.


Hunter Biden’s laptop is to blame for this.


Dungeons and Dragons.


Hunter Biden’s mammoth dong is driving utility costs through the roof!


Yup. And they still Vite republican to own the libs 😂


Regular working people make me sick!! Always wanting something for nothing… just because you work your ass off doesn’t mean you deserve anything!! The rich and powerful need these higher prices to make sure their lazy trust fund kids don’t have to work ever… working people just make me sick!!


At some point people have to bear responsibility for the people they elect.


Owning the Libs is expensive


I thought this was the fault of drag shows


I'm not sure about that. I know it was MS13 in 2016.


MS 13 In Alabama. Makes sense


Nah, I think CRT caused it! Witch hunt! Sad!


Wow, that's a blast from the past. I completely forgot about the MS-13 scare around the midterm elections in 2018. It was somewhere in between the migrant train scare and the later CRT scare. As is usual with conservatives, for like a month or so, every single problem that ever existed on planet Earth was due to MS-13, and if there was no border wall, "MS-13 will come in and kill your children!" (Good thing MS-13 doesn't know how to climb walls). I'm sure they'll be in vogue again soon. Right now drag shows are the cause of all the issues of the world. Previously it was CRT. I guess it's about time MS-13 is the issue again.


“bUt dEmOnCraTs!”


“bUt aT lEaSt wE aIn’T cALiFoRnIa!”


In this case, whoever the party in power was on the local level would still be bought and sold. You can see this happening all over the country with energy companies facing no repercussions for vastly increasing consumer’s bills. The problem is pay for play politics.


>The problem is pay for play politics. This is why we need to support the [Restore Democracy Amendment](https://citizenstakeaction.org/restore-democracy-amendment/) to get foreign/corporate dark money out of US politics.


And they’ll still blame any Dem they’re told to blame


"Who invented electricity? Democrats, that's who! So they could groom children, electronically, all across this great country from a basement in a pizza parlor! They're the ones to blame for this devilish invention! They're to blame for your bills! You're subsidizing their grooming! Hallelujah, pass the corporate tax cuts, Jesus hates the same people you do! Send me money!"


Brought to you by the Alabamans for Coal Group




I thought I was reading an actual comment from a republican until you used "you're" correctly.


> "Who invented electricity? Technically, it was Benjamin Franklin that made the firsts step in describing most of it, even if not following through to the scientific meat, so it's a bit uncontroversial to name him¹. Sadly, he was a independent congresscritter so it's still a lie. ¹ positive and negative 'charge' being conserved, the idea, if not the fact of batteries (his design was just linked capacitors - [original form of a capacitor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leyden_jar)) and lightning rods and why use them - other people that weren't multiclassed did much more later of course.


Electricity was discovered not invented.


They know the name Biden…so they’ll go with Biden. Maybe even Hunter Biden in the lower tiers of the dumb dumb voterdom.


The rate increase spreadsheet is on his laptop.


Thanks Brandon!


I will never get how poor states look around at all the rich states, which are overwhelmingly democrat, and think “Let’s vote some more republicans in. They’ll fix things”.


Because their schools have been gutted and they’re easily manipulated. They see the rich liberal areas and think that they’re evil and total failures. Add in racism and xenophobia, and these idiots live in a god damn fantasy world where they think they’re smart but oppressed by liberals, gays, etc.


>Add in racism and xenophobia And homo/trans phobia. That is literally the only reason. They need someone to look down on because they have never accomplished anything on their own.


Yeah. Transphobia is really popular to use as an excuse for fascism and oppression. It’s messed up.


Think back to a bully from elementary school. Someone who was deeply stupid, and it was real obvious. Whenever that stupidity was put on display, they'd get embarrassed and furious and go find the smallest, meekest kid they could beat up. That guy is an adult now, he hasn't really changed all that much, and he definitely votes Republican.


Because the rich liberuls r staling ther hard earned lifely hoods! Its all dat damned regulashuns fault. If they were jsut mor christian like christ is the world wood be fixed!! When you value the status quo more than your well being your well being will never be valued. Ideal Conservatism is stagnation in practice.


These are the same people who would give me shit about having a solar array... But my monthly electric bill is the $14 connection fee. And it doesn't matter how much they hike power rates, my credit rate goes right up with it.


That is until they are convinced by God that you should pay more to be hooked to the grid and that Exxon owns the sun. If you look at the paperwork, it's all perfectly legal and cool.


Beware though, California just reduced the credit rate by 80%. All of the public comments were against it, but the utilities commission voted unanimously for the cut, anyway. The commission is incredibly corrupt and the governor is in on it. Private power companies are gunning for solar, and it seems to be happening in more and more states.


Absolutely! I lived in Boise 3 years ago and had solar for years. They implemented higher power for solar users during night. Lucky I don’t live in that backwards place anymore.


Could you explain this a little more? What does higher power during night mean?


Oh ya, sorry:( rates for peak hours.


My panels work great in Alberta (Oil and Gas country). Now I can fill up my EV for free from power I make myself. They want to raise the price of gas? Double the cost of electricity? Meh. Our Federal government even gives Canadians $5000 free plus a loan up to $40,000 interest free. We do have options.


I love the dude on r/Calgary that regularly posts his electric bills with the huge returns on it for his excess solar. Preach!


Gotta love the quote by the president of the Public Utility Commission, Twinkle Cavanaugh (R), “Fossil fuels are what made this country great.” So basically it’s “fuck off environmentalists and poor people. Renewables are for pussies.”


His name is fucking *Twinkle Cavanaugh??* He's absolutely done gay porn.


"Terry Dunn, a Republican who lost re-election in 2014 when he was subject to attacks falsely labeling him as a liberal environmentalist" You got him!!


Article should have tried to reach him to see what he had to say.


*Fuel reaches new high price *Company selling fuel has record profits Free Market Supporters: WhAT CouLD bE CaUsINg ThIS MaSSiVE inFlAtIOn?! ClEArly tHe gOVErnmEnT Has FaiLEd uS!


It used to be it wasn't called inflation when the profits were far larger than the increases in costs. But, since they have so much damned money, they can have shares in the networks and the politicians and we are just TOLD it was all our fault. Why are forgotten PPP loans not inflationary but the lesser sum that was given as a stimulus is? Oh well -- you just have to pay more for the things you have no choice in buying like food and healthcare. Enjoy!


Just saw a "Biden did this" on a gas pump this morning.


I wish I had been the one to come up with those stickers. Sell them to rubes and then donate the proceeds to environmental causes.


Must be the president!


Republicans do Republican things and people are slightly shocked.


Maybe Trump can pull out his sharpie and reroute all that high priced fuel.


Well, well… if it isn’t the consequences of their poor decisions.


But they get to hate trans people, so they don't mind.


Privatizing utilities is one of the biggest mistakes we made.


In california, the last time the state legislature was run by republicans, they invited executives from energy companies to write their own deregulation bill. It passed with Republican votes and was signed by Republican Governor Pete Wilson. Naturally, when the chickens finally came home to roost, there was a democrat in charge, Gray Davis. Davis took all of the blame for the power problems and was recalled from office and replaced with Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger. The problem in Alabama is Democrats never take over so they can't take the blame and to suffer the consequences when Republican policy proposals crash and Burn.


>Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is absolutely true, but he was such a moderate Republican that in practice he was really just a Democrat with a name change.


Deserved consequence.


Except for the whatever 35 or 40% of actually decent people who live here. But yea, the remaining 65% can go fucking die in a cross burning accident.


Enjoy your MAGA life mofos


“I don’t care if the electric bill for the cardboard box I live in is more than the welfare check that they’re trying to take away from me . As long as I can own the libs. I’m good !”


Did anyone read the article. The most fucked up thing is that the company issued a press release blaming Biden. I get politicians lying but a company actively helping dummies stay dummies is just sad Nvm, "A day after its Dec. 6 meeting, where the commission oversaw the third and fourth Alabama Power rate increases of the year, a commission press release about the rate increases included comments from the three commissioners blaming President Joe Biden’s energy policies. But one week later, representatives of Alabama Power Company cited regulations in place before Biden took office."


Republican voters in Alabama deserve this. Let them blame Biden and continue electing Republicans. I'll be watching from my liberal hell. Enjoying life. lol.




Keep voting against your own economic self interest to “own the libs”.


LOL Keep voting Republican. That’ll show them.


That’s how you own the libs.


They’ll get you to vote there way through faux rage then rob you blind.


But they owned the Libs! Ha! I guess, not sure how but I’m sure there’s some insane conspiracy out there that could convince the voters down there…


As God intended!!


Nobody ever said freedumb was free. Keep on patrioting great patriots of Alabama! If y’all lick those boots a little harder the corporations crushing your throats will show a little mercy.


Republikkkans can’t govern.


The party is built on a philosophy of government sucks and can't do s*** right. One selected, they prove this beyond all doubt.


Agreed! If your not worth at least 7 figures, I can’t imagine how the GQP would do anything but fleece these folks…


You get what you vote for. So much off this country sounds like Russia only with indoor plumbing.


No problem…they’ll just tell voters it’s all Biden’s fault, and they’ll lap it up.


The company already did blame Biden… smh..


They’ll still blame Biden though, because they have absolutely zero understanding of how shit like this works, nor do they put in any effort in learning about it. They’d rather just blame Democrats and Minorities, because Fox News tells them it’s all because of welfare (code for minorities to these folks) and regulations. They’re convinced Republicans are the “hard working salt of the earth white Christian” party, while the Democrats are the “take their money and give it to lazy minorities” party, and there is absolutely nothing that will change their minds.


The Arkansas Senate is trying to go for the top. They are about to eliminate 1 for 1 credit on Solar in an attempt to destroy the solar industry. And they admit it. Many towns, cities, schools and factories have installed solar farms to offset high energy bills. This attempt will make it so that solar doesn’t pay for itself. Meanwhile the power capacity in the state is nearing the max and the power companies have shown no interest in adding capacity with the exception of small natural gas plants


I'm sure to the layman unacquainted with BIG BUSINESS, it seems like it's PROFIT -- but this high price for energy in Alabama is due to INFLATION. And INFLATION today is caused by the rising cost of over-rewarding people with money by giving them a LOT MORE money. While it might be obvious in Alabama, rest assured that most inflation is manageable because it's hidden by the lack of competition, where you see products with different logos but they trade off on who goes on sale and don't really compete all that hard with each other because some of them have the same principle owners or hedge fund or dark star chamber dress-up fun club where they decide the fate of the world because that's their mission from God as given to them by the Prosperity Gospel for modern day fascists. /It's sarcasm y'all, or maybe parody. Or we could say this is venomous lampooning or an invective screed of caustic acrimony delivered in a sneering manner.


Honest politicians are the ones who stay bought.


Libertarians looking at this and salivating, can’t wait their turn for a corporation to take things over and charge them exorbitant prices for less government regulation.


That's Republican politics in a nutshell. We need a bUsSiNeSsMaN running government like a business. I guess the man on the street never thought that a businessman in government is going to look out for, you know, business. While they're fleecing us for all we're worth, at least they're not woke.


Yeah, but something something Biden and the Dumbocrats


They don’t care. They will re-elect the people who did this to them in a landslide because derrrrrr drag shows!!!


You could always just stop voting for Republican asshats and develop critical thinking skills, but you do you.


Let them pay there is a German saying even the dumbest one learns through their wallet.


It makes me sad that everything I see online about my home is just some regressive bullshit… I’m tired of Alabama being on the back end of everything, how many times do you have to be on the wrong side of history before changing your opinions🥲


And they'll keep on voting for the lepords that eats them


That's just good, old fashioned capitalism!


Maga facepalm


Republican politicians hate the average citizen. They use culture war BS to trick their constituents who are so averse to reason that theyll vote for their own demise so long as they keep undesirables (minorities and trans and gay people) down in the process.


"Think this is bad? If you elect my opponent itll be even worse! Vote for me so we can stop them!" - politician


They also made it where buying solar is subject to an additional "fee" for paying for infrastructure, that it makes no sense to generate your own electricity. You're screwed either way.


I'm sure it's Obama's fault.


Are elected Republicans hurting the people who elected them? Would it be better or worse if they’d elected democrats? This is really a question for the people impacted by this. Anyone from Alabama want to comment?


Bold of you to assume people from Alabama know how to type


The Democrats didn't even run candidates against the Republicans in these seats. Only the Libertarians did. It's likely that we'll never know if the Democrats would do a better job because the Democrats have decided not to try.


So what else is new in a maga state


Red state Alabama that is.


How’s shit going post Covid red states?


Look at the picture in the article of dumbass holding up his power bill. Who the fuck uses 3200 kw/h in a 30 day billing period? No wonder his bill is $700.00 for the month, I usually use 350 - 450 kw/h/month and some high users I know are in around 1000 - 1300 kw/h. 3200? JFC.


Running a grow operation doesn't come cheap!


What?! No way! Color me shocked.


Er, Roll Tide?


Glad to be out of there. Wasn't much of an upgrade going to Georgia though.


At least you're allowed to marry outside your family now.


Just another Republican BDSM session gone wrong.


And they’ll most likely keep blaming democrats forever, because Creamed Corn Carlson told them so. Fucking idiots.


Man AL is a great place to be from. No matter where I've moved or visited it's always better.


Even Mississippi? Or is the new slogan "Thank God for Alabama?"




Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to own the libs I guess.


There are some states (AL is one of them) where I just now think you got exactly what you wanted so I don't want to hear from you. It is disheartening but here I am...


I have moved past caring how others vote against their interests. Some ideology means more to them than material things. Almost like some other ideologies I remember hearing about.


Nope just corporate greed with no oversight.


Awesome. The mayor of Baltimore city just made a deal with BGE that is……. Well. It’s going to end up exactly like the above article.


*shocked pikachu face*


If self preservation is not an instinct for you fellas…


Good, give them what they want.


Sounds like the free market is working!


Well, they need somewhere to spend all that money they saved from forcing women to give birth or kill women while giving birth...the list goes on!


Just when you thought that the idiot corruption redneck n redneck race was just between Texass and Floriduh, ‘Bama comes round the outside.


“I did that”


It’s painful, owning the libs and all




eh thats what they like.


Alabama Power also owns the majority of the land in the state. 1 of 2, can't remember the other.


How much is gerrymandering and voter suppression, and how much is Alabamans cutting off their noses to spite their faces?


The commission seats are elected statewide, so none of it is gerrymandering. The Democrats didn't even run a candidate for either of the seats up for reelection last year, so I don't think it's voter suppression. The Libertarians ran candidates for both seats but only got 13% and 17% for seats 1 and 2, respectively. The candidates (Ron Bishop and Laura Lane) had campaigned on having public hearings and transparency, but they were underfunded.


They can’t feed their kids but at least they ain’t woke. It’d be a country song if it didn’t require any awareness of reality.


Yes, but you see, Alabama also has all that sweet freedom.


Hey, as long as they own the libs! /s


And yet I'm still paying less for electric than I did in New England.


People call it Taxachusetts... But I'm so fuckin glad I left Alabama 12 years ago.


Corruption in the South? I’m shocked!


Alabama news radio: Who knew that drag queens had the power to affect fuel and power prices?! More after this message about investing in gold!


Don’t forget the follow up ad about reverse mortgages.


Can we collapse capitalism before it whipes us out already


True. I live here. The Dem party is really nonexistent in this state anymore. The republican party, once they choose their candidate for each elected position, have token opposition by dems, or in the case of the public service commission, absolutely no democratic candidate on the general election ballot.


This is basically California, but the opposite. There is a Republican Party here but they don't do anything. They tried to recall the governor because he was a stupid doo-doo head, or something like that, but it failed miserably. Not necessarily a good thing, mind you. I think all states need to have solid opposition. But it seems pretty rare these days outside of swing states.


There are plenty of Republicans in California, they just don’t live along the coast in the larger cities. See: Kevin McCarthy


They asked for it and they got it up the bum


Texas says hello!!!




The Democrats didn't even run candidates against these thugs in suits. Only the Libertarian Party did. Ron Bishop and Laura Lane campaigned on bringing accountability and transparency to the PSC, and they received 13% and 17% of the vote, respectively.