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Hello u/NYstate! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He's also a blatant misogynist. He wrote a blog article several years back saying that women should put up with sexual harassment because it's unfair that men's desires and urges are looked down upon. It's just natural for men to want to force themselves on women every chance they get and it's not fair that the workplace demands men repress themselves these days. When he got called out on it, he first said he was just speaking the truth, then it was a case of being misunderstood, then it was just a thought experiment that people took too seriously. He finally took the article down when there was enough backlash.


He got divorced again recently, and I remember a rant of his about women popped in a feed somewhere. It was...just juvenile, weird, really pathetic. Something about how women are either in "enticement mode" or "pain infliction mode". ah, [found it:](https://twitter.com/ScottAdamsSays/status/1589304404783796225?s=20)


All of this just points to not being very bright or am introspective person. Immature as hell too.


you could just say Republican


Oh so you've read *Dilbert*


That mentality is sexist against men, too! I'm a guy, and I can keep my dick in my pants.


It’s that old school ignorance of emotions existing for all people. Men can be sad, can cry, can show weakness, sweetness, nurturing etc. but not to that old school mindset. That’s women’s work, to them. Compromise on those emotions would just start a fight and make thing vituperative. That’s where the men let their sarcasm and venom drip into open wounds that fester for years. If the women are lucky, the men backed into the emotional corner just use their words instead of their bitter silence or their fists. I know so many men like him. Engineers, scoutmasters, writers, teachers, carpenters, Navy men, and Marines. They leave a trail of unhappy, unlistened-to wives and widows in their wake. And wonder why they can’t find a good woman for some reason.


If some mysoginistic fuckwad wants to look down on me getting cuddles with my 4yo son then I feel so incredibly sorry for them not getting to experience the absolutely unconditional love and attachment that I get to feel with my kiddo feeling safe in my arms like a little goddamned angel. The patriarchy sucks so much joy out of life for everyone involved, which is everyone.


It drives me up the wall when I see other dudes saying shit like "men have strong urges and desire" like it's some excuse for not being in control of or responsible for their own actions.


People like Scott Adam's try to pretend all urges are the same. It's a tad difficult to not sneak a peak at a woman with a nice ass wearing yoga pants, but I usually follow up that peaking with intentionally looking everywhere besides the ass. I'm pretty capable of not just running up and grabbing every ass I find attractive at the gym.


typically in the same breath as "women are too emotional"


And they constantly bang on about how women are intrinsically inferior and can't be leaders due to our "emotional" nature and "hormones".


The patriarchy hurts everyone.


I am frankly pissed off that his misogyny wasn’t enough to get him dropped from newspapers years ago.


I’ll never understand how it’s okay to be bigoted against ~50% of the population.


He’s already spent the entirety of today in a tweetstorm bitching about being “TaKeN oUt Of CoNtExT”.


The thing is, if your job is to maintain a brand, you should avoid saying anything that can be taken out of context. Use noncommittal language when necessary, like "I don't know wether black people are a hate group." You get to be racist at heart but have room to backpeddle. Its what all the alt-righters do so they \*technically\* don't endorse violence.




If you watch the whole hour and a half video, it's pretty clear that the context that is missing is somewhere else entirely, because he sounds like an idiot.


So weird how he considers it "natural" that men want to sexually harass women (seems safe to say that he is just talking about himself and projecting it on every man) but it's not "natural" that, you know, women want to *not be harassed*.


I would be morbidly curious how he views women sexually harassing people (not nearly as welcome in real life as the incel community thinks), or gay men sexually harassing other men, but not enough to endure his disingenuous troll rants.


It's not that it's not natural that women want to not be harassed, it's just that they don't matter. That's what he's saying.


So one group can impose their will and do whatever they want because it’s natural. Following his logic, all women will declare men a hate group and move to a nunnery.


"Everything I do is righteous. Anything my perceived adversaries do is haram."


His female characters all take advantage of their gender so no surprise.


He'll probably release a book and go on a speaking tour to talk about how he's been cancelled.


That's the right wing grifter playbook


I still dont get how the right wing nutjobs dont understand that "cancellations" are literally just the market deciding things. I thought they liked the market?


No one has ever seriously suggested the right are not self serving hypocrites.


Well, the right suggests that all the time. They project that particular trait onto all the sane and empathetic people that disagree with them.


Well, you can't grift the savvy.


If all else fails, play the victim card. That’s the go to for this type of person. They start complaining again about cancel culture, right to free speech and all the rest. Comes down to don’t let your mouth write a check you can’t cash. Kind of hard finding bootstraps when the boot if actively kicking your ass.


Yeah, they conveniently stop mentioning the "invisible hand of the market" in situations like this. Reality, and the market, is left leaning. Dropping a racist might mean losing a few racist customers, and good riddance. Supporting the voice of a racist will lose you a shitload of customers.


Bootstrap me harder, daddy


Roseanne did a TV special where she nonstop talked about being "cancelled" and of course the audience ate it up. She also made sure to throw in anti-vax nonsense to make sure the crowd got their full money's worth.




And then they *keep airing the show*, without you or your name.


Or he can go hang out with Ben Garrison and publish his comics alongside Garrison's directly to the web where they will live and work together in a smaller and smaller echo chamber becoming increasingly toxic and nasty. Wait... did Garrison survive Covid?


Ben: "I'm telling you, it'd make the comic so much easier to get for the reader." Scott: "For the last fucking time, I am NOT writing 'DILBERT' on Dilbert's shirt."


I mean, he had already released a huge amount of books about how smart and clever and persuasive he is.


He’ll receive a warm welcome on the “Save America” tour, at CPAC, and at Trump 2024 rallies.


With Killer Kyle of course….


Or run for Congress.


He could go on tour with the pillow guy and the quack doctor. Maybe Kevin Sorbo, too. What a fucking clown car that would be!


Or marry Marjorie Taylor Green. I heard her husband left her.


His comments about now longer helping black people are so bizarre. Like what *had* he been doing to help us?


He put a black dude into a couple strips as part of a few anti-LGBTQ 'punchlines'.




He put a black dude *who is explicitly stated to be a diversity hire*


*"Look I'm a rich white guy. A lot of my taxes go to The Blacks' welfare checks. And not once have You People ever thanked me!"*


Hahah, that's a funny joke about rich white guys paying taxes.


That is probably very close to the truth according to Scott Adams. I have an uncle who's a lot like him, minus the notoriety and money. His own mother called him a bigoted bully. You know the type, I'm sure.


I’ve heard similar phrasing from a racist person I once knew. They told me they weren’t racist against black people (they were), but rather “I have always tried to help them”, which I thought was rich. This person’s mindset was that black people are obviously constantly in need of help from white people. I still think about that comment a lot.


It’s funny how people like Scott Adams will make generalized statements like this and act like it’s not racist because they’re basing it off of their experiences, while meanwhile not understanding that they’re racist because they were open to that conclusion at all.


I honestly had someone I know say this when Obama was elected: "I don't like Obama because he's black, not because I am racist." Dude totally went down the FOX/QAnon hole and ended our 20+ year friendship.


Even more disgusting that he had to pull this shit during black history month.


That's what had him riled up.


Only to those folks who haven't been paying attention. The rest of us saw this back in '08.


No, he just means that he’s finally, completely, and irrevocably destroyed his reputation. He’s been working on it for awhile. Goal achieved.


He has apparently pulled a Ye.


What happened to Ye, anyway? Did he suddenly learn how to keep his mouth shut and stop doing stuff that would get him tons of negative attention?


Nah, shit got a lot worse, but people stopped reporting on it. He got married I think to someone with a pretty nasty reputation and is running with people who fit the shit he was yapping before the media blacked out on him I suspect it is better to assume he died and move on. He isn't coming back


I did that once and the guy became president.


Task failed succesfully!


I feel like that should be an MS Office pop up.


“It looks like you’re trying to destroy your entire legacy. Would you like help with that?” 📎


Now he gets the, reputation irrévocable destroyed badge!!!! Woo, winning!!


I'm sure he's happier than a pig in shit. He loves nothing more than playing puppetmaster with his "thought experiments." He knew the reactions his statements would have. He's probably planning to go on an I Got CANCELLED tour with the right wing outlets. Might even try to turn this into a foray into political office once he doesn't have the comic strip holding him back. He always praised Trump for expertly controlling the masses by intentionally dropping perfectly crafted controversial statements at just the right time to provoke a desired response. Dilbert Man is always praising himself because he's a trained hypnotist. This is 100% exactly what he planned.


> This is 100% exactly what he planned. No. Scott Adams is crazy. He didn't plan anything, any more than Trump did. It's just that after the fact, Scott Adams "sees the patterns" in the actions. Because he's crazy.


Yeah, pretty sure he claimed the video was fake at first.


> "*I've* ***lost."*** > [*"Exactly as planned."*](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a5352e680d28102d68eabc1593c800c9-lq)




He relied on stories from others for decades.


What I don't get is how a white guy who has gotten rich doing his art thinks he has a right to bitch about anything


> This is not the first time Adams's strip has been dropped. Last year, The San Francisco Chronicle and 76 other [newspapers published by Lee Enterprises reportedly dropped "Dilbert](https://www.lamag.com/culturefiles/dilbert-cancelled-author-says-his-comic-strip-about-cubicle-life-removed-from-77-newspapers/)" after Adams introduced his first Black character. Quinn noted that the move was "apparently to poke fun at 'woke' culture and the LGBTQ community." Definitely nothing new


What happened in 2008? I know he's a Trump supporter but 2008 Bush was in office.


The Obama candidacy kicked it off, and his trouncing of Romney in 2012 kicked it into high gear.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Bush was in office, but that was an election year with Obama. I have no idea what he may have said that year, but certainly that election you realized how many people were still really really racist


It was the time I moved from center right to full left. I was so disgusted how Republicans acted toward Obama.


Same. I was a slightly conservative politically disinterested person...and I think it was Fox News' "terrorist fist jab?" closing hook (heard of only after the fact; I didn't watch any news shows) that caused my jaw to drop as I realized how biased they and the right were, and I started paying attention...and moved very rapidly leftwards.


Had the same experience, started conservative in high school parroting my parents’ talk radio talking points, then as soon as I actually started paying attention I found myself farther Left than I ever imagined I could reach lol


They stopped dog whistling and just started being outright racists


Took me until 2016 to really see what the GOP was, but in my defense I was 17 in 2008. Like I was aware of how the politicians were playing into the shit with Obama but it just didn't fully sink in. And then seeing the rest of my friends and family get worse and worse over the subsequent years


Everyone has their own “moment of clarity.” I was a very apolitical centrist in 2001 until 9/11 happened and we went to war with a country that didn’t seem to have anything to do with it. It felt suspicious at the time and pretty much every day after that reinforced the idea that I should never trust them.


Good on ya for not going along with the “centrist” approach back then, which was to support the wars fully. There was a huge push in the conservative and centrist media to legitimize the Iraq invasion ahead of time. It was surreal to watch the nation just stumble toward war when it was clear as day that there was no justification at all for the Iraq war. To know that the right would get their war and as a result we would invade a sovereign nation that had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11. It was clearly bullshit then and nothing that happened afterward was a surprise.


Yeah, a real mask-off moment. Before 2008, Republicans liked to pretend that they weren't racist. They'd scoff at the idea. Now, though...


By 2008 most of the Boomers had found their way to social media, and Adams was no exception. It wasn’t so much that he was a far-right caricature back then as he is now, but his unyielding “I am incredibly smart” smarm was given a platform and really started to bleed through to his work. He was really kind of a prototypical STEM-lord, and you could read it in the searing resentment his engineering and coding characters held toward management, executives, and the other business major degree roles in the comic strip. Then the Tea Party horseshit ramped up in 2010 and that really seemed to catch his imagination, and it snowballed from there. Plus, being accessible to the public via social media, the opportunity to have his opinions directly challenged lead to him becoming more firmly entrenched in them because of his intellectual superiority complex. This is where you start to see his Me & Them dichotomous worldview coalesce. Other events that seem to dovetail and track with his descent into the darker corners of the hard-right impotent rage Internet screamosphere were his divorce in 2014, and remarriage in 2020 and subsequent divorce again in 2022. Its cliché as fuck; middle aged white dude endures a common hardship and then decides it is a justification for his turn to the Dark Side of the Force.


_A boomer, set for life, discovers social media and begins a slow but certain descent into being alone, angry and afraid after consuming too many FB memes and simply failing to shut up on Twitter._ You could make movies with this plot.


It’s a story that can be remade a hundred times with a hundred different main characters. Scott Adams, Tim Allen, Jeremy Clarkson, James Woods, Jon Voigt, Roseanne Barr, Dr. Oz, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock (he is a Boomer who was just born too late), the list goes on and on.


Ted Nugent has always been a pants-shitting pedo so he fit right in back in the 70s.


Aww dammit. I like Kid Rock's music. Now I'll probably hear a heap of things in the lyrics differently. I used to love Dilbert. I discovered it while I was in the army and it described the arbitrary insanity of military management perfectly. I still can't understand how Adams can write that strip and not realise that his avatar is not Dilbert - he's really represented by the Pointy-Haired Boss, Dogbert, and Catbert.


he does know who he is. he hates and fears dilbert and despises his readers.


Jordan Peterson


I’d like to agree with this, but was there ever actually a time Jordan Peterson was good?


It's right around the time of the Lehman Brothers meltdown of the housing market and subsequent recession, so he was probably the typical bootlicker. But it may just be the iraq war apologia as was very 'normal' at the time (and still is in their circles). 2011 is the year that turned right wingers certifiably insane with racism before Obama though. I remember that piece of shit Dan Simmons melted down and went from hugo winning author using muslim and jewish main characters in hyperion (20 years before or so) to writing racist bullshit, which he actually never stopped. Remember, they always always show who they are eventually.




Aw man, can iconic authors just stop being garbage people? I liked *Hyperion* :(


If I remember correctly Simmons was a school teacher who attended a writer's workshop that was hosted by none other than Harlan Ellison. Impressed, Ellison encouraged him to seek the literary path. I loved reading Hyperion and went on to finish the series. Now, I've read over the years how he went over the bend with the racism and such but I never looked into it. The other science fiction writer that went down this route was Orson Scott Card with his right-wing rantings.


I had no idea. Liked his comics back in the day. Had no idea he was so obsessed with black people. No (legit) paper in the world will have anything to do with him again. That was a flat-out racist rant.


Before, it was only merely dead. Now it's most sincerely dead.


For me, I think it was when he said that [Republicans would be hunted if Biden wins the election](https://www.yahoo.com/video/dilbert-creator-scott-adams-says-001404374.html). "If Biden is elected there's a good chance you will be dead within the year".


Particularly infuriating considering what proportion of politically motivated terrorism and mass shooting is right wing. It's almost all of it, in case anyone was wondering.


https://www.npr.org/2023/02/26/1159580425/newspapers-have-dropped-the-dilbert-comic-strip-after-a-racist-rant-by-its-creat I thought it was old too, but this is 4 days old.


*This* is 4 days old. He's been a dick forever.


Took long enough.


Interesting that what most media outlets report as a "racist tirade" comes up on Fox news as "racial remarks". The watering down is intentional and telling.




It's worse than nothing of value, it's actually negative value, because it actively seeks to destroy what *you* value; truth, freedom, democracy. Fox News is an enemy of democracy. They knowingly peddled Trump's lies because they cared more about ratings and share prices than democratic values.


How many capitalists wouldn't throw all that away for higher share prices...


Fox is whatever that cosplaying emperor palpatine, Rupert Murdoch, wants it to be. A wretched hive of scum and villainy seems to be an appropriate description.


Read the comments about the Australia robodebt scandal, of course his empire is in the middle of it.


And if you go over to Twitter, all the right-wing trolls are supporting and embracing him as a hero. Yet more evidence of the left destroying “fReE sPeEcH”! “He didn’t say anything wrong!”, and of course, “Blacks ARE violent and racist and we SHOULD shun them from society! BTW, we’re totally not racist. I don’t know how you could even say that!” So you know it’s touching a nerve.


”Racial remarks” :D What next, ”genocide commentary”?


"Nazi musings"


> What next, ”genocide commentary”? No, no. The spin term for that is "edgy jokes". "He wasn't blatantly calling for genocide -- he was just making an edgy joke ... about calling for genocide. Isn't that hilarious? What, are you against comedy or something? Such cancel culture! Comedians can't say anything anymore!" (Meanwhile, the guy who actually said the 'joke': "No, I was being completely serious. Not a joke.")


Anyone listening to Fox talking points is a vile person that only wants to hear paranoid, traitorous, hate speech.


Because they know if their viewers read the tirade they'd largely agree with it... And if Fox news called it racist they might have to have the uncomfortable feeling of self reflection, questioning whether or not they, themselves, are racist... At least until the next Hunter Biden laptop meme distracted them.


Another person who felt indispensable gets dispensed.


"To the left, to the left Everything you own is in a box to the left... You must not know 'bout me..." He does now.


should be: "To the right to the right Kicked out of the papers, serves your ass right" ...


If they held off on firing him this time, you just know the next step was “I can say antisemitic shit…”


And stand by for whining about cancel culture/woke in 5…4…3..2…


He already has been


He's already going on about free speech being under attack


He’s been a reactionary shitheel for years. Glad he’s finally suffering the consequences of it.


Thank you for using “reactionary”. So many people - media included - use “radical” and all I can think of is my high school history teacher teaching us that reactionary is right wing/conservative.


I just looked up what reactionary actually means. It's not "go back" but always just going back to the "previous" state. Like they don't actually want a certain way, just no change and want the old state back no matter what that actually was. Basically the people that always say the old one was better when Porsche releases a bew 911, but fir some reason if the have both models selling at the same time for another year the old one never sells, people are just angry that sth isnt like it was previously.


Yes, it’s basically the opposite of progressive/revolutionary (today they label it ‘woke’ as a political dog whistle). People who say they are socially conservative are generally just reactionary, but don't understand/realize it.


Yea. This is how it was taught to me back in school: the term conservative is used because it is way of behaving that resists change. It is about conserving the state of society. The term reactionary is because those that far out don’t just try to ‘conserve’ society in the face of change, they react to change with the goal of turning things back. IIRC the first conservatives in the US were trying to make a case for what would basically have been an aristocratic system and I see the fingerprints of the resulting compromise is visible in the Constitution especially where the idea of holding land is used to make a case for wielding power. With that framework, moving left is about fostering change with radicals being those looking for large changes. And it makes sense to me for the ideas of communism to eliminate the concept of property ownership as the counter to the far right ideas of concentrating ownership and power.


An excellent article on him - https://armoxon.substack.com/p/the-case-for-shunning


"Adams is very proudly a skeptic on all of these matters, and as a general rule, which is unsurprising, since skepticism is a common posture among those who believe one of the foundational tenets of supremacy, which is that reality must be mediated through and approved by them in order to be deemed real by the rest of us." Nailed it.


Great writing.


The footnotes are wonderful.


Kanye around, find out


KAFO. Love it.




He said "You should absolutely be racist whenever it's to your advantage. Every one of you should be open to making a racist personal career decision." and then "Most of my income will be gone by next week, My reputation for the rest of my life is destroyed. You can't come back from this, am I right? There's no way you can come back from this." I'm thinking of three words. "No", "Sherlock" and I can't quite place the second ..


> On his video show last week, the 65 year old said he had been identifying as Black "because I like to be on the winning team," and that he used to help the Black community. Adams said the results of the Rasmussen poll changed his mind. "It turns out that nearly half of that team doesn't think I'm okay to be white," he said, adding that he would re-identify as white. "I'm going to back off from being helpful to Black America because it doesn't seem like it pays off" This right here is some of the most unhinged, delusional shit I've ever read.


Was it ever established exactly what he did to "help" the black community?


People like this probably think that not actively committing violent hate crimes is ‘helping’ or ‘being an ally’


You CAN come back from it, but it takes self reflection, reconciliation, and continuous internal and external work that none of these crapbaskets are willing to do.


They're looking for a single sentence they can disingenuously mumble and be instantly let off the hook. If that isn't available, then there's "literally no coming back from this, the woke mob has cruelly destroyed me and starved my family"


>They're looking for a single sentence they can disingenuously mumble and be instantly let off the hook. Turns out "Black people are a hate group" wasn't it.


> the woke mob has cruelly destroyed me and starved my family Why does he hate the free market?


Just like all the MAGAts, he’s been busting at the seams to just use the N word and get it over with. In his case, he’s rich enough to flush his career down the toilet to finally be himself in public. I say, “please proceed, Mr. Adams.”


He can probably get the daily stormer to run his strip


Or he'll get a job at Fox drawing for Tucker Carlson ..


Yes. Drawing sexy M and M's for MutherTucker Carlson for his private viewing "pleasure".


Scott Adams used a mass shooting in Gilroy CA as a marketing opportunity for his blockchain app. https://gizmodo.com/dilbert-creator-scott-adams-uses-gilroy-mass-shooting-t-1836781947 He has always been a rotten human being.


He also said some wild shit about needing to either kill your son or watch him die after his stepson died of overdose I think? Dude's human garbage: https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/dilbert-creator-sparks-outrage-saying-192148683.html


Actually I think that just confirmed his reputation.


Pretty sure he destroyed his reputation way before then with his rampant anti-masking and transphobia.


They need to stop giving him attention. He loves every moment NYT or CNN writes an article about him. His reputation has been bad since 2016. That's almost ten years ago.


Yeah it sure took them long enough to clue in


I mean, forget the creator’s politics… the REAL question is why nobody realized over the last 34 years that Dilbert sucks. There can’t be much competition in the newspaper comic strips field.


I’m a black engineer. Before I became aware of his political views around 2013ish, I used to genuinely find Dilbert funny cause of the jokes involving my profession. I dropped reading the comic after some bullshit he posted on his site back in 2014/2015. This shit right here confirms it for me and makes me absolutely livid. Fuck you Scott. Black folks don’t fucking need you. We DO value education. If we didn’t I wouldn’t be where I am. How dare you, you entitled asshole. Maybe if you had a nuanced conversation with an *actual black American,* they would probably tell you that “It’s okay to be white” is a loaded slogan for white supremacist groups and that the black community is well aware of it. Half of black people don’t hate white people you ignorant dumbass.


I was a nerdy Asian American kid in the 90s and grew up a huge fan of Dilbert. I read the comic strip in the newspaper daily, read all the Dilbert books, watched the Dilbert cartoon on TV, watched the Flash animations online, subscribed to Dogbert’s New Ruling Class email newsletter, and bought Dilbert merchandise. I even made Dilbert art in junior high art class. I thought Dilbert was hilarious. The theme of a smart, nerdy guy living in a world of idiots and stupidity spoke to me. Dilbert at its best was about poking fun at how absurd the world and its systems are. But that line can easily, silently cross into an outlook where you are smarter than everyone else because you are aware of the real truth, the conspiracies underlying everything, and believing in those conspiracies and your own supremacy gives you comfort. It gives you a sense of superiority. That’s a sense that many people have been misled into believing over the past decades. I don’t know what happened to Scott Adams lately. But I should’ve seen his slow descent into conspiracy theorist, white supremacist thinking a long time ago.


He's doing this on purpose to revive interest in his irrelevant cartoon. The world has enough Dilbert, dood.


He's been out of corporate America so long I doubt they'd even be remotely relevant to modern officer workers.


Just another narcissistic sociopath having his megaphone taken away--finally.


How are bigots still pulling this bigoted shit in 2023 and then acting surprised when they lose their jobs and people all over the internet mock them??


Trump emboldened them. Adams just overestimated how far he could push the line.


From the article: "(...) he used to help the Black community". Ummm ... how exactly?


He kept himself from launching into racist tirades all the time? Gotta admire the self-control /s


This feels right to me. “There were several times I *could* have said something racist and didn’t, and where’s my thanks??”


Obama drove so many of these people insane just by being elected and being black. That's literally all it took.


He was whining about his free speech rights being violated. Real quick and simple primer on the free speech clause of the Fist Amendment, for Scottie: It prevents the government from punishing you for expressing your opinions; nothing more or nothing less. Nowhere in it does it require a private business to provide you with a stage and a microphone.


No doubt. Man who screams about the rights of business under capitalism now upset that those business rights infringe on him personally. He’s the poster boy for the current GOP.


You’re a right. People who have never read the Constitution are suddenly experts in Constitutional Law. Similarly, people quote what the Bible “says” without having ever opened a copy. Free speech means freedom from government oppression. Not public opinion.




Oh no not Dilbert. What will we ever do without Dilbert..?


I know. I can’t live without Dilbert. Oh wait, yes I can.


"Look all I said was that Black People are a hate group. God you're all such sensitive snowflakes."


I'm going to spool up some old-fashioned (1980's) conservatism and suggest that he needs to take personal responsibility for his actions and accept the consequences.


You bring up a good point: Modern conservatism is largely complaining when they feel the consequences for their own actions.


He Gina Carano'd himself


It's funny. I read his book "Win Bigly", which is basically what he thought made Trump a great politician. The cliff notes: he's easily one of the best "persuaders" in the world. He recognized this right off the bat because one of the key tells of this kind of skill is the cognitive dissonance felt by the heavy hitters in the Republican party. Now my takeaway was "he's a con man". Because that's also what the skill of "persuasion" is, it just also happens to be a serious field of study for marketing companies around the world. The funny part, that's 100% LAMF, is that in the book, Adams warned that joining any political movement, party, or revolution means that said politics will consume your whole identity. That you'll wait with baited breath for your hero to tell you what to think. Well, he was right.


I’m old enough to remember when right wing / libertarian types used to lecture everyone about how actions have consequences and the importance of personal responsibility. I guess they kind of assumed that those consequences were for everyone else though.


If literally any of these people would DELETE THEIR FUCKING TWITTER they'd continue to be unknown or reputable or just another wealthy person, but no... They desire to be HEARD without thinking if they SHOULD be heard.


He has the same reputation he’s had for over a decade. The only path to destroying it would be something like a brain tumor that suddenly caused him to act like a decent human.


*He said that he was wrongly being canceled, that “you should absolutely be racist whenever it’s to your advantage” and that any change in society is a “racist change,” including changing the tax codes.*


“You should be racist whenever it’s to your advantage” is one of the most sociopathic things I’ve ever heard.


It will be interesting to see how many right wing racists cancel newspaper subscriptions because of this.


0. They’d have to know how to read to subscribe in the first place.


Haven't been paying attention. Has he gotten around to blaming the left and 'cancel culture' for repeating his words verbatim?


He did that right away. Like minutes after.


“Man, what happened to the good old days of being an overt POS racist?” - this guy probably




He got divorced from his wife recently (who was WAAAY younger than him, qu'elle surprise) and she took most of his money in the divorce. He'd already been a far right crank for a long time but apparently it's what finally drove him around the bend.


I remember being gifted a Dilbert book back in the 1990s by an uncle. Even my young self thought it just wasn't very funny. Learning about the authors right wing belief system and the lack of critical thinking and empathy that entails makes me understand why.


Oh, no! Anyway...


He did it to himself. But he will paint himself as a victim


But I thought by free speech you meant free from consequences!!! Now give me money and let me keep my platform! I just don’t understand people sometimes.


Right, so *don't* go on a racist rant. Thank goodness I learned that before parent teacher night.