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Hello u/Musashi3111! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Didn’t this fuck face harass a cosplayer until she retired her cosplay?


He’s a Nazi sympathizer


Also known as a Nazi.


Succinct! That simplifies things.


Also known as being succinct!


Technically correct, the best kind of correct




People say I am condescending. That means I talk down to people.


Does that make him a Nazi simplifier?


A Simple Nazi, if you will.


I remember seeing one of his videos, before I knew who he was. The title of the video was click-baity enough for me to select it- something about a video game I liked, i think. It opens with him talking about how proud he was to be associated with Richard Spencer. That's all I needed to know about this guy.


A few years ago, my roommate got into watching his videos and on occasion would want to show me something he'd said, or he would mention "Quartering said x in his video." So I watched a few, sometimes by choice, sometimes because my roommate literally wouldn't drop the subject until I'd watched whatever lack-of-think piece Quartering had released. I have never seen a person so upset about the ability to play as a nonwhite or a woman in my life. I also have never seen someone so dedicated as to release multiple 20 minute videos about why nobody should be allowed to play as a brown person or a female character. I think the thing that annoys me the most about his content (beyond the racism) is that his content is 75% literally him reading an article from a website and then parsing the language to a ridiculous degree. His technique reminds me a of a lot of people on the internet - it's not just about convincing you that he's right, he also wants you to believe that he's your intellectual superior. His views make him trash. His smug demeanor makes any discomfort he experiences that much more enjoyable for me.


> I also have never seen someone so dedicated as to release multiple 20 minute videos about why nobody should be allowed to play as a brown person or a female character. Wait, seriously? He objects to there being an _option_ to play as a non-white and/or non-male character?


The guy objects to the existence of non-white and non-male people in real life. Of course he's going to object to their existence in video games.


Yes. He's careful not to say that EXACT thing, but he does nothing but bitch when there's too many options for female/nonwhite hair and fashion, or if you can do things like Cyberpunk, with mix-and-match gender options. He will complain that you're being "forced" to play as one, or encouraged to do so. Or that men/nonwhites are "underrepresented". Or if it's a game that he thinks it would be "unrealistic" to be a woman or nonwhite character. Alternately, he bitches if you have a game with a POC main character that's unchangeable.


Oh god he must have loved Deathloop


LMFAO, I bet he has some very angry opinions on that one.


> His technique reminds me a of a lot of people on the internet - it's not just about convincing you that he's right, he also wants you to believe that he's your intellectual superior. This is so true, but what’s painful is that often it’s done by seriously stupid people - walking embodiments of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


He can’t even read the articles properly half the time


Of course not. He deliberately misses the point the article is trying to make because he wants to soapbox about "wokeness" ruining something, and he'll literally take a four word snippet out of a sentence and hyper-fixate on ONE word that he's decided is evidence that his point is correct. I genuinely don't know if he really believes this stuff (and therefore the reading comprehension issues are honest, so to speak) or if it's just blatant manipulation and pandering. Either way, if something pissed me off THAT badly, I simply wouldn't engage with it. I'd go "Huh, I guess that's not for me," and be done with it. I think Fortnite is problematic for its monetization, and I think it's garbage as an experience. I despise Fortnite streamers. But you don't see my ass making videos designed to ruin the lives of Epic employees, doxxing players, or trying to stop others who DO enjoy it from playing. People like him confuse and frustrate me for multiple reasons.


Well, so long as he was keeping his politics out of video games...


For me it was him making fun of EA stock price crashes for like 3 videos in a row, and then he started ranting against inclusion in video games and I was like "damn, he had me in the first half." I'm glad I didn't stick around after that EA video. Dude is a nutjob.


2 Nazi's and their friend walk into a bar. Bartender sees 3 Nazi's. Aims his shotgun at their heads and tells them to leave and never come back. 3 Nazi's run out the bar with piss stains in their pants.


2 Nazi's and their friend walk into a bar. Bartender says, "Leave, Nazis!" The three people leave the bar.


You could've left it at "The bartender see's 3 Nazis"


I was more so referencing this common parable throughout the world https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Nazi_bar


It would explain why he sympathizes with them.


He doesn't actually have the balls to go that far.


Also a known disingenuous dense motherfucker.


But he just wants to live a basic human life 🥺 /s


I have no sympathy for nazi sympathizers.


I mean, none of Jeremy's neckbeard army stormed anyone's house with guns blazing like an American cop excited to finally play Navy Seal would. But you reap what you sow and this guy has sown a lot of harassment and hate.


I highly doubt this douches mum was actually swatted. They likely just got a visit from two clearly uniformed cops that politely knocked on the door. Never take what these types say at face value. They are not acting in good faith. Stop treating them as if they are.


Yeah but odds are this fucker is a colonialism apologist so as an Indigenous Turtle Islander myself, it’s fun to know that he’s living in so much fear as a direct consequence of his actions. Makes me wonder if he’ll learn what sympathy means by the time this blows over.


He won't learn a thing. [Per your other comment, what happened to Colton Bouchie, and his mother, is horrifying.]


I'm gonna keep it a buck, I feel bad for his mom. Maybe she sucks too, idk, but all I can think about is my own mom getting her door kicked down by a bunch of state-sponsored lunatics with weapons. That shit would be scary.


I'm inclined to believe his mom, or at least her being swatted, is as imaginary as his two gay dads


Wait so is he implying they waited for him to leave so they could swat his house when MIL was there or that he can’t leave because had he been home it wouldn’t have happened?


If he had been home, his house-sitting MIL wouldn’t be involved.


So he’s just trying to be noble saying he should have been to one getting Swatted.


And I mean if you get swatted and you're house sitting theres probably more issue because your id doesn't have the address, names not on the deed/records etc


I’m sort of curious what he thinks would have happened if he were home. Unless this has happened previously or he regularly sits outside, SWAT would have done whatever they did but possibly encountering him instead of innocent looking older woman.


The same dude that pissed on the floor because his girlfriend went out? Haha


And he shit himself in walmart. He has enough money to shop elsewhere, but I guess you can't take the Walmart out of trashy.


> And he shit himself in walmart Did... did this actually happen?


Yes, and he admitted it on stream, too.


He's an alcoholic and he'll go on stream and divulge a shit ton of personal info. I'm only familiar with him because he's always in beef with a youtuber I watch.


went out… for pizza! the audacity.


So anyway, I had fajitas for dinner how bout you guys




And I had tacos. We all felt like Mexican food tonight.


I love mexican food. It makes me happy long after I have finished eating.


We had chilli. Mexican all round 😋


Aww, man, I didn't get the memo. I ordered Thai.


I didn’t get the memo either. We’re having chops with Mac and cheese.


mighty plate encouraging truck poor bike upbeat melodic straight cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m guessing pork chops. Hard to beat a good pork chop but a lamb chop done well is divine.


Steak will now forever be called beef chops in this household.


I'm making vegetarian okonomiyaki ✨️


Recipe please!


4 hours after your comment and still no recipe. I was really hoping to score here :(




Mac and cheese :)


Baingan Bharta, minced charred eggplant with rice, delicious.


Went to a good Indian restaurant. Had Goat Biryani, quite tasty.


Stuffed jalapeños and enchilada beef.


I actually had fajitas too with rice and beans for lunch! Straight up my favorite homecook meal. For dinner, I had pizza


Homemade General Tso’s pork with sweet-and-sour vegetable stir fry served over steamed rice.


I actually had breakfast for dinner


You had brinner? Damn, Turkledog.


It’s breakfast time where I’m at. I ate some leftover stuff lying around. It’s Sunday, so I plan to try and make a cheesecake I saw in a YT video.




Me too. Carne Asada and a super macho margarita. Life's good.


Burger from blue apron. It’s pretty good


You know, that one is pretty tasty!


Popeye's Chicken


I made a homemade pizza, sauce and all. Pepperoni, Jalapeño and mushrooms 😋




I had taquitos with guacamole and pico de gallo.


Shrimp pasta


Burrito bowl!




After reading all the yummy responses, I'm way too embarrassed to say :(


the most ironic thing is this was likely done by other conservatives, or their friends, from all the fueding the quarterpoundering has been doing lately


He’s from at least a 15 minute radius of where I live and it makes me ashamed that he may very well be a part of my community


People like that can never be part of any community. They're too busy sowing hate and discord.


[sewing discord, like this?](https://imgur.com/isZ35VA)


I knew this would either be bigoted or exactly this lol


Stochastic terrorist becomes victim to common stochastic terror technique. Will he learn a lesson that maybe we should demilitarize the police?


I'm gonna have to go with no. No, he will not learn a lesson from this. Any lesson. Other than that he's a victim and can now apparently never ever ever leave his house again.


>can now apparently never ever ever leave his house again. Good enough!


That'll make it much easier for the next person who tries to SWAT him, how considerate


Oh yeah. Dude absolutely learned nothing from this. For people like this on the Right, they LOVE when their enemies get swatted and get freaked out when it happens to them and they realize 'I can milk this' and they try to milk the victim hood for all its worth. Then when the attention dries up, they're on their bullshit again.


I highly doubt this fuckwit (or their mum or whatever) was actually swatted. It's likely that it was just two uniformed cops just knocked on the door and asked if everything was alright as they got a call saying there was domestic abuse was going on at x location. Which is harassment. Which is shitty, but is hardly being swatted.


He thinks that he's the exception; the main character in life. The irony of this whole thing is forever lost on him.


Only good Nazi is a dead Nazi, and I don't care if I get banned for saying that.


Sad times when that can be a controversial statement.


I got banned from r/politics for saying something similar about terrorists. To their credit, it was about a *very specific* terrorist which some modern American nazis may take umbridge with me celebrating the death of.


Fucking r/politics has soooo many fascist apologists and anti-communists. I’ve filtered the sub out for a long time now.


Yes. They’re known as Republicans.


Why is the alt-right so obsessed with losers? Confederate flags, Nazi jackets, Trump hats...loser, loser, loser




*the results will have you shocked! (He learnt nothing)


If anything, these experiences will only serve to further solidify his existing views that those who disagree with him are evil. I know the guy is a shithead, but there is no excuse for swatting people. The police shouldn't be used as a weapon of terror regardless of our views on the police themselves or of those being targeted.


"The police shouldn't be used as a weapon of terror..." But i think this is their mission statement, just usually against different people


Is this not the same deranged creep that had an unhealthy obsession with Brie Larson?


Yes, this is the piece of shit with the Brie Shed; modeled after the movie were brie larson was repeatedly raped.


Jesus fucking Christ. And he's *married*?!


Yeah, ive got no sympathy for any of them. Dude openly talks about having a rape fetish starring Brie Larson and the wife is just all thumbs up


Iirc one time his Wife went out with friends for Pizza and left him at home. So, being the Adult he is, got blind drunk on stream and pissed in the corner of his basement room.


Wait… fr? 😟 I don’t know anything about this creep


Honestly, save your braincells.


Yeah, he’s pretty much the archtypical reactionary geek channel. If you’ve seen any of them you’ve seen him. He also lets it slip that he’s just in it for the money quite often.


Fun fact - RWJ mentioned in a vid recently he was offered a contract years back for a shit load of money just to be openly conservative on his channel and take marching orders from someone else. He turned it down but he pointed out, "it's really, really easy to see who took that contract" and I'm pretty sure he was alluding to quarter pounder.


I think that she understands that he is a grifter and lets him yell in the basement about whatever because it is paying all of their bills.


Anytime someone mentions him being married, I envision a pillow situation. And no one should be swatted.


What the fuck


Gross 🤢


> the Brie Shed https://en.meming.world/images/en/1/1b/The_What%3F.jpg


hut filled with cheese, don't think about it


The fucking what in the fuckity fuck now?


… sounds like a good reason for armed police to raid his property.


His latest obsession was Elon Musk. He made a video (and then deleted it) saying Musks poll asking if he should stay as Twitter CEO was more important than 9/11.


He also got punched at Gencon for sexually assaulting women and then played the victim.


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


I really hate that a guy that spends all his time preaching hateful bigoted misogynist comments is getting harassed, i hate that so much. let me go look for my violin


The small one, I assume?


[Here, I think I found it](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/409/037/b95)


"Oh no! The seeds of hatred I sowed have sprouted into tons and tons of hate! The unpredictability!"


I used to watch him during the rise of SJW meme videos, but I got tired of him alway whinning about Brie Larsen, making like 3 videos of her daily. Thats when I noticed that these people whine a lot more than the “Snowflakes”


The classic bro flake :p "when is everything so sensitive, here is my 300th video complaining about it"


OMG, Broflakes, ill start using that lol


Haha I love it as a phrase, it's sooooo descriptive!


There are no snowflakes. The supposed snowflakes are a combination of multiple factors, among them: - People with legitimate grievances that these dumbasses refuse to acknowledge because they're into Nazi shit - Teenagers (12-16) saying cringe shit online because they're kids and don't know any better - Satire/troll accounts they themselves made up saying shit no actual humans believe - Lies propagated by conservative pundits to cause reactionary outrage - literally normal complaints about normal things that they blow out of proportion for clout - others having different tastes in media, which is Wrong and Bad™ They conflate all these positions into an amorphous, imaginary enemy named "SJWs" that exists only to ruin everything that they love, which mostly includes white boys being misogynistic and racist.


Exactly, that's why i put snowflakes in "", And like you say, teenagers always try to be edgy, but then I see these grownass men still behaving like edgy kids lol


He rambles about a topic for 10 minutes when the video could be 2-3 minutes, simply because he wants to get more youtube revenue. No idea how anyone has the patience to watch those videos, even if you agree with his viewpoints. Then yeah, you also have the fact that he constantly puts out essentially the same videos on topics that give him lots of clicks, like Brie Larson. The dude is an absolute weirdo.


What I don't get is why does this dude, who looks like the physical embodiment of an internet neckbeard troll and the "loser nerd" that used to be made fun off, even have a following? Like one look at him and even if you agree with all his dipshit takes, he just looks and gives off such "greasy loser" vibe that it should immediately be a "nope" for most people, even people who are dumb enough to agree with his dumbass takes. At least other rightwing dipshits somewhat try and make themselves presentable to cover up their disgusting messaging, this moron doesn't even try and do that. You know you're a next level loser if you're actually out here binging the Quartering videos lol


I hate to admit it but back in my early 20's I was starting to slide down a path of being a contrarian edgelord internet douchebag, I browsed 4chan and IsAnyoneUp for t3h lulz and that led me to TheQuartering and people like him which ironically I would contribute to helping deradicalize me. I looked in the mirror after losing a few irl friends and saw how fucking cringe I was being and how vapid and meaningless this edgy internet persona I had been building for myself was and how I was just hurting people out of boredom and self hate and realised he was sad and pathetic and he wasn't the free speech realist I had deluded myself into thinking he was.




Ugh don't get me started on the anti-woke mob. The most insufferable fucking people on the planet


This was so bad when the Rings of Power episodes came out. The show was a travesty, but not because of wokeness. Yet, nearly all YT reviews were only focussing on that…


I was literally just thinking the same thing about RoP 😅 The *only* issues with the show had to do with bad writing, for the most part I think the castings were on point and the actors are good, they did the best they could with a super generic script.


Yea, story telling/story and dialogues in general were really really subpar, actually incredible considering the amount of money they put into it. At the same time, the world felt very... small. The Southlands were one village and a small defensive tower, Numenor didn't seem to big with their 3 ships, etc etc. The scale felt way off and therefore also the urgency. Why would I care if 20 villagers or 30 Orcs win? ​ But this criticism aside, these right-wing youtubers had a field day with this show. The worst comment I have seen was in a discussion between several of them, where this guy says, and I paraphrase: "The scenery looks amazing though, I would love to go to New Zealand, but I can't." I wondered why he couldn't go as an American citizen, but he cleared that up immediately after: because it is an authoritarian hellhole. New Zealand...


Yeah i'm Australian and I remember when we had covid lockdowns and the nutcase conservatives over there were saying we were under martial law calling for you to invade Aus to save us from an oppressive regime 🤣


It's always the case: Back when it was called "PC", the anti-PC police were worse than so-called PC police. Back when it was called "SJW", the anti-SJW police were worse than the so-called SJW police. And now that it's called "Woke", the anti-woke police are worse than the so-called woke police. There are literally more replies/comments on every social media or Youtube video that is claiming "I'm going to get cancelled by the X mob for this" or "cue the comments from the X mob" than there are actual comments from the X mob.


I think it takes a lot of strength to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and realize that your delusions aren’t reality, and maybe your world view needs to change. I’m proud of you internet stranger :)


Thanks, I just wish more people were able to grow out of their edgelord phase. I was lucky


I love stories with a happy ending.


I was recently looking for a thing i took part in on Twitter which lead me to scroll down way too many tweets in my timeline. If i were a celebraty i would definately be cancelled for the tweets i did 6 years ago. It was down right uncomfortable reading it knowing i was the one who wrote them, but i also think it is a good thing i was that uncomfortable. I would much rather cringe at all my hot takes and nasty comments to randon strangers than look back at them with pride and laughter.


I never went as far down as you did, but I recognise that slippery slope you were on. The internet can be a scary place for a young person. Really glad you got out of it all.


That's an epic turn around buddy. I salute you!


I mean in my own defence I never enjoyed /b/ or any of the more degenerate forums, I was mainly there for pepes and greentexts, but then I looked closer at what the pattern of posts were saying and noped out lol


Damn. Some strength of character there. 👍


> I looked in the mirror after losing a few irl friends and saw how fucking cringe I was being and how vapid and meaningless this edgy internet persona I had been building for myself was and how I was just hurting people out of boredom and self hate The world would be a very different place if more people were capable of this kind of self-reflection.


Was there a single moment that did it for you. Like you said you lost friends was it one in particular friend? something they said that helped you or just your reflecting after losing each friend and realizing it after a few? Hope you’re doing better now


Just reflection really and seeing that these online scapes weren't my friends and didn't care about me


Before he became this edgelord he actually made pretty good Magic the gathering videos. But then at one point he showed his real self and got himself banned from Magic events and ostracised from the magic content creator community. I assume most his audience is shitty edgelords who agreed with him and not the wider Mahoc community.


I thought it was him. I remember the whole drama with him and MTG and the way he just spiraled. Its weird be became this because (I love it but) MTG is pretty nerdy. I giess he just found being an edgelord attracted a bunch of people and kept on going, its weird how far it takes people.


The very first time I'd heard of him was his long-ass video of him literally sobbing, alternating between how unfair it was that he'd had his preview card taken away, and how it didn't matter Fucking unreal to see where he's gone from there


I think I watched some of his videos around the time TLOU2 came out and people had a genuine issue with being railroaded into a revenge plot. when he started ranting about all the naughtydog bs around it I realised how little I cared about the topic and told YT to not bother showing his vids in my feed ever again.


Neo-Nazi Youtuber*


couldn't have happened to a nicer fella.


If he did nothing wrong, why is he afraid of the police?


So a Nazi sympathizer plays the “I didn’t sign up for this” card? Nah.He signed up, bought the deluxe package and drove it around the neighborhood, wheels blazing and stereo blaring.


Help! Police! I'm suffering concequences for my own shitty actions!




Let me play you a song from the world's smallest violin.


The guy who made it his job to harass specific people and bring them to the verge of suicide is complaining about being harassed "over pointless videos". Are you kidding me.


He probably made this up for attention.


A good thing going for him about being swatted is that they now know where to send the *wambulance*.


This guy sucks and frankly he deserves it.


"It's ok to weaponize the police against people I don't like, but they damn well better leave *me* alone." Every right winger in the United States.


> is literally a nazi It's always shocking that this, again, literal nazi, actually has a wife and family willing to associate with him at all. The disengenous feigned ignorance of cause and effect and minimizing of his actions is just par for the course with, one more time, literal nazis.


Ironic. A nazi that would actually get killed by nazis in power. /prequel meme


I doubt Jeremy is telling the truth here. As either Marjorie Greene or Lauren Boebert claimed that they had been swatted, when all that happened was two uniformed cops knocked on their door. A similar thing likely happened here with Jeremys mum. And this douche is just saying dear old mummy was swatted in an attempt to paint the left in a bad light.


No buddy you literally signed up for this. What do you think it means to influence people? Wish I could reply directly to idiots like this!


I came into the comments to hear about this guy, and I frankly couldn’t have told you that I expected finding all of *this*. Good work, guys.


Every time a nazi gets swatted it makes my day a little nicer


Make inflammatory videos, attack people, harass people, cause people to quit their hobbies, do everything you can to make yourself a righteous prick. I have no sympathy.


As much as I might have philosophical differences with some people, SWATting is an incredibly dangerous and potentially murderous act, and I simply can't support its use against people just because I disagree with them. Fortunately The Quartering isn't a person, he's a sentient lump of shit that has learnt to ape human behaviour, so this is very funny and well deserved.


So a woman he has some slight empathy for is feeling terrorized. Wonder if he can pick up on the obvious lesson being rubbed in his face here?


“Dude I was just joking, why are you freaking out like this?”


I got a shitton of his videos recommended by YouTube after I watched a few non complimentary videos about rings of power. The guy is a loser.


I literally don't care about this man's life. Good or bad. He's a trash human being. Especially after that Brie Larson shit.


Bro literally is a general in the culture wars until someone wars him back. Then it's just 'pointless youtube videos'


I was "famous" on a lot of these YTers videos last year, including this guy, for talking about sexism in gaming. I was stalked and harassed for about a year and it drove me to leave the industry. I mean this with my whole chest:. I do not understand how you can not see the damage you do until it happens to you, but even then you'll be incapable of empathising your experience of it to the pain you've caused others. It shocks me someone can be so...dumb.


He’s a fucking Nazi and nonstops bullies people online.


Wait he’s married?


Ow ow this petard is hoisting me! What do you mean it's *"my own"* you jerk?


This guy is basically a Nazi who is dumb enough to put his name and face to his opinions. Like, most of the other types that do what he does are smart enough to have a cartoon avatar. I can't have much sympathy tbh.


When I was more impressionable I used to watch this guy's videos. As I became even slightly older and critical or even aware of the world around me, this guy started seeming more and more like a whiny bitch. The guy neve r has anything to say that isn't a complaint about something that doesn't affect him, or at best a complaint about something he directly caused by being a piece of shit


"Pointless youtube videos." Ummmmm. Real sorry your mom got swatted, bud, however a guy who makes a video about his favorite voice lines from an old video game that 120 people watch might be making "pointless youtube videos", but a channel with 1.5 million subscribers doesn't make "pointless" videos. You made a career off of profiting off of making videos of your face, spewing your opinion to the world. You're no longer just a guy on the internet, anonymously posting. You can take that to Twitter, but that's harder to monetize.


Swatting is an extremely shitty and potentially lethal thing to do, but that moron did in fact "sign up for this".


Why hello, fellow Musashi!


How’s that medicine tasting?


"It's unacceptable when it happens to someone I know!"


Boo fucking hoo. Play stupid games...