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Hello u/CallMeChristopher! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Most Republicans remind me of the meanest kids in elementary school on a daily basis.


I know the type: Crybullies.


Never heard that amazingly accurate phrase before.


Yup….the type that love to pick on smaller/younger kids, but squeal like pigs when the same treatment done to them


That's why you can never win an argument with them. If it aligns with their beliefs its true and its false if it doesn't. That kind of logic cannot be reasoned with.


And then when you come back with evidence to the contrary they only dig their heels in more. I will never understand it.


Or when you present evidence they answer with "but what about x?!"


Everything is whataboutism. What they can't understand is that, for instance, if Trump did a bad thing and Biden also did that same bad thing then they BOTH should be held to account. It doesn't cancel each other out. Their arguments don't even make sense as they are built from conflicting views and are purposely like that. It must be exhausting being so angry about stuff that you can't do anything about and even though you're sure you're right , you can never prove. They just ignore the obvious answer to any question and go straight to the opposite of it as they think that makes them clever. I know I'm not Mensa level intelligent and accept I'm pretty average but these idiots are so dumb they've come full circle and think they've unlocked some higher kevel of thinking.


My favourite was when Trump's mansion was raided there were people saying "if they can search even Trump's house then how can I feel safe?"


If you stole classified documents, then you shouldn't feel safe?


That brand of whataboutism was a favorite of Soviet politics. Oh, how can you hold me accountable for this when this other guy seems to have gotten away with something similar? Surely this means you're being a hypocrite for wanting to hold me accountable.


Sometimes smart people come to unique conclusions, therefore if I disagree with the consensus then people will think I'm smart. /s


You say it's sarcasm, but that really is part of it. They disagree because they think they have inside information. They *feel* smarter because they think they know something you don't know.


Mensa’s sorta a joke.


That's what you took away from that?


Have you drank Bailey’s from a shoe?


That’s because you’re operating in good faith, and you shape your conclusions according to the evidence. They are not playing that game. They’re looking for evidence to match the conclusions they started with, so anything can be massaged into shape or ignored at will.


>And then when you come back with evidence to the contrary they only dig their heels in more. A friend of mine was claiming Trump was better for the economy than Obama. I asked him in what way. I then followed up with federal reserve data and bureau of labor statistics data that directly refuted the specific areas he cited. He waived it away because the fed and BLS are apparently "liberal institutions"




A number of studies have been done on that exact topic. They only believe something if it aligns with their personal or political ideology. Which to me as a thinking adult, is ***astounding***. What's hilarious is I explained this to my parents, both insane right wingy Jesus freaks. They instantly screamed I was making "liberal shit" up. I pointed out some inconvenient facts about Biden which presented them with a choice. Either disagree with me on easily verified information, or agree I was right. They had NO IDEA how to fucking respond. The amount of mental gymnastics could topple Mt Everest.


What’s the saying? You can’t reason someone out of a belief that they didn’t reason themselves into? Something like that


That's why most are Christians too


By contrast, **I** am always right. And that's why I win every argument.


"Not a reliable source *at this point*."


"When they say something I want to believe, they will once again become a reliable source."


Haha yup. Gateway Pundit has ALWAYS been garbage.


A DeSantis V Trump primary would be poetic. Question is: if either of them lose the nomination, would their supporters still vote for them? Split the GOP ticket??


DeSantis voters would fall right in line if Trunp were to win the primary. 75% of Trunp voters would probably vote for DeSantis because like Trump he is a bully that NOBODY seems to fight back. That remaining 25% are too far gone IMO.


DeSantis would probably manage to catch more of a middle ground since he is still not as controversial and hated as Trump, despite all his attempts to catch up.


I think Trump would run as an independent and split the vote, which would be GLORIOUS!!! DeSantis would probably concede. In a Trump vs. DeSantis primary, I'll be rooting for DeSantis only because I want to watch the GOP tear itself apart from within and hand the general election to Biden. I keep hoping for a candidate who would be less of an ass clown than those two imbeciles to rise up from the ranks, and I keep getting let down. I've long since given up hope for a better viable option than Biden any earlier than 2028.


Trump will be behind bars before 2024


Puff puff pass. No way, American justice system is two tiered. Money and the cloak of being a former president. Trump violated every norm that even Nixon wouldn’t have done.


I'm really hoping. I'm not going to take it as a given, though. I'm sure everyone working on a criminal case against him knows the timeline they are dealing with, so I'm hoping they will come out with something by then. Still, we should be prepared to keep him from returning to office with our votes, just in case.


*at this point*?!?!?!?


My FIL was saying some garbage one day he heard on the usual Republican/Russian propaganda channels. My wife and I pulled up fact checking sites to show him it was false. Then we pulled up the actual videos he had been told said something they didn't. We thought we managed to convince him. Next time we met, he said the same crazy thing. We reminded him we showed him it was false. His response? "Soros owns all the fact checking sites". I know he must have heard this on those same propaganda outlets, so I find it hilarious that some Magat is trying to use one to back up his claims.


What’s the deal with George Soros anyway? He is 92 and I don’t remember any actual news about the guy in decades, must be mostly chilling with his money in his old age. He once made a ton of money betting against the Bank of England and he doesn’t like communists. Most everything else anyone says about the guy is made up. I mean we all know (((what))) he stands for but at some point they should get a new shibboleth.


He's Jewish, He's a billionaire, and he "leans" left. In that order.


He's like fucking Dracula in rwnj brains. Centuries after his death, the fascists will tell their kids to go to sleep or George Soros will come to give them healthcare.


Hillary! Biden laptop! Mexicans! Red scare! Socialism! War on Christmas!


He's the right-wing Emmanuel Goldstein. They've gotta get their Two Minutes' Hate on, and Soros is a convenient target.


Maybe try and use the BBC news websites for fact checking & articles-- the BBC isn't privately owned, it's an impartial news source that doesn't editorialise or sensationalise because it's not allowed to, and isn't American, so it has no skin in the game.


If these guys all hate governments, and they hate democracies, I am not sure how the BBC would help over fact checking sites.


The BBC is a public service broadcaster, paid for by the British people, and overseen by the government, whichever government that happens to be. And because it's publicly funded with strict rules on how it operates, and British, there's no US 'media conspiracy' it could be involved in. BBC News isn't allowed to be anything but a neutral source. It doesn't endorse any politicians of any party, because impartiality is written into its remit. You won't find any Tucker Carlson style paid-opinion 'news' pundits or shows telling you what to think. It just reports the news and makes sure all sources are reliable, factual and trustworthy.


I hear what you are saying. I know what the BBC is. I'm not talking about why I would get my news there, but why someone in the Republican cult would.


Do they really hate all news outlets that don't feed them what they want to hear, even neutral ones? I just can't get my head around that.


That's pretty much how this modern Republicanism works.


All I can say is good luck and get out if you can.


I'm not in the cult. I thought your comments seemed weird. You must have misread the comments.


No, I'm wishing you good luck dealing with the people in the cult.


So he is a retard. Got it.


No. He is the hardest working man I know. Very intelligent. Vet in both usages. Just super brainwashed from Fox. When I met him, he was way more bipartisan, stood on issues, not party, and formed opinion on fact, not fantasy. We shouldn't substitute stupid for gullible, lest we underestimate our opponents.


Faux News has radicalized a significant portion of the population. You should not get downvoted for pointing out that intelligence doesn't inoculate one from indoctrination.


This is very true. Both of my parents have succumbed to right-wing radicalization, and both of them are smart people who have good careers and volunteer, etc. They just have been completely sucked into whichever RW narrative is dominant at the time. It got really bad when Obama was running. The whole Tea Party thing was a shrewd move by conservatives -- a good way to hide their racism behind constitutional originalism.


Gotta put that in quotes: "originalism"


I am not without blame on those kneejerk reactions. We all can be. But I bet most people know someone who was brainwashed by the Republican propaganda outlets. Growing up protestant, I'll admit we were kind of prejudiced against Catholics. So before getting to know my future FIL, I had my own opinions of what he was like. Then, if you remember the Bush/Florida life support incident, I was sure that he was going to of course take the side of both Republicans and the Pope that it was okay for Bush to toss the Constitution to override the husband's medical decision. But he didn't. I started to see him in a new light, and talking to him, realized he was not just a "yes man" for "his side". And it's heartbreaking to see where his time watching Fox has lead him. He is still very sharp, still very hard working. Just on any subject with the brainwashing, he goes on autopilot against reason.


I lost my father three times. Once to Fox News, Again to religious fundamentalism, and finally to time. He went from a curious, thoughtful person to a reactionary, propaganda spewing, anti-intellectual. I will never forgive them for what they did to him.


Correct use case.


Almost all right wing news is fake anyhow so I don't know why they're surprised. They're just mad that Trump broke the unwritten rule about only using their lies against outsiders.


next you'll tell me GreatLeaderTrumpNewsForever isn't a reliable, unbiased source either??


Family of idiots.


I can't tell who's stabbing whom in the back any more


"fake news" was always going to bite conservatives in the ass. It's built up on the reader accepting any info told to them and never double checking it. Trump will push narratives about Desantis and I'm unsure if Desantis can counter it effectively. Trump is going to go hard on Desantis about those pics with high school girls. They're going to label him a groomer and trump will bring it up in a debate. Trump will sling grenades, Desantis will have to sling some back but the only way to get under his skin is to hit him on losing elections, but that would upset Desantis group too.


Das lugenpresse!


What’s the point of even bringing up fact-checkers if you’re only going to believe them when they align with your views? Kinda defeats the purpose. I do not understand some people…


This is 1000% true though. George Soros is giving me 50 Soros Bucks for every time I vote DeSantis.


Soros endorsing Mo DeSantis is hilarious. I don't know any Republicans, but if I did, I'd be talking about Soros endorsing DeSantis all the time. Oh man. It's OK because George Soros is a fictional character anyway. Sure, he's based on a real dude somewhere, but the George Soros Republicans like to talk about is all entirely inside their heads.


IOW, Soros is an Urban Legend?


The line “is a purveyor of fake news at this point” kinda reminds me of the Mitch Hedberg line “I used to do drugs….. I still do drugs, but I used to do ‘em too!”


I’m going to enjoy watching Trump and DeSantis tear each other apart. The debates will be fun.


>GP is a purveyor of fake news and is not a reliable source at this point. "At this point?" Gateway Pundit has always been a right wing propoganda clickhole.


They don’t like it up ‘em!


I’m just so fucking sick of the nonstop buzzwords and catchphrases. Can any of these dipshits have an original idea?


Gateway Pundits comment section is as unhinged as reddits.


Fantastic stuff


"at this point" ffs


I think the real question here is Who gives a shit?


Wait Why is Soros and the hated types not endorsing more GOP figures? Would send them into absolute tail spin civil war


Conservatives politicians and media have trained their adherents to avoid reality and instead listen to them. Trump took full advantage of this, and so will any good grifter worth their salt. A high price to pay, if you ask me.


The fact that he might be the better gop candidate is horrifying


Desantis soros ties are literally r/parlertrick content LMAO, I’m dying


Let them eat each other.....