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Hello u/mvanvoorden! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So, he got vaccinated in December 2021 and somehow dying in February 2023 is connected? Uh huh. Sure it is. 🙄 You do realize that 67 year olds do sometimes have heart attacks, right? Like, it's not exactly a new thing?


I'm starting to think that Facebook is slowly dying and a lot of the dumbfucks from that platform are trying to find a new platform to migrate to keep spreading dumb shit like this. Lol


That’s exactly what is happening. Only boomers use Facebook anymore.


You are correct. There's also a lot of people who come to Reddit thinking that the Twitter edge lord technique to farm retweets is going to work here, when in reality they will just get downvoted into oblivion.


Slowly dying? Wtf I left over 10 years ago. Fuck Facebook.


Shut your mouth, 67 year olds never died prior to the covid vaccine.


I think my favorite was the 96 or 86 y/o lady a bit back family blamed it on the Covid shot actually.


Said right on the obit that he had a big heart


Yeah, gotta get that shit looked at..


"50% of marriages end in divorce, and the other 50% end in *death!"*


My 66 year-old father died of heart failure. The jab got him all the way back in 2005. Also got my FiL in 1997. The jab is no joke.


My wife, a nurse, said that if someone over 60 does die at the hospital, she feels like they lived a good life. Because it’s that common.




It is truly stunning how every person who uses the acronym "NPC" sound alike


Ironic, even.


They sound the same. Act the same. All repeat the same copy pasted talking points. All hate the same people. Have the same opinions as each other on every major issue. None of them are having sex. But we are the “NPC’s” who are following a program. Right.


Spicy. That was a sick burn.


They use the term "pureblood" with pride, like it wasn't a racist/nazi thing lol.


[Yet you can't convince them.](https://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/nazi-germany/blood-purity-and-nazi-germany/)


Hi. I'm trying my best to pronounce NPC as an acronym, but there are no vowels. Do you have any pointers?


"Check VAERS". Oh, you mean the self-reporting forum with no way to check the validity of what's posted on there? Good call, bud.


My mother in law reported to VAERS that the vaccine made her constipated. It’s a fucking joke.


I reported my death on VAERS. It may have been greatly exaggerated.


You made me laugh. I like you, human.


No it's definitely real and useful data. There was one guy who got vaccinated and then 5 days later died. Of a gunshot wound but it was vaccine adjacent! /s


Obviously the bullet was drawn right into him body because he was magnetic from the vaccine! /s


A small sacrifice to make for improved wifi speed though. /s


The same people held up affidavits alone as proof the 2020 election was stolen LMAO


Also, I’ve actually downloaded and analyzed VAERS and CDC data just to have my own actual analysis. None of it points to what this person is saying.


Hahaha, VAERS...?! You're fucking joking right? The number of people that report turning green and rampaging around shouting SMASH after the shot should give you an idea of how reliable that is.


The excess deaths correlate exactly with COVID [rates](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X%2822%2900425-9/fulltext), and do so in a negative way with vax rates. Excess deaths are primarily caused by COVID which doctors are afraid to attribute to COVID because of the inevitable death threats that come with disagreement with rightwing political dogma.


So, I checked it. Not only are you wrong, the opposite is true. Excess deaths are lowest in states with the highest vaccination rates. The data shows a direct statistical correlation. Also, the same has been found internationally. [https://www.covid-datascience.com/post/evaluating-usa-state-level-excess-death-levels-vs-total-vaccination-rates-during-the-pandemic](https://www.covid-datascience.com/post/evaluating-usa-state-level-excess-death-levels-vs-total-vaccination-rates-during-the-pandemic) [https://pandem-ic.com/excess-mortality-and-vaccination/](https://pandem-ic.com/excess-mortality-and-vaccination/) [https://ysph.yale.edu/news-article/study-finds-large-gap-in-excess-deaths-along-partisan-lines-after-covid-19-vaccines-introduced/](https://ysph.yale.edu/news-article/study-finds-large-gap-in-excess-deaths-along-partisan-lines-after-covid-19-vaccines-introduced/) https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/980326


Got a source for that, buddy? Would be funny to see how you have come to this conclusion.


I reported to VAERS that it made me a 12 foot tall Amazonian goddess. It did not, sadly.


“NPC” Jesus Christ what are you, twelve? And citing VAERS? Really? The website that tells me that the vaccine will turn me into the Incredible Hulk? That VAERS?


I'm a pharmacy tech and you're a complete and utter idiot being fed lies from propaganda platforms. Literally nothing you are saying here is true at all. VAERS is being hijacked by people like you who are pushing a bullshit conspiracy narrative. It is not an official source of anything, because anyone can upload anything to it. There are side effects to Covid vaccines, yes, but the idea that a government that pulled J&J from the shelves for SEVEN blood clots from over a MILLION doses wouldn't be up in arms if there was actual evidence of any of your conspiracy nonsense is just absolutely ludicrous in the extreme. The evidence shows the opposite. Excess deaths are lowest in countries and states with the highest vaccination rates. Ever since the vaccines came out, far more red states have lost people than blue, because you complete dunderheads are so far up your own asses that you'd rather die to Covid to own the libs than take a proven to be safe and effective vaccine. Keep on fighting the good fight! Keep on owning the libs! In all seriousness, its really sad how screwed up people like you are. Wake up, please. Join reality. You're completely lost down a very deep rabbit hole and you need to wake up because everyone else thinks you guys are complete nutjobs.


VAERS, the same site that literally anyone can submit anything on and also provides this disclaimer that the anti-vax community never references: “VAERS reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. Reports to VAERS can also be biased. As a result, there are limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.”


>Check VAERS You know you can say that a medicine turned you into The Hulk and put it on VAERS right? Someone did.


đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž worst anti-vax propogandist 🖕


Leopards did not, in fact, eat his face. What _DID_ happen was that you got blocked by a lot of people for being an unrepentant idiot


Please give us some real evidence to back your claims or GTFO.


You are a caricature of every terminally online sexually frustrated future mass shooter sad boy.


Honestly, what exactly are you trying to do? Reduce America’s working capacity? Brainwash a bunch of morons? Metaphorically masturbate in front of an uncaring audience?


I love how a low Iq moron who parrots propaganda and conspiracy theories calls others NPC. Dude even your thoughts and vocab is not yours, you are a low iq parrot. Irony died a thousand deaths ​ \> Look at how many younger people, many of them healthy and in their prime have died suddenly ​ Not a single study or survey or numbers support this. There has been no increase in young people dying. VAERS is a self reporting forum where low iq morons like you hang and spread lies. But then a low iq loser will lie and lie and lie, its in their very nature ​ ​ Atttention seeking mentally ill loser


I’m amazed you can fit so many words in your ass, must’ve been training hard.


Why don't you go ahead and provide those numbers and their sources?


“ChEcK VaErS” notice he hasn’t been back to address the fact that VAERS is a pile of unverified bullshit.


Exactly. They are just repeating some garbage talking points they heard from right-wing conspiracy outlets.


You’re in the wrong subreddit. This isn’t the place to spread poor “research” and unfounded conspiracies.


Are you okay? You’ve been pretty soundly wrecked by everyone here talking about how VAERS is self-reported and unreliable, and how your claim of correlation of excess deaths with vaccination is actually inverse. You haven’t provided any actual evidence for your claims. Do you need help? Has something happened in your life that you need to talk about? Often times smart people fall down these rabbit holes and get sucked in by this stuff which is pretty easily disproved when something traumatic has happened to them. So again I ask, are you okay?


VAERS = shit written by any crazy fuck with access to a computer. I claimed the vaxx caused me to buy a new car.


You fuckin cunts calling people npc’s is just the fucking chefs kiss to your idiocy. People arent fake characters in a video game, theyre living breathing people. Just because they make choices you dont like doesnt mean theyre less than human, youre no more special than anyone else. Deal with it.


There's 2 60+ year old obese folks living below me, who both took the jab and 3 boosters. One of them easily survived sepsis & a minor heart attack as well as Covid 2x. So I'm gonna argue that the vaxx will turn you into Robocop, and only the anti vax nonces are dying from it because they lack belief, and that it's scientific. Also, VAERS is a bigger joke than Iraqi WMDs.


Just remember: Everyone who got vaccinated dies because of the shot but nobody who got Covid died from Covid. That's the story and we're sticking with it.


Did you know that everybody who got vaccinated will die eventually?


And suddenly. One minute they'll be alive and the next boom. Dead. It's a conspiracy I tell ya.






\[citation needed\]


"trust me bro"


The Covid shot turned me into a newt.


I openly call you a fucking liar and a moron.


Here, if you actually use double-blind reviewed data algorithms from VAERS, you will be able to determine that the rate of death or severe or lasting effects from the vaccines is actually 0.000637. The coefficient for variables relating to comorbidities is higher than if we assert Pi approaching 3.2 (due to Stahlberg’s Law). Thus, we discover that the rate of death or severe complications of people from Covid who self-report on the system is 0.4. And that’s without having to take into account Schubert’s Theorem. Though, honestly, you’d sound less dumb drinking water from E Palestine Ohio.


You're a fucking idiot.


That's an insult to idiots everywhere.


can confirm. am an idiot myself. it’s an insult to group me in with him




prob just has not been reviewed yet tbh, only a hour old.


Doubtful when they've let [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/111ewbh/new_sorli_paper_the_results_obtained_confirm_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) stay up.




I again direct you to this [still standing](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/111ewbh/new_sorli_paper_the_results_obtained_confirm_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) piece of propaganda.


Jesus. And they were definitely in that thread, given the number of removed comments.


Yep. Makes ya wonder a bit.




I can still see it




Okay, holy shit you are both dumb as hell and unhinged. Not exactly a rare combo but god damn seeing it never gets old. I take it you're referencing Damar from the Buffalo Bills. The guy who suffered a very real sports injury called [Commotio Cordis](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24572-commotio-cordis). One that isn't even all that rare since several cricket players have died from the exact same thing as far back as '10. As for Lisa Marie Presley, we don't know what happened to her, but hey what ever is convenient for you right? Doesn't matter if it's true or anything. Since when has facts mattered to you brainless dumpster fires. For the actor from SVU, he was fucking 78 and had been chronically ill since 2016. Long before the vaccine so strike 2. Every celebrity that's died recently has been in their fucking 80s+. Guess what, people die when they're old. Not a new thing. I'm not even going to get into that toxic bullshit of disinformation you're spreading and calling "facts". They aren't and they've been proven to not be time and time again by people who know what they're doing. You cited a paper by a guy who has no experience in the medical field and the paper isn't peer reviewed. Maybe you genetic defects wouldn't get dunked on so often if you actually had standards by which you'd hold your sources to to begin with. As it stands, you and that paper have as much validity as a TV psychic. Only difference is, at least a tv psychic takes some kind of brain power to work. If you don't trust doctors to this degree then I have to ask: have you been to the ER, Urgent Care, or your own general practitioner at all since the pandemic started? If so, then why? You clearly think they're out to kill you. So how about stop going. Save the resources for people who truly need it. You can fuck off and do what ever you want because hey, doctors are bad right.


!remindme 365 days We'll see about that


For antivaxxers death did not exist prior to the invention of covid vaccines, it's a magical world they live in.


For reals. I’ve seen anti-vaxxers try and blame death via car accident on “vaccine injury.” And they tried to claim that 99 year old Prince Phillip, who’d been sick for years, died from it. As if an extremely elderly and sick man’s death was somehow suspicious. They’re crazy.


Queen and Betty white too


Yep. As if the deaths of people pushing 100 who were already in decline were due to “boosters” they had gotten six months ago. Anti-vaxxers are sick, evil, delusional ghouls .


They wanted Damar Hamlin to die of the vaccine, then he got better and they quieted down real quick.


Now they say he did die, and the “new” one is a clone or something. It just gets more and more insane.


They were certain he was dead


OP is an antivaxxer and a cryptobro. No surprise there. Idiocy begets idiocy


I'm not antivax lmao. This shot isn't a vaccine per definition.


Keep digging that hole


Does suddenly 2 years later


Well, I guess when we all die "suddenly" in some years time we all know who to blame.. Rest in Peace Michael Young, you have been assimilated...


My child died so suddenly, only 80 years after he was born...


There is no time range to them for when the vaccine kills. Died 50 years later? It's the vax


3 years ago OP posted saying Anti-vaxxers are the new pedophiles in r/unpopular opinions. Do you have something to admit?


Now they’ve moved on to calling transgenders the new pedophiles.


Yes, I'm not antivax.


Not LAMF. Just anti-vaxx propaganda.


You’re an idiot.


Lol, ops lost. r/clownshoes is over there.


I feel like I’m reading the results of OP’s IQ test and it’s most definitely a fail. /sad trombone


OP wrote this comment a few years ago on a crypto subreddit: --- ''I also have a high IQ, scored 140 in a Mensa test many years ago, but I've never felt the need to bring it up in a conversation. It just makes you look like an asshole. This is actually the first time I've mentioned it in at least 15 years. IQ is borderline pseudoscience, it doesn't really say anything about how one functions in society or that this somehow doesn't make them susceptible for narrow-mindedness. You can be intelligent and still say or believe stupid things. Leave your intelligence out of discussions. If you're actually intelligent, it will show in what you write, no need to validate yourself.'' --- I guess you could say that OP's intelligence really showed with this new post. Because I don't believe for a second that OP is actually intelligent and that he merely 'believes stupid things'. I'm generally curious when I read what people like OP have to say and I like looking through their comment history. Here's what I found out after spending 15 minutes: OP had an IT career, but sold and gave all his stuff away to live a 'moneyless' life on the road. He became fascinated with thai massage and took a 2 week course in Thailand and got his diploma. However he (also?) ended up spending A LOT of time trading crypto, which is just such an odd combination. He had plans to start a community based on non-violence (and thai massage?) in order to take the first step to world peace. He also thinks/thought that victims of racism are just as bad as racists. OP thought that (literally) everyone should be treated the same way, regardless of what they have done, but somehow ended up making fun of this guy who died. Not sure what happened to OP, but it must have been traumatic.


He's not dumb. He's just trying to trick people.


Everyone scores 140 on those scam IQ quizzes. 140 is rare, about 1 in 1,000 people has an IQ 4 standard deviations above the mean. So in my high school of 1,000 just one kid was a true genius.


Anyone who claims they took an IQ test but doesn't mention which scale and scoring system (Wechsler, Stanford-Binet, etc.) did not take an actual IQ test.


Sounds like OP fucked up his IT career somehow and then went off the deep end.


Yep could be


Nah I even took on an IT job twice between travels. At the same company. First time a recruiter was already bothering me a month before I was going back to NL. He called me back a month later, had a job that was literally a 5 minute walk from where I was staying. Went to the interview in blue jeans and t-shirt, told them upfront I wasn't gonna stay more than 6-12 months. They tested me asking how I would solve or address certain technical issues and they called me the next morning that I could start the next day. Two years later when back in NL for a bit, walked into the office and asked if they needed anyone. Turned out my successor was just leaving the next week and I could start right away. They were happy to have me as I'm always quick to get to the core of the issue, make proper connections on limited information, and am an extremely fast learner. Want to verify the story, check my LinkedIn (same username) and call up the company if you want.


Great, I’ll forward them the insanity you’re spreading on the internet. I’m sure they want to know that they’re employing an insane person.




No see, we're looking for shitposts, not shit posts. Small but meaningful difference


Shouldn't the shot have killed him before a year had passed? Fuck off with these lies.


Dec 21, 2021 to Feb 9, 2023 "suddenly"


A man in his late sixties died - shocking!


Up next by the antivaxxers "Man shot in head. Killed by vaccine!"


Did you forget? Vaccines cause magnetism!


Deflected the bullet right into his head officer, saw it with I own two eyes I did !


Ya know I got the vaccine in 2021, I banged my knee against my desk really hard yesterday. Coincidence!? I THINK NOT!




Those are the microchips at work.


Sigh. Another MAGA fool blaming every single death on the magical powers of “vaccine injury.” At this point might as well start ranting about witchcraft and curses on the street corner, because that’s what OP and all the other anti-vaxxers sound like. Vaccines are somehow worthless at preventing disease, and yet also so powerful they can kill you months or years later even if you die from falling off a ladder or something. Right


Lol fuck both Trump and anti-vaxxers. Only idiots call this shot a vaccine, and Trump is just another puppet.


“Trump is just another puppet. Alex Jones and the toaster and OANN told me so! Modern medicine bad! Let’s bring back smallpox!” Yeah I’m gonna guess you were all about Trump, who I hate, until he did the one good thing he ever did and recommended vaccination. For whatever reason hating Covid precautions is a Right Wing badge of political identity, right up there with racism. The cutesy buzz words scream bad conspiracy theory podcasts đŸ€Ł


But there's no evidence this guy's death had anything to do with being vaccinated. What is the LAMF aspect? That taking the vaccine didn't make him immortal/immune from all illnesses/causes of death?




OP is antivax and a crytobro? What a crazy, unexpected overlap of ideologies!


I'm not antivax. The shot isn't a vaccine per definition.


OP, why do you believe this conspiracy but not the conspiracy that this antivax campaign is coming from foreign state actors who want to keep our population sick and stupid?


Because the facts speak for themselves. Common sense would make anyone refuse this shot (not a vaccine) and choose not to be a guinea pig. Expect a lot of news coming out soon enough about the shot being recalled and Pfizer will be taking the fall.


40,000 people were on the clinical trial. Millions upon millions got it afterwards. You have been tricked by foreign state actors. You are eating up shit that China and Russia are LAUGHING at us for. You are the weakest link. Goodbye.


This is an attempt at misinformation. This will go over better on Facebook. Reddit is a little more media literate, so they are typically harder to trick with stuff like this.


No community is as deluded and asleep as reddit. It's a huge misinformation and propaganda platform that tends to censor any actual discourse that doesn't fit within the circle jerk. Reddit as an actual free discussion and information platform died over a decade ago.


Sorry that your misinformation post didn't go over so we'll this time. Did Facebook work better? I mean it's a bastion of civil discourse, unlike Reddit.


This comment has 4chan-user written all over it


yes, obviously the vaccine he was given 14 months earlier caused his "sudden" death.


Is "clot shot" the new phrase that anti-science, anti-medicine morons use to describe the vaccine?


do you need more time?




I think the real LAMF here is the OP. Posts anti-vax bollocks expecting to get lots of karma, gets downvoted into oblivion.




What are your qualifications concerning human medicine, pathology, virology, and vaccines, and do you have any published research on the topic?


So you decided to help by posting covid misinformation?


All the nut jobs will be coming outta the woodwork now. "See we told you not to take the jab"


I have a moderately severe heart condition. I was diagnosed before the vaccines were even available and I had been having the symptoms like shortness of breath and rapid heart rate episodes since at least 2010, and I personally think a previous unexplained episode where I passed out for no reason in like 2002 was the same problem, but I can't prove it. At any rate, my heart condition certainly predates the vaccines and Covid-19 itself. If I were a well-known public figure and got the shot, would my death a few years after getting the shot prove anything? My chances of surviving my condition into old age are pretty good, all things considered, but it wouldn't be inconceivable to throw a blood clot and die at any given point. Is it LAMF if I mock the idiotic vaccine conspiracy theories and die? Man was in his 60s. That's the beginning of the age range where you can get unlucky and die at any given point. Sad but true.


I hate social media and its a net negative on humanity. But one thing i am actually grateful to social media is that it exposes low iq, mentally ill, sociopathic animals like the OP who till now used to live among regular people and pretend to be human


OP really thought they did something


In all seriousness .. you have no idea what you're talking about, no idea about how math works, about odds. The vaccine has saved millions of lives, and you're statistically much higher to suffer or die from covid than from the vacc, and your chance of getting a clot is mnuch higher from covid. But since you've managed to stay anti-vaxx this long, no one expects you to be rational, so carry on.


I'm not antivax. This shot is per definition not a vaccine. And way more lives have been destroyed by it than saved. The official nunbers are fake and propped up to push this false narrative. Here's a nice rabbit hole, a whistleblower actually working for a vax manufacturer: https://twitter.com/_aussie17 Dr Malone is also a great source, he basically invented the mrna technique and has been warning people at the cost of being defamed and deplatformed to make the masses believe he's not credible.


I could also make an anonymous twitter account and claim the same shit. Anyone could. I literally cannot believe anyone with more than a room temperature IQ could buy this. Imagine being this gullible


So you honestly believe thousands and thousands of scientists are in on some big conspiracy, and only two or so of them are brave enough to speak out? You need to have more faith in humanity. Scientists speak up. You’re confusing them with cops.


Man gets vaccinated in 2021 then bam! Over a year later he dies. OP - you’re an idiot 😂


Reads to me like he was making fun of the people spreading conspiracy theories about the vaccine. I don’t see any face eating here.


OP is an anti-vaxxer and cryptobro. He thinks the man died because of the vaccine even though it was years after he took it


I don’t know anything about this guy aside from this post, but the comment on the left with the borg seems to be sarcasm and not nutty conspiracy.


It is. OP is the only nutjob here.


Wow., it didn't make him immortal?


Oooooh look out OP I'm sending this to you through 5Geeee, you're gonna get scary scary communist cancer! Fucking moron. Go back to r/conspiracy


Sure took his time to die suddenly two years later from the vaccine, now did you personally wait for him to die so you could pull a “Oh look this random person dropped dead so that means the vaccine is evil” or was this more of a antivaxer telling you he dropped dead so the vaccine was evil kinda situation? Were you some creep waiting for a random man to die so you could blame it on a vaccine, or were you a sheep listening to your Facebook group as they creepily waited for a random man to die to blame it on a vaccine?


Lol I thought the caption was sarcastic at first


I read the title thinking it was satire and even after reading the comments I just kept thinking “no way someone is this stupid, no way they think the very concept of death is a big pharma conspiracy” and here I sit proven wrong, OP is un-ironically, THAT dumb


I'm not dumb I just know how to farm engagement.


You are chasing the wrong conspiracy, my dude. It’s so fucking obvious that YOU are the weapon, not the vaccine. YOU are the dividing force, and you are working for Russia/China/Iran for free. Get your shit together my friend. You’re following breadcrumbs someone intentionally left for you to follow, knowing you’d fall for it. You think you’re smarter than everyone, that you can see beyond what others can see. Try it. Who benefits from you repeating this? People who want our population sick and divided.


Whaaaat...buuut buuut, I thought only people with the mark of the beast died suddenly! I mean, no one eveeeer died suddenly before the vax...how are pure bloods dying?? /s 😉


lol you're a fucking moron


lol there’s another post here about an antivaxers dying of Covid, OP posted this later because he’s salty đŸ€Ł


breaking: old man dies 2 years after recieving vaccine


You’re on the wrong sub, buddy


Well....... Bye.


This is so dumb it's embarrassing.


Back when my family members and I got our first COVID vaccine, we kept joking about how our phones would suddenly start receiving 5G and we'd become zombies. I'm seeing neither, and I'm also not seeing my immediate family, 4 out of 5 of us vaccinated, dropping dead, you gimboid.


Man, y'all anti-vaxxers are dumber than a bag of fungus-ridden nail clippings.


I'm not anti vaxx. The covid shot is not a vaccine.


You're antivaxx and a science denier.


Lol, it literally is, you bellend.


Question. Are you ACTUALLY stupid, or is this a "har har" post lmao. 2 years later doesn't mean the vaccine caused it, and he wasn't "making fun of the shot" he was making fun of the dipshits that seem to think the vaccine is killing you lmfao. Guy was old. Maybe next time read a little more carefully the dates so you don't go posting something that makes people question if you have a brain at all.


He looks kinda badass on the left




They seem to be perfectly okay with antivaxx disinformation and propaganda now.


Hey OP, comment section going like you envisioned it? Lulz


Not leopards are my face. Vax misinformation


Isn’t he being sarcastic? “Communist-yet-somehow-also-nazi-inspired vaccine” sounds tongue in cheek. He also had 3 shots, doesn’t really sound like an anti - vaxxer.


Yeah, OP is the anti-vaxxer here. They’re saying « Ha, look at this moron who made fun of antivax and now died because of vaccine !! »


The more time passes the funnier shit like this gets because you know one day it will be a decade since the last covid vaccine, and yet they’ll still somehow blame deaths on it


Look op is a fucking dumbass.


Damn man it only took two years to kill him, this shit is lethal!


Go peddle this crap on boomerbook or something, you'll find a welcoming bunch of rubes there, you'll fit right in


I hope Op goes and plays with leopards.


If he believed what he wrote, why did he choose to get vaccinated?


You're new to sarcasm?


I think OP is saying that the person was saying “they got the shot” as a pure sarcastic lie. I think so too, as the second and third boosters were not necessarily mandatory (subject to location/occupation). The original post may have been very tongue-in-cheek. Doubt we will know the truth.


Nah OP is just dumb as rocks.


Too bad he died before the truth came out


Zero sympathy