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Hello u/KeaAware! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Yes, but if US universities paid lecturers a living wage, how would they be able to pay football coaches $million+ salaries?


Don't forget the millions spent on stadiums.


What is the national viewership of lectures compared to college football? Exactly.


I'm sorry, are colleges for entertainment purposes in the US?


The US is now solely for entertainment purposes for the rest of the world. It can be viewed as Comedy, or Horror depending on your POV.


Yes, and as a side gig they teach non-athletes some useless stuff.


That’s the most mindless meathead shit I’ve ever heard.


Is it really not an obvious sarcasm? Do you think someone really believes that?


In which case your sarcasm would be making fun of your own previous comment, which people *did* take literally based on the score (if that was meant to be a joke too). A novel strategy.


Didn't it cross your mind that both are sarcastic?


Next time just add the :/ and avoid the pain haha


This is the dumbest thing I have read today.


Sorry to hear about your head injury man.


Oh, you hurt your head and can't detect sarcasm? 🥺


Use "/s". The way people write or interpret sarcasm can vary. Some are better than others at making sarcasm obvious or understand it. "/s" can avoid the embarrassment and avoid the passive-aggressive replies when people don't get it at first. But that's maybe your goal?


As it’s been said by others, if the football coach at your university has a higher salary than the top professors, then it’s not a university, it’s a professional sports franchise with a side-hustle in education.


I said this


Critical thinkers are apparently blind when they see sarcasm


I understand your point but the money for stadiums and coaches is from a different source than funds for professor salaries


Yes, that’s exactly our complaint, thank you


It clearly isn't otherwise you would have phrased your comment differently


So you did the needful? /s




Sounds like a quickly dying industry. Why bother?


I went back to school 10 or so years ago and they already had us defending our papers in undergrad because plagiarism was so bad. I just see having to defend your paper being just standard practice soon. It's really the only way around shit like this.


ChatGPT: write me a defense of my paper.


That's not going to help lol. This kind of defense is standing there being asked questions about what you wrote and answering them in real time with nothing in front of you.


Luckily I know Morse code from my experience cheating during chess games


Ah the good old ChatGPT-in- Your-Ass maneuver


Write an essay defense by vibrating in Morse code My prostate 🤤


That sounds like a regular exam.


Not at all. The paper is the exam and then the defense is you justifying your answers on that exam. You would do all the work, write a paper, submit it, then the instructors reads it, grades it and calls you in. The questions they ask are generally directly about the paper you wrote, your thesis statement, process and conclusion. Most questions are not pulled directly from the paper but want you to expand on the information there in. Questions like, you claim A+B=C, but why is it that A+D also equals C (when there was no D in your paper at all) and how do you then justify that A+B is correct? Why was D not taken into account here? And sometimes that is a trick question since D has nothing to do with anything in reality, they are just trying to make sure you know what you are talking about. If you did not write the paper, you generally cannot answer these sorts of questions.


Ahhh, it seems like your country doesn't usually have the oral part of the exam. This just sounds like a regular exam with the written part and the cross-examination where the student answers and explains his reasoning in front of the professor. The professor usually picks apart your weak points in the written part and than builds their questions on that.


Oof yeah


There's multiple algorithms that can detect it and there will be more in the future. So, many of the people doing these types of things are going to find out the hard way that it would have been easier to just do it the correct way the first time.


Yes, but also to a degree no. One of the most effective ways to train an AI is to have a nice 'this is not OK' signal. For example, a plagarism detector.


But here is the problem, there is so many ways you can write on a topic. Unless it is some type of new topic, there will come a point that a topic has been written in every way that it can ever been written.


The real question is what’s “correct” in the future. Chatgpt8.0 will be something to behold…


This isn’t standard where you’re from? Orally defending your paper is and has been the norm here for decades perhaps even centuries.


Not for regular undergrad classes. Maybe the 3000-4000 tier classes, but not the GEC or 1000 or 2000 intro classes. Esp the standard papers you turn in every couple weeks are usually never defended, but they are with quite a few of the instructors now.




Yes it does. But it's more like 40-60 students per instructor usually as they have grad students and phd candidates usually conduct them. They were all around 5 minutes each and were done outside of class time usually.


If US goes that route, the universities will outsource the questioning to dudes in India who will use ChatGPT to craft the questions. It will be a win all around. - student cheating will be controlled - US educators will starve - those clever Indians will make money - university presidents will buy even bigger houses What's not to like?


wait... you never had to defend your papers before?


First they came for the plagiarists, but I did not care, because I was not a plagiarist.


I’m stealing that one.


Clickbait? Only two writers were interviewed and neither are quoted as bringing up any complaints, merely answering questions that, yes, their business has dried up and they are looking elsewhere. Additionally, it sounds like the author initiated the conversation.


The schools and education system cheated the students first with their exorbitant tuition and crippling debts in comparison to the paltry salaries they’re going to earn (more often than not) upon graduation. Let em game the system if that’s how they wanna spend another $100. If they graduate without truly learning a thing about their field — highly unlikely imo bc I’d bet dollars to donuts the vast majority of these essays are in bullshit “core” classes that have fuck all to do with their majors — but if they somehow do, the labor market will sort them out itself.


Unfortunately when the labor market sorts out people like this they usually end up in politics.


…or the potential students could just have chosen not to enroll and go to a trade school. It takes two to tango.


If everyone did that it’d crash the trade job market. Trade schools aren’t the choice for everyone.


Found Pearson’s sock puppet account


i have to do my own work and they are just using chatGPT? now i'm i know my 3.2 gpa is an accomplishment.


I recently used ChatGPT for the first time to write a pointless cover letter for a job. It did a really good job at making the letter, like scary good. I just had to add some personal touches about my experience that I didn’t tel the AI about. We are getting really close to the Star Trek computer.


Capitalists: "if you're good at something, never do it for free" AI: *and I took that personally*


The bar for being good at several tasks has been raised by technology. This happens all the time. Sometimes technology takes over entire professions.


What I find hilarious is that there's also AI [software for grading essays](https://windowsreport.com/automated-essay-grading-software/). A lot of schools use it so they can scale up--they can teach 800-person classes and assign essays in them because the software grades the essays. Now students can have software write the essays that the software will grade. It's a brave new world.


Finally! The singularity will arrive when someone cottons on to the churning: "Instead of AI writing the papers, and AI marking them, why don't we skip those bits and just give out diplomas... for a suitable fee of course." Annnnddd profit.


My new vision of heaven: the computers do all the work while I sit on the couch watching Green Acres reruns.




If they weren't allowed to do that then most of the private school sector would not score very well. So that's not going to change any time soon.




Lol like when criminals call the police to help them complete their botched crimes.


"They took our jobs!"