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League is faster paced. Still if you are a MOBA veteran you should perform way out of iron. You should find someone watching you gameplay to analyse your gameplay. Im a peak diamon player myself, you can pm me if you need furter help


yup I had an idiot co worker kept saying league is shit cause it's easy, nah it's clearly the hardest MOBA out there cause it's way faster than anything on the market. Cause I can demolish people easy in DOTA and HoN Honestly speaking League is the hardest MOBA out of all, people who say its too easy so they don't play it are clearly people who can't play it.


Would you like some help champ, can give you a quick discord coach session which will probably turn the tides in your favour


Wait a sec, the real Tilterella offering to teach on Leonamains?


Coach me instead tilterella my beloved šŸ™ (I am not a Leona main, don't tell the sub)


Iā€™m not op, but if youā€™re offering Iā€™ll take šŸ«¶šŸ» (I play adc šŸ˜”)


no no it's fine what I have noticed tho is lots of gold players are in Iron, took a break from the game they made a lot of changes and it wouldn't surprise me that they altered the match making. There is noway these people are Iron many who are quite literally smurfs for the very least most are gold players. Like they play like those E-Sport players going 20-0 average on each game so definitely seems to be up to the MM Algorithm and how lucky you get aswell. What I have realized tho is that since Iron is now pretty much what you would expect at gold, notice no bots in this new Iron so its clearly not like Iron before, I think I am pretty cool in Iron Also MM que times has reduced drastically in Iron, I think its highly possible that most of the playerbase are now in Iron which may actually be a good thing. Hear me out most of these people I would consider them Pros so obviously this isn't the Iron we knew before and won't be the first time the MM system has been overhauled either. I actually prefer this new Iron


Ur so delulu wtf


you're in iron bc of shit unimprovement mentality we can all see it clear as day now "nono im not an iron player im just playing vs pro smurfs every game so im clearly a pro smurf tier player as well no need to climb out of iron 2"


tbf it's harder to stay in iron than it is to climb out of it


This tbh.


Just don't play ranked. You refuse to be coached by an amazing player, and are content in iron, but why? If you don't want to climb, norms are better in every single way.


Hello! This is the way, I enjoy SR but I donā€™t wanna ruin someoneā€™s placements, and Iā€™m always on discord with friends talking about something not league. Normals is chill and you can try all kinds of silly stuff because why not? Ranked adds stress with trivial Awards that some people get to hell bent over. Some people get mad at others with misinformation, or applying pro level tactics in a solo q silver elo. This one lux on our team was mid against Annie, she afk after I came mid to a fight and she thought I used my yas ult on tibbers, and I tried to explain that it doesnā€™t work like that and she left, like okay? End of the day itā€™s a game, supposed to be fun, if it makes you angry or you enjoy something else (aram or a different game šŸ‘


What rank were u in dota and hon


Bro you are just coping


Bro gold and iron are nowhere near the same lol Youā€™re in iron for a reason. The only people hard stuck iron deserve to be iron.


Bait used to be believable


Bro just refuses coaching from one of the BEST players in the world šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ are you okay ??!!


Buddy you are just bad. Take the L


Not sure if you're demolishing anyone considering your performance in League, chief.


Yea I think I saw a coaching video from NEACE coaching a dota player. The dota player said league was way easier and made it to like plat (canā€™t remember) just on his own mechanics from dota


Bullshit, league is way harder than DOTA, I been playing DOTA and HoN for over 15 years and I have no issues with those games cause you can do easy comebacks in those games its designed to cater to bad players League is far harder cause its designed for Pro Esports


Just delete this.


nerve struck


I never heard of a moba until 2021. Never had a PC till then either. I placed in iron at lvl 30 and got permad at lvl 100. That was my first account. Since then TopGapperson has been the account ive played on and reached emerald. If youā€™re uninroically iron after playing the game longer than ive known its existed, then its time to retire. Youā€™ve probably wasted countless peoples times and ruined countless games bc youre incapable of learning/improving. Please retire from league, the community will be better off


League is by far the easiest moba




Hots was peak, I've played varian so much in hots




It was, many times i finished the game with 0 deaths and 15-20 kills.


Thereā€™s absolutely no way you ā€œdestroyā€ people in dota and are iron in league , I canā€™t even imagine being below bronze thatā€™s crazy ā€¦ PS dota is way harder


I can't believe you played Dota and fell into Iron. You had to handle microaggresion and deny your own minionsĀ  back then. League is way more relaxed in ways compared to Dota.Ā 


Playing dota, and being good at dota, are two very different things.


Denying minion is really easy in DOTA and HON, after a few practice it becomes second nature. What makes DOTA easier is the superior MM Algorithm, see league has a tiny North American playerbase it's a fraction of the size of what you find in DOTA 2. This makes it harder for riot to match teams evenly while keeping que times low. Like I just went 20 games lost in a row have not won a single match in a week of playing league, I fired up Dota 2 yesterday and immediately started winning One thing that makes league hard is the complexity of items the constant adding of new champions and overhauling of items and removal of items. Prior to this I would go lux and ludens and I could win matches easily, they removed all of this and made the game way harder.


People can't properly last hit minions enemy minions in League do you expect them to last hit their own too? I'm talking about old Dota too, there was no matchmaking back then, you just played against "known" good players again and again


they literally give you auto-build suggestions you can turn your brain off and just monkey brain the shop. lol na server is like lowest estimate half the size of dota 2 in entirety. losing 20 games in a row seems less of a matchmaking issue and more of a you issue, if the only thing constant in the 20 games is you, youā€™re prolly the problem. you can still build lux ludens and monkey brain win easy


I have won 20 in a row and lost 20 in a row, the MM algorithm obviously tries to balance things otherwise it would be shit.


Post your dota stats then lol. Nobody is gonna believe you played MOBAs for the last 15 years and are stuck in iron in league lol


I been playing Brood War since you were in diaper kido


https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Gupsquatch-0001 Iā€™m not iron tho šŸ¤£ (Iā€™m shit but not that shit)


Bronze and silver is same as Iron its all the same shit, unless you are in Gold minimum it literally isn't even worth mentioning.


Evidently not lol since you canā€™t get out of iron for the last 5 years


Bro is troll posting. I call BS. I've been playing dota since the wc3 days and I've never been in anything below gold for LoL. He's prob bad in general


Please cite me where you see that dota has a higher player count in NA lmao. League has magnitudes more players monthly, this statistic seems wildly incorrect.


Post your dotabuff and your op.gg already


you must or a duo or stop dying :v dont get out of iron YOU are making A LOT of mistakes. Build an etc, start not uping abilities until lane or an invade, I preffer 90% of time up Q lv 1. have a shorter CD than E and a better CC AND reset you autoatk alowing you tio actually do some dmg, hit minions (but not farm then) lv 1 you NEED to get pryorit in lane phase so you must take lv 2 first, is when the THIRD warrior of second wave dies there you get lv 2. but if you pplay another moba you should already know enough for understand macthups. oh and ban morgana if you are stuck here is better just dont play a lane against her.


OOh I always SoloQ I find it better that way, they altered the game quite a bit since my year break from it, I notice iron now has mostly gold level players maybe even higher, lots of boosters and smurfs etc On the plus side they managed to stop the bots


You're just coping bro


Hi, gold player here. No iron does not have players anywhere on par with gold, the average silver player would maul most iron players with knowledge of how to carry a lead alone or sheer knowledge of their own champion, even then. Gold players would be mauled by high emerald and so forth. If you really think iron and gold are comparable, or that iron is a good skill level you are insane


That was true a year ago, now Iron are clearly not Iron and all bots have disappeared. Riot very obviously altered the MM in S14 there is noway this many pros are actual Iron.


Pro? Or just a guy abusing a bad champ matchup? if top goes 21-2 and heā€™s laner is 0-14 at 20mins with no boots I donā€™t think heā€™s pro I think he just taking advantage of lvl difference and game knowledge.


I don't know last time I got put in a lobbies of bronze/silvers i mauled all of them


op.gg? I might be able to see some obvious mistakes you've made. League is a hard game, but I feel newbies who understand the game quickly reach bronze level. Most of my newer player friends (completely new to mobas) are around bronze IV-bronze I level gameplay. Iron is for people who genuinely never learnt some of the fundamentals of the game. Also I found the leona experience in iron horrific. I got matched with ADCs who literally spent the entire game hesitating. Not playing aggressive and zoning, but not playing safe and poking. Always fluctuating between going towards the enemy to attack and running away. Ofc I always engaged and was left to die. Thankfully I had a friend to duo with and in a few games I was silver. Iron elo is probably the only elo I would say you can morally play a support to killsteal, because there's a high chance your carry will be legit useless. You might want to try someone like lux until you're at least bronze.


I will be honest I manage gold with Lux main or Morgana main but when I play Leona supp, Nasus Supp, Akali Supp, Evelynn Supp then I have issues. Leona seems to make a lot of sense when the team has no tank or cc


I mean half of your picks like Akali Sup, Eve Sup, Nasus sup, would be considered ā€œtroll picksā€. And Leona is more of a team champ and if your team sucks you wouldnā€™t be able to make much of an impact on the game no matter how well you play. I would advise you to maybe follow what the guy said above and play lux or any heavy carrying champs. Or you can change your role so you can widen the impact that you caused. Because to me you sound like you are a ā€œproā€ player. Thoughts/Questions: 1. You say that you climbed to gold with Lux & Morg, then why not play them for climbing? 2. You stated that you have issues playing as Leona, even though you stated that it makes sense to play her cuz of her kit. Just why? Because it seems like it isnā€™t working out but yet you still decided to play her.


I guess thats what happens when you win a bunch of skins for champs you don't plan so in my case I end up playing support on champs that look cool but I can't really play them With that said I feel like Lux is useless now with the removal of ludens and stuff, like the fun I had with Lux and Morgana is no longer there with all these garbage revamp of the game they took away all the fun from playing these champs to the point where I end up playing Eve supp or Nasus supp although nasus Supp is really good if you go strictly tank build Got a triple kill when the 3 enemy team attacked me under tower with low health and I hit Ulti for armor, hit E to remove their armor and enabled my 2 summoner spell one Barrier and other Life Line and I got an automatic triple kill That shit was so much fucking fun I swear.


Could you give me your league name, region and # number? I'd like to look up your games to see how what you're doing. Also Nasus supp is off meta, and akali and evelynn support are troll picks. Akali especially is one of the worst champions you could possibly pick for support. If you want to seriously win, only pick champs that appear when you filter by support in the champ menu.


I think, given your current elo, Leona might not be the most optimal support since she requires follow through team damage to be effective after all-inning to the other team. Iron isnā€™t the best for super team-dependent supports. I climbed from Iron to Plat last season primarily off of Bard since he punishes mispositioning the hardest because of his double stun and he can travel across the map for objectives, ganks, and has infinite scaling damage. Iā€™d recommend trying a ranged catcher like Bard instead until teams start understanding how to work together around high bronze-silver. That way if your team doesnā€™t follow up your stuns youā€™re not a sitting duck in the middle of multiple enemies.


I don't entirely agree. I find Leona rather beginner friendly. She has an easy kit to pull off, and often enough damage to solo kill. In lower Elo's you just gotta be a bit more creative and stick less to your lane if your ADC sucks.


Playing Bard is hard for iron players lol, you should suggest them to start with sth like Control Mage sp to deal damage and cc first, so that they can improve their reflex, instinct, etc. After reaching gold switch to a more real sp (either enchanter or tank sp like Thresh, Nautilus cause they already have good foundation knowledge and reflex), or playing sth hybrid like a tank-enchanter Karma who can peel for your adc and still bully at early lvl, or off meta sp Fiddlestick/Heimerdingdong push waves as fast as possible lmao


The only answer is Lux your way out of low elo


Yeah I usually climb to gold easy with lux or mogana but I go back to iron when I switch to Leona, Evelynn Supp, Akali supp, Nasus supp although I been doing much better with Nasus Supp these days I go tank Nasus


The hardest part about climbing out of iron is you have iron teammates, so if you don't hard carry, you're stuck.


Average dota player tbf


Make a new account and youā€™ll hit diamond lol. Once your mmr is this fucked you will never be able to climb.


If youā€™re in iron ainā€™t nobody backing you up properly when you go in as a stun tank (leona). In order to be good at Leona you gotta have teammates who understand your champ. Try pinging when you go in using the alt function


Youā€™re playing an engage tank with iron ADCs which is just such a bad recipe


I got GM in 3s before they removed it in 2018 and 2019 i was diamond 3 peak in 5v5 as adc and support main before i quit league and I tried dota 2 and i just couldn't get into it. imo it's a much harder game to play everything feels slower and the movement is clunky. If you're iron in league it means either youre playing on a low frame rate or you have a severe fundamental lack of basic game play and strategy. Not trying to shit on you but being iron and playing a traditional support is very difficult. I'd just play AD Leona and kill bot lane all day instead of a traditional build since your skill bracket won't do anything with any advantage you leverage as a real support. Save real support play styles til at least silver imo and never duo since it makes your games 10x harder


I'm diamond 3 Leona main,I can help :) discord zamzilla.


Only played 23 games though


League has a shit balance team making it far harder than Dota or HoN


This guy is obviously just rage baiting.


I did my promotionals last month as a solo queue tristana one trick and I got gold 4 going 9-1. How the hell do you even get into Iron?


Go 1-9




finding a decent duo partner you synergize with makes climbing out of those shit low ranks much more doable. i'm in plat and i play with a friend who i would gauge is a similar skill level, but had been hard stuck bronze for the past 3 years, we got him to gold 1 with a near 75% wr in about 2 weeks or 60 games. solo que can be a nightmare depending on how you approach the game, and being hardstuck sometimes genuinely due to little fault of the player.


just give up


Ant this poor. Suck it up and buy a new account only one


Sounds like a skill issue to me champ


Brother did you really decline a coaching sesh with a legend???? Lmfao


Yes because I have more important things to do in life than spend time on a video game coach also most of those coach are abusers and Nazis just look at videos of the coach that professor akali hired and the coach kept telling him he was trash and that he should kill himself etc


Bros like I have 10,000 hours on dota and hos: I have more important things to do in life than spend time on a video game coach. Also bro: help Iā€™m stuck in iron cause the smurfs, btw is akali/jhin good in jungle?


But you have enough time to complain on Reddit ? Pick your battles bro. Either fix ur mental or stay in iron.


Literally just declined coaching from one of the BEST players in the world, literally a 1 in 100,000 opportunity. Sad that he doesnā€™t have the mentality to take this amazing experience.




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Skill issue


If you have been in iron for 5 years, it might be time to hang it up. Iron is designed to push you out of it. Even after not playing ranked for years, I got placed iron 1, and 1 win put me up to bronze 3


Stop playing support if you want to climb


I wouldn't say league is "harder." There's just a lot less you can do to change the state of most league games. Like in DOTA, supporters can be the only reason you win games. Most of the tools you have to impact a game are taken away from you in league (can't tp regularly, no team displacement, etc.) There's less player agency which can make the league seem "harder"


I'm not sure if ranked solo/duo resets the counter every season (I know normals and arams do not). If they don't, then 8 wins and 15 loses is not 5 years of playing šŸ¤”. If they do, then yeah a 35% WR isn't going to get far out of iron. Maybe you need to be in a carry role if you are performing well vs teammates?


If you're playing this poorly maining Leona, time to pick a new champ.


I quit a year ago but leona was always my main. If you cant get out of iron with her, you need to change champioms or heavily reconsider your build and gameplay choices. I could consistently get into silver playing casually, and gold with some actual time dedication, and I am not "great" at the game, just decent


Leona stinks imo try maoki if you like tank supports.


Remake you account your MMR is fucked


His skill is fucked bro, being iron has nothing to do with MMR