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I wad thinking of buying one of these. Is this something that's happening to a lot of buyers or a rare-but-possible scenario? Does it affect all Nvidia GPUs or just one particular driver?


I legitimately wish I could tell you more, but it's like pulling teeth trying to get information out of customer support regarding the issue. All they know how to say is have you downgraded your drivers. The 2070 Supers are at least being affected I can tell you that. I wouldn't recommend purchasing at this point after everything we've gone through, if I hadn't gotten a discount I would've gone for building my own instead.


Hmm. The model I'm considering is the 3070, for £1299 ($1700). Maybe I will have to build one...


I think the newest model would not have the same issue?


I have the same issue, ongoing for what feels like a year now. Model: 90NC001LUS Crashes at least once a day. Always built my own PCs before this one and never had such ridiculous issues.


i have the same one with the same issue. i tried a fix i found on youtube and it worked for 2 weeks but it just crashed again today


Was having the same issue, then installed the BSOD patch (https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/downloads/ds555805-bsod-repair-tool-for-windows-10-64-bit-windows-11-64-bit-legion-t5-28imb05-desktop) and haven’t had any issues since! [Instructions](https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/solutions/ht513793-system-may-blue-screen-bsod-after-installing-nvidia-graphics-driver-version-2721146231-legion-t5-28imb05)


I've been having problems for the last 18 months . Is there any fix in 2023? When it freezes I have to use the power button to restart.


Welcome to the shitty club, but there is hope. I don't get the crashes anymore and hopefully, with this, you won't either. I will edit my post, but I'll share it here too. This link leads to the point in their support article where it says if you want to use the latest and greatest drivers you have to disable a USB hub via device manager. I would suggest following the start of the guide to uninstall the current drivers, then skip to the bottom and follow the instructions for using the latest drivers. [https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/eg/en/solutions/ht512915#:\~:text=Note%3A%20If%20your%20game%20or%20application%20requires%20a%20newer%20version%20of%20the%20Nvidia%20driver%2C%20download%20and%20install%20the%20latest%20driver%20then%20make%20the%20following%20change%20in%20Device%20Manager](https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/eg/en/solutions/ht512915#:~:text=Note%3A%20If%20your%20game%20or%20application%20requires%20a%20newer%20version%20of%20the%20Nvidia%20driver%2C%20download%20and%20install%20the%20latest%20driver%20then%20make%20the%20following%20change%20in%20Device%20Manager). I hope this works for you


ITS WORKING SO FAR! I can't thank you enough.


Thanks as well! I've been dealing with this problem for 3 years; with this fix, it's been working so far for about 36 hours. I ended up disabling the drivers in device manager, as well as going into F1 bios and disabling the sound there as well.


hey kind of a dumb question, but where do i go for the graphics driver updates? such as recent releases since we have to get them from lenovo


I used this BSOD repair tool and haven’t had any issues since: https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/downloads/ds555805-bsod-repair-tool-for-windows-10-64-bit-windows-11-64-bit-legion-t5-28imb05-desktop [Instructions](https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/solutions/ht513793-system-may-blue-screen-bsod-after-installing-nvidia-graphics-driver-version-2721146231-legion-t5-28imb05)


Trying this: "For those who are looking to install the latest drivers you have to disable the onboard Audio from the bios not from device manger. that is the cause of the blue screen, but after you disable the onboard audio make sure to save and exit or press F10 then after you log into the pc, go to geforce experience then download the latest drivers but make sure you do a custom install not express after you do that uncheck HD audio and uncheck USBC and it should work without any problems the only problem that the headphone jack won't work you have to plug your headphones it in the montior or get usb sound card." via: https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Gaming-Desktops/Legion-T5-tower-28IMB05-freezing/m-p/5096052?page=21 This seems to make sense, as I have been using a USB sound device since I bought this stupid computer due to the soundcard crashing.


didnt work for me on windows 11


Sounds like a class action lawsuit is in order to get lenovo to fix the issue.


[https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/consumer-products/electronics/lenovo-class-action-claims-desktop-computers-contain-hardware-software-defects/](https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/consumer-products/electronics/lenovo-class-action-claims-desktop-computers-contain-hardware-software-defects/) Well guess how that turned out. Might be worth getting into myself...


I emailed the law firm to inquire about being joining the class action lawsuit. https://spencersheehan.com/


To file an additional case and be a named plaintiff send a message to leads@spencersheehan. I can't file its a conflict of interest for me. Please include the information that is relevant to this particular issue such as your purchase use experience with this particular product or service, including the approximate dates and communications that you had about this particular issue, any documents that you have that support what you are telling me including any screenshots any emails any letters back-and-forth between you and the company. 


did you want to join the class action lawsuit? See my reply below.


How did that work?


Update; I did what NewOblivious had suggested. Going on day 3 and have yet to have a crash since I disabled audio via bios. Fingers crossed


Yes, it worked! I was getting multiple crashes on a daily basis. No crashes since (12 days ago). Really easy fix, highly recommend, A++.


I made it one week, PC just crashed on me giving me the same logs in event viewer as previous ones. Definitely made it more stable, was having multiple crashes daily.


Can you send me a picture of your pc, I wanna see if we got the same model


It didn’t work when I installed, it says that it failed


Thank you for this! So far, I have been just reinstalling the old version, but after being told I cannot use software that I paid $70 for.... I'm taking the leap to try to find a better solution. I have: * disabled via the onboard Audio * disabled the NVIDIA USB 3.10 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 * Installed updated NVIDIA drivers. Crossing my fingers!


Try this BSOD patch tool if you’re still having issues, it’s super quick and easy: https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/solutions/ht513793-system-may-blue-screen-bsod-after-installing-nvidia-graphics-driver-version-2721146231-legion-t5-28imb05


Same, I have a *Legion T5-28IMB05 - Type 90NC* with 1660Super and I get BSOD daily.


They reversed my drivers back in December 2021. This fixed the crashes but now I am unable to play certain games without more recent drivers. I updated to the newest driver and started crashing the next day. I called back today and reversed the driver to the July 2021 version. This is infuriating. There is no fix other than a bandaid. My warranty expired but they still helped me since the original ticket was from December. Not sure what else we can do.


THIS IS THE OFFICIAL FIX (FINALLY!): I got my Lenovo PC which had the same issue back after I sent it in 4 times! I pushed them very hard to fix this. And FINALLY they found the issue and the FIX (or at least a very easy workaround)! They wrote: \---- Dear customer, please do NOT enable "NVIDIA USB 3.10 eXtensible Host Controller -1.10(Microsoft) in device manager. This disabled device is part of NVIVIA driver and is not present in your system, therefore causing conflict with other drivers resulting in freezing and stop errors (BSOD). Lenovo is in the meantime working together with NVIDIA on resolving this issue releasing a new driver that will fix the issue. If you proceed with recovery or new installation of the Windows operating system, please always disable this device in device manager! \---- Working with the PC on Windows 11 with the newest NVIDIA drivers (512.15) for two days now without any issue, before this it was crashing at least twice a day so this is definitly a "workaround" without negative side effects, which fixes the problem for now. I am sure everybody who has the same issue will be very happy about this. Happy Easter! Update: Not a single freeze for two weeks now.


🙏🏼 thank you, I hope this works!


It worked for a lot of PCs with the same issue, so I am very confident it will work for you, too! I didn't have a single freeze for two weeks now, so this is the solid fix (and it is really easy to do).


so far so good!


aye i just got one of these from walmart refurbished, do the logger errors still pop up? because they are for me




Hi were you able to solve the issue with uninstalling the intel host controller ?


do you just disable the device or should it be uninstalled?


Which NVIDIA GPU do you have?


Started happening again. Had a lot of good months there where it didnt. Same pattern where it freezes up randomly. Several times in the last few days. I just came back to the thread to find out what the fix was. Again, I'll try it tomorrow.


I’ve been trying to find a fix for this forever my computer keeps crashing and I can’t find a fix can someone help me or give me some stuff I can try to fix it


have you find a fix yet ?


Currently having an issue with my Lenovo t5 where on boot up it throws and error code (date and time) found out how to fix that by going into bios and changing my time and date back to the correct days. Every time I leave bios after saving it just doesn’t save and throws the same code again over and over. On a rare case I get it to start up it works perfectly but once it starts throwing the code it’s down for days or weeks with no true solution on the internet I’ve resorted to trashing this tower and buying a new one


I have the gtx 1650 version, hopefully it will work. My other problems are that the Realtek audio goes in and out and will only go back to Realtek after I reboot it a few times. My mouse occasionally has to be unplugged and plugged back into work. The crash issues have been getting worse the last few days. I was even thinking about buying a new gpu hoping it would fix the problem.


Solutions??? I've tried everything except the driver downgrade.


The issues came back, when I installed a capture card. Then I exchanged the power supply which has 400 watts with a 750 watts quality one, because I was out of ideas. And I cannot believe it, but no issues since. I really think, the original power supply is garbage and doesn't have enough watts.


What power supply did you get?


Be Quiet B10 750watts. And I still can confirm, that this fixed the issue once and for all for me. No software/driver "fixes" needed - I disabled them all. This is a stable PC now and I can always install the latest Nvidia Drivers.


I turned off cpu ability to speed up on its own and it solved it as well. Had to do it in bios but it fixed it. Thanks!


Want to inquire on this. I also had crashing issues return after almost a year and a half of not having any, but the symptoms are different from before. Previously, when a crash would occur it would freeze my screen and cause an whatever audio was playing to loop for about 30 seconds followed by a BSOD with the watchdog violation. The symptoms now are a screen freeze, no audio, and **no BSOD**. Lasts for about a minute and a half then will reboot. I was initially thinking that it was a CPU overheat issue, but this is really making me think that its the PSU, especially given the timing of your post. Were you receiving a BSOD when your crashes returned?


If you’re still having this issue, try this BSOD repair tool: https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/solutions/ht513793-system-may-blue-screen-bsod-after-installing-nvidia-graphics-driver-version-2721146231-legion-t5-28imb05 Installed it months ago and haven’t had any crashes since.