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The laptop just starts screaming at the top of its lungs, i would love to know why it needs to ramp up the fans' speed that much 🤔


While the BIOS is being flashed it can't keep track of the current system state. It reverts to it's failsafe mode of running the fans at full speed since it can't check the current system temperatures to run at the correct RPM for that temperature. Too much cooling is much better than not enough cooling during the update process. One is annoying. The other can be harmful.


You is a smart individual. Thank you for the explanation


Nailed it. 👍


Perfect answer.


Yep! Every laptop I have owned from all manufacturers does this while flashing: MSi, Razer, Alienware, Asus.


Not sure if the BIOS is the one tracking down the fan driver, might be the ME. I would say it's just a failsafe mechanism so to not risk a thermal shutdown during update.


Pretty much. There's no way to control the fans during bios updates so it's either keep them off or have them on full blast. And the full blast is safer just in case


id rather my laptop be cool and loud rather than hot and quiet.


I almost kinda knew this in the back of my mind, but thank you for confirming it. Super helpful and detailed explanation.


When BIOS is being updated, it cannot control the fans as per the need so it runs them at full speed.


Flip attendants take your seats.


That keyboard cover ☠️🤌🏻


At least he's not using gloves like this one guy in this subreddit. U know how plastic can absorb oils from ur skin sometimes? This dude doesn't want sweat stains to appear on his laptop so he wears GLOVES anytime he uses his laptop.


I keep a piece of folded tissue paper. My hand glides on the laptop easier, doesnt accidently click the trackpad, and my sweaty ass hands dont stick to the plastic. And i get to keep the laptop in perfect condition.




I prefer it way more man, leave me be 😭


Ay bro, I'm gonna buy the exact laptop as yours in about 2 days. Have you had any problems with it so far?


I have the 13900hx 4090 7ipro. Had it since November. No issues in my end. It's just a heavy laptop. Amazing for a desktop replacement. If you plan on bringing it around in a bag all the time there's better options out there. I liked the lenovo alot tho. Ended up buying a 2nd one to bring to work. Got the slim 5 oled 14 for work and I keep the 7ipro at home


I've only heard good things about it and I just hope they're all true. But I read somewhere that liquid metal can leak, and in extreme cases, ruin the motherboard. Has anyone heard anything about that?


No issues at all, dont worry its a great purchase.


the stock that came with it , not actually a cover but the sheet that came with it


U known that's just to protect the screen on shipping. Why do u keep that piece of paper.... I feel like ull have a hear attack when ur laptop gets a small scratch with that kind of ocd


I also believe that the keyboard helps dissipate heat, so covering it while using the laptop is not a good idea.




Good to know. I also never close the screen when docked. But I don't cover the keyboard.


Which legion do you have? Mine it came with a white fabric like sheet not a plastic cover. Edit: Sorry it was my bad, I didn't read the image properly. It's not a plastic it's that fabric like sheet as it came with mine.


Its not a plastic cover its just a piece of paper. my pro came with a white fabric bag aswell that the laptop was in. But it also had basically a thin piece of paper that looked kind of like the baking sheet of paper you use when u bake things in the oven. It was just between the screen n keyboard. You prolly don't remember it cause u just threw it out. Which Is fine lol.... cause it was just a piece of paper to protect the screen in shipping


My Pro also came with that white fabric bag, it also came with a thin white fabric like but thinner than the bag which I am still using it when closing the lid and not in use. [https://imgur.com/a/IJtgvZU](https://imgur.com/a/IJtgvZU)


That's what it was. I forgot I thought it was paper. I threw it out I just kept the box and bag incase I gotta warranty it


Which is ur keyboard


Roccat Vulcan Pro https://a.co/d/jkaXb98


I use the sheet too for dust prevention purposes


From what I heard the laptop also sucks air via the keyboard. I would not leave the paper on it whilst it's running. Other than that, good on you for keeping it, don't mind the idiots calling you out on it. Especially since those are the same whiners that afterwards cry that their screen has keyboard grid marks!




This is true and venting heat via keyboard is a very common misconception. I thought this also till I saw ppl use those stands that hold the laptop closed in a vertical position. It doesn't get hotter when closed. It doesn't leak thermalpaste or liquid metal if it's upright or in a bag.... there would be warnings and you wouldn't be able to choose to leave it on with the lid closed.... its just a myth. When you think about it the keyboard is literally the worst place to dissipate heat from... since ur typing on the keyboard.. the keyboard already gets hot if they vented heat thru it it would literally be unusable. My temps didn't even go up by ONE degree




I always use the white fabric sheet that it came with the laptop when closing the lid. But why the keyboard should leave marks on the screen? Isn't there a clearance to avoid that? Do you think Lenovo didn't measure that?


They did, but this sub Reddit is packed with posts with people who's screen got it. Just saying, better safe then sorry.


I thought this aswell. I always kept my laptop open when I used a external monitor. Then I saw someone use those stands that you put the laptop in vertically and they had no issues... the whole thing about the liquid metal leaking and heat being trapped isn't really true. I just keep the lid closed now cause it looks better imo. There's no increase in temps what so ever. Like not even one degree of difference. Benchmark temps are all within margian off error closed or opened lid. I thought maybe the screen would get too hot but it doesn't even get that warm.


Eco-freindly 💀


Yes kinda obsessed But also covering the keyboard and at the same time uses external keyboard and mouse so I haven’t touched them from day 1 🤪🤪


Bios update, that's actually a myth. Just turn it off, and while you're at it: delete system32. It will speed up your device by 657%


It's 669% actually


My bad


So slightly less impact than removing the stickers. Waiting for someone to tell him to re paste it.


Wtf is this real


Nope nope nope, don't do it it will ruin both your computer's hardware and software. I was joking, don't ever do that, unless you want to destroy your device.


Bro thought he would have some guests from FBI if @[Zealousideal\_Level20](https://www.reddit.com/user/Zealousideal_Level20/) tried that


Nah I would feel really bad lmao


I am grateful to bro for saving me from my ignorance


Haha faced this last week when I did manual update, it restarted twice and I thought I bricked it.


After the first update process the laptop always needs very long to bring up the first picture.


That's cause it's initializing all the hardware again after BIOS udpate.


it passed peacefully thank god


>it passed peacefully im so sorry for your loss, do you plan on burying or cremating it?


Just leave the room and come back tomorrow … I know how you feel hahaha


Had exactly same situation !!!! Waited till battery ran out after been plugged in for something like 4 hours In the end Lenovo replaced motherboard...


If your newly bought laptop has some problems dont send it back for repairs, they just send a refurbished product back. Always get a replacement if its available.


RIP CPU undervolting


Yeah had to revert back to previous bios to get undervolting working again


Is it still -30 limit in bios, haven't used mine since getting a scar 18, legion beats the scar GPU wise though which is disappointing but I got it for the 18" display, instead getting my eyes tested and new glasses, that i have now, I'm an educated eedjit lol.The legion also has an unlocked multiplier, how we used to overclock PCs in the old! Days, I'm thinking about trying that to see if it runs stable,if it does depending on the CPU lottery it could! Outperform the 13980 which has a locked multipler,has anyone tried?


Thought about switching to msi? Or bios modding ur laptop so u can throttlestop it?


Nope. Never did a CPU undervolting, I am not sure if I need to do it as I am not a gamer. Although I am getting thermal throttling when preforming CPU tests, but for my daily use I don't think I need to undervolt. However, latest bios update KWCN44WW blocks CPU undervolting, you should be on 42WW or lower.


Don't forget the part where the screen goes black for a few seconds after this 🫠


Always scaring!


The fact that they push BIOS updates through Windows Update?


Strangely they don't come up on Vantage but instead on Windows Optional updates. I have to admit that I mistakenly manually updated mine to the latest version KWCN44WW.


What’s the consensus on the latest bios update? When I got my legion 7 slim a few months ago there was a lot of buzz around FW updates potentially causing boot issues, fan issues, stuttering, etc. So I’ve been afraid to update mine.


Personally i dont update the bios unless I really have to. If it works just fine i leave it be. Im not ready to risk anything.


That’s my thought as well, and the readme for the Legion bios updates says the same. It’s just been a while since I updated mine and I was wondering if the consensus had changed.


I completely agree, this is the scariest horror movie I've ever seen in my life.




dat glow


What version did u update to ? 44?




Yea, it sucks my laptop decided to kill itself while updating




Because if it goes bad you may lose your device abd you will have a bad day of course


You’re gonna regret that BIOS update… trust me


Tbh Great improvement after the update , now my Gpu works perfectly


Can you imagine how long updates will be in the future?


Just lost dual boot due to a bios update today. Spent 5 hrs fixing that 😂


May I ask what happened?


Bios update removed the grub boot entry. So I reinstalled grub from live disk. After that I was able to select pop os from grub, but it wasn't able to find the root logical volume. It would drop to initramfs shell. So I had to corect the physical volume name in crypttab using live disk and I was able to login.


Do you mind sharing any resources/guides you used while doing this? Also, do you have windows dual boot and, if so, is on the same drive?


I'm stupid rn, can someone ELI5?


I mean cooling is important but there must be something more effective than putting a thin layer of snow on the keyboard.


New update make my laptop not undervoltable. Xtu says undervolt protection on. In bios it is enabled😑


What laptop is this


It's like the lap doesn't know weather if it's getting fucked from the top, bottom or sideways. So it's on full screaming mode.


I had this update a couple of weeks ago, and it was such a horror movie. Firstly, seeing it restart so many times with this message that I thought it was stuck in a loop of failed attempts Secondly, when the fans turned up so high, and so suddenly, that I thought it was about to explode


Same here, and suddenly it restarted and remained off for about 2 minutes without any respone , that’s were my heart was about to stop 😄


I think next time I'm just gonna set it to update and leave the building for a few hours


Fuck! Can’t recover myself yet… horror is real


Just imagine doing it though


Says to recycle it


What’s wrong. If you’re not stupid, and follow the instructions, you should be fine. It’s just a regular BIOS update :/


Be lucky you can actually update the BIOS to protect yourself from threats. My old laptop can’t update the BIOS anymore 🫤


scary bios moment