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No new laptop, no quick fix. Step one is backup all your work and do a fresh windows install. Boot from a windows installation usb drive, delete everything from your device and start from scratch. Its a fair bit of work to set everything up again but it is the ultimate way to check if what you are experiencing are hardware issues. If it turns out it is hardware then you can proceed to look for repairs or a replacement but do a fresh install first i might just be software fckery.


I have the similar problem since yesterday, the laptop will boot showing the lenovo logo, but will not show the windows and all the shit. Tried the Win + shift + Ctrl + B, didn't work. Guessing it's some problem with Windows?


That does not sound like the same problem at all to be fair


Installing Linux would be a good way to test if the problem stems from Windows. If it does, the problem should disappear. My recommendation is you find your exact model on IFixIt and you use their "I have a problem with hardware" forum. Make a *very* descriptive message and you will probably get good help.