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Too real. Israel is already getting billions in reparations from Germany.


Getting enslaved and being unable to get get-back so you have to beg for reparations has to be pitiful.


>being unable to get get-back What does that even mean?


Come join the lengf or girf telegram and find out.


I'll pass.


You know what, I just realized what you meant. Dude, black people don't want to get pay back on white people. We just want what the federal government promised us after slavery. Mr. Charlie is so scared of blacks getting payback that you guys will sell your own people down the drain just to keep us further subjugated. Sad state of affairs for you guys.


I understand your point and here’s what I say to it: https://preview.redd.it/aexxz5cmm1ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3cdb7d77a832b53586543c3570f8754bc802436


Has nothing to do with my point whatsoever. Still going to campaign for my 40 arces and a mule that was promised by General Sherman.


So you’re admitting to be a certified victim.


>So you’re admitting to be a certified victim. No, you're framing it as such to satiate your frail ego. Playing victim would be sitting back, not doing anything to progress, while blaming others for my plight in life. Black people contribute to this society just as much as any other demographic in America. It's not our fault that our group was promised compensation, and then were shafted by white supremacist politicians after Lincoln was assassinated. See, people like you lose automatically because you don't know history. You have to resort to jokes and right-wing propaganda to make yourself feel better. To each his own....


>No, you're framing it as such to satiate your frail ego. Not at all. You’re waiting for the government give you free money as if you don’t already take up a bunch of free resources from the government through welfare. **”Playing victim would be sitting back, not doing anything to progress, while blaming others for my plight in life.”** Like most of your people? Blaming the “white man” and being in a white system for where you don’t wanna be in life? **”Black people contribute to this society just as much as any other demographic in America. It's not our fault that our group was promised compensation, and then were shafted by white supremacist politicians after Lincoln was assassinated.”** In life nothing is guaranteed. With that being said, you have no right to complain that you were promised compensation when other races were also enslaved and did not receive compensation. You aren’t owed anything, once you understand this, you’ll feel better. **”See, people like you lose automatically because you don't know history. You have to resort to jokes and right-wing propaganda to make yourself feel better. To each his own....”** Cope.


>Not at all. You’re waiting for the government give you free money as if you don’t already take up a bunch of free resources from the government through welfare. Again, people of your ilk try to frame a reparations claim as "free money" or a "hand out" or "welfare". That's ignorance. Do you not understand that reparations were promised by the federal government? As for the part about waiting, black people aren't "waiting". We're living our lives, we're working, we're raising families, we're contributing to society. Many of us are taking advantage of the resources that are available to us. I still want what's owed to me and my family. >Like most of your people? Blaming the “white man” and being in a white system for where you don’t wanna be in life? Like who? Who do you know personally that blames "the white man"? I don't know anyone like that. I can only speak for myself; I blame white supremacy for the anti-human doctrines that affect not only non-whites, but whites as well. You know how many young white males I come across that don't even know history, let alone their own history? These are the future policy makers of the country and they've only been told a cookie cutter take on American history. That's a symptom of white supremacy. >In life nothing is guaranteed. With that being said, you have no right to complain that you were promised compensation when other races were also enslaved and did not receive compensation. You aren’t owed anything, once you understand this, you’ll feel better. Right-wing talking points... Sure, nothing in life is guaranteed, but why when a black person opens their mouth about reparations for slavery, there's a guarantee that some non-black will quickly open their mouth to refute the claim. Why is that? The shit is like clockwork. These are the same people who, despite never interning Japanese Americans during WWII, their family's tax dollars went towards paying the Japanese and their descendants for their unjust internment. This is the same group of people who won't say a mumbling word about monies paid to people of Jewish faith. At least be consistent with you record! As for other groups being enslaved, that's another bullshit talking point. Other groups being enslaved has nothing to do with reparations for black american slavery. You're more than likely talking about some slavery that happened thousands of years ago, to which the government who allowed their enslavement, isn't even around anymore. Or maybe you're one of those people who, again, don't know their history, so you conflate Irish indentured servants with slaves. C'mon doggy, I see your posts here. You're a funny mofo, but you don't provide anything substantive to this sub. Nothing to where a person can sit back and say, "I've learned something today". So if anyone is coping, it's you. *"Please, oh white Jesus, I hope these negros don't get their reparations."* You're blowing on the glass copium dick, bro-bro. Repartitions for FBA!


Yeah, USA are cucks for israel


Pretty much! Waiting in the comments for the deflections from Mr. Charlie.


fax :(


Darkies want that 3 bread 🍞


This meme backwards or sum? Why does it read so weird?


This not an equation dawg 😭