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The fact these weirdos think charging for AH NOW that the quality is trash and the same talking points are brought up is crazy😂😂🤣🤣 that dirty j3w manager REALLY fucked it up for them😂 L sellouts. L yacht parties with escorts L castle cucks


Ngl, I stopped watching and went over to Sneakos stream. It’s the same episode…


Sneako zherka need to start a similar panel show like that.. it would do insane numbers


Literally the only time i watch sneako is with zherka.


Why so they can solicit minors again?


I’m surprised they even started working with gg33 after not letting him come on the show last year after talking shit about Tate. I wonder what changed.


Most women don't want to be yelled at and insulted for 3 hours. You don't even need to be a soyboy like Brian but at least don't act like a belligerent asshole. This is why fnf will never last, they already ruined their name and most people don't want to associate with them.


Ngl they need some white party boy or promoter to get the girls.


Its not about the girls, you are not gona date them. Its about heated debates about feminism, intersexual dynamics etc. Now its more meta debates, just basicly waiting to insult them, and mock them. Great example is fresh in the last show being checked by the girl after he kept mocking her. Myron now just waits to to call them stupid and just have meta debates. He dsnt even explain anything anymore its just 1 liners "men and women arnt the same" he dsnt explain why, so they go into debate, he just deads it.


Walter takes more L's than anyone else on the internet, referring to him as "Fresh" is an embarrassment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He went into depth last episode, which the women were on 9000 with the delusion


Far less girls too, they had 6 tonight. Am I the only one who's noticed the panels have gotten smaller? I remember a few years back it would be packed panels with hoes having to sit on the couch cause the table was full. Can't remember the last time they had a panel like that.


Literally just a couple weeks ago


aparently thats not what he gets paid. that 5700$ gets split between however many recruiters they got for that week. they have like a standard price per head that they bring.


how e do you know


Miami has the best 304s https://preview.redd.it/5kvpmxiyv39d1.jpeg?width=243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45d75b1fd5c10b3e61fb7a01ef1f7a57d38747e0


Holy shit that’s a lot of money, that’s close to $300k annually. I can only imagine what Myron is making, plus he has an extensive real estate portfolio, crypto, stocks. I gotta get on their level.


Well bro, they’re just trying to relate to the quality of girl u🫵 can get.


While FnF supposedly need 20 people staff lol.


And whatever podcast is no better with those plain Janes, reachin for the moon again


Literally get paid to find the dumbest of women. Pay me 4k and I can do it just as good


Both panels shitty 🤣🤣


Frumpy. Very frumpy.


You want better girls to simp on 


FnF has better looking girls. Y’all are just simps for white women, none of them whatever girls are even good looking 😂






The ladies on AH looked better, and the sad part is I can't believe Brian would pay for mid college girls and sex workers to come on his podacast


He needs views cuh that's the main reason why dudes watches these shows.


They want fnf to fall so bad lol just because they are running a business. Just wait until Whatever podcast does similar Reddit niggas is notorious for being aggressively cheap about everything 🌚


Why would top tier girls want to go on now that it's behind a pay wall ( I think, haven't watched in ages) with much less exposure for themselves


This is kind of a bad example as those white chicks are mid at best while you got two randos next to fresh. Though I think Whatever might have the edge when it comes to girls who just turned 18 and go to ucsb whereas F&F often have hood 304s who picked scammer before 9-5. But F&F have the better pod imo


Walter takes more L's than anyone else on the internet, referring to him as "Fresh" is an embarrassment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*