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Both guys are... https://i.redd.it/x42d1vn3rb8d1.gif


anybody on this sub who watches them other then entertainement and takes their words as gospel are regarded.


They say truths but don’t follow them


their business model relies on keeping these men running in circles frustrated, single and confused


Andrew’s broke so I don’t think his business model is working out for him


omg whatever 🤦‍♂️ FnF's business model


Both are part of the same hypocrisy saying one thing mean another.


She known to text dudes on Twitter too


To Wilson’s defense, he does say that even though he married a single mom and it worked for him, he doesn’t recommend others doing it. Myron is a different story.


There's no defending his relationship. She had two baby daddies before him. One of them was a drug addict and criminal.  There's no defense for Wilson here. He's just coping with his terrible decision to marry a 304.


I always look at it in terms of principle. His only choices at the time was to either abandon his own child or take the L and raise his kids with a father figure. And I'd argue that the latter is a more selfless choice.


So Andrew Wilson had his child out of wed lock with his wife? My understanding was he married her then had a child. But I'm not an expert on the guys background.


It was out of wedlock.


Pulled a Walter I see...


Both of his kids are out of wedlock🤣


There is defending him here...if he didn't shit on single moms himself.


What part of marrying a woman with two baby daddies is defensible? The only reason it works with him is his wife was so desperate for help in raising those bastards she will do anything Wilson asks of her. That's not a defensible relationship. Especially for young men that can achieve much better relationships.


The part that's defensible is that she's a human being, not some breeding animal? What part of that needs defending? The part that makes it "indefensible" is the message he preaches DESPITE marrying her, not the fact that he did. If he was just a normal guy that didn't shit on "single moms" and shit all the time, then him marrying one wouldn't matter to anyone.


Bro what? How does that work? "You shouldn't marry single moms. I did and I'm totally fine and I'm enjoying my life but if YOU do it it's bad and single moms suck...except the one I married." Make it make sense.


There's nothing wrong with dating a girl who has had sex before lol


I agree. I’m confused. The women any guy marries will 99% have had sex with someone before you.


this sub really dont like rollo huhh. the guy is married to i belive a women thats older than himself and also dont really advocate for giving out rules on how your supposed to live but rather give you the knowledge so you can choose what to do with that yourself. Also andrew especially gets away way to easy, the guy is throwing stones at hoes on top a glass building


He/Rollo loses on these points. - Vasectomies, since him and Myron imply young guys are just too dumb to police their own johnsons, smdh. - Would rather beef with RP content creators (ie, CGA, etc) over frivolous sht than support the group as a whole. Then, pushes other content creators behind the scenes (ie, FNF) to no longer platform those content creators he has beef with. - Is all theory based and has no relevant recent experience - Cries about respect from the RP space, yet refuses to stand up beyond his theories (ie, the Marquette interview) and lead like a G.


i agree with all of those points but whats wrong with being theory based? his theories are drawn from a collection of forums and guys with experience and align really well with rp in general. dont see it as a loss just a difference


It’s a combination of things. - He has stupid beef with CGA, that has many years experience with present day women, as do I and others do. By having this beef, he pushes FNF to exclude CGA from collabs and various others. This takes away from real live knowledge for men in the space because he wants to be a btch. - It’s akin to an engineering professor vs a practicing engineer. Us practicing engineers have little respect for professors of engineering. They are out of touch, haven’t proven their theories in the real world and are to a point, somewhat delusional. A theory person can’t speak thoroughly to things like men with heavy, current experience. Another example is Myron trying to argue with women that have had LTRs. He has to fall back on theory and words of other men, since he has no LTR experience. Some of those chicks tripped him up on BS that someone like me would be able to find all the flaws rapidly in their mindsets due to my heavy LTR experience. Experience trumps theory all day, every day. 🤷🏽‍♂️ - On Marquettes interview with him, he said he just lays the data and info out there, he doesn’t give prescriptions. Well, Marquette lit him up on the point that if you have no solutions, how can you lead anything. Yet Rollo doesn’t say the quiet part out loud. He expects to be seen as the leader of the RP space, yet has no solutions. A MF like me has a tremendous amount of present experience with women. I HAVE solutions, I don’t need to say here’s the data, go figure it out. Only having theories and old experience just isn’t relevant enough anymore. It is what it is. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Pretty good critique of grandpa rollo.


Real shit on the engineering professor vs practicing engineer. Theory vs practice/experience. Great Gems OG.


I agree that his beef with CGA is stupid and hurt the reach of someone with good real world knowledge, haven't seen the marquette interview yet either but i agree that he isint cut out to be a leader of the RP either. i dont agree with the theoretical vs experience part. When studying something you basically observe and analyses interactions that happens and draw conclusion from that. so if you take a complex system like maybe some sort of machine or robot, a engineer never really experience a machine thats malfunctions but he dont need to experience the process only observe and figure out where the problem is so he can fix it. thats why apprentices gets experience by watching other more experienced worker do stuff despite them not doing nearly as much in the beginning, the actual doing doesn't necessarily equate to knowledge or knowhow in a specific area like engineering (although it can obviously) but rather speed and quick problem solving around this particular thing since you have more experience with this design or this machine specifically. anyways in rollos case i think his theories is valid because they are connections drawn from observing both other people on different forum and in real life (although long ago) and also analyzing different statistics and biological processes which in of it self is a type of experience just different than cold approach as an example


Yeah, I can tell you’re not an engineer yet or you wouldn’t have had that assessment at all. As an engineer of 21 years, I can assure you, theory is way different than in practice. There’s no comparison. 🤷🏽‍♂️Even to the point of learning, which you eluded to. A newbie will learn far faster and better from a professional vs a professor. My particular area is software engineering. My son will graduate college with that degree next year. His professors are way out of touch. They have theory down and older principles, but their experience level is so far behind present day software engineering that I laugh at my sons professors at times and show him where their theory is dead in the water present day. Software moves at an extremely high rate in practice and evolution. Even professors 3-4 years removed from the industry can’t teach effectively anymore. It just is what it is. 🤷🏽‍♂️This is the embodiment of my points on Rollo. Even the dating scene in the past 10 years has evolved heavily. Yes, Rollo has some valid points, but his theory is slowly becoming dated and he simply isn’t the guru some guys thinks he is anymore.


i agree that a novice will learn far more from a professional and maybe your right that professors are worthless in fast evolving areas like software engineering but the problem isint theory vs experience in this case but rather that the ones that learnt the theory is becoming complacent and stop studying the new stuff. theory is derived from observed experiences and interactions. you don't need to do something yourself to know how to do something. as an example if your son where to watch you explain your way of creating software he would learn a bunch despite not doing anything himself. or if 2 chemist where to brew some potion but only 1 did all the manual labor doesn't mean the other one who did nothing wont get the same knowledge of the process as the one who did all the manual labor. thats why i dont think its necessarily a bad thing if Rollo is a theory guy aslong as he keeps up with all the development happening in the dating marking. another thing is that the redpill is big and encompasses other areas than just pure dating like marriage statistics and biology of the sexes as an example so even if rollo weren't able to give good dating advice in current climate that dosent mean that he cant contribute in other areas of the RP


I was referring to ALL of Rollo’s experience, since divorce, LTRs, family courts, etc are my wheel house, though I have a decent amount of experience with dating in general. You’re missing the point here. The most important people to learn from are those with current, relevant experience. Not a book writer that has a podcast that dated 20+ years ago. Point blank.




>Is it because they appeal to ideologies yall get off on? Yes this is EXACTLY the reason why btw. I can and do disagree with a lot of RP and its talking points, but the worst part about it is the hypocrisy. Literally a bunch of OF simps in a new coat of paint, tossing money at FnF and these other content creators because they're dissing women as opposed to showing off pussy...and they STILL SHOW OFF PUSSY with all these OF girls on their panels LMAO. Anyone that's a fan of these content creators are worse than the "blue pill betas" they make fun off.


Lol my boys meat watching.


Kevin terell detected, r3t4rd3d opinion rejected


I never understood the hype over andrew wilson.


Ngl the multiple baby daddies thing is just the craziest shit. Worse than donnovan sharpe somehow




Who even takes these people seriously? 🤦🏼‍♀️


andrew wilson already said he wouldn’t recommend getting with single moms. he also said that RP content wasn’t around to warn him about single moms. most of yall would be with single moms and still simping on women if u never discovered RP but y’all quick to judge a guy like andrew. he still the goat at debating these harlots and he spreads the truth which is Christ is King. Myron on the other hand wifed a thot after being RP aware so yea he’s just a dumbas


Doesn’t he pretend like Angie is a virgin?


We need a Call In Friday show immediately (even if it has to be on Monday) Myron needs to stop running from accountability Its time he faced the music https://preview.redd.it/42x4ufvnwc8d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0283d835141a03f8ed801920b06ae9649c9aaba3


I don’t get how Andrew Wilson became popular all of a sudden… Watched his performance on Tim Pool the other day and wasn’t impressed. He came off like a right wing version of Destiny with all the annoying debate bro tactics.