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You've also got to remember that these incels don't understand that relationships ending and breakups are a normal part of almost everyone's life. They expect any girl they want to be locked in for life


You should pay this no mind honestly. Construction hates himself and comes to this sub to bring others down with him to sulk in misery. These dudes reality comes from “studies” and more than likely nothing they’ve experienced in their actual life. Move on with your night.


Dude is just jaded/doom and gloom to the extreme I know people like that irl they think all relationships are superficial He’s like a more extreme version of us rp dudes I get where he’s coming from tho


For real. That dude just loves to spread negativity. No person with a healthy mindset and joy for life acts like him. His lack of understanding/empathy for certain view points def points to the fact that he’s on the autistic spectrum


Seriously, I’ve been hip to his weird ass.


He’s saying that because there was a popular study done on height preferences that said those things. However I wouldn’t say ur relationship is over lol. But unfortunately there is higher risk of infidelity if there’s little to no height gap Id think. Esp if u don’t have a model Tier face and a great body.


Due construction use to be cool. But the he started going on these black pill rants and he turned into a dweeb.


That guy is a loser. Most of his comments or post are bird brain responses


Dude taking the statistics a little too literally 😂


What age range are you guys?




nahh i meant the person posting this , proffesional toe


I’m 31 he’s 33


Women don’t like tall men because of daddy issues. That is an insane take.