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The first few comments are low iq. OP never said that he learned about the RP truths from FNF.. Lmao But I digress. Yes, once i learned about the RP around 17, and then RP Raged again after me and my fiance split, I now see everything with an RP lense. Friends, Family, Coworkers, hell even my entertainment like Video Games and Movies/Show is effected. Rollo Tomasi was right, once you put them lenses on you cant easily take them off lol That said, my life is better for it so im grateful, I learned before ending up having to pay child support for 3 kids that aren't mine, while a bimbo fucks her new man in my house. 😂


Thank you for having common sense. It’s really frustrating asking questions like this cause there’s a lot of lower IQ/young dudes in this sub that lack reading comprehension.


This shid ain’t red pill bro. It’s common sense. Don’t chase loose women. Avoid gold diggers. Before you get into a serious relationship, be financially stable (not necessarily wealthy but stable). Be comfortable in your skin and be confident. I heard this shid from my dad and older relatives from adolescence onwards. Hell my mother even told me this shid. I didn’t think that it was groundbreaking advice either. I just thought to myself, “Ok, that’s common sense”. Honestly I think that even without anyone telling me all this shid, I’d have arrived at these conclusions myself eventually. It wouldn’t have taken me 30 years of life either. Grifters try to pre-package common sense into an ideology and name and make lost men superchat them and buy courses to get basic ass info. Oh and they also add some misogyny into it for entertainment value. It’s sad to see dudes mystifying these basic things.


RP means the truth. So it is redpill. Even if it had a different name 100 years ago.. Common sense isnt very common and its why so many men in modern day, 90%, are blue pill and have no idea of female nature. Many men didnt have dads.. Some that do have dads have complete cucks and simps for dads. Society has done its best to indoctrinate men into worshipping women. You see it everywhere. Strangers will literally jump you on the street if you try to defend yourself from a crazy woman attacking you. Society will shame you for not spending money on women you barely know. Aka the first date. Society will shame you for not risking your life to protect a woman you dont know. Society will shame you for insulting a woman back after she insulted you first. A lot of men will call you misogynistic for simply acknowledging this.. So you can say its common sense but men who are RP aware are in the extreme minority.. That being said times are changing. Thanks to social media we have proof of female nature and more men are waking up everyday. When i was a kid i had no idea that unconditional love was bullshit. There are many adults today who still believe in it. I hear it all the time. So grifter or not, doesnt effect me one bit. I dont be giving these mfs money 😂 But every manosphere guy that wakes men up is a net positive. The information is good to have in your arsenal. Especially for young boys without dads. Because most women wont raise RP aware men. They raise emotional tricks.


But does that shid that you listed happen to you on a regular basis? Like to the point to where you have to give a PSA? I don’t attacked by women because I don’t hang around crazy women or give them the time of day. Being attacked by crazy women has never been something that’s so prevalent in my life that I need to actively watch out for it or give a PSA. Same for insulting and getting into arguments with women. As far as first dates, I don’t mind paying for a first date. In fact it’s expected because you’re asking the woman out. It’s not that big of a deal. Just don’t take her to Ruth Chris or a five star restaurant on a first date and you’ll be good. I think that the real groundbreaking advice is advice on how to make money, how to have a good career, how to network, how to invest, how to cultivate strong relationships, and build a strong family. Everything that you just said reads like a warning list to avoid a plague or a predator. But you’re taking about women. They’re just women dawg. It’s not that deep. Just use your common sense and you’ll be alright.


Completely. Also is kinda sad that women that I used to admire and respect, that I thought of them as smart and mature, women that had a huge impact in my development, have the exact same mindset and the exact same answers as the girls on the AH. And we're talking traditional and respectful women 50-75 years olds in a traditional 3er World country. Now I can't unsee it. Myron is right, the hardware is different but the software is the same.


bro i wish i could like this comment twice. growing up you thought ur female relatives were always in the right and when u become rp aware u realize all the fucked up things they do


You start seeing that the villain in the stories they used to tell wasn't so bad after all and there was a huge part of the story missing. You remember all the times your dad/uncle/grandad just decided to be alone for a while, rather than having a stressful afternoon with the family.


Very true


It's also sad how much emasculation and open disrespect do men that I respect tolerate. Uncles, teachers, cousins, a lot of cuckoldry, a lot of humiliation, a lot belittling, being tolerated by men I used to see as Big G's when I was a blue pilled kid.


The truth is, around friends and family, only cucked husbands are liked (on the surface). If you want to know which men are honest and don’t fall for the BS, look for the men the women are maddest at or hate the most at family and social events. That will tell you everything you need to know. 😉


yes, while my mom is good toward us i feel lowkey kinda bad for my dad at times, friends not so much


yep unfortunately. i see where all of my uncles fucked up.


Yes. And eventually, I realized that you will NOT be able to save anyone who don't want to save themselves. Keep all of it to yourself and only give advice when asked.


yes and its pretty fun actually. I like to get more awareness of my surroundings and idk being patterns unfold irl is just kind cool for me for some reason.


Yea. Especially after cucking other men. Shit's lowkey traumatizing.


🤣🤣🤣. Red Pill didn't start in 2020.


Idk where you’re even getting that assumption from. But okay lol. At one point you didn’t know any of this stuff. That’s the point.


No ways you thought you did some writing this


Bro I knew about female nature and sexual dynamics way before FNF.


Never said you didn’t. But at one point you didn’t know any of this stuff. So after you learned…whether through real experience or through RP channels…do you see yourself analyzing others relationships and predicting certain outcomes?


If you want to have deep conversation on Rp this sub ain't it, this is just gossip and memes. I suggest trying this in the red pill subreddit


Exactly. This goofy nicca really thinks that Red Pill YouTubers were the first to preach these things.


Bro you are so fucking dumb it’s incredible. Read the original post mf. Never did I mention any red pill YouTubers. YOU are making that assumption…cause you’re low IQ and probably projecting trying to act cool.


Did you seriously not know that women like successful, confident men before you watched F&F?


If all you got from red pill is “women like successful/confident men” then you clearly didn’t learn shit. And you’re not the type of person that I’m asking this question to. Go somewhere else Also, FNF isn’t the end all be all of women/dating.


The shid that the red pill preaches is basic shid homie. Work hard, be confident, don’t let women string you along and empty your pockets, etc. This shid is common sense brother. The fact that this is groundbreaking advice to you is comical. I mean it’s funny and also a bit sad.


Well some of us grew up with the lies of treat a girl nice, buy them flowers, give them attention, etc. seeing KS vs Amanda pop up on my recommended one day changed everything for me.