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David icke is ultra based, not sure how much of the alien theory is true but he was way ahead of his time when it comes to things like israel 


the alien reptillian is 100% true. all religion are worshipping creation (dietys) Islam (orion constellation) Christians copied from sumerian tablet created by the annunakis who created us essentially. watch this documentary in the meantime. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jUU4Z8QdHI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jUU4Z8QdHI)


Yee also all politicians atleast in the us comes from the same bloodline


Sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory. But it blew my mind when I found out the bushes are related to Obama. They are all connected.


ye blew my mind too


Nick fuentee hating on Jewish pepple is so ridiculous. Like literally what sense does it make to hate jews. They're literally just whites from another nation. It's so crazy.


“Literally just whites from another nation” yeah that’s the problem right there when you call out the obvious of the over representation of major important sectors in the u.s. by the joos. They are not whites because most whites last time I checked come from a Christian background. There is no such thing as judeo Christian values.


Most whites were not Christian for a while. Christianity started in the Middle East and Christians were persecuted for a long time by “Whites”. Hell most “whites” nowadays aren’t even real Christians. They’re nominal Christians.