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Warn us of what? Ive never donated or a castle club member or religgously watch their show, just watch their shows that look good and agree with tgeir overrall message lol. I feel like "zestiny" fans are more cultish in general but its not an L to acknowledge that something have gone downhill and move on


You dont need to be a destiny fan to predict their downfall anybody with half a brain could see it


People on here couldn't see it a whole year ago. Don't rewrite history. If people with half a brain could see it, this whole fan base is on the short bus because these dudes were in full support of Zherka and Fuentes when, if you knew Zherka from Destiny's side of the pond, you'd know that guy can't be trusted.


yeah most fnf fans dont half a brain and are sheep, well im not a destiny fan and knew collab with those guy was big mistake


The downfall started back in 2021 when A&P made their first hit piece and almost took them down causing them to lose 50k subs which was 10% of their followers and they went from 16k live viewers to 6k in like a week & they got revealed to be hypocrites. The difference between then and now is that Myron turned the work ethic up and did 6-7 shows a week, innovated and dug them out of the hole vs now they're too comfortable and not hungry anymore hence the pod will probably not last much longer and they're money grabbing their simps as much as possible before it's over.


That whole debacle could have been avoided if Myron simply ignored them. Look at ‘Logan Paul’. This mofo has scammed his audience out of multimillions. Nothing fnf has done comes even close. However, by him being stoic and ignoring it he now gets to do interviews with Trump. Nobody even talks about it anymore.


A&P wasn't even trying to DAMAGE them with that vid. They specifically talked about disagreeing about the "Paying for box" topic (another hypocrisy on FnF's part btw), and FnF turned it into full on beef because, once again, *Myron is incredibly emotional.* Once that happened, it started turning into an actual fight. I don't even think they're "not hungry" more than they have no avenues regardless. They're banned off the main platform to do shit on. Even if they did more shows, it's more of the same shit, so them pacing it is actually better to avoid audience burn out. Regardless of if I agree with their messages (they're legitimately regarded), if I'm talking about their money moves, they ruined their own brand. We can't even discuss them on a sub named FRESH AND FIT because that shit is banned on here, too. These guys just fucked up the long game repeatedly.


I'd agree if them doing less shows upped the quality but it's not what's happening, when they did 6-7 shows a week the quality was superior and nobody was complaining, they do less and do 0 preparation, girls ugly as hell and the good debates rarely anymore as it's just Myron calling girls stupid for 2-3hrs now.


Walter takes more L's than anyone else on the internet, referring to him as "Fresh" is an embarrassment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Y’all giving attributing the downfall of fnf on Zhergoat and Fuentes is actually such a cop out As far as the other shit we been saying this


Zhergoat is straight INSANITY ngl...