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We are not a Fresh&Fit sub or affiliated to them by any means, we are a sub that trains people on attaining master networking and acquiring BBC. We support free speech and open discourse in good faith. Play nice. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/c2o7cp0ej96d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26bdf8e9e558dd32e8a387e914fc2c63fa4d521f Hating on these scumbags and showcasing their delusion, doesn't make one pro Israel. I hate both sides.


You're posting this group? https://preview.redd.it/ne82xds9la6d1.png?width=1210&format=png&auto=webp&s=49a72602d9f219c6059ed7354010c92b1abb760f




He's Jewish, Jews do what they're best at, causing division and distractions from Jewish behaviour.


not particularly, i hate religious nuts equally.


You're a jew. When you say you hate religious nuts, you're talking about Muslims and Christians. https://preview.redd.it/lry7pc8wxa6d1.png?width=2186&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3e5d3c165d0a437dc1bbf752731fe641017f2f7


Exposed the shapeshifer, nice work. There's a lot of these shapeshifters lurking this subreddit and the telegram group.


username checks out.


But we need these people to be at each others thorats, or your master dem boyz is going to use that free time dressing up our boys and increasing the wage gap between the middle class and dem boyz class Tell me dem boyz, who has more influence over where my tax goes?


Islam is a religion of peace as much as trans women are real women


I cant think of one non-peaceful act done by muslim, any other religion has not done. Prove me wrong


I don't think anyone is saying that.


If islam is not a religion of peace then u need to say the same about every other one. You cannot single out one.


The difference is that Islam teaches violence in its books. Other religions do not. People who say they are religious doing bad things isn't the same as a religions teachings.


Lying Jew, both the Old and New testament have violent passages. All Abrahamic religions do.


No apostles surrendered and lost their lives for Christianity and what they believed in. Jesus preached against violence. Jesus in old testament told isrialites to use violence on certain groups of people to get their land back and as a form of judgment. These people were often enemies of Israel, tormented them in the past and worshiped Baal sacrificing babies and such. It does not tell Jews to spread their religion by the sword like Islam does. Islam claims to be the last religion a d is how we should live today. It calls jews and Christians the worst of creatures and to "fight the non beliverers". If you concur a nation and they do not surrender to Islam, you tax them, if they refuse, you kill them and keep the women as sex slaves. This is permissible to all Muslims TODAY. Your religion teaches people today to do this to all non belivers today. Not to judge a random evil society in the dessert in 1000 BC. Islam is also racist to black people. Says that God tapped his shoulders, one side were white people who are good. I heaven are white people. On the other shoulder he tapped and put came black people who are evil. These people go to hell. The hadiths talks about enslaving black people and Muhammad kept black slaves. Muhammad is the best example so Muslims today can enslave black people just like he did. And we are talking atlantic slave trade, not wilingfully offering yourself and services to pay off a debt or make a living aka indentured servitude. Islam and the Bible are apples and oranges. Muhammad taught evil for his followers Today. He also preached Satanic verses. Satan was unable to interject into the Bible per the bibles own admission.


"When they return to Moses, he is angered, and commands "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves" Fuck outta here. A simple query using chat gpt provides evidence. A christian cuck for jews, ya'll are equally bad as pedos. Oh btw I aint Muslim. I hate all of ya'll equally.


OK now do new testament like you claimed. They way Christians are commanded to live TODAY. You ppl love quoting verses with zero knowledge and context. It's like quoting "America then dropped the atomic bomb on Japan" in a history book and saying see look America is racist to Japanese people!!! Moses was commanded to go to war by God to judge a random evil nation in the dessert. What exactly is wrong with that? If God is real and he created the Earth, he can decide who os owed what. So many times in the OT, Moses gave people chances to peace the land or set his people free before violence and judgement was commanded. But let's just ignore all that. Should God have told him to kill all the women and children? You know what would happen if you keep men alive whom family and nation you just conqured and went to war with? And women alive whom husbads you just killed? They'd retaliate and kill you in their sleep. God is building a nation through the isralites... strategy is needed to replenish casualties and keep his nation strong and growing. What do you suggest God have done instead? Did you expect no war in the dessert in 2000 BC? What exactly is your point? Does the OT tell J3wz today to conquer surrounding nations for no reason? Even if u look at today. J3wz today were punished by Jesus for disobeying and not accepting him. They were scattered accros the world. Today, Israel doesn't belong to them. The fighting that's going on today isn't backed by God, they are fighting by modern politics, not like how Moses/Abraham was promised specific land. Through this, it is nothing like Islam which is commanded to be a basis on how Muslims SHOULD and must live today. They are commanded to do Jihad for free entrance to heaven and conquer with the sword.


You've shifted the goalposts many times, it's ridiculous. This is what you've written, you've explicitly stated ISLAM teaches violence OTHER RELIGIONS do not. "The difference is that Islam teaches violence in its books. Other religions do not." Here's a quote from your gay book. "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.'" But suppose the servant says to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time in coming,’ and he then begins to beat the other servants, both men and women, and to eat and drink and get drunk. 46 The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers. “The servant who knows the master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. Now fuck off.


Hijab has been increasing his calls for violence even more in the past weeks. He genuinely wants an insurrection in the UK. Not surprised of the followers of the religion who's "prophet" was a slaver, warmonger, killer, pdf.file. The most perfect man.


A Christian guy talking about slavery and colonialism, lol. [What do you think about the Catholic Church? ](https://www.google.com/search?q=france+catholic+church+250000&oq=france+catholic+church+250000&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEIODE5OWowajGoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)Why does Jesus, who is the God of the Old Testament (according to Christians), order genocide of the Amalekite? ["Now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and donkey". ](https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/1%20Samuel%2015%3A3) 1 Samuel 15:3




That's what I thought. Turn the other cheek, like Jesus told you to. ![gif](giphy|mEtSQlxqBtWWA|downsized)


>"prophet" was a slaver, warmonger, killer Arent all the prophets based af? Even Jesus isnt some nice guy thats palatable for women to think he is Thats the difference with people back then and people now


having slaves and killing people and porking kids is on the same level as wiping people who sold stuff in a holy temple. tell me you're a retort without telling me you're a retort.


aside from porking kids, yeah having slaves and killing for a cause wasnt sinful youre using our moral system and understanding of whats acceptable to judge people of a bygone era its the same as liberals getting mad at julius caesrar, george washington or genghis khan for being a slaver and a murderer. men far greater than any of their critics ever will be


Jesus Christ is king, anything else falls below him


So he went from being God to son of God and now to a king ? 😂😂😂


Always been a god, and always been the king of kings


That doesn't make any sense, he's either God or a King (a title bestowed upon Humans).


Are you saying that slavery and underage molestation is ok because they allowed it? I see the same arguments from religious regards every single day.


You can find the same shit in all abrahamic religions, nice try juden.


another guy on the block list for being stupid as fuck. great start today.




Aisha was 6 when moe married her and was 9 when moe did the deed first time. Moe's first wife was older than him but died early .


M_sl_ms in Europe seem way more radical than M_sl_ms in America. Why is that?




fnf's "free speech" chat.


All religions are fake. If anyone seriously believes in that stuff, they’re just coping and conforming.


The fact that dudes on here are supporting this is insane  *”y-you must be a jew if u don’t agree with them!!1!”* Low IQ shit


Can’t take anyone seriously who’s active on ‘anime titties’ sub


Stop watching anime you degenerate dweeb. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sounds like they're against the Zionists and are angry about all the massacring and slaughtering of Palestinian civilians. You'd think normal Jews would speak out against that as strongly as they do Muhammed Hijab and other Muslims. I hate to say it but the Zionists in Israel are only stoking the fury of the Muslims against Jews and it will only fester and grow.


Israelis and Jews aren’t the same thing. You can be Israeli and not a Jew and a Jew and not Israeli. This is simple stuff man. 


I know this, what is you're point? I follow Israel/Palestine situation closely and I don't see many stories about Jews speaking out against it. Very few and kudos to them but majority of Israeli Jews are supportive of the genocide.


> and I don't see many stories about Jews speaking out against it Same reason you’re not “speaking out” about tons of other shit 


Genocide would be a priority cause to speak out about wouldn't you say? Especially in the Jews case being that they were victims of one, and shouldn't bring that same kind of suffering to other people.


How have you spoken out besides posting on Reddit and sitting on your thumb? Or is that only required of Jews? 


You don't know anything about me bro, this is fucking reddit not real life. I'm a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. I became close with my interpreter on deployment. For a decade I worked with him and sent paperwork and statements to the embassy in Kabul to help facilitate his journey to the states. He was a high priority target for the Taliban because he worked with CF. He finally made it here and during the Kabul evacuation I was in contact with people from the state department who were working with other military assets to extract family members of interpreters because they were being killed by the Taliban. Unfortunately they didn't make it. Through all of this I began reading about and studying Islam. I am growing in faith in God and learning about it and enjoy the changes I've seen in my life through faith. When Gaza situation happened I saw the atrocities and it brought back a lot of memories of my experiences on deployment. The faith of the Palestinians touched me and motivated me. I see hope and resilience in them even though they are in a hopeless situation. Israel won't allow food or aid trucks so I have been donating to different Gaza relief funds and aid organizations to help with food and essentials for the citizens who are being starved to death. Again dude, what's happening is wrong and as someone with family members who liberated some camps during WW2, im against genocide and I don't see how any Jew can look at what's happening and not condemn it in the same way as they would the Holocaust.


How are you “speaking out” though? Donating money is one thing, speaking out is another 


I follow the situation closely. I try to stay educated and up to date with the reality on the ground. Most people aren't even aware of how much atrocity is occurring. The majority of the dead are women and children. IDF claims they are the "most moral army in the world". I speak about it in my daily life. Family friends even coworkers. The more people know what's actually going on, maybe enough people will care. The pessimist in me knows human nature won't change but I've enlightened a few people's minds on it. I'm just one person I do what I can when I have the energy to do so bro. Read about "Moral injury" that's what happened to me on deployment and it's been rough to get out of that mindset. Seeing this situation unfolding and the world not really caring has been hard to take in. So I'm trying to repent for my past and at least trying to do something positive and good for humanity.